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Very quick update. Almost didn't do one this week in favor of just pumping a release out.

Had birthday on 26th, didn't do much in the way of work. Working on audio right now, pushing through Goblin Fortuneteller part 3. Trying to finish 1 bonus audio + another release by end of month.

The poll art is going to take a bit longer because it is being drawn for animation purposes, whereas the goblin art is done, so I figured I'd get this done first so I can fulfill February's 2 releases.

Bonus audios will go in their own post when done, three in total, should be over an hour of extra audio.

I also got really coombrain and voiced a quick horny thing on twitter: 


Likes/shares super appreciated, if people enjoy this I may do more of them on the side for fun.

First thing I will be doing when month rolls over is buckling down on personal audios. I want to clear the backlog out so I feel more free to get other things done.

Also I am going to run a poll for all patrons soon-ish regarding the idea of doing pure NSFW audios, less story/more porn, something that isn't youtube friendly, basically.

Animation is getting closer to completion also, let you know more soon!

ty for your patience/support!



Happy belated birthday!


Happy late Birthday


Well Happy Birthday to you 🎁🎂

Daisuke Kisame

Happy Birthday, hope it went well :) Thank you as always for all your hard work!