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Tags: RWBY, Extreme weight gain, light slob, kissing ;)

Pudgy went psychomode again. I really shouldn't have typed as much as I did for this. TBH, I wanted to go even more lol. Hope you all enjoy!


“Ooooooh, this looks so good!” A now humanized Penny Poledina said as she was handed a plate of food. While interesting on a visual level, the former android had never truly considered why or even how humans spent so much of their lives eating. There was no culture in the world that treated food casually, even seeming to create special holidays for meals. It was truly amazing all the sights and smells that humans could create with different combinations of ingredients. As a synthetic person, Penny had treated it all as window dressing to life. However, being returned to existence as a flesh and blood human, she now had started to reconsider. Her head and poofy shock of orange hair drifted low towards the food, eager to savor the smell. The scent of roasted fowl, garnished with many different seasonings, greeted her. Penny, still thinking like the android she had been, tried to catalog and systematize what she was about to eat. She wanted to make a mental note of it, considering every bit of it before she started to eat. Her study was interrupted by the flash of a camera. Shocked, Penny faltered on her stool.

“Oh! So sorry there.” Velvet Scarlatina, expert photographer and adorable bunny faunus, sprinted up to catch her former classmate. “Didn’t mean to make ya jump.” She said bashfully, already having said more words than she normally would have to a person. It was only by the association through Beacon that Velvet was able to fully address the red head. She put Penny back on the stool, working to straighten her outfit. Penny’s short dirndl dress swished about her pale legs as she was put right. There was an interesting thematic thread between the two, Velvet’s muted brown and tan clothes seemed to be the soil from which Penny’s vernal green and white costume might spring. Having spent a lot of time hiding behind her camera, the comparison was a little lost on Velvet. “Sorry about all that. . .you just looked so perfect there. I’ve never seen someone so interested in food.”

“It’s my first time!” Penny said proudly, shoving her chest out.

“First. . .time?” Velvet started to ask. “At this restaurant?”

“Nope! Eating!” Penny beamed as she spoke, taking a second to waft the food back up to her nose. “I used to be an android. Buuuuut I’m a human now, so I get food!” Penny rambled the truncated life events off as if they were the most natural set of occurrences in the world. “Was going to give this whole “eating” thing a try and see if it was for me.” Penny grabbed a fork and twirled it.

“Well that’s lovely.” Velvet was quickly beginning to run out of words. She quickly picked up on Penny’s lack of shoes and wondered if she was speaking to a crazy woman. It dawned on her that she had not spent that much time with Penny at Beacon. “I’ll. . .uh. . .just leave yah to it!” She spoke chipperly, but started to back away. She had been putting off visiting her father, but suddenly felt the need arise. However, that visit would be postponed as Velvet’s arm was grabbed. She stopped, ears standing straight up. She looked into eyes that seemed almost too human, a green so vivid that it could not exist in nature.

“Oh no, please stay!” Penny begged, not wanting to lose a friend on such a momentous day. “Uhm, this is a little strange, but how about you take some pictures!” She offered, wanting to both celebrate her occasion and play to her new friend’s strength.”I’d love to remember this.” She followed up, eyes again flashing with excitement and promise. Velvet found it hard to resist.

“Sure. . .sure.” The bunny-girl stepped back and begrudgingly raised her camera. “I’ll do the best I can.”

“That’s all any of us can do!” Penny’s positivity radiated outward, evoking a certain black haired, scythe wielding team leader Velvet knew. She flipped the fork in the air, catching it with ease. “Make sure to get my good side.” She joked before finally approaching her meal.

Velvet readied her camera. Velvet could not help but find Penny charming in spite of her odd behaviors. Further, she presented an excellent sight for the camera. There truly was no bad side of the woman. She glowed in the light of the bar, skin so finely colored that it bent and refracted the light around it. Velvet adjusted the settings on her instrument, finding the most perfect conditions to bring out the beauty of the scene. Discovery and serendipitous joy were written upon the red head’s face as she brought the first bite to her face. She bit in and Velvet began snapping pictures. As if in stop motion, Penny’s smile grew more and more as she ate.

“WOW!” She spoke at the top of her lungs, hands flying to her lips. “I’ve never. . .you all have done this your entire lives?” She asked, unable to restrain herself.

“Just about.” Velvet tried to be a little cheeky in her response, thoroughly enjoying Penny’s reaction.

“I have GOT to start doing this more!” The red head began to scarf the food down.

“You know, most people eat three times a day.” Velvet said, feeling very wise as she got to explain something that came naturally to the rest of the world.

“Only three times?” Penny seemed almost heartbroken by that news. “I bet I could have at least five meals in a day.” She said, turning back to scarf down the rest of her food. Velvet laughed, drawn in by the energy of the event. She snapped photos, trying to catch every angle of Penny’s first meal.


