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Tags: Gas, Stuckage, XWG, Blob, Cuteness

Part 1: A Sweet Reunion

Klaudia Valentz walked along the cobblestone path which led to Ryza’s shop. Klaudia’s blonde hair swished around her shoulders, dangling all the way to her lower back. She walked with her hands behind her back, peacefully enjoying the warm sun shining through the light tree cover. She wore her usual white shirt and purple skirt, brown leggings underneath in an effort to keep from revealing her pale skin. In one slim hand she held a letter which had been penned excitedly by Ryza. It had been two years since the pair had seen each other and excitement swirled in Klaudia’s chest. In a rare moment where emotion overpowered her quiet nature, she hummed and skipped the final steps to the secret hideaway. The colored smoke coming from the chimney was a dead giveaway that the young alchemist was at home. There was magic brewing, both in the reunion of old friends as well as the alchemy which Ryza practiced so diligently. Klaudia straightened her skirt before knocking on the door. She waited patiently, humming and rocking on her feet. It was quite the prospect to catch up with a favored companion, Klaudia could only imagine that Ryza was going to fill her ear with all of the recipes that she had learned. The door began to open and she instinctively sucked air in.

“Klaudia!” Ryza, or someone who very much looked like Ryza, filled the door frame. Seeing her friend, Klaudia realized just how long two years was and what it could do to a person. Reisalin Stout had always possessed a little bit of thickness to her body. Though never plump, her thighs had hugged each other like close siblings and filled her red short shorts. Her cream shirt had fallen over well sized breasts and a flat but soft tummy. Now, however, things had changed drastically. Ryza was twice as big as she had been before, her weight pushing far past 250. Chubby thighs rubbed up and down the length of them, almost merged together in a wealth of plushness. Her shorts could hardly contain the fat burgeoning within. The cuffs of the red fabric were frayed at the end, worn thin by Ryza’s jiggling thighs. It did not take much for Klaudia to imagine that her butt was doing the same to the back of her shorts. The uppermost button of her shorts had popped off, allowing her gut to hang freely. Her shirt seemed more like a medium sized top, not at all covering her rounded belly and voluminous breasts. However, even the addition of nearly 150 pounds of pure fat had not diminished Ryza’s energy. “I’ve missed you so much!” She launched towards her best friend, wrapping her in a squishy hug.

“Oh! You. . .too. . .Ryza.” Klaudia gasped as she was hugged and fondled. Ryza had always been a physical girl, especially towards her cute, blonde friend. Klaudia smiled as her short haired, brunette friend pressed her chubby cheeks close. Klaudia had never been hugged so tightly by someone of such soft and expansive girth. A blush crept over her face. She was used to affections from Ryza, but seldom had they felt this good. A craving for exploration overtook the blonde musician and she hugged back, trying to match tightness. Her arms discovered the softness of Ryza’s lovehands and back fat. She was truly living up to her name as a “Stout”. The huge continued for a moment more, the girls shifting back as they hugged out the years long absence. Klaudia felt Ryza’s gut shift as they moved, fat sliding like melted butter in a bag. She had never imagined her friend would have the consistency of a slime, but she enjoyed it all the same. When they finally did break apart, Klaudia’s cheeks were as red as Ryza’s shorts. “I, ahem, missed you quite a bit.” The blonde said quietly, looking away shyly.

“Me too!” Ryza, never satisfied with just a little physical contact, held Klaudia’s hand in her own. Her orange eyes met Kaludia’s grass green irises. “I’m so glad to have you back. We have SOOOO much work to do.” Ryza with easy familiarity, as if Klaudia had only been making a supply run back to their home at Kurken Island. “Come in! You have to see my newest recipes.” Without waiting for approval, Ryza started to drag Klaudia into the secret hideout. Klaudia did not fight, instead taking the opportunity to watch her friend’s round butt jiggle. It was more than obvious what parts of her body favored weight gain. Ryza had a butt that was bigger than most other women her size. Full and fat, her bottom would give any single chair a struggle. Quite quickly upon entering the house Klaudia was able to guess the new recipe as well as discover the answer for Ryza’s prodigious weight gain. Containers lined freshly made shelves and tables. Upon each were an army of clear packages filled with either pudding or jelly. Each package was emblazoned with a cartoon picture of Ryza’s face and the monogram for the shop. As the two came to a stop before one of the tables, the brunette’s belly tapped one of the glass bowls; it fogged slightly from the warmth of Ryza’s fat.

“They look wonderful.” Klaudia said, forcing to look at the bowls rather than Ryza’s sizable assets. “What is it all though?”

