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Chapter Seventeen

December 23rd, 2020

Andy Rook was happy to be home. Los Angeles had turned from a one-day stop to a two-day stop because it seemed like the meetings kept piling up before anyone could stop them and a number of people needed to take meetings with Sarah, Emily, himself or, occasionally, Piper and/or Fiona. Getting an additional day at the hotel hadn’t proven any real challenge, so it enabled them to get more work done before heading back to the private airstrip midday on the 23rd. He’d even sent a message home, making sure everyone was in control of their faculties, and Whitney assured him that as long as he was back on the 23rd, everything should be fine.

The flight between Los Angeles and Livermore was only an hour and a half, and after the fifteen minutes to stow and secure the plane, they loaded back up into the SUVs and headed back to New Eden. He’d been on signing tours before, but never on his own private plane, and he’d certainly never had a mansion full of beautiful women waiting for his return. The cats were probably still impatient for his return, though.

As they drove back from Livermore to New Eden, Andy was pleased to see more cars on the highways, people actually out and about during the day, hopefully traveling out to see friends, neighbors or even just getting out of their houses for a while. There was even a car pulled over by a CHP for speeding, by the look of it.

‘Cops writing tickets again,’ Andy thought to himself in amusement. ‘Nature is healing.’

The cars pulled up to the gate of New Eden, and Niko checked the lot of them in. The security checkpoint for people coming and going from the walled garden that was New Eden hadn’t relaxed in his absence, not that he was at all surprised by that. The mirrors checking the undersides of the vehicle were new, though. It was supposed to make him feel safer, he suspected, but it didn’t.

When they got back to the house, Andy was a little surprised there wasn’t a welcoming party waiting out in the driveway for them, but they made it into the long garage without anyone meeting them, and it wasn’t until they were rolling suitcases into the main house that nearly everyone came out to welcome them home, Andy suddenly swarmed by nearly a dozen women all at once, each of them surrounding him like ravenous piranha, forming a giant seal around him as they clung to him in one colossal monster hug.

“Hello ladies,” Andy chuckled, his arms raised, but mostly already woven between bodies all surrounding him. “I take it I was missed?”

“There’s an appointment schedule waiting for you, Master Rook,” Whitney said to him, standing just off to one side, not part of the hug brigade. “You’re going to be rather booked up for the next few days getting caught up with partners who are in need of their fix, so I hope you didn’t have anything else scheduled between here and Christmas.”

“No no,” Andy laughed. “Other than a brief check in at the base, I’m at the tender mercy of all you ladies and your wanton desires.”

“We tried to pace your appointments so you wouldn’t be too overwhelmed, Master Rook,” Whitney said with a slight giggle, “but I’m certain you’ll find that some of us are a great deal more… voracious than others. But we made certain that we scheduled you with enough recovery time in between that you’d still be able to get things done before Christmas Eve. As per your request, there will be no sex on Christmas Day.”

“I take it Amazon’s been here a bunch while I’ve been gone?” Andy laughed, still unable to wriggle free of the buxom pile of flesh smothering him.

“Indeed, sir,” Whitney said. “And I haven’t opened any of the packages, as per your request, although I did recall you saying you’d bought almost all of them wrapped by Amazon.”

He nodded. “Like, all but one are wrapped in either paper or bags by Amazon, with cards attached, but there was one thing that I had to special order and they couldn’t wrap it, and it’s for you, Whitney, so I couldn’t risk you accidentally opening it.”

“We’ve placed almost everyone else’s gifts under the tree, Master,” Nicolette said to him with a smile from her position on the edge of the squeeze squad. “Although we’re going to have to start opening as soon as people are awake on Christmas morning and be opening nearly all day if we’re going to get through them all. It’s quite the collection of loot.”

Andy had done the math, and even with everyone in the family just getting one present for each other member, they were looking at over 500 presents, all said and done, and that didn’t include things that had been sent from people outside of the immediate family. One thing they’d all agreed upon was no thank you notes to people inside of the family, lest they go out of their mind handwriting them all.

“Can I get at least a few minutes before I start filling appointments, Whitney, or am I completely swamped for the day?”

“You’ve got about an hour before you need to start fucking, sir,” she said with a wry smile. “You’re welcome to spend that however you like, although Mistress Mali has asked that she have ten or fifteen minutes to talk to you as soon as possible.”

