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Tags: Gas, Slob, Corruption, Messy Eating, 

Sorry if this one isn't as big as some others, under the gun this month and didn't want to fall behind. However, we could do some sequels in the future to this.

Sadayo Kawakami had never felt quite as old or as much of a failure as she did standing behind the desk of the basement classroom. Somehow, remedial night school teacher felt even lower than being involved in a sleazy maid service. She tapped her fingers on the desk, fidgeting with the pieces of chalk that she had laid out. The older woman felt even worse as she looked at the list of names coming to her, all three had been involved with Shujin Academy and one had been her direct pupil. Kawakami sighed, sitting down and looking at the names again. She wondered where the education system had gone so wrong. Further, she wondered where she had gone wrong. Kawakami read the names again, each one sending a little dagger into the center of her heart. Ann Takamaki, Haru Okamura, Makoto Nijima. Each of the three entries were a blow to the older woman’s self esteem and confidence. If three of the brightest stars of Shujin Academy could burn out so badly, what chance did any student really have? Kawakami ignored the question as she heard her students starting to pile into the classroom. The first thing to give her pause was that she could smell and hear them before they even entered.

“Heeeey. . .BBBLLLOOORRRUUP. . .scchtop pushing!” A husky voice that sounded like Ann’s whined. The door to the classroom shuddered as a rotund, lumpy shape was pushed against it. Wheezing and panting seemed to shake the door, with a heavy weight pressed up to the opaque class. “Makoto, get your. . .BBBURRRRUUUP. . .gut off my. . .URRRUUP. . .butt.” The voice once again whined, confirming Kawakami’s suspicions. It was indeed Ann, though more of her than Kawakami could ever imagine. The sounds of fumbling and fat hitting the wooden door continued, each slap making Kawakami wince. She had heard rumors of what had happened to several students at Shujin, that they had traded academic and social accomplishments for a lifetime of excess and indulgence. Teachers whispered about a trio of students that had become such miserable slobs that they had been stricken from the records of Shujin. Out of willful ignorance, Kawakami had never checked the records to see which students had been removed.

“Ann! How. . .BBLOOORRUUUP. . .hard is to. . .uurrruup. . .open a door?” Makoto’s sharp but exasperated voice bubbled up. Kawakami covered her mouth in shock as she heard the constant pants and belches from both women. More rumors proven true. The descent into uncaring bodily degradation had allowed themselves to be free with their bodies and the smells they produced. “If you need. . .BBBLEEERRUUP. . .me. . .nevermind.” Makoto gave up as she spoke, unwilling to motivate herself to even the simplest task. The door remained closed, giving Kawakami more time to prepare. It was well needed time, there was little way to be prepared for what was to come through the small door.

“Guuuys, come on. . .I need to. . .sit. . .down.” Haru Okumura spoke over the rustling of many bags of food. Whilst the crinkling of brown paper fast food bags nearly drowned out most of the soft spoken woman’s words, it could not hide the noise of fat shifting. The hallway was filled with the snaps and rips of clothing, along with the slap of fat meeting fat. There was seemingly no end to the noise of heavy women pushing and shoving against each other. Ann’s boulder-like shape wobbled, reduced to a definition-less silhouette thanks to the thick glass on the door. The handle started to turn, with the fat woman having located it even though her apparent folds of blubber. Yet, it was fast enough for Haru. “Ooooh. . .I should have. . .UUUUGGGH. . .had those spicy. . .wings.” She whined, her naturally high pitched voice deepening into a diseased groan. Seconds later, the stink infiltrating the classroom reached hellish new levels. BBRRRRRRRMMMMPPPPT! The door shook as a deep and booming fart was unleashed. The door was opened to allow a thick brown cloud to waft in. With it came Shujin Academy’s worst students. The trio that had been removed from ever existing.

