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Brass In Pocket

a one-shot commission

He didn't realize it was going to be a particularly interesting day when he woke up in the morning, but today was going to be a day that Shawn Horley wouldn't forget any time soon. Shawn was in his third year of thaumaturgical engineering at Grimcandle University, and he'd been up studying late into the wee hours of the morning before finally crashing.

Shawn was still five months away from his twenty-first birthday and was genuinely looking forward to getting away from all the wizards, witches and warlocks of the University and back among the civilians of the world, who didn't know anything about the secret world of magic that was always just around the corner from their ho-hum day-to-day dreary lives. He was glad that he'd been brought behind the curtain at an early age, so that from the time he was thirteen onward, he'd been attending schools for other people who were magically inclined. A magical middle school, a magical high school and now a magical college.

(His folks thought it was just some fancy coder college in the wilds of Alberta. They didn't know anything about magic, and Shawn had been told to keep it that way.)

There were as many stripes of magic as there were colors in the rainbow, but Shawn had found that he was adept at the tricky of magical workings that required massive amounts of planning. He wasn't a splashy combat magician. He wasn't ever going to be one of the Wardens, the class of magicians tasked with keeping the wild magical denizens and creatures from broaching the veil and letting the civilians know that magic still thrived just out of sight. He wasn't going to be a Wild Diver, those who explored the Other Realms, those places detached just a bit from where normal people were living their lives, a blink away from the reality so many people thought was the only one. He also most certainly wasn't going to be a researcher focusing on recovering lost artifacts from the ruins of previous magical cultures.

No, he was going be working on the big stuff, the sort of large scale magical, thaumaturgical projects that would require teams of spellcrafters working in tandem, like the Wazayinna Dam in southeast Asia. If he kept to his studies, he might eventually even be doing design work for some of those sorts of things that would live on well past him.

All of that was years and years away, though, and for now, it was just spending as much time as he could in his classes, working on getting all the knowledge he'd need when he finally graduated and started working on the big shit. He'd already been recruited by Advanced Magick Constructions and Big Picture Spell Designs, and he was still eight months away from having to choose where he was going to intern at over next summer, and he expected there were going to be even more companies lining up to talk to him before then.

None of that mattered if he didn't keep his grades up, however, so he was sprinting his way across campus, past loads of other students. Shawn felt like he'd been born about a quarter of a century too late – he loved grunge music, and he wore his black hair long and stringy, like Dave Grohl. He dressed in mostly flannel and denim, and he still kept his leather wallet on a chain, while the rest of his classmates were busy listening to Lil Nas X or Halsey. He was the analog kid in a digital world, but that was okay – he felt like it gave him his own sense of style in the world.

He also still loved to skateboard, something which he'd been told time and time again was so out of fashion that it might just be on the verge of coming back into fashion, something that had made him have a good laugh.

Shawn's board whipped across the concrete sidewalks, feeling the autumn wind vibrating his loose fitting clothes around him, practically threatening to use them as a sail to push him in one direction or the other, as he bobbed his head while Mudhoney played through the Earpods he had jammed into his skull, trying to make sure he was still giving clear space to any other students unfortunate enough to be caught walking where he was riding.

It wasn't like he was being careless, but he was traveling at a good clip, weaving in-between his fellow casters, using a bit of magic to sort of buffer the area around him with a wind shield, which would give a little shove to anyone too close to his path, making sure they didn't leap in front of him or suddenly step into his line. It wasn't all that complicated of a bit of magic; hell, it had been one of the first things he'd baked into his board in sophomore year Enchanting & Enhancing class, and he'd kept on layering magics into it since then. The teacher had been impressed enough to give him a B+ on the assignment, with the only critique being that he hadn't really layered into enough safety protocols, so there was always the possibility someone might get more of an air shove than he'd intended, but it was good enough to use for day-to-day travel.

Part of the reason he was hauling ass across campus was because the first class of his day with Self Defense Magic 304 with Old Man Fraction, who was not the kind of professor you wanted to piss off by being late. He'd also woken up late this morning since his girlfriend, Cindy, had slipped out of his room without waking him up, or even setting an alarm for him. He needed to remind her that when she left early in the morning after spending the night, she was supposed to turn on an alarm for him as well, so that he'd remember to get up. She'd forgotten, so he'd barely had time to get dressed before hopping on his board, tearing up the sidewalks to make it to Warren Hall in time, where the class was being held.

Just as he skidded around the final corner, he saw Cindy waiting for him just at the edge of the building, a sly smile on her face. Cindy was, by Shawn's estimation, slumming it with him, and she was well out of his league, but he'd somehow stomached up the courage to ask her out on the first day back for fall classes two months ago, and she'd agreed to go out with him, with them deciding to officially call each other 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend' three or four weeks ago.

