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Hinata sighed as she helped Tsunade, more than a little dissatisfied. She had come to the hokage looking for advice, but had found work instead. Tsunade needed old medical boxes sorted, their contents cataloged and written down. It was hardly what Hinata had needed, especially after her talk with Naruto that morning. With his usual directness, Naruto had confessed a deep desire to her. The blonde boy opened up about a romantic desire that he had. With a deep struggle he told Hinata that he liked fat women. Not only that, but his dream was to help fatten a woman up. His fantasies swam with pictures and thoughts of women becoming big beyond belief. No size was too small. Hinata was not sure what her face had conveyed during the conversation, but she was sure that she had ruined the confession. Naruto had run off, afraid of what his girlfriend might say in response. Lacking any other source of comfort, Hinata had come to Tsunade for help. She had been given labor instead. The quiet woman tried to put a silver lining around being conscripted for work, telling herself that it would at least distract from her current relationship woes.

“Uggh, ok. . .what’s that one say?” Tsunade asked, thoroughly drunk and bored of the task she had signed her Hinata up for. Several boxes worth of work had seen Tsunade getting desperate enough for a sip of sake. The sharp, warm liquid had helped dull the pain of logging all of the malformed and defective pills. Each crate after had required an increasing number of cups. While the work had gone faster at first, it quickly slowed to a crawl. Tsunade went from being an active participant, to supervision, to sitting at her desk nursing her prized bottle. Hinata, ever the diligent worker, continued at her task. She shifted through the mountains of pills and medication, learning about their bizarre effects and why they were removed from use. Most were failed healing or combat stimulants. Things meant for the ninjas on the very frontlines of battle. However, there were some odd inclusions. Things that were meant for consumer usage that had failed in their initial release for one reason or another. While most were nothing to Hinata, there was one particular set that caught her fancy.

“Reverse diet pills?” She asked, holding up a bag with red and white striped pills. She rustled the baggie, listening to the little capsules clack into one another. “What are these, Lady Tsunade?”

“Pfff, a total failure.” The drunk woman waved her arm, sloshing alcohol from her filled cup. “The name is a joke at this point. They were originally supposed to be actual diet pills, the kind of thing that ladies without chakra could use to boost their metabolism.” Tsunade chuckled, pleased with her own use of jutsus to prolong her life and maintain her beauty. Not everyone was as fortunate as her. That had been especially clear by the failure of the pills in question. “Basic trials had the totally opposite effect. The women exposed ate like crazy, total hogs.” She laughed in a very undignified manner, her drunkenness stealing away the last bits of dignity that she had.

“So they. . .” Hinata said to herself, looking at the pills. Her heart raced, thinking about an earlier conversation with Naruto. These might be the answer to her problems. Or, if nothing else, a way to put her foot in the door of a solution. “How effective. . .or ineffective were they?” Hinata asked, adjusting her language and hoping she didn’t sound too curious. She had little to fear from the inebriated Tsunade.

“Totally ineffective for weight loss. Effective if you were interested in joining the Akimichi Clan. One pill could blimp you up 20 pounds in a meal, or something like that.” Tsunade said, starting to drift off. The alcohol, combined with the boring work, was beginning to catch up with her. She yawned, leaning back in her office chair. It was a shame that Shizune was gone, she could use a shoulder massage. If nothing else, she could use a little break from work. However, she knew that the diligent, polite Hyuga girl was unlikely to let that happen. Hinata, despite her slim frame, was an absolute workhorse. “Just. . .uuuh. . .throw them over there.” Tsuande said, motioning to the wall of the office, not caring that her suggestion did not make any sense. “We can pick up with this. . .hooo. . .tomorrow.” Tsunade yawned, pulling her green coat over her bountiful chest for warmth. Between light snores, she dismissed Hinata. “You can. . .take the. . .afternoon. . .off.” With that, the older woman drifted off into a deep and drunken sleep. Hinata, meanwhile, was left holding the bag of pills.

--- Lunchtime Confessions ---

“Thanks for coming, Naruto.” Hinata said as the pair was guided through the ramen restaurant. They were led past booths and tables of happy customers, all enjoying the specialty noodles. Hinata studied the people, looking at who ate and ordered specific meals. The morning talk with Naruto had given her a new interest in people. Her eyes drifted towards heavyset women, watching what they ate. Some meals made sense and matched with their body types, taking large and unhealthy portions. Others, however, ate meals contradictory to their size. She wondered if Naruto’s gaze also tracked those women, assessing their features and drinking in their fat. She tried to make herself understand, wanting to know what he saw in their size and roundness. As she watched them she grasped the little bag of pills in her pocket. Whatever the presence of the defective medication and her choice of meeting place might suggest, she remained undecided on the next course of action. “How was your day?” Hinata asked as they were seated, unable to bring herself to what she really wanted to talk about.

