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Tags: Pregfat, fats, sexual innuendo, light elements of bdsm (seriously, super tiny)

Ok! Finally got the first official prompt of the month out. A thousand apologies that things have been so sideways with these this month. There should be at least 1 - 2 others coming.

--- Not A Harem ---

“Aang, my man,” Sokka said, wrapping his arm around the taller man. It was still surprising how tall Aang had grown over the years. While Sokka was broader and had a warrior’s physique, the airbender was taller than him by at least a couple inches. “We gotta talk.” Despite the advance of years, Sokka had never totally dropped his attempts at trying to sound smooth. He remained a quick tongued, sarcastic man.

“Sure, Sokka, what’s up?” Aang said, walking with his friend of many years. He stooped a bit in order to allow Sokka’s arm to fit over his shoulders. Aang was always willing to suffer for the comfort of others on both a micro and macro scale. “I was just about to visit with Katara and Toph anyway.” A goofy smile crossed his face before he wiped it away in an effort to remain serious.

“That’s great. . .just great Aang.” Sokka’s tone and eyes flattened for a second. “We’re going to be on the same page then.” The Water Tribe warrior continued speaking as they walked through the large palace. It had been erected as thanks to Aang for saving the world. There was even talk about a city springing up around it, a place where people from all tribes could meet as one. It was to be a union of cultures and bending. Aang especially liked the idea. He wanted to preserve peace and foster community amongst the nations of the world. As an airbender, he had longed for a stable community.  However, the idea of unions might have been taken a bit far by the young man. “Really though, do you think it’s a good idea for the avatar, protector of the human and spirit realms, and most powerful bender to have a sex harem?” Aang stopped in surprise, but Sokka drove him along. “Look, I don’t care what you do behind closed doors, but things are starting to get a little. . .obvious,” Sokka’s sardonic speech stopped as they reached a large set of ornate doors. Servants waited on either side, hefting large plates and platters of food.

“Ha-harem?” Aang reddened and stumbled over his robe. “Sokka, that’s quite the accusation.” He tugged at his red and yellow attire, trying to alleviate the pressure he felt in his chest. “I hardly think I’ve done anything like that.”

“Uh-huh. . .sure, Aang.” Sokka walked up to the doors and kicked them loudly with his boot. “This doesn’t look aaannnyyything like a sex chamber.” The doors began to pull back. The servants waiting to enter filed in. They, with Aang and Sokka entering in after, walked into a room that was bigger than most houses. Artwork and statues lined the walls, spreading a glorious and colorful arrangement throughout the chamber. About the chamber was relaxing seating for more than a hundred people, thick couches and piles of pillows were arranged to give the idea of casual places to lounge and talk. However, all eyes were drawn to the center where a great pool lay. The pool was a vision of the sort of unity that Aang had begun to crave. A union of waterbenders, earthbenders, and firebenders had worked tirelessly to make the pool a special and almost sacred place. The assorted laborers had worked to establish a continuous flow of special water hidden deep within the depths of the tiny island. Further, firebenders and earthbenders had created lines of heat and molten rock to flow alongside the path of the water; achieving perfect relaxation temperature. The water flowed into stonework that was perfectly shaped and molded to the human body. Though unyielding in its nature, the stone almost seemed to hold and hug the person which sat in the pool. It was, in essence, the most flawless place for pampered wives to relax.

“Sokka!” Toph called from the water, throwing up a flabby arm. Water gleamed in the air and dribbled down onto the blind woman’s gigantic body. There were hippos and dragons that were smaller than Toph. Her enormous body bulged out in front of her, utterly naked and free. Nearly 500 pounds of soft blubber floated in the pool. Voluminous breasts, bigger than a man’s head, bobbed at the water’s surface. The sloshing of the water around Toph’s breasts was matched by the movement of milk inside. They were like barrels accidentally cast from a ship and left to wander the ocean swell. However, the treats inside wouldn’t go to waste. “Coming for a dip?” She teased, pushing her bulk arms together to accentuate her boobs. Plush biceps the size of fresh baked hams squeezed a stream of milk from either nipple. Her fingers caressed her protruding stomach, so stuffed with babies that the end of it had turned red.

