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Let's spin the big wheel of fun and see where we're at today. *whizzzzzzzzzz* Okay, here's all the news that's fit to print. This week's project is the first of two Brewster's Brood posts that'll be out this month, and I'm already some 4k into that, with the expectation that I'll have a nice chunky post out for you folks on Friday, 11/12, and the back half of that somewhere around Thanksgiving. As per the poll taken last month, it'll likely two 8k-10k posts, and the sex content is pretty high in these two, although the second one will likely end with a good amount of setup plot, as the girls start to put their scheme fully into motion. Like I said when I drafted that poll, I'll probably get the majority of both chapters written this week, but the more I thought about it, splitting it into two lets me distribute the work load a little better, and you get more regular updates, as I can squirrel away the tail end of that update into spare moments I have later in the month.

One of the best narrative decisions I made early on with BB was that I can drift between any character's perspective any time I want, and that's given me so much freedom to show different opinions and feelings on any given scene. That'll certainly help things moving forward, as everyone has different levels of secrets they're hiding from Max, but we'll also get better insight into the nature of the competition, and what all the girls think of each other. And believe you me, not all of these girls like each other, like, at all. Quite a bit of fronting going on.

I'm still on point to release a new chapter in Morgana's Gift for 11/19, in which we finally arrive at Elizabeth joining Kev's family officially. I haven't put in as much time into MG in recent months, simply because I know the love for Quaranteam has driven a lot of the eyeballs my way, and I'd be a fool not to lean into that, but MG was actually the first of the stories I started writing for EMCSA in fall of 2019, even if I didn't submit it until much later, so it holds a special place for me. I've been trying to do some thinking about how to approach it, and I'm going to lean into the magical elements just a bit more with that story, so we'll see what that chapter looks like when I actually write it next week. I have a feeling it's going to surprise even me, and I'm writing the damn thing. I know that story definitely has its fanbase, so I don't want to let anyone down.

I'm not currently worried about hitting the projected 11/23 date for Quaranteam: Phil's Tale chapter 1, but we'll see how I'm doing next week. Normally I try and get a bit ahead on the weekend, but this weekend I am booked solid with non writing projects, and that has me a little concerned. I will absolutely have it out by the end of the month, but the potential of it slipping a day or two, while slight, is present, just to fairly set expectations.

 Which means we'll definitely end the month strong in Quaranteam content, as QT32 is now on the calendar for our official 11/26 release. So while the American members of my audience are recovering from Thanksgiving hangovers and swollen stomachs caused by overeating and drinking during arguments at the dinner table, every Patron will be able to enjoy another chapter in the juggernaut that keeps on giving, and rest assured, there's sex in that chapter, in addition to watching Andy try and handle the bombshell that got dropped on him at the end of QT31.

Sometime in the next few days, I'll drop the first of two polls for December for the higher tiered supporters, where you get to vote on what I'll be putting out for 12/3. I've decided for the time being moving forward to do two polls a month, with the new stipulation that whatever's chosen in the first poll isn't an option for the second poll, so if QT becomes a lock for the first poll, it's locked out of the second one. I may eventually shift back to just one poll a month, but for right now I want those few higher tiered supporters to feel like they're definitely getting something for kicking in (beyond just "hey, we want more QT"), and it'll spread the love around a bit more to other stories. 

Last thing to wrap up today. Over the weekend, I crafted a little Quaranteam related surprise for when we hit 100 patrons, and we're only a few people away, so if you know other people in the community who might be interested, reach out to them and suggest they come on board. I'm trying to get better about self-promotion, but lords know I'm terrible at it. It's not a big thing, so don't get your hopes up too high, but it will be a Patreon exclusive, and isn't something I'm going to post anywhere else, ever. All levels of patron will get it. It's mostly just a gift from me to you, a way to say thank you for all of you showing up and kicking in for a writer who'd definitely felt like nobody was listening just a few short years ago. If the audience continues to grow, I might even be able to make a full time gig out of this, and if that happens, well, the amount of content I put out certainly is likely to increase.

Oh! One final final thing - for those of you who worry that I'm not going to get much done during December because of the Christmas holidays, I gotta tell you - I typically end up spending a literal shitload of time in airports in the last few weeks of December, and during that time, I've usually got my laptop with me, and I'm typing away frantically on something. Not generally on the flights themselves, but I have this supernatural talent for always getting delayed within airports, and when I'm in between flights, I'm always writing something. That means during that time I will certainly be generating content for the end of that month and into January, as I may even use the time to get a little ahead of schedule, so I can toss a few new story ideas into the mix. I've got a handful of ideas in my notebook that might be ready to jump to life by then. We'll see. I may just try and bang out a couple of completely brand new ideas during that time, or maybe toss out a holiday story or two. Still plenty of time to get your thoughts in on that.

Anyway, back to the word mines!


SP Rupert

I always get distracted in airports paying attention to all the annoying pre-flight announcements that I never can get anything done so good on you for having that superpower. I tell you, ONE missed flight connection in Philadelphia 25 years ago taught me not to make THAT mistake again.