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Tags: Sex, explicit, MHA, Feeding, Immobility, Corruption

Hey guys, sorry things have been a little quiet! Have been grinding away at some big comms. Should have more stories within this week for you all. First Patreon Prompt story for the month will come this week too!

--- Prologue ---

The world was gone. Heroes, villains. . .the titles now mattered little. They were simply two sides of the same coin. Slowly, as the constant feuds and wars escalated, the quirk users fighting changed. They cared little for grand ideas such as freedom, safety, or helping the downtrodden. Instead, they came to care only about themselves and what could be done to further aggrandize their own status. They turned from heroes and villains into petty lords, each ruling over small fiefdoms. Those with power or skill were able to accrue more wealth, using it for their own perverse ends. These “courts” were filled with jealousy, treachery, and constant infighting. None could be trusted. Power was the only law that anyone really followed. If you were able to command men and women, your due would be given. The useless were used as stepping stones, mere chattel for those with greater wills. Only those who could use their inherent and growing greed could survive in the new and bloody world. While some candidates made sense, others proved to be more adaptable than first appearances would suggest. . .


Upon the Nile river rested a palace. While it had been built only five years prior, it was modeled after the old palaces the pharaohs housed themselves in. Its many chambers were dedicated to the singular ruler, a gluttonous hero turned renegade. She had tossed away her ideals and instead pursued a ruthless, ambitious campaign to make herself a queen. Her selfish quest had drawn others into her web, pulling more and more people under her titanic sway. Some were useful as agents to accomplish her missions, but most existed to serve her as pleasure servants. In rooms littered with treasure and decorated with steamy pools they took care of her every debased whim. Though they hated their mistress, they could not break away from her. Rather, they found themselves more and more subject to her desires. Whilst they all dreamed of a world where they were the true power of the land, it was not to be. Former heroes found themselves dominated and leashed under the will of one rapacious woman. Tsuyu Asui.

Tsuyu sat on her throne, her many servants working to get her ready. For those that knew her before the fall of the world, she was almost unrecognizable. Nearly half a ton of fat rested upon her body, filling out the luxurious throne that had been handmade for her. Her gut rolled outwards, falling between two legs as thicker around than most mens’ entire bodies. Built up of a series of growing rolls, Tsuyu’s stomach heaved as she was made ready for the day. Classmates turned servants and concubines worked upon her, tending to her body fastidiously. It was their job to make sure that she was perfect, that her image was directly in accordance with her expectations. Meanwhile, Tsuyu simply sat and waited. She was digesting a rather large breakfast, though her stomach was starting to ache for more. However, for the time being, she was content to wait.

“Wow, Madam Asui! You are looking so very perfect today!” Mina Ashido said, pushing her pink hands into a sodden pile of flesh. She kneaded the rolls before her, making them squelch out sweat and grease. “It’s hard to imagine how you could get even more beautiful!” Her words were candied, but her thoughts were dark. I can’t believe I’m slaving away on this fat bitch. Mina stopped for a moment, afraid that the thought might have been written upon her face. There would be hell to pay if her mistress figured out what she had been thinking. There came no response, so she returned to her massage. Mina was currently working upon the sagging rolls which gathered under Tsuyu’s armpits. Partially arm fat and partially breast fat, they were the softest and most succulent of the bloated frog’s folds. They were swampy with perspiration, heated by the owner's immense body to the point where clouds of mist had started to form. How she became so powerful I will never know, but the minute she turns her back. . .Mina’s thoughts might have continued, but they were interrupted by a deep and throaty belch.

“BBBBLLRRRRRUUUAAAAPP. . .Assscchhido. . .” Tsuyu rumbled, trying to force the words out. It was hard given the heavy bottom lip that the former froggy hero now sported. It was thicker than a bodybuilder's bicep, but soft and supple. It was like a gallon baggie filled with gelatin had been draped on Tsuyu’s face. Her bottom lip flopped up and down as she talked, a marker of the extreme indulgence to which Tsuyu had devoted her life. She had become so obese that her body had started to dump fat everywhere, finding any and all extra pockets to fill out. Of all these ancillary flab receptacles, Tsu was particularly proud of her lip. She marked it as a symbol of queenliness. Her sagging lip was her personal divine right to rule over her other fallen heroes. “Feesssh me. . .KEERRROOO. . .schooome. . .BBLLLRRUUUPP. . .food.” Tsuyu spoke slower than snow melting, her voice thick with greed. Her lip jiggled back and forth as she spoke, never once lifting off of the fat neck roll it lay upon. It was painted black, her servants having to use a gallon’s worth of lipstick to successfully cover the lip. The abyssal helped fit with the rest of her image.

Now one of the most prominent new world warlords, The frogwoman had needed to revise her image. Schoolgirl frog did not readily impress other bloodthirsty tyrants. Thus, she came up with something else. Tusyu had fashioned herself after the Egyptians of old. She had heard a story once about a plague of frogs being visited upon a pharaoh and found it fitting. Thus, as her power and influence grew bigger, she made their iconography a part of her image. Tsuyu wore her hair in thick bangs, the eyes underneath thick with blue eyeliner painted in a manner evoking traditional Egyptian style. Her outfit, if the collection of jewels and thin cloth could be called that, matched with blue. Heavy golden necklaces fell between her breasts, which themselves held golden piercings the size of antique door knockers. Tsuyu was opulence magnified to the nth degree, the personification of careless royalty. She wanted to lounge in her wealth, not caring about the state her body was in. She spent most of her days eating, fucking, and daydreaming about the wealth her new schemes would bring in.

“Hey!”  A brash voice to Tsuyu’s left called out, snapping her rudely out of her stupor. “We gonna do anything today, Toad-Queen Asui?” Katsuki Bakugo yelled, already chafing at his reigns. While he made sure to refer to Tsuyu using some sort of honorific, it was decidedly close to being disrespectful. “It’s been days since we did anything besides wash your fat ass. You might be comfortable waiting around for nothing but I’m. . .'' Bakugo was cut off as Tsuyu made her move.

