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Tags: XWG, Blobs, Corruption (ish), light pregfat.

This is a semi-sequel to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fire-nation-fun-62359706 and https://www.patreon.com/posts/fire-nation-fun-62359758

First prompt of the New Year. . .and I went overboard. I am trying to reign myself in with these, but this is a choice fantasy for me. Azula becoming a blob is always pure kino. Anyway, hope you all enjoy 7k worlds

--- Encouragement ---

“Azulaaaa. . .can we. . .blllrrruuuup. . .stop?” Ty Lee said as she failed to lift a heavy piece of pie to her face. The slice filled both of her hands, the sugared fruit innards slipping out. Her face was a mess of pie and other sweets. Every bit of food that she had eaten in the past several hours was smeared about her face, hands, and expanded gut. “I’m so. . .uuuurrrrpp. . .full.” Even with her mewling, Ty Lee tried to bring the pie to her face. She wanted to impress her lover, conqueror of all the world, and that meant eating to the point of failure. Her chubby arms trembled as she worked the confection up to her mouth. It had been weeks since she had practiced her gymnastics, though she felt far weaker. The constant stuffings and weight gain seemed to sap every bit of strength and muscle that she had ever put on in her life. The newest current development in Azula’s madness was costing Ty Lee everything that she had worked for over the course of her life. Now close to 180 lbs, she was less of an accomplished assassin and spy and more of a pampered pig. She had gone over a decade and a half within the palace, avoiding Azula’s debauchery. However, the time had finally come. “Mmggghppph. . .I’m getting. . .mmgghp. . .fat though. . .” She said mindlessly, letting the pie drop onto her gut after a few half hearted bites. Fat droplets of sugar glaze flew in all directions.

“Someone. . .OOORRRUUUP. . .can’t handle. . .BLLOORRRUUUP. . .their fun.” Mai said, her tone made even more smug by her flat voice. Her smile widened as she felt the fat droplets of her competition’s pie land on her own naked body. Mai was stretched across two chairs. They were flat and hard, only able to be comfortably sat in by a woman of extreme girth. Mai’s buttcheeks filled the chairs, bleeding out into open air. Double Ty Lee’s own weight, Mai’s body gobbled up empty air the same as her mouth did food. She had adjusted easily to her wife’s demands, taking on whatever role was necessary to please Azula. Her fat breasts flopped down onto her gut, working to smear the accumulated food around even more. It was a testament to her gluttony that Mai was noticeably cleaner than Ty Lee. Though she had been eating for longer, the formerly deadly assassin allowed very little to escape her mouth. She stretched back in her chairs, opening her flabby legs and allowing her stomach to seep through. She scooped up more food, working her belly up to reveal the real treasure hidden beneath. “MoooOOORRRUUUUPP. . .pleascch.” She smiled, looking at the far end of the room where Azula sat.

“Hmm.” Azula purred in thought. “Is one of my kittens not enjoying her food?” Her voice was characteristically edged. Azula had a one of a kind ability to make every word spoken seem like a threat. It was intoxicating how she could weave violence with sexuality. One never knew if they were standing on stable ground with the Firelord, doubly so for those she had a vested and lustful interest in. “Maybe. . .UUUGGHH. . .I’m a bad owner. . .though.” Azula stretched and started to stand, heaving her pregnant body out of the pillowed chair it had been resting on.

Looking at her stomach, it would have been easy to assume that Azula had swallowed several melons. The intensely gravid mother was filled to the brim with gestating life. Her stomach bloomed outward from her expensive robes, naked to the world. She had to arch her back, making her stomach breach the air like a whale coming up for air. One hand gripped her belly, treasuring the little warlords within, whilst the other grasped the chair. Her body was curvaceous and nearly without fat. Constant surges of pregnancy hormones had allowed her body to become sultry, but without the fat of most breeding women. Her iron will saw her able to stand fully and begin to waddle over to the pair of fattening women. Her stomach shifted back and forth, looking almost shark-like as it swam towards them. Azula’s face was a little round thanks to her hormones, adding a small inch of fat that no one ever spoke of, but glowing. She positioned her pregnant bulk between the two ladies, able to stroke and coddle them as she saw fit. Hands decorated with rings and wrist charms squeezed chubby cheeks.

