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Tags: Weight gain to ssbbw, Neet TF, light slob.

This is part 1 of a much larger story that I will be releasing in parts. The other parts have much more slob, so they will be contained to the $5 tier. However, I think this section of the story works fairly well as a standalone story. If you want more, check out the other parts as they release weekly!

“So, then on Monday I’m supposed to meet with the dean of the university. He has some papers he wants me to look over for him. Being his secretary has been crazy.” Stephanie Chu listened to her daughter speak, nodding along but wincing inwardly. They had been at lunch for nearly two hours and all Belle had done was talk about her to-do list and busy schedule. Meanwhile, the food under her plate had gotten cold and the shadows under her eyes had deepened. Stephanie had hardly touched her own plate, guilt crippling her appetite. She looked at her daughter, appraising the woman she had become. Belle was now a woman grown, fully 21 and set to try and conquer the world. She threw everything she had into every job, often forsaking her personal health and wellbeing to accomplish things. She was top of her class, the pride of several extracurricular clubs, and even the secretary for the dean of her university. She had a better resume than most adults before she had even graduated college. Yet, Stephanie couldn’t help but pity her a little bit. When Belle spoke she did not hear a confident and powerful young woman, she instead heard a robot in-service to ideals that had been programmed into her. Stephanie had been the one that had done the programming.

As a young parent, Stephanie had been every bit of a tiger mom. She had ruthlessly patrolled Belle’s schedule, schooling, activities, and even friends to make sure that her daughter had every possible chance for success. While Belle had fought back at the beginning, over time her protestations had become fewer and fewer. In her ignorance, Stephanie had thought that it was a wonderful thing. She was raising a perfect, model daughter. In reality, the more she saw Belle’s college career, she had created a worker bee set on its own destruction. Belle would work tireless hours and rarely rest. She lived on coffee and sometimes even skipped meals. Belle was on a crash course with her own health and mental wellbeing. It was a problem that Stephanie had decided to fix at all costs. She would undo the damage that she had done. Provided some key elements fell into place.

“Oh! And Miss Cos said that my paper was the best she had ever read. Which is funny because I stayed up until like three writing it. Total cram session.” Belle continued talking, unable to keep from revealing both her accolades and the absurd lengths she went to achieve them. “Seriously, I think that was the seventh night in a row that I did that. Thank goodness they make low calorie energy drinks!” Belle smiled. Once you knew about her caffeine habits, it was easy to spot the signs of Belle’s addiction. Her hands trembled and were always flitting about. Her voice was shaky too. Belle trembled and moved like a hummingbird. The comparison went further. Belle was short and frail looking, even when she had been at a healthy weight. Her curves were undersized or entirely absent. Her low body fat did not permit hips or breasts. To compensate, she wore puffy blouses and oversized sweaters to sweeten her lack of a figure. Whether through strange genetics or stress, Belle’s hair had turned a strange silvery color. She wore her hair short, bobbed in a professional cut since she was 15.

“That’s lovely, Sweetie.” Stephanie said, nodding her head. It was hard to get a word in edgewise with Belle. She had a constant list of tasks to do and awards to collect. Yet, Stephanie managed on occasion. She learned to make her interruptions count. “Are you still planning on spending the summer at home?” The question was critical. Stephanie knew that she had one final summer to reach her daughter and set things right. The middle aged woman was using all of her own nervous, high strung energy to create a plan. It was only half baked at the moment, but the key was getting Belle to come home for the summer.

“Of course!” Belle exclaimed. Stephanie’s heart soared for a moment, excited that her daughter might be looking forward to some relaxation time. Her hopes were dashed by the next sentence. “You guys are so close to so many of the jobs I want to apply for!” Belle launched into listing what companies and internships she was looking at. All the while her hands fluttered around the plate in front of her. She stopped speaking only to get coffee. It was hard for Stephanie to watch what was going on with her daughter, but she said nothing. It was better to let things progress. There would be plenty of time over the coming three months. Stephanie leaned back in the chair, letting Belle talk. While that went on, she started to formulate her plan.

