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The week of content continues! This time with an 8k story about one Alexa Bliss being spoiled into an early retirement by her mother. I know almost nothing about wrasslin', so don't expect too much lore here.

“Okay, okay, just be careful.” Angela Kaufman spoke more to herself than she did her daughter, WWE Diva Alexa Bliss, as the pair limped into the house. She pressed in as closely as she dared, afraid of hurting her limping progeny. Alexa had crutches under each arm and was gritting her teeth as she slowly swung her weight, her injured food never touching the ground. Angela was at a loss for how best to help her daughter. She was almost beside herself with worry, afraid of causing any further harm to Alexa. A broken foot was bad enough, she did not need to be sent sprawling to the floor by her mother’s clumsy antics. All the same, Angela felt a parental responsibility to care in any way she could. She pushed her hair, dyed a dark red color, out of her face as she looked for any possible way to aid Alexa. Angela would have carried her daughter into the house, had they not been of similar height and build. Given Alexa’s chosen profession and the muscle required, there was no doubt in Angela’s mind that Alexa probably weighed a bit more. That weight was solid muscle, shaped into the body of a curvaceous woman. Angela, on the other hand, had a soft body which matched her position as mother and caretaker. “What can I get for you? How can I help, sweetie?” Angela asked, walking backwards in order to look Alexa in the eye.

“It’s ok, Mom. I’m fine, I promise.” The blonde gave a brave face, but the strain was evident. She drove the ends of her crutches into the sidewalk, swinging her lithe body forward. Crutches were easy for her to use. Thanks to a lifetime of gymnastics and wrestling, she was used to maneuvering her body weight. However, as skillfully as she moved the crutches, her ankle and foot still throbbed with burning pain. It was hard for Alexa to accept that she was injured, and harder still to take it as a “workplace injury” as the higher ups at the promotion labeled it. Each time her foot caught the edge of the sidewalk Alexa fought off the desire to curse Nia Jax. What had been a basic, stupid error on her part had cost Alexa at least a month showtime. She was forced to remove herself from the headline of several shows, her matches canceled and the spotlight given to less deserving women. The diva in Alexa had a hard time swallowing that. She had been so close to a new level of stardom, the crowds had been eating her performances up; practically worshiping the ground she walked on. Now, however, she was slumming it back in Ohio.

“Oh! The door!” Angela said, inventing a task that she could perform. The older woman trotted away quickly, stealing glances back at her darling daughter. Alexa smiled through the pain. While the circumstances of her injury were dismal, she at least got to spend more time with her mother. Angela and Alexa had always been close, increasingly so as they had gotten older. Relatively close in age for parent and child, the two seemed more like friends. There was no one that Alexa would rather have taken care of her. She had even gone so far as to pass up staying in the hospital for observation, instead trusting that her mother could provide her with all the support she needed. Watching how carefully and quickly Angela opened the door, Alexa knew that she was in good hands. Her mother would see to her recovery, making sure that everything was perfect and comfortable.

--- Motherly Love and Snacks Heal All Wounds ---

“How's my favorite patient doing?” Angela asked days after moving Alexa back into the house. The spritely blonde had taken residence on the living room couch, her injured foot propped up on a coffee table with a plush pillow underneath. Angela walked around the sofa, bringing with her a plate of snacks and a hot cup of tea. Chocolates, cookies, and other sweets littered the small piece of fine china. Dusting off the seat next to Alexa, Angela sat down and offered the plate to her patient. “Have a couple! They are all your favorites.” She smiled, inching a particular cookie forward.

“Mooooom, there’s no way that’s in the diet plan.” Alexa rolled her eyes, dodging her arm past Angela’s sugary offering and instead grabbing the cup of tea. She leaned back, trying to make herself comfortable. She covered her wince of pain with a long sip from the cup. The tea was perfectly brewed, flavored with a dash of honey for good measure. “I have to be at least a little careful while I’m here. Once I can walk it's back to work!” Alexa took another sip from the warm cup, enjoying the feeling of the honied tea slipping down her throat. It reminded her of all the times she had been forced to stay home from school and her mother had taken care of her. While Alexa could not lose sight of her recovery goals, indulging in old memories was calorie free.

“Come on, Alexa!” Angela bumped her daughter’s shoulder with a feather’s lightness. “Let your mother spoil you a little. How often do you and I get a full month to spend time together. Angela pointedly put the plate of sweets on Alexa’s lap as she cuddled up to her. The older Kaufman woman put her arm around Alexa, leaning her head on her shoulder. She nestled herself in carefully, making sure to get as close as possible but without putting more strain on her patient’s body. “You know you can have one cookie right? I don’t think they will be canceling any shows because of that.”

“You are the worst!” Alexa teased, grabbing the plate and starting to move it off of her lap. “Here I am at death’s door and all you can worry about is feeding me.” She moved the plate onto one of the arm rests, but not without spilling a cookie onto her lap. It sat innocently on one thigh, the partially melted chocolate chips gleaming under the living room lights. Alexa remained resolute, but still cast an eye down at the cookie. For all her desire to stay as regimented as possible, the thought of indulging a bit was tempting. It was cozy at the house, especially with her mother on the couch next to her. Angela was not fat or even chubby, but she did have the sort of softness that came with motherhood. “Fans aren’t going to want a goddess who's too big for her costume.”