“Sokka! Get the hell out of here!” Katara, who was sitting next to Toph, screamed. She pressed her equally fat body against her wife and pregnancy-twin. She was easily as big as Toph, her body a 500 pound parody of the slim and svelte woman she had once been. She turned like a barge, tucking her naked breasts away from her brother and husband but exposing her ass in the process. Never had the nickname “Sugar Queen” been more applicable. Katara’s blubbery booty was so thick and fat that she had become wider than she was tall. The sheer size of it could be admired from afar, the slow quakes which spread through it taking near minutes to reach from one cheek to another. Likewise, the countless dimples and patches of cellulite could be admired up close, like appreciating the texture of an oil painting. Aang had spent many days and nights admiring that same canvas, comparing it endlessly with Toph’s similarly sized and proportioned one. However, a wall of water thrown by Katara’s sagging arm came racing at him and prevented further study.

Aang, using his powers as avatar, easily cut a hole in the approaching wave. Sokka, possessing only a warrior’s heart, was stuck getting drenched. He tumbled end over end, covering his eyes as much because of the water as because of his sister's nakedness. His mouth continued to work and splutter. “SEE!” He yelled, trying to get his feet under him. “Totally a harem.” He pointed with one arm, but covered his eyes with the other so the point was horribly misdirected.

Aang was caught between enjoying the reveal of his personal heaven and the fun of denying it still. He chose to let the game continue. “Well, Sokka, this might be something we discuss later.” Aang swiftly stepped and pushed his palm out, a gale of wind springing up at his very fingertips. It rushed forward with enough strength to dry Sokka’s clothes and push him out of the room entirely. The, physically, older man left only a smear of water as he rolled out of the harem room.

“Aaaannnggg!” Sokka yelled as he was pushed away. “Haarrreeeeeem.” His cries took on a ghostly  tone as the door was slammed shut behind him. The servants pulled down a large beam, making sure that no one was allowed entrance until an approved time. Aang turned back to his brides, looking particularly pleased with himself. The airbender priest moved towards the pool, his robes swishing proudly as he walked. Katara had resumed her seat, stroking her massive belly in an effort to calm down. She felt and squeezed the fat as well as massaged her baby bump. She wanted the tenderness and romance of a few moments ago to return, now that her troublesome brother had been dismissed. Toph, meanwhile, squeezed and played with her breasts. Thick trails of milk ran as tributaries into the pool. The pulls of lust were strong between her doughy thighs. She was not opposed to Sokka slipping his way into the bath or her bed.

“Aaaww man, that was going to be fun.” Toph said to her brooding wife. “Live a little, Sugar Queen.” She leaned over, pushed her weight onto her equally massive lover as well as nosing her way through a torrent of chocolatey brown hair. She found Katara’s plump neck and thick shoulder and began to kiss. “Don’t you want your wife to have fun?” She said between kisses.

“Ugh, gross.” Katara bristled at the suggestion, but then softened as Toph continued to nuzzle her. “How about you just enjoy your actual wife and husband.” Katara put a fat hand on the curved, expansive side of Toph’s belly. She let it slide down, slowly reaching under the water and the space between Toph’s thigh and paunch. “Aren’t we enough for you?” Katara reached a hand back and pulled Aang, who had disrobed and entered the water, over to them. She swirled the water with her bending, letting the currents work to bring the object of her affection within kissing and smooshing range. She hungered to feel her great, gravid bulk upon his thin body. She felt so massive then, a queen upon a writhing and living throne.

“I’m not going to argue against a little attention.” Aang grinned, finding his way between the two massive women. His body slot perfectly between them. Their enormous bellies rested upon his lap, whilst their breasts filled his chest and torso. They formed a complete and unbroken wall of flesh and carnal desire. Aang, once more in the throes of relaxing pleasure, breathed deeply and spouted out visible steam to blanket the trio. The cover of steam spread over the room, removing all but the sense of touch. In that occluded space, the group began to touch and feel each other. Though apart very infrequently, they needed minutes at a time to acquaint hands with body parts. The union was complete once more.

--- The Hidden Wife ---

Aang walked through the deep dungeons. It felt wrong to be a place so deep underground and removed from sunlight and fresh air. While steps had been taken to make the prison a more humane place, Aang could not tolerate undue suffering, it was still a prison. His feet slapped against the stone floor. It was so different than the stone of his palace and harem. There the stone had been polished and worked upon such that it almost seemed to cradle human feet. Here the stone was rough and troubled. Torches lined the wall, illuminating the walk of cells to the best of their meager ability. Shadows grew long and almost threateningly in the gloom. Aang sighed, wishing that he did not have to make the long walk down or even hold people captive. Special situations, however, dictated extreme actions. A smile did cross his face as he reached the cell he was looking for. “Hello, Azula.” Aang said, words swallowed in by the spacious cell in front of him.