“You. . .KKRRRROOOO. . .exisccht only. . .to. . .mmmhhmm. . .scheeerve.” Tsuyu rumbled, looking sideways at her classmate turned cabana boy. She leaned over, letting her 900 pounds of blubber slump and fall into open air. Her lip fell, moving much like her gigantic breasts. It was fat and big enough to slap Bakugo in the face, leaving a smear of slobber to further insult. Tsuyu’s fat hand made its way down Bakugo’s thin and muscular chest. He, much like the other male members of the harem, was kept in a state of partial emaciation. They were muscular yet drained, fit only for serving as sex outlets for Tsuyu’s rampaging carnal appetites. Only Bakugo, with his explosive temper, was able to summon the strength to talk back to Tsu. This was part of the reason she liked him so much, he was a kitten that thought himself a tiger. He stiffened instantly as her fat, greasy fingers wound around his large cock. “No thoughtsscch. . .only. . .KERRROOOO. . .DUTIFUL. . .schervissh.” She wheezed, stroking his member. Her hands, slick with sweat, slid easily along the length of his cock, quickly pulling him out of his rebellious thoughts and ways.

“Nnnggh. . .Yes. . .Queen Asui.” Bakugo tried to speak back, but found his mind captured by a soon-to-come climax. His cock continued to stiffen, large and powerful in the hands of his immense queen. She stroked faster, her arm shaking and wobbling against his chest. She was massive, nearly ten times bigger than he was in pure mass. Her heavy, corrupted body leaned upon his, making it hard to stand. She whispered to him lovingly, threateningly. Each word meant another slap in the face from her bread loaf sized bottom lip or her tongue. She tugged on his cock, making him stand on his tiptoes in order to give her proper leverage.

“Serviscch. . .meanscch. . .CCRROOOAAAK. . .rewardscch. . .underscchtand?” Tsuyu licked her tongue out, first teasing it through her many chins and then across Bakugo’s face. Her gut bounced upon the floor, slapping with each stroke of her arm. Perspiration built upon her body and she was quickly tiring, but she would not stop until her point was made.


“Good!” Tsuyu stopped at once, letting her fat slam back into place upon her throne. Necklaces freed by the sliding of her chins and jowls were once again buried. The ground shook as the elephantine mass righted itself. Tsuyu felt her own pussy, buried deep under stomach and leg fat, grow wet as she once again realized just how heavy she was. Her ass slapped against the armrests of the chair, bubbling out over top despite the several feet afforded to the width of her seat. “Now. . .BBLLRRRUUUP. . .kisscch me. . .bitsssch-boy.” Tsuyu let go of Bakugo’s cock, her point made. Grumbling but subservient, Bakugo crawled on the armrest and began to plant his own small lips upon the planetoid that the frog called a lip. It was like pressing his face into a soft gut or a flabby bicep. His face was at once taken over and dominated by Tsuyu’s sagging facial folds. Tsuyu, meanwhile, lazily and sloppily kissed back. She was far more interested in Bakugo’s submission than she was his physical attention. She waited for her meal, thinking how best to enjoy the first feast of the day.


“Queen Asui. . .lemme feed you!” Ochaco whined, trying to shove her way past the two chubby women that had claimed the position of honor. While nearly 300 pounds herself, Ochaco was decidedly smaller than either woman. These stupid bitches, they won’t let me get my due. How am I supposed to move up if they hog all the glory? “Jirou! Yaoyorozu! I want to take care of Queen Asui.” Ochaco whined, trying to force her sweaty bulk between the two women. They shoved her back, swearing in the process.

Momo and Kyouka were currently shoveling food into Tsuyu’s mouth from large serving bowls. Tsuyu had forced herself up and out of her throne, wanting to enjoy the feeding from a dais central to the open room. Upon the dais lay a series of curved pedestals where she might rest her bulk. They allowed her to “stand” though she was mostly helpless in this situation. Tsuyu let her flab fill the various pedestals, surrendering her body to them willingly. They leaned her forward, making her mammoth ass jut outwards and putting her face about waist level. From here, she could be fed and massaged to her heart’s content. Her servants put the food forward, allowing Tsuyu to eat from their hands unobstructed. Her body lurched forward and backward, gigantic asscheeks clapping as she slurped up the food offered to her. Tsuyu’s flabby bottom lip worked as a pocket to hold fallen food, seeming to inflate to even more massive sizes as food was stuffed into her. Grease and sauce drizzled down over the edge of her lip, falling across the painted black surface.

“Buzz off, Uraraka!” Kyouka said, shoving her large ass backwards into the other woman. “Queen Asui wants attention from us!” I don’t know what sucks more, Uraraka’s whining or taking care of this hog. She returned to letting Tsuyu graze. She scooped food from one of the bowls and placed it before Tsuyu’s face. Tsuyu would lick her tongue out, scooping the food back to her. She would chew messily but slowly, savoring all the delicious and painfully fattening foods.

“Yes! It’s not our fault that Tsu. . .Queen Asui wants our attention.” Momo quickly tried to correct herself, hoping that her mistress was too deeply engaged with eating to notice the slip up. While the other servants referred to each other by last name because of distrust, it was mandatory to refer to Tsuyu as her title alone. “We are here to make sure she gets everything she wants!” Momo leaned forward, pushing Jirou out of the way. She smooshed her hands upon Tsuyu’s lip, struggling to heft the 50 pounds worth of facial fat. Momo massaged it, working the collected food back into Tsu’s gullet. She knew that Tsuyu’s lip was her most sensitive, erogenous part. A simple touch would sometimes cause the bloated frog to orgasm on the spot. It was the crown jewel in a collection of soft treasures. Momo continued the massage, Tsuyu’s eyes going dull and unfocused from the erotic energy spreading through her body. Though she hated to admit it, Momo was also getting wet from the experience. She longed to have a lip like Tsuyu’s. While hers was starting to fill in more, owing to certain procedures awarded for good service,  it was nothing like Tsu’s.