“Don’t be so dramatic! You think I want a daughter like that?” Angela teased right back. “Alexa, honey, it's just a little plate.” Angela picked up the cookie and dangled it in front of Alexa’s nose. “With all the energy it takes to get you up and limping around the kitchen, you could burn off like five of them.” She poked Alexa in the nose with the cookie, outright teasing her. “Cooome on, just one. All it takes is one to shut me up!” Both girls broke into a laugh that ended with Alexa finally biting into the cookie. It was exactly as warm and inviting as Alexa had feared. The cookie simply fell apart in her mouth, seeming to dissolve into fireworks of sugar which faded further into a chocolatey aftertaste. It was unbelievable how good of a cook Angela was. The woman could simply do no wrong when it came to the culinary arts. Alexa had wanted to look annoyed as she ate, but the taste was simply too good. A smile spread across her face. “See! Don’t I know the best medicine?”

“Yeess, yes.” Alexa recovered, rolling her eyes. “The best medicine and the most strongarm sales.” Even as she talked, her fingers were reaching for another one. Her defenses had been breached and she was now at the mercy of her mother’s cooking. It was a hard thing to pass up. She quickly forked another whole cookie into her mouth, trying to play it off as a joke. “If one cookie gets your silence, what does two get?” Alexa asked, chewing through the cookie as she spoke.

“Oooooh, that might get you more than you bargained for!” Angela retorted, not realizing how prophetic her words would prove to be.


“Mom, I think I can make it up the stairs alone.” Alexa tried to swipe her arm backwards at Angela as the older woman tried to support her.

“So you can trip and fall to your death? I don’t think so!” Angela, ever the caring mother, pressed herself to Alexa’s backside and put her arms around her daughter’s middle.

Alexa had been limping up the stairs, working her crutches against the carpeted stairs. It was a week after her injury and, while she had gotten used to using the crutches on flat ground, stairs were still a challenge that needed her full attention. Alexa had spent most of her time on the main floor of the house, taking her meals on the couch. She would move to get a glass of water from the kitchen or to use the bathroom, but otherwise her time had been spent singularly on the well padded sofa. Further, the time since leaving the hospital she had spent in the same outfit: an oversized gray t-shirt and hot pink pajama shorts. It was an outfit made for comfort, but after a week it was starting to get a little worn in. Truth be told, Alexa’s whole body was starting to feel similarly. Away from the spotlight and with little motivation to shower, Alexa’s divine glow had begun to dim and tarnish a bit. That was something she would not have. After catching a glance at her hair in a mirror, she knew that a shower was in order. . .provided she could make it up the stairs.

“Slowly now.” Angela coached, worried that one step would send them both crashing back down. She watched as Alexa’s crutches rose up, searching for stable placing on the next stair. Angela watched the crutches intently, so she missed the telltale jiggles that spread through the younger woman’s body. The week on the couch had done much to soften Alexa’s athletic body. The plate of snacks the two had shared was followed by another and one after that. Quickly, the fun of being home together had overridden any thoughts of proper eating. A stealthy five pounds had made their way onto Alexa’s body as sugar filled her system. Yet, stuck on the couch and only able to move slowly, she had not noticed. Angela, likewise, had been too concerned with helping her daughter through tasks both big and small to keep track.

“Mom, you should have been a wrestler too.” Alexa nudged her elbow into a constricting forearm. Angela seemed to be holding on for dear life, afraid that any lapse in protection would send the two tumbling down the stairs. Had the red head not been holding on so tight, Alexa might have noticed the little belly roll that was currently resting on her round butt. For as much as Angela had tried to stay busy taking care of the injured woman, there were just as many moments of down time. Sick care also involved long hours sitting on the couch, keeping Alexa’s spirits up. Though, much of this time had involved joining Alexa in her snacking. Angela had found it hard to keep her fingers from drifting onto Alexa’s plate and bringing back some food with her. While young at heart, Angela did not have the metabolism of a young woman. Weight found its way onto her easily, granting her an even softer belly than before. While only a handful of pounds, it had tipped her closer into being visibly chubby.

The two women, ignorant of each other’s burgeoning bodies, slowly made their way up the stairs. Angela’s belly bounced on Alexa’s chubby butt, each step causing sympathetic jiggles to rebound through both women. It was a hard task getting up the stairs, when the two reached the top they were both quietly ready for more snacks.

--- Return to Work ---

Few times in her life had Alexa ever felt as uncomfortable as she did upon her return to training. She stood in her outfit, feeling more like a fan doing a bad tribute than herself. 220 pounds of blonde goddess overfilled stretch shorts and a matching athletic top. Her stomach jutted forward, fully formed into a large gut. It barreled outward, providing a cushy landing place for her breasts. Alexa’s boobs had always been noteworthy, but now they were trying to steal the show. Barely confined under her sparkly top, they sought to escape with every breath. Meanwhile, from behind, Alexa’s butt was trying to devour and hide the tight shorts that had been wrapped around it. These and innumerable other parts of her that had gotten chubby over the long recuperation sought to make the first practice back as hellish an experience as possible.

“Ok! Less go again!” Becky Lynch, the flame haired Irish woman inssited. She smacked the sparring mat, eyes gleefully taking in the jiggles which spread across Alexa’s body. “Nothing’s going to shake that ring rust off like sparring.” Alexa blanched at how Becky’s thick Irish accent stuck on the word “shake”. She could not tell if that was her own paranoia or not.

“Fine. . .fine. . .” Alexa said, putting out a hand. “Just let me catch my breath.” She bent over, bubble stomach slotting perfectly between thickened thighs.