--- Back Home ---

“Mom, you can’t be serious!” Belle exclaimed, months later. She looked at the laminated piece of paper in her hands. It was the second week of summer, five days after she had officially moved back home after graduation, and her mother seemed to be trying to tank her future. Belle had been applying for internships when her mother came into the dining room. Stephanie had sat down and passed the little laminate sheet over. Confused, Belle had started reading it. It started with a little letter and ended with a checklist. The letter explained that Belle would be restricted in her computer access and would be limited in the amount of professional development she would be allowed to do. In fact, she would have to complete little tasks and challenges on the list in order to earn the privilege of submitting resumes and doing work. For the first time in years Belle felt her temper rising at her mother. “This is the most critical summer of my life! I have to apply.” She pleaded, the large doses of caffeine in her system provoking her anxiety.

“I agree, honey.” Stephanie put her hand out and guided her daughter's hand and the piece of paper down. “Which is why I want to help you.” Stephanie sighed, a little tear slipping out of one eye. “You’ve spent your whole life working way harder than you had to. . .and it's my fault.” Stephanie looked much older than forty-four as she spoke. Her voice was halted and a lump formed in her throat. “I want you to have one last, relaxing summer before you move out and become a working woman.” Her black hair, tinged with gray, swished in the loose bun. “You and I, together, are going to make sure you are relaxed and taken care of for at least these three months.” Stephanie broke contact to tap the laminated sheet, outlining the little checklist. Written on it were things like: sleep past 10:00 am, eat out twice in one week, and pajama movie night. They were innocent, mother-daughter activities. Next to each was a point value. Below all of the entries were things that the points could be used on, incidentally the things that Belle would be most interested in. If she was going to apply to jobs and work, she would have to earn it through bouts of forced relaxation.

Belle’s jaw worked and her anxiety ridden hands trembled. She had never looked weaker than in that moment. A gaunt ghost, a shade of what a young woman should be. She was trapped between wanting to please the Stephanie of the past and pleasing the present Stephanie. Belle was caught in a paradox of being. In order to work even remotely hard, she would have to relax just as much. She almost didn’t get the concept. However, she would do whatever it took to succeed. “Okay, I agree.” Belle nodded and whispered the words out. With trembling, caffeinated hands she shook on the deal. Her feet were now placed on a path of rest and comfort, if a little unwillingly, but she would be guided by her mother. Yet, neither woman could quite guess where that path would lead.

--- Beginning Rewards ---

“Okay! That’s one plate of cookies.” Dropped the large plate of steaming sweets in her daughter’s lap. The plate covered her thin and nearly knobby knees, though the heat radiating from the bottom was pleasant. Without the constant influx of warm coffee and highly caffeinated tea, Belle was prone to getting cold. Her thin body, worn away by the tireless lifestyle she led, did not generate much heat. It was no coincidence that she chose the items on her mother’s list that could mitigate that. “A nice blanket.” Stephanie walked behind her daughter and wrapped a fluffy blanket with little snowflakes on it around her shoulders. It was impossible for her not to snuggle into the velvety softness. As a practiced homemaker, Stephanie knew well how to draw someone into blissful comfort.

Belle accepted that comfort. Though, the source of that acceptance was dubious. Having started to taper off the various stimulants common to college students, Belle was far more willing to rest. Her body lacked its prime fuel and could not sustain her extended working hours. Belle’s unique, silvery hair matched well with the blanket. “And a movie!” Stephanie said, clicking the television on. She sat down in the space next to her daughter on the couch, half a warden and half a participant. Belle huffed for a moment, but hid her indignation behind a cookie. She was a couple weeks into her mother’s new program. Though she still had adjustments to make.

“Is this a short movie?” Belle asked between bites. She ate quickly, pecking at the cookies like a small bird might. Most of her lunches had been taken on the go, meals prepped long in advance of the day she was eating them. As such, she had lost the usual slow cadence with which most people ate. “You know I’m close to earning another resume submission.” Belle followed up quickly, unable to hold her desires in.The idea of spending a lazy sunday in her pajamas watching movies with her mother was absurd to her. Her large, blue eyes shined intently; she spent every waking moment plotting and planning the work she had to do. However, that work now included following her mother’s strict code of forced relaxation. Belle ate another cookie, her small mouth working at it in a way that was both meticulous and cute.

