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The night crawled with hucksters, sleazebags and lowlifes. It was my final night in Japan. I was walking the grimey streets of Roppongi: the toilet bowl of Tokyo.

This is your warning. Stay away.

[Not Safe for Work]



even tho it is NSFW I still went to work with this

Brandon W Rogers

This is so unique I love it! Main character is disturbingly relatable 😭


Imagine pulling up to a girl you wanna sleep with and you call her Charizard


I don’t suppose i can request you to read “the very hungry caterpillar” for my bedtime story?


Him finally getting a girl and then noping out of there cuz he was overthinking everything is too relatable I stg 😭


Sounds like you had a fun night !


The club bit with the pokemon line, reminds me of the story of an american tourist in australia, he went into a local bar and tried to pick up people by making "dingo ate my baby" jokes and asking everyone if they wanna go "chuck his shrimp on their barbie" his ultimate failure, was the specifically offensive uniform he was wearing.


I enjoyed listening to that. I can imagine it in your style too. Maybe even in "Max Payne" comic style.

Alexander Lebedev

That was very cool. Did you produce the soundtrack aswell? Very moody.


The vibe i am getting (from this work) is good. Something interesting to rework as a animation (sort of). But my problem is, that sometimes i can not understand what is going on (in the story), because i can not hear it properly (trough the voice modulation). Can you provide a text version of your story, if you may? Thank you and good luck with your art.


Loved it, what a vibe


I got no clue what's going on but I'm just enjoying your voice.


I understand the overthinking fr