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These photos are from a few years back in New York City with a friend of ours named Dale who was a fashion photographer for several magazines and he was very excited to work with us.  Ultimately we would shoot over a thousand photos with him as well as several of our video titles as well.

This set of photos was at the Millennium Hilton in lower Manhattan which is the neighborhood Peter used to live in.  The black outfit and then a white outfit was Peter's idea as sort of a Good Spy and Bad Spy sort of theme....but basically we wanted this to be primarily more of a glamour and fashion layout for us since we've always wanted our work to be more creative.  We found too many of the other producers making content in our sort of space would continually shoot in the same rooms on the same furniture.  You can get all the different models you'd like, but if you tie them all the same way on the same couch in the same room....it get's boring.

We always hoped our friends and fans liked that we would shoot anywhere and everywhere our travels might take us, even if you're stuck with primarily just the two of us in the photos sometimes.  So please let me know if you enjoy these more artistic types of works by us too.  We've been lucky to work with some amazing photographers and videographers over the years and we feel very lucky for that.



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