“Heeeey!” Came an upbeat and cheerful voice from behind Alexa. “Giving little ol’ me a show?” Liv Morgan, perhaps the only woman alive more blonde and energetic than Alexa, giggled as she hung on the ropes surrounding the ring. “Better make sure those cute little buns stay hidden, never know when someone might try to. . .snatch them!” Liv’s hand shot out, trying to pinch at the inflated cheeks which faced her.

“Liv!” Alexa yelled, dancing away from the other woman. She felt her ass jiggle with each step. “First day back and you are already being a weirdo!” Alexa knew the comment was meant as a compliment, but it still bit deep. Alexa knew her butt was straining at her shorts, daring them to pop off at the first moment.

“Well, I don’t mind!” Bianca Bel Air said, taking a spot on the ropes next to Liv. She twirled her braid, whilst looking at the other wrestler. “If I’m gonna lift her up and throw her around, her butt might as well be the cushiest thing around!” Alexa tried to keep her usual game face up, but had a hard time managing it under the teasing of her fellow wrestlers. “Come on Alexa, just a quick dance to show it off?” Bianca continued to tease.

Instead of taking the bait, Alexa walked out of the ring. Her mind was clogged with the teasing of the other women. Things went from bad to worse as she ducked under the rope and found her belly getting caught. Her gut slid along the rope, needing her to try and suck it in before it could hop over. Ignoring the calls of the other girls, Alexa hopped off the stage and started to walk out of the gym. Feeling how her butt jiggled, she wiped her eyes with the back of her arm. Without looking back she gave a half-hearted: “Sorry girls, give me just a second.” Alexa did not return to practice, instead driving back home to her mother.


“Mooom, it was awful!” Alexa sobbed, scooping ice cream out of a bowl and shoveling it into her mouth. She had not even bothered to change out of her costume. She sat on the same couch she had for the past couple months, having taken an extra month for recovery, and simply ate. Her gut rolled out in front of her, the cold bowl resting on top of it. Her breasts, still pleading to be let out of their elastic prison, laid siege to the bowl and encircled its walls. Alexa ate and sobbed, hoping that the answer to her problems could be found at the bottom of the bowl.

“I’m so sorry, honey.” Angela was posted next to her daughter, rubbing her back. “You know they are just jealous. Some time off and the higher ups begging you to come back would do that to anyone.” Without waiting for approval, she scooped out several hunks of ice cream from the tub and dropped them into Alexa’s bowl. Sprinkles and chocolate sauce followed quickly thereafter. She huffed, her own doughy stomach pressing against her shirt. “I wonder if they just need more time away from you to realize what a draw you are.”

“But mom, I. . .mmpppggh. . . gotta eat. . .work.” Alexa corrected her sentence even as she worked through the rounds of frozen treats in her mouth.

“Not if you stay here! I’m happy to take care of you for a little longer.” Angela said, nudging Alexa with a rounder shoulder. “But only if you compliment my cooking.”

“Well, duh!” Alexa laughed and rolled her eyes. “You just make sure what you are serving is good!”

“Deal!” Angela said, heart close to bursting. Alexa was home again. This time she would hopefully to stay longer than a month.

--- Time Well Spent ---

“Mooooooom, are there any more cookies left?” A much different, much fuller figured Alexa Bliss called for her mother many months later. She was in the midst of another day of stuffing her face, enjoying the continued fruits of her “break” from wrestling. The weeks of feeding had been overly generous to her figure, puffing it up to almost unimaginable extremes. It was like all the weight that she had refused to put on earlier in life had come rushing on to her. 220 seemed like a fun fantasy in the face of the 380 pounds which now rested upon her body. Luscious, succulent curves forced their way through any clothes she put on, testing the strength and skill of the machines that had sewn them. Even her current outfit, a simple gray shirt and black pajama pants were taxed sorely by the bountiful folds of blubber. Unconcerned by her belly fold sagging out under her shirt, Alexa reached over and shook an empty bag of cookies. Her arm flab wobbled as the empty crumbs smacked against the packaging. “Just. . .UUURRRRUUP. . .ran out.” She sighed, tossing the bag away.

“Aren’t we hungry today!” Angela said as she made her way into the room, carrying a pile of Alexa’s freshly washed and outgrown clothing. She put the warm pile down next to her daughter so that she would have an extra layer of comfort. Alexa snuggled her rotundity against the large pile. As she shifted, her breasts clashed against one another. While leagues behind her gut and ass, Alexa’s breasts were quite the attention seekers. They seemed to always find a way to fill whatever shirt she was wearing, her nipples pushing into the softened fabric. Alexa took a minute to adjust her mammaries, not concerned that her mother was watching over her. Angela, not minding, continued talking. “Dinner is going to be in an hour though. Will you still have an appetite?”

Alexa scoffed at the idea. “Are you going to have enough for me?” She patted her stomach, letting her well thickened fingers toy with her belly button piercing. “Not gonna lie, Mom, yesterday’s meal was kind of skimpy.” She looked up at her mother, second chin pinned to her flabby neck. The dinner yesterday had been more than enough for the two of them, but Alexa couldn’t help trying to push herself for more. Being “full” wasn’t doing it for her anymore. She wanted to be stuffed. She loved the joyous feeling of heaviness that came after each of her mother’s meals. “I’d hate to be hungry afterwards.” The large woman grinned, wanting to tease her mother more. “I’d have to make you go out and get something. Can’t let this thing be in need.” Alexa teased, flapping her gut-curtain up and down. It slapped against her thighs, almost hiding her shorts from view.