“How might I help you?” Azula looked down at Ty Lee, her head framed by a shining window. She squeezed and toyed with Ty Lee’s chubby cheeks, rapidly jiggling her fat. “I need both of my darlings to put on fat as quickly as possible.” She leaned back, hefting her stomach and massaging it. She was the picture of lust unbound, a whirlpool of hormones. “It’s my job to help you both along.” She leaned her bulk over, obviously struggling to move her girthy stomach. Yet, when her lips landed upon Ty Lee’s head, they were lighter than butterflies.

“BBBBOOOORRRUUP. . .sorry. . . ‘Zula.” Ty Lee’s voice was quiet and turned pouty because of her failure. “I’m jussccht. . .urrruup. . .full.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” Azula straightened up. She looked over at Mai, who was silently pleading for more, and winked. Azula slowly shrugged out of her robes, letting her full nakedness be revealed. Mai and Ty Lee both watched with rapt attention as the robes fell away. Azula looked almost vulnerable as her breasts fell out. One after the other the large, milk-swollen orbs slapped onto her gigantic belly. The now empty upper section of her robes fell onto her expansive hips, highlighting her curves rather than diminishing them. Azula cradled her breasts, letting the sensitive organs overflow her small hands. She sighed, squeezing them. The two fat women felt heat rising between their thighs as they saw excited goosebumps form across Azula’s pale skin. A trickle of milk fell from one breast, then the other. Azula took a delicate finger and brought a taste to her mouth. She then looked at her lovers and smiled, revealing her previous actions to be but a trick of seduction. “Maybe a liquid diet would be best? Something easy and filling for you.” She looked down at Ty Lee. Both women began to move quickly, unwilling to waste the opportunity presented.

Mai and Ty Lee heaved their fat bodies out of their seats. Though twice as big, Mai moved quicker. She had long learned the value of serving Azula with mind, soul, and especially body. Her gut slapped about her chunky thighs as she rushed to drain one of the breasts on offer to her. Mai’s large butt knocked over one of her chairs, her normally reserved movements turned clumsy in her haste. Meanwhile, Ty Lee struggled to move her fat. She was stuffed and bloated, unused to holding such large quantities of food. She had never been less mobile or fleet footed. Instead, she was marked by constant slow clumsiness. She stood by putting her hands to her thighs and pushing, her stuffed gut between her thighs. Ty Lee had tried to mimic the movements that Azula made when standing or walking, feeling much like a pregnant woman would. However, they did not seem to come to her. She was a creature that was meant to be fast and agile, not weighed down by fat and food. It was thus that she got to Azula seconds after Mai. What mattered, however, was her mouth wrapping around Azula’s fat nipple and beginning to suck. The pair of women began to sup on the thick torrents of cream.

“Good. . .ooooooh. . .gooood!” Azula purred, her voice again edged with her unique form of sharp sexuality. She felt the press of both Mai and Ty Lee’s naked bodies. The framed her pregnant stomach, rather than trying to meet it head on. Mai jiggled with every glug of milk, throwing her entire roundness into her feeding. Ty Lee was more timid, afraid to test her limits. Azula did not mind, as long as the thinner woman did what she was told. She would fatten up eventually, becoming the sort of blob that Azula treasured so dearly. She would fattent these two, mold them into what she desired. Katara and Toph had been but steppings stones. Every woman that Azula loved would eventually fall prey to her desires. She would break each of them down, reshaping them into fast fields of fat and blubber. They were fit only to glut on food and become useless. Meanwhile, she would rule her kingdom and sire more future warlords. Azula pressed Mai and Ty Lee into her belly more. She wanted them to feel the strength of her gestating line. Brood after brood after brood of conquerors had been her gift to the world. She was 27, and had spent most of that time pregnant. It was unbound sexual lust masquerading as dynastic ruling. Azula was a woman ruled by her desires, whether she consciously knew them or not.

