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Part Three

Rachel Munroe – 3/6/2017 – Monday – 11:57 pm

Just before midnight, Rachel decided they had to kick things up a few notches and get this train moving, otherwise it was going to peter out without Max having a go at anyone, and that just wouldn't do. “Frankie, be a dear and get everyone a new round of drinks while I think up who to have a go at, would you?”

“Yeah, sure. Same again?” he asked, and everyone nodded. Max looked like he was about to try and tap out, but Jenny bounced her thigh in his lap and he fell silent and simply nodded in agreement. “Back in just a minute.”

“While I'm thinking, Max, what made you decide to run a food truck?” Rachel asked. She already knew the answer – all the girls did, if they'd done their homework – but it would make it seem like she was giving him a chance to open up while she pondered and planned her next move.

As expected, Max told the story of how the restaurant he'd had burned down and due to a patch of bad luck, insurance hadn't covered any of it, leaving him out a sizable investment, which he'd been trying to recoup through the food truck. The girls awwwed and oooohed him, giving him sympathy and setting expectations that they all cared about the struggle he'd gone through over the past years, Jenny rubbing his back as Zoe stroked his arm.

By the time Frankie had come back with another round of beers, Rachel knew what tact she should use next, and decided it was time to give Jenny the set up. One of the things Rachel was very good at was neurolinguistic programming, the art of using specific word choices to guide people into the decisions you wanted them to make, so she hoped she would be able to get this to work.

“Okay, Jenny, you want the easy dare or are you confident enough to give out the truth?”

Jenny's eyebrows perked up a little bit at that, but it looked like she picked up on the cue that Rachel was trying to send her. “Fine, you think you can scare me, Rach? Hit me with the truth.”

“Tell everyone here what you told me about what you got up to at Ironwood last month,” Rachel said, a satisfied smug grin on her face. The fact that the Ironwood Estates Club didn't even exist meant that Jenny could invent any sort of sexual story she liked, but it would plant the initial seed of the building's legend, and give Jenny a chance to spin it into what they needed it to be – a place where sexual encounters happened all the time.

Jenny grinned, rolling her eyes and tried to fake a blush, trying to cover as much of her face as she could with her right hand. “Oh god, I so should've fucking picked dare,” she giggled. “You evil bitch. You distracted me by having your tits out!”

“No excuses!” Rachel laughed, shaking her fist in the air. “Tell the story!”

“Oh fuck, yeah, okay,” Jenny said, and Rachel could see the gears in the cop's brain spin up quickly as she started to construct a story to reel Max in even further. “So I belong to a private club called The Ironwood Estates Club.”

“Don't forget to tell him what kind of club it is!” Zoe said, pointing a finger at Jenny across Max's chest, the two women still on either side of him on the couch.

“Jesus, Zo, lemme talk a fucking second, wouldja?” Jenny rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “It's a private sex club, sort of a swingers haven, where people can come and have sex with anyone they like, safely, securely and discretely, so I'm not gonna describe any of the people involved beyond some very basic things, okay? I went to the club to relax, because I didn't really wanna have sex, but I wanted to watch people having sex. And I kinda wanted to do more than watch, but I didn't wanna have sex, and so I went where I always do when I've got a weird need, which is The Ironwood Estates Club, the local one anyway, up in the Berkeley hills.”

“What do you mean local one?” Michelle asked. 'Good,' Rachel thought to herself, 'pretend like you don't know anything about this, and so she can add color to the legend. The details are how we sell this and make it feel real.'

“It's part of a bigger chain, and they've got like sixty or seventy clubs worldwide,” Jenny said. “The Bay Area's the only region with three of them, though. One in Berkeley, another down near Santa Cruz and a third one up in the Napa Valley somewhere. I dunno, I only ever really go to the one in Berkeley,” she said. “You want me to tell this or not?”

“Sorry!” Michelle said, holding her hands up in apology. “Go on.”

“So I went to Ironwood looking to have a little fun, and I hung out at the bar in the lounge while I was looking, trying to scope people who might be a good match for what I was in the mood for, and in comes this elegant woman with two naked men on a leash following her,” Jenny said. “She comes over, sits down at the bar and introduces herself while the two men curl up on the floor behind us. She asks me what I was looking for that day and I tell her I was just in the mood to watch some people going at it.”

“You know, they make porn for that kind of thing,” Frankie said, sitting back down next to Rachel, putting his arm around her. She decided to snuggle into it a bit as Jenny continued with the story, trying to sell the image to Max more than Frankie.

“They make diet soda and decaffeinated coffee as well, Frankie,” Jenny teased, “and those all suck just about as much when compared to the real thing. Anyway, the woman at the bar tells me she's looking for someone to direct her and her two boytoys for an hour or so. The woman tells me she doesn't like handing control over her sexuality to men, but the idea of a woman having control of her for an hour, well, that's a trifle she enjoys every now and again. She asks me if I'd like to do that, to spend an hour telling her and her two men what to do.”

“When you say 'telling her what to do,' you mean...” Max asked.