“Ah-ah-ah, you have to do things in the right spirit or it doesn’t count. Stephanie patted Belle’s leg, gently reminding her of the terms of their arrangement. “Be genuine and you get the points!” Stephanie smiled, folding her hands in her lap. She wore a very plain jean skirt with a thin yellow sweater for a top. She used a clip to provide a small bit of order to her long, frizzy black hair. When looking at the two women, Belle seemed almost like an alien which had come to earth and taken up residence with a classically American mother. While ethereally beautiful, that beauty was fleeting and fragile. Meanwhile, her mother might have lacked a little of Belle’s looks due to age but she was robust and healthy. Stephanie had made her first mission to improve Belle’s health, putting needed meat on her bones. “So enjoy your snacks and settle in!” Stephanie said, clicking on the movie.

Belle sighed and nibbled on her treats, knowing that arguing would lose her points. She was close to being able to submit another job application. With the points from today’s cookie meal and movie, she would be able to buy it. She could still achieve things, could still follow through on her plans. It had been 14 days and she had managed to scrape together a handful of job applications as well as some other working time. With today’s applications she would be able to. . .

“Belle, you aren’t paying attention.” Stephanie’s tone was lightfully reproachful, but lighthearted. She knew it was going to take more than a couple weeks to undo the toxic habits. “I’m going to restart the movie.” She threatened, wagging a cookie in front of Belle’s mouth. “Eat this, sit still, and don’t think so much.” She pressed the cookie into her daughter’s hand, a seal of their mutual deals. While Stephanie had an agenda, she planned on enforcing it as fairly as possible. Belle would get her precious time with job applications and the like, but only if she learned how to free herself.

“Sorry, Mom.” Belle muttered before biting into the cookie. She turned back to the screen, wrapping herself in the blanket that Stephanie had given her. The movie played. It was an old romantic comedy movie. Something about a woman learning to set aside her dreams of being a high status lawyer for the sake of a small town guy and everlasting love. It seemed silly and childish to Belle. Why should the woman put aside her career? Could someone ever truly count on another person to support them fully? Belle found it hard not to pick the movie apart as she sat and munched. She was not enthralled by the plot, but rather by deconstructing it. Wrapped up in her dislike of the audio-visual schlock, Belle worked through the plate of sweets quickly. She did not even argue when her mother put another in her lap. Belle quickly munched through those as well. By the end of the movie she had a litany of complaints about the writing, as well as a full and stuffed stomach.

--- Coffee Run ---

“Seriously, Mom, couldn’t you do something else?” Belle asked as the car drifted along. She tried to choose her words carefully, afraid that she might accidentally be docked her hard earned points. While Stephanie had never even suggested that was a possibility, Belle was suspicious. Things had been going along too swimmingly. She had completed her first month home with little trouble. Her days had been spent with tea parties, trips to the mall, and more movie days. Each of these events, along with interspersed meals, had helped to quickly earn points for Belle. She had managed to submit several applications a week. While under the number she would have wanted, it was still better than nothing. She had played her mother’s silly game and found it to be easy, though no less frustrating. “Isn’t this my reward? Shouldn’t I get to choose how it goes?” Belle asked as she sighted the coffee shop. Time was running out to get her mother to stop chaperoning her. “There’s no way to cheat!”

“It’s not about cheating.” Stephanie leaned over and patted her daughter’s head.  “It’s about spending a little bit of girl time.” Stephanie’s hand played with the silver hair. It was fine and beautiful, even despite the little bits of grease forming atop it. Belle had been rushed out of the house before she had been able to take a shower that morning. The older woman was only slightly embarrassed that it had been intentional. Stephanie’s newest project was Belle’s image obsession. Professional images took hours of worry and straightening to achieve. Belle was prone to spending hours in the bathroom and closet in an effort to look her best. It was all still added stress. It also went hand in hand with Stephanie’s other plans to bring Belle up to a healthy weight. Some of her daughter’s clothes had been tightening subtly and Stephanie did not want to worry Belle. It was easier to hide incidental weight gain in comfy clothes, rather than stuffy office clothing.