If he was a grunge kid, she was definitely an out-and-out raver, not quite in the goth lolita attire, but she still tended towards ripped leggings, leather shorts, brightly neon colored tops with black leather vests over them. Her makeup was always wildly decorative, and half the time she had her hair – mostly jet black with streaks of electric blue and day-glo green running through it – up into two little poofs, buns shaped almost like they were cat ears. Today she also had on thigh high leather boots with an endless number of psychedelic laces running criss-cross on the front of them. She was Latina, and while she was generally fairly slender, she had good sized breasts and a plump ass that even J-Lo herself would appreciate.

Cindy had Old Man Fraction's class the session before his, something they'd both regretted, since they couldn't seem to find a way to get Fraction to move one of them into the other class so they could sit in the classroom together at the same time, although to the professor's point, it probably would've been too distracting for them if he had.

“Another three or four minutes,” Cindy said, suckling on a cherry red lollipop, “and Old Man Fraction would've been testing to see how quickly you can pull up a deflection spell when you enter that door.”

“Well, somebody forgot to turn on an alarm for me when she slipped out of the room this morning,” he countered, hopping off his board, using his foot to snap it to flip up and into his hand, walking up the stairs towards her. “Speaking of getting in trouble with professors, isn't Lady Bearcrumble going to have your head if you aren't in your seat, like, now?”

“Lady Bearclaw,” she corrected, “gave us today to work on our elemental manipulation skills, so right after I'm done talking to you, I'm heading off to the shooting range to get some target practice in. You'd think after all those hours I spent in there all last year managing the range would've worn off on me, but I guess if you're just watching people throw fireballs all day instead of throwing them yourself, you're not getting the full experience of it.”

“Maybe,” he said, moving to kiss her cheek. “I better get into there, then.”

“One sec,” she said, unslinging her backpack from her shoulder, unzipping it. “It's a day early, but I got you a one-month anniversary present. You've got until tomorrow night to get me my present. Don't open this until after you're out of class, and for fuck's sake, don't abuse it, okay? I'm showing a lot of trust by giving you this, and the last thing I want is for you to make me regret it. It'll work for a month, so you don't need to have all your fun with it right up front, okay?” She reached into her bag and pulled out a square leather box, about the size of a cellphone on each side, with brass hinges on one side, a piece of parchment resting on the top of it, folded in half. “Now get into class and you can look at it later. I'll see you late tonight, okay?”

Before Shawn could even bring himself to ask about it, Cindy had hopped off the stairs and started running off towards the shooting range on the other side of campus. He desperately wanted to open the parchment and read what she'd written, and he was dying to know what was in the box, but if he had stopped to open it and look inside, he was going to be late for class, so he tucked the gift into his backpack and sprinted through the doors, making it just in time to hear the bell ringing as he crossed the threshold of the classroom, which earned him a dirty look from Old Man Fraction, but nothing more severe than that, thankfully.

It was also lucky that Fraction's class was especially intensive today, so it kept Shawn's mind off of the box he had sitting inside of his backpack like a time bomb for his mental focus. The teacher was showing them deflection cantrips, and every so often, he would casually toss off a bolt of energy, and if a student wasn't paying close attention and could summon up their redirect spell in a hurry, they would get smacked upside the head and immediately get a few demerits in the teacher's logbook. That meant he kept his attention on the ball and didn't think much about the box until after ninety minutes, the bell mercifully rung, signaling the end of class, at which point Shawn grabbed his backpack and his board and was sailing off across campus again, heading back to his dorm room.

Thursdays were his light day, with only Fraction's class during the midday and Master Wintercrush's Magical Materials 401 class around dinner time, so that meant he had almost three hours before his next class, so he headed back to his dorm room, the expectation of that box in his backpack weighing heavily on him, the skateboard carving paths between students until that tall student housing high rise came into view, good old Asgard Hall.

Nearly all the students who attended Grimcandle lived in Asgard Hall, which was why the structure was so ridiculously big. Of course, it didn't appear that way to anyone without magical sight, as those people only saw a building six or seven stories tall, instead of the twenty-seven story building it actually was. The building itself also defied Earth physics, shaped like a giant diamond symbol from playing cards, with a swollen midsection and narrow points at the top and bottom, a demonstration of thaumaturgical engineering in its finest.

As students progressed through the University, they migrated up the building itself, starting as freshmen with views looking down towards the campus itself, and over the years moved higher up the structure. As a junior, he'd just moved above the equator, and his new room had a window that faced upwards towards the sky, which on one hand was great, because it meant natural light flooded in through his one window all the time, but on the other hand, whenever it was raining, it was always pouring down on his window.

He jumped off his skateboard, flipped it up and headed towards the elevator in the center stalk of the building, riding it up to the 15th floor, heading down the long hallway before reaching his room, waving his wallet in front of it to unlock the door, letting him in.

