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So it came a little bit later than expected, but I hope everyone enjoys Captains' Days as much as I did writing it. It's the first chapter of our new Modern Mythos story, meaning it takes place in the same universe as Morgana's Gift, If I'm Honest, The Devil's Details, A Pack Of His Own and the Silversmith stories. (In fact, ol' Jonas Silversmith himself is in the first chapter!) When I saw that Halloween was going to be on a release day, and I woke up with this whole first chapter mapped out in my head, I knew I was going to do it. It'll go into the rotation of things people can vote on, but I will say it's an 'insider' story, rather than an 'outsider' story. That means if you look at all the protagonists in the other Modern Mythos stories (with the exception of Silversmith), they all have someone normal staggering into this mystical world just right next door. The protagonists of Captains' Days are very much not that. They know all about the secret world and have spent all their lives in it. It's going to give readers a very different perspective of that world.

I have a few things outstanding still that I'll be hammering out as quickly as I can get them over the week. I'm back from my trip to Seattle, and while none of the teams I was rooting for won, we do what we can. I'm going to try and get a post a day done for the rest of the week to try and get caught up, but maybe that's too ambitious. I'm also housesitting for a friend, so that means I'm less likely to get distracted. 

Public release schedule: 11/4 - QT:PT13, 11/11 - QT2:7, 11/18 - Pack 4, 11/25 - Morgana's Gift 16, 12/2 - The Fertile Grove 1, 12/9 - Quaranteam: Aisling's Antics 1.


Admiral Ale

Thanks for the update. Saturday, 11/11 is a day that recognizes those of us who served. If I may, I would like to say THANK YOU, to those who served before me, with me, after me, and currently. Stay safe.


11/11 is always a day where I celebrate my most meaningful holiday of the year. My loving life partner has taken it on as her mission to support First Responders - she manages the local critical stress debrief team She isn't a first responder herself, but following 20 years with me [PTSD from a combat tour as well as 20+ years of EMS, psych nursing, etc etc] she is the best partner I could ask for.