Befitting her goals, Stephanie had updated the checklist accordingly. Items such as: wear pajamas until noon, skip a shower, and no perfume had taken some of the food based challenges. The ones that Belle had succeeded on and incorporated into her routine were quietly dismissed. Most of the food challenges Belle had excelled at. She nibbled on snacks throughout the day, letting that take the place of constantly writing or texting. Belle’s eating had been so successful that fat had started to form in earnest around her body. Seemingly overnight, Belle had skipped over a normal body weight and became chubby. Her starved body packed the calories on, knowing there might be future starvation periods in the future. For now, Belle was treated to fuller breasts and a bouncing stomach. Each step made her chest bounce and wiggle, the cups of her bras filled with soft fat. Stephanie had sworn she had seen Belle smile a time or two when the car hit a bump. As Stephanie rocked her daughter’s head she noticed Belle’s cheeks bouncing.

“Fine. . .but you have to pay.” Belle gave up quickly. She sat back in the seat, her belly rising up and over her sweatpants. She pouted like a teenager, despite being over 20. Her arms, now plumped up with little rolls of pudge, crossed over one another and rested on her belly. Her shirt, a blue tee that had been from a family vacation years ago, rolled up just a bit to expose the lower portion of her stomach. “And I should get extra reward points for ordering a cookie.” Belle did her best to negotiate sternly, not realizing she was playing into Stephanie's hands again. Belle said little more as the car entered the parking lot, she wanted to argue more with her mother and try to get her way, but she did not have the energy anymore. She had started to feel sleepier as time had gone on, lulled into lethargy by the slower lifestyle and constant eating. She huffed as the car was brought to a stop.

“Ok!” Stephanie practically cheered as she hopped out. “Let’s go order some coffee.” She looked over in time to see Belle struggling to get herself out of the seat. The younger woman’s small belly bobbed and jiggled, bouncing up and down as she brought herself out of a deep slouch. Her breasts shook from side to side, nipples pushing into the shirt itself. Belle no longer moved like a hummingbird jazzed on caffeine. Her little fluttery movements were becoming somewhat clumsy. Stephanie grinned, glad that her work was having an effect. She would save Belle. . .even if she had to be a little sneaky about it.

--- Distracted ---

Belle walked quickly across the house, tucking her laptop under one arm. Her chubby bicep kept the laptop pinned. She had finally been able to cash in her accrued points again and had earned the chance at submitting a resume to a business. It was a golden opportunity that could not go to waste. It had taken her weeks to earn it, seemingly a whole month. Days of ticking off inane tasks from her mother’s checklist had all built to this moment. The laptop bounced off a well formed gut as Belle walked to her bedroom. Her eating habits had only degraded. Healthy meals were not listed upon the checklist. Rather, she had earned points from donut parties and milkshake runs. Her body had continued to stockpile any and all calories. Belle gained weight rapidly. The sedentary lifestyle she had been forced to adopt had pushed her well past 200 pounds. Belle now had a belly that strained against many of her shirts, a butt that jiggled noticeably underneath the thin pajama pants she wore, and breasts that were pushing past C-cups. She had truly become Stephanie’s fat princess. Belle was destined for further growth.

The burgeoning young woman was distracted from her waistline on two fronts: her mothers challenges and then the subsequent rewards. Belle was single minded when it came to her goals. She cared only that she had earned enough to file another resume or get time to research a potential career path. It was not that she did not care about the weight gain, it was that she did not notice it at all. The laptop digging into her love handles went almost unnoticed, her thoughts centered around what she would use it for. The riding up of her pants did not bother her because she focused on how quickly she was walking. Belle did not mind lugging around a wobbling pair of buttcheeks, because of her desire to push herself forward in life. It did not phase her in the slightest that her stomach hit the door to her bedroom before she could grab the door handle. Belle simply adjusted her torso and hustled inside her room.