“Must you keep your wife in chains?” Azula asked, ignoring the polite greeting Aang had given. She sat on a bench in the back of the cell, her eyes smoldering. Her amber eyes glowed in the half-light. She wore little besides a short, silken bathrobe. Her arms sat in her lap politely, thick chains linking them together. A matching pair rested on her ankles. Enjoying her question on a carnal level, Azula spread her legs and inched down sensually on the bench. She could hardly move, but that did not mean her beauty would go to waste. The decade or so she had spent prison had still allowed her to bloom into a beautiful, if slightly crazy, woman. Her stomach was all the more pronounced as she spread her legs. A baby bump pushed against the confines of her robe, with milk filled breasts resting above it. A smile crossed Aang’s face, it was always good to see a wife and babymama.

“We both know you don’t have to wear those.” Aang approached the bars, only willing to indulge Azula’s strange fixations to a point. He put his arms through the bars of the cell. “This fantasy is getting a bit involved.” He said awkwardly. Azula wanted him to play the part of the warlord, she being his debased but noble concubine. A woman that had been forced to forsake the opulence she had come from, but living a life that promised fulfillment in other ways.

“Ooooh. . .I think I do.” Azula said, struggling up and out of her seat. She spread her legs even wider than before, giving Aang no doubt as to what treasure was hid between her shapely thighs. The former princess struggled up and into a standing position. Her chains rattled as she put a hand to her stomach. She was still thin, unlike Aang’s other brides, but her stomach was large for being early in the first trimester. The seed of the avatar was strong and it had taken deep root within Azula’s formerly nimble body. She waddled, perhaps with a bit of exaggeration, across the floor of the prison. “I’m a dangerous, malicious, crazed international terrorist and a threat to the peace.” Azula panted as she said each word, remembering her former infamy and insanity. She reached through the bars, hands gliding across Aang's waist and dipping into his robes. Her chains lay heavy on his pelvis and her swollen belly pushed against the bars of the cell. Her voice dipped into sultry pits, an impassioned whisper. “You’ve taken a criminal as your bride and need to control her.” She blew a kiss, rubbing her belly across the bars in an attempt to get to Aang.

Aang stiffened below the belt line as he felt Azula’s belly bump his. Hers was so round and tight, big but with no fat upon it. Meanwhile, his own body was thin to near emaciation.  Though he was surrounded by wealth in many forms, Aang tried to limit his indulgence to carnal pursuits. Even those involved a good deal of circular logic and justifying. Azula bugled with the weight and sheer amount of babies within her. She was fertile like few other women Aang had ever seen, perhaps even more so than his other wives. That was a comparison to be made later, though perhaps in the near future. The two kissed. Azula attempted domination in all things, but found Aang unflinching and resolute. She tried to nip and bite his lips, wanting to bully him into submission. He did not take the bait, instead pulling the hormone crazed woman into his own machinations. Azula had to turn sideways in order to get closer. Her belly, though heated from its size and her innate bending ability, could not melt the iron bars. Instead she was pulled to the side. She used one hand to grasp the bar and the other massaged her enormous baby bump, her chains spreading over top of her exposed belly. They rattled with each movement she made, whipping her to further passion.

“Will you be wearing those in the marriage chamber?” Aang asked as they broke apart to catch their breath. He lifted and dropped the heavy links, letting them thump lightly across her stomach. “The servants are going to find your fashion choice a bit. . .odd.”

“I’m more concerned about your other wives.” Azula said in a way that suggested the opposite of worry. “Will the herd accept an outsider? Can the fattened cows accept a wolf-mother?” Azula rattled her chains, using them to show the heft of her gut. “Even if she comes to them bound and engorged with children?”

“I think you will be pleasantly surprised by their reaction.” Aang said, his fantasies once again springing to life. “How could anyone reject the perfect union of the four elements?” He put the question forward as if they would be getting tea, rather than ruining marital beds and engaging in constant copulation.

“Oooohhh how noble!” Azula’s wit was never less than biting. “Will you be inviting the people of the city to view your demonstration? I mean, nothing wrong with displaying a perfect union.” She teased, though not hating the idea. Azula’s heart pounded at the idea of others bearing witness to Aang fucking her. The second greatest threat to the world either reduced or elevated to the avatar’s personal wife and sexual plaything would be quite the symbol of the times. Moreover, she loved the debauchery of it all. The bent cogs in Azula’s brain created a picture of her being bound by chains whilst the other trio fed and teased her body. The Fire Nation willingly broken and subverted to the machinations of the other elements. Azula shivered, wondering just how much convincing it would take to make that dream a reality. Her body flushed and heated at the thought, the furnace that was her heart and passion working over her pregnant body.