“Oooo. . .mmmmmmppp. . .” Tsu tried to speak, unable to think through the pleasure. “Osshoco. . .get. . .Bakugo.” Was the only instruction that Tsu was capable of delivering. She was in the throes of orgasmic pleasure and wanted more. Her gigantic body heaved back and forth, breasts swinging in empty air. She wanted to feel the fruits of her corruption, her folds, being fucked hard and fast. She needed physical confirmation of just how despicably fat and greedy she had become. It was not enough for Momo and Jirou, the latter following her partner’s lead, to massage her lip and chin folds.

“Fiiiiineee!” Ochaco stomped her foot, hoping that a reward was coming her way after. She waddled back, trying to do her lady’s bidding as quickly as possible. “Bakugo! Get your tiny ass out here. Lady Asui needs you!” She called angrily.

“Yeah, yeah.” Bakugo always hovered around, waiting for his chance to perform. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He walked up to the dais, picking his way between discarded plates and bowls. He shuddered as he saw Tsuyu’s sweaty mass gyrating upon the pedestals which held it. It was hard to believe that he had made love to that blob daily for the past decade. At the same time, he felt his cock going erect. It was time to once again prove why he should be kept around. He stepped up behind the immense woman, taking off his loincloth and letting his large cock flop freely. He slapped one hand onto one of Tsu’s gigantic asscheeks, even going so far as to use his quirk to make a smattering of small but enticing explosions. He pushed his rod between her ass, fighting against her jiggles. “Alright, Toad Queen, make sure you don’t finish before I do.” He growled, a toothy grin spreading across his face.

Katsuki Bakugo was all power with no direction. He discarded technique for endurance and strength. He wanted to make love like a bull, constantly pumping and shoving his cock forward. It was the only real method to please Tsuyu. She had long since stopped caring about anything that was not raw sensation. She wanted her mind to be overwhelmed by the endorphin rush. Leave fairy tales and sweet nothings for teenagers, she wanted to be dicked down like a real woman. Bakugo’s well oiled cock slid easily between the walls of ass fat. He was encircled on all sides by bountiful blubber. To heighten the experience for both of them, he squished Tsuyu’s butt together with his arms. Muscle ripped on his emaciated body, showing the strain that it took to fuck the blobbish frog.

“Deeper. . .KEERRROOO. . .deeper.” Tsuyu panted, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Each thrust threatened to shove her off of the stand which held her weight. Her weight combined with Bakugo’s savage fucking started to break the support columns. Sweat dripped out from her rolls, puddling on the floor. Her hair was plastered to her forehead. Quickly, the savage queen was turned into an even bigger mess. She leaned forward more, trying to force her ass backwards. It was an odd rhythm, with the blonde’s hips bouncing off of her ass as his cock hit home. Her body tensed and she gripped the pillars. She tried to move in time with him, but realized she lacked the strength to move her folds. Things became even more exciting when The pillars broke and the two were dumped to the floor.

“Keep. . .going. . .CRRROOOOO. . .keep. . .fucking.” Tsu wheezed and yelled, her gigantic bottom lip flopping upon the floor. Bakugo obeyed, rising up from behind the pale pile of fat with a gleam in his eye. He put a hand on her back, squeezing an unwashed roll. He bent over her, trying to pour every last bit of his pent up savagery through his large cock. He grew stiffer, finding an orgasm welling up within him. He did not want to submit, to give Tsuyu the satisfaction of knowing that he had finished first. Yet, he could count the remaining pumps he had on one hand. He tried to stimulate her by activating his quirk again, making his hands pop and vibrate across her sensitive body. Meanwhile, his thrusts slowed as he built to the crescendo. Tsuyu’s ass took it all and she begged for more. She could feel him about to cum, letting that fuel her own resistance. Finally, Bakugo exploded within her and slumped off in a tired mess.

Tsuyu lay on the floor, panting and trying to pump her own hips. On the verge of climax, she just had to work her own flab enough to finish. “Niiiscche. . .KERRROO. . .try. . .tiny.” She teased her cabana boy, wanting him to know that it was her own power that made her orgasm. He was only a stepping stone. “May. . .HHHAAAH. . .next. . .ooohh. . .time!” Tsuyu finished before slumping down into her own fat. A proud tiredness stole over her. She waited for her other servants to help her up. It would not take long for her sexual stamina to return. When it did, she thought, it would be the girls’ time to please her.

--- A New Challenger ---

Tsuyu watched the television, her fists clenched in rage. On the screen was Rumi Usagiyama, the hero once known as Mirko, sat in the center of a gigantic crater that had once been part of a city. She was immense, though decidedly smaller than Tsuyu, but with the strength and will to keep mobile. She had pulled a helpless news anchor to her, forcing the small man to interview her. Her rolls were nakedly exposed to the air, sweat dripping from them. She took heavy breaths, clearly enjoying the wanton destruction she had caused. Her gut folded into two main rolls, each shaking as she breathed. “There are. . .BBBLLURRRUUUP. . .too many losers in this world.” Her eyes glared at the camera. “Renegades get a little. . .UURRRUP. . .power and turn into blobs. Resting on their own laurels.” She smacked the news anchor away, needing only the cameraman. “Blobs like Tsuyu Asui! I’m coming for that big, fat ass. You had better. . .” Mirko was cut off by Tsuyu’s tongue lashing out and smashing the expensive television. She thumped her arms in wordless rage on the throne, fury pumping through her. To think someone would challenge her? It was beyond insulting. She grew red, feeling emotions bubbling up inside.

“BAKUGO!” She called, her anger turning into something completely different. “Get. . .KEERROO. . .in here. . .I need. . .you!” Her throaty voice echoed through the halls of her palace. Her servants were at once scared of her rage, but excited by her wanton destruction. They could not deny the fun of serving such a hateful, controlling mistress. They only wanted to see that bratty rage applied against Mirko next.

