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Hey, it's time for everybody to get to take part in a poll! So I was looking at scheduling today, and we are now officially 6 months ahead of public releases of my work. 

As you fine folks are all supporting my writing endeavor, I want to ask you if we should hold here (i.e. make some public weeks 2 releases a week) or if we should extend our lead up to a year's worth. I could go either way on this one - six months is a nice solid lead time but I can also understand subscribers also wanting more advance time.

Content releases to public sites will still be done basically the same way -- Brewster's Brood and Breakpoint will never be released for free (they may eventually be put on sale when they're finished, or at check points) -- it's just the amount of them we put out. I'm either going to hold at a six-month advance or stretch out to a year in advance. Either way, at some point, I'm just going to have to start putting out 2 public releases some weeks just so the lead doesn't get too insane. The question is are we starting that next week or late this summer?

If you choose 6 months is fine for exclusivity, starting Jan 28th we'll do 2 releases some weeks, to keep at around 6 months lead time. If you choose 12 months would be better, that start date will be late July. Make your voice heard!


Anon Donner

My basic goal is to support the author, not thrill in my own exclusive access. I understand it motivates some, so I only minorly begrudge myriads of teirs and long delays. I'm sure there's some balance between maximum money, and getting works out, that only the author can make. But with that said there are some authors with long delays for lower teir patrons that have lost my support (like paying for a ebook equivalent per month but still subject to a 6 month delay).

Corrupting Power

There aren't any plans to change when Patrons get content, nor do I imagine I will. $3/mo gets you everything basically when it's released that isn't Patreon exclusive, $6/mo gets you everything including the t2 exclusives. Everything else above that is just additional features and smaller content (or custom content, which you have the right to decide if I release publicly or am making just for you).

Anon Donner

Hadn't meant to imply you did (or even were thinking of it). On the contrary, I like your approach to the teirs, and was just giving you some other feedback while discussing the topic.

Corrupting Power

Glad to hear it! And I was genuinely unsure if I might have something elsewhere that might have been misconstrued, so no need to worry. ;)