“You just make sure to save that energy for Katara and Toph.” He smiled, finding Azula’s attitudes towards sex infectious as always. “You just save that for Katara and Toph.”

“I’ll make sure to have everything ready for them.” Azula said, the rattle of her chains echoing along with the slap of her breasts on her naked stomach. Her bathrobe had come fully loose, allowing most of her naked body to show. Azula had never lost the madness that had come upon her in the waning days of the war, but she had learned how to channel it. She was a mess, but one that invited people in; a maelstrom of danger, feminine energy, and sexual promises. Aang had been unable to resist her pull. He knew the same would be true for Toph and Katara, after an initial “warming” period. Above all, he was excited to see how the group dynamic changed. To see what the union of all four elements in sexual congress and marriage brought about. If nothing else, it proved to be an exciting time.

--- Perfect Union ---

Katara’s day was going perfectly. She had never felt fatter or more pregnant. Her stomach bulged outwards, unable to rest comfortably on either her thighs or the couch beneath them. Her tanned skin was red at the very tip of her belly, an adorable flush for Toph and Aang to comment on. Her breasts were swollen and tight with milk, nipples erect and ready to pump the sweet substance out. Every word spoken was half a whisper thanks to the growing tightness in her body. She felt ready to pop, despite being nowhere near her due date. The promise of more food, more gestation, and more fat loomed large in her mind. She felt like the ocean come to life, her body a constant series of ripples and tidal changes. She would wax and grow by the day until the glorious arrival of her due date, then enter into a period of slight waning. The cycle would then repeat for eternity. Wordlessly, Katara tried to impart these feelings of perfection upon her wife. She squished her immense body towards the only woman as fat as her. Naked on a couch that somehow managed to hold a thousand pounds worth of bender blubber, Katara tried to tease her wife away from her food.

“Toooph, come on, tell me again how big my ass has gotten.” Katara said, punctuating her sentence by biting and pulling at the blind woman’s ear lobe.

“Mmmppgghg. . .OORRRUUP. . .scchooorry, Sugar Queen.” Toph said, pointedly ignoring her wife. She was playing her own game. She lifted a wide bowl which held many grilled meats and let them tumble into her mouth. Unable to see what the food was, Toph was met with delicious surprises with each bite. Blindness had its perks, especially when it came to eating and fondling her wife. “Rule. . .BBBLLURRRUUP. . .one: don’t ask a blind woman to describe things.” She smiled, milky eyes shining with her joke. Adding to that, she playfully missed her next couple kisses on Katara. Her thick, red painted lips found Katara’s forehead, her cheek just below the eyeball, and one of her flabby chins. “I’m not even sure. . .bbbllluuuurruuup. . .what I’m grabbing!” In stark contrast to her kisses, Toph’s hand found Katara’s thick breast with no issue. The resulting moan made Toph shiver, a wetness spreading between her thighs.

“Toooppph. . .no teasing!” Katara lurched in her seat, wanting to find the best vantage point from which to launch another sexy assault from. “You can play ‘little lost blind girl’ with the dancers later!” The couch rocked as Katara somehow managed to get her calves, bigger than squashes, under her thunder thighs and saddlebag hips. She lost her balance, tipping into Toph even more heavily than before. Toph was a wall of fat, any muscle she had once possessed lost to time. She wore some clothes, little more than a pink pair of lacey panties and sheer nightgown, but most of her fattened and pregnant body was exposed to the marital chamber. “Tell me I’m big.” Katara continued to press, words of approval even more filling than the buckets of food she ate through the day. Her belly rubbed and pressed against the side of Toph’s, their baby bumps meeting awkwardly. Toph’s stomach seemed even more red than Katara’s, though it could have been the paleness of the rest of her fat which gave the impression. “Since you can’t see my bigness, I’ll just have to make you feel it.” She thrust her gut forward, having to grip the couch to even stay remotely upright. It seemed that both women throbbed and bubbled over with lust.