“Klaaaudia, don’t play dumb.” Ryza teased, sticking her tongue out. “Even a skinny, adorable woman such as yourself should know pudding.” Ryza never missed an opportunity to compliment her friend. The fat woman saw her friend as the perfect representation of young, noble womanhood. “It's Atelier Ryza’s newest treats: Rasen Pudding and Puni Jelly!” She picked up a dish in either hand, hoisting them up. Her breasts pressed to either side of the glasses, filling the empty space between Ryza’s palms. Klaudia couldn’t help but notice that her pudgy friend’s breasts and belly bounced more than her creations. Ryza turned to put the treats down, but ended up keeping the pudding in hand. Klaudia put a hand over her smiling mouth as she watched the other woman’s round gut drag across the table. Her efforts had to be redoubled when Ryza’s back faced her fully. Ryza’s shorts were so packed with fat that her buttcheeks had started to bloom out of the top of her shorts, her adorable buttcrack peeking out at the world. Just as the enchanting view was put to Klaudia it was snatched away. Ryza turned around, her face already smeared with pudding. “Trrusscch. . .mmph. . .Klaudia. . .thiscch will be great.” Ryza spoke as she slurped on the pudding.

Klaudia laughed, watching her friend sip from the bowl hoggishly. Ryza’s large, amber eyes grew wide every time a bit of pudding hit her tongue. The blonde stepped forward, putting her arm through Ryza’s and walking her over to the little coffee area of the hideout. “I would be more than happy to help you, Ryza. Let’s see what we can come up with, together.” Her smile widened as Ryza’s hips and love handles bumped into her slim body. Klaudia had always been thin and, at times, even a little frail. Though she was a woman of 19 with curves of her own, Ryza’s body dwarfed her. Even their arms bore stark contrast. Ryza’s bicep was soft and bulky, like a pillow wound around a juvenile tree branch. Klaudia’s skirt was lifted and tugged on by Ryza’s flabby hips. She almost felt sad when they broke apart, each taking to their own chair. Her mood perked up a little as she watched her portly friend flop into a woefully small chair. Klaudia always sat like a lady, but the sound of Ryza’s butt hitting the chair and the subsequent groan of the chair on the wood floor caused her posture to be totally erect. A polite but goofy look crossed her face. She could not help but be enamored. “Tell me every last detail. I’m happy to help.”

“You would!” Ryza’s eating was interrupted only by the power of friendship. Though, she returned quickly to it. “I. . .mmmpggh. . .would need. . .ssschoomeone. . .mpghph to fetch suppliessch.” Her round face shook as she ate and Klaudia was treated to just how round it had become. Ryza was simply cherubic, somehow looking even more youthful and innocent with the extra roundness. Her stomach pushed out and onto the table, growing ever more spherical as she stuffed herself. “I will. . .mmpgpgh. . .be sha. . .cook and. . .buuurrrp. . .taste tester, of course!” Ryza finished her meal, smiling through the smears of pudding around her face. It was hard to tell if the promise of more food or working closely with Klaudia was more exciting.

Klaudia, meanwhile, had no trouble deciding what was the most exciting part of the prospective. She pushed her knees together, trying to find some way of dealing with the mounting pressure within her slim body. The young noble could hardly understand the feelings filling her body. Never had she felt such an assault upon her well bred politeness. The room seemed too hot and her throat too dry. “That. ..that sounds lovely.” She said, bowing a little bit. She hoped that the small dip of her head might clear her mind. Instead, when she again made eye contact with Ryza, she found her symptoms had only increased. She loved seeing her friend’s fat face, smeared and stained with pudding. In perhaps the most impetuous thing she had ever done since originally joining Ryza for adventures, she pulled a monogrammed kerchief out of her pocket and leaned forward. She quietly wiped the food off of Ryza’s mouth, feeling the heft of the fatter woman’s cheeks. “Just don’t eat all of our products.” Klaudia said, unconsciously almost hoping the opposite would happen.

Part 2: Close, Personal Alchemy

Klaudia’s trip down the garden path was a quick one. Ignoring her weak constitution, Klaudia ran to the hideout. At her slim but shapely hips hung bags of groceries and ingredients. Klaudia had been getting very good at making supply runs. While usually the delivery of supplies was handled by actual provisioners, the ladies’s enterprise was now doing well enough to warrant outside help, today Klaudia had seen to getting a smaller batch. She had plans with Ryza about cooking something special. A little recipe that could be shared between them as friends. They were to work closely together, with Klaudia helping Ryza as much as she could. While both were excited, there was little doubt that Klaudia was moreso. Any moment she got to spend with the new and improved Ryza was heaven in the purest sense. While her friend was still an excitable airhead, she had become very mature in the ways of Alchemy. It was a joy to see her move around the hideout, her round body hanging over her cauldron. Klaudia had only become more enamored with Ryza’s now fattened body, finding every soft portion of it enchanting. Having studied literature and poetry, Klaudia was quite adept at applying artful thoughts and sentences to the brunette’s obese body. Her only wish was that she could say those words to Ryza herself. The inability to do so had led Klaudia to some mildly strange behaviors.

