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Tags: Nearly immobile, mobility issues, messy eating, size difference, One Piece 

This is NOT the Valentine's story that I've been working on and teased. However, I felt one of Anime's more odd couples could use the spotlight. 

“Ooooh. . .I need to get. . .these right!” Boa Hancock fretted over the tray of chocolates. The little treats had been formed into the shapes of boats, jolly rogers, and hunks of meat. Judging only by presentation, they were perfect for the captain of the Strawhat crew. Yet, it was not the presentation that mattered most to the man made of rubber. Taste was what won Luffy’s heart and simple mind. “Please. . .please. . .be right!” Boa huffed as she waddled towards the tray, arms struggling to move past a wobbling and turgid gut. The former warlord moved slowly, having to throw her arms and legs into motion. The graceful poise she had once possessed had been carried away on a chocolate flavored river. Her supple curves had grown heavy, obscene in their massiveness. Thwwump! Thwump! Boa’s footsteps were heavy thuds on the floor of her palace on Amazon Lily. Feet nearly consumed by calf fat landed heavily. Boa grimaced as she waddled forward, watching the chocolates shake on the plate. She feared that her weight might send them to the floor. Whatever their quality, the hefty pirate queen could not bear that anything made for Luffy be subject to dirt.

Boa’s bloated belly reached the counter long before her hands. She had to push her mass forward, shoving it into the cooking area. Thick, clumsy hands worked to grab one of the treats. “Thesescch. . .have to. . .be perfect.” Boa’s voice was full of concern not normally present. Struck by love, Boa blushed and hefted her stomach onto the counter. Nearing full and total immobility, she could only lift part of her gut. Much of it sagged beyond the support of the counter, drooping towards the ground like melting taffy. “My love. . .musccht. . .transmit through. . .these candies.” Boa put a fat arm to her forehead, sopping some of the love-sweat away. Her ability to be dramatic and theatrical had been siphoned away along with her mobility. Bending backwards in her signature pose of disdain was now fully impossible. What movements she could make were now orchestrated through careful counterbalancing of her breasts, gut, and titanic rear. “Do I. . . dare. . . even try?” Boa’s voice warbled, first with heavy chin fat and second from emotional distress. She finally broke, seeking the candy to satisfy her stomach and heart. She would eat for fullness and to make sure Luffy’s present was quality.

One of the small chocolates was smeared into Boa’s pudgy palm. Her hot breath started to melt the chocolate even before it touched her plump lips. Boa paused standing on the edge of attempted glory. Her body sagged out below her, growing wider and fatter as it went down. It started with breasts nearly watermelon sized, ripping their way through her purple satin dress. She was explosive femininity, perfect skin down stretched over enough rolls to swamp a rowboat. Below her breasts was her aforementioned wall of gut. Even though half of it rested on the counter, much of it wobbled against the kitchen cabinets. Yet, below even that, was her butt. Boa lugged a sofa with her wherever she went. Her ass splayed out several feet in either direction, its dimpled mass simply unable to be covered. Her dresses had been forcibly altered into dangling loincloths. Her thighs and butt were allowed to spread ever outward, with only a meager strip of fabric draping over her dangling gut and mountainous asscheeks. Somehow, these cheeks wobbled as Boa brought the chocolate to her mouth. She chewed, assessing the flavor.

“Ooooh. . .” She said worriedly. Another chocolate was popped into her mouth, faster than the first. She tried to make herself enjoy them. Her tongue parsed through sticky, gooey chocolate in an effort to find any worthwhile flavor. Her heavy cheeks and jowls sagged further down her face as she realized another batch had been ruined. “Nooooooo! How. . .how can. . .I make him. . .happy?” Boa huffed, visions of doom springing to her eyes. She saw Luffy walking away, unable to be in the presence of a woman who could not cook. Boa fell towards the counter, the masses of her arms, stomach, and breasts slapping onto the space. A clatter rung in the cooking area as the tray of confections scattered backwards. Chocolates landed all around her, their tasteless lumps dotting the counter. She sobbed, face blushing beautifully even through her melodrama. “My Luffy deserves. . .so much. . .better!” Boa looked at the chocolates, disgusted. Her face switched from despondency to fury, hatred for the chocolates burning in her heart. “These must. . .be. . .buried!” She said, grabbing one with a fat hand. She ate it, burying the failure from sight.