“You’re the worst. How did I get cursed with such a spoiled daughter?” Angela playful snapped a piece of clothing at Alexa. She had to lean over in order for her stomach to clear the couch. For every two pounds that Alexa picked up, Angela seemed to find one of her own. It was a fair trade for spending more time with Alexa though. Angela certainly didn’t mind being north of 200 pounds, especially given how large her daughter had become. Angela worked to spread and fold the item of clothing in her hand. It happened to be one of Alexa’s panties. It was a wide blue canvas upon which stylized polka dots were splattered. They seemed to stretch for miles, Angela’s hands continuing to unfurl them like a sailor unfurls a sail. “Or one with such large panties!” The chubby mother couldn’t help but tease her obese progeny. “I might have found a flag of some kind.”

“That is sooo rude!” Alexa flapped a flabby arm up at her mother. Thanks to the immense amount of bicep fat, which flopped down almost onto Alexa’s round face, Angela had no trouble avoiding the playful smack. Alexa would have gone for more, but trying to swing her arm had thrown her off balance. The big girl rolled out of the couch, landing awkwardly on one knee. She stood slowly, her pants getting sucked in between her enormous cheeks. Thanks to her small stature, Alexa’s weight was magnified. It spread itself wide, seeming almost to double her width. She tugged at her shorts and shimmied her hips, trying to hike her clothes up her rear as well as free them from the soft canyon they were lodged in. Alexa’s blubber shook back and forth as she lurched from side to side. Her knees and thighs rubbed against one another, seeming to trade both jiggles and cellulite. “Now you definitely owe me some cookies!” The blubbery blonde said as her shorts were put in order. While it would not last, for the moment they caressed her dimpled buttocks closely.

“If only because it will keep you quiet.” Anglea stuck her tongue out. She walked out from behind the couch, putting her arm out. Alexa squealed, piggishly happy she had once again gotten her way. She tucked herself under her mother’s arm, wrapping her own massive bulk around the smaller woman. Flab met flab as the mother and daughter hugged. Angela whisked Alexa towards the pantry, enjoying the closeness. Alexa’s gluttonous excitement was infectious and Angela both wanted to see her daughter eat. . .as well as take part herself. The two continued their trot to the kitchen, with Alexa’s large hips knocking Angela out of step. When they finally arrived, Angela threw the cabinet door open and displayed the goods from her most recent shopping trip. “Ok! You just pick your favorite,” She said. Alexa pushed past her with glee, her porky rump shaking in the open air of the kitchen. The big woman leaned over, inspecting the bags of sweets as if they were pictures of relatives; her stomach hanging in the open air.

“You better finish whatever you start. . .AAANNDD have room for dinner!” Angela warned, almost as if to stoke her daughter’s appetite more.

“Oooh.. . .mmmpgh. . .don’t you. . .mmmggph. . .worry!” Alexa said, chubby fingers ripping into one bag and shoveling the food into her mouth. Crumbs sprayed down the front of her shirt and onto the other bags. She did not even stand up at first, too eager to glut herself. She merely shifted her hips back and forth, working the dimply expanses of fat back and forth.

--- Car Troubles ---

“Moooom. . .” Alexa said, spreading her soft arms across the top of the car. Her biceps pooled outwards, no longer bound by any muscle. The fat that Alexa had collected was allowed to spread freely, taking up as much room as possible. It commanded as much or more attention than any promo she had cut or outfit she had worn whilst employed for WWE. Her stomach pressed against both of the passenger windshields on the left side of the car. The creamy, rumpled mass flattened against the glass. It looked like dough that was currently being rolled for baking. Alexa’s belly button ring was a buoy in an ocean of fat, bobbing as various tides and currents came and went. “We really need to talk about getting you a new car!” Alexa said, her suggestion doubling as a complaint. The two had been en route to a local ice cream shop when a tire had given out. In order to gibe and poke at her mother the blonde whale had to ignore that it was the tire on her side that had popped. Something about 500 pounds worth of woman getting in and out of the car had strained the tire and suspension.

Angela put her hand to the receiver of the phone. “I might have some extra money. . .if a certain someone wasn’t trying to eat me out of house and home.” She smiled, patting her expansive rear as an extra insult. While an order of magnitude skinnier than Alexa, the Kaufman mother was hardly skinny herself. Kept in check only by the desire to feed and cater to Alexa, Angela had reached a rotund by graceful 280 pounds. Her rear pressed into a pair of Alexa’s old sweat shorts, showing off just how large and dimpled her rear had become. Alexa had grown a monster ass, a true behemoth booty with only a surging gut to try and match it. Angela, however, had been more uniform in her gain. Her breasts flooded outwards, filling the comfy sweater she had tugged on and leaking out the bottom a little. The mother and daughter made quite the sloppy pair, both struggling to keep up with the plush rolls that thickened each night.

“Uh!” Alexa made a faux-offended noise, dropping her jaw onto the car frame cartoonishly. “So mean! Is this because I got into your secret sweets stash?” She asked, memories of the delicious candy coming back to her mind. Angela waved her daughter off, once again in the middle of arranging help. Still in the mood to provoke, Alexa pulled out her own cell phone. The screen was covered in smudges and grease, having been operated last in the middle of a feast. Alexa’s sausage fingers poked at the screen, smearing grease further across the phone. With the practiced hand of a social media darling, Alexa opened her instagram account and started up a livestream. While being away from public attention via wrestling had drained some of her following, there were more than enough people interested in what the goddess of gluttony was up to. Hearts started to fill up the chat and Alexa smiled. “Heeeeey guys, long time no chat.” She spoke, watching her face wobble and bounce. She waved, saying hello to her fans just as much as she was showing off her new bulk. “I wasn’t going to stream. . .but I’m kind of bored. Mom’s death trap of a car broke down, so we’re kind of stuck.” Alexa pouted before turning the camera towards Angela.