The true degradation of the women was revealed as they waddled into the classroom. Sagging folds of fat were covered in grease and food stains. Hair that had once been well maintained now was either matted with grease or frizzy. Fat exploded out of clothes built to elephantine proportions. Body odor and flatulence filled the classroom, nearly making Kawakami pass out. In her delirious haze, she understood now why they had been forced into the night school. It was not just that the three expelled students had become lazy, they had become utter burdens to everyone they were around. Many people within Japanese society were allowed to slip through the cracks, ignored by the government and allowed to fail in their own unique ways. These women, however, had become too fat and gaseous to ignore. Their physical presences were blights upon an orderly society, an unfair tax upon the hard working people of the nation. Special ordinances had been passed, forcing them to remediate their failings. Forced with all the might of the Japanese government, the failures of Shujin academy would be forced to improve.

“Ladies, let’s take our seats. Then we can begin.” Kawakami said as she watched the girls enter. They moved slowly, like every step was taxing. Kawakami had never seen women so fat, there was little chance any of the trio was under 600 lbs. They wore parodies of their traditional outfits, with fat hanging out at every point. Haru had ditched her skirt, simply allowing her white leggings to try and contain her pillar-like legs. The lip of the waistband had been hiked over the lowest fold of her gut, but the other two had been allowed to run freely. Her sweater had long since burst open to allow voluminous breasts to seep out. Ann wore sweats that had been modeled after Shujin Academy’s gym clothes. Much like Haru, Ann’s clothes failed to do little other than hold up her lowest sagging rolls and folds. Her gigantic ass hung out of her sweatpants, rocking back and forth as she slowly made her way to a seat. Makoto fared the best, with her tent sized white blouse able to cover more of her breasts and stomach. Each of the trio’s outfits were covered in food stains and rancid accumulations of sweat.

“Uuuugggh. . .this is going. . . to suck.” Ann complained openly, totally ignoring Kawakami. It was like the older woman did not exist or was so low that she did not deserve recognition. She took the middle desk, a monstrosity of fake wood and reinforced metal built to try and house her voluminous folds. It was evident that the measurements were done incorrectly or that Ann had undergone a growth spurt. The seams along her pants ripped more as her doughy thighs caught between the fake wood of the desk. Ann might once have been able to slide into a desk, the motion turned into something sensual by her effortlessly beautiful body, but no longer. The motion seemed more akin to a bag of budding being rolled onto a small counter. Her pale mass took up everything before her. Several sandbags worth of stomach fat came under the desk, cracking the false wood away from its anchor points. Her burdensome breasts muffled the noises of furniture massacre. She struggled back and forth trying to find her way into the triple wide seat that had been provided. Her frown only deepened as her butt refused to be seated quietly. BRRRRRMMMPPPTTT! The strain forced a loud fart from Ann’s ass, much to the delight of the other girls.

“Sssccchheee. . .Isscch. . .mmggghhp. . .NOT jusscht. . .me!” Haru defended her earlier flatulence through a mouthful of food. She held a garbage bag worth of food. It was supposed to be for the girls to share, but she found it hard to relinquish. Instead, Haru ate from it like it was a feedbag, dipping her moon face into the bag and grabbing whatever morsels she could. Her face was stained, with drippings of condiments running onto her shirt. The desks around the spoiled, food ruined heiress were splattered with food but her own was kept free by the fat blanketing it. The desk stained in other ways, as Haru’s underbelly seeped it’s corrosive grime. The mixture of sweat, grease, and trapped food stains was so thick that it dripped onto the floor. “You two. . .BBBLLOOORRRUUP. . . MMMGGHP. . .alwayscch. . .bully me.” Haru continued to complain. Corruption from food and her family’s wealth had given her a tyrant’s expectations and entitlement. “But. . .uuuhfff. . .isscch. . .you. . .two that. . .schmeell.” She said, her earlier flatulence already forgotten, she ignored the next bout with as much ease. FFFFFRRRRRRRPPPPTTT!