“In that case,” Toph said, letting her bowl drop. Hunks of well marinated meat slid down her bulk. She looked forward to Katara sucking the stains away in minutes. “Let me investigate.” Her lips descended onto Katara’s gut, slurping and kissing. She felt a myriad of excited kicks, mirroring her own. Their tight, excited bellies rubbed sensually against one another. Katara moaned loudly, close to shrieking in pleasure. The joy and lust she felt was starting to brim forth. She slowly lay back on the couch. Toph fumbled her way forward, clumsy because of her weight rather than any visual impairment. Her fat fingers started to probe Katara, mimicking the search for the tastiest morsels of meat. However, just like when she ate, Toph was always seconds away from diving in face first. “My wife is a pig.” She whispered, mouth sliding up Katara’s body. “Who’s turned me into one too. We both used to be so small. Now I can’t even get my. . .ugh. . .clothes around me.” Toph stopped her movements only to vainly try to tug silky cloth across the vast expanse of white.

“That’s ok, love, I like you-” Katara stopped as the door opened. Both of them looked, hopeful it was Aang come to join the fun. They were only half right.

Aang stepped into the room but brought along someone else. After the long years of separation Katara and Toph might not have recognized the woman joining them, had she not been in chains. Below the swell of an enormous belly rested the very chains she had been imprisoned with nearly a decade ago. Azula. Katara grit her teeth, her hand gripping the couch harshly. She remembered how their last interaction had gone, as well as the pain and suffering that had taken place before that. However, trapped under Toph, she could do little more than growl. The new pair continued into the room. Aang looked even more guilty and sheepish than when Sokka had burst in with him days ago. The avatar realized that his entrances into the sacred marriage chamber needed some work. However, he could tell eyes were more focused on Azula. Perhaps to his benefit.

“To live in such opulence.” Azula said, looking around. She wore only the small bathrobe that she had practically lived in whilst in forced and erotic seclusion within the dungeon. She had begged and pleaded with Aang to burn her other clothes, so that she could live on the most meager of essentials. Her hair was still a mess, evoking the fractured mental state from her time as Fire Lord. This too had become a fixture of her appearance. Rather than shame, she had come to treasure that moment. It had been her unmaking, but also the point of her rebuilding. The only part that was newest about her was her belly. Katara and Toph knew the look of a womb blessed by Aang well. While Azula’s belly did not have the tonnage of fat around it, there was ample evidence just whom she had copulated with. Another brood, another wife, another spot within the marriage chamber filled. “Some wives get the palace and get fat off of the treats of bakers, others linger in darkness with only chains to warm them.” She shook the implements of her self-imposed bondage. She brought it up less to curry sympathy and more to stoke her own lust. Whether accepted and brought to live with Aang’s other wives or sent back to her cell, Azula would win sexual gratification as she had never felt before.

“Get. Out.” Katara said flatly.

“Azula.” Toph said, trying to figure out her emotions on the subject.

The pair of breeding sows slowly and awkwardly disentangled themselves from each other. They sat upright, filling the couch with their piles of fat. Twin fertility deities, locked in perpetual bouts of lust stared at the newcomer and their husband. Tension mounted in the room. Toph could feel the hatred radiating off of Katara. The waterbender’s princess tendencies reared their heads fully. Toph basked in the warmth being generated, feeling herself get excited. It had been a long time since she had gotten to be anger-fucked by her tan wife. She could only imagine what tonight’s romp would be. However, Toph also caught the long and equally lustful looks from Azula. The pregnant woman shot silent promises of dreams being fulfilled with nothing asked in return. With her skimpy bathrobe falling off of one shoulder, lipstick put on haphazardly, and a single breast hanging out, the firebender looked like the biggest mess Toph had ever seen. The immense pregnant woman had a soft spot for messes.

“I begged Aang to bring me up here, just once.” Azula said, lying on the spot. Mirroring a move he had seen Sokka do many times, Aang slapped his forehead. “After we married in secret, he said I haaad to be hidden.” She waddled forward, exaggerating the swing of her pregnant gut. “Our babies and love hidden away from even his other two wives. But I knew you two would want to see his other wife.” Azula speaking was quite the sight to behold. Her face play acted like she was a sympathetic character, mistreated by the world but her voice remained dagger sharp. “I made him though, it took sooo much convincing.” It was amazing how she could gyrate her hips despite the weight of her belly and ankle chains. “He really is a beast, whatever that enlightened exterior shows. But I know how to tame beasts. . .small or big.” She finished with a wink that might have been meant for either woman.

“Great. Leave.” Katara said, glaring at Aang. For the first time, she thought maybe the extensive sexual freedom she had given him had been a bad idea.