Andy glanced around and saw that Mali was in the outer ring of the hug spiral and nodded to her. “Well then, I need to check in on the cats and put my laptop down in the office, Mali, so can we walk and talk for the first bit?”

“Absolutely, Mr. Rook,” Mali, one of his newest additions, said as the cluster of women around him started to break off, each of them kissing his cheek or his lips before moving to peel away, heading back into the house. A few of them gave his ass or crotch a squeeze, but Jade, to his surprise, practically took half a minute of stroking his cock through his jeans, a devious smile upon her lips, her other hand holding a fingertip over his lips to keep him quiet before she pulled away, saying nary a word.

Andy and Mali hadn’t had a chance to speak since he’d imprinted her, and the conditions under which she’d been imprinted had left Andy a little bit uneasy, simply because the imprinting wasn’t exactly done in line with all the others.

“Do you mind if Emily joins us, Mr. Rook?”

“Only if you stop calling me ‘Mr. Rook,’ Mali, immediately and forever more,” Andy teased.

Mali smiled shyly, nodding a little. “Yes, Andy. Thank you.”

Emily scurried over and gave Mali a hug, and the Welsh woman returned it with a touch of shyness still, but Mali clung to her for a moment longer than it seemed like Emily had anticipated. After the two broke from their hug, they moved to follow Andy, who refused to let anyone wheel in his suitcase. Niko had apparently decided to take on security details for the moment, so she followed along a handful of steps behind, even knowing how much it irked Andy that she did so. He wasn’t going to argue with her, though, because he’d agreed never to tell any of his protectors how to do their jobs. Melody had taken Niko’s bag and Sarah had taken Emily’s, which left him as the only one pulling a bag along as they headed into the house.

The hard part of this conversation, Andy thought to himself, was going to be talking around the elephant in the room without making any mention of it. The effort to erase Mali’s memory of her deceased high school sweetheart had caused quite a rift between Emily and the rest of the family, simply because Emily had kept it secret until right before he’d imprinted Mali.

Mali was quite a gorgeous young woman, a round face with thick brown eyebrows and a mysterious, almost Mona Lisa smile, but there was something still slightly sad and tragic about her, and she still moved with a slight lack of energy and enthusiasm.

“I’m hoping you’ve settled in okay while I was gone, Mali,” Andy said to her. “I probably shouldn’t have left you just after you’d been imprinted, but, ah, you asked for—”

“I didn’t forget anything, Andy,” Mali said to him, looking like she was going to break into tears. “Not a god damned thing.”

“Oh Mali,” Andy sighed, setting his bag down before turning to wrap his arms around her as she practically collapsed into him, sobbing softly. “I’m so, so sorry. I knew it was something of a longshot when Emily told me about it, but I understand what it’s like to have a memory that you just want to rip out of your brain. But the grief that we carry with us is a reminder of those who are gone, and so they aren’t entirely lost to us. A part of his light still carries on in you.”

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful to you, Andy, but I miss him so fucking much,” she moaned, pressing her face against his chest, unable to look up at him. Emily stood behind her, one hand stroking the Welsh woman’s dark brown hair. “I know you’ve done such a generous thing by bringing me into your family, in taking me in and keeping me safe from DuoHalo, and here I am, bawling up a storm because I can’t forget a man I spent half my life with.”

“Hey hey hey,” Andy said quietly. “There’ll be none of that. I’d offer you the chance to pair with someone else, but I think you’re just going to have the same issue there that you would with me, so we’ll do what we can to get through it, take each other one day at a time. We can be sexual without being intimate if that’s what you’d prefer.”

“I’d like to spend some serious time getting to know you, Andy,” Mali said, trying to staunch her crying as she looked up at him. “Emily hadn’t even really known you for a month when she recommended you to me, and I was astonished at how eloquently she spoke of her love for you, and how strongly it had bloomed in such a short time.”

“I think that may have been more of Sarah’s love than Emily’s you were picking up on,” Andy said with a soft smile.

Emily shook her head. “When we first met, Andrew, you were already willing to put your own desires aside to help us find someone else to be paired with, and I cannot tell you how astonishing that is, or how much we have talked about that, all of your fiancées, how you have been willing to do anything and everything to make things easier for us, even at the cost of your own comfort or happiness. That’s the mark of a very good man.”

“You’re much better than you’ve ever given yourself credit for, Andy,” Niko added.

“It’s one of the many reasons we all love you so much,” Emily said.