Boa launched into a fit of eating. The morbidly obese woman scarfed what chocolates she could find. The sacks of blubber on her biceps and forearms dragged across the marble counter, heating the cool surface. Boa dragged back four or five chocolates with every handful. Her mouth and face were quickly smeared, though salty tears cut their way through the mess. With each swallow of chocolate, the secrets of Boa’s weight gain were revealed. She would do anything to hide her failure as a cook. “Mmmgghp. . .BEGONE. . .VILE. . .SWEETSSCH!” She yelled curses at the vanquished chocolates. Her butt rocked back and forth, quaking as she rocked on the counter. Her ass billowed like blankets being shook in the wind, with slow ripples tracing the circumference of her backside. She stomped on occasion, silently ordering her knees and legs to support her weight and madness. Though her legs struggled to hold her weight, they would do as told until all the evidence was devoured.

“I WILL. . .mmgghp. . .do. . .better!” Boa said, licking her fingers. All clues and hints as to what she was doing needed to be eradicated. Once the chocolates were dealt with, she moved onto the bowl. The mixing bowl sat nearby, still brimming with unused materials. Within lay a lake of sugary, melted chocolate. Boa slid down the counter, oozing her body towards it. Weak, lovestruck anger bled across her messy face. She fumbled the mixing bowl, arms too drained to work properly. All of her strength had gone into those chocolates, leaving her with little to tear them down. “Luffy. . .deserves. . .my best. . .my love!” Boa, Empress of Amazon Lily, fumbled the bowl again. She managed to hook a fat finger around the rim. The bowl was pulled down as she flopped onto the floor. The room shook as her rear thundered down, warping the boards underneath. Hurricanes and waterspouts had less force than gravity working upon Boa’s meaty rear. It spread across the floor, each cheek wider than a man’s height. In her clumsy haste, the black haired beauty spilled chocolate across her breasts. A mess of emotions and food, she continued her revenge.

“Mmmgghppgh. . .schuuffer. . .and. . .be. . .FORGOTTEN!” She declared the punishment between hearty gulps. The bowl tipped ever upwards, streams on either side dribbling down onto her chest. Boa guzzled, sucking down the waves of sugar. She cared little about what it would do to her body. That was the punishment for failing as a woman. The same went for the dress ruined by the drippings of chocolate. She deserved only nice things when she could please Luffy. Boa opened her mouth wider, slurping loudly. Her butt billowed against the drawers behind her. Her weight crushed the wood, reducing the sturdy craftsmanship easily. She continued to drink until the bowl was empty. Tossing it away, she set to cleaning her breasts. Fat and fumbling hands struggled to lift her breasts, bringing one to her mouth. She began to lick and suckle. All the chocolate would be licked away. Luffy would never know what had transpired. This was but the next in a series of failures. Boa would repeat the process until she had something serviceable. No matter the cost to her sanity or body, she would make something for Luffy. Something beautiful.

--- Gift time ---

“Hancock!” Luffy called, walking through the deserted palace. He had returned to Amazon Lily to cheer Boa up. Her latest letters seemed more love stricken and erratic than usual. He walked through the palace, his face wearing a typically blank expression. The future pirate king had dressed for the occasion with a pink shirt, though he still wore his custom jean shorts. In one hand he held a bouquet of flowers and a box in the other. Within the box was a dress he had taken from Nami’s wardrobe. Given the thousands of dresses which were aboard the Thousand Sunny, he figured one missing would not matter. Luffy continued on his journey through the palace, not knowing what torture awaited him back on the ship. He walked in ignorance of Nami’s wrath, finding his way through the spacious rooms. It was not until he reached the dining room that he heard noise.

“Uuuggh. . .ooh. . .Luffy!” the pirate king stopped as he heard a heavy, wheezing voice behind him. The ground started to shake at irregular intervals, mimicking human footfalls. “You. . .BBBBLLEERUP. . .came. . .oooh. . .you’re. . .wonderful!” Boa spoke, struggling to motivate her massive body forward. The chocolate situation had only grown further out of control. Boa was now a woman that could barely waddle and somewhat cook. Her legs, bigger than any pirate ship mast, thumped on the ground. She was so fat that rolls had draped over her ankles and started to hide her feet. She walked only out of pure willpower, muscles long faded. She blushed from love and physical exhaustion. Her stomach ran forward, swinging only inches from the floor. The dress she had been wearing was little more than an apron, fit only to cover pitiful portions of her obesity. She held a tray, the latest batch of subpar confections. “I. . .wanted. . .I needed to make. . .you. . .thesescch.” Boa’s hands trembled, knowing what she made was worthless. In a mounting fit, she dropped the tray and grasped her blubbery cheeks. “I. . .CAN’T!” She shouted, trying to hide her shame.