“Oh yeah,” Jenny says, sliding her thigh back and forth on his lap. “She told me I could tell the three of them to do whatever I wanted, make them touch each other, suck each other, fuck each other, and that basically nothing was offlimits. She told me she'd actually forced the two men with her – she called one Worm and the other Toad – she'd forced them into being bisexual, so whatever I wanted them to do, or her to do, for an hour, they'd do it. She said I could have exactly one hour to make them all do whatever depraved and twisted things I could think of.”

“So what did–” Michelle started to ask.

“All of it,” Jenny said. “I made them all suck each other, I made them all fuck each other, I made the two guys spitroast the woman and made sure she was gagging around the cock in her throat until she had tears running down her cheeks. And just before the hour ran out, I made them DP her, her straddling one guy, bent forward so that the other could pummel her asshole with his cock, and told her to beg them to fuck her like a two-dollar whore.”

“Holy fuck,” Zoe mumbled. “And after it was over?”

“After it was over, she thanked me for helping them have a wonderful evening, said she hoped we'd run into each other again at the club some day, then headed to the showers with her two men back on their leashes,” Jenny said, squirming in her seat on the couch. “And I haven't seen them since.”

“So you like being in control,” Max said with a chuckle.

“Mmm,” Jenny replied noncommittally. “I like being an enabler. I like encouraging people to do the kinds of things they're already thinking about, and talking them into going a little further than they'd originally planned to. I mean, in that case, I could tell the woman wanted someone to surprise her, to get her outside of her comfort zone, and so when given the opportunity, well, I fucking took it. The last thing I want to do is look back and my life and say I turned down some amazing opportunity because I was too nervous or scared.”

“To taking every opportunity!” Rachel cheered, raising her bottle of beer in toast.

“To taking every opportunity!” everyone replied, toasting with her.

After she finished taking a pull from her beer, Jenny grinned, leaning forward to look across Max's chest to Zoe. “Zo, truth or dare?”

“Fuck you, Jen,” Zoe said, “I'm not giving you room to ask me some insane truth question. Bring it on with the dares.”

“I dare you to get a piece of underwear from every girl here except Rach,” Jenny said, “and then to rub them, one by one, in Max's fucking face. Bra or panties, dealer's choice.”

Rachel had to admit, it was a great way to kickstart the pace a little bit, to move from slow burn into fiery charge, as it would get all the girls closer towards being naked around Max and Frankie. Things were moving along nicely.

Zoe's eyes widened a little, although Rachel knew it was all just for show. “Fuck, I just cannot win with you, can I?” She giggled though, as if the idea of it was turning her on. “Fine, I'll start with me.” She stood up and hiked her skirt up a little bit, enough so she could reach her hands up underneath it, and slide down her black lacy panties at the same time she pulled her skirt back down, so nobody could see anything, as if trying to conceal her modesty just a little bit longer. Once she got them down to her ankles, she stepped out of her panties and crouched down to pick them up off the floor, leaning forward to rub them against Max's face. “There, take a deep whiff of what Swedish pussy smells like while I'm off to get your next delight.”

“You're from New York, bitch,” Jenny laughed.

“My mom's Swedish, ho,” Zoe teased back.

Max's jaw had nearly dropped when Zoe was rubbing her panties against his face, and he almost seemed like he was in shock, as she dropped them into his lap before walking over to Michelle, sizing up the pint-sized Texan.

“What's it gonna be, short stack?” Zoe asked her.

Michelle shrugged and pulled her top up and over her head, setting it aside before reaching down and unclasping the front clasp on her bra, exposing those large plump tits of hers, with large pink aerolae more than half the size of a compact disc, the nipples stiff at being revealed the crowd of eyes, as she slid the straps off her shoulders and handed it to Zoe. She didn't seem embarrassed at all. If anything she seemed to revel in the attention her breasts were getting for the moment.

Zoe took the bra back over to Max, moving to rub one large cup against his nose, then the other, taking her time in making sure he could inhale thoroughly, not letting him pull back or away. “Go on, inhale the scent of perfume and Texan titflesh sweat all mixed together.” After half a minute of making Max breathe it in, she dropped the bra into his lap and moved to his side, looking down at Jenny with a wide smile. “Your turn.”

Jenny nodded. “Oh, I know,” she said, sliding her legs off Max's lap, turning a little bit, bringing her legs together. “Reach down and get them, Zo,” Jenny said to her, smirking a bit, as if daring the girl to challenge her.

“You're such a bitch sometimes, Jenny,” Zoe said, but she still moved down onto her knees and reached her hands up underneath Jenny's short skirt, slowly drawing down a bright red thong, an image on the front of it that Rachel couldn't quite make out from the distance. After pulling the thong off Jenny's legs, Zoe moved the cop's thighs back over Max's lap, forcing the bra and panties there to scrunch up against his stomach.

“What the hell is on her thong?” Rachel decided to ask.

Zoe tossed it over to her for a second, and Rachel had to do her best not to break down giggling. On the front of the thong was a little golden gate between golden fencing, and above and below the image were written the words “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.” Rachel tossed it back to Zoe, who immediately shoved it against Max's nose. “There you go. Locally grown, all natural, organic Californian cunt, from farm to table,” she said, making sure Max breathed in at least a couple of times before dropping the thong into the little space between his stomach and Jenny's legs, where the other clothing items had gathered.

