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Tags: Pregfat, rapid weight gain, rapid pregnancy, immobile 

Sorry prompts have been a bit slow this month. Trying to get that Hinata story around was killer! Working on more and should have some today/tomorrow for you all!


“My, what a few months this has been.” Rosalina said as she walked around the Comet Observatory. In the dark but starry void of space Rosalina glowed just a little more than usual. She held her stomach, hands gracefully massaging and rubbing the round mound. Rosalina was pregnant, her womb filled with gestating children. Though she guided and taught the Lumas, Rosalina had always wanted children of her own. Seemingly on a whim, the cosmos had decided to answer her please. Now, several months along, she was sporting a large bump. She could not say how many children she carried, but the amount surely had to be impressive given her size. Her stomach filled her thin lap. She had to use her gravitational magic to keep from waddling. Rosalina had little shame in hiding the more unsightly aspects of her pregnancy via magic. Her feet hardly touched the ground and her dress swished loosely about her feet. There was only a small nudge of tightness around her middle, where the apex of her baby bump was. She could fix most of her problems with magic. All others could be handled by her lumas. “You all have taken such good care of me.” She smiled, looking back at the assembled crowd.

“Mama, we brought some snacks!” One of the star beings said, holding up several brightly colored bits. The trinkets had the same luminescence inherent to all beings that lived beyond the reaches of the known world. “Try some!” It said, floating towards Rosalina quickly. The little space cherub bounced off of her shoulder clumsily, as if it wasn’t able to fully direct its flight.

“My, that was very considerate of you.” Rosalina laughed, tapping the star bit. “I don’t know if that’s quite human food though.” Her soft hands tapped the ever shifting structure. It was ruby red and gave off a faint sugary smell.

“Please? Just a bite?” The luma pressed, shaking the starbit before Rosalina’s mouth. “We want to help you!” The little being said, eager to pay back the decades of kindness Rosalina had shown to them.

Rosalina tapped her belly, feeling a series of little kicks inside. She thought, wondering if it was ok to sample the star bit. She could not recall ever trying one. Really, she had never been tempted until this moment. She could feel the beginnings of a pregnancy craving on, the desire to explore tastes well outside of things that she experienced normally. While she had always imagined that her cravings would involve the trite combination of pickles and ice cream, there had to be room for other things. Still thinking, but starting to convince herself, Rosalina took the star bit and held it in one slim hand. It was smooth like hard candy, but with a little heat inside. It was like it had been resting outside of an oven just long enough for the outer edges to cool. The whiff of sugar and cinnamon grew stronger as she held it. Finally the hunger pangs became too much and Rosalina bit into the starbit.

While it was only a tiny bite Rosalina’s mouth exploded with flavor. Whilst on the Celestial Observatory she had seen wonders on a cosmic scale: the formation of nebulas, the explosion of stars in and out of existence, and comets with tails like shimmering dragons. The taste of the starbit seemed to mimic all of these events. Rosalina felt it hard to maintain her natural composure and reserved nature. She gasped, putting a slim hand over her mouth. She continued to eat, taking bites that increased in speed and size. The small starbit disappeared in moments, tucked away into the pregnant woman’s belly. Rosalina felt a warmth emanating from her stomach. Her natural luminescence increased as the starbit was digested. Rosalina blushed as she felt the children in her belly kick. A feeling that bordered on euphoria bubbled up within her breast. Rosalina was giddy, struggling to control herself. She managed to speak, but it was only a small sentence. It would, however, have big implications for the expecting mother. “My, that’s quite wonderful. Can I have another?”

“Of course! Of course!” The luma said, excitedly turning to it’s fellows. “More for Princess Rosalina!” The little starlike beings hopped and floated forward. They brought with them bowls and baskets full of the Starbits. Rosalina tried to argue at first, but quickly gave in. She didn’t have to eat all of them, the princess rationalized, she could stop as she needed. Rosalina plucked starbits at random, shoving them into her mouth. Each had a flavor that complemented their coloring. Red starbits were a spicy cinnamon, blue were tart raspberry, purple smooth grape. The list continued on, with Rosalina charting each one mentally. There was no selection of favorites, insead she just enjoyed them. The lumas danced and giggled as Rosalina ate, enjoying the proceedings with childlike glee. As she emptied on large plate, a luma floated up under the porcelain and tipped the plate up. Startbits rolled unevenly towards Rosalina’s empty mouth. Eager to continue exploring the taste, she opened her mouth and let them fall in. The magic inherent in the star pieces allowed them to resize, perfectly conforming to the proportions of Rosalina's mouth. However, if they shrank to enter her mouth, then they seemed to expand once falling into her belly.

The pregnant woman did not automatically feel the heaviness which was creeping upon her thanks to her magic. She had a natural weightlessness and was able to control her own gravity using only instinct. When her stomach began to expand because of the starbits, Rosalina compensated for the increased weight without thinking. Thus, she started to pack on size and fat without awareness. Her stomach, already big thanks to the children gestating within, rounded out further. At first its size was pure roundess from how stuffed she was getting. That roundness was joined by a bit of sag as fat began to form. The starbits did not digest so much as they became one with their host. The constant influx was matched only by the constant absorption. As soon as one hit Rosalina’s stomach, it was scooped up into her ever growing mass. She leaned back further under the pleasure of the accidental stuffing, allowing her celestial friends to fill her full of the nutrient, sugar rich starbits. Roslina’s dainty feet started to leave the floor, almost giving the impression that she was becoming a parade balloon. However, few  if any balloons had rolls of fat. Rosalina was gaining many of those.

“Maybe. . .mmmppgghp. .. we should . . .” The blonde princess started to speak as the realization of her expansion started to dawn on her. Her words drifted off, lost in the expanse of space as she ate more. As troubling as her expansion was, Rosalina wanted to continue eating. Her love of the starbits were growing just as her body was. Her blue dress bubbled outward. It no longer only inflated from the apex of her baby bump. Rather, her stomach billowed outwards as soft and creamy fat began to dribble off of her bump. A swinging crescent of blubber hung from her bump, thickening with every new bite. Her dress grew ever tighter as her body filled out. Seams and stitches that had previously been hidden along the sides appeared as Rosalina’s hips parted the sea of blue. Underneath the soft fabric, flabby hips rolled out and her butt widened. Trying to compensate more for her weight gain, the princess floated up into empty space. As her butt continued to widen, it looked like she was resting on a couch of her own making. Her arms were like floating pillows, moving quickly despite her mind whispering about caution.

“Ooomph. . .isscch. . .oooohmmph. . .too musch?” Rosalina took big handfuls of the bits, forcing two or three of the yummy crystalline objects into her mouth. Her arms struggled as her biceps melted into jiggly donuts. They smooshed against padded shoulders which in turn bullied drooping cheeks. The blonde woman huffed and panted as she ate, exhausted even in spite of her weightless body. “I’m. . .BBBBOOOOORRRRUUP. . .getting. . .scho. . .big.” She grimaced at the realization, knowing her body had expanded six or seven times its original size. She was overly round, formed of dough so thick that even her baby bump was obscured. Rosalina’s cheeks blushed in embarrassment whilst her stomach flushed from tightness. She felt her body tighten in an extreme but highly pleasurable way. Nerve endings she never knew existed flared into life. She struggled to take breaths, trying to mitigate her fullness with calming oxygen. The flow of starbits stopped as the lumas saw Rosalina slowing, even without them she grew.

“Ooooooh. . .myyy.” Rosalina rested several feet above the ground, shaping her fat body as best she could into a semi-seated position. With the starbits still filling out her body there was no doubt her weight would be pushed well beyond the current 600 pounds it had acquired. Rosalina would have struggled to walk had she been on the ground. Even in the air she struggled to manage her body. She tugged at her dress, trying to find any sort of room within the strained dress. There was an audible creaking as the magically enhanced stitches struggled to contain a building wall of pudge. Even though she had stopped eating, Rosalina’s body continued to expand and build pressure. “Sccchooo. . .huuuuh. . .oooommpph. . .full.” Her stately grace was her last line of defense against what the starbits were doing to her. The rest of her body might fatten and balloon, but her reticent nature would not change. She gasped for air and laid her nearly useless arms on her stomach. Her hands splayed out as her stomach continued to grow. Finally, he dress started to pull apart down the middle. With a sound that was like the violent drawing of rich curtains, Rosalina’s dress was opened to reveal her changed body.

She sat gasping in the air, trying to maintain what little composure and dignity she had left. Her stomach was in contention to become a small comet. Its red and stretched peak rose high into the dark night. Her baby bump was hidden underneath the wealth of fat that she had developed. She floated in the air, weightless but struggling to effectively move her body. Lumas floated around her, poking and tapping her. They marveled at how big she had become and how spherical she looked. The small star-cherubs laughed and sat on her stomach and thickened legs, tapped her gut. Ripples spread outward, rolling over her body. The princess gasped and sucked on air, trying to maintain her composure. The babies buried within her gut kicked with excitement. “Ooooh. . .I think. . .aaah. . .something iscch. . . happening.” Rosalina gasped as she felt another surge within her. Deep underneath her fat and babies the starbits continued to work. It was like a sun was building and forming. Her glow intensified and her radiance pierced even the furthest parts of space. “One. . .OOORRRUUP. . .lasccht. . burst.” Rosalina smiled, unable to contain the excitement. She knew this one would be even more special.

Rosalina’s arms were forced away from her stomach as she exploded with growth again. It was wild and unstoppable. Weight pooled onto her. Her arms were forced into weird angles, propped up and held in place by rolls that were starting to be bigger than regular people. Likewise, her shapely legs were lost in growing folds. Her dress was shredded out of existence and memory, allowing her naked body to shine forth. Her stomach rolled outward, filling with not just fat. Magic was happening, filling both her body and fat. Rosalina felt her children multiply. Her once buried baby bump returned with a vengeance, becoming a large bubble in a lake of oozing fat. The redness was centered solely around her belly button, popped out to a noticeable extreme. Rosalina gasped and cooed, trying to soothe her body and the army of babies within. When looking at the rapidly fattening, impregnating woman it was easy to get the impression that she was sinking towards the floor. In reality, Rosalina’s magic held true. It was just that her body was racing to make contact once more. Lumas laughed and danced as they were pulled into a forming gravitational orbit around their adoptive caretaker.

“MY GOODNESS!” Rosalina’s shouted echoed through the observatory as her butt found the cool, polished surface of the observatory floor. She rested upon it, bulk sinking once more out of weightlessness. Her gut rolled in front of her, a literal boulder of babies resting on a carpet of gut fat. She pathetically wiggled her arms, enjoying the feeling of utter uselessness. Her breasts fell to either side of her gut, couchlike in size. Behind her, mountainous buttcheeks rose and clapped out the good news of her growth. She was beyond immobile, having attained a blob-like status. Her neck fully disappeared in a tidal wave of chins. One, then two, then three formed in quick succession. Atop all of the thickening chins was a round and smiling face. Rosalina was at peace with her changes, seeing them as the universe again answering her prayers and desires. She was not only going to be a mother, she was going to be the universe’s biggest and best mother. Her babies kicked and pushed within her stomach, making their humongous mother jump and gasp.

When the gravid flourishing finally tapered off, Rosalina was left as a wobbling series of mounds. Her butt bloomed out behind her, shaking and bouncing. It acted as a mountainous cushion for her acres of back and shoulder fat. Her hands were nearly hidden, despite their sausage proportions. Meanwhile, her stomach was comforted by breasts that could crush cars. Filled with milk, they sloshed back and forth with pert nipples begging to be suckled on. Rosalina hummed, feeling every inch of the body that had been granted to her through either random chance or direct providential action. She could hardly see anything that was not her taut and rosy baby bump. Yet, that was more than enough. “Ahem. . .” She address the lumas that she knew were hanging around. “I. . .OORRRUUP. . .think. . .I might need. . .extra help. . .now.” The princess instructed, though a deep gurgle made her consider something. “Perhapsccch. . .some. . .ah. . .starbits.” She blushed, knowing it was a self-serving request.


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