Part 2: Unification and Supplication

--- A meeting of the Minds ---

“Hey, Toga.” Rumi grinned as she felt hands work across her asscheeks. It was the same intense, nearly sadistic grin that she had during combat. It spread wider and deeper as she felt the struggle below her gut intensify. “If all you are going to do is jiggle my ass, you might as well kiss it.” A pair of woefully small pants were being hoisted up and over her voluminous booty. While freshly tailored, they were sized for her weight a week ago. In that short span of time she had managed to gain another fifteen pounds. Those fifteen pounds had found their way to her buttcheeks, making them even more massive and unwieldy. Rumi had been quick to adopt the rogue hero lifestyle but slow to adopt the rapacious greed and gluttony. She wanted to fight and conquer and was used to leveraging her body to achieve those ends. However, the new world she found herself in did not do things that way. It was for lesser people to do the fighting. If you wanted to be a player in the new age, you had to force yourself into new dress sizes. After some soul searching, Rumi had found herself up to the challenge. Whether through fighting or the impressive nature of her bulk, she could bully people into submission.

“Uuuuggggh. . .why are you bossy today, Usagiyama?” Himiko whined, her hands gripping the overburdened pants as tightly as they could. Himiko hated this kind of work. She wanted to spend her days lounging, feeding both of their lustful appetites.The idea of doing actual service to and for the bigger woman was an anathema to her. Before speaking, she tugged again, trying to force the dress pants up and over the hills of booty blubber. Himiko would normally not have served another person, let alone a former hero, but Rumi was special. The rabbit hero had grown by leaps and bounds, her body transforming by the day as she fell deeper into gluttony. Himiko longed to explore the new dimples on her lover’s ass, but instead was tasked with covering them up. Sweat ran from Rumi’s back rolls, pouring over the 700 pound woman’s body and falling between her bunched up asscheeks. Himiko summoned every bit of strength she had to lift and tug the dress pants up and over her mistress’ wall of ass fat.

“I’m meeting with. . .oooh. . .Tsuyu today. Gotta, impress that. . .aaah. . .overstuffed brat.” Rumi couldn’t help but feel turned on as her plump butt was manipulated. Deep between her thighs a wetness spread. “And. . .aah. . .I’ll boss you around as much. . .haaah. . .as I want!” Rumi shook her ass, it waved back and forward dangerously. It would take but just a bit of gravity in the right direction and Himiko wouldn’t see the sun for days. The smaller woman continued her work. The slick, sweat-lubricated surface of Rumi’s ass helped to ease the burden but not by much. Soon, Himiko had given up and let the pants drop. Rumi’s ass fell in one gigantic heap, bobbing only once. Her pants were halfway on. Her stomach, a flat slab of pure blubber, fell through the unzipped fly. The tanned bunny woman did not mind, enjoying just how impossible her body was to clothe. She strained and reached a round, fat arm backwards to pat her prodigious buttcheeks. Sweat splattered where her chubby fingers hit.

She felt fat, she felt powerful, she felt ready to take on Tsuyu. The corpulent, corrupt frog had been quiet lately. Rumi figured that she must have gone into hiding. The strain of being so young and in a position of power must have gotten to her, Rumi reasoned. To even ask for a meeting was a sign of weakness. Rumi smiled, her smile half a glare, she could smell blood in the water and she wanted a taste. Tsuyu might have been one of the bigger bitches, but there was no way a frog could compete with a rabbit. Rumi, fueled by the impending meeting, turned and barked at Himiko. “Come on! Back to work.” Once she felt Himiko struggling to lift the pants, Rumi went back to daydreaming about the meeting. She dared to dream that she might even be bigger than Tsuyu.


Tsuyu wheezed and spluttered angrily as she was made ready. Her rage boiled in the pits of her gigantic stomach, rising up through her skin as sweat and steamy mist. Her dressing room had been turned into a veritable cauldron, boiling over because of her anger. Around her, Tsuyu tried to abate her anger by sucking down food from the gigantic trough that had been wheeled in. The big lipped, amphibious queen’s eating produced a cacophony of putrid noises. She sucked and slurped at the food, often fighting her lip more than actually eating. Her body rocked and rolled as she fed. Tsuyu, thanks to the report that she had seen on Mirko, had sent her appetite into a steep spiral. Rather than a prodigiously fat woman, Tsuyu had turned herself into a living feedbag. She was a marshmallow that had been left in a pan of grease, becoming so bloated and fat that her body had lost visible definition.

Most of Tsuyu was an oblong blob, with heaving creases and rolls. Her arms and legs had seemed to retract into her body, falling victim to the advance of blubber. Thickened fingers wobbled in fatty sockets, unable to do more than flap on occasion. Tsuyu lay on her stomach, propped up by its sheer size and mass. She was now taller than she ever had been whilst skinny, stomach lifting her high. Her gut could now fill a pickup truck bed, with much of it even seeping out. From the back of her sprouted two thick asscheeks, each big enough to crush a three person couch. They moved slowly, so fat that even their jiggles moved at a glacial pace. A person could get lost in the staggering amount of ass fat. The boys tasked with pleasuring Tusyu from behind were well aware of this fact. Likewise, the women who sucked and slurped on Tsuyu’s breasts were aware of the devastating power of the gigantic, teardrop orbs. Bigger than refrigerators, Tsuyu’s breasts could pump out milk with stronger force than a firehose. At the end of it all lay her face. Tsuyu’s angry, pouty face lay outwards from concentric rings of neck and shoulder fat; ever glaring and demanding. Her bottom lip dangled freely, dripping sweat and slobber; bigger than a grown man’s thigh.