“Take more.” Azula instructed Ty Lee, unable to restrain herself. Mai was suckling like a hog, taking as great of gulps as she possibly could. Meanwhile, Ty Lee had continued to be tepid. With a hand, she pressed Ty Lee’s face into her assigned breast. “Deeper. . .drink deeper!” Azula’s whisper’s gained strength as her lust mounted. She became eager, looking for a way to bring greater satisfaction to her immense appetites. “Fill your gut with my milk.” Azula cradled Ty Lee’s head, lightly tugging on the long braided ponytail she wore. Encouraged by the attention, the gymnast turned personal pig started to suckle faster. Both her and Mai’s bellies began to swell with the milk being dumped into them. Years of breeding had turned Azula’s milk glands into overactive geysers. Even when not pregnant, she had to be milked thoroughly. “Keep going, fill yourself.” Azula found it hard to speak through her wicked grin. She was ever more desperate to escalate the encounter. Feeling her thighs grow wet, she looked around the room. Her eyes alighted on the cart of food that the girls had been eating from. It was still stocked full.

Azula reached a hand down, grabbing a slice of pie. Invigorated with lust, she gulped it down. She quickly followed it with another and a third thereafter. “I’m going to fill myself.” She said to her charges, trying to move her arms above their heads. She struggled firstly against her own pregnant bulk and then against the fat slapping against her. Azula jammed a fourth piece of pie into her mouth, feeling the sugar starting to pump through her body. She imagined her stomach as a conduit leading to her breasts. What entered into her would be pumped doubly into her lovers. She would make them fat, either by stuffing them or being drained herself. They would suckle her to nothing, taking all of the fat and sugar within her breasts. “You will be MY blobs.” Azula said, licking the sugary food off of her hands. She went back to nuzzling her two lovers. “Whatever comes to me, I will return to you entirely.” Her hands started to pat their heads, but soon returned to the pie.

--- Fuel for Feeding ---

Months later, the fruits of Azula’s work were beginning to show. Mai and Ty Lee were crowded around large bowls, pigging their way through a mess of calorically intense soup. They had grown well, adding precious inches to their waistlines. Mai was as fat as ever, looking more porcine than ever before. 330 pounds of queenly bulk rested in a chair that more resembled a couch. Fat filled her body, rounding her out in every possible direction. There was no part of Mai that had been spared from the inexorable build of fat. Her breasts were larger than her own head, seeping onto a belly that entered rooms well before she did, and everything was balanced on a butt that could be used as a shelf for plates. Her butt was so large that it pushed her forward out of the chair. It bubbled up behind her, so large that it jiggled her back rolls. Mai dredged the bowl deeply, sucking noodles and hunks of beef into her gullet. As impressive that it was she had grown so much, there was still more for her to do. Likewise with Ty Lee.

Ty Lee had also seen growth spurts, finding 50 more pounds to shove onto her body. Her stomach had quickly lost definition, flabby now even when stuffed. The rest of her body seemed to lag behind her stomach, allowing it to balloon outwards. The dancer’s figure she had cultivated was a forgotten memory. Now her body was defined by breasts which lay atop a double rolled gut and thighs that perpetually hugged. Whilst Mai slurped and sucked her food down as quickly as possible, forgoing silverware, Ty Lee still used her spoon. Her stomach gurgled with each new shovelful, resentful that it was being filled. For Ty Lee, the road to blobdom had been thus far marked with utter resistance by her body. It took extremes to put on even a fraction of the fat that Mai had. Thankfully, Azula was around to help.

“Slow, slow, slow.” Azula chided Ty Lee as she waddled up. Her pregnancy had deepend further, expanding her stomach to even more ludicrous proportions. This was the biggest brood she had been impregnated with yet. Nearly 8 children filled her womb. It was almost a wonder that she had retained her current amount of mobility. “Ty Lee, are you trying to upset me?” Azula asked, moving her bulk up to her smaller lover. Ty Lee looked up at her round goddess, trying to speak.

“Azula. . .I’m BBBBLOOOOORRRUUP. . .sorry.” Ty Lee moaned, hoping the belch would at least show the effort she had thus far given. “Jussccht. . .my stomach,” Ty Lee whined as she grabbed her ornery gut. “I can’t fill it more.”