Rachel wondered how hard Max's cock had to be at that point. His nose was a little red with alcohol blush, and he was squirming just a little bit, as Zoe sat down on the other side of him again, and this time chose to put her legs up across Max's lap at well, so now he was doubly pinned down between Jenny's thighs and Zoe's calves, unable to get up even if he wanted to.

“Frankie,” Zoe said, “truth or dare.”

“Dare!” Frankie said. “Whaddaya got for me?”

“I dare you to wrap your mouth around one of Rachel's tits and not let it out of your mouth until the next time the game comes back to you,” she said, grinning. Rachel had expected something like this. With Frankie as a known quantity, they could use him to up the stakes a bit, and once Max saw that Frankie was going along with it, he'd feel the peer pressure to stay in the game as well.

“How am I going to take my next turn then?” Frankie said, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, you'll figure it out,” Rachel said to him, grabbing him by the back of the neck, pulling his face down to press against one of her tits, as she felt him wrap his lips around it and suckle on it, his tongue flicking against her nipple, which made her shiver a bit. Frankie wasn't really her type, but needs must. “Get your phone out, Frankie.”

Frankie nodded his head a little, unable to remove his mouth, and brought his phone up near his face, so he could see, typing with one hand before holding up the phone to Rachel.

“Frankie says, 'Max, truth or dare?'” This made Rachel a little nervous, because they didn't have any real control over Frankie, so he could possibly escalate things too quickly, although it looked like they had Max where they wanted to and he wouldn't rock the boat too much, no matter what sort of question Frankie asked him, because there was no way that he–

“Fuck it, dare me, Frankie,” Max said.

'Well shit,' Rachel thought to herself. 'Here we go.' She saw Frankie typing one handed on his phone, and she almost felt sorry for him, seeing him peck with his thumb, having to backspace several times to get the sentence finally out. “Oh Frankie, really?” she sighed, reading the message, although internally she had to admit, it was an excellent dare. He nodded, but didn't remove his lips from her breast. “Okay then, I guess he did ask for it. Frankie says, 'I dare you to find out if Zoe and Jenny are shaved or unshaved without looking.'”

“How am I–” Max started as Zoe immediately grabbed his left hand Jenny grabbed his right, each of them sliding one of his hands up their own thigh, slipping his digits up and under their skirts, bringing his left hand to Zoe's pussy and his right hand to Jenny's. “Oh. Ah. Oh. I see.” Max didn't seem to feel comfortable looking over at either woman, so he kept his eyes forward, looking at the back of Frankie's head, as Frankie had turned on his phone's camera, so he could watch behind him. “Zoe is, uh, clean shaven, and Jenny, um, Jenny has a patch of  hair above her pussy.”

Rachel smirked a little, seeing Max was about to try and draw his hands back, when each of the girls grabbed his forearm with both hands, holding his hand against their cunts for a moment, rocking their hips up to grind against his hand, not for long, but for long enough that it made Max turn a very deep shade of red, even as the girls were pulling on his wrists to make him touch them a bit. “Looks like you've got your hands full, Max.”

“Uh, sure seems like it,” he said, his face looking a little overwhelmed.

“Hey Max,” Jenny teased, “make a number 1 gesture with both hands.”

“Uh, okay,” he said, and Rachel suspected beneath both girls' skirts, he'd curled his middle, ring and pinky fingers in, leaving his indexes extended, as instructed. “Why am I doing this?” He seemed to be just drunk enough to go along with almost anything they suggested.

Jenny looked over at Zoe and nodded, and both girls gasped, as they each shoved one of Max's index fingers inside their pussy. Then they slowly slipped them out, pulling Max's hands out from under their skirts, and then brought both fingers up to Max's lips, shoving them both into his mouth, so he tasted the two girl's snatches at the same time. After a moment, he pulled the fingers from his mouth and grinned. “This is getting wild,” he said, and at that point, Rachel was pretty sure they had him hooked. “Okay, Rachel, truth or dare.”

“Considering I don't think I could do most dares with Frankie latched onto my tit like a leech, I'll go with truth,” she laughed.

“Have you ever had sex in public?”

She grinned a little, her face scrunching up, almost like she was wincing at the thought of answering the question. “Yes. Very public. In fact, I'm pretty sure at least a few hundred people in London have seen my tits mashed up against glass.” The entire room started laughing, and Frankie waved a hand in the air to get everyone to quiet down, then rolled a finger at her, urging her to carry on. “So, this was like four or five years ago, I was visiting London with my boyfriend at the time, and we were taking a bus back to our hotel after a long night of drinking, and I was fucking horny, so I asked him if he'd ever had sex on a bus before. We were on the top of one of those red double decker buses, and there wasn't anyone else up there, so I started sucking him off, and once he was hard, I climbed into his lap and bounced on his dick. He got so excited, he pulled up my top and pressed my tits right up against the glass, right as we were going past this crowd of people, and I was busy cumming, and I was cumming hard so I couldn't stop him, but I could see dozens of people looking up at us, cheering, as he dumped a load right up my pussy.”