“It’s all her fault.” Angela said, tucking the phone away for a moment. She made an exaggerated sitting motion, even trying to squat down a little. The pants she wore stretched to their very limits, tugged to the point of almost being see-through by her thunder thighs. “My poor car couldn’t handle that much woman!” Angela said, giving as good as she got.

“Can you guys believe her? I don’t even think I’m that big!” Alexa tried to defend her honor. She set the phone on the roof of the car and made her way around to Angela. Alexa tried to run, but it came off more as an exaggerated waddle. Her hips slammed into the side of the car, shaking the poor phone. The viewers watched as Alexa slowly came into the scene again. Her gait was slow. Despite moving at a “run” she seemed to move even slower than a normal walking speed. Her ass was swallowing the spanx she had on, each buttcheek outlined perfectly and uniquely. The fans and followers of Alexa were treated to the most stark contrast between what 280 and 500 pounds looked like. Angela was fat, almost unrecognizably so, but Alexa was in another league entirely. Her face had been all but swallowed by extra chins. Her stomach sagged out beneath the shirt she had on, her belly button distended by the pull of gravity upon her gut. Her knees had been stolen from view, warped into a merging of thigh and calf fat. “Be honest, we’re about the same size. . .right?” Alexa swung her enormous body around, trying to find the proper pose.

“She asked for the truth. You all had better give it to her!” Angela stepped in front, again heightening the comparison between the two. Alexa was nearly twice as wide, her stomach bumping and rubbing against her mother’s butt with no special effort.

“Heey, you are leading the witnesses!” Alexa tried to push past Angela, wanting to reach the phone. A tidal wave bore down on the older woman. Warm and jiggly fat pressed her from all sides. Angela was wreathed by blubber. Alexa was too cumbersome to move around her mother, settling instead for pushing her out of the way. The two laughed and fought in the street, pushing and shoving until they were both tired. When she finally did get to her phone, Alexa had found that her viewers had indeed been honest with her. “You all are so terrible! I am NOT that much heavier.” She said, knowing the truth in her heart. “I’m basically just chubby.” She said, freely digging herself deeper. There was something fun about denying the obvious truth. Her pants had been further sucked into her cavernous buttcrack, exposing the top of her pale cheeks to the world. Likewise, her shirt had rolled up, exposing most of her paunch. She was a mess, 500 pounds of playful blubber and a desire to tease her own audience with it. “You just are taking her side because you think she’s prettier than me.”

“Glad you are handing out compliments!” Angela joined Alexa, adding her own bulk to the poor car. The vehicle teetered slightly, suspension struggling to accommodate two large women leaning upon it. Angela smacked her hips into Alexa, it was like trying to challenge a waterbed. Even a slight nudge from Alexa would have pushed Angela out of frame.

“Doooon’t think so!” Alexa rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying they just want to pick sides to get me worked up. I KNOW I’m the prettiest.” Alexa smiled, parts of her old goddess persona coming back to her with a camera on. The two continued to bicker and tease, passing the time until the tow truck arrived. While he had been briefed on the state of the car’s tire, he had not expected the two large dents on the driver side doors. They were perfectly round, as if two large bowls had been pressed into the frame. More curious, one was smaller than the other.

--- Grocery Trip ---

“BLLLLUURRRUUUUP.” Alexa belched as she rolled into the supermarket. It was her favorite day of the week, grocery day. She had officially drained all of the food out of the pantry at home once again, leaving nary a crumb behind, and needed heavy refills. At an excessively gluttonous 550 pounds, this was almost like a weekly holiday. A pilgrimage to a holy temple of gluttony. “BRRRRRUUUUUUP. Oh, ‘scuse me.” Alexa offered mildly before sucking on the brightly colored drink from Starbucks. She slurped the drink down, filling her gullet with it. The sugary abomination drained quickly, Alexa’s chins wiggling back and forth as she pulled as much into her as she could. When finally her lungs ran out of power, she rested the cool drink upon her stomach and leaned back in her mobility scooter. Alexa drove the machine almost drunkenly, one hand on the steering wheel and the other clutching her drink. With bedazzled sunglasses, she was the picture of laziness. A queen upon her palanquin.

“Alexa, keep it down!” Angela huffed trying to keep pace with her daughter. She was not yet so big that she could justify using one of the store’s scooters. Instead, she tried to heave her nearly 338 pound body along. Angela pumped her arms, watching as Alexa’s mechanized bulk pulled away. “And slow down, it's not a race.” She gasped. A spike of jealousy ran through her as she watched Alexa upon the scooter. The humped, dimpled boulder was now free to move as fast as she liked and with no consequence. Alexa’s biggest worry was only to make sure that her sagging sweatpants stayed up enough to not expose her tight panties. It was a duty that Alexa often neglected. At most, she would scratch at them from time to time, tugging the threadbare fabric up as best she could. The tired, winded mother envied that sort of freedom. The bigger she got, the more Alexa was free to do as she pleased. Partially, Angela wondered if she was living vicariously through her daughter.