Azula sighed, knowing what had to be done. With one hand she grabbed the gigantic bowl. The contents, only a fourth had been eaten, sloshed and dripped over the sides. It was a magnificent swamp of calorie rich foods. Pork and beef with extra fat, noodles made from the finest grains, and broth that had been sourced from rare herbs. It was culinary gold offered up in a bowl just as expensive. Azula began to drink it, filling her body with the ingredients. She would provide for her flagging, troubled pupil. Her breasts swelled as she ate, excitedly filling with milk. They grew even under her robes, opening the window of cleavage wider. Azula heard the unladylike grunting of Ty Lee trying to get out of her seat, along with the even deeper grunts of Mai’s movements. The heavily pregnant woman tipped the bowl back further, both to free her breasts and to drink at a quicker rate. She soon felt thick fingers pulling her robe open. Now practiced at the routine, Azula drained the bowl just as Ty Lee began to suckle. She tossed it aside, letting the one of a kind pottery smash into dust. She cared little, her palace was filled with one of a kind treasures and she needed her hands free. Mai was about to hand her another filled bowl.

“Thank you. . .BBBLOOOOORRRUUP. . .Azula.” Mai belched loudly, hoping the force would jiggle her fat more. She wanted her wife to see the progress she had undergone. She handed the bowl of food over, the ticket to a richer life. “I live for this.” Mai bowed, always ready to show proper respect and deference to her wife. Without waiting for a response, Mai crouched and began to fill her gut with the creamy runoff of Azula’s breasts. The big woman began to stroke Azula’s stomach, feeling the softness with her plump fingers. She toyed with the flabby roll underneath the taut baby bump. Meanwhile, Azula continued to slurp down the bowl of noodles and broth. Each gulp of food increasing her lust and ego.

“Mmmgghp. . .come on. . .help. . .yourselves.” Azula’s voice was strong and bordered on crazed. She felt the two women drawing her milk, lapping it up with their lips and soft tongues. Their fat bounced against her curves, proving the efficacy of what she was doing. Each and every meal that she ingested was pumped into the pair, making them brim with fat. Azula ‘s knees grew weak as she thought of the power that she was amassing. Food filled her stomach, mixing with meals that she had already taken that day. Every bite equated to milk to fill her breasts and thusly pump into Mai and Ty Lee. This was better, more personal. It was not Azula commanding her chefs to feed the pair. Rather, it was Azula herself feeding them. Her essence was flowing into them, corrupting them from the inside out. She buckled, dropping slowly to the floor under the weight of her fantasies. Mai and Ty Lee did not break their feeding, milk dribbling down from their chins, instead clinging on as Azula slowly toppled over.

The Firelord landed on her curvaceous bottom, the nearly empty bowl of soup clattering away from her. Her back arched under the weight of her heavy gut. Ty Lee and Mai continued to feed off of her milk. Azula felt her heart quicken as her desires crystalized further. She wanted to give them more, to be the sole reason their bulks existed. She started to laugh wildly, reaching sexual climax. Azula scooted backwards, trying to reach for her bowl. Mai and Ty Lee came on relentlessly, pushing Azula backwards with their weight. Azula’s hands felt the bowl and she pulled it back to her. She returned to slurping the mess of sodden noodles down, knowing that every bit of fat would find its way not onto her body, but rather to Ty Lee and Mai.

--- Sharing ---

“Maaaiii. . .” Azula called, letting her wife know gently that she was in trouble. Mai had just started to stick her fingers into the gigantic cake that had been sent to her bedroom. The card that came specifically instructed her to wait. However, in a rare burst of disobedience, Mai had started to eat the cake. With her weight approaching finally 400 pounds, hunger was a temptation that was hard to ignore. She had rationalized that it was what Azula would want, that she wanted her to be bigger at all costs. That might have been true nearly a year ago, when Azula had begun the crusade against Ty Lee and Mai’s waistlines. That was no longer the case. As was apparent by the way she waddled and swayed into the room, Azula’s priorities had changed. Azula herself had changed. Warped by her own desires, the Firelord now waged a different campaign. It was a campaign against her own body.

“What. . .did I. . .bblloorruup. . .tell you?” Azula asked as her full girth swung into the room. Finally entering the third trimester of pregnancy, her stomach had reached divine proportions. Yet, it was almost hard to tell given what had happened to the rest of her. The dark haired woman had grown excessively fat and heavy. Inflamed by her new method for feeding Mai and Ty Lee, Azula had merged lust and hunger; finding the combination to be addictive. She had once walked with steps both powerful and quiet. Now, however, her weight saw them as little more than impotent stomps which tried to keep her bulk in motion. She thudded into the room, fat jiggling under the partial robe she wore. “My cake. . .your. . .OOORRUUP. . .milk.” Azula’s words were broken up by belches and wheezes. Her entrance into the room was slow, her form seeming to grow out of the darkness. Mai removed her sticky, chocolate covered fingers from the cake, shrinking into her trio of chairs as Azula reached the table. Mai was ever in awe of Azula, but that awe had doubled now that Azula matched her in size.