Michelle was the first to speak, after what felt like a long period of silence. “Fuck, that sounded hot. I've always wanted to have sex in a public place before, but I've been too chicken, y'all.” Rachel could see the girl's nipples had stiffened during the telling of the story, and Michelle certainly seemed aware of it, although she didn't look uncomfortable about it, which was good. To get this to work, they were all going to have to be at least a little comfortable with each other sexually.

“I could always try and get you in over at Ironwood, 'Chelle,” Jenny volunteered. “It's basically by referral only, but I'm sort of friends with the admin of the local branch, so getting people in wouldn't be too difficult.”

'That's it,' Rachel thought to herself. 'Seed the idea in Max's head. Let it grow on its own.'

“Lemme think about it,” Michelle said. “It sounds like a lot of fun, but I also gotta be careful not to rush into anything.”

“Rushing into things is how you have fun,” Zoe teased, rubbing the sole of her foot against Max's knee. “Planning all the time is all well and good, but now and again, you have to just say 'fuck it' and go at something with as much energy as you can muster. Anyway, it's your go, Rach.”

“Mmmm, I could let Frankie off the hook, but to be honest, I'm having far too much fun feeling his tongue constantly flicking against my nipple,” she giggled, as Frankie made some kind of squawk of protest. “Max, I'm coming back to you again.”

“I can't handle a dare right now, so truth.”

“You should learn that my truths are just as dangerous as my dares, if not more so,” she said with a giggle. “What are the top three things a woman can do to turn you on?” Rachel was fine with him dipping out and taking the 'safe' route for truth instead of dare, because it let all the girls get a better bead on what kinds of things they could use to lure him into sexual encounters, and they were certainly going to pass on this information to the other women.

It was odd how quickly all of them had transitioned from 'I gotta get mine' to 'all for one,' Rachel thought, but it also made sense. So many of them needed to succeed in their individual goals for all of them to succeed in the collective goal. She didn't envy whoever decided she wanted to make a go at getting him to marry them after the game was done – it seemed like an almost impossible challenge.

She was roused from her thoughts when Max finally seemed ready to answer her question. “Three things, huh? Well, first and foremost, I don't know any man who isn't turned on by women wanting him, so that's a given, I guess. Like, when a woman really wants me, and has cranked up the charm offensive all the way to 'Extreme Overkill,' that's incredibly appealing. She can be overly aggressive, and makes sure I know that she wants me, that's the second thing. I don't mean force me to do anything I don't want, but being the initiator, the person who's willing to start shit and escalate shit, that sort of thing. And third? Uh... Oh! And there's this spot, right behind my ears but down a bit, where my skull sort of runs into my neck, and that spot's incredibly sensitive, on both sides.”

“What, this spot here?” Zoe said, leaning forward to run a fingertip along one side, and Max shivered in response, nodding, maybe a bit more frantically than he'd intended to. “Jenny, get the other side.”

Jenny grinned, and brought her fingertip up to run parallel to Zoe's, up and down just below his other ear, and his hands clenched on their legs a little bit, as he bit his bottom lip. “What, like this?”

“That's... that's going to make it very hard for me to focus,” he said, closing his eyes.

“Oh, well then,” Zoe said. “I'm sure we'll stop any minute now, won't we, J?”

“Most def, Z,” Jenny said, nodding her head before shaking her head, grinning widely.

“Then the game's going to be at a standstill until you stop,” he teased, “because I can't focus enough to ask anyone anything.” It was good, he was starting to get into the spirit of it.

“Fine,” Zoe huffed, rolling her eyes, as both she and Jenny pulled their fingers away from his skull. “Go on then.”

“Frankie, truth or dare,” Max said with a laugh, which only grew louder as Frankie pulled his mouth off of Rachel's breast and gasped a deep lungful of air, like he'd been drowning in her titflesh.

“Oh thank fuck, I thought my tongue was about to go limp,” Frankie said with a laugh. “Truth, truth. I need a minute to let my tongue fucking recover.”

“You're gonna be regretting that, Frankie, lemme tell ya,” Max said with a chuckle. “Tell your most embarrassing sex story.”

“Oh come on, Max,” Frankie whimpered. “It's gonna completely kill the mood!”

“How on earth could an embarrassing sex story do that?” Michelle asked.

“Please, Max? Anything else? I'm beggin' ya, man.”

“Fine fine,” Max said with a sigh. “I guess I can let you slide on that one, but I'm gonna have to give you two dares to make up for it.”

Frankie rolled his eyes a bit, but nodded. “Yeah, okay, as long as we're tempoing up rather than down.”

“So first dare – until your next turn, you have to keep your hand under Rachel's skirt and can't take it out.”

Frankie grinned wickedly, batting his eyelashes. “I mean, if I must, then I must.” Rachel knew her skirt was big and billowy, so she shifted it so Frankie could slide his hand up and underneath it, although he gasped a little bit as his hand reached high.

“Now you know why Jenny said Zoe could skip me when it came to rubbing undies in Max's face,” Rachel said with a giggle. “I already had my tits out, and I'm not wearing panties, so you better be good with those fingers, otherwise you are gonna end up with blue balls tonight mister.”

Frankie nodded, and she could feel him starting to rub his fingertips back and forth across her pussy tenderly, trying to warm her up. His touch wasn't bad. Nothing to right home about, but not bad. “And the other dare, Max?”