“Good! You should have seen the way I was training today!” Naruto said with his typical bravado. Hinata couldn’t help but smile, drawn into the blonde boy’s enthusiasm. He had such a zeal for life. There was nothing that seemed to trouble him. To the shy and reserved woman, it was infectious. There was a reason that she had spent her life chasing after him.

“That’s nice. I was busy helping Lady Tsunade.” Hinata said, her hand feeling the little capsules in her pocket. She was coming dangerously close to mentioning what was on her mind. It would only take a few questions from Naruto. Hinata thought about how much she wanted him to bring it up, to force the issue again. Further, she realized that she wanted the decision out of her hands. Byakugan or not, she could see a deeper layer of nervousness in him. He wanted to address things as much as she did. With a rising madness, she hoped he would.

Unfortunately, that choice was stolen away from the pair by the waitress. She dropped by, all smiles, to take their orders. Naruto started to race through his, knowing exactly what he wanted. Hinata, busied herself with the menu. This was another part of life she looked at with new eyes. She had long been aware of her appetite and ability to pack away food. She could eat like few other women. Hinata fought a gasp, wondering if that was part of the reason that Naruto had become interested in her. While a stupid and girlish thought, she couldn’t help but fear that her boyfriend and the love of her life only saw her as a stomach with legs. Afraid of that possibility, Hinata made sure to order light.

The two finished their orders, again returning to staring at each other awkwardly. Hinata had not felt this way in years. However, Naruto was there to save her once again. “Uh, Hinata, about this morning,” He started, looking down at his table cloth. “I just wanted to say that you should forget what I said.” He started to find his courage. “I don’t want you to think that I want you a particular way.” His goofy, lopsided grin returned. He felt comfortable now, much more than when he was trying to speak earlier. This felt right, a simple declaration of love. “You are perfect the way you are! I was just getting a little ahead of myself!” A bead of sweat ran down the back of his head as he plunged back into more sensitive territory. “I. . .uh. . .hope you can forgive me?” With those words, Hinata was sold. It was confirmation of everything that she hoped. Naruto’s feelings for her weren’t wrapped up in what her body looked like or what she did. She sucked in air, realizing what she needed to do.

“Naruto. . .I love you too.” she reached forward, grabbing his hand. At the same time, she fumbled in her other pocket for the pills. Her hand grasped a couple, readying them. “But I also want to make you happy. We don’t have to talk about that though, let’s just have a nice dinner together!” As Hinata’s hand left Naruto’s, she happened to knock over her napkin. The cloth fluttered to the floor, landing close to Naruto’s foot.

“Lemme get that for you!” Naruto said, practically leaping out of his seat to fetch the wayward cloth.

Left alone and without supervision for the second time that day, Hianta made another impulsive choice. She pulled the pills out of her pocket and plopped them into her mouth. Quickly, before she could decide otherwise, she washed them down with water. Naruto, utterly oblivious to the actions of his girlfriend, straightened up and handed the napkin over to Hinata. She smiled at him, taking the piece of cloth. Excited by what she had done, she reopened their previous conversation. “I hope you don’t mind, but I want to get a little chubby for you. I want to give you everything you want.” She smiled, the adrenaline from her bold act filling her body. Her soft, graceful hands itched to pick up her chopsticks despite no food having been delivered. “You’ve done so much for me, now let me do something for you.”

Naruto grinned, almost afraid of saying anything that would ruin Hinata’s decision. He could not explain why she had decided to take part in his crazy kink. He supposed it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she was happy, in love with him, and was going to give being chubby a try. In the back of his mind he wondered how he could possibly have gotten so lucky as to land a girl like Hinata. “Wow! I mean, thank you, Hinata!” He jumped up to kiss her cheek, almost taking the table with him. His lips met her thin cheek. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss her in 10 or 20 pounds, when her face really began to round out. “I really don’t even know what to say.”

“For now. . .” Hinata stopped as a little pang of hunger ran through her stomach. The small pills were already taking effect. “. . .why don’t you just tell the waiter I might need to order a little bit more.” She smiled, hand moving to cover her stomach in a demure manner. “I think I’m going to be eating double from now on.”