Klaudia reached the hideout. Before going inside, she couldn’t help but peek around one of the windows leading to Ryza’s bedroom. Inside lay her friend, her plush bulk filling the small bed. The time together with Klaudia had been as profitable for Ryza’s waistline as it had for her business. The constant stream of food and lack of exercise encouraged her already voluminous body to burgeon to new widths. Ryza’s weight had more than tripled, even considering the hefty size she had been upon Klaudia’s arrival. Alchemy had been used to conjure up new pajamas, but they were proving too small. The buttons on her shirt were strained by her breasts and more than a few had been popped by her mountainous gut. The singular mound of flab rose into the air, blocking Klaudia’s view of Ryza’s face. Instead, the blonde was treated to a phenomenal view of the vertex of Ryza’s gut fold. It bowed in a beautiful U-curve, fatter than the whole circumference of Klaudia’s thigh. Her belly button had become deep and distorted, sagging downward thanks to the pull of gravity on her fat. Klaudia stifled a giggle as she watched Ryza scratch her tummy, thick finger playing with her navel. While her infatuation with her business partner’s fat was mostly childlike, there was a small part of Klaudia that begged with the universe to be in the bed. She sighed and watched from the window, spying on Ryza.

Klaudia would have found the bed warm, heated comfortably by Ryza’s gigantic asscheeks. Though her gut was most prominently on display while she slept, it was the twin pillars of fat that truly received the love from her flagging metabolism. Ryza’s legs alone were enough to fill the latter portions of the bed. Stretching out past the edges of the mattress, her hips and saddlebag thighs hung into empty air. Beneath her, two buttcheeks spread their mass. Ryza’s shapely moons were the size of cauldrons, though with the softness of bread dough. In her drowsy, dreamy state Ryza paid them just as much attention. She turned, slowly bringing her fat around. The bed screamed under her, begging in its own little way to be released from the hellish torture of holding a 700 pound woman. Klaudia, behind the thick glass of the hideout, was denied the audible groans of the mattress; though she would have delighted in them. Instead, she was treated to Ryza’s final tipping point. The big woman, still mostly asleep, pushed her fat over enough that gravity could sling her the rest of the way. Her ass was fully exposed whilst her gut slumped and pooled into the wall. The bed frame sagged underneath Ryza’s bulk, the support boards cracking. With each small give of the mattress, Ryza’s flab jiggled. The shaking built a familiar pressure in her stomach.

Outside, Klaudia squeaked as she was treated to the full breadth of Ryza’s ass. Her eyes widened as she realized how much bigger it had gotten, even in the last week. Once, the sight of Ryza’s deepening and softening buttcrack had been a small treat on occasion. Now, however, Klaudia was as intimately familiar with it as she was the back of her own hand. She could even see, at the very tip, where an extra little crease was forming. Each and every pound brought new treasures to Ryza’s form. Some of which Klaudia did not know about. Dreams and hopes she was unable to ask for.

Inside, Ryza continued to slumber. However, it was growing troubled. Ryza’s sausage fingers palmed her distended belly, trying to massage and scratch away a mounting pressure. The movement and jiggles had awoken her tummy and the gasses which slumbered inside. Her prodigious growth had come with other side effects. Food, especially the sugary and greasy fair that she had come to prefer, did not process as well any more. The feasts which she stuffed into her mouth, egged on politely by Klaudia, festered in her stomach. “Mmmm-ggghh-oooooohhh.” Ryza spouted a protracted groan as her stomach gave great and pained gurgles. As the minutes passed, it began to bulge outwards. Ryza’s stomach was filling with gas. It gurgled and swirled, the contents of her stomach becoming ever more unruly and discontent. The sleepy, obese woman put a hand to her gut as if to press the gas back in. Her stomach simply swelled around her sausage fingers. The force within was reaching a breaking point. It needed somewhere to escape out of. With only two places to choose from, Ryza’s sleepy mind made the expedient choice.