“I dare you to take Rachel's left hand and shove it down the front of your pants and hold it there until it your next turn as well,” Max said, grinning with mischief in his eyes. Good, Rachel thought to herself, he's upping the game, but doing it for Frankie first, so it doesn't look like he's some kind of player. He's a good friend, she decided.

Of course, she still had a part to play here, so immediately she said, “Hey, I didn't agree to–” But she let the sentence die as Max grabbed her left hand with his own and pushed her fingertips down the front of his jeans and boxers, as she felt her eyes widen just a little bit. She hadn't expected Frankie to be packing quite the weapon, as her fingers brushed across what felt like a very long, if maybe a little slender, cock. “Oh, Frankie,” she purred. “Is that for me? You shouldn't have.”

“Mmmm... now who should I ask next?” Frankie said, his fingertips slowly stroking back and forth across her folds, teasing a little against her clit. “Rach? Who do you think has gotten off too easy up until now?”

“Oh, I think you should let Michelle have it. She's in need of something epic,” she said, forcing her eyes to reopen, even though Frankie's touch on her vulva was delicious. “Really give her a challenge, Frankie.”

“Okay Michelle,” Frankie said, “truth or dare?”

The diminutive blonde rolled her eyes dismissively. “Like I was gonna say truth. Give me a real fuckin' dare here, Frankie. Something I can sink my teeth into.”

“Fine then,” Frankie said, as he pushed his middle fingertip up to the first knuckle inside of Rachel's pussy, hidden beneath the skirt. “You can either tell Max a sexual fantasy you've never had the chance to live out, or you can take his pants off without using your hands.”

Michelle giggled a little bit, as she started to crawl over on her hands and knees towards the couch. “Fuck it, Imma do both,” she said, a devilish smile on her lips. “Girls, you're gonna have to move your legs.”

Rachel watched as both Jenny and Zoe moved to lean their backs against the arms of the couch, then slid their legs back, raising their knees up into the air as they bent their legs and spread them wide, their feet just barely touched Max's thighs on either side. The way their skirts were tented, she was certain if he looked to his left or right, he'd get an eyeful of either girl's exposed pussy, but for now, he seemed to be focused on Michelle, as she pushed his knees together with her elbows, as she almost crawled her face into his lap.

“So when Jenny was talking about how she'd ordered a trio of people around, I was so fucking turned on, because that's what I've always wanted,” she purred, pausing to lean in, unbuttoning his jeans with her teeth, using the tip of her tongue to push the button through the hole. “I like the idea of someone bossing me around.” She grabbed the zipper with her teeth and dragged it downward. “And I love the idea of roleplaying I'm getting bred.” She kissed at his waistline, flicking her tongue out along the top of his boxers. “Like a bitch. Like I'm in heat. Girls, get him to lift his hips, would you?”

Both Jenny and Zoe dug their toes underneath his thighs and lifted their legs a little bit, making sure Max raised his ass off the seat, having his arms flat against the back of it, as Michelle used her teeth to tug his jeans down one side of his hips before moving and shifting to the other, as she said, “Down on all fours, my tits swinging beneath me, my hair bunched up in your hand like a bridle.” Her teeth grabbed the other side and pulled it down to his knees, before allowing him to sit back down on the couch.

His cock was swollen and hard against the boxer briefs he was wearing, trapped down, but the outline of it visible to all of the girls, who were looking on eagerly. Max looked a little nervous, though he hadn't asked Michelle to stop, so Rachel hope the girl wasn't done yet. She could push him even further while she got his jeans off the rest of the way.

“Jenny telling me what a good little bitch I'm being for you,” Michelle said before her wrists grabbed his ankle, lifting one leg up so she could tug on the jeans with her teeth again, pulling them off one leg. “Her telling you to go at me harder, rougher, that I can take it, that I deserve it, that it's what I'm good for, what a good little whore I am.”

Rachel could feel Frankie's cock pulsing beneath her touch, and he pushed his middle finger good and deep as Michelle talked. It was clear she was having that effect on pretty much everyone in the room. Rachel was impressed – she hadn't thought the tiny Texan had it in her.

“Zoe slapping my face and my ass,” Michelle said, shifting to get in position to get the other leg. “Telling me how pretty I'm gonna be with a swollen belly, first with your cum, then with your child.” Rachel worried that Michelle was going too far, but Max seemed to be thinking it was all just a fantasy, as Michelle pulled down the other leg with her teeth, finally tugging them off entirely, pushing them in a crumpled heap to one side. “Both of them reminding me,” she said, kissing one of his feet. “That all I'm good for,” she purred as she kissed his calf. “Is being a hole for your cum,” as she kissed the top of his thigh. “And that I should say thank you for putting some in my needy,” as she kissed his boxers to the left of his cock. “Greedy,” as she kissed his boxers  to the right of his cock. “Cunt,” she said, just snaking her tongue out, to drag the tip of it along the center of his cock through the boxers before pulling back, blowing him a kiss, as she moved to plop down on her ass right in front of his feet, placing her hands behind her on the rug, which meant her tits were directly in his eyeline if he looked down at her..

“Holy fuck,” Max whispered quietly. He was starting to look completely overwhelmed, which Rachel took to mean the shock-and-awe approach the girls were using was working, and they needed to not let up, not give him even a minute to catch his bearings.