“Hurrry. . .KEERRRROOOOO. . .UP!” She demanded, temper flaring. Today she was angrier than usual, her mind and bodying unifying into one seething mass of resentment. “BBBBLLLLLLEEERRRRUUUP. . .rrriiiibbbOOOOOOORRRROOP. . .uuugggghh.” Tsuyu’s ribbits and gaseous expulsions served as sentences, her mind utterly fixated on what would happen in the coming hours. The future was uncertain and that uncertainty led to her worst excesses becoming more prevalent than normal. “Sscccchhooo. . .YAOYOROZU. . .oooorrruup. . .more jewelsccch. . .rrrrooooaaaak. . .make me. . .a queen.” Tsuyu was in such a frenzy that every sentence was shouted or muttered. Either her immense bottom lip was flapping with chaotic, wild energy or was rippling with reserved resentment. Her lip would thud into her chest, clapping like a fleshy gong against her wall of breast fat. Momo scurried around her, drawing forth extra piercings and chains from her stomach. They wound around her neck folds like tinsel on a christmas tree, sinking into the doughy mass yet glittering brightly. “OOOORRRUUUP. . .KRRRROOAAA. . .” Tsuyu wanted to say something, form discernable sentences, but anger got the best of her. She was meeting with Mirko today, the very thought shooting bouts of spasmodic rage through her.


Rumi blanched as she watched Tsuyu get hauled into the room. Utterly naked, Tsuyu was a perfect ball of fat upon a cart meant for hauling industrial construction materials. She dragged via her army of servants and concubines. The color drained from her as Tsuyu was dragged through the garage door which led to their appointed meeting room. Extra space had to be cut from the wall in order to facilitate the spherical woman’s entrance. Even still, Tsuyu’s fat tugged at the edges; leaving smears of grease and sweat. The world fell away and a dull roar filled the rabbit woman’s ears as she realized that she had never seen a creature as fat and bloated. Tsuyu was big on a scale that defied explanation. Her body listed back and forth with each tug and push, undulating in slow patterns. Her arms and legs were missing, replaced instead with deep sockets that had only hands to mark what they once were. Her face was a mess of slobber covered chins and a bottom lip so fat that Rumi doubted she could lift it. Rumi’s natural confidence and hot streak was replaced with another emotion: fear. How could she measure up to someone so immeasurably huge? Rumi leaned back against the wall, it bent under her own weight. Within Rumi’s fear grew another emotion.

“BBBBBLLLLLLURRRRUUUUPPP. . .mmmgggph. . .we meet. . .keero. . . at lasssccht.” Tsuyu rumbled, having to work up the strength to even speak, her lip refusing any and all movement. It thudded against her chest, like it was fluffing her refrigerator sized breasts. “Ssschhtoooped. . .CCRRRROOOO. . .hiding. . .from me?” Tsuyu giggled which, to the room, sounded more like a series of guttural croaks. Her folds wheezed out steam and grease as she was moved under the power of others. The smell of pond water filled the room. The small trip from Tsuyu’s palace to the appointed meeting place was taxing upon her body. She had begun to sweat through the thick, egyptian styled makeup that she wore. Veins of mascara and eye shadow trickled down her puffy cheeks. Her lip was painted shining, metallic gold but stylized with a black ankh in the middle. Each score of pounds gave Tsuyu more space to decorate her body with and more of a canvas to paint with expensive cosmetics. “I. . .whoooo. . .shoouughtttssch. . .you’d be. . .bigger.” Tsuyu burbled, her gigantic lip bowing as her face curled into a smile.

Excitement radiated through Rumi. Her breath caught in her chest. She hoped that her face did not betray the thoughts running through her mind. She needed to appear tough, but was sucked into what she saw in front of her. Tsuyu loomed above her, like several hay bales merged sloppily together. Rumi could hardly see anything save for Tsuyu’s fat, dangling lip. The silver haired hero was dragged into a mental abyss, feeling her power and confidence being drained away. Tsuyu’s bold mass sucked the room’s energy away, leaving nothing but her own sweltering arrogance. Really, as Rumi thought about it, it was more like she was giving her energy to Tsuyu. Attention was a currency and she was paying it to Tsuyu freely. So much so that her legs grew weak and unsteady. The thick, cellulite marked pillars normally held rumi steadier than other women her size, but now they weakened with each passing second. The wall behind her caved further in as more of her weight was placed upon it. Even though she felt her luscious fat caving in the supports of the building, Rumi knew that it could never compare with Tsuyu’s. Each wet slap of the bigger woman’s asscheeks thudded against Rumi’s heart. A blush crept over her face.

“Toga!” Rumi brought herself back to reality by bullying the only person under her direct control. “Why don’t you and Tsuyu’s servants leave us be.” The 700 pound woman shoved herself off of the wall. The wall crumbled in on itself fully, with flecks of dust and paint decorating the back of her pants. The suit had come on, but awkwardly. It bulged out in the back and the front where Toga had shoved her stomach in and under the waistband. The shirt that Rumi wore, emblazoned with decorative rabbits, strained at every button. Tanned fat leaked out, wandering into the soft light of the room. Golden chains, now seeming small and tarnished, dipped down between Rumi’s breasts. It was obvious that she wore diamond studded nipple piercings. She walked forward, cracking her neck. The feelings within her raged and morphed, but she did her best to keep them at bay.

“Aaaaahh. . .need a little alone time.” Himiko slithered behind Rumi. 300 pounds of blonde, murderous schoolgirl pressed close to Rumi. Heat was shared freely between them. Himiko’s cardigan bulged under her gut, folding atop her lover’s gigantic asscheeks. She seemed close to hyperventilating, the amount of female sexuality in the room driving her to open madness. “Break her, Miss Usagiyama. I know you. . .heeee. . .can.” She huffed, her breasts shuddering. The murderous, sexual impulse within Himiko was palpable and naked to the room; even if her words went unheard. “Please, please,please.” She begged, needing to live vicariously through the woman who commanded her.

“Get lost for a bit, twerp.” Rumi’s words were cocky as she flicked the smaller woman’s nose. Himiko peeled off and waddled out of the room, sped on her way by a large hipcheck from Rumi. She passed by the monolithic wad of froggy fat, considering sticking out her tongue and burying her face in Tsuyu’s side folds. She was stopped only because of the fear of Rumi’s retribution. The breaking of Tsuyu was to be done by her commander, another notch in the belt of the rising star. Though glum, Himiko did walk out of the room. Tsuyu, after a moment’s consideration, dismissed her followers as well. Tsuyu and Rumi were left alone.


