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Hi Patrons! With all the CCP infiltration in Australia and New Zealand, we figured: Why don't we go and infiltrate?

Shelley, Matt, Allen, and I are planning a 3-week trip this March. We plan to stop in Sydney, Canberra, and Auckland.

We'd love your suggests on what stories to cover. Or if you have other suggestions or ways to help, us know! Comment below or email ChinaUncensored@gmail.com.



Patrons Only: Going to Australia and NZ!

The China Uncensored Crew is planning a 3-week trip to Australia and New Zealand this March. Let us know if you have any ideas for what we ought to cover! Email ChinaUncensored@gmail.com



It would be great if you could meet and have a chat with a journalist called Peter Hartcher who is Political and International Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. He has been writing fantastic articles and even covered news about HK and Martin Lee and Anson Chan's visit to Australia. Example: <a href="http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/chinas-treatment-of-hong-kong-is-a-lesson-for-australia-20161010-gryvnv.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/chinas-treatment-of-hong-kong-is-a-lesson-for-australia-20161010-gryvnv.html</a>


I think you could do some interviews with a group of people who fled China to avoid persecution.