--- The Pills Take Effect ---

Hinata ate like a woman possessed. Noodles, sprouts, and tender cuts of pork all passed by her lips in rapid succession. She held a pair of very neglected chopsticks in one hand, whilst the other tipped the large bowl up to her lips. Her throat worked at the food, dropping every morsel into her stomach. If asked about the taste of the ramen, she couldn’t have given an accurate answer. The taste and even texture of the food came second to simply filling herself with it. Hinata had a desire such as she had never felt before. Her stomach was a pit, a crater that needed every bit of sustenance that she could get her hands on. Despite the bowls only having come out minutes ago, she was already halfway through her first. She slurped at the noodles, unwilling to eat genteel or ladylike. Hinata needed to be filled, and she needed to be filled quickly. “Mmmppggh. . .sscccchhhoo. . .hungry. . .” The murmur came between slurps, meant more as a hint for Naruto to fetch her more food than anything else. He had not quite picked up on her suggestions.

Naruto sat dumbfounded, watching Hinata slosh the ramen back and forth. For as hungry as he had ever been in his life, the young ninja could never think of time where he had eaten like Hianta was now. Akamaru had politer eating skills and used utensils more. Yet, Naruto was delighted. It was all he had ever wanted. He didn’t bother touching his own food, instead letting his senses be filled by Hinata’s ravenous attack on the ramen bowl. He felt the table shake as she threw herself into the meal. He smelled both her lavender perfume as well as the ramen bowl as little droplets spilled from it. He heard her lips smacking and the sucking of noodles as she drained the food down into her forming gullet. Most importantly, he saw the food filling her stomach. There was but one glorious path for the food to travel down, reaching her midsection in record time. It rounded out, filling like a little balloon. His sharp eyes could already see the slight ruffle of  her jacket, a telltale sign of a puffy belly meeting with fabric. Yet, Naruto could not see the whole story. There was more happening to Hinata’s body than he might guess.

As quickly as the food entered her stomach, it was digested and turned into caloric surplus. No part of the meal went to waste. Thanks to the strange science of the medical team, the contents of the bowl were all sent straight to Hianta’s waistline. The growth of fat was slow. It inched along, like a slow trickle of water into a bowl. Her figure softened all the same. Muscles given to her by relentless training and missions began to be obscured. What Naruto had seen earlier was not her stomach filling with food. Rather, it was her stomach filling with fat. Hinata’s navel deepend, whilst her belly began to distend. Never in her life had she had even a hint of a tummy. Yet, as the ramen was processed, she now boasted visible fat. Her tummy sloped downwards, a round orb which, had she been naked, contrasted against the lines of her hips. Thanks to the pills, Hinata could feel the fat growing on her. The strange but wonderful medicine granted her greater awareness of her body’s changes. She became heavier, pounds added to her frame. She did not slow her eating for a moment, though. Instead, she ramped up. Finishing the bowl in one terrific, slightly horrifying, gulp. She set the bowl aside, her hunger abated for a moment.

“NarutooOOORRRUUPP. . .oh my. . .excuse me.” Hinata’s pale eyes opened wide as she covered her mouth. It had been such a forceful, massive belch; hard to believe that it could come from such a timid woman. She kept her hand plastered to her mouth, afraid that she might let loose another. To assess, her other hand traveled to her stomach. Her fingers clutched soft, well formed flab. Behind her palm, her mouth grew into a smile. It was nice to see the pills working. It felt good to give Naruto what he wanted. However, she could not ignore how pleasing it was to eat for her own sake. Hinata had been born with an appetite even without the use of pills, it became another beast entirely under their influence. She might have been able to revel in it more, had she not made such a rude gesture. “That’s so embarrassing. I’m sorry, Naruto.”

“Hard to handle your ramen?” Naruto asked, smiling wide. He had almost fallen out of his seat when Hinata belched. Though an accident, she had fully opened her mouth and belted it out to the restaurant. The fox demon possessed man had never seen anything so beautiful. At that moment Hinata had seemed the most free. She had been allowed to move and act outside of the social and mental pressure that surrounded her at all other times. That being said, Naruto could also not discount the bias which his own proclivities added. He wanted to see her eat more. Her eating was the fuel which powered his imagination, giving him future visions of a wider, plumper girlfriend. “That wasn’t a sign you were full, was it?” He asked, nudging his bowl forward.