“Scccchooo. . . a. . .KEEERROO. . .now that. . .BBBLLLRRRUUUP. . .were alone. . .'' Tsuyu trailed off, ending her sentence in a series of pants. The steamy blob did nothing but belch, wheeze, and speak corruption. Every sentence was thick with demands and lust. It was like she wove magic into every sentence, forcing her desire for power into every sentence. “Leessscchh. . .OOORRUUUP. . .sssschhpeak.” A low chuckle thrummed through her folds, shaking the floor around her.

“I. . .'' Rumi started but found her words catching in her throat again. “This is. . .I . . .well. . .'' Possessed by feelings she could hardly describe and had no hope of commanding, the large woman could do little other than stammer and try to force words out of her mouth. Her chins flapped up and down and her puffy lips (woefully smaller than Tsuyu’s own) opened and closed quickly.  She clenched her fists, trying to bring herself under control again. Rumi wasn’t even sure what she was trying to say. Unable to match her strength of personality with Tsuyu’s own corrupt mass, she was left a stuttering mess. Nervousness built within Rumi, filling her gut and expanding outwards into the rest of her flabby body. She had never felt such desire running through her. The fear that she had first experienced had quickly started to meld and change, becoming something different entirely. Instead of fearing the blobish frogwoman, Rumi feared putting a name to the emotion running through her. Tsuyu, seeing the reticence to speak written over Rumi’s face, smiled. Her fat, glistening, overgrown bottom lip curled up in a proud and self indulgent smile. That was all that was needed to break Rumi. “Oooohhh, I can’t take it anymore!” She yelled, stomping her foot to drive away the last vestiges of her resistances. “You. . .you’re so. . .cuuuuuutttteeeee!” Rumi gushed, rushing over to the vast expanse of womanly blubber.

It had been a long time since Tsuyu had been surprised. Her mouth dropped open as Rumi waddled forward, burying her body in Tsuyu’s frontal folds. Her wobbly, jiggly rival pressed her obese body in close, snuggling between Tsuyu’s gigantic breasts. Rumi’s head ducked under Tsuyu’s gigantic lip, whilst her hips forced their way between the pooling breast fat. Tsuyu felt the angry tension that had been building in her body dissipate. Surprise stole her breath away. Her fingers, snuggled in the flabby prisons of her piled up arm rolls, stiffened and pointed outwards. The surprise only mounted as Tsuyu felt Rumi’s lips begin searching across her sagging rolls. Their, admittedly, adorable puffiness started to snuff out the most sensitive and tender portions of Tsuyu’s bulk. “Waaatt. . .isscch. . .KRRRROOO. . .thisssch?” Tsuyu said, still trying to process what she was feeling.

“Come on. . . lemme appreciate you!” Rumi continued to gush between kisses. She was bathed in Tsuyu’s fat and sweat, her body merging with the greasy folds of the immobile woman. Her lips kissed and sucked at Tsuyu’s folds. The tan woman wanted to gush, to let her effusive emotions billow outwards so that Tsuyu could drink them in. “Ooooh. . .why did you have to be so fucking ccccuuuuute!” Rumi backed up just so she could look at Tsuyu’s lip and surprised eyes. “I came here to best you. . .I wanted to dominate. . .crush you. FUCK!” Her thoughts tumbled out in the privacy of the room. Rumi felt electricity building between her thighs, pussy growing wet with the closeness to her new idol. “But I can’t. . .not with you being such a pile of hateful. . .adorable. . .swampy flab!” Rumi reached up, her thick fingers clasping on Tsuyu’s drooping lip. She caressed it, letting her chubby fingers sink into the mass. It was softer than a down pillow and pleasantly warm. Rumi grew ever more tremulous as her fingers poured over Tsuyu’s lip. She shoved her gut forward, plopping it onto her crush’s pooling breasts.

“Ussccchagiyama. . .rrrriiibbbit. . .wha. . .why?” Tsuyu could hardly breathe, feeling the tender touch spreading across her body. Rumi kept massaging, pushing her hands deeper into Tsu’s gigantic facial folds.

“Please. . .please Tsuyu. . .call me Rumi.” The silver haired woman begged. She stood on her tiptoes, forcing muscles that hadn't been used in years to function. She stood face to face with the bigger woman, still holding her bottom lip as best she could. Nervous tremors spread through her body, making her feel like a school girl confessing a crush. “Call me Rumi and let me serve your adorable mass.” She kissed the surprised overlord, pressing her chubby lips against Tsuyu’s tide of face fat. The two kissed, with Rumi being overpowered by Tsuyu easily. The bloated frog drew her rabbit lover in further and further with each kiss, applying strong suction to each meeting of their lips. Tsuyu’s kissing was lazy and indulgent, little more than pleased sucks. Meanwhile, Rumi applied every bit of energy she could. She focused on that large, immense, monolithic bottom lip. She kissed and licked it, knowing that it had to be sensitive to any erotic touch. She was proven right by Tsuyu’s moans.

“Ffffffuuuuccckk. . .Rumi. . .you. . .KEERROO. . .sexshy biissssh.” Tsuyu rumbled, never having felt as pleased as she did in that moment. “If thisscch. . .isscch. . .crrrroooaaaa. . .a trick,” she let the words hang in the air. Her pussy gushed, control lost as Rumi pleasured her. A thousand mental images spread to Tsu, each more depraved than the last. The only thing better than crushing a rival was converting one.

“No.” Rumi broke away. “No trick at all!” She shook her head. “I just want to fuck you. Corrupt you further.” She hugged the concentric circles of neck and chin folds, letting them seep sweat and grease over her. Rumi had been fiercely independent her entire life, a fighter through and through, the explosive emotion within her was strange. . .but nice. She was out of control but in a way that made her feel more alive than ever. “You’re so cute and evil. Let me be yours.” She stepped away again, wondering what Tsuyu’s answer would be. Instead of words, the deal was sealed with Tsuyu’s tongue. It sprung out from her mouth, lapping at Rumi’s face first and then descending between her breasts. Buttons popped as the thick tongue wormed around and stroked Rumi’s breasts. “Lemme. . .aaah. . .love your. . .chubby. . .oooh. . .body.” Rumi spoke, almost embarrassed that she was the one getting pleasured.

