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So my computer just stopped being able to boot which sucks. Might be able to fix the issue with a recovery drive. The really big issue is that my hard drive seems to be dying and that holds almost all the tools I need to make content. All the rendered and completed stuff was able to be backed up tho I just need to some finishing work on it and hopefully release it this week.

At Best that means I'm probably not gonna be able to make much new content until my hard drive is successfully recovered. At worst it means I'm gonna have to remake a bunch of my assets and basically all of my characters which would take a very long time. And even then my ability to make content will probably get spotty for a couple months after May anyway. I'll keep you all posted.

Hopefully I can get this sorted out before the end of the month, there are some things I'd really like to get done before probably having to go on a bit of a hiatus.



I will support you no matter the outcome. But I really, really hope that you don't have to remake your characters because I love them and am looking forward to seeing some of them in action that didn't had the chance yet.

David Barger

Damn that sucks sorry to hear that :/ will still support you