Outside, Klaudia saw Ryza start and shift in the bed. It was rare that the large woman moved quickly, something else that Klaudia had come to enjoy about her friend. She loved the way that Ryza had to balance her boundless force of personality against the limitations of her weary muscles. Seeing her friend start awake was as rare as it was terrifying. Klaudia squeaked and dropped to the ground, so afraid of being seen that she didn’t mind the rich fabric of her skirt getting dirty. She breathed quickly, unable to hear or see what was going on inside the house. The blonde was afraid that her innocent spying had been discovered. She crawled along the side of the hideout, thinking quickly. Thankfully, she had been sent out on a mission. She at least could use that as cover. Klaudia crawled on her hands and knees, not caring about the smudges. When she got to the door, she stood and knocked. “Ryzzzaaa. . .ahem. . .I’m hoooome. Got the supplies.” She said, forgetting in her panic that knocking wasn’t required. Sneaking and lying did not come naturally to the good hearted woman.

BRRRRMMPPPPTT! Another fart, this time from panic, rolled like thunder out of Ryza’s boisterous bottom. The bed underneath her shook as her titanic buttcheeks quaked from the force. Worried from both farting herself awake and Klaudia’s call, adrenaline had allowed the brunette’s bulk to move quicker than normal. She was sitting at the edge of her bed, waving her hand to try and dispel the smell. “Oooooh. Come on tummy, this is not the time.” Ryza chastised her belligerent gut, trying to calm the gas roiling within her. “Klaudia needs. . .BBBBBLLLURRRUUUUP!” It did not help, instead it encouraged gas to escape from both ends. Ryza sat in the depression on her bed, feeling more pressure building. The fear of exposing this side of her body to Klaudia made things all the worse. “Pleeeeassse, you need to calm down!” She tried to hush her stomach, kneading the sack of flab with all ten of her fingers. “Klaudia is a cute, adorable lady! She won’t appreciate us doing THAT!” Ryza bit her lip, hoping that the pep talk would silence her stomach. Not wanting to keep Klaudia waiting, she began to slowly stand. “On. . .urrrruuup. . .my way. . .Klaudia!” Ryza called, grasping one of her bed posts for dear life.

Standing was the hardest task for the 700 pound woman. Her fat wanted to stay planted, aggressively disliking any form of movement. She had to strain and force her muscles to obey her command, prodding them into another war against gravity. Deep within her tree trunk thighs, buried muscles strained. Her buttcheeks squashed together, dimples growing deeper as her glutes were brought out of their retirement. Ryza rose slowly from the bed, her biceps swinging as she moved. The bed sighed in relief as the nightly torture ended, though its frame was still bent and warped. Ryza’s weight was the floor’s problem now, the bed and its warped frame were allowed precious rest. As she stood, Ryza’s view of the world in front of her shrank. Familiar floorboards were blocked from view as her immense belly took center stage. A shadow spread over the floor, the lights above blotted out in a large circle around the alchemist. She finally stood, wavering back and forth as she tried to balance. The exercise had done nothing to quell the painful amounts of gas filling her stomach. Yet, Ryza was not willing to quit. She began to waddle towards the door.

Her gait was slow, hips flopping from side to side as she tried to meet her friend. Each step sent little tremors through the ground, little puffs of dust falling from the ceiling. Ryza moaned and cradled her gut, still trying to massage her problems away. From behind, her buttcheeks were pinched together in an effort to avoid any other gaseous accidents. It was, however, hard to tell than her butt was clenched. Her ass slid back and forth, one cheek warping around the other every step. Though they were jiggles, the ripples within Ryza’s fat had attained such size and mass that they needed another classification. Those jiggles would be brought to an end as Ryza made first contact with the door. She opened it, trying to squeeze her mass through. Progress was slow. There was no easy way to push such extensive and profound amounts of adipose through. Ryza had tried to scootch through both normally and by twisting her body, but both options were fraught with problems. Today, not thinking clearly due to Klaudia’s summons, Ryza tried to push through the normal way. It would prove a drastic mistake.

The first step was met with resistance. Ryza’s hips and the widest points of her gut found warped around the unyielding edges of the doorframe. Wider than she was tall, Ryza had no chance of moving through the gap in the wall without issue. The morbidly obese woman had hoped to move without strain. Instead, she was caught in a deep web of struggle. Her steps slowed and grew shorter as her flab pressed against the frame. Soft, creamy fat bunched up as it tried to flow past the stiff wood of the frame. Indentations formed along Ryza’s thighs from the press of the door. Once given her freedom, it would take some minutes for her fat to puff back out. Her ass took on the shape of the door, becoming blocky and square as it tried to pass through. Her progress slowed with each small step. It was unclear whether Ryza lacked the muscle to force her bulk through or if her fat had simply become too much. Either way, it was quite clear that she was getting stuck. She pushed at the walls, cracks appearing around her hands. “Oooooh, please not now.” Ryza grunted, her stomach clenching and tightening as she worked her core muscles. Naturally, the gasses trapped inside were not fond of being jostled. “Klaudiaaaa. . .help?” Ryza asked mewled the question out meekly when the stuckage became truly apparent.