“I’m just trying to do the right thing with all the power I’ve sort of fallen into, Em,” Andy sighed. “But of course, you can spend plenty of time with me, Mali. And don’t think of it as replacing your lost beau, but simply introducing another one into your heart. I’m never going to be him. I don’t want to be him. I don’t want you to forget him. Keep him with you always.”

Mali looked up at him and smiled softly. “Thank you for that, Andrew. I have a feeling we’re going to have to slowly build into this, but I think between you and I, we can find some true feelings for one another. You’ll have to forgive me if I’m… a little distant for our first few sexual encounters…”

Andy laughed a little bit. “Whatever it takes for you to get through this, Mali. We can have date night before your encounters if that’ll make things easier.”

She nodded with a smile, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I’d like that, Andrew,” she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I was worried that you might try and send me away when you found out the memory of Michael hadn’t left me. I know we’re all dealing with grief in our own ways, but mine feels so vibrant, so intense.”

“Would you like to tell me about him?”

“Would that be alright?”

Andy smiled down at her. “Of course it would. C’mon, I’ve got to make sure the cats haven’t demolished my office while I’ve been gone, and in a bit, I’ve got to start tending to the needs of some of the women of the house, but I’d love it if you told me all about not only him but yourself. There’s only so much I can learn by reading.”

“Might I come with you, Andrew?” Emily asked.

“Fine with me if it’s fine with you Mali.”

“Of course it’s fine. You’re the one who got me into this mess, Emily, so it’s only natural you get caught up in my story.” She slid her arm around his waist as they walked down to his office, and for the next twenty minutes while he checked on the cats and his office, she told him and Emily about her journey growing up in Wales, how she’d met and lost her fiancé Michael, how she’d been assigned to manage Emily’s finances, and how much she and Emily had talked over the weeks running up to her agreeing to join the family. Andy was a little flattered with how highly Em had spoken of him, and even more surprised when he found out how explicit Em had been in telling Mali about his sex life, although the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the stigma around talking about sex had rapidly faded from the public consciousness now that it was basically mandatory that everyone was having it all the time. Consciously, he was fine with it, but there was still a part of him a little caught off guard when it came up and he wasn’t expecting it.

Mali wasn’t in such dire straits that she couldn’t wait a few more days, and after Andy had gotten his office back into order, she and Emily excused themselves, letting Andy get a couple of moments in with the cats, who had made it abundantly clear at first how annoyed they were before settling on his lap and purring so loud he thought the chair had gained a massager function while he’d been away.

“I see how it is,” Niko scoffed at them, but neither Huginn or Muninn would be discouraged from sprawling across Andy’s lap.

“They had years to love me first,” Andy joked.

Fifteen minutes after the cats had settled and nearly fallen asleep, his phone buzzed on his desk. He glanced at it, seeing it was from Whitney, which meant he had some appointments with ladies stacking up that he had to tend to. They’d been gone close to ten days, which meant the needs of his partners were stacking up, and a lot of them were close to climbing the walls. He’d been a little worried about taking the extra day in Los Angeles, but Whitney (who had grown from being his IT person to also being his Executive Secretary) had insisted that all the girls in the house were looking to push the challenge as much as they could.

-We as a Team decided it was best to learn everyone’s limits on how far they could stand to go in-between doses, Master Rook, so your schedule today is filled with the women who are insistent they could not wait a day longer, which means you have six appointments today, the first few of which will be… rather intense.- Whitney texted like most people sent formal missives. -Your first appointment is with Hannah and Asha. We suspect that age may be a factor in enduring the need, as the older members of your Team seem less affected by the time between doses as your younger members do. You may wish to bring one of the upcoming missus with you, just to help keep the two of them in check. They’re still in control of their senses, but I suspect if you’d arrived in the evening, they might have been bordering on feral. I threatened to handcuff and whip them if they left their room until you came and met them. Good luck, Master! ;) ww-

That was certainly something interesting to note. He’d dosed Hannah and Asha right before he’d left on the 13th, literally minutes before getting into the cars to head for the airport, and the fact that they were the most squirrely certainly supported Whitney’s theory that age was a factor. If that was true, Tala, Sheridan, Katie and Jenny would be last in the queue, and sure enough, when he looked at the scheduler app, the four of them were down below all the other women who’d remained at the house (except Maya, who’d cheated her way into an early dosing by flying down to LA on her own for it). Phil probably knew about it already, but Andy made a note of it in his list of things to talk about his friend with.