“Who's up, Michelle?” Rachel said, making sure that the pace kept up.

“Jenny,” Michelle said. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare me, bitch,” the cop laughed. “Do your worst.”

“Worst huh?” She pursed her lips into a smirk. “I dare you to prove which you can hold out on longer, holding your breath or suppressing your gag reflex.”

“Done!” she giggled, sliding her feet off the couch, bending her legs to bring them underneath her as she turned around the couch. “But I don't think you all need to see,” she said, pulling her hair out of the bun, letting those golden curls with streaks of fire in them, drape down as she moved onto her knees on the couch, placing her hands on either side of Max's thighs.

“Hey now,” Max said, “you don't have to–”

Zoe reached over and slid her hand over his mouth, forcing him to be quiet, “You know when you said you'd done everything, Max, you weren't being accurate. You'd had a threesome, but certainly not a foursome. Now hush up.”

Rachel couldn't see it happening, no one in the room could, but she was fairly certain beneath the thick curtain of hair that Jenny had draped around her, the cop had fished out Max's cock, because he gasped a little bit, as everyone heard Jenny draw in a deep inhale of air. Then everyone saw her head lower down as Max whimpered a little, as he was getting deep throated by the strawberry blonde, who pushed her head all the way down  and clearly was holding it in her throat for what felt like an eternity, although it was probably not much longer than a minute or two. After that endless moment, she drew her head back, and from beneath the shield of hair, Jenny inhaled sharply before giggling, as she reached a hand up to tuck his cock away again, never letting anyone else in the room get sight of it, then pulled her head back, leaving him just as she'd found him, although perhaps a little wetter and harder. “I hope you didn't mind that, Max,” she purred, “because I personally enjoyed the hell out of that and can't wait to do it again.”

“I, uh, I... I, yes, I definitely enjoyed that,” he said while Jenny moved to settle back in her original position, although she had hiked her skirt up to her waist now, exposing that Max had been telling the truth, and there was a very fine, light strawberry blonde patch of curls above her exposed snatch, the hair so light it almost got lost against her skin tone. The girl also had no tan lines, to Rachel's amazement.

“You taste scrumptious,” she giggled before looking across at Zoe. “Zo, truth or–”

“Oh, dare dare definitely fucking dare,” the Nordic looking blonde said, licking her lips.

“I dare you to finger Michelle for thirty seconds, then smear your fingers on your lips and kiss Max like that.”

Zoe grinned down at Michelle. “Am I getting down there or are you coming up here?”

“Aw, shucks,” Michelle said, “I s'pose I can join y'all on the couch.” She moved to stand up before sliding her ass into Zoe's lap, making sure to keep her legs spread a bit, which hiked that skirt up high, exposing a black thong beneath. “Max didn't get to find out about me, so lemme show him,” she said, pulling the thong down to expose her bare shaven pussy, tossing the thong on top of his jeans.

Every from her strained vantage point, Rachel could see that Michelle's labia were neatly tucked in, her plumpness making her vagina look extremely smooth. Max had been trying not to look, but Zoe turned his head for him, making sure he got an eyeful as Zoe slid her longer, slender fingers downwards and started to stroke two of them across Michelle's cunt before pushing them in, making the Texan gasp a little bit as she was penetrated.

“Mmmpph,” Michelle moaned. “Girls always know how to touch other girls best.” She bucked her hips up a little, trying to lean in as Zoe slide those two fingers in and out of her pussy. “Your hands're so soft, darlin'.” She leaned her head back in a low moan, her tongue snaking out over her lips. “Fuck, you could do that all night long if y'wanted.”

“Time's up, 'Chelle,” Zoe said, sliding her fingers out of the Texan as she whimpered in protest. Then Zoe slowly brought her fingers, sticky and glistening, up to her lips. She smoothed them across her lips, getting them good and slick before leaning forward, grabbing Max with her other hand as she kissed him hard, making sure to use her tongue to smear the taste of Michelle's pussy into both their mouths.

Mrs. Churchill – 3/7/2017 – Tuesday – 1:18 am

“Fuckin' hell, they wound him up good,” Mrs. Churchill said, watching on the big screen in the center of their sea of monitors, as Zoe and Max locked lips on the couch while Michelle had reached down and was rubbing his cock through his boxer briefs, not yet taking it out, mostly just seeming to enjoy working him up.

“Told you I chose the first group well,” Jacinda said smugly, leaning back in her expensive Aeron chair, taking a sip from her mug of coffee with the words 'World's Baddest Bitch' on the side of it in an aggressive font. “Them using Rachel to peel Frankie off and make it all look more legit was a smart move on Zoe's part, especially since the timing isn't quite right for her cycle yet.”

“If only we could control biology like we do everything else in this man's twisted little vacay,”  Maia grumbled. “And you're sure you checked this dude that he's not firing blanks, Mrs. C?”

Mrs. Churchill wanted to reach over and slap Maia, but it was a fair concern to have, even if it was ridiculous, and something that she'd already taken into account. “I had him tested for virility, so don't you mind,” she grumbled. “He's not firing blanks. He's a healthy normal man for his age. And assuming all you ladies do your jobs right, we should be able to collect our fee and enjoy a very long vacation. I'd say we could all retire, but I think we have too much fun in our line of work to ever want to quit, don't you agree?”