The blonde appeared quickly, having been listening to the struggle from around the corner. The day she had been waiting on had finally arrived. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped as she saw Ryza trapped by her own posterior. Her earlier fear of having been caught was washed away in a flood of excitement. She was going to get to tug and pull Ryza free of the door frame. She walked forward, the same goofy but elated expression crossing her face. She giggled. “You were so excited to see me that you forgot how to get out of your room.” She offered the little teasing comment up with a bright smile. “Or have you been trapped longer?” She asked, hoping to hide her earlier peeping with the question.

“Nooo, this is all your fault. I was forced to track down your adorable voice!” Ryza teased back, putting her arms out. “Now you have to use those cute muscles and pull me out.” She wiggled her fingers in lieu of being able to move anything else. The buttons on her pajama shirt popped off, her stomach bloating out more thanks to the gas. Ryza was a flabby balloon fit to burst, stuck in a vice that threatened to pop her.

“Of. . .of course!” Klaudia said, nervously reaching her own hands to Ryza’s. The two clasped hands, blushes spreading across their faces. Klaudia couldn’t help but compare her friend’s fingers to plush velvet, warm and inviting. She had a hard time squeezing them, almost afraid that she might ruin them somehow. Ultimately, though, she was able to start pulling. Klaudia’s were weak, not used to much physical work. Tugging on Ryza’s arms was like tugging a tree branch. She would pull and there would be a little give, but she would almost automatically be pulled back. Ryza’s sloped paunch slapped against her thigh, inducing moans from the bigger woman. “I’m not being too rough am I?” Klaudia asked, timidly putting her question forward.

“No. . .oooh. . .just. . .aaahh. . .tight.” Ryza grunted, again feeling the gas within her resurging. She grit her teeth and clapped her buttcheeks tightly, blocking off either end. “Keep going though!” She said through her bared teeth. It was hard work, but Ryza started to feel something giving. She closed her eyes, trying to deal with her internal frustrations, but could feel the pressure of the door lightening with each tug. What she did not see, however, were the cracks forming around the frame of the door. Cracks in the plaster and foundation began to form as the two women struggled. Masked by the sound of Ryza’s moaning, the subtle breaking of the wall went unnoticed. Ryza pushed with her legs, synching up with Klaudia’s pulls. The two worked in sync, proving that they were an unstoppable force when united. Ryza’s clothes ripped more with each push and pull, her naked fat on full display for Klaudia. Politely, the blonde tried her best to ignore it but was sucked in anyway. Each having fallen into their own distractions, they did not notice the wall giving way until Ryza tumbled forward.

“Ryza!” Klaudia called, feeling the pressure released. Her yell was cut short as the immense woman fell into her, the wall falling in tow. The two fell to the ground. Klaudia hugged a wall of soft, warm fat as she tumbled backward. Her fingers pressed into a belly that was as taut as a drum. Her final thought before impact was how odd that was, given that Ryza had not yet eaten. Dust from the shattered wall trailed after the two women, but was blown away upon them landing. First, because of the wind generated by Ryza’s falling body. Then, more horrifyingly for Ryza, because all of her pent up gas was knocked loose. brrrrrrrRRRRRMMMMFFFPPTTTTH! Ryza’s fart came out as one, gigantic fetid cloud. It ripped through the pajama pants, chasing away the dust in one foul blast. Before silence could retake the room, another came rocketing out. BBBBBRRRRRMMMPP-FFFRRRRRTTTT! The sound was long and low. Klaudia could feel the vibrations through Ryza’s fat. She was pinned by the undulating bulk, forced to feel the constant tremors. She loved it.

“No. . .BBBBLLLLURRRRUUUP. . .no. . .OORRRRUUP. . .no.” With her gut bearing down on Klaudia completely, Ryza could not help but belch and fart uncontrollably. “Ooooh, Klauida, please forgive me!” The obese gasbag was close to crying. Her round, fat face looked down into Klaudia’s with tears forming. “That was so unladylike. Please don’t hate me!” She whined, unable to stand or roll away. Terror held her in place. She was so scared of judgment from her friend that she missed the spreading expression on her face. Worse still, she could feel more flatulence bubbling up within her.