Shawn's room was less of a mess than it used to be. In previous years, he'd been something of a messy person, with pizza boxes and soda cans scattered all around the place, but once he and Cindy had started dating, he'd made sure to keep the state of his dorm room almost impeccable, so that she wouldn't feel bad about staying over as often as she could. He'd offered to go down to her room multiple times, but as she was a sophomore, she still had a roommate and Cindy's roommate Taylor hated having guests over for the night. Now there was just a little trash scattered here and there, as Cindy had even made a point of helping to take out some of the trash when she left in the mornings.

The room only had a couch, a television and a bed in it, in addition to the desk and dresser built into the walls themselves. He closed and locked the door behind him so that nobody from the floor would come and pester him while he was seeing what Cindy had gotten him. He had remembered their anniversary was upcoming and so he had something being delivered from Amazon tomorrow morning, since she'd made it clear she wanted some kind of jewelry. The core piece of jewelry itself would show up from Amazon tomorrow morning and then he would spend part of the day doing his thaumaturgical baking during the afternoon before giving it to her in the evening. He wasn't entirely sure what sort of enchantment to put on it, but he figured it would come to him once he was actually working on the project.

Shawn sat down on his couch, pulling his backpack off his shoulders, setting it down in front of him, unzipping it so he could take the present out from its depths. He opened the parchment first, and the note was classic Cindy – elegant and completely cryptic.

Enjoy this bit of spellworking I put together for you. It'll last for a month. Don't abuse it too much, and try not to use it when I'm in any class that I can't afford to be a little bit distracted. Love you!

He started to wonder even more what to make of it now, setting the letter aside before opening the top of the box, being confronted with a very lifelike looking pussy just below the cover, which made him pause and tilt his head to one side. Cindy hadn't had any real background in spellworking with golems, so he was surprised to see the detail on the craftwork, as it looked like it was almost real flesh and not some sort of prosthetic.

And then he spotted the tiny little brown mole, just off to the top left of it, the one just like the one above Cindy's pussy. That was when he gasped out loud, as it started to dawn on him. Maybe this wasn't a recreation but, in fact, the real thing. Maybe this was Cindy's pussy, just detached and in a box, the very box he was holding in his hands.

The more he thought about it, the more that made sense to him – Cindy's specialty was in translocation magics, and while this would've been a complicated undertaking, it certainly wasn't entirely outside of her skillset or her capabilities.

If that were true, though, he thought to himself, then it would be still linked to her, and she would feel everything as if it was still attached to her. She probably would've even noticed when the top of the box was opened. She'd shaved and waxed, so the skin was smooth all the way to the edge of the carrying case.

He decided he needed to test it out, so he reached forward and rubbed a fingertip along the length of it, feeling it give a little shiver of delight beneath his touch, as his cellphone beeped with a text message, the sound of Cindy sending him something.

-Opened it finally, huh?-

He quickly typed a reply.

-Can you afford to be distracted right now?-

-A little distracted, sure, but don't go crazy for at least twenty minutes or so. I'm studying in the library with Kelly and Natalie.-

-No promises! ;) Just kidding.-

-Better be!-

He slowly dragged his fingertip around the edges of it, and he could feel the skin shift beneath his touch, goosebumps dancing across the flesh even as he lifted the box up. He grinned for a second, locking the hinges in the open position before tossing the box up into the air with a hard, snapping spin, sending the box spiraling around before catching it once more, knowing it was sending a strange, blowing sensation straight up his girlfriend's spinal cord.

Once he had the box back in his hand once more, he took his pinkie and pressed against the lips of it, finding them a little wet to his touch. He'd heard a bit about these sorts of remote connections, and everything should be functioning just like it normally would, so he continued letting his fingertip sink into the tender flesh, feeling her internal muscles giving his digit a soft squeeze, in approval or protestation, he couldn't really tell.

Eventually he slid his fingertip out and found it glistening with a mostly clear milky liquid, and he brought his finger up to his lips, licking it clean. Sure enough, that was the oh so familiar taste of his girlfriend's snatch, and he had to glance at his watch to make sure he was giving her enough time so that his intentions weren't going to cause her too much of an inconvenience. As fun as it might be to give her a screaming orgasm in the middle of a public place, she might get cross with him and demand to take it back, so caution and care were going to be his watchwords.

He just couldn't help himself too much, though, and a few minutes before she said it would be safe, he brought the box up to his face, tilting it so that he could bring it to his lips and let his tongue run a slow path along her outer lips, the flesh clenching in surprise but not remaining so for very long, as if Cindy was eager to see what more he was going to do.

Because the box fit easily in his hand, he realized he didn't have to be sitting on the couch to play it with, standing up and moving over towards the window, pressing the back of the box against the glass while leaning into it, his face pushing his tongue deep within those sugary walls, her insides squeezing a bit around his tongue, as he tried to give it a slow thrusting motion, pulling back before pushing in.