“Sheeeeesh, I thought we were gonna get something done today.” Alexa slowly turned the scooter around. She spoke easily, not having to gasp or wheeze like her mother. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, Alexa could now move faster than when she was perfectly slim and mobile. She sucked on her drink, loudly draining the last piles of it into her mouth. She then tossed it into the front basket of her scooter. Rather than use her free hand to steer or adjust her outfit, Alexa instead dropped her hand onto her lower belly to finger her navel. Her eyes dulled a bit as pleasure filled her mind. She could feel the rolling of the wheels far beneath her and the strain her body put on the machine. It was nice to be catered to, whether by her mom or a handy piece of technology. “Nothing wrong with moving a little quickly through our chores.” Alexa smiled, continuing to openly play with her thick stomach fat.

“What work are you doing?” Angela asked, not stopping to chat. She continued to waddle, throwing her weight forward as much as possible. Any drop in momentum would be disastrous for her odds of finishing the trip standing. Her only relief came in grabbing a shopping cart. If nothing else, she could at least lean some of her weight upon it. Angela leaned over, her breasts filling the little handlebar. She heard the whine of Alexa’s scooter behind her, the tortured device coming to life again in order to ferry its massive occupant around.

“I’m supervising, duh!” Alexa retorted, rolling her pink shirt even further up. Amazingly, she seemed immune to the judgemental gazes of the other patrons. The people of the store murmured and mumbled as they took in the sight of Alexa’s rolling bulk. While none could dispute that she needed the scooter, they would at least argue she should not be so cavalier in her sloth. Alexa was as happy as a pig in mud. Her butt overfilled her seat, bouncing out into the open air around her. One sack of bicep fat swung pendulously in the air whilst the other flattened and spread itself over her surging gut. Her chins squashed upon her chest, skin slapping against skin with just a hint of sweat fueled wetness. “You’d. . .OOORRRUUUP. . .get lost without me.” She smiled, pulling her scooter alongside Angela’s cart. It was like a garbage barge docking alongside an ocean liner.

“You better enjoy the position while it lasts.” Angela playfully shook her head, nosing her face through the air. “The way you eat, pretty soon there won’t be any scooters able to carry you around.” She reached over and squeezed Alexa’s nearest arm. Her fingers were covered by pale fat, hidden from view by a blob of arm fat so soft that it could have been mistaken for a water balloon.

“Yeah right! You have to feed me way better for that to happen.” Alexa snorted. The two passed customers buying various healthy foods and portion controlled snacks. Meanwhile, the things that the pair loaded up on were caloric bombs. The kinds of things that would obliterate any record of healthy weight. A dedicated diet of the kinds of foods that remove any history of ever having been skinny. “If anything, I’m going to lose weight soon. Especially if you keep stealing my food.” With that thought in mind, Alexa reached out a hand and grabbed several boxes of snack cakes from a display. The thought of becoming any less round and needy was abhorrent to her. She had come to love the position of privilege her weight and mother’s love had put her in. a lifetime of simply being doted on awaited her, struggle having become a concept of the past.

“Call it a service fee.” Angela found it easier to ignore the stares when bantering with Alexa. She allowed herself to be pulled into her daughter’s orbit, sinking herself mentally into the mindset of a woman who cared about her size and weight before ought else. “The maid always gets a tip!”

“You did not just call yourself the maid!” Alexa laughed, her whole body dancing in time with her laugh. Her breasts and stomach heaved up and down, too heavy to jiggle but shifting all the same. Her gut seemed to slosh back and forth, her bifurcated waterfall of flab crowned by her little belly button ring. Angela soon fell to laughing as well. Unlike her daughter, Angela’s flab was still small enough that it could jiggle in a more traditional way. Her stomach bounced like a yoyo, sliding out from under her own shirt as it reached the lowest point. The two continued down the aisle, trying to bring themselves under control. Each enjoyed the other’s company to the point that the other shoppers and their silent condemnation was forgotten.

--- In the Kitchen ---

“Alexa, food’s coming up soon, you ready?” Angela asked, working to put the final touches on a platter of cookies. She smiled as she heard a loud belch from the other room. IT was a clear signal that Alexa was ready and willing to continue her feast. Individual meals no longer existed for the former wrestler. Instead, she had a day long, contiguous eating spree. From the time that eyes fluttered open until the time they were forced closed by pure exhaustion she was eating. Gorging. Stuffing. Ravenously tearing into anything that Angela brought her. She might move about the house, slowly and not very often, but even then she would be eating as she went. Angela trailed either just behind or just in front, offering the next course. “Just let me put the finishing touches on these.” The older woman responded to the wet belch. She grabbed a bag of chocolate chips, thumbing them into place atop the gooey cookies.

Angela loved to get into her work. She hummed and swished her hips as she perfected the confections. As she moved, her butcheeks clapped together. While still dwarfed by Alexa, Angela had found her way up to 380 pounds. She was a butterball in every sense of the word. For a while, she and her daughter’s similarity had faded. Alexa had grown fat so quickly and her face had changed drastically, padded with fat, that she and her mother had begun to look dissimilar.  Now, thanks to her own quickening gain, the similarities had returned. The way their chin sunk into a thick and singular ring of fat, the hang of their bicep fat, and the way their bellies formed were all dead ringers for their lineage. While there were differences, Alexa’s propensity to hold her weight in her hips as opposed to Angea’s uniform gain, they were negligible. Angela kept working, her stomach pooling over the counter and reaching out for the sweets. She paused every once and a while, tempted to sample one.