“Sssscccchhh. . .” Tsuyu whispered, her ropey tongue gliding down her new lover’s body. “Pleasssccchure. . .for. . .ooooh. . .both of usssch.” She grunted, throwing her prehensile tongue out in a show of lewd strength. Rumi’s shirt ripped under the force of Tsuyu’s tongue. Buttons exploded outwards, thudding against Tsuyu’s flabby body like airsoft pellets against a mattress. Both women laughed and moaned at the experience. Tsuyu’s tongue continued to slide down Rumi’s body, propping every roll. She tasted the sweat and grease which had built on Rumi, acquainting herself with the unique taste of her latest acquisition. Rather than shy away, Rumi lifted her gut, making it easier for the thick member to slide to her nether regions. Tsuyu tugged at the belt and pants which blocked further exploration. Rumi was surprised at how strong Tsuyu’s tongue truly was. One pull drug her 700 pounds of flab forward, nearly lifting her off her feet. She anchored better, letting her couch sized rear hold her against the viscous tugs. Tsuyu easily pulled through belt leather and the pants along with it. Rumi was again freed, though at the cost of her standing position. She fell backwards with a thud that shook the entire building.

“Strong, fat, and cuuuuuute!” She gushed, unsure of who she was at this point. “How did I get SO lucky?” Rumi spoke, knowing what would come next. Eager to please, she spread her legs as wide as they would go. Buried underneath was her pudgy snatch, glistening with liquid excitement. “Tsuyu. . .fuck me!” She cried, her hands against the ground. She looked up, seeing the long tongue waving back and forth. A vestige of her usual personality returned and she grinned with a sadistic glee. “Don’t be gentle, either.”

--- A Match Made In Heaven or Hell? ---

“Hey!” Rumi bellowed, months after the meeting with Tsuyu. “Lady Asui. . .wanted. . .her food. . .30 minutes. . .ago!” She stomped into one of the many food prep areas around the palace, throwing her bulk from side to side. Her increase in weight, finally reaching Tsuyu’s old weight of 900 pounds, had added a noticeable swagger to her waddle. Rumi had to lean back, using the motion of her exposed gut to propel her vast body forward. Her thighs rubbed against one another, a constant squishing noise issuing from between them. Calves fat enough to bury her ankles drooped onto the floor. Her black panty bottoms were utterly swallowed and hidden from view, save for the decorative cotton ball which peeped out at the apex of her buttcheeks. Building upwards, Tsuyu’s buttered bunny was no smaller. Hamhock arms squished against ever-so-slightly underdeveloped breasts, making them seem perkier than they really were. “Come on. . .lazy. . .peon. . .runts!” Rumi growled before wiping away chocolate smears from her mouth. She was an easter bunny that had never stopped eating holiday chocolates.

“We have been!” Mina stuck her tongue out, still not recognizing Rumi as above her. Her plump lips blew a raspberry at the traveling mound of brown flab. Mina glistened, bearing the toll of her work as sweat upon her pink rolls. Now stuck with two gorging, growing behemoths, the workload of Tsu’s repurposed classmates had exploded. Rather than lounging about and fucking their lady, they instead slaved away preparing meals for the twin goddesses. It was starting to sew dissension in the ranks.

Rumi continued her slow swagger forward, a grin spreading across her face. Unlike Tsuyu’s servants, she had come to enjoy the new changes in her life. She had fattened immeasurably, her body taking on proportions that did not seem possible. Her already plump lips had filled out like overripe fruits. Her bottom lip now swung with noticeable heft, flopping down onto her chest like an extra breast. It was painted purple, Tsu’s favorite color. “Pffff. . .” Rumi blew a raspberry back, always delighting in a moment to show off her lip growth. Her lewd noise was wetter and deeper than Mina’s. “Assch. . . if you weren’t. . .fucking on. . .job. . .again.” Rumi thrust her gut forward, letting it fill Mina’s torso. Mina was bigger than she had been months ago, but 450 pounds hardly compared against Rumi’s tank-like curves.

“No, that’s not true at all!” Mina argued, struggling to maintain her position of strength with Rumi’s gut atop her.

“Not true. . .” Rumi hinted, putting a hand to her ear.

Mina clenched her jaw, unwilling to give the fatter woman her due. She had a hard enough time swallowing her pride around Tsu. All the same, she couldn’t stand the pressure from Rumi. Standing next to the woman was like standing on the surface of some high gravity planet, utterly crushing. “Not true. . .Usagiyama.” Mina deflated as she spoke. “We’ll have the food shortly.” She sighed.

“Good. Bring extra for both of us.” Rumi chuckled as she emphasized the final word. She wielded her position of privilege with the same gusto that she threw her fat around. Turning, she lumbered back to her and Tsuyu’s sex den. Food would come and she would be the one to heap the culinary treasures upon Tsuyu.


“I’m ssssscchhhoo sorry the foodsssch late!” Rumi said, practically tripping overherself to reach Tsuyu. The frog queen lay in a carved bath in the center of the room. Water poured from carved aqueducts in the ceiling, each shaped into round frogs. The clear water fell onto Tsuyu, bathing her in a constant stream of fresh water. Her amphibious body rejoiced at the constant hydration. Rumi’s heavy footsteps splashed water, sprinkling it onto Tsuyu’s gigantic form. “Mina was relaxing on the job.” The lie came easily from her fat lip. Rumi had quickly acclimated to the climate of backstabs and double crosses within Tsuyu’s palace. She used her desires to please as motivation to bury the other servants at every turn. “She wasch lying down on the job.” Rumi continued to fabricate the lie, her fat hands working to massage Tsuyu’s face. She could feel the seething resentment building within Tsuyu, angered over having been denied food. Her eyes grew beady within the confines of her scrunched, smooshed face. It warmed Rumi’s heart to see how easy it was to trigger Tsuyu’s selfish rage, her icon of adoration grew ever more short of temper. The constant spoiling and attention from Rumi had only served to swell Tsuyu’s ego to new heights.

