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yo, what's crackin

I just made this little remix short, but here's the extended version of the loop

hope you enjoy this CONTENT


Shawn Holmes

Ok, I’m either a fucking moron or Hey James got a question for a potential QnA. Knowing that everyone is their own worst critic, is there anything that you have out now that people can watch that you look at and go: “ehhh… that could have been so much better”, or is there something you’ve looked at and said “out of all the stuff I’ve made, why is THIS video doing so well?” I’ve always been curious to know how you’ve looked at your older work, or in that case, if you have re-watched your older work recently.


Ohjhhh im loving these. Glitchiness is my life.


I think it’s slowly progressing, or deforming, over time. The first one had enough public appeal while still getting the message across, and now the sequel is literally breaking down, representing over stimulation of dopamine. If there’s a third entry, I would think it would show how eventually it all just doesn’t give the same simple feeling of happiness it once did. Not sure if you were going for that, but everyone interprets art differently right?


This goes hard 🔥

Dr. Nuclear Prototype

personally I have loved this/your CONTENT for almost a decade now. It’s like…a symphony of Neurological Overdosive Xymphany….