“Not at all!” Hinata looked at the bowl like it was a cut and refined gemstone. The hungry feeling returned to her and she snatched the bowl up in her hands. This time, she ignored the chopsticks. She gulped and slurped at the food, overcome by the desire to fill her body with sustenance. It was a sensation beyond hunger or, rather, it was entirely hunger that she felt. The thought and hint of food filled her mind. All other emotions or desires were subordinate to eating and stuffing. Her throat moved visibly, dragging the contents of Naruto’s ramen down into her forming gullet. Hinata’s body continued to apply itself to digesting her food and accumulating mass. Her stomach grew outwards, but the rest of her joined as well. Hinata felt her ass stretching outwards, slowly filling the chair she sat in. While imperceptible, at this point, her enlarging buttocks were lifting her into the air. Likewise, her impressive bust was growing outwards. The bra she wore was tightening slowly, mimicking what was happening with her jacket and pants down below. The lavender eyed woman was slowly becoming puffy, inching her way towards being visibly chubby. When she set the bowl down, drained of its contents, she felt her arm jiggle a bit.

“We might need another round.” Hinata’s words were shy, trying to mask the still gaping hole she felt in her stomach. The smells of the restaurant were getting to her. She was inches away from diving for a woman’s hearty bowl of pork noodles. It took all her strength to maintain her demure posture. All the same, a loud noise came from her stomach. She flushed, crimson rising up her face like a human thermometer.

“Yeah! I was feeling pretty peckish myself!” Naruto said, trying to cover for his girlfriend. “I’ll make sure to tip them, that way the food comes out extra fast!” The blonde stood and tripped over himself to find the waiter. He was as anxious as Hinata to continue the feast. Finally, a beautiful woman was stuffing herself on his behalf. There was little chance that Naruto was going to put the brakes on it.

Meanwhile, as Naruto went to find the waiter, Hinata pulled the little packet of pills out of her pocket. Running on instinct more than common sense, she plopped two more into her mouth. Partially because she wanted to simply eat something and partially because she wanted to go as far as she could to please her boyfriend, Hinata swallowed the pills without any regret.

--- Too Far Yet? ---

Hinata sat, panting. Her stomach was strained, filled to its absolute bursting point. Even though she was digesting food quicker thanks to the pills, she had outpaced even their powers. Piles of ramen bowls lay scattered around her, a monument to what her unbound appetite had accomplished. She was flecked and dotted with bits of noodles and pieces of diced vegetables. Her breaths came in slow, ragged heaves. She had to force air into her body, just as she forced food. Pumped to the brim, there seemed to be nowhere left to store her meal. This, however, did not deter her from wanting more. Her mind and body called for food, begging internally to be stuffed even further. She might have looked nearly 9 months pregnant, but she knew her beleaguered belly could still hold more. “Naru, could you. . .hooo. . .PLEASE ask the waiter for more.” For just a moment the inner feedee madness within Hinata revealed itself. Her eyes went wide as she instructed her boyfriend, like a predator seeing a fresh kill. Though she was starting to sweat under the pressure of her stomach, she knew that she could handle more. The pills rattling around in her pocket would allow for so much more gluttony.

“Uuhh, Hinata? Are you sure you are ok?” Naruto asked, trying to rationalize what he was seeing. While calm now, moments before Hinata had been slurping and chomping down on anything handed to her. She had forced her way through bowl after bowl. The shy woman’s eating posture had devolved, with her sinking low towards the bowls. She forked the food in with her chopsticks, working to gorge as fast as she could. Eating noises had echoed from the bowl, muffled but completely understandable. Now, seeing the frenzy she had worked herself into, Naruto was torn between concern and pleasure. He worried that Hinata might be overdoing her first foray into feeding, but he was also loath to stop it. In the space of one meal she had gone from shy princess to a pig. “You know, you don’t have to eat it all tonight. Right? We can build up to things.” He reached forward, tapping on one of her hands.

She looked at him with pleading eyes. “Naaarrruutooo, I’m so. . .UUURRP. . .hungry.” She whined, caressing her taut stomach. The spherical orb bounced once and lay flat, stuck under its own weight. It was so packed with food that the fat building around it was nearly invisible. While Hinata was getting bigger every second, the medicine in her system became more potent, currently it seemed like her growth was stalled. Hinata felt that she had hit a wall, one that her body would need time to overcome. “Just a little more, then I will stop.” Hinata was delirious enough to believe her own lie. She stifled a belch and pointed to a semi-full bowl which lay on a serving tray that had been left at their table. “Just one more, please?” She asked. Hianta’s gut churned with the food packed in, straining at her pants’ button. The pills within her pocket were plastered to her doughy thigh. It would be tough to reach them before Naruto could return with the bowl, but she trusted herself. She also wasn’t sure if she minded him knowing, either. To be caught would only mean he got to know the full details of her plan.

