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Man, literally nothing is where I left it. Heh. So Patreon sprung a redesign on us, and I'm still figuring out where everything's at. There's a "collections" feature which I'm going to try and fiddle with at some point over the next few days - I suspect it's just going to do what I've been doing with using tags to sort things, but it'll take a few hours of finagling, so if things are slow for the next week, it's probably because I'm going back and editing an entire load of old posts to put them into collections. I'm sure once I get a handle on it, things'll be for the better, but it's the learning curve that always gets you.

I dropped QT2:i3 today (also referred to as QT2:15.5), which is the third intermission in Book Two. I feel like I can do a lot of world building with these intermissions and show the reader what's going on in the greater world that hasn't caught Andy's attention. This is our first international intermission, and hopefully that illuminates a bit of what the world looks like out there. If you've never been to Hamburg, it's a beautiful city, and I can't highly recommend it enough, especially around the holidays. I've never actually been to a Christmas Market, but I've heard plenty of stories about them.

I also want to apologize for the mixup missing QT:AA4 in August - I had set an automated post to throw it up while I was travelling, but either I set something wrong, or there was a mishap with the servers, but I cannot find hide nor hair of that post, so it was borked. As such, I adjusted the post that was originally QT:AA5 to be both QT:AA4 & 5, with QT:AA6 in alpha readers now, and me sending off QT:AA7 to its commissioner within the next few days. So while I missed getting it out in August, you got a double dose last month! 

As a reminder, QT:AA is a 10-part story, not a 5-parter, because I feel like seeing things from Ash's point of view is especially important when understanding how Team Rook functions. I've fielded a lot of questions over the years as to Ash's level of organization and coordination in the house, so showing that off is better than me just telling you she's good at it. Also, no joke, Ash is fun to write because she's so damn sassy. 

I also want to let you know that in addition to more writers working on Quaranteam spinoffs, one of those writers, AgathonWrites, asked a few months back about whether or not I'd grant permission for them to write another story set in the If I'm Honest universe. I'm not currently working on a sequel, so I said, sure. The first couple of chapters are over at their Patreon right now, and should be coming to Literotica in the next couple of months. I offered a few notes here and there (the most important being that it needed to be a limited series - not an open-ended piece) and if you've enjoyed Agathon's QT: The Upstart's Knight, keep an eye out for that. 

There's a lot of QT content coming from people other than me, but don't feel like you have to be caught up on all of it all the time, because I know it's a lot. You may just want to wait until someone's got, say 3-5 chapters you can read in a block if it's getting overwhelming. I saw a comment from someone telling me to ask them to slow down, but they're all such talented writers and they've got their own stories they want to tell!

I think we'll get back to Brewster's Brood for Friday, and then Breakpoint on Tuesday, with another poll to go up for what I'm writing Friday of next week. I'll throw that up tomorrow when I get up and will let run through Monday, so if you're of that level, be sure to vote!

Last thing, public release schedule! Won't forget! Here's what's coming over the next month and change: 10/7 - Pack 3, Devil's Details 7, 10/14 - QT2:6, 10/21 - CARP 4, 10/28 - QT: McCallister's Madness 5 (finale), 11/4 - QT: Phil's Story 13.

Take care of yourselves out there! You deserve good things!



So far, hate the redesign. If you do retag/recollections stuff, can you add a tag/collection that is the mainline QT story only. It would handy for rereading purposes since the existing quarenteam tag includes the side stories. The side stories have specific tags, so you can get just those posts if you want, but there's no tag that is specific to the mainline story.


Can you tell us who else the Quaranteam Content is coming from?

Corrupting Power

So BreakTheBar has a couple - North West, Florida Man, SilverRyden is doing Alternating Uncertainties, RonanJWilkerson has Dave In Dallas, OtterlyMindblowing has Remote Work, AgathonWrites has The Upstart's Knight, BirchesLoveBooks has Flyover Country (only over at Royal Road, I think)... I think that's everybody, but there might be a few I'm forgetting or who haven't started posting publicly yet.