His schedule for the next twenty-four hours was quite sizably packed – Hannah and Asha, to be tended to immediately; Whitney, Nicolette and Jade this evening; Tala and Sheridan tomorrow morning; Katie and Jenny for brunch; Lauren and Taylor for lunch tomorrow (with a note that Taylor’s endurance was struggling, so she might need to be rotated into an earlier time slot); and Mali would be tomorrow evening after a dinner date.

It was a whole lot of fucking he had to get up to.

Andy slowly scooped up the cats, who stretched in lazy protest, before laying them back down in his chair without him, letting them enjoy the warmth his ass had left in the seat. He needed to head upstairs to Hannah and Asha’s room, but he was a little worried about the state he’d find them in. This was the longest either of them had gone between doses, and he wondered just how intense this was going to be. “You going to be enough to protect me, Niko, or you want me to get backup?”

“Two untrained teenagers against a member of the Air Force’s highly decorated Security Forces?” Niko scoffed. “I’ll be fine.”

“They’ve been without their dose for ten days, Niko. You’ve seen what that can do to even the strongest of women,” he said.

“If I can’t handle those two on my own,” Niko said, “I don’t deserve to be on your security detail. They’ll be a little worked up. I’ll be fine. You’re the one who should be worried. By the end of tomorrow, your balls are going to be like whiffle balls – completely empty and full of holes.” She giggled as they climbed the stairs up to the second floor.

“Nice, really nice,” Andy said, shaking his head with a smirk. They reached the door to Asha and Hannah’s room, and there was a Post-It Note on the outside that said “COME IN!” on it in friendly letters, although Andy almost wondered if this was the start of some horror film, and the two teenagers of his Team would be like wild animals behind the door, their long hair in their faces like some Japanese horror flick.

He opened the door quietly and stepped into the room. The girls’ makeshift dorm room was still mostly the same disaster area it had been before he’d left on the trip, although the path from the door to the bunk beds had been cleared some. Both Hannah and Asha were there, dressed in red plaid skirts and white Oxford buttonup tops that they’d mostly left unbuttoned, allowing Andy to see neither of them had on a bra beneath them. They were kneeling, their asses rested on their heels, their arms laid out across the tops of their thighs, palms up, fingers curled. Their breathing was rhythmic, controlled.  Were they meditating or just trying not to think about how long it had been since they’d been with Andy? Neither had been there to greet the caravan when it had returned home, and he suspected the two of them may have been right here, trying to keep their heads clear. Their eyes were closed, and he wondered for a moment if they hadn’t heard the door opening.

As soon as he stepped another foot or so into the room, both girls opened their eyes so suddenly, Andy felt like he was in a slasher film and that he was the prey about to be eviscerated. Before he could so much as blink, they were up off their knees and charging him, wrapping their arms around him hard, clinging to him like a lifeline, both squealing “Daddy!” at the top of their lungs. He’d politely asked them not to call him that, but it had only seemed to have the reverse effect, instead ingraining it more into their habits instead of striking it.

Both of Asha’s hands were grabbing onto his hips and her grip was steady and like two metal clamps, while Hannah had one of her hands down the front of Andy’s jeans almost immediately, reaching in so that she could get her fingertips around his cock. “Daddy,” Hannah whined, kissing at his neck as he heard Niko step into the room and close the door behind her. “We’ve been such bad little bitches while you’ve been gone. We’ve been playing with each other’s pussies, cuddling up in bed together, licking at each other’s clits… but nothing even comes close to Daddy’s dick…” She groaned, her slender fingertips clenching around it. “The thought about you pounding our perfect little teenage pussies, just stretching open your bad little girls… we can’t even think straight, Daddy… it aches and my body fucking needs you hammering the shit out of it… We don’t even care how, do we, Asha?”

The half-Indian, half-French girl bound up in the trio shook her head, her voice dripping with even more of her London accent than normal. “Bend us over. Pull us on top. Skullfuck our faces until we’re drooling like fucking morons. Christ, you can even take us both in the arse if you want. Whatever you fucking want, Daddy, your depraved little giggly teenage fuckholes will only beg you for more, more, more. Just don’t make us fucking wait, Daddy. We need Daddy Drink. We need to get our loads of cum.” He’d seen Hannah impatient before, but Asha was just as bad, if not worse, kissing at his neck and flicking her tongue along the shell of his ear, making him shiver and twitch just a tiny bit. He idly wondered if the girls had been swapping tales about what did and didn’t affect him while he’d been away, and the news that he had very sensitive ears had gotten around.