“Of course! But, maybe you just rest after.” Naruto stroked Hinata’s palm, wondering just what had gotten into her. He turned slowly. She moved in sync with him, her hand racing to her pocket. She could feel the little treasures bouncing around, only a few of them left. She brought them to her mouth just as Naruto returned to the table. Hinata covered eating them by pretending she was stifling another belch. “Here you go.” Naruto set the bowl down as Hinata swallowed.

“Thank you. I think this is just what I needed.” She smiled, feeling the pills hit her stomach.


Naruto gawked at what he was seeing. Hinata was once again on the warpath, continuing her campaign of vengeance upon the bowls of ramen that the staff were bringing. They had finally gotten the message and were bringing bowls out in a continuous flow. With Hinata being given an endless supply of food, The blonde could simply watch as she stuffed more ramen into her never ending abyss of a stomach. While still sweating profusely, Hianta bore none of her earlier weakness. It was as if her stomach had emptied all at once. Upon inspection, he was amazed to see that it had even shrunk a little. Intentionally, Naruto had tried to stay ignorant of what was happening with his girlfriend, but the absurdity of the situation was breaking through. “Hey, Hinata, what’s going on with you today?”

When she did not respond, Naruto put his hand to Hianta’s side of the table. Her face shot up, looking at him almost animalistically. She clearly worked to contain herself. Even when she did talk, it was broken up by her returning to the large bowl of food. “I just. . .mmmogggph. . .wanna. . .smmmpggh. . .” She ate it like she had never eaten anything in her life. She had to force herself back to the conversation. “Do. . .asccch. . .mmmggaapph. . .mmusscch. . .assscch I can. . .sssgraphmmgh. . .for you!” The words came out a bit like an accusation. Much like Naruto was caught between pleasure and worry, Hinata was also caught between conflicting emotions and feelings.

The world wasn’t doing enough for her. To Hinata’s mind, she was the only hungry one in it and they were just ignoring her pleas. Whilst Naruto had made a second order, two bowls for each of them, Hinata knew that was not going to be enough. Her heart, or stomach, had already calculated and found the offering wanting. Her frustration mounted with that thought. She was doing as much as she could for him, couldn’t he do a little for her? However, even as these aspersions ran through her mind, her inherent goodness fought back. “Mmmpppggh. . .schoorry. . .” Her emotions switched on a dime, but her eating continued at the same frantic rate. “. . .I don’t. . .sccchhllluurrup. . .mean to. . .mmmgghp. . .be ruude. . .juscht. . .kinda hungry.” Hinata’s eyes glimmered wetly, guilt manifesting almost with the same power that her hunger did.

“It’s ok.” Naruto put a hand forward to wipe at Hinata’s cheeks. “I bet it’s from all the hard work you did with Granny Tsunade.” He paused for a moment as he felt her cheeks, realizing that something was off. Hinata nuzzled his hand, happy for the reassurance. In those small movements, Naruto became aware of what he was sensing. Hinata’s face was rounder, her cheeks heavier. While not one to kiss and tell, Naruto had spent a lot of time physically inspecting Hinata’s cheeks and face. He had never felt such plumpness. Confused, he retracted his hand and studied the rest of her body. While hidden under layers of conservative clothing, the truth could no longer be hidden. Hinata had gotten fatter. It was not the result of being packed with food. Rather, Hinata was at least 15 or 20 pounds heavier. Naruto could see where her doughy belly now touched the edge of the table. Likewise, he could also see the obvious stretch and curve of her jacket where her inflating breasts met it. For the second time that meal, Naruto had to ask his girlfriend if she was feeling alright.

“Ooh. . .mmmgggph. . .great!” Hinata had to think about the question for a second, but found the answer coming out quickly. Whilst the immense hunger was hard to get used to, she found that it could be highly pleasurable. There was something gratifying about getting her desires met. She had lived her life in service to the unbending demands of her father as well as the various codes of being a ninja. To the black haired woman, the happiness of others had all come second. For once, she was getting something she wanted. . .and given to her by Naruto no less. There was another force within her willing her to eat, something separate from the pills that she had helped herself too. “Thiscch. . .mmmpggh. . .food isch. . .great!” She smiled before drawing a waterfall of noodles between her lips. As she sucked them down, her body widened visibly. The effects of the medicine were growing stronger, her body adapting to them.