“Mmmpgggh. . .OORRRUUUP. . .meal. . .number. . .haah. . .what wascch it again?” A vastly different looking Penny asked as she looked over her shoulder at Velvet. Penny had always been a bouncy, sprightly girl. However, as her love of eating intensified, one of those descriptors had taken on a new meaning. Penny was excessively large. 300 or 400 pounds now filled her dress such that it was ready to burst open at the slightest provocation. Her face was round, an extra chin having softened her oval face further. Her poofy fluffs of red hair did a lot of work to hide a neck that was rapidly expanding into shapelessness. Her stomach pushed into the table, filled to the point that it was able to round out once more. In the rare moments where she wasn’t eating, Penny’s gut hung loose and dipped onto thighs that could bury even a large chair. Yet, for all the weight she had packed on, Penny had yet to lose any of her zest for life. “It’s so. . .BBBLOOORRRUUP. . .hard to remember sometimes!” She slowly swiveled her chair around, exposing her full gut to her friend and photographer.

The camera in Velvet’s hands clicked and flashed, the bunny faunus capturing another delightfully strange moment in Penny’s development. Her face appeared from around the viewfinder. “Uhm. . .well. . .I’m not sure either.” The bunny scratched her head. “We. . .uuuhh. . .might have written it down somewhere.” She offered, unsure of quite a lot of things at the moment. Penny’s bulk spread before her, rendering the well sized chair small and inadequate. The buttons on her white shirt were bursting open, held at a point of maximum tension by her massive breasts. Likewise, her suspenders were pulled to the side in an effort to accommodate her gut. Velvet snapped a picture, knowing that Penny would want the full story of a meal. However, the bunnygirl’s finger trembled a bit as she rested upon the button. Not for the first time, Velvet wondered if what she was doing was right.

“That’s. . .UUUGGH. . .right!” Penny groaned as she started to heave herself out of the chair. The single support it rested on, a thick chrome cylinder, folded and crumpled as she moved. Penny had to shift her rotundity back and forth, easing it out of the chair and into a standing position. The android turned human pile of fat had to concentrate in order to move now, investing time and mental strategy into even the most simple of physical tasks. “Gotta. . .keep. . .track!” She said, freeing her wobbling buttcheeks from the red cushion of the chair. Penny left the cushion as much of a wreck as she did the support. The pillow was smooshed, bearing two large indents from the fat woman’s thighs. There was a bit of condensation from the heavy steam and perspiration her jumbo thighs put off. Penny, a perfect picture of a woman with no boundaries, waddled away from a mangled example of inferior engineering. Though, there were less and less pieces of furniture which could hold her. “It’s. . .WHOOORRRUUUUP. . .gotta be over. . .bllurrruup. . .seven thousand!” She cheered, chubby feet thumping on the floor.

Velvet’s heart sank lower with each thud from Penny. All the same, she continued to take photos. The way that her friend and roommate’s butt bounced was too playful not to capture. As a work of art, Penny was perfect. Each and every jiggle brought forth new opportunities to advance her art. Velvet loved the way in which light shone off of the little beads of perspiration which formed on Penny’s exposed rolls, they were like little rolling diamonds. Though, she had to work quickly before they sunk into a roll and disappeared forever. The quiet girl was torn between her art, Penny’s happiness, and her own guilt. However much she loved what Penny was becoming, she could not deny that it was removing her chance at being a normal woman. Though normally quiet, preferring her art to speak for her, Velvet felt a rising urge to say something. “Ah. . .Penny. . .love.”

“Whoo. . .just a. . .second. . .Vel.” Penny said, having reached the desk in the room. The two lived simply. Their apartment was largely a kitchen for cooking, a table for Penny’s gorging, and a desk to help organize the photos of everything. Spread atop that desk were the pictures, notes, and other documents that chronicled Penny’s fall to gluttony and obesity. It was this same desk that Penny now struggled to reach the drawers of in her search for the meal record. The redhead had to reach without bending her knees, lest she fall over. She moved stiffly, almost like a puppet on a string. She had to dance to the tune of her obese body, moving in accordance with its lumbering and ponderous designs. “Ugggh. . .come on. . .tummy.” Penny had to implore her gut, the flabby orb blocking her movements. The former android had to reach blindly, her fat face resting on the desk itself. Chubby fingers fumbled around in the drawer, looking for the particular notebook. When she finally found it, Penny was red and sweating profusely. She huffed even worse than when she was waddling. “Found. . .it.” She smiled despite her obvious exhaustion. “Take. . .your guess. . .now.” She smiled, her cowlick drooping from the building sweat.