“I’m sorry.” Mai’s voice was flat as she spoke, trying to accept punishment gracefully. “I had wanted to make myself bigger for you.” She sighed, remembering simpler times. It had been easier when Azula’s only directive had been for her to eat and attain mass. Now, the fat woman had to balance her own desires against that of Azula’s mutating sexuality. Simplicity was gone, replaced with a confusing web of sexuality and greed. It was as nerve wracking as it was intoxicating.

Azula started to speak, but the cake was too distracting. All other desires melted away in the face of her desire to explore her newest sexual fantasy. She scooped handfuls of rich cake into her mouth, filling her cheeks with the moist and sugary confection. Azula ate with both hands, staring only at her prize. Her piggish body wobbled back and forth. The little robe she wore, meant only to cover her upper half, had ripped in places as her fat refused to be contained. Azula’s fat was evenly distributed, having flooded over her pregnant body. Her breasts had grown large enough to drop onto the table, whilst her stomach was too big. She hunkered down over the cake, widening her stance so that her gut could pass through her legs unobstructed. From behind, much of what could be seen of Azula was her wide butt sloshing back and impressively thick thighs. The dark haired woman shoveled cake into her mouth, coating her hands and mouth with it. Her elbows, so thickly covered in thick pudge that they had lost articulation, pooled on the table. Azula lowered herself as the gorging went on, eating voraciously.

She stopped randomly during her feeding, only when the pleasure became too much. Her body would stiffen as pleasure raced through her. The bloated woman would arch her back, bringing all 600 pounds of her into nearly divine sexual gratification. Her fingers would splay outwards, too possessed by the sheer madness within her to function. With her eyes closed, Azula would sense the bubbling emotions within her. She could feel her stomach churning with the food she ate, already packed thanks to several meals before the cake. The sensation of being so full was heightened knowing that they had not been meant for her. These were supposed to be for Mai and Ty Lee. These were calories stolen and plundered from her lovers. Her hunger and desire for food had become so monstrous that she could hardly remember why she had wanted to fatten them in the first place. Food was treasure, food was life, and food was power; it should be hers by right. As these thoughts came out of her subconscious, they motivated Azula to eat more. She put more of her weight on the table, forcing it to hold her growing bulk as she let her greed run rampant. The wood began to crack, demolished by the insatiable woman’s hefty body.

It was not until the cake had vanished from the earth and the table was in ruins that Mai spoke. Azula sat in the center of the rubble, hefting a magnificently messy breast up to her mouth to lick the tit clean. “Uhm. . .Azula. . .may I. . .” Mai ventured the suggestion of feeding, unsure of how to even approach the situation. She watchedAzula sit on the broken and smashed table, furiously and sensually licking herself. Her gigantic, pregnant stomach was so stuffed with food that it had turned red. Trying to find the courage to speak, Mai shifted in her chair. Her bulk seemed so incomplete next to that of Azula’s. Elbows and knees hidden by fat, a large pillow of underbelly fat to hold her baby bump up, and breasts nearly too big to be held with one hand; Azula was a monument to extreme gluttony. Mai watched as Azula’s breasts grew bigger, filling with milk as food digested and lusty hormones pumped through her body. “ Shall I. . .feed?” Mai asked finally.

“No!” Azula instantly dropped her breast, looking at Mai with wild eyes. “Need. . .I need It all.” Her hands went protectively to her breasts. Trickles of milk had started to spread between them. Unable to fight off the food-lust, even at such a critical moment, Azula started to lift one of her massive tits. She fell back, shaking the room with her landing. The sounds of sloppy, messy slurping and licking filled the night. She stopped only to pathetically scratch at her lower belly and the drooping roll of fat under her stuffed, pregnant gut. “You may. . .BLOOOORRRUUUP. . .serve me other ways.” Azula patted her stomach with thick, fat fingers. The sounds of suckling soon returned. Azula’s gut wobbled back and forth as she tried to haul one of her breasts to her mouth.