“Hold on.” Toph stomped her foot three times. Each strike brought the slimmer woman closer to the large pair. It had been a while since Toph had needed to bend metal, so she was rusty. Rather that smooth glides, they were jerked and halted. Azula did not mind. The rough treatment saw her thighs growing wet and tongue lolling out of her mouth. She wondered if Toph might be able to suspend her in the air, naked and upside down. For the sake of her children, Azula pushed the thought out of her mind. Once her 9 months were up there would be plenty of time for more dangerous exploration. Besides, she was given thrills enough as she was brought face to face with Toph. Time had been kind to the blind woman. Blessing her with womanly curves that pregnancy and rampant gluttony had taken to extreme levels. Azula could feel the sexual aura bleeding off of Toph, her desire for new and interesting partners as strong as Katara’s desire to hate-fuck anyone who got too close. Azula felt tiny before the two women, hoping that the way she stood would beg them to take things even further. “Before you. . .uuuggh. . go,” Toph said, making a point of shoving her rotund gut out. “How about a kiss? Babymamma to babymamma?”

“Oooh. . .to think the avatar’s own wives would use me so.” Azula swooned a little. “Exploitation by the privileged few towards a beaten enemy is unbecoming of . . .Team Avatar.” She spat the final pair of words out, remembering some of the old rivalry. Not everything could be buried under food, fat, and sex.

“Dominated.” Toph corrected, easily marking Azula’s desires. “Dominated rival.” She leaned back, pretending to scratch and lift up her stomach. Her sex pulsated underneath, begging for attention. “And, the times change.” The blind woman smiled. “You wouldn’t know that though, being locked away so far underground.” She winked a sightless eye. “In a prison I carved out, by the way. Back when I wasn’t quite so. . .tender.” Her legs widened, letting her stomach thud between them. “But having a wife. . .or two. . . will do that.” Toph grinned, ignoring Katara’s pinches and slaps. She only had eyes for Azula. Sugar Queen would come around, Toph would see to that personally. For the time being, she wanted to have a little fun.

“If I must.” Azula put a hand to her head, shaking her chains. She waddled forward, a sexual mess taken human form. Her robe slipped most of the way off, but she was unable to take it off because of her cuffs. Rather, she walked with it about the crooks of her elbows. With barely passing timidity she made her way up to Toph and knelt down. Her knees touched cool marble but her lips pressed into succulent fat. Azula kissed with intent, burying as much of her face into Toph’s grand, rosy hued gut as possible. The boulder of fat and babies bore down on her, a mountain she could either climb or burrow under in order to find the pursest release. Azula chose to ascend, making her way upwards like one of the dragons that had taught her people the secret of firebending. Both women were pregnant, hormonal to the point of open lust, and half naked. “I will please my husband’s. . .my. . .wife.” She whispered quietly, sneaking in the suggestion. She wanted to make slow love to the mountain of pale fat which rose before her.

“This is too much.” Katara said, forcing herself off the couch. Her own anger having gotten the best of her, she stomped away with her titanic ass shaking. The line of her dimpled asscrack shook and shifted as she moved, every step making her naked body shift. She grabbed Aang, who had quietly been observing the goings on with a smile. “We have to talk.” Was all she said as she pulled Aang into one of the backrooms. She wanted to smother him under her fold and belly until he came to his senses. Aang was just happy that things were going so well. Meanwhile, Toph and Azula continued the impromptu courtship. Toph especially couldn’t wait for it to finish so Katara could “convince” her to remove Azula from the marital chamber.



This story is amazing! All the characters are well written and reminiscent of the show. And the interactions between them are fun and fantastic! Even ‘Flab-tastic’! My only complaint is that this is merely Part 1, but hopefully everyone here agrees that it’s a great start to what should be an awesome series of Avatar Stories!


Great story! As the previous comment mentioned, I felt like everyone was very in-character. You did a great job staying true to the source material and characters. One thing that I thought was odd was the weights for Katara and Toph. I've seen people who are around 500 pounds, and they didn't match the sizes you described. I would expect someone who "had become wider than she was tall" to be at least several hundred pounds heavier than a quarter ton. I really enjoyed how you depicted Azula's submissive tendencies as well as her dominant ones. Usually writers go full-dom for Azula, so I really liked your depiction of her being a sub as well. An interesting take for sure. Wonderful start! Looking forward to part 2.

James Duke

Thank you for the feedback! I totally agree that I was stretching it a bit on those descriptions. Lol I think I was just excited to write some big Avatar gals. It's easy to get a little loosey goosey when you are feeling a story! Haha part 2 might see the girls own those descriptions!