Velvet grimaced, knowing she would hate the answer no matter what guess she gave. Too many meals and too much fat, that was the legacy she was giving to poor, plump Penny Polendina. “5,000?” Velvet winced, again hiding behind her camera. Guilt and artistic attraction helped her focus the camera, snapping a wondrous photo of one of Penny’s buttons popping off. A second photo caught her breasts starting to flood out into the open air.

“Too. . .low!” She wheezed. No longer needing the journal, she fanned her cherubic face with it.  “7,000!” Velvet clutched her camera so tightly that the plastic might shatter.

“Penny. . .” Velvet’s voice was thick with her accent as well as guilt. “I think we need to stop this.” She dropped the camera, letting the expensive piece of equipment clatter away. “I can’t anymore.”

“But why?” Penny’s eyes grew wet with sadness and a lack of understanding. “You said I was a great subject.”

“You are!” Velvet scampered over to her friend, grasping her fat hands. “You are a lovely, wonderful subject and a sweet person.” Velvet’s long hair swished back and forth, her ears drooping low. “But I can’t let you ruin your body. This much fat. . .you’ll never be able to be a huntress or. . .I don’t know. . .something else.” Velvet buried her face in her friend’s plushness, snuggling in right between her breasts. Velvet was again reminded that Penny’s perfection lay not only in how her fat looked, but also how it felt.

“Oh you!” Penny breezed past Velvet’s crisis of conscience with her usual perkiness. “You aren’t ruining me at all!” She pulled Velvet up, so that she could look her in the eye. “Every meal and every photo is making me MORE of what I want!” She squeezed a blubbery stomach roll. “Velvet, I love my body and the food I eat. Food and what it does to me is what I care about the most. . .well. . .besides a certain friend.”

“You’re sure?” Velvet tentatively asked the question, almost afraid the answer would be rescinded.

“Positive!” Penny sealed the affirmation with a crushing hug. “I love each and every pound!” She swung her bunny friend back and forth. “Besides, now there can be two cuddly cuties around.” A soft hand started to pet Velvet’s head and dared even to scratch her ears a bit. Velvet did not fight back, instead allowing herself to be soothed by her friend. Her mouth opened as Penny continued to cuddle her, pulling her deeper into her pillowy body. A little bit of drool appeared on Velvet’s lip and her pupils dilated. Slowly, timidly, her arms encircled Penny’s gut. They held onto floppy lovehandles and ballooned back rolls whilst her face was nestled between voluminous breasts. The odd pair continued the hug long after it should have ended, simply enjoying each other’s physical presence. Velvet felt another thought welling up in her mind, but was too shy to say it. She was at least content to let the hug go on, her fat friend squeezing all of her worries and guilt out.

When the hug did finally end, both women were excitedly thinking up new foods for Penny to try and angles from which Velvet could take photos.

---- Seedy Restaurant ---

“You want to eat. . .here?” Velvet asked, a look of disgust crossing her face. While normally she tried to be polite and considerate, the chosen restaurant left much to be desired. Atlas was a clean, technologically savvy city. It was hard to imagine it housing such a. . .dump. The restaurant was sandwiched between two skyscrapers, a little patch of mess between two marvels of engineering. The steps up to the front of the building were bent and warped. It was as if someone had been hauling palettes of concrete up and down them for the better part of a decade. The double doors to the place were left wide open and one was hanging ajar. The same warping and bending that was on the stairs was visible on the doors. It took little detective skill to realize big things had moved through this entrance and many times over. It was hardly like the quaint cafes that had been the focus of Penny’s early food tours. Over the months that the pair indulged the red head’s habit, Velvet had noticed drastic changes to Penny and the places she chose.

“Yeees. . .it’s. . .the perfect. . .oooh. . .place for people. . .like. . .me!” Penny’s voice was halted and breathy as she came up behind her rabbit eared friend. Penny’s voice remained happy and upbeat even as she struggled to waddle her bulk forward. She looked like an Oktoberfest worker who had never stopped partying. Though she never drank alcohol, Penny had developed a beer belly to dominate all others. Her gut had irrevocably altered the cute dress, turning it into little more than an implement to heft her fat up. Green suspenders curved and warped around Penny's aforementioned paunch as well as her watermelon sized breasts. The little black corset had been folded outward, now functioning as a landing pad for her gut. As the big woman slowly moved, her gut bounced up and down slowly. The suspenders were drawn tight but were given momentary relief on the upswing of her belly. The hem of her dress had all but disappeared. The back portion was rolled and tucked up like an old carpet by an avalanche of ass fat whilst the front was obscured from view by the surging torrent of midsection mass. “Smelll. . .hufff. . .that. . .food!” Penny grinned, her sunny disposition not at all diminished by the crushing weight upon her body.