Klaudia, charmed beyond measure, giggled. “That’s ok, Ryza.” Seeing how distraught the fat, gassy woman was, Klaudia realized it was time to come clean. She laughed again, pinching the gut fold which trapped her hand. She loved being buried under Ryza’s flab, forced to feel her enormity and the expulsions it produced. She was now strong enough to name the puppy dog love which filled her heart. The prim, proper woman was utterly smitten and enamored with her ever so slightly slobby, fat friend. She would do anything to feel it more and be bathed in its effects. “It’s actually kind of. . .well. . .cute.” Klaudia said, blushing and speaking slowly due to the press of fat upon her. To accentuate the point, she leaned up and pecked at Ryza’s lips. It was a soft, small kiss but said much more than any words could. Then, as she pulled back, she shyly asked another question. “Have any more stored up?”

Caught off guard by the kiss and question, Ryza’s butt had to answer for her. BBBRRRRRMMMPPPPTT! Her succulent posterior moaned out the answer, making the two laugh. Klaudia hugged Ryza even tighter, as if trying to squeeze out extra bouts of gas. She loved feeling the shaking and rub of fat upon her. The house was filled with the explosive releases of Ryza’s rear end as well as the laughing from the two women.

Part 3: Wider Concerns

Klaudia finished stirring the cauldron, another batch of Puni Jelly completed. She smiled, knowing that her alchemy skills were improving slowly. The mystical liquid within the deep pot had taken on a sky blue hue, evoking the roly-poly creatures that the dish was named after. Eager to sample, Klaudia dipped a small cup into the cauldron. She brought it back filled with the sweet substance, still too warm and freshy to take on its more jiggly nature. The blonde took a small sip. Her heart leaped, knowing that what she had made was good enough for Ryza. While she would never be a master alchemist or even a journeyman, Klaudia was learning how to mimic the recipes that her flabby, flatulent teacher had laid out for her. “Ryza, I have a new batch for you to sample!” Klaudia called. She was given a very deep and sleepy “BUUURRRRUUUP!” in response but nothing else. She did not respond, knowing that Ryza was either drowsing or finishing off the previous meal. Ready for her work to be appreciated, Klaudia dipped a long tube into the cauldron, ready once more to activate the feeding siphon. Thanks to the heat of the jelly mixture and the internal mechanisms of the alchemy tool, the thick liquid was soon curling its way through the long tube. Klaudia turned and skipped away, knowing that Ryza was going to need her assistance eating. While Ryza’s tummy was as active as ever, the woman around it had slipped into further bouts of laziness.

Klaudia turned and watched the thick liquid pump through the tubing. The plastic trail led over the polished wood floor and around tables that had been used for housing Ryza’s tasty concoctions. However, the tables were empty now. The pair had developed some supply issues as of late. All that was produced, along with extra food shipped from Kurken Island, was sent directly to Ryza’s ever hungry gullet. Klaudia continued to follow the tubing with her eyes, drinking in the sumptuous path that it led up. For each inch of tubing there spread several feet of Ryza’s fat. The now immobile woman lay in the center of the hideout, her vast bulk having pushed the tables and furniture away. Ryza was shaped from three separate mountains of fat. First was her stomach, rolling down onto the floor like a slide of gravel. It fell forward as a pale slope with an easy gradient to climb. Her stomach teased like it would separate into multiple rolls, with the forming indentations in key places, but remained as a singular mass. At the peak of this lay her breasts, adorable little hills. They were perfect for cuddling and cupping. Ryza had great, womanly breasts that would beat any other maiden back home, but they were small in comparison to her other assets; her ass especially.

Looming behind and to the side of Ryza was a true behemoth. A monster of fat which would crush anything trapped beneath it. Her gigantic booty had swallowed chairs, couches, and the bed she had once rested on. It rose toward the ceiling, taller than many people. Her asscheeks crowned the summit, wobbling high above Ryza’s head. There was nothing that could be produced by alchemy or conventional means that would support her weight now, so Ryza had to use her own gigantic body as support. Her round, soft, broad shoulders leaned sunk into an ass the size of a small carriage. Likewise, much of the rest of her body rocked on thighs that, their weight alone, tested the foundations of the house. Around all of this and more the tubing wound, its exit point directly by Ryza’s many chinned face. Unable to motivate her massive body into motion, the brunette rested in the middle of the hideout; always waiting for food or attention from Klaudia. She was rarely spared either.

