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So, how's your day going?

I dropped QT2:i4 on Tuesday, the same day I had lunch with the author of Quaranteam: 808 State, the first actual physical meeting of any two Quaranteam authors. A good time was had by all. He got to ask me a lot of questions about the future of the series, and I got to get a gutcheck about some of the big ideas that are coming down the pipeline in the near future. (In what I'm sure will torment everyone, he's fascinating by the end of 2:21 and thinks the end of 2:25 is going to be one of the biggest bombshells I've dropped in the story so far. So I got THAT going for me.)

I'm still on vacation, so while I'm trying to sneak in some writing here and there, I'm also just enjoying paradise. It's nice here, but I do miss my California. I'll be back there next week. So I'm writing stuff as the mood takes me, and, well, shit, i4 was basically twice as long as a normal chapter is.

Not sure what I'm doing for Friday yet. But I'll figure it out.

I appreciate everyone being cool about me taking this vacation. I really sort of needed this break. But I've still been, well, me, so that means the laptop's still seeing a bunch of me typing on it anyway.

I gotta get to bed because I'm on a plane changing locations tomorrow, but I'll still have public releases on the weekend.  Here's what's on deck: 2/17 - QT2:12; 2/24 - CARP 6; 3/2 - Before The Storm 8; 3/9 - QT2:13, 3/16 - QTPT 14; 3/24 - QT:AA4, Neon Stonehenge 1! That's right, the first chapter of Andy's first book will be made public next month! Enjoy


Gregg Hagerty

Qt808 is on Literotica. You can go to "Sex Story Search" and put in "Quaranteam." It will pull up all of Qt stories on Literotica plus a couple of unrelated stories that are easily ignored. The current count is 144.

Jon s.

Hey, welcome to oahu!