The heavy set black woman named Lynne laughed. She was the most recent addition to the team, and was responsible for all the technical aspects of the project – the cameras, the website, etc. “I mean, if all our gigs are basically watching and managing porn 24 hours a day for three months, it's certainly the best job I've ever had,” she said, tapping the screen as Zoe, Michelle, Jenny and Max were moving towards one bedroom while Rachel and Frankie were moving towards another. “Ten bucks says she blue balls him,” Lynne said, pointing towards Rachel with her left hand. “No way she's gonna ball that dude now that she don't have to.”

“I'll take a piece of that action,” Jacinda said.

“As will I,” Mrs. Churchill said.

“You want in on either side of this, Maia?”

“Fine, I'll go into the against side, make it a nice two on two,” Maia answered.

The four women sat and watched for just a minute, and as soon as Frankie was inside the bedroom, he was peeling off his clothes, even as Rachel continued to strip down. They had the volume down for Rachel's room, because they needed to have their sound up for the room Max was in. And as Frankie moved towards the bed, Rachel moved over to the dresser and pulled out a condom, tossing it to him, as Jacinda pumped her fist in the air while Lynne groaned. “Oh gurl, what the fuck?” Lynne said, shaking her head. “Why you doin' this?”

“Because it sells their story,” Jacinda said, as she was taking ten dollar bills from Maia and Lynne. They handed bills over to Mrs. Churchill next, who nodded.

“We told them that having Frankie on their side would be beneficial, and Rachel even knew it wouldn't be her best time of the month to get pregnant,” Mrs. Churchill said, “so she's making sure that there aren't holes in the tale they're spinning him.”

“By getting her hole a little action,” Maia said. “Not that I'm jealous or anything.”

“Besides,” Jacinda continued, “Rachel getting her own rocks off while everyone else is having their go at Max probably takes the edge off.”

“Speaking of which,” Lynne said, “looks like they're all naked and dayum if that boy ain't packing some pipe. I mean, it's not jumbo long or anything, but it looks thick, like it could do some damage if it wanted to.”

“Meh,” Maia said with disinterest, “I've seen plenty bigger.”

“The fuck you have,” Jacinda replied, rolling her eyes.

“So now we get to see who's gonna go first,” Mrs. Churchill said. “C'mon, Zoe, you know you want it, you greedy little bitch. You know you wanna be first in, last out.”

Max Brewster – 3/7/2017 – Tuesday – 1:23 am

'How in the hell did I get myself here?' Max thought to himself. 'This is not at all I expected how my night out drinking would go. I expected a boring night losing at trivia followed by a late night Netflix binge session. Instead, we met up with four girls, who poured drinks into me all night long and most of whom are now shacking up with me in a foursome. I mean, I guess I'm not complaining, but...'

The girls had pulled him into one of their bedrooms, although Max didn't have any idea which of the girls had been sleeping here alone before now. They'd all stripped naked as soon as the door was closed, and they were definitely easy on the eyes.

Michelle was curvy, and while he'd already been able to enjoy the sight of her tits for much of the last hour, now he could see her entire naked body, as she looked at him from her wide stance, her hands on her hips. It surprised him that she had such obvious tan lines around her waist because she didn't have any around her breasts, but he guessed she tanned topless in her back yard or something, and just hadn't felt comfortable doing it completely in the nude yet.

Zoe, by stark contrast, was slender and pale, her skin almost the tone of marble, and she was slender enough that he could see the faint outline of her ribs when she reached up to take her glasses off, setting them atop the dresser in the room. Her breasts were small and pert, easily the tiniest of the three girls, although the confident way in which she moved seemed to compensate for that. She had the most exposed labia of the three.

Jenny split the difference in terms of build, more muscular than either of the other two, the body of a woman who spent regular time at the gym. Her breasts weren't heavy like Michelle's, but they weren't slight like Zoe's either. She was well tanned, but nary a tan line in sight, and yet, the tan wasn't excessive or overdone. She didn't look like she lived lounging around in the sun, but like she enjoyed making time to catch a few rays. He'd put twenty-to-one down that she was a surfer in her spare time.

Max realized he had been staring a bit, as he'd missed Michelle dropping to her knees in front of him, trying to slide his cock into her mouth before pulling her head back. “Fuck, Jen, how'd y'all hold that in your throat so dang long?” she said with a laugh. “I think I hurt my jaw tryin' t' get the hog in.”

“Amateur,” Jenny said, smirking down. She grabbed Max's shoulders in her hands and shoved him back onto the bed with a sudden push, the amount of force she used catching him off guard as he fell onto the bed, as Jenny climbed onto the bed over him. “Whoever takes the worst spot round one gets him round two.” She straddled her legs on either side of him, and he tried to sit up, but she placed the palm of her hand against his sternum and forced him down onto his back again, as she leaned down to kiss him hard, while her other hand was grabbing onto his cock.