“Woah, Hancock!” Luffy’s rubbery arm stretched out to catch the plate. The rest of his body shot towards his nearly immobile love, disobeying physics in order to reach her. Luffy had always been shorter than Boa, but now she dwarfed him in width as well. She was a rotund mass, with only her excessive rear saving her from total sphericalness. Her butt sagged out and down, reaching towards the ground. Her butt alone could have been used to anchor ships. The slim beauty of the seas had blown up to ludicrous proportions. There was little left of the old boa physically, with only her black hair and eyes as a reminder. Yet, her personality stayed. She bushed and sobbed, overcome with love for her pirate king. Luffy, balancing the chocolates on the dress box, looked up into several swinging chins. “You dropped this.” He said, lifting the tray up to her face. Boa burst into tears.

“Noooo. . .Luffy. . .cassccht them. . .away.” She cried, rubbing and pulling at her face. “They are. . .horrid!” She stepped backwards, shaking the room with one mere step. “I. . .BBBOORRRUUP. . .tried. . .but. . .failed.” Another belch shook her body, showing all the accumulated evidence of baking failures. Boa knew Luffy wouldn’t listen. He possessed a true man’s hunger and would sample anything. The way he ignored her womanish warnings for his own desire only sent Boa into further hysterics of love. She toppled backwards as he tipped the food into his mouth. The chocolates fell in at once, making his rubbery cheeks expand. Even with his mouth full of scores of candies, Luffy’s lumpy face was nowhere near as fat as Boa’s. He looked up at her, thinking about his meal.

“Pretty good, Hancock.” He said, not even bother to chew before he swallowed

“Pretty. . .pretty. . .good!” The words echoed through Boa’s mind as she tumbled to the floor. She fell in slow motion, hair whipping past her jiggling face. Her butt dropped down with the force of cannonballs, ready to break the stonework beneath her. There were human sized holes all over the palace of Amazon Lily, each indentation made from the empress falling over in a fit. She landed, an earthquake spreading through the palace. Her fat sloshed and bubbled, moving endlessly as it refused to settle. Steam rose from the blush creeping across her face. “Have. . .I. . .BBLOORRUUP. . .impresschhed you. . .Luffy?” Boa asked, covering her breasts in a manner suggesting she wanted further exploration. She looked up, nearly at a height with Luffy thanks to her booty bulk. “Are they. . .good?” She asked, tears in her eyes.

Luffy walked over to his immobilized pirate queen. She was so fat that he was the only man that could hope to hug her properly. His arms stretched, wrapping deeply into her rolls. He felt her warmth and softness. She was mochi and pudding pressed into a vaguely human shape, but more than a little comforting. Though his heart was called by adventure, the sea, and his crew; Luffy felt something else stir within him. “You did good. . .” He said, looking proudly. “. . .especially considering how fat you are!” He finished in typical fashion, unable to keep from stating the obvious. He laughed a little, enjoying Boa’s new bulk. “I never thought you would let yourself go!”

“Ooooooohh. . .Luffy!” Boa sobbed, fixated only on the minor complements to her cooking. “I can. . .make. . .BBBLLURRRUUP. . .more!” She struggled to move, fighting against her atrophied muscles and tons of fat. Luffy laughed more, riding her blubber like he was a dinghy in the ocean. The dress, flowers, and chocolates were forgotten amidst a storm of wobbles. Though unorthodox, the strange couple enjoyed their Valentine’



D’aww the stretch hug was adorable


THANK YOU VERY MUCH PUDGY, I LIKED IT VERY MUCH!!!! I loved how you described her weight problems and you surprised me with the LuHan content at the end

James Duke

Heeeey! I'm so glad you liked it! I was trying to walk the line of LuHan, but without writing Luffy out of character.