Klaudia made the quick trip across the floor and up Ryza’s bulk. Each trip was a fresh reminder of all the things she loved about Ryza’s body. It was soft and warm, like the most precious bed that had ever been conceived. Klaudia was a tender soul and relished that Ryza now had a body that complimented that. She crawled on her hands and knees, stretching out when she finally reached Ryza’s face. “Ryyyyzzzaaaa.” Klaudia whispered and sang, reaching her hands out to lovingly pat and massage her girlfriend’s puffy face. The thick folds, unlike their owners, did not appreciate being lifted and played with. They were heavy, sagging fat falling through the slim fingers which tenderly caressed them. “Come on, wake up, time for food.” Klaudia continued to talk, before kissing her lover.

Ryza’s eyes fluttered open at the delicate touch of Klaudia and promise of food. She started to speak but a large belch burst out. “BBBBOOORRRRUUUP!” Ryza smacked her lips, still stuck in the grips of sleep. When she finally woke fully, she was treated to the sight of her small friend resting in the fields of blubber that the two had worked so hard to cultivate. Feeling rather cheeky, she gave her own version of a morning greeting. BBBRRRRRRMMMPPPPTT! The fart burst long and low, a bassy explosion from the mountain of blubber above the two, adding to the growing smell in the room. With the permission and encouragement from Klaudia, Ryza had continued to explore her stinky, slobby side. That was not to say she had changed much, instead adding physical flair onto her already exuberant personality. “Good morning, Klaudia! It’s always exciting. . .BBBLLLRRRUUUP. . .waking up to your cute face!” Ryza was as cheery as ever. She may not have been able to move, but found other ways to show that cheer. FRRRRRPPPTTTTTHHHH! The stench in the house grew thicker with every wayward fart and toot exploding from the young woman. She loved the way her body jiggled a little extra when she released the percolating contents of her paunch.

“Woooah!” Klaudia exclaimed as she rode the waves of blubber. What were little, adorable jiggles to Ryza were earthquake tremors to Klaudia. She could feel the gas rumble free, traveling out of the immobile woman in a fast and superheated blast. Klaudia pushed her body as flat as possible into Ryza, wanting to feel the rumbling as much as possible. She would plant kisses on the cascading chins as a means of saying thank you. “Good morning, smelly. Seems like someone wants to show off.” She giggled, hugging her blobby friend and lover. Ryza kissed back as she was able, struggling to move her chubby face into position. “I made another batch of Puni Jelly for you, just a little something to keep that tummy working.” Klaudia pointed to the tubing, through which the jelly was running. It was nearly three quarters of the way to Ryza’s mouth, the syrupy liquid promising more fat and farts for the brunette. “It. . .uhm. . .might be a good idea to try and empty your stomach. Just so you have plenty of room.” Klaudia suggested, trying to bait Ryza.

“Oh! Of. . .EEERRRRRRUUUUUP . .course!” Ryza took the bait, willing to do anything for her adorable, blonde, girlfriend. Indulging in her foul tendencies only made Klaudia more enamored with her. Ryza wanted as much attention from the polite, well dressed woman as she could get. She enjoyed her fat and flatulence, but delighted in sharing it with Klaudia most of all. “You. . .ooooh. . .just wait. . .BBBLLORRRRUUUP. . .a moment!” Ryza grunted, trying to strain the muscles which encircled her gut. While out of use, they still could be put to some tasks with enchanting results. FFFFRRRRUUUMMMMPPTTT-BBBRRRTTT-BRRRRT-FFFFLLLRRRT! Ryza expelled as much gas as she could, pushing the fermenting odors out of her rear end. Klaudia squeaked, almost surprised by the shock and force that Ryza could muster. The blonde watched at the mountainous cheeks which lorded over her shook. They clapped and bounced with rapid, unrelenting force. The chaste, polite woman felt a deep surge of carnal lust and deviancy spring through her as she felt Ryza’s flab shaking. She rocked and rolled atop a mattress of belly fat, her own small and cute butt jiggling in concert with Ryza’s. When Ryza finished, she fell back into her fat in an exhausted heap. “Oh-kay. . .just. . .need. . .food now.” She wheezed.

“Yep! Plenty for my chubby cutie.” Klaudia made another soft pass at Ryza’s lips, a token of her affection before the feeding started. “Hmm. . .I wonder who takes care of who more?” She posed a teasing question. “Fat and farts on command from you, but food and kisses from me.” Klaudia posed the riddle to Ryza, her thighs tightening together as she became excited by the potential answers. Speaking openly about the state the two were in was nearly as lust inciting as physical contact. Klaudia watched Ryza’s mouth open, sucking on the jelly tube, wondering if she would get an answer.