“Finally! Let’s get to this.” Belle moved through her darkened room, not bothering to turn the light on. Time was precious and she could do without light. Her feet and chunky calves pushed aside small piles of clothes. Cleaning was for women who did not have to balance their career advancement against their mother’s insanity. Belle ignored the state of her room much like she ignored her fat. She tossed her laptop, her breasts sloshing back and forth with the motion. It landed at the foot of her messy bed. She had not made it in weeks. To encourage better sleep, Stephanie had relaxed all protocols when it came to bedroom maintenance. Belle’s room was to be a den of slumber, even if that meant that it got a little messy. Belle had adjusted easily, even somewhat enjoying the little blanket and pillow fort that she had constructed for herself. She snuck underneath the covers, with only her round face and green eyes peeking out. She opened the laptop, tapping the cheap plastic while the machine slowly booted up. Worry and frustration colored her cherubic face as she watched the bootup screen. Belle would only relax when she had typed her password and gotten into her files.

She scrolled through her folders and files, searching for something to work on. She could update her resume, write a cover letter for a specific company, or a myriad of other tasks. The list of self-imposed tasks was nearly as long as her mother’s checklist items. Yet, none of Belle’s to-do list stood out. She meandered between the various potential tasks, kicking her calves into soft buttcheeks. Ripples spread out from the impacts, traveling around her smooth and unwashed body. Showers had been another thing sacrificed on the altar of potential productivity. Belle had been avoiding hers for the past couple days, hoping to score some extra points. Now, her body had moistened slightly, slick with a little extra grease. It would not take too many more days before a bit of body odor built up. Such concerns were beyond Belle, though. She only had interest in her work, and even that was fading.

She sighed, putting her head down on the mattress. It was warm, still containing the heat her chubby body had imbued it with from her nap. The blankets curled around her, begging her to stay longer and sleep. Work could wait. If anything, Belle rationalized, she could just bank the time and use it in a bigger portion later. Rather than a little session, she could earn more time and spend a whole day pursuing her goals. Belle closed the laptop, letting the bright screen fade. She tucked into the covers quickly after, the fort forming a half-sphere over her head. Within the cocoon of blankets she could rest and maybe even sleep. Heat built, spreading a light perspiration over her curves. Belle didn’t mind, enjoying the heat and the coziness it brought

--- Mall Trip---

“Mom, do I really need to be here for this?” Belle asked, half mumbling and half whining. She trudged behind Stephanie by several paces, having trouble keeping up. “You know my size, couldn’t you just buy me some new clothes?” Belle took it as a foregone conclusion that her mother could rub her fingers together and produce anything she needed. After all, that had been the theme of the summer. Stephanie hovered nearby at all times, with either checklist or the object of Belle’s latest request in hand. Clothes, however, were a different matter. Belle had done a fantastic job of out growing everything she owned. If nothing else, she eliminated any traces of frailty on her person. Rather, it was now her clothes that were weakening. There was nothing left in the house that could be wrapped around her pools and puddles of sweaty fat. The oversized blouses and sweaters had been ripped or popped by a surging belly. Likewise, her pants had been mercilessly shredded by a bulging rear. Belle would soon have nothing, forced to sit around the house as a sweaty ball of fat. She might not have minded, given the fruits of Stephanie’s program. Belle’s image concerns were largely eradicated.

Belle was dressed far under anyone’s standards. Decency had long been absent her mind. Her gut was allowed free reign to flop and jiggle as it would. Now, as she waddled through the mall, her gut was poking out from underneath a gray sweatshirt. The floppy crescent of gut fat wobbled back and forth as Belle made her way through the mall. She would unconsciously tug at her shirt, trying to cover the jiggly swathe. It only made her breasts more pronounced. The heavy, drooping orbs made their presence known. The fabric around them dampened as their sweat spread outwards. The little waddle had made Belle tired and sullen. “How many points was this?” She asked, ready to debate on her potential earnings.

“Double points for an unexpected errand.” Stephanie was bright and chipper, almost giddy to hear Belle’s desire to return home and rest. The Asian mother turned and walked backward. She was able to walk backward faster than Belle was able to walk normally. Stephanie’s vision was filled with a round, unbathed girl who was nearing or just over 300 pounds. Her arms puffed out the sleeves of her hoodie, filling the fabric tubes with supple human dough. Likewise, her thighs buried the thin pajama shorts she had on. Belle might have tugged the shorts down and freed them from the prison between her thighs had her belly not been such an obstruction. Belle had started to lean back, her gait changing demonstrably as her weight soared. Her silver hair was pulled back into a ponytail, though it was so wet with sweat that it only rolled against her chubby neck. Stephanie saw the effectiveness of her program in the heavy, slow steps of her daughter. Belle was a changed woman.