“Hard as you fucking can, Daddy,” Hannah moaned. “I wanna really feel it. I wanna fall asleep with a tingling, fuzzy feeling my belly, knowing I’m loaded up with Daddy’s creamy yummy cum… like I’ve been ridden hard and put away sopping fucking wet, my brain all clouded from how hard Daddy’s fucked it stupid… It’s been so fucking long I’m out of my fucking mind, Daddy… I need you to rail the ever-loving shit out of me… Out of us. Your greedy, needy teenage fuckbait bitches blind with cum hunger… Please Daddy? Why are you still waiting?”

“Jesus,” Niko giggled. “Imagine if they were all this bad. You’d have never made it out of the fucking garage.”

Andy was afraid they were going to scale and topple him if he didn’t do something, so he pushed the lot of them over towards the couch off to one side, spinning Asha around so her ass was grinding against his before pushing her knees onto the couch seat. Asha practically lunged behind her to hike her skirt up, putting her shoulders against the top of the couch back. Her pussy was sloppy with how worked up she was, the insides of both of her thighs down to her knees glistening with slickness, as she moved to get her knees as far as wide apart as possible. “Do it, Daddy!” Asha shouted back at him. “Dick me down like you fucking own this cunt!”

He’d fished his cock out and was about to step forward when he realized that Hannah had dropped to her knees and shoved her face down onto his shaft, burying the tip of his dick in her throat for a long moment, both hands latched onto his hips like she was going to suffocate herself on his shaft, but incredibly, no matter how long she held her face down there, she wasn’t coughing or choking, although he could see her eyes watering up just a little bit. There was something challenging and defiant on her face, her gaze matching his, before she pulled her head back and slid off his cock, turning him suddenly to line him up with Asha’s trembling twat, her palm flat on his ass shoving him forward, as Asha howled while his cock forced its way inside of her trembling walls, the guttural, almost savage, moan of strained pleasure bleating from her throat.

“Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me Daddy harder harder fuck me harder!” Asha shouted as Andy began to corkscrew his hips forward and down, pressing into her, as Hannah pulled her shirt open wider to unveil those massive tits of hers as she moved to lean her head sideways on top of Asha’s ass, looking up at Andy with brown, loving, wanton eyes, licking her lips.

“C’mon Daddy,” Hannah cheered. “You can rail her harder than that. Smack those hips. Drill that pretty little cunt. Is she tight, Daddy? I bet she is. I’ve felt her clamp down on my fingertips while you were gone, when all we had to keep ourselves busy was each other.”

“Oh fuck Han, he’s so fucking good I’m seeing fucking spots!”

“That’s it, Daddy,” Hannah said licking her lips, pinching one of her own large brown nipples, giving it a firm twist. “Nut her up. Blow a hot load in her tiny gash and blast her back out. I bet it makes her cum so hard she just blacks out… Do it, daddy… breed your dirty little British bitch… fill her up… do it!”

“Do it, Daddy! Do it do it fuck me fuck me fuck FUCK FUCK!”

As Asha seized up like a gas engine with sugar in the tank, he felt her cunt practically vicegrip his cock and his body knew it could only take so much, so he began to pour what felt like buckets of his sizzling cum inside of her while her face buried itself against the back of the couch before her body simply slumped forward and keeled over to one side, twitching and shaking in the aftershocks of it, his cock sliding out of her snatch with a wet splorching sound.

His cock wasn’t exposed long, however, because Hannah immediately pushed her face back down onto it, sliding his dick into her throat as her tongue lashed all over it, trying to drink in as much of his cum and Asha’s fluids that still remained on his shaft, her eyes looking up at him like she was trying to prove a point.

Andy wasn’t sure who was going at it with more enthusiasm, him or Hannah, but she was facefucking her mouth down onto his cock like she thought he’d been trash talking her technique or something and had something to prove, and he was mostly just holding onto her head to keep her from overdoing it.

After a minute or two he pulled her head back from his cock, and she almost fought him to try and get it back in her mouth, her tongue flicking out at it like a kitten at a saucer of milk before Andy moved to sit down on the couch next to Asha’s completely limp form, one hand reaching over to stroke her hair a little bit, although Asha didn’t so much as move.