Velvet sniffed in a decidedly bunny like manner. She stood on her toes and folded her arms against her torso. While human in design, her nose twitched like the animal which her faunus strain was drawn from. Velvet’s dainty and adorable sniffing motion was greeted by a thick and offensive smell. It was the smell of too much grease, overseasoned food, and appetizers built from strange combinations. Velvet did not even need to look at a menu in order to guess that most of the items would boast about being the biggest portions in all of Atlas. Feeling some sort of primal fear creeping over her, Velvet turned back to Penny. The 600 pound woman slowly passed Velvet, stopping only to pat her shoulder with a sweaty hand. The desire to consume pushed Penny on. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to Elmore’s Bakery again?” Velvet asked timidly. She followed after her friend all the same. Penny took to the stairs, though she almost rocked backwards. Velvet wondered when she would have to start pushing her friend along.

“Come on. . .huuuf. . .Vel.” Penny grabbed the railing and hauled her bulk up as best she could. Penny had become a waddling contradiction: a bouncy personality residing within a body that could not keep up. She had long lost the ability to run, jump, and skip. Instead, Penny had traded those for unlocking the true depths of her appetite and gustatory senses. “Gonna. . .miss. . .out!” Penny’s movement up the stairs revealed what had happened to the stairs. Her weight sagged down upon them forcing them into an unnatural sag, just as a hundred other obese patrons had done before. She laughed, mind already wrapped around the feast to come. “At least. . .shoo. . .keep me. . .company!” Penny took precious amounts of her waning energy to wave Velvet in, beckoning her into the sordid house of debauchery.

“Oooo. . .come on. . .” Velvet shivered for a moment, held back from entering the establishment. It all seemed so sordid and grimey. Penny had begun her foodie journey in such nice, cute places. Now, however, she had landed at the clear bottom of the barrel. Velvet clutched her camera, needing comfort from something. Velvet wasn’t sure if she wanted to stop Penny or her own guilty conscience more. For as much as Penny talked away Velvet’s guilt, it always came roaring back when Penny’s ascended to a new level of fatness or hunger. Uncomfortably, Velvet held words like “kink” and “fetish” in her mind. She was further unsure if those words should be applied to Penny or herself. Velvet had, at this point, taken a lot of photos of a bursting out of her clothes and eating meals no human should stomach.

“Veeeeeeel. . .BBBLLOOOORRRUUUP. . .come on. . .silly!” Penny’s voice echoed from within the establishment, trying to lure the small rabbit into the den. Velvet took a half step forward, but halted. Mentally, she knew what she would find within. Penny would be hunched over a plate, burying her fingers in food that was meant to be shoveled in with utensils the size of gardening tools. Her face would be wobbling back and forth as she shoveled bites in and downed small oceans' worth of cola. It was all so much easier to ignore at home or at the little shops they frequented. Being at a place like this made it all seem so much more base. Was what she was doing gross? Was she a pervert? Velvet shook as she tried to answer the questions.

"Velveeeet! I'm missing my. . .BLOOOORRRUUP. . .heee. . .photography Bun-BLLOORRUP-Bun!" The hefty voice, filled with belches and smacks of lips floated out to Velvet. She could safely say she had never heard anything quite like the way Penny spoke. It was like she was trying to coddle and hug a person with every warm word. Velvet’s ears twitched as the friendly calls poured over her. “VeeeeeRRRUUUUPPTTT.” Penny’s calls were cut off by a truly tremendous expulsion. The bunny faunus saw the loose door and steps shake under the tremors which the gorging woman caused. Again, Velvet could imagine the scene inside. Penny cutting loose, her mouth open wide as flecks of spittle and food launched outwards. For a belch of that size she would have to be leaning back, giving her gut as much room as possible to work. Folds covered under the loosest definition of clothing would be flapping up and down, shifting and sliding in all directions as gravity became irrelevant. Velvet winced, knowing she was missing precious shots. Penny looked her most free during bleches like that, a sight of pure and wanton abandonment.

“Uhm. . .Penny. . .” Velvet took a half step forward. The wall of her resistances were crumbling under the trumpeting belches of her closest friend. Hearing another, Velvet finally steeled herself. This wasn’t about her feelings, it was about having fun with Penny. Velvet held up her camera, adjusting the settings for the dimly lit bar. She could block out her other feelings, so long as she focused on Penny. Thankfully, there was quite a bit of the obese woman to focus on. “Coming! We should order you another round, just so I can get more pictures.” Velvet ran inside.