“You ARE the worst!” Makoto retorted, making a grab at the bag from her seat. Hundreds of pounds of sweaty, rancid fat rumbled over her desk. As she worked her flabby body the blouse she wore was pulled down, to expose breasts that had even out swelled Ann’s. Makoto boasted pumpkin-like breasts, well sustained by the constant influx of calories. They drooped and finally fell over the side of the desk, wobbling in midair like twin udders. “And. . .you. . .hog. . .BBBBBBBOOOOORRRUUP. . .the food!” Makoto’s perfectionist nature had been twisted into aggressive bossiness. There was a constant spew of judgements and comments, though it still paled in comparison to her other odorous emittances. FFRRRRPPPPTTTT! As if to give Makoto a boost, her butt released a powerful fart. The gas burst from her hard enough to make her desk rock. She was able to lean over onto Haru’s bulk, their fat and smells mixing with terrible consequences. Makoto grabbed at the bag, drooling as the smells within reached her nose.

Kawakami watched all of this unfold, unsure of how she was ever going to manage her slobby, terrible students. Her face had gone deathly pale, any color having long since drained away. Her eyes study the young women before her, sucked into the constantly moving mounds and jiggling folds. Makoto fought with Haru over the trashbag of food whilst Ann continued to loudly whine about having to be in class. Through it all, the trio continued to fart and belch and wheeze. A muggy, horrid heat was rising in the small area. Kawakami gripped the edge of her desk, trying to find stability in the physical  world. She now realized the monumental task she had been assigned. The feeling of age weighed on Kawakami more so than before. It was only her instincts that prompted her into action. “Ahem! Ladies!” She said, trying to call the night class to order. Kawakami stiffened as she expected a backlash. Her shapely body, seemingly perfect in comparison to the trio of corpulent bodies of her pupils, tensed. “We need to begin our lesson!” She said quickly, trying to bury her worries under action.

“HARU! Sha-UURRUP-share!” Makoto continued to heave her flabby body over onto the mobility impaired heiress.

FRRRRRMMMMPPPTTTT! “Leave. . .me. . .UURRRP. . .alone. . .Fat-koto!” Haru retaliated with her rear end, summoning a cloud of stink to drive the other woman away. Makoto was well and truly impervious, however, having simmered in her own toxicity for so long. Haru was caught between trying to eat what was in the bag or make clumsy attempts to push Makoto away. The desks under each continued to creak and shake. Nuts and bolts shot out from the reinforced steel frames like buttons from a shirt that was too small.

“Girls. . .” Kawakami tried, any force in her voice stolen by the resounding dismissal she was given. She did not exist, all attention centered on a garbage bag of greasy food.

“Stoooop!” Ann whined, now trying to extricate herself from her own seat. She was furthest from the food bag and thus the least likely to get anything. Seeking to rectify her mistake, the blonde tried to roll out of her chair. Her fat shook violently from both her own tired movements as well as the imminent collapse of the chair she rested upon. Ann moved with short, heavy bursts. She threw her fat rather than guided it, relying on momentum to free her. FRRRRRRPPPTT-BRRRT-BRRRT! All concentration paid to her rear end had vanished, thus tidal waves of dark clouded farts were unleashed.

Kawakami sat on the desk, hand over her mouth and nose as she watched the chaos. Removed from the equation, she was forced to watch as three spiraled further out of control. Fat rolls squelched, bleeding out sweat and grime. The stink and sweaty mist of the room grew thicker as each woman grew hotter. At the same time, each grew clumsier; their limbs drained of any strength. Makoto had been slowly dragged out of her chair, forcing her way onto Haru’s desk. With the weight nearly doubled, Haru’s chair started to break. Likewise, Ann’s own chair was reaching its end. As the farce started to reach the crescendo, the furniture all broke in unison. The trio of corrupted, flabby women were spilled onto the floor. Haru’s chair split, legs flying in four separate directions. She dropped like a stone, ass ready to reduce the seat under her into dust. Makoto was dragged along, spilling out of her seat and her blouse. Naked and sweaty, her breasts gleamed in the fluorescent lighting. Ann spilled backward out of her chair, hers breaking only seconds after Haru and Makoto’s.