Mai watched for a second, mentally readjusting to what she was seeing. Her goals realigned as she saw Azula’s new wants. It was of little surprise. Azula was a creature of ambition and desire. Once she held something in her hands, she immediately wanted more of it. Really, Mai thought, there was no chance that Azula would have ever allowed others to be bigger or more pampered than herself. It was a wonder that she had gone as far as she had with Katara and Toph. Mai slid off the chair, crawling on her hands and knees towards her wife. She kissed the fatter woman’s gut, sucking a little at the end of each smooch. “Right away, my love.” Mai whispered, knowing that Azula’s mind was elsewhere. The big woman only wanted to feel her body getting fed and pleasured. A sly smile touched Mai’s face as she ducked under the wall of gut fat. She would give Azula everything that she wanted.

--- Greed ---

Katara was the fattest woman in the world. Her body had lost form and definition years ago when she had become the plaything of Firelord Azula. She was a series of rolls and hills of blubber. Her feet and hands were long lost to memory, thought she felt them under her massive body from time to time. In moments of greatest excitement the waterbending blob could feel her hands trying to close or move. Those were small motes of movement in a sea of constantly shifting blubber. Katara was a landscape of fat, partially filling the throne room. Her face lay within a valley of chin and neck rolls, but she could easily see her breasts. Bigger than boulders, her titanic cleavage bullied the rest of her spreading bulk. They were edifices to the workings and machinations of one woman’s endless perversion. Azula had fed and fattened Katara until she was a spoiled, bratty version of the woman she had once been. She lived only to feel endless, gluttonous pleasure of every kind. She lived a life of corrupting ease, where her only task was to wake greedier than the day before. However, that now was coming to an end as Azula continued to change. Katara now found that she was only the second greediest woman to ever exist.

“Azulaaaa!” Katara wheezed as she felt the other woman’s tonnage jiggling against her own. Her personal space and feeding area had been invaded by the voracious firelord. “Isscch. . .my. . .food. Lemme. . .eaaaat!” Katara whined impotently, receiving only the meager splashing of Azula’s spilled food as recompense. For the second time, Katara had been conquered by the firebender. Azula, now fully immobilized, had been lifted and slid onto the tan blob’s plateau of face and chin fat. The grand series of sweaty, slobbery, glistening rolls had become Azula’s newest seat. Further, the gilded pipes that had once fed Katara had been routed into Azula’s mouth. A growing blob of pale blubber which had been the source of Katara’s growth now stole her sustenance. “Pleeeassscchh. . .I’m schoooo hungry!” Katara whined, trying to crane her neck towards where the constant stream of food mess dumped out of the pipe. She was only able to lick the run off of Azula’s body. The firelord was feeding, and she would allow no one else to come near her treats.

“Mmmmggghpppgh. . .SSSSCCHHLLUURRUUR. . .BBBLOOORRUUUP!” Azula did not even respond to Katara, instead working to satiate herself. Her mouth was open as the pipes pumped food into her. She slurped and sucked, hands vainly trying to search her body for erogenous areas that she could no longer reach. Greed and gluttony was now written upon every part of Azula’s body, soul, and mind. The once firm and fearsome fighter had softened into pale sludge, with the only firm part of her being her semi-buried baby belly. Her pregnancy was reaching it’s final months, granting her cravings such as she had never had. 600 pounds was a distant memory to a woman now well over a ton in weight. The only things capable of holding her bulk now were the mattress-mountain-like forms of Toph and Katara. Azula herself was quickly becoming one of those forms, already bigger than any bed in the palace. She continued to eat, submerging herself in the rushing deluge of food. Foods of all sorts were dumped into her mouth and splattered across her body. Her stomach heaved as she glutted herself on more and more. Her body shifted back and forth as the pathetic limits of her mobility were tested. Azula was not so blobby and formless as Katara, but was nearing that sort of buttery shape. Already she was up against the limits of control over her motion.