---- Immobile ---

“Camera. . .set?” Penny wheezed, casting a curious but tired look over to Velvet. She was lying in bed, though it was hard to tell. Wave after wave of fat spread outwards over the mattress. It was beginning to get hard to tell even which parts of Penny’s body were assaulting which part of the mattress. Was it part of her belly that hung halfway off the mattress? Or was it a portion of her buttocks? The distinction between cheek and chin fat was also becoming harder. The redhead simply existed as an impressive mass of fat, a mountain of well-loved lard. A permanent smile adorned her face, though it was starting to become buried in facial plush. She looked down at the enormous platter upon her upper chest, snuggled lovingly between where her breasts diverted and fell away under her arms. The platter bore a greasy pile of food, as indistinct as Penny’s own body. It was simply food, a conglomerate of everything fattening that Velvet could get her hands on. It was this scene and the forthcoming eating spree that Velvet wished to capture in all its glory.

“Cameras, actually.” The shy woman peered around one of the photographic implements she had set up. She pointed to another which hung from a corner of the room and then a third which had been installed just above Penny’s head. “I hope you don’t mind, I installed them during your nap.” She looked away, feeling a little guilty about not immediately telling Penny. While she had largely gotten over her guilt surrounding her roommate’s new lifestyle, the extent to which she should encourage it was a line that Velvet was always considering.

“Ooooh I. . .love them!” Penny squealed in delight. She waved at the cameras she could see, trying to lift her heavy arms in order to complete the gesture. Heavy and fat beyond most means of measuring, Penny’s arms never quite broke contact with the rest of her flabby body. At best they went from holding her tracts of sideboob hostage to slapping against her belly folds. Quickly she ran out of steam and let the curtains of bicep fat fall back to their resting place. She huffed and wheezed, recouping in preparation for her next meal. She would need all her strength in order to polish off the food. Though she could do little more than clumsily pull food into her gullet, Penny liked to take as active a step in her eating as possible.

“Are you sure?” Velvet’s accent became more pronounced when she was nervous. “I probably should have asked.” Her ears drooped a bit.

“Oh no! You know I LOVE surprises.” Penny beamed, her chest rising and falling with mounting excitement and greed. Not only was she about to feast, the messy grandeur of it was about to be caught in many different views. She would spend hours pouring over the footage with Velvet later, excitedly choosing the best for collections and collages. “No need to feel guilty.” Penny reminded her rabbit friend. “Besides, a little action is nice, since I’m a little stuck in here.” The bed bound woman surveyed her permanent resting place. She could see little besides sloping hills of fat and the very edges of the bed frame. It filled her heart with glee to see what her body had become. She was a chubby, bubbly mass of fat; perfect for constantly eating or petting.

“Sorry, you know how I get about these things.” Velvet’s ears started to perk up again as she was complimented. It was always nice when Penny pushed her back to reality.

“No problem! How about you make it up by helping me eat?” Penny asked, her flabby face tilted down towards the platter before her. Grease had begun to trickle onto her stomach and the pile had sagged away from her mouth and threatened to topple onto her broad expanse of paunch. The moment the red headed behemoth shoved her face into the pile it would topple over. Penny’s only complaint was that it would make it harder for more food to find her mouth, otherwise she was as happy as a pig in mud. Soon, she would be a pig immersed in food.

“Well. . .” Velvet stepped forward tentatively. “Are you sure that wouldn’t throw off the composition?” She asked, afraid to become the subject of her pictures.

“Noooo! The more the merrier!” Penny evidently believed in the idea strongly enough to use the strength remaining in her flabby arm. With her body becoming a chorus of fleshy slaps and thwaps, the overfed and pampered woman beckoned her friend forward. The bed underneath her bulk shifted, further adding to the rippling chaos of her flab. The jiggles went up as far as her face, shaking her obscenely puffy jowls. Her breasts dipped a little lower, sinking further under the soft veil of hanging arm fat. She was altogether too picturesque to resist. An obese, red headed fairy out of folklore come to rest in bed. Just as with other requests, Velvet could not resist.

“Of course!” She nodded, shyness replaced with determination to help and support her friend. She trotted up and put her hands just behind the wall of greasy food. Velvet had been the one to arrange and stack it, creating the pile in the most artistic way possible; if such a moniker could be applied. It was thus fitting she would be the one to deliver it unto the woman she had turned into a blob. “Just say when.” Her eyes met Penny’s and she nodded, fuzzy rabbit ears long enough to touch Penny’s forehead.