“She’s fine, Daddy,” Hannah said as she slid one knee up on one side of him, then the other on the other, moving to straddle him as she reached down to rub the tip of his shaft against her slit. Once she had it lined up, she lifted and stretched her thighs, spreading them wider, like she was trying to do the splits on him, posting herself down onto his cock, her eyes widening a little bit as she finally pushed all the way down onto it, as if she was surprised herself with how tight she felt around his shaft. “Fuck, Daddy, did you get bigger, or did I get tighter?” She lifted both of her hands up to run through her black mane of hair, the blonde stripes swirling like cream in dark coffee, before letting the strands drop down over her face in the messiest way possible. “That feels so fucking good, Daddy, that big fucking dick stretching my tiny teenage fuckhole open, making me sore and achy.”

Andy reached over and placed a hand on Asha’s chest, just making sure she was breathing, before Hannah grabbed both of his wrists, pulling his hands to latch onto her hips, helping her piston whip them up and then back down and forward, until he could feel her throbbing around him.

“Feel that, Daddy? Feel that fertile young womb that wants your spunk dripping out of it? Feel how tight and hungry it is for your love? Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me until I’m spent and lifeless like my best friend, the two of us just satisfied husks, full of your love.”

Each time Hannah posted on his lap, her massive tits lifted up and then dropped down again, as she leaned forward to press those overwhelming spheres of soft flesh into his face, like she wanted to smother him with them. Her tempo was frantic and fast, and sweat coated her young body as she continued to thrust her ass down into his lap again and again.

“C’mon Daddy. Fill me up. Flood that tiny twat that fucking belongs to you. Fill it up like a fucking éclair. Pump me so full of spunk that I’m still leaking it when I wake up later. Fuck you feel so fucking good, Daddy. Such great fucking Daddy dick. Harder. Harder motherfucker! Beat that pussy up! Fucking own it! Knock it up! Brand it! Paint it! Tame it! Show it who it fucking belongs to! Oh fuck fuck I’m gonna cum, Daddy, cum in me, cum in me, cum cum cum cum you big dicked motherfucker CUM IN ME!”

She wrapped her arms around the back of his head and pulled his face to get lost between those giant tits of hers, nearly buried in an avalanche of smooth caramel flesh, as her hips began to twitch and shiver while the muscles inside of her slit milked at him while her orgasm shattered her consciousness, and even if he’d wanted to, the intense heat and pressure were more than enough to get another load from him, blasting as much as his balls had to give inside of her before he leaned back against the couch and Hannah just slumped atop of him, splayed out like she’d gone all ragdoll.

A moment or so later, he felt Niko starting to pull on Hannah’s completely limp form, rolling her off the top of him and onto her ass and back on the couch, her head lolled back like a puppet whose strings had all been cut. Niko couldn’t help but giggle, looking down at Asha then Hannah before looking over to Andy, reaching down to wipe sweat from his forehead with the palm of her left hand, leaning down to kiss him.

“Rough life, huh, ‘Daddy?’” Niko teased.

“Don’t you start, or I will bend you over my knee and paddle your ass senseless.”

“How dare you threaten me with a good time, baby?” Niko laughed before helping Andy up to his feet. “Well, you clearly can’t go meet anyone else like this, so I think it’s straight off to the showers for us.”


“I think I’ve got some of Hannah’s sweat and drool on me,” Niko said, sliding her arm around his waist, looking down at the two unconscious teenagers in heaps upon the couch in their room. “They’re kinda cute when they’re passed out like this. They hardly look like trouble at all. You’re gonna be a good—”

“I’m warning you, I have absolutely no qualms about leaving you hanging for a week or so, leave you wanting and waiting until the New Year.”

“You’re no fun.”

Andy flicked his chin at the two bodies sprawled out before him. “I think they’d disagree.”

He and Niko moved to shift them, laying them down one next to the other, Hannah’s arms wrapped around Asha, chest to back, and then laid a blanket down over top of them. He wasn’t entirely sure how long they were going to be unconscious, but it seemed like the two had very much needed those orgasms like their lives depended on it.

“Two down, ten more to go.”

Andy sighed before he sung quietly beneath his breath, “All I want for Christmas is a good night’s sleep…”





With the description given of Hanna’s post Asha clean up Of Andy I was expecting her to lick Asha clean next while Andy took care of her