Azula, trying to catch as much food in her mouth as possible, tried to twist and turn her bulk. She rode on an ever shifting world of blubber, her butt squishing upon Katara’s many chin folds. Azula loomed over the throne world as a blob atop an even bigger blob. Her shadow fell on Toph, who was greedily sucking down her own food in an attempt to stay large. “Mmmgghp. . .sscchhhooo. . .hungry.” Azula rumbled, thinking only of her own bulk. Food waste poured onto her mouth, the pipe several feet above her. She was drenched the fattening run off. A river poured between her person sized breasts, with tributaries falling off the sides of her gut. Azula strained to reach the flow pipe of food, wanting to latch her mouth around it. Beneath her Katara continued to whine and mewl, her cries serving only to stimulate Azula’s gluttonous rampage. With concerted effort, Azula raised her arms; the curtain of bicep fat never breaking contact with the rest of her. She stretched, even kicking legs that long since been buried under a titanic slab of gut fat. Azula, most powerful woman in all the world, had been rendered useless by her own inescapable desires and body. She existed only to be acted upon by gravity, as it began to slowly pull her away from her food.

Azula slid and listed like a ship going off course in a storm. The changes in momentum were slow but picked up dangerous speed and force. She tumbled eventually, falling onto her side and sinking into the central pit of Katara’s fat. The two were brought face to face, with food pouring over top of them. It doused their sagging cheeks, slowly turning the valley of fat into a food reservoir. Katara tried to nurse at the stream of food, but found her path blocked by Azula’s own fat face. Though many times bigger, Katara was cowed by the intense madness radiating out of the other woman’s eyes. Azula’s fat weighed upon Katara, seeming to grow by the second. She could feel the myriad kicks of her babies, the taut pregnant belly pushing into her fat like a whale through water. Soon, Katara could feel her lover and master licking at her face in an attempt to down the food raining upon them. However, this time she spoke through it.

“I NEED to grow.” Azula said, her venomous voice made deeper by her fat. She nuzzled and sucked on Katara’s flabby face. “You were. . .OOOORRUUUP. . .a blueprint for me. . .I justch didn’t know.” Azula continued to feast, stealing every bit and morsel meant for Katara. She would drain the other woman’s feeding tanks, leaving nothing for anyone else. A low and deep moan rumbled out of the smaller woman’s flabby throat, seemingly far deeper than any noise she could reasonably make. It was the promise of future size, a taste of the colossus she would become. “You will be. . .MMMGGGHHPSSH. . .a marker. . .a point of. . .sscchhffflllrruuup. . .comparison.” Azula continued to speak and eat. Her and Katara’s hair was now wet and drenched with food and sweat. Competing grumbles of hunger roared through their stomachs, though Azula’s was master. “I’m going. . .mmgghhp. . .drown thisscch. . .world in. . .MMMGGHPPH. . .me!” Azula said, nearly hyperventilating with excitement. She then kissed Katara, needing something besides food to satiate herself.

--- Azula’s Blobs ---

“More! MOOOOOORE!” Azula’s bellows shook the throne room. She angrily took empty slurps from one of her many hoses, but spat it out just as quickly. The nozzle rolled and bounced down a body that seemed to be without end. Azula did not exist in the throne room, she was the throne room. Her bulk stretched to all corners of a room built to hold hundreds of people. Her tonnage was immense and immeasurable, only able to be hinted at by the greatest mathematicians. The walls of her palace were now starting to cave outwards from the greed that had been manifested onto her body. The golden nozzle bounced down the undulating series of chin folds, getting lost instantly upon waves of shaking blubber. Were it not retractable, it would be lost forever. “GIVE ME. . .uuugggh. . .MORE!” Azula continued to bellow, tired just by speaking. Cheeks bigger than boulders sagged onto doughy expanses that had once been shoulders. Her body was a formless mass, save only for a few points. She licked her lips furiously, trying to summon more strength to make demands. She stopped only when she felt calm hands stroking her face.

“But you already had so much!” Ty Lee slid under one of Azula’s cheeks, letting the wealth of flab cover her fully. She had slimmed down considerably, with every trace of her fat gone. Azula had sucked and slurped any potential of her gain away. Every bit of food that was destined for her had instead gone to the blob at the center of the Fire Nation Empire. She was decidedly more comfortable caring for her massive lover than she was trying to be massive herself. “Come on, let’s do something fun!” Ty Lee giggled, thrusting her hips up and down under the sloping mounds of cheek blubber. She could press her entire face into one of Azula’s cheeks and not cover a fraction of the surface area.

