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Settle in for a long one, and full of art too! Please read to the end this week!

So, first things first, what's underway:

- Poll audio (earth dragon) is written

- One long (20min) personal audio was finished last week but not posted

- One long (20min) personal audio has been written.

- One long (30min+) personal audio is mostly written.

I'll be recording as many of these as I can this week, probably starting with the personal audios since they're simpler. Then I'll do earth dragon, and spend the remainder of the month working on smaller personal audio rewards.

I think all three of the above PAs are cleared to be released as bonus audios, too, so you'll get some extras near end of month.

Next, I want to talk about upcoming NEW content to the patreon and show examples! As I've stated numerous times in the past, I am going to be working to EXPAND the $5 and $10 tiers to have more content and rewards. As I've said previously, the $3 tier will NOT expand. It will also not shrink, either. I think what is offered in the $3 is well worth it as it is

So, first up, I'll be starting with the $5 tier:

Right now the Discord access reward is basically used as an access point for the MegaUpload archive, and not much else. Yes, there's a chat channel that can be used, and sometimes people pop in and ask questions, or I'll post an occasional status update. Going forward, I am going to aim to be more 'real time' with this channel. That means, the moment 'something' is finished, it's going to be posted in there, possibly significantly earlier than it hits patreon itself. For example, I plan on batching out the bonus audios into one post by end of month, but the 20 min personal audio I said is finished above is already available on megaupload.

For example, this past week, Pride has been pushing out character designs for me. I've posted all of them, as they've been completed, in the Patreon channel for people to see early. These designs have also had their full res PSDs posted to MegaUpload as well.

I also want to remind people that you have real-time access to me in this channel if you have feedback or issues. I actively read and respond in that channel as long as I'm not asleep or otherwise occupied.

The other announcement is that, as an added bonus, all of the full res character art (designs/concepts/etc.) is also going to be included with this tier. This isn't the 'release art' that goes with each audio release, but the character design itself. I will still, of course, be showing designs off on patreon and announcing new characters, but access to the full res, all alt versions, and unwatermarked files for these will be delivered through the discord channel & megaupload.

I will continue to work over time to further expand and improve the $5 tier. Recommendations are welcome.

To go with this part of the announcement, I'm going to share three new character designs!

A Horsegirl MILF, a vampire MILF, and a shark girl!

I haven't decided if they'll go into polls yet or be written in the standard flow of things! I'll have to think on it a bit, but either way, you get to see them now!

The art w/ alts and psds are already in the patron channel in discord and on megaupload.

Now with that out of the way, let's talk about the $10 tier and what's in the future for it...

I've got animations underway! An animator has been brought onboard to help bring my audios to life. Below is the first test sample. The art used here was NOT originally meant for this, Pride went back and cut it up for Live2D after the fact and then it was animated. Going forward, the art will be made with this in mind, so there's lots of potential to make these even BETTER for you!

The goal is going to be to deliver:

1. A simple basic looped version of the art.

2. A longer version that is timed accordingly to the NSFW part of my audio releases.

We're still early in the process, and it isn't clear how long each animation will take, so I can't make any promises as to the speed of delivery.

We're going to start off by seeing if we can consistently produce one per month, and go from there. There's also a LOT of other fun things we can do with the Live2D animations in the future, too!

I debated a lot on where to put these in the tiers, but ultimately decided on the $10 spot. The cost to produce these animations is not insignificant, and they're just going to get better over time too, IMO. Depending on how these go, I may also bring guest artists onboard to do animation-ready art for other characters too.

The Orca animation still has a ways to go to completion, but once it is done, it will be shared via a new channel I've added to discord which is accessible to $10+ patrons.

I think that wraps it up for this week's news! Let me know what you think of the new characters & animations! I'm going to get back to recording and try to get some more releases handled this week! Thank you for all your support!


Claire Hapry

I think you are doing a great job. I love the new additions and can’t wait to see the 2D animations with audio.


Orca and now a shark? Let’s gooooo