Hinata started to grow in spurts, like someone had put a hose in her and was rapidly switching the flow off and on. She would pour outwards by several inches, even being lifted into the air a little as her ass grew thicker. It seemed to happen as soon as the food passed through her mouth, converted into fat by magic rather than the natural processes of her body. Naruto watched in awe as Hinata’s jacket started to unzip itself. Already taxed by her breasts, slowly the lavender jacket pulled itself open. A fishnet top was revealed, filled to the brim with bouncing, bubbling cleavage. Thanks to the rapid growth, her breasts jiggled in a confused, disarrayed manner not in keep with the motions of the rest of her body. Yet, the zipper was not done on its journey. It pulled down further, exposing a roll of fat with a deep belly button centered directly on it. Hinata sat with her stomach exposed, too focused on her eating to care about her appearance. Naruto, on the other hand, cared a great deal. Perverted and noble thoughts swirled through his head, both sides uniting to push him into action.

“Hey, how about we cover up just a bit. . .heh. . .heh.” Naruto, sounding more than a little like his sage mentor, slid out of his seat and approached Hinata. His fingers wiggled as he crept towards the feasting woman. Thanks to the increase of her ass alone, she had sprouted up a couple inches. There was something divine about her presence and growth. It was like a Buddha statue was forming before him, her gluttony pushing her towards enlightenment. Naruto wanted to treasure his divine pig, hiding her ballooning form. If nothing else, the restaurant they were at would not allow for such displays of skin. “I think we can just zip this back up.” Naruto spoke aloud, trying to cover his guilty conscience with well intentioned words. He knelt, reaching across Hianta’s flab to grab at her zipper. Hinata did not react at all when Naruto started tugging, she was too much under the command of her hunger.  He tugged and pulled at the zipper, trying to force it up and over the growing mass of plushness that was her middle. For every inch that Naruto was able to push the zipper up, it was undone by the inches added to Hinata’s waist.

Naruto realized he was going to lose his battle against his girlfriend’s growing girth. Hinata grew faster and faster. Her stomach, once so tightly packed that she could hardly breathe, had seemed to empty out fully. With his hand sinking evermore into Hinata’s gut, Naruto could feel her stomach churning as it processed her food. Hinata rose outwards, filling like dough in an oven. Through all of his struggle, Naruto was only able to get her zipper halfway up. He abandoned the task, though, realizing that he might break his hand in the process.

He was instead treated to the sight of the zipper slowly being overwhelmed. Hinata’s stomach forced its way outward, angrily trying to conquer her wide thighs. The zipper, left alone to hold the line, was pushed outwards. The area around it became tight. Hinata started to move her hand down to adjust it, but instead went back to eating. The dim recesses of her mind knew that her growing body would overcome the flimsy metal. She was proven right in a grand display, her stomach punching through the little metal track it rested. A wave of gut fat was released and her zipper was sent spiraling across the room. Naruto practically foamed at the mouth, even more turned on by how Hinata ignored what had happened.

--- Other Test Subjects ---

“I can’t believe those pills turned out to be bogus.” Sakura said, grabbing her flab as she waddled down the streets of Konoha.

“No kidding. Lady Tsunade should have been more quick to explain why they were defective.” Ino said, doing her best to avoid looking at her body.

The two women slowly ambled their way through the market district of town. Unfortunate victims of the diet pills, the pair had placed their rivalry aside to commiserate about their misfortune. Hinata had not been the first person to try and help Tsunade that day. Sakura and Ino had originally been assigned to the task, but that had lasted only as long as it took for them to discover the diet pills. Their vanity overwhelmed their good sense and they had snuck the pills. Quickly thereafter they were thrown on a wild path of gluttony and weight gain which had ended with them bursting out of their clothes. The pair verged on 300 pounds, enough weight for them to swear vengeance upon Tsunade. Hell hath no fury like a woman surreptitiously fattened, and the two women planned on taking theirs out on their drunken master. That is, if they could ever get command of their appetites.

“This is so aaawful!” Ino whined and clutched her stomach. Her heavy steps became even more exaggerated as she felt hunger pangs rip through her. “Can we please stop? I’m still hungry.” Ino’s fat had turned her already skimpy outfit into something obscene. Her paunch was completely exposed, deep navel swinging back and forth as she lumbered down the street. Her short skirt had all but disappeared under the swinging of her belly and her thighs making it ride up. Two large, bulbous buttocks swung back and forth behind her; exposed as much as her stomach. Yet, the real embarrassment had been when her biceps had become so flabby that they had ripped the fishnet on her elbow.

“Are you kidding!” The pinkette had fared little better. Her calves had ripped through the long sandals she had on, making sure that the world was able to see how puffy and pale they were. Likewise, mirroring Hinata’s own expansion, Her breasts and stomach had savaged her jacket. While she could no longer say that she was flat chested, the young ninja hated that it had come at the cost of her other features. Particularly, she hated how her face had become puffy and had grown a prominent double chin. There were few embarrassments greater than needing to constantly make sure that her pants had not split at the side. However, she let these embarrassing changes fuel her desire for revenge. “How are we ever going to lose this weight if we keep stopping to eat? Besides, we were on a mission.”