“BBBBLLLEEEEEERRRUUUPP. . .” Alexa belched, putting a hand to her stomach satisfactorily. She rocked back into the sofa, letting her naked body spread outwards. Despite being 610 pounds, the sofa cradled her with an expert touch. Her vast, naked body took all available space. Her arms rested on her hips, which in turn stretched their way towards the arm rests. There were only precious inches between the edge of the couch and Alexa’s encroaching buttcheeks. Each feeding hastened the day that Alexa’s hips would not only reach the armrests, but smash their way through. “MoooOOOORRRRRRRUUUUUUUPP.” Alexa meant to call her mother, but that call had turned into a belch instead. She leaned into it, figuring that the expulsion of heated air would serve as a better reminder that she needed feeding. Alexa’s flab shifted as the monstrous burp continued, shaken by the unrelenting force of her churning gut; upheaving the gas inside. She finished and patted her stomach. Alexa was proud of all the noises that came from her body. Whether the rubbing of her thighs, slapping of her asscheeks, or the near constant belches, each and every noise was a fun reminder of just how her lifestyle had changed. She wanted for nothing and spent every moment being taken care of by her mother. Though Angela had become a little more unreliable these days.

“Mooooooom.” Alexa called, finally deciding to use words. She tried to look backwards over the couch, but succeeded in only sliding her thick neck flab along her chest. Alexa’s immensity became much more apparent the moment that her naked body began to move. There was no quickness to her body. Even jiggles spread slowly, traversing an almost infinite plane of flab. Alexa paused, silence filling the house. She couldn’t hear her mom working anymore, the sounds of culinary expertise having stopped between belches. Alexa immediately grew suspicious. “How about those. . .OOOF. . .cookies?” Alexa asked, trying to sound normal as she began the process of heaving her blubbery body off of the couch. She rocked back and forth slowly, needing to build up momentum. Her hands, now fat enough to have swallowed her wrists, planted themselves deeply into the couch. Though only a small fraction of usable muscle remained to Alexa, she leveraged it for what it was worth. Her naked body swung forward, only to be pulled back by gravity. As the swings grew greater, her breasts lifted off of her chest and slapped back down on the backswing. Piles of sawdust formed underneath the couch, created by the grinding of the wooden supports.

“Mom! You. . .oooh fuu. . .had better not. . .ugh. . .be eating my. . .food!” Alexa’s threat was interrupted by her trying to propel her immensity up and off the couch. Knees utterly swallowed by fat squeezed tightly, struggling to hold the load placed upon them. Alexa’s rise was awkward and stilted. She wobbled upward, one side lurching into place and then dragging the other along with it. Too fat for clothes of any kind, Alexa’s obese, nubile buttcheeks were spread wide as she tried to get her balance. Her legs were forced apart, allowing her stomach to droop down. She had to take baby steps at first, almost in disbelief that she was actually walking without any aid. There was a moment of pride as she took in what an accomplishment it was to stand under her own power. Then, however, she remembered why she was standing.


Angela had fallen to temptation. Cookie after cookie was shoved into her mouth in a flash. She had promised herself that it was only going to be one, but that had been broken quickly. After that, there had been no promises. Instead there was only rapacious eating. Her face was covered with smears of chocolate and her breasts were littered with crumbs of all sizes. The gooey cookies crumbled under the force of her thick fingers. Angela’s eyes closed with each fresh delivery of sugar and calories. It was unreal how good of a pastry chef she was. She leaned over the counter, her stomach flattened out beneath her. Her butt wiggled back and forth, each movement eating a little bit more of the soft sweatpants she wore. The rest of the world was forgotten in a foodie delirium. It wasn’t until she felt the thuds that she began to worry.

Jiggles counter to her own movements started to spread through her body. She snapped out of her eating instantly. Angela knew what was coming, Alexa had finally gotten hungry enough to search for food. The thuds became more noticeable, increasing in force. While she had to move slow, there wasn’t much ground for Alexa to cover. Angela’s flab acted as a measuring device, the ripples in her flab counting down the footsteps until Alexa arrived. Trying to come up with a convincing lie, Angela shoved another cooking into her mouth. She chewed, crumbs falling down to be caught by her melon sized breasts. She sucked and slurped at her fingers, trying to get as much chocolate as possible off of them. Her stomach tightened as she felt the thuds growing closer, nerves and her recent stuffing acting as the culprits. Angela’s hammy arms pressed her breasts together as she tried to suck away any of the remaining chocolate.

“I. . .knew. . .it!” Alexa huffed, appearing in the doorway. Her body filled it, leaving no gaps between walls. “Moo. . .ooom.” She paused, having to catch her breath even between a single word. The waddle from the couch had been draining, sapping Alexa of almost all her strength. She tried to take a step forward, wanting to accuse her mother face to face, but found her hips bumping at the frame. Alexa grumbled, trying to shimmy inwards. She sloshed her flabby butt, even lifting her gut to help shift her weight around. As arduous as the waddle over had been, trying to get through the doorway was even tougher. Each step ensnared Alexa more, her bountiful hips preventing any and all movement. The wooden frame was unyielding, not bending to the pressure that Alexa’s flab exerted. “This. . .ugh. . .is soooo. . .typical!” She tried to continue her condemnation, not wanting to lose her moxy. However, all Angela could do was smile and laugh. Alexa threw her arms, biceps flying through the air like boulders released from a medieval siege weapon, but that only tired her out further. Her progress slowed and finally stopped. Too tired to keep fighting, her hips and love handles had become solidly wedged in the door frame.

