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Bit late with this week's update! I don't have a ton of news.

I was hoping to drop the oni audio on monday, as the art is already done, but I haven't finished it. I've been having a struggle this week mentally, I'm just very tired overall. I was making good headway on getting 'ahead' of things, too...

I think I should be able to finish it before the month is out. I was hoping to have it done and switch back to a week of personal audios and script writing, but brain has been rough.

I know I've technically already met my guaranteed releases for the month, but it's important to me that when I say 'I will release thing this month' that I do actually release it.

Progress is going well on the orca girl's 3d model. Her base body is basically all done being sculpted at this point.

I'm going to have some other (good) news regarding the patreon early next month, though my focus is entirely on getting the oni audio done.

Thank you for your continued patience & support as I work through my projects, it means a lot to me.



Thank you for the amazing content. We know you are doing your best!


I'm a new patreon and I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate how much work you put into your content and how up-to-date you keep your audience and you're charging a third of what most other NSFW creators will charge for way less content that they clearly care way less about bit of a rant just wanted to let you know that it is appreciated


So exciting and I hope you feel better and rest up. hugs from KaienRei


Thank you for the amazing content and make sure to take time to recoupe and rest. Your health whether it be mental or physical always is first.Your content is so above and beyond I can only imagine the amount of work you put in to it all so just know how much we love and appreciate you! :D


Hope you feel better soon


Progress is good and all but please take care of yourself! We can wait longer on content if it means your mental health is doing better! Thanks for your hard work!

J Flanagan

Take all the time you need 🙂🤗🚂


Please rest as you need it, we will feel better knowing your better and your work will be better for it as well and it is already, amazing!

Ship waifu

Take time for ya self i can wait for new i still got few to watch


We will be just fine, please take care of yourself! Thank you for all you do!


Are you sculpting it yourself on blender :O


So wait is the orca girl part 2 gonna be in vr. If so how does one access it?

Olivia Crowley

Orca girl model isn't done. VR will be delivered in video format once I am back to doing it, like I did with my wolf girl videos.

