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SCENE ONE (Location is Caroline's bedroom from Peter's POV)

Dream sequence of shot from Peter's point-of-view (POV) as if the viewer is watching from Peter's eyes.  The camera (Peter's eye) look downward and around and you can see his bound ankles and knees and hear him moaning and grunting into some sort of huge gag.  Suddenly, Caroline climbs onto the bed dressed in an extremely Dominant outfit and she begins talking to and taunting Peter.  She tells him he'd better behave and get his cock hard or she won't turn him over for the ransom, but instead just kill him and throw him in the river.  She gives him a quick blowjob until he's hard and then climbs on top and rides him out to climax...alternately choking him and and hand gagging him.  She climbs off finally calling him a totally useless man.  Fade to black....

SCENE TWO (Location is Peter's bedroom with the camera watching him sleep)

Peter is sleeping, though tossing and turning when he suddenly wakes up violently and sits up gasping...having had a bad dream.  Just as he's calming down, his cell phone rings....the private detective has found her.  He gets up as if to get dressed and walks out of the shot.

SCENE THREE (Location is Caroline's bedroom)

Caroline walks into her bedroom fully dressed and dressed to kill.  Camera angle switches to a veiw from inside her closet (the camera will actually be in the dark until Caroline slides the door open) and she stands there in full view...letting the camera soak her in.  As she stands there, a man in a ski mask slowly sneaks up from behind.  Activities from this point:

--A masked Peter, using his gun as a show of force, brings Caroline to the bed slowly tie her up.  She keeps trying to negociate herself out of this mess, but he finally get's her secure and then proceeds to rape her.  After he has finished, he goes into his bag and breaks out a chloroform bottle and rag and prepares to knock her out.  Caroline thrashes wildly trying to get away, but she is bound too well and he applies the rag to her mouth and nose.  After she is unconcious he unties her completely and then picks up her limp body and carries her away and out of the shot.

SCENE FOUR (Location is Peter's empty den on the carpet)

Caroline is naked, hair down, sitting on the floor, maybe in a closet or in the corner of a room. She is blindfolded and cleavegagged, wrists bound in front and ankles tied..  She’s been moved to a new location and doesn’t know where she is, and is really scared.  She feels herself all over to make sure she’s ok.

After a few moments of her like this, peter comes in, helps her up, and ties her to a chair.  He pulls down her gag, and lets her talk.  She asks whatever questions she can think of, and he doesn’t answer any of them.  This makes her really nervous. He puts her gag back in, and then takes off her blindfold. She looks up at him and he takes off his mask. Now she’s really shocked and scared, because she knows she’s fucked.

He sits in a chair directly across from her and tells her she’s all his now, forever.  That he has all these feelings of lust for her and the desire for revenge at the same time, so he’s going to keep her and do whatever he wants with her, forever.  If she breathes, eats, sleeps, it’s all up to him.  She is looking at him like he’s crazy. She tries talking to him through her gag, offering him money, but he isn’t interested. He comes around behind her strokes her hair, feels her breasts, kind of wraps his hand around her neck lightly, which scares her.  She knows she’s in a jam she can’t get out of this time. He blindfolds her again and leaves her there.

SCENE FIVE (Location begins in the den and will move to Peter's bedroom)

She is sitting, close up on her face and shoulders. She’s really angry. Tightest OTM gag in history (bandana).  Her wrists are bound in front and secured to her ankles with a length of rope.  Peter comes over, takes her to the bed, new sex scene, from behind.  Nice and rough.

SCENE SIX (Location is Peter's den)

She is naked and cleavegagged again.  Peter comes in and makes Caroline give him a handjob, then makes her take him in her mouth.  If possible, this scene finishes with Peter cumming on Caroline's face and then re-gagging her before shot ends.

SCENE SEVEN (Location is Peter's den on the carpeted floor)

Caroline is tied lying face down with her ankles and knees tied with her wrists bound behind her back.  She is also silenced with a bandana cleave gag and an extremely tight OTM gag to keep her very quiet.  She is thrashing wildly on the floor when Peter walks in with a large knife and threatens that if she doesn't stop immediately that he's going to slice her throat.  After putting her into a very strict hogtie, he tells her he is going to take a ride to get some chains and locks and leaves the knife on the floor a few feet away.  Caroline waits until he's gone and the struggles wildly to manuever over closer to the knife to hopefully release herself from the bondage.  She has to stop a couple of times from exhaustion where she nearly seems to pass out.