There was something both odd and wondrous about doing all of this with Cindy half-way across campus, because it meant he was focusing very specifically on what subtle signals she could send to him, a test of their abilities of unspoken communication. Hell, he realized he could be sitting on the couch watching television while he did this, and she would be none the wiser, but he wanted to keep his entire sense of focus on her and the experiences she would be getting, not knowing they were coming, not having any idea what plans he might be thinking up next.

He used two fingers to spread those pussylips wide so he could get his tongue deep inside of her, seeing those tan and pink folds shifting and writhing against his manipulations, clenching then relaxing, again and again. He brought the tip of his tongue upward to flick it against the nestled bud of her clit, and savored the way it made her skin shift. He expected she was trembling somewhere across town, but he didn't have any intention on letting up on her, especially since she should probably be sitting in the back of a city bus on her way over to the hotel where she worked evenings.

In a few more minutes, he expected she would be nearly in the locker room at the hotel getting changed, which would be the perfect time. He moved away from the window and moved to sit down on the couch, unzipping his pants, fishing out his cock from his boxers. He rubbed the tip of his cock along the exposed folds of her twat, grinning a little bit at how much easier it was to move her around like this. Cindy wasn't a heavy girl, but the box holding her pussy didn't weigh more than five or ten pounds, which meant it was light and easy to manipulate.

He could feel her trying to relax even as he lined up his dick against her pussy, slowly pushing her down onto his shaft, feeling those wet folds engulf him. There wasn't even so much as a tingling when he crossed the line from what portion of her pussy was contained within the box to the very back of it, which still remained in her body, attached to everything else, but he could tell that a portion of his cock was currently across the city, because it would've extended beyond the back of the box just a little.

His hands clenched onto the sides of the box, and it was odd how much easier it was to control the tempo like this, but the sensations of her pussy all around him were just like her being on top of him. Still, without either of them having to figure out how to maneuver one another, he could start to push her pussy up and down on his cock faster than he might normally be able to do.

Everything was so different and yet also somehow completely familiar. He could distinctly tell it was Cindy's pussy around his cock, but the way it was held within his hands was almost like he was fucking her face, it was so mobile and light. He could feel her clench and then relax, trying to do her best to apply some sense of control over the rhythm, but because of the set up, he had all the leverage and control over it, all of which she'd trusted him with.

It also let him try all sorts of odd sensations that neither him nor Cindy had likely ever encountered before. For example, he slid the boxed pussy all the way down onto his cock until the lips were pressed against the base of his shaft, and then he began to slowly rotate the box. Such a feat would've been far more complicated with her present, but thanks to the box, he could easily make his cock rotate inside of her cunt, feeling her shiver and quake a little bit around it. He wasn't entirely sure, but he thought the act of him rotating his cock around and around inside of her pussy set her off on at least one orgasm, and he could definitely feel increased slickness dripping down onto his crotch.

Now that she'd gotten hers, he intended to get his. He moved to set the box so that her clit was pointing downward, which meant it would tumble up against his balls whenever the box met deep flesh. Then he started dribbling the box up and down in his lap at a good clip, pushing her detached pussy down to the base of his cock again and again, a smile crossing his face as he imagined her whimpering in intense pleasure somewhere in the hotel's locker rooms, or maybe in the showers, so she could pass off the excuse of her noises, or bury them beneath the sound of heavy rushing water.

Her muscles were starting to grip him firmly, hard squeezes each time his cock pressed deep, like she was trying to compress his entire shaft, as he started to breath faster himself, his nostrils flaring in snorted hot breaths, feeling her body connect with his, despite all the distance.

Before he knew it, he could feel his balls starting to draw up, that heavy tingling at the base of his cock giving only a moment's warning, and then he began to spew loads of hot ropy cum up inside of her pussy, feeling her walls tug and pull, like she was trying to milk it all out of him, as he gasped for breath, the very physics of it all keeping his cock hilt deep inside of her pussy as he started to soften, a playful little laugh crossing his lips.

A minute or two later, his phone buzzed with another message.

-Oh my God. Tell me that was good for you too.-

-The best.- he typed back. -Love you.-

-Love you too. Don't forget to clean up.-

-In a bit.-


He chuckled throatily and slowly pulled the box with her pussy in it up and off his cock, flipping it over suddenly so that the physics of it was changed entirely, and his cum was dripping back and up deeper inside of her instead of falling out. Shawn suspected if he put the lid back on, the physics would revert back to normal, so he decided to wait for a bit, letting his cum slowly crawl up her inner walls before he grabbed a towel, wiping himself off as he laughed and blew a bit of cool air across the top of the box.

It was going to be a fun month.



This has to become a series writing!