“Foooooood! Pleassssch. . . MOOOOORRRE!”Azula’s bellows grew weaker as she went without food. Long lost fingers twitched under hundreds of feet of fat. Her pale bulk shifted back and forth as her stomach roared. It was telling that her body was moved more by the noises of her stomach than it was her arms or legs. She was bound to the throne room, a symbol of power more than an actual leader. Her breasts trailed down her body, sloping off of her jutting piles of gut fat until they reached the floor. From their they pooled, masses of fat which pumped milk out into the world. Were it not for Katara and Toph, who constantly worked to drain her, Azula would have long flooded the palace. She lactated around the clock. Whilst her pregnancy had finished, the hormones had not left her. “I need. . .BBBLOOORRRUUP. . .to grow. . .nexssccht. . .pregnancsscchy. . .” Azula’s thick lips spat the words out. To her, all that mattered was her greed and lineage. Size had bestowed her with even more fertility. She was a breeding goddess now, a one woman army producer.

“Come now, My Love, can’t we talk a bit?” A second voice joined Ty Lee’s. Mai stepped off of a walkway and onto Azula’s bountiful upper chest. Mai had also lost considerable weight, but remained portly. She still dreamed of being called up on by Azula to become a blob. However, she was content to instead serve her wife in other ways. “It’s been so long since we’ve been able to rendezvous.” Mai walked easily up to Azula’s face. Spreading her arms wide, she gathered as much fat as she could. Azula’s already pudgy lips bloomed further out, becoming succulent kissing pools. Mai buried her face in Azula’s lips, not minding getting smeared with the lipstick that had been painted on with rollers. Mai was kissed back, Azula acting more on instinct  than anything else. If she was not fed, she was being pleasured, or she was begging for both; it was an endless cycle.

“Issccch.. .mmgghp. . .I need. . .make. . .me. . .huggesscch. . .” Azula was reduced to pathetic whimpering, unable to get her demands met. “More fat. . .for. . .pregnansshccy.” It was a tired, exasperated sigh. Far below, Katara belched loud enough to shake Azula’s fat. Even though she was pumped full of Azula’s milk, she had not been able to match her lover’s growth. She was now rendered even smaller than one of the black haired woman’s breasts. Soon, whenever Azula was pregnant once more, Katara would find herself further reduced in size. Azula would be wracked with growth spurts. The over cramped throne room would be reduced to rubble. Azula would be born into the world itself, a feature of the landscape for all to look at and worship. “Maaaaii!” Azula moaned, unable to keep the lust for growth out of her mouth. She quickly went back to kissing and licking Mai’s own lips.

“In due time.” Mai broke away, finding it more fun to withhold from Azula. “We will grow you even bigger.” She purred, burying herself under the pillowy chin roll which helped keep Azula’s head level. It was a place of honor, the most tender portion of Azula’s body. Mai’s chubby body gyrated. She had to use everything in order to properly stimulate her queen. Mai rolled and gyrated under a plane of sweaty fat. She marveled at what had happened to her queen. Azula was now a creature of pure desire, wanting only more. Mai loved that. She had allowed Azula to be reduced to her prime elements. Everything she had ever done in her life had been leading to this. Now, freed from any responsibility, Azula could be allowed to let her greed direct her life and passion. Mai whispered a little more, knowing that Azula could only feel the buzz of her mouth against the folds. “Just wait. You will have everything.”



The focus on weight switching for various characters (Azula included) as Azula moved from feeder to feedee was a unique twist, it’s not something you see too often in these kinds of stories. Admittedly the shorter runtime kept this mostly matter a fact rather then character driven, but it was a unique concept none the less. I really liked the upgrade to the feeding mechanisms for the various characters as the story progressed: allocating progressively more resources to Azula through improved feeding methods while using her output to aid the original cast. Maybe not as in depth as all the inventive stuff in the Hinata tale, but that’s understandable considering that had a far longer runtime. I outta finish my review of that, I’ve been putting it off for too long!

James Duke

You make a very good point about character driven vs factual. Haha this is definitely one of those stories where I wish I could have made it 10k rather than just 7. Alas. . .I don't think people would approve of me spending 2 weeks on one prompt lol


Side note because I didn’t mention it, Mai’s observation of Azula at the end was adorable. To feel so proud that her efforts have allowed Azula to shed all responsibilities, free to be completely consumed by her most base desires. To feel so wholistic about something so sinful is just such a fun blend of emotions.