“Oooonnnneeee.” Penny started her countdown, mouth watering. “Twwwwwoooooo.” Anticipation heated her body, causing sweat to hydrate her creases and crevices. “Thrrreeeeeee.” She worked her jaw muscles a bit, preparing for her feast. Her arms hung down to her sides, now rendered useless thanks to Velvet’s involvement. Penny only had to worry about making sure as much food passed through her mouth as possible. Her goal was nothing short of the total elimination of the pile of food around her. It would be slaughter on a scale unimaginable, each and every piece of food in that swampy mound as a potential casualty. Penny only wanted her mouth filled to such an extent that she could hardly chew. Well, that and the feeling of Velvet pressing into her bulk. She would act as the piston to push the food forward, powering the gluttonous enterprise. Penny held the tension as long as her body would allow it. Her stomach gurgled and burbled, as eager as she was for another tremendous meal. “GO!” She finally called, breaking the tension and opening her mind.

Velvet shoved and pushed the food, finding it harder than she imagined to force the pile of slop. Her hands sank deep into its warm and gooey center, immersed in all manner of fattening and delicious treats. Penny’s meals had deteriorated at the same rate she had grown. It became less about tasting the most expensive or well prepared food and more about raw quantity and sensations. She wanted things with too much sugar and artificial taste enhancers. Meals that were abominations to train chefs but masterpieces to those that appreciated food on a carnal level. Velvet felt pizzas rolled around hotdogs, pieces of chicken mummified with bacon, and all manner of other combinations. She pushed, seeming more to topple the pile more than shift it. Beneath her hands and arms, Penny’s immobile body shifted like an island of quicksand. She had no trouble telling when Penny’s mouth made contact with her meal. The whole bed shifted as its hyper-obese assaulted the food with lips and chins.

“Mmmppggh, ooohh, ooohmmmgggph.” Penny’s voice was thick and clotted as food filled her cheeks. They puffed out like balloons filling with jelly, sagging onto her jowls and neck fat. Velvet braced, holding the food as best she could. Bits of food dripped and slid onto her as the heap rocked back and forth. Velvet pushed for all she was forth, trying to keep the food moving and falling towards Penny’s mouth. Cameras snapped pictures, automatically going according to the programming that Velvet had set up. They captured frames of Velvet adjusting her grip on the food pile whilst also trying to find the best leverage. It seemed that with each snap of the shutters, Velvet had clambered further onto Penny’s body. First it was one knee and leg sinking into the recesses between Penny’s flabby thighs, then it was two, and finally Velvet was lying down and straddling Penny. She did this all while continuing to push the pile forward.

Penny felt little of the theatrics going on atop her bulk. She saw only the pile of food rising above her. She would press her face in, the world darkening as she was submerged into the assemblage of food. She ate in that greasy, sweltering cocoon. She sucked in whatever she could, the pile pushing back against her as much as she pushed into it. Her face was covered in smears and stains, painted with her meal. Yet, whenever she pulled back for air, the pile had grown smaller and she had grown a bit bigger. “OOOORRRUUUPP! Cooooome. . .to. . .MAMA!” The wet slaps of moving fat and loud squelches from eating were broken up by Penny’s exuberant cheers. Though, they lasted only a moment before she was back in and gorging. The food pile dissolved a bit by it, some of it sliding under her large breasts or between stomach rolls. The majority did find its way into her gut, helping to bloat her up and outwards further. It was thanks to her stuffed stomach that Penny began to notice Velvet’s presence. Her awareness was limited to the pressure she felt on the slope of her belly.

Meanwhile, the entire world for the bunny faunus was Penny and her bulk. It shifted under her like a sea, waves of fat lapping up to tickle at her breasts and between her thighs. The sound of slurping, sucking, and smacking of lips made Velvet blush. Her sensitive ears picked up noises on a level entirely different from humans. Velvet heard the sounds of gorging and fat moving as if she was making them herself. The hair on her fuzzy ears stood straight up, electrified by the intensity of the feeding. Each and every session had grown more intimate. It was hard to say that they were still the charming picture taking sessions that had been before. However, Velvet was slow to put a name to whatever they were now. It was lovely and embarrassing at the same time, realizing how far down a lewd path she had walked. The pleasure she now took from her time with Penny was hardly of the artistic nature it had once been. She was not going to change a thing, however.

The pile continued to shrink, melting away like a popsicle in the sun. The immense redhead gorged herself as thoroughly as any human could. Velvet pushed and arranged the shrinking heap, crawling on her friend’s belly as she worked. The two finally met as, during a vigorous plunge, Penny’s round face burst from the other side of the pile. “Oh! Bbbllluuuurrruuuup. . .hhoooooii. . .BBLLLUURRUUP. . .Velvet!” Her belches pushed back Velvet’s hair and ears, sending an erotic shiver down the smaller woman. “This was sooo terrific!” She praised both the food and the woman shoving it into her. “You did . . . an. . . excellent. . .job!” She leaned on the mostly-eaten food pile, her chins squishing the food.