“Is that Winnie the Pooh that I see?” Alexa’s mother proved quick with a comeback. Her earlier fear at being discovered now replaced with a desire to tease and toy with Alexa. She grabbed a tub of dough, what was meant to be the second wave of cookies, and slowly waddled her way over. The two women stood gut to gut. “At least you didn’t make me have to walk far to feed you, this time.” Before Alexa could speak, Angela plopped a thick scoop of dough into her mouth. Instantly, the fatter woman was chewing it; her eyes begging for another. Angela was happy to oblige, but not without a little fun. The next scoop she gave to herself. She chewed, working her tongue over the ball of dough. “Sorry, hon, but we have to share this time! One for me. . .and one for you!” Angela laughed, enjoying Alexa’s pout. She shoved an extra large ball into the 600 pound woman’s mouth, patting her cheeks after. “Sorry! Girls stuck in the door don’t get to make the rules.” She proudly took a piece of dough and ate it, first dangling it before Alexa. “But, if you are good, I will REALLY go all out on the next course.”

--- Epilogue: Big in Bed ---

“Whew. . .this is absolutely. . .not getting easier.” Angela said as she waddled her bulk into the bedroom. With her she lugged a kettle’s worth of homemade shake. The thick, creamy liquid shook in the large and cylindrical container; begging to be slurped down. Angela rested on the fringes of mobility impaired now, nearing 450 pounds. It was only her duty to Alexa that kept her “slim”, otherwise she would have inflated with the zeal and abandon. She had settled into her exaggerated mom bod with grace. She loved feeling her dimpled ass put her leggings to the test. It felt right to her somehow, like this was really her destiny. The way her body rolled and slid after the smallest motion was divine to her. There was nothing like leaning forward and feeling her breasts divide atop her gut. In the rare moments she was allowed to stuff herself, the tightness that filled her gut was nothing short of divine. Yet, Angela was only shown a small portion of the beauty of pure indulgence. It was Alexa who was allowed to reach her fullest potential.

“Mmmpggh. . .rrriiigght. . .mmmgghp. . . on time!” She called, her face so smeared with brownie batter that she looked like a different woman. Alexa had licked the bowl clean, dumping the sugared sludge into and around her mouth. Not content with only drinking the batter, Alexa had worked to scoop and lick every free morsel out of the bowl. It had been a herculean undertaking. Alexa now rested in such a state of fatness and immobility that prolonged usage of her arms was tiring. She lay atop a bariatric bed, the true throne of a woman who had cast aside any desire to maintain a semblance of control. Her gut lay outstretched, wide enough to reach the very edges of the bed. It was a pale lake of flab, chugging and moving whenever Alexa wheezed. Above her stomach lay her breasts and sagging neck fold. Alexa had continued to develop and expand her double chin, turning it into a spare tire which flopped around her neck. Her real chin was almost swallowed by it. It had grown large enough to flop onto her chest, fighting with her breasts for space. Alexa’s breasts were floppy cantaloupes, managing to stay somewhat perky even after all the weight that had been dumped onto them. Underneath it all lay Alexa’s butt, which had grown such that it served as a pillow to help prop her up.

“I can see . . .that!” Angela heaved the shake tanker up onto the bed. There was little room that was not claimed by Alexa’s ass and thighs. Spread outward, the mess of dimples and cellulite acted as the support to the rest of her comically large body. “You aren’t too tired for this, are you?” Angela asked, knowing what her daughter’s answer would be.

“Well. . .maybe if you. . .fed it to me?” Alexa switched her tone as her mother offered the food to her, trying to sound as winded and needy as possible. “I’ve been. . whhoooo. . .eating so much myself. . .my arms are. . .tired.” She let them go limp, the bowl of brownie batter rolling away and spreading dots of chocolate on her pale skin.

“Sure, sure.” Angela knew she was being played, but also enjoyed the spectacle of her daughter feasting. She lugged the large pot up, bringing the very edge to Alexa’s mouth. “You better drink fast. My arms aren’t going to hold for too long!” Angela reminded, again hoping to further provoke an eating spree out of Alexa.

Alexa attacked the bowl, slurping and slopping the shake into her mouth. Her second chin was the only thing visible beneath the pot. It was slick with leaking shake, glistening with the creamy substance. The noises of her eating filled the room. Every drag from the pot seemed to make the noise of the last remnants of water fleeing a tub. It was a wet, dragging noise. Alexa, despite her claims of tiredness, even put her hands to the pot and helped push it upwards. Though raising, her arms never truly lost contact with the rest of her body. Her bicep fat sunk onto her stomach, pooling outwards just as shake pooled under her breasts. It was a down and dirty affair, with the former WWE princess making a terrific pig of herself. She licked her tongue out, waiting to taste as she gorged. Meanwhile, she shook her ass as much as she was able. Though thoroughly atrophied, she had enough muscle in her lower half to provoke her body into movement. “UUUMMMPH. . .SSSMAMGGHP. . .SSCCHHLLLURRRUPPP.” Words were exchanged with sounds, Alexa being drawn into the feeding body and soul. She lived for this. She lived for continued gluttony and waking up heavier than the last day. She wanted nothing other than to force her body to new extremes. Alexa sought a final line of indulgence that would never come.


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