“Come on! I’m dying.” Ino turned her bottom lip out. “We could go to that new ramen place, they serve pretty quickly.” Already having been turned into a well pampered pig, Ino didn’t mind indulging in her appetite. It was going to be a long road to recovery, might as well take some liberties at the start.

“No! Absolutely no. . .” Sakura’s resolve lasted only so long as it took for her stomach to gurgle loudly. “Fine, but just one bowl though.”


Hinata had once again eaten herself into a stupor. She was filled to the brim with food and her pills were having trouble adjusting. Her time in the restaurant seemed to wheel in cycles. She would eat until she was full and the pills had no more effect, then she would crash into a near comatose state as she waited for her body to digest the food. Around this time, she would take on more pills, adding to the effects already present through her body. Her ability to outpace the botched pills was a testament to the innate appetite she had been born with. The shy ninja had been turned into a living garbage disposal. She had even begun to look the part, with her meals splayed over her growing body. She found the desire to stay clean had lessened as her meal had gone on. Any time spent away from eating was miserable for rapidly fattening woman. Her desire to be packed to the gills overpowered her good sense, driving her forward like a sled dog. Unfortunately, she was out of pills. Hinata was forced to sit and digest her food, hoping that she would soon be ready to eat again. It was some small comfort to feel her body continuing to grow.

“Hooo. . .Naruto. . .mmmmm. . .I want to. . .aaahh. . .eaaat.” Hinata whined, wishing that her stomach was empty. She stretched pitifully to reach a bowl, leaning back on her woefully small chair. Hinata was now practically falling off of the chair, her butt having grown so large that it could not be supported by the small cushion. Hinata had reached 300 pounds, her body now stout and round. Her jacket had been discarded, its flapping having gotten in the way of her eating. She sat with her stomach splayed over her thunder thighs, it having grown so perfectly round that it pushed into the table. Meanwhile, her breasts flooded over the top of her bra. The fishnets that encircled her massive mammaries had started to break, unable to hold the twin whales that had reached maturity over the past hour of eating. Her body was not filling out, however, and her metabolism still danced to the tune of the pills. Currently, her butt was fattening the most. The round masses of buttcheeks pushing their way between the back posts of her chair.

“Heeeey, why don’t we just take a break for a bit.” Naruto sat beside his girlfriend, rubbing her stomach. He could no longer deny that some sort of jutsu or other technique was being employed here. Naruto could not fathom who in the Akimichi Clan that Hinata had paid off to obtain this strange and wonderful new power, but those were questions for another time. For the moment, it seemed best to comfort the food crazed woman and ease her out of the current state she was in. “Why don’t I just get a waiter to talk about the bill? Then you can start walking this off!”

“But I wanna. . .oooohhh. . .be fat!” Hinata slapped a hand on her stomach, almost angered by how few jiggles there were. She needed more. She needed unending undulations, a constant clash of flab. “Naruto! Please give me. . .OOORRUUP. . .MOOOORRE.” Hinata put a hand to his shoulder and squeezed tightly. Her deep, pale eyes stared at him with a frenzy.

“Well, there’s got to be more food at my place. Let’s do that instead!” Both afraid and turned on by Hinata’s current demeanor, Naruto stumbled away to talk to the servers and arrange the bill. He was equally turned on and afraid of what the price tag for the current meal was. Hinata was left alone again, her mind racing with thoughts. She tried to sit herself up, wanting to power through the pain of an unyielding stomach. She panted and huffed, almost trying to blow the fullness out of her. Her thickening fingers grasped the tablecloth for a moment, but then she fell back into place. She succeeded only in knocking loose a stack of bowls. Trapped, Hinata could only stare out of the window and hope that her stomach emptied soon.


“Hey! Stop pushing, billboard butt!” Ino barked at Sakura as the two waddled into the building. Their rotund bodies bounced like two ocean buoys being dragged to port. Sakura pressed forward, her slab of belly fat flopping onto Ino’s gigantic butt. The softened pancake of blubber bounced and rolled as the blonde woman hurried her way into the shop. Embarrassment had grown on the two as they approached the restaurant. They knew it was unbecoming of a ninja to behave this way, to fall to such base temptations. Ino bowed as best she could to the waitress, who could not look more displeased that another pair of obese ninjas were entering her establishment, her booty rising high behind her. Sakura’s gut flap bounced off of its warm shelf, wiggling in the air for a brief moment before slapping back down into place. Sakura did not bow, not wanting to test her shorts any more than they already were.