“Uhm, well, I have a good example to follow.” Velvet said, blushing. She found it hard to look into Penny’s cheery face. She was very close indeed to saying things she wasn’t ready to say.  Penny’s natural openness had drawn the shy and reserved faunus into a world of intense sensation. It was hard to even call the emotions in her chest “stirrings”, they were full grown and gestated. They only needed the shy girl to give them a name. Or, instead, to have her behemoth companion make the first move.

“Next time. . .OOORRRUUUP. . .how about you. . .bbbllurrruup. . .join me?” Penny asked, giving Velvet the true push she needed.

--- Feast for Two ---

Velvet couldn’t help herself. She knew that she needed to stop sneaking cookies and save her appetite, but found it too hard to accomplish. The un-learning process around self-restraint had been quicker than she might imagine. She had been right when she said that Penny made for a great role model. She took her every cue from Penny, naturally falling into rhythms outlined by her friend’s journey. Velvet ate around the clock now, constantly shoving food in her face. Her appetite had proved as expansive and unrelenting as Penny’s. Years of combat and working as a huntress had trained her body to require calories. Now, failing to burn them off, she was left with constant hunger and a rapidly expanding body. Crumbs from the cookie bags that Velvet was currently destroying rained down upon hundreds of pounds of plush fat. The bunnygirl was now every bit as soft as her name would have suggested. She boated huge, thick breasts that shook and sloshed above a jutting stomach. Her butt billowed out backwards, utterly ruining the black shorts she wore. Her ass swung back and forth, large enough that it rose upwards to block some of her back fat from view. She tipped the cookie bag up above an open and chubby mouth, taking a drunkard’s step backwards in ecstasy.

“BBBLLLOOOOORRRUUUP. . .Velvet. . .are you. . .hiding. . .foodscch. . .huh-gain?” Penny’s thick and slow voice came from the other room. The act of talking had become nearly too much, though she sounded upbeat in spite of the difficulties.

“UUURRRRP. . .uhm. . .no!” Velvet tossed the bag away with panicked guilt, her biceps swinging in slow arcs. She looked back to the tray, wringing her hands. Three of the nine bags worth of sweets had been demolished by Velvet. The theme of lunch binge was supposed to be “Salty and Sweet” but there was going to be a noticeable imbalance in the photos and videos that would come from the event. “But. . .OOORRUUUP. . .things are ready.” 500 hundred pounds of sweet and kind bun waddled over to the assembled food and began to load it onto the serving cart. Velvet had long lost the ability to carry and bring the food to her friend and lover; it was getting to the point where even loading the food was too much. Sweat trickled down Velvet’s round face as she put cheese steak sandwiches, excessively swampy and loaded fries, whole pizzas, and every candy imaginable onto the cart. It was to be a delight of clashing food tastes, a production that would become a gluttonous centerfold featuring two women who had forgotten the phrase: “No thanks, I’m full.”

Velvet’s heart picked up speed as she started to waddle the cart into the shared bedroom. Her hips swayed and bounced, grazing the walls of the hallway. The shy woman felt her face screw up as she fought a smile. She loved being fat and out of control, but was afraid of showing it. Instead she lived in an exciting and awkward half-world, tugged by both her growing kink and her ever present shyness. Any amount of lewdness in her life was heightened and magnified by her reserved nature, and there was now an overflowing abundance of sexuality in her life now. “Huufff. . .coming. . .Penny!” Velvet wheezed as she pushed her cart, nearing the bedroom.

“BLLLOORRRRUUUUPPP. . .Ooooh. . .Vevlet. . .I’m SSSCHHHOOO. . .hungry!” Penny’s clotted voice came again. Even though she sounded breathy and weak, there was an internal strength that pulled Velvet in. She put every bit of gluttonous excitement behind her words and belches. When it came to food and eating, Penny could say more in one belch that most people said in a lifetime. “Not. . .haaah. . .ssccchneaking any. . .are you?” She asked. Velvet got the small suspicion that Penny would have been more excited by an affirmative answer than a negative one. Encouraging the rampant gluttony within her long eared roommate had been just as much of a joy as food had been. Or, at least, almost as pleasant; eating was her favorite pastime.

“Uhhm. . .only a smidge! I swear, Penny!” Velvet said, pushing her way into the room. The air was heavy and musky, filled with frying grease and sweat. The thick air swirled, all centered around the mass in the center of the room. Penny had always grabbed attention, yet now it was with her size rather than her sweet demeanor. She was a true blob now, her fat having crushed the beds she had rested on. The remnants were buried under her, being crushed into fine powder with each passing hour. Yet, the wood and posts were hidden from view now. There fat and fat alone in the room. Penny reclined upon a mattress of her own making. Her gut flooded outward, spilling out upon the floor like sand from a slide. It sloped upwards to a face that was hidden under its own immensity. Curly red hair marked the top of her head, but the rest was a shifting mass of fat. Cheeks the size of volleyballs sloped downwards upon chins and neck folds as big as couch cushions. At the center was a bright and grinning smile, though it was weakened from the strength it took to hold its position.