Though thrown to the floor, the girls were still animated by their greed. They rolled like pig in a stye, each trying to reach the trough. Makoto and Haru pushed and shoved each other. BBBBLLRRRRTTT! FRRRRRMMMMTTT! Gas spouted from the girls as any semblance of control was discarded. It was impossible to distinguish who made which stink. Likewise, as Ann truly joined the fray, it was near impossible to tell various rolls apart. Kawakami watched as the trash bag was torn and ripped, the contents spilling outwards. Like hippos, the girls ate and tried to bully each other out of the way. Minor rips in clothing became rends, with only shreds of their clothing left intact. Each of their faces was smeared in food mess which trailed down their bodies. They seemed to roll in the spilled meal, so excited to claim their portion that eating fell by the wayside. Fat fingers smooshed onto sloppy burgers whilst bellies dragged over snack cakes still in the packaging. Whether the event was a food orgy or pit fight, no one could have decided. The girls ate and bullied each other until nothing was left but the smears on their bodies.


“Mmmggghp. . .wheressch. . .Kawakami?” Ann asked, licking her fingers clean. Chocolate clung to them and she was determined to make it her own. Long after the brawl had subsided, she sat on her naked rump. Ann’s stomach pushed her thighs apart, seeping onto the ground. A dulled, pleased feeling had crept upon since her hunger had been sated. Now was the time for resting and digesting. BRRRRRRRRMMLLLLRRRTT! Naked asscheeks bigger than beanbags slapped on the floor as she let gas escape. She giggled, feeling her fat move. Her fingers slapped her stomach, splattering chocolate and slobber upon the sagging mound. She breathed in slow heaves, lungs tired from the wrestling match.

“Who caresscch?” Haru said sleepily. She lay on her stomach. Her belly and breasts would be her pillow as another sleep coma took hold of her. “Thiss wascch gonna. . .BBBLOOORRUP. . .sscchuck anyway.” She smiled dreamily as her stomach gurgled threateningly. Her body was already converting the heaps of food within into gas and fat, a glorious feeling. The most movement Haru made was to lean from side to side, helping to stir her stomach into motion. FRRRRRPPPTTT! She farted, a large mushroom cloud of gas erupting from her mountainous rear end. Haru giggled, please with her ability to destroy air quality. “I’d rather. . .huuufff. . .eat with. . . you all.” She mumbled into her hefty forearms. With her belly full and no more food to argue over, the fights of the past were forgotten. It was the way of things with the rotten trio.

“Yeah. . .MMMGGHPSS. . .SSCCHHLLLRRRUUURRR. . .” Makoto spoke as she slurped food remnants from between her massive breasts. She lifted one up, able to suck and lick it’s doughy softness. Her breasts glistened with slobber from her self-suck. “Who. . .wantsscch. . .to be taught. . .by some old. . .bitssch?” She laid the insult out casually, deviating from years of authority worship. “Fuck her!” BBBLLLRRRRT!  As a final thought, she tossed out a lackluster fart. The other girls laughed, each sliding into their post-binge slumber.

Meanwhile, outside of the door, Kawakami squatted down and hugged her knees. Having never felt so humiliated, she tried to regain her composure. Her pride as an educator and human being had been wounded. Whatever challenges she had faced in the past, they would pale in comparison to this. She could hear the girls inside. Between belches and wheezes they continued to make fun of her. Kawakami’s fist tightened, anger rising. She stood, fists still balled. The older woman walked away from the classroom, shaking her head. Today might have been a disaster, but things were far from over. She would rehabilitate the wayward students, or die trying.



Least deficient public school system be like