“Aww,” Michelle said, as Max could feel his cock getting brought to press against Jenny's snatch. There were alarm bells going off in his head, that he should get a condom, that he barely knew these girls, that he didn't know any of their last names, but all of those thoughts were ripped from his head as he felt Jenny push her cunt down onto his cock, her velvety walls tight and warm around his shaft. “She snaked out the first go at him. Sneaky slut”

He felt her hips moving to slide down until his dick was fully slotted inside of her, at which point she let out a delighted moan. “God, I've fucking missed this,” Jenny purred into his face. “A nice big dick just stretching me out, forcing me open.” He was about to answer her, when she leaned in and kissed him hard, refusing to let him get a word in edgewise.

Her kiss was hungry, but there was a sort of genuine passion behind it that he wasn't expecting. At this point, he'd mostly written this off to being a drunken fever dream, or girls just cutting loose and letting off steam, but Jenny's lips against his seemed to have real affection in them, which was nice, even in the middle of all this sexual hedonistic activity.

Jenny pulled back from the kiss, leaning to sit upright atop his cock, and as Max was about to lean forward, he saw Zoe moving to straddle his face, her ass over his collarbone as she brought her pussy to his mouth. “Put that talented tongue of yours to good use, mister,” she said to him, her hands smoothing through his graying hair. “Show me how good a beard rubbed against my clit feels.”

One of the things Max knew he was actually pretty good at was cunnilingus, having been complimented by every partner he'd ever had. He'd been surprised that so many of them had tales of men who refused to go down on them, and Max had resolved that he would always be willing to give some, especially if he thought he would get some in return later.

He shifted his head to bring his chin up to rub his beard against her clit for a moment, shifting his head in tiny circles, as he could see Zoe shivering above him, the sensations clearly both delightful and unfamiliar to her. It also amazed him how many men were out there with beards who'd apparently never once considered using them as a sex toy. Idiots, he thought to himself.

“Ffffuck,” she groaned. “God, that's fucking nice. Jesus Fucking Christ! Very fucking well done. Shit! Work me, you bastard. Give it to me!”

Jenny giggled, starting to rock her hips a little faster now, thrusting his cock in and out of her slippery hole. “Well, I'm giving it to him, so I'm sure he's having trouble focusing, Zo.”

“Fucking hell, if this is him having trouble focusing, I can't imagine what he's like when his head's clear.”

“With a dick this fat, I don't think he has to focus if he doesn't fucking want to,” Jenny squealed. “He can just ram in and let the monster do the work. I feel so fucking stretched. My hole's gonna be sore in the best fucking way all fucking week, holy shit...”

They had to be playing it up, Max decided. While his cock might've been a little thicker than normal – sure, he needed to wear the larger size condoms – it wasn't that thick, or at least he hadn't thought so. His partners had always described him as generous but not freakish, yet the sounds Jenny was making almost implied he was ripping her open but in a good way.

He could feel Michelle's fingernails dragging along the inside of his thigh and up to cradle his balls for a moment, fondling them as best as she could, while Jenny continued to bang herself up and down on his lap, pumping his cock in and out of her like a machine.

“Shit, I'm gonna cum already, you big dicked motherfucker,” Jenny hissed at him, one of her hands reaching around to pinch one of Zoe's tiny nipples. “Come with me,” she groaned. “I wanna feel you cumming inside me so goddamn bad. Shit! Shitshitshit here I cum, oh god, fuck I'm cumming!”

Max felt her clamping down onto his cock, and as much as he wanted to put on a brave face and be that guy who didn't cum easily, it'd been a long time since anyone other than himself had given his dick the time of day. When he felt her begin to spasm and milk at his shaft, his body gave up the ghost, his back arching as he spewed a hot load of cum into her cunt, big and gushy, his moan buried into Zoe's pussy, his mouth locked on there, his hands trying to hold each of the girls in place, pleading for a moment's respite, but Jenny kept on trying to grind him through it, as if she wanted to make sure his orgasm was unforgettable.

Jenny slumped forward against Zoe a little bit, who whimpered and whined. “You bitch,” she teased the strawberry blonde. “He was about to make me cum with that tongue of his.” Then she giggled. “Guess it just means that I'm gonna be wound up until it's my turn.”

'Turn?' Max thought. 'Are they kidding?'

Jenny slid off his cock, letting it pop from her, Zoe sliding off his face to the other side. Jenny shifted onto her back next to him on the bed, leaning into kiss him, licking some of Zoe's juices from his beard with a wry smile. “One down, two more to go.”

“Fuck sake,” Max muttered. “I dunno if I'm up to that.”

Of course, his cock was already starting to swell again.

“Liar,” Zoe giggled, adjusting so she could lean down to push her head onto his shaft, sliding all the way down to the base before drawing back up again, licking her lips clean. “Mmmm... you two taste so sweet mixed together.”

'Well, I'm dead,' Max rationalized. 'I died somewhere on the walk back from the bar, so I might as well enjoy the dream.'

Jenny glanced over at Michelle, curling a finger at her. “Now, I believe you said something about wanting me to boss you around...”



I just noticed: no pdf for this installment?

Corrupting Power

Whoops. My bad. Forgot to attach the file. Has been attached now in an edit. If this happens with other things, just post a comment, and I'll get it fixed ASAP.

SP Rupert

Question: is it Maya or Maia?