Finally, she gets over to the knife and slowly but surely she gets herself untied and then positions herself near the doorway to await Peter's return.  When he gets back, she threatens with the knife and orders him to strip naked and get to his knees.  Using a piece of the rope that was binding her moments ago, she binds his wrists behind his back and then double gags him with the two bandanas.  She then puts her bare foot between his shoulder blades and pushes him hard to the floor.  The camera positions to Peter's POV looking up from the floor as Caroline towers over him brandishing the knife and she then begins laughing and telling him how killing him is going to be the most fun she has ever had in her life.  Fades to a dissolve...

...and from the dissolve the camera picks up with Caroline still tightly bound and gagged in the strict hogtie still a couple of feet away from the knife.  It's clear she must have passed out and her escape had all been a dream while unconscious.



Held for Ransom 2: Tiger by the Tail 

I’m hoping you can indulge my fetishes for leopard/tiger print scarves and bandanna cleave gags, and I want to see you do as tight an OTM gag as possible. 

Scene 1,  Some imagery Of Caroline in her dominatrix outfit: Mask, collar, corset, gloves, looking badass. Film a sex scene like this, with you on top, if you could situate the camera by peter’s head, so the viewer could get the view he gets?

Peter wakes up,  tells us in a voiceover he is obsessed, cant sleep, cant work, can barely eat. He is so consumed with both lust for her and a desire for revenge

He gets a phone call. His detectives have located her. He tells them he is flying to their location on the next possible flight.

Scene 3            

Caroline comes into her bedroom:  all in black: heels, hose, silk shirt, sunglasses. Hair slickec back and tied in a bun. Dark makeup. Leopard print silk scarf around her neck. She goes over and opens up her closet.

Now situate the cameraman in the closet so we have a good frontal view of her. She is facing us and is very close, Peter in a mask comes into the room behind her.  Comes up behind her and handgags her, reaches around and shows her his pistol. 

Now, Caroline’s character is a real bad-ass woman, so she’s going to be really scared, but still stay pretty calm. Instead she’ll try to bargain with him as he cuffs her wrists behind, and her ankles.  He will ballgag her. Then he’ll start feeling her breasts, and she’ll start to get really nervous and breathe heavily. 

He’ll take her to the bed and rape her. Then he’ll chloroform her and the scene fades out.

Scene 4

Caroline is naked, hair down, sitting on the floor, maybe in a closet or in the corner of a room. She is blindfolded and cleavegagged, wrists bound in front and ankles tied..  She’s been moved to a new location and doesn’t know where she is, and is really scared. She feels herself all over to make sure she’s ok.  

After a few moments of her like this, peter comes in, helps her up, and ties her to a chair. He pulls down her gag, and lets her talk. She asks whatever questions she can think of, and he doesn’t answer any of them. This makes her really nervous. He puts her gag back in, and then takes off her blindfold. She looks up at him and he takes off his mask. Now she’s really shocked and scared, because she knows she’s fucked.

He sits in a chair directly across from her and tells her she’s all his now, forever. That he has all these feelings of lust for her and the desire for revenge at the same time, so he’s going to keep her and do whatever he wants with her, forever. If she breathes, eats, sleeps, it’s all up to him. She is looking at him like he’s crazy. She tries talking to him through her gag, offering him money, but he isn’t interested. He comes around behind her strokes her hair, feels her breasts, kind of wraps his hand around her neck lightly, which scares her. She knows she’s in a jam she can’t get out of this time. He blindfolds her again and leaves her there.

Scene 5:  She is sitting, close up on her face and shoulders. She’s really angry. Tightest OTM gag in history. Wrists bound in front. Peter comes over, takes her to the bed, new sex scene, from behind. Nice and rough.

Scene 6 She is naked and cleavegagged again.  Peter comes in amd makes her give him a handjob, then makes her take him in her mouth. I like this shot of you in your new video with the semen on your face, maybe you could do that again?

How should we end this? Maybe she dreams she escapes, then wakes up and is still tied and gagged?

I'm glad to hear that you like my story idea, and want to move ahead with it. I have no ending for it, but I think a good one would be that you manage to escape, maybe getting some revenge on Peter in the process, but the escape turns out to be a dream, and you wake up still his prisoner. That way the story has both a climax AND an open end. Got my cake and ate it too.  

The escape scene would start where you are tied up but see either a handcuff key or a knife or something on the floor and when peter is gone you free yourself, then have the scene where you get your revenge on him and escape. Then you wake up to find yourself still tied up. But then you look where the object was, and it's really there. You struggle to get to it, and just before you get to it you hear Peter return. Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!


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