“Ssshhaat. . .bbbbiissccchhh.” Tsuyu spoke in two great huffs, her body puffing up visibly as petulant anger filled her. “Sscchee. . .krrrrroooo. . .will be. . .on. . .ssccheerving duty. . .for. . .monthschs.” Tsuyu’s tongue lashed out and whipped around Rumi, dragging the smaller woman to her. The two were soon kissing. Rage met with lust in a confusing but invigorating jumble. Tsuyu took Rumi’s bottom lip in her mouth, suckling it like a gumdrop. She spoke even through the love making. “Mmmppggh. . .sssllrruuup. . .thissch. . .lazinesscch. . .too mussh. . .mmmggph.” She sucked and slurped upon her lover’s obese lip, rolling the fat appendage between her own imperial and oversized facial features. Tsuyu fat seesawed as she made oral love as she threw her entire being into the movement. Her muscles came out of their dormancy only for moments like these, when she truly needed to fully stimulate her sex. Her flabby face shook, the top of her head and hair starting to be covered by inflated back rolls. Her lustful fury started to peak as she smelled food. She broke away to find her latest meal having been rolled to the edge of her pool.

The cart had been snuck in, the other servants too afraid of a tongue lashing to show themselves. They knew better than to intrude on Rumi and Tsuyu’s time together. So, the heavily weighted feasting trolley was left for the two gargantuan former heroes to play with on their own. Going on lecherous instinct, Rumi turned slowly and started to grab one of the large bowls. “What does my Tssscchu-tsschu want first?” She asked, leaning far enough over the bowl that her lip dangled in the food and her gut pushed several of the plates away. Her ass, now protruding backwards several feet, hovered just before Tsuyu. Rumi wiggled her couch-crushing asscheeks, feeling them brush against Tsuyu’s dangling chest folds. She longed for those pale expanses of fat to be draped over her own fledgling curves, to be buried under and subsumed by them. “Why ssccchhoo. . .mmmm. . .scchhy?” Rumi teased, about to pick up a dish of fried past and rice which had been slathered in sauce and had chicken dumped into it. However, she was caught by the feeling of Tsuyu’s tongue slithering between her legs. “Oooh, I scchee.  .someone’sch hungry for more.” Not wasting any time, Rumi grabbed the large bowl and dumped it over her backside. She shivered as noodles, rice, and glazed chicken slid down her rolls. “Come oooonnn Tssccchuuuu, my corpulent cutie needssch her fill!” She wiggled her ass, further mixing the food together atop her plateau of booty blubber.

Tsuyu pulled her heaping, sweating, waterlogged body forward using only the strength of her tongue. Her piles of fat sloped down, sliding like a falling garbage pile at the dump. Her face landed in the pile of food, burying itself in Rumi’s ever giving asscheeks. Tsuyu went to town, sucking, slurping, and guiding the food towards her. Her tongue lashed out twisting and turning through the piles of noodles and rice, seeking out the tastiest morsels. “Mmmppgghmp. . .sscchhlllooorrrp. . .BBBBLLURRRUUUP!” Coherent speech was lost as the immobile woman grew ever more attached to her feeding. Her lip wedged between Rumi’s ass, spreading the gigantic cheeks, parting them like a red-tinged sea of blubber. Rumi giggled and bounced a little, making her ass shimmy and shake. The feeling of Tsuyu’s gigantic, invasive bottom lip pressing its sloppy bulk between her asscheeks had no competition. Tsuyu continued to eat, her tongue worming between scattered piles of food; occasionally dipping into rolls to tease Rumi.

“Tsssschuuuuu. . .oooh. . .eat all. . .you can!” Rumi squealed, mentally broken by her ass being used as a trough. Tsuyu’s thigh-sized lip thumped and slid between her buttocks, thrumming with the greedy woman’s moaning. It was all Rumi could do to grab the cart and hold on as Tsuyu used her body for sexual gratification. The white haired woman put her face down, bathing her own fat lips and chubby cheeks in the sloppy food. She was thrust forward and back as Tsuyu ate. The ocean of sweaty, slimy frog fat broke upon her body over and over. Waves of fat spread upon her, slowly eroding her ability to stand. Rumi slumped down, her proud and arrogant stance crumbling under Tsuyu’s constant advances. The bunny woman was getting exactly what she wanted, her desires to be dominated by her lover being fulfilled. Tsuyu was rapacious in her pursuit of oral pleasure. Her lip spread Rumi’s cheeks further apart allowing her tongue to wrap through her legs. “Tsscchuu! Fuuucck me!” Rumi gasped and shrieked as she felt Tsuyu’s tongue plunge into her pussy. With skill and strength it flicked in and out quickly, gyrating against Rumi’s needy clit. Rumi could do nothing other than sing praises and compliments to her lover. Tsuyu, meanwhile, could do nothing other than continue her feast.

“Firssscht you. . .oooh. . .” Tsuyu’s speech was even more slurred and distorted than usual. Slobber flicked out of her mouth, coating the food, Rumi’s ass, and her distorted lip. “Sshheen. . .oooohh. . .we. . .aaaah. . . fuuugghhh. . .up. . .” Tsuyu felt the first of many climaxes breaking. The thought of her plans almost more exciting that the ravaging of Rumi’s body. Evil, greedy thoughts burned in Tsuyu’s mind. Visions of the future came to her, of a world where she was the only power. Her greed and corruption spread through every continent, warping and destroying everything that existed. She, with Rumi alongside her, would conquer everything and bathe the world in her fat. “Ssschhaaat. . .American. . .bissssh.” Tsuyu wheezed the words out before returning to her playtime. Visions of red, white, and blue played in her mind.


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