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So the bad news is that my hard drive was so damaged there isn't much likelihood of any of the data recovered and even if it they somehow succeeded it would be prohibitively expensive. Therefor i will be having to remake all my characters and a good portion of my assets which I've already started on.(Some example WIP of characters i've redone so far)

Joyce Carmine

Kurea Tetsubo

Hana Ortega

Nasu Tetsubo

Kay Allard

Keiko Suzuki

Good news is that my computer is back and better than before so i can get back to work more consistently for the short time until June already working on a sort comic and i have the last part of On the Hunt almost ready.

Sorry for the trouble this is causing guys, hopefully i can get some stuff done before June



Thats so freaking sad to hear my dude. The remakes look very good though so props for that.