“Mmmppggh. . .issscch. . .mmmpggh. . .a tie!” Ryza said between deep sucks, happily trying to drain the cauldron of the blue substance as fast possible. To make her point, she grunted once more. FFFRRRRRRMMMMMPPPTTT! She gave Klaudia another thick, wretched fart. The blonde swooned, falling to kissing and playing with the fat on offer.


It was sometime later when Klaudia heard footsteps coming up the path towards the house. They were heavy and slow. If she did not know that Ryza was inside, immobilized and unable to waddle, she would have assumed it was her girlfriend. There was a noticeable gap between each footstep, as if the owner was barely able to keep her legs in motion. Eager to indulge her growing perverse side, Klaudia leaned against the wall of the house. She felt with her face and hand the troubled and heavy steps of the approaching guest. The wood of the porch bent under the person’s weight, creaking like Ryza’s mattress had. From what Klaudia could tell, they were approaching the weight Ryza had been just before settling into immobility. She sighed, blowing out the building romantic pressure in her heart as she heard a panting behind the door. The thought of another fat woman, there was a feminine edge to the heavy breathing, was enough to send Klaudia into a lewd spiral. She wanted to mount and shake Ryza’s stomach, trying to force as many ripples and farts out of it as possible. However, she had to at least greet her guest first.

“Hello. . .Rsssshaa. . .URRRUP. . .Klaudia?” A reserved voice came from behind the door. Hardly believing what she was hearing, Klaudia pulled the door open. Lila Decyrus, the white skinned, silver haired, and busty woman filled the doorway. She was massive, her already woman curves taken to impossible extremes. She was huge, her body nearly spherical thanks to the addition of hundreds of pounds of fat. There was little doubt that she was over 700 pounds, nearing the point of no return. Once a thin and capable warrior, Lila was doubled over; fat hands sinking into knees covered in fat. She huffed and puffed, trying to speak and recover her strength. The ornate costume she once wore had been switched for a simple black shirt and matching pair of shorts. Her ashen skin flowed out and around her clothing, it only able to cover a tiny fraction of her body. From the double over position she stood in, Lila’s breasts nearly touched the ground. Pumpkin sized, they were many times bigger than Klaudia’s own head. “I’ve. . .oooh. . .haah. . .come to. . .ask. . .hut-bout. . .jelly shipments.” She looked up, her heterochromatic eyes meeting Klaudia’s.

In a burst of emotion, Klaudia realized that Lila suffered from the same addiction that had expanded Ryza. The sweet taste of Puni Jelly and Rasen Pudding had infected her to the core. She needed more, just as Ryza lived off of her creations. Klaudia licked her lips. “Lila, it’s so good to see you. Come in!” She took the fatter woman’s hand on her own, pulling her towards the door. Lila thumped forward, taking small but heavy steps. Her gut, exposed under her small black top, swung pendulously. Likewise, her hips rumbled. Klaudia gleefully measured and compared Lila’s hips with Ryza’s, thinking back to when the two were of comparable size. Had her mind not been so clouded, she might have remembered what happened when a smaller Ryza had tried to pass through the door.

“Klaudia. . .I believe. . .ooh. . .the door iscch. . .aah bit. . .small.” Lila wheezed, feeling her hips catching. Klaudia had a good hold on her flabby arms, delicate fingers sinking into her bulging biceps. Practiced at moving fatties through tight spaces, Klaudia gave a few test tugs. The Oren woman’s body shook, lurching forward precious inches. If the walk had not been so long, she might have been able to help more, but the pale woman was utterly exhausted. While it was shameful, she did little as Klaudia struggled to pull her through. Her fat was caught, warping around the frame and filling any bit of free space. She was, however, able to survey the room. She was greeted first by the smell of Puni Jelly, the delicious and addicting substance flying to her nose before aught else. It was so strong that when the smell of Ryza’s flatulence caught up, she did not mind. Lila was close to her goal, desperate for more food. She longed to satiate the hunger rolling through her. Unfortunately, she was stuck fast. Despite the constant tugging and pulling, Lila could not move.

Klaudia took a step back, trying to assess the situation. Ryza lay behind her, snacking and slurping on her newest batch of Puni Jelly. Meanwhile, Lila was in front of her. She was stuck in the door, her arms outstretched and desperate to hold a bowl of jelly or pudding. “Ryza, we have a guest.” Klaudia called, at least letting the massive woman know of the situation. “Lila is here. . .and blocking the door.” She was both pleased and dismayed to receive only a “BLLLLRRRRFFFFTTT!” in response. Klaudia took another look at Lila. The large, quiet woman was trying to worm her folds through the small door, but succeeded only in entrapping herself further. “Ah, well, we may need some help.” Klaudia sighed, not quite hating the situation she was in.


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