The waitress rolled her eyes at the two, leading them towards the back of the restaurant. Both women stayed glued to the slimmer woman, trying to hide themselves from social scrutiny. While Konoha was big, it was not so big that people would not recognize them. It would take but one of the members of a clan to see them for the gossip to start spreading. Sakura especially, as Tsunade’s apprentice, felt social pressure weighing upon her; it made her feel all the fatter. Sakura was keenly aware of the sway of her ass, feeling how every step sucked more of the stretchy fabric between her buttcheeks. Her pants were tight to the point of splitting seams. She was even afraid that simply sitting would cause them to tear. She plastered her hands to her sides, trying to ward off the eventual collapse and separation of her clothes. It was these and other image related fears that kept Sakura from noticing a particularly piggish member of the Hyuga clan. Neither Sakura nor Ino saw Hinata, but the same could not be said for the rapidly swelling and nearly comatose ninja.

“Quick!” Sakura said, trying to shove her massive rear into the booth. “Let’s just get this over with, Ino-pig.” She flipped up a menu, trying to hide her rounder face. “We can work off these pills with one good meal and then get back to our mission.” Sakura’s words were edged with venom, thinking about her revenge. She was so angry that she did not realize that her words were carrying, drifting directly over to the table which Hinata sat at.


Hinata gasped as she watched the two butterballs waddle in and be seated. Sakura and Ino were enormous, at least 100 pounds fatter than she was. Their bodies filled the booth that they were seated at. Huge and hefty, their breasts rested upon the table itself and their stomachs ate away at the edges. Their dimpled butts filled and crushed the cushions under them. Stuck in her food haze, Hinata could only watch as the two were seated. They instantly went to their menus, clearly excited to stuff their mouths and curb their ravenous appetites. They hid behind the menus, seeming to search and scan for the tastiest and most fattening meals. The shy ninja massaged her gut, trying to force her food to digest and fill her body with more plush weight. She looked at her competition and grew afraid.

To the food-addled mind of Hinata, it seemed that Ino and Sakura had purposely bulked up in order to attract Naruto’s advances. Her mind raced, connecting pieces of information in haphazard ways. They must have grabbed pills off of Lady Tsunade, taking them from her whilst she slept. In the space of time that Hinata had spent hemming and hawing over whether or not to dedicate her life to gluttony, Ino and Sakura had gotten a head start. She started to move, throwing her fat and turgid gut to the side and trying to force her newly added weight up. She was not yet used to the fat that she had packed on. She moved slowly, praying that her new romantic rivals did not see her lurching out of her seat. Hinata’s mind continued to spin as she moved, working far quicker than her feet. She did not know how many pills Sakura and Ino had taken, but she could imagine that it must have been twice what she had ingested. They were so big, so rotund. Surely the two had forced gobs of the medicine down. Hinata strained her shaking thighs, forcing her dimpled butt up and out of the chair. When she was finally standing,  a plan had come to her. She only hoped that there were still plenty of pills left for her.

--- All In ---

Hianta waddled her way up to Tsunade’s office. Driven by desperation for attention, love, and food she sought out the pills that had so radically altered her physique. Even though she hadn’t eaten on the walk over, she continued to grow. Her determined but slow stride had degraded into a waddle. Hinata had to lurch back and forth, trying her best to motivate legs that were more cushion than muscle. Fatness had come upon her so rapidly that the rest of her had no way to adapt. She had reached 400 pounds on her walk to Tsunade’s office,though she had little idea that she had reached Sakura and Ino’s weight. Driven almost mad by the hunger and pills, Hinata almost did not realize fat was still pouring onto her.

Her look had been transformed completely. Her stomach surged forward, visibly shaking as it waddled along. It flopped out onto her thighs, naked in the sunlight. Its natural, round shape was marred by gravity, which pulled it towards the ground and bifurcated it slightly. Hianta’s chubby, thick fingers had a hard time deciding whether or not to grasp the wall or her own gut. She needed stability as climbing stair after stair had drained her endurance, but she also wanted to explore her body. She was so heavy, so soft. The years of training at ninjutsu had given her muscles, but the miracle drug had wiped them all away in an afternoon. All that was left was purest softness. Her pointer finger pinched and shook her bellybutton, drawing an excited squeal from her mouth. “Naru. . .ooohh. . .Naruto is. . .going to. . .need more!” She spoke to the hallway, announcing her plans in a euphoric delirium. She wanted to go so much further, to push her body and appetite to the breaking point.

By the time she stumbled into Tsunade’s office, Hinata was a wreck. She