As always, Velvet looked on in awe. It took seconds of adjustment to realize that there was a woman within all of the fat. A woman that she was quite fond of. Velvet pushed the cart over as quickly as she could, not wanting to make her friend wait at all. She approached the rising wall of fat, grinning as she studied how it built upon itself. Penny’s fat seethed, moving at all times. A gurgle from her belly, belch, or a deep breath would provoke more sludgy wobbling. Penny was now even taller than when she was mobile, her face rising several inches above Velvet. Her head relaxed into buttcheeks so big that they were slowly collapsing the wall behind her. Her breasts were almost a foot way from finding room upon the floor. She was magnificence multiplied, perfection on a scale impossible for her to grasp. All Penny saw was waves of her own fat. . .and the hint of a bunny that was taking on her own proportions. “Ooooh. . .you. . .” Penny said, tying and failing to raise an arm buried in arm blubber. “Kisscches to. . .OORRUUP. . .make up?”

“Of course!” Velvet said with a bit too much enthusiasm. Her ears shot straight up at the suggestion, fur sticking out in all directions. She tried to move while her adrenaline was high and her shyness was at a minimum. Her and Penny’s kissing was more like sloppy spelunking than it was actual kissing. They were two women who had never had the pleasure of being taught, so had made their own rules up. Further, their bodies had started to make that sort of contact difficult. Penny could do little besides let Velvet come to her. She relaxed back into her folds, letting them consume even more of her face. She retreated into what she called her “kissing cave”. A bit of light streamed in from the lights above her, though that was blocked out as Velvet hovered over her. The 500 pound bunnygirl had to stand on her tiptoes, but the strain was worth it. She sunk into Penny’s side, her own building weight bringing her further into her lover's mass. With aching lips, Velvet forced her neck and lips out in a frantic attempt to reach her plush target. They connected in a wet slap, their plump lips and fat faces meeting with a bit of extra force. The room was quickly filled with the sounds of frenzied slurping, kissing, and all manner of other wet sounds.

The two kissed like they ate, with no thought to politeness or dignity. It was all passion and no skill. Penny would nibble on Velvet’s lips, Velvet would suck at Penny’s like they were left over noodles. The pair generally made a mess of things. However, importantly, it was fun. It was silly and fun, two women expressing their adoration and love for each other with every fumbled smooch. Velvet started to climb onto Penny, using the fatter woman’s rolls as handholds. She never broke contact, letting the redhead continue to suck on her face. As also with the eating, there was far more of Penny than there was Velvet. Despite only having been a human for a year and possessing little knowledge of anything besides food, her energy made up the difference. She went hog wild, jiggling her face fat as she sought the most appetizing parts of Velvet to tease with her lips and tongue. Velvet responded, smooshing and squishing herself even deeper into Penny’s vortex of sweaty flab. The two kissed until they gave up in a sweaty, exhausted heap. It was time for just a little pillow talk.

“Ooooh. . .Vel!” Penny gushed, her eyes wet with love and tender emotion. “I. . .hufff. . .luff. . .you!” Penny said, her voice even more breathy than normal. “You’re. . .my. . .favorite. . .squissscchiieee. . .bun!” She smiled for a moment, but let her face be pulled back into open wheezing. Sexual tension and physical weakness played across her face. Again, her body failed to keep up with her internal desires.

“I’m. . .aah. . .quite fond. . .of you. . .ascch well.” Velvet said, pulling her ears down over her face as she spoke. It was hard to match Penny’s forthright honesty. Velvet flushed so brightly that it spread down to her chest.

“Awwwww. . .schomeone. . .aaah. . .iscch . . .embarrassscched!” Penny cooed. Despite struggling to say even short sentences, Penny never skimped on the pillow talk. “My. . .flabby. . .bun-bun.” She tried to rise, wanting to make use of strength that was long gone to her. She fell back into her flab having not moved an inch. “Hug me. . .Velvet!” She exclaimed, using the last of her strength. Still hiding her face, Velvet obliged. She wrapped thick arms, bulked up by hundreds of pounds of fat, around spare tire sized neck rolls. The rabbit closed in, pressing her own forming chins and folds as best she could. “Sscchoo. . .good.” Penny rumbled, her fat working to vibrate and jostle Velvet’s own. The two embraced for a while, unable to say anything. The silence was only broken by Penny, who had taken several minutes to regain composure. “Velvet. . .feed me. . .then make schure. . .hooo. . .to get. . .bigger.” She wheezed.