The hyper-productive, overachiever in her had died and been reborn as a plump layabout. Stephanie couldn’t help but be proud of herself and her daughter, but especially Belle. As with all things, the young woman had surpassed her mother’s expectations. She had not only attacked the list, she had conquered it. Now both women had started to reap the rewards. Stephanie’s guilt had been assuaged and Belle was finally able to slow down and enjoy herself.. If anything, this trip to the mall was an official declaration of victory against Belle’s previous unhealthy lifestyle. From here out, she would only enjoy and deepen her new habits. Eager to push Belle further, Stephanie offered another suggestion. “And maybe some extra points if we stop and go to the food court.”

The words lit a fire under Belle. She picked her feet up and began to hustle as best she could. Her arms pumped, swinging at generous angles in order to accommodate her stomach girth. Behind, her flabby butt lifted and dropped in a shower of sloppy jiggles. Her every step resulted in the stretches of fabric clinging to her ass being sucked further into the chubby abyss. Stephanie slowed, letting Belle lead the way. A smile grew across her face as she took in the sweaty, round form of her daughter. Her back rolls flopped over the straps of her tight bra. There was little separating Belle’s fat from total exposure. At any moment she could rip her pants, burst her bra, or force her shirt to roll up. Belle’s summer of work would be exposed to the world, showing just how much she had improved. Unlike many people, Stephanie saw a woman who had enhanced herself.  She did not see a college graduate stripped of her figure and work ethic, instead Belle was someone enjoying the fruit of their youth. More esoterically, Stephanie saw that it was her job to guide her daughter.

“Belle, sweetie, how about we try this store instead!” Stephanie ran to reach her daughter, pulling her away from an expensive designer store and into a cheaper, more casual competitor. It was the kind of store that people who wore graphic tees exclusively would enjoy. “Shake things up, give you a new look for the summer.” Stephanie put her hands on Belle’s arms, turning her wobbly dumpling towards the other store. Pressing close, the two women seemed to be greater contrasts than they ever had been before. Stephanie wore a nice, white skirt and simple blue button up. She looked pleasant and the perfect embodiment of a homemaker. Belle provided the antithesis of that. With her rolling gut sticking out of her shirt and ratty shorts only one word could come to mind, slob. That was clearly the word on the minds of the cashiers as Belle entered. The other women held up their noses, pretending not to notice the fat woman that had waddled in.

Belle paid little attention to the giggles and chuckles, instead trying to take as little time in the store as possible. She walked past racks of clothing, spending little time actually browsing. She acted like the clothes would magically present themselves and wrap around her body. So much of the rest of her life now working like that, why not this too? Belle grabbed at random shirts, looking for nothing in particular. Truthfully, she was waiting for a particular call.

“Belle, how about you try some of these!” Stephanie appeared with an armload of t-shirts. Most were single colored and bore simplistic designs of pop culture movies and video games. They were epitome of comfort clothing, the kind of things that a woman would wear only on laundry day. “I think you will be plenty comfortable in these when you type up applications.” Stepahnie said, knowing that Belle had not bothered with applications or job hunting in weeks. The points she had amassed had gone unused. She had threatened to cash in her points, but further relaxing was always more tempting. Belle could have bought an entire week of work, but instead decided to keep grinding out snack runs and naps. Stephanie was quite confident that she wouldn’t have to worry about Belle’s workaholic nature resurfacing until december.

“Ho-kay. . .” Belle huffed and took the pile of collected shirts. She would have rather done most anything else, but did not argue. She waddled to the changing rooms. The pile of shirts and pants in her arms was loose and became even more unsecured as she moved. A pair of pants dragged by one of the legs and several shirts slipped and fell to the ground. The path that Belle took to the changing rooms mimicked what her room back at home looked like. The dressing room also quickly took on that appearance as she entered and threw the clothes onto the bench. Belle worried about the conditions of the world around her about as much as she worried about the state of her own body. She started to undress, only mildly observant of the pale fat which came pouring out.

As she changed, Belle’s true fatness was exposed to the changing room. She started with her sweater, slowly pulling the tight piece of clothing off. Belle’s stomach was packed in tight enough that it was lifted up. Tension built along the fabric as the sweater was tugged upwards. Belle’s large breasts came up under her face, dousing her soft chin in the ever present perspiration. When the sweater was removed and the tension released, succulent fat rushed out in a heap. Her gut was so heavy and protruding that it moved seconds behind the rest of her. Belle would twist and her stomach would follow after, sagging down over her crotch. Freed from the pitiful confines of the sweater, Belle breathed a sigh of relief. Her stomach softened, melting under the freedom. She could feel the heaviness of her gut seeping over her waistband. There was a dim voice that was bothered by the feeling and memories to remind her of what she had looked like before this summer. However, it was easier for her to just enjoy the momentary relief from her restrictive hoodie. The relief was compounded as she started to slide out of her shorts.

They were harder to remove, having bit into her lovehands and the rolls just above her butt. Sweat had plastered them further to her pale skin. Even getting her thumbs underneath the elastic of the waistband was difficult. She huffed, upset at the amount of work that it took. Belle puffed her cheeks out, both straining to pull her shorts down and out of bratty frustration. Her greasy, moonsilver hair flopped back and forth as she started to shimmy. Her butt wiggled, brushing up against the wall behind her. This only made removing the pants more of a chore. Inch by painful inch her pants were pulled down and her glistening rear was exposed. Whilst Belle still wore a bra, she had given up on panties, hating the feeling of wedgies. Belle removed any piece of discomfort from her life. Panties had become a source of frustration, so she did without. Thus, as Belle undressed, naked buttcheeks with deep dimples were brought into the bright lights of the changing room. When her pants finally were dropped to her ankles, Belle flopped onto the changing room bench. She was too exhausted by her struggle to care about kicking her shorts off from around her ankles. The bench sagged under her supple fat as she sat down.

Belle rested on the little seat, taking up far more than her fair share of the space. Sweat beaded on her body anew, replacing the droplets that had been whisked away by the friction of fabric. She leaned on the pile of clothes, sharing her sweat. Her weight seeped over the fabrics, pressing down and ruffling them. She looked into the mirror before her, seeing the disrepair her body had descended into over the course of several months. Belle’s stomach sagged between her open thighs, molded into a u-shape bend. There was no muscle to hold her fat up, thus even her bellybutton was allowed to melt and warp. Her rolls were smooth and inflated, almost overly puffy. There was a new crease forming between her arms and torso, just as her thighs had one around where they met. There was little left of the woman that had graduated from college. Only her silver hair remained, and even that was no longer the same. Rather than flowing majestically, it slapped on her thick neck. When she was at her most sweaty, Belle knew that sweat ran from her ponytail like it was a spigot. Belle saw all of this in the mirror, wondering if she should care.

Memories flashed before her eyes: Graduating highschool, honor society meetings, dean’s list awards, and many meetings with professors. Yet, through them all she struggled to remember any amount of happiness. She had been a machine, someone driven on the path upwards through life at all costs. It had been at least a decade of constant work and toil, but no joy. Belle sighed, slumping onto the clothes. She knew she should probably hate what she had become, a lazy and fat pig, but could not muster the energy up. With the absence of energy to motivate herself, Belled instead felt an entire new feeling. Relief. She was no longer bound by the expectations and dreams of others. Rather, she could decide her own destiny. She breathed in and out slowly, circling the drain of self-enlightenment. Within the relative silence of the changing room Belle could finally think uninterrupted. With each breath, staring at her reflection in the mirror and seeing its sweaty peaks and valleys, she realized she kind of liked this new life. Rest, relaxation, and being taken care of by her mother were pretty fun. Comforted by the little realization, she stood up and worked her clothes back on.

Without trying a single shirt or pair of pants on, Belle walked out of the changing room. Her mother was standing nearby, eager to help as always. Belle waddled up and handed the clothes to her. “These will work.” She said, stifling a yawn. “Let’s go home. . .but I want to stop by the food court first.” She said, feeling rumbling in her stomach. Hunger was advancing on her and she would not let it go untreated.