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Tags: XWG, Personality shift, light slob

Another prompt! Hope you all enjoy it. 


“Vee. . .BLOOOOORRRUUUP. . .VEEEEEE!” Panam Palmer called, belching as spat one of her feeding tubes out. Liquid drained down her naked chest. The fattening brew was neon pink and almost as thick as cake icing. It held its tube like shape for moments before softening into a true liquid drizzle, despite not being frozen. The odor of synthetic and enhanced sugar rose up from the drizzle. It was pushed out from a tube that was nearly twice as big as a regular garden hose. The feeding tube itself was semi-intelligent, not a true AI, but rather one that had been created and shackled to a specific purpose. In this case, it was continuing to pump the saccharine feeding fluid into Panam’s open and flapping mouth. Potentially radioactive ooze continued to leak out of the maw of the feeding tube as it moved it’s articulated body around it’s owner’s bulk. Panam was splattered and drenched with the stuff. She minded little as it would soon be absorbed by her skin. She would have the calories the fluid provided one way or another, nothing escaped the flabby grasp of Panam once she set her sights on it. “V, bring your dusty. . .MMMGGGPHP. . .ass down here and. . .BBBLLOOORRRUUUP. . .care for ME!” Panam yelled and spluttered even as cream was shot into her mouth.

“Yeah, yeah.” V appeared from a door high above the tan Aldecaldos’ head. He stepped out from a side office where he maintained his affairs into The Garage. The name had started when the pair had set up shop within Night City as a couple trying to earn their way. However, it had taken on new meaning as success had rapidly poured onto the pair of former nomads. Rather than being a place where their many vehicles were worked on, it was instead the place where Panam was worked on. Puddles of motor oil had been replaced with puddles of sweat and body grease leaking from the blobbish woman’s body. Piles of old parts and spent ammunition had become piles of food waste. Tool boxes as tall as most men had been swapped for refrigerators and food storage systems twice as tall and several times more wide than any man in Night City. The base of operations had been torn down and rebuilt piecemeal in order to better suit the surging greed of the worlds most preeminent motorized glutton. The dusky woman was now decidedly heavier than any piece of machinery they had ever owned. “And what does Our Lady of Gluttony and Wheels want?” V asked as he stepped down the walkway towards his lover.

“First. . .mmmggghph. . .SCCCLLOORRRRUUP. . .stop your. . .BBBBLOOORRRUUP. . .flapping tongue!” Panam yelled, fighting her own desire to eat. The living feeding tube wrapped it’s writhing tubing around her body. It’s feeding program was bolstered by extra pleasure protocols. Sensors read the most erogenous places around Panam’s mass, the hose then shifted there and used it’s constant pumping as sensual vibrations. Her mass was constantly stimulated by the throbbing of the thick tubing, making sure her sweat marinated bulk was gratified in as many ways as possible. This might have been enough to please Panam decades before, but now it did little more than take the edge off. “Nessccht. . .OOORRRUUP. . .” She belched, struggling to move an arm that was long buried by fat. She had a similar problem to people that had lost their implants. There were moments when phantom-mobility came back to her, the notion that she could still maybe move one of her limbs. She did little other the squeeze out more grease. “. . .Make sure. . .my transport issscch. . .ready.” She said before returning to the stuffing. She wanted to be as full as possible for her ride today. She was going to grace the streets of Night City with her presence. The queen of the road was coming back.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” V said with his ever present sardonic tone. He walked down the industrial steps that led to the main floor. Panam grew ever bigger as he moved. She was a heaping mountain of fat, big enough to crack the foundations of the shop below her. The city had to be bribed heavily in order to look the other way towards what Panam’s fat was doing to infrastructure. Only natural bedrock could really support her for extended periods of time and Night city was a long way away from anything natural. When V reached the bottom of the stairs, the height difference between the two was made manifest. Though she had gotten no taller, Panam had been fattened to the point her her thighs were shoulder height with V. He leaned against her sweaty fat, letting his muscular body sink into the expanse. He pulled out a cigarette, maintaining a habit he had acquired from Johnny. “Ya know, gonna be hard putting you on all that metal. Sure you don’t want to just let me work on you here?” He puffed, exhaling and letting his shoulders be dragged further into his blobby lover. “Quiet evening by candlelight?”

“ABSOLUTELY. . .haaaah. . uuuhff. . .NOT!” Panam’s yelling and protesting had to be broken up by deep wheezes. Her mass shook in fury. Her natural inclination towards personal conflict had blossomed into a constant simmering rage. What might have been a cute and ignorable temper had been inflated by money, power, and ego into something truly rancid. “My ass. . .shall be. . .HOOOORRRUUP. . .in that motorcade.” Panam struggled to look down enough to find V. He was hidden under her mass, sinking into a thigh that had grown bigger than the supports used to hold up the overpasses of Night City. His head lay just under one of her breasts, which was big enough to fill a pickup truckbed. The engorged mammary swung back and forth, dripping with feeding fluid. Once willing to trade words until her demands were met, the petulant Aldecaldo woman instead returned to sulking and sucking on her feeding fluid. She had the will to win every argument, but none of the physical endurance. As a living wall of meat, she could do little other than bark impotently until taken seriously. Thankfully, V had long adjusted to his lover’s whims.

“Alright, just thought I would ask.” He snickered and put a hand up to smack at her breast. “No seat belts though, I tried asking all the shops in town. No one was willing to spend that much fabric to keep your ass safe.” V sauntered around Panam, having to take a wide berth. There was little space between her and the walls of food storage, feeding equipment, and instruments of sexual pleasure. There was nothing within the garage that did not belong to Panam. She owned everything, taking more and more from V until his life was present tending to her. Yet, he had given himself willingly. Night City changes everyone, and he had approved of what happened with Panam. “Taking your life in your hands going out there, you know.” V said, dropping onto Panam’s lowest belly fold. Her fat sloped all the way to the floor, falling like a mudslide from her torso. He looked up, staring at rolls long drenched in sweat and food. Pink ooze was still trickling down her body, little rivers coming to pool on the ground, mixed with sweat.

“Pffff. . .cowards.” Panam shook her face vigorously, dismissing the claim in a shower of facial jiggling. “I OWN these. . .BBBLOORRRUP. . .roads.” She said proudly, a nomad no longer able to even pilot her own car.

“Guess we better get you piled up. That fat ass isn’t going to haul itself into the air.” V pushed up, patting his hand on stomach fat that could have been used to stop speeding cars.

“You are lucky. . .you pilot. . .a crane. . .asscch good asscch you. . . fuck.” Panam retorted. The sharpness of her words was not lost, even though it dribbled from a body that had no proper edges to it.


“Vincent!” Panam used V’s true name without fear as she swung from the crane. It had taken three cranes in order to lift her from her resting place within the garage. V piloted them all via neural link, his mind almost overcome by the sheer weight of Panam and the complexity of lifting her. A normal person could only stand to pilot one of the cranes. He risked severe mental shutdown and even cyberpsychosis by trying to manage several. However, he refused to let anyone else handle Panam’s fat. Connected to the cranes, he could feel her tonnage in a way that no one else could. Her fat seeped and bled through the arms of the cranes, warping and bending their industrial strength materials. Patched into comms he could hear her belching and yelling in his ears, correcting every move he made. He loved how spoiled she was just as much as he loved her weight. One crane wrapped its pincer claw around her middle, but her gut forced it open. There was no part of her that the cranes could effectively grip. One had scooted under her fat. Her enormous ass rested on top of the claw, blubber burying it from view. The arm of that same crane wound between her buttcheeks, giving her a metallic wedgie. Yet, when removed, it would be bent from the constant shaking and clapping of her fat.

“Yeah. . .uuuggh. . .a moment.” V tried to respond to Panam’s belligerent cries. A trickle of sweat or possibly blood ran down his face. He guided the arms over towards the waiting vehicles. Panam rode in style, her bulk cushioned by a vehicular monstrosity of her own design. Greedy and indolent, though she was, Panam still retained her mechanical genius. Between guttural belches and wheezes she had devised a method of moving her immense body from place to place. It was less a vehicle and more of a fleet that had been fused together. Two semi-trucks formed the base, with flat beds to accept the immobile woman’s sloppy fat. On either side of the trucks were bolted SUVs meant to add their strength. In front were self-driving motorcycles, offshoots of the Delamain AI, to be symbolic horses for the scrapmetal chariot. It was onto this that Panam was lowered. Vee felt his knees weaken, simulated strain running through his nerves as he worked Panam down. The trucks started to bend and shake as weight started to be applied. Panam sank, her body folding over the flat beds and onto the SUV’s. Her naked body gleamed in the garish light of the city, stealing light just as it stole food.

“That is not. . .not. . .good enough!” She instructed V, repeating words in an effort to buy time for her to recover strength. “Center me!” Panam yelled. The cranes sullenly obeyed, slowly pulling her from one side to the other. Grinding and whirring could be heard as man made creations struggled to keep up with natural fat. It felt like one of the tires had gone flat, but Panam had no way of seeing. She instead started at her jiggling fat and the back of the semi-trucks. She would never have admitted it, but she felt excitement rising in her chest.

As the last of Panam’s fat was settled into place, V unlinked from the cranes. He slumped to the floor for a moment, strength taken by trying to manage so many complex electronics. His vision was clouded and memories came back to him. He remembered stealing the chimera tank with Panam, as well as the sex that they had in it days later. He and Panam had been one, using the tank as a conduit. It had not been without consequence, however. Panam had felt differently in that exchange, heavier. Something in the wiring of the tank had made her seem too much a part of its systems. The heavy rocking and shaking of the floating death machine had been imprinted on Panam and V. Panam had come out feeling small, needing mass to fill her body out. That had been the initial push for her weight gain. Night City had supplied the food and vices to make that dream a reality, taking Panam’s vision and magnifying it even further than she had anticipated. Now she weighed nearly as much as the chimera, with no plans of stopping her weight gain. V would see it through as well, making sure his lover was well taken care of.

Part of that care meant getting her on the road. V tried to clear the stress and strain from his mind as he stood. The cranes had slackened, now rendered inert once more. He limped over to the cockpit of the semi, ready to take the plan to completion. Assisted by the AI’s from Delamain, V could push the engines of the various transports to life. He flipped switches and pressed buttons, using his own nomad skills to make sure that everything was ready to go. Finally, he pushed one of the ignition buttons. A deep rumbling spread through the system as gas and oil was burnt. The engines screamed to life, belching black smoke into the air. The engines thrummed as they started to synchronize. The cars, trucks, and bikes fused together began to howl to full life, eager to serve Panam.

“Let’s. . .gooOOORRRRUUUUUP.” Panam belched, ready to once again show her immensity to the citizens of Night City. They would have it burnt into their mind who controlled the largest swathe of the city. She and V had burnt out other gangs and fixes, bringing together a crew for the express purpose of her own gratification. Her arms struggled and twiddle within the flabby caves of arm rolls. Unable to be heard over the roar of the starting engines, thick squelching noises issued out of the meaty tunnels. Panam would have said more but she was lost in an orgasm as the motors roared to life again. A deep vibration was sent through the metal which held her. She moaned and yelled aloud, but it was drowned in the cacophony of engine noise and blaring horns. She had never felt so close to her cars before. V gunned the engines over and over, stimulating her pussy without even touching it. Panam melted into her fat. It mattered little that she had been removed as an Aldacaldo and that Saul controlled her clan. She cared not a whit that her body had been degraded into a corpulent mass. Her values and honor had been long submerged and suffocated by her body, never to be resurrected. Instead, Panam cared only about the feeling of tremors violently shaking her fat. That was the greatest feeling in the world.

The trucks started to drag her forward. Panam felt wind in her sweaty hair. “Faster! Faster!” She bellowed, not caring if the trucks broke down or if she fell. Panam would be more than happy to be a traffic hazard, another way to impress herself onto Night City. Her vices had been allowed to grow and dominate her life like few other people. She was what this city deserved, a living image of constant greed and indulgence. She was an outsider that had managed to beat them all at their own game. No one would ever be as dedicated to ruthless indulgence like Panam. This ride would be only one of many, each escalating more as her bulk demanded more advanced methods of transportation. Already, V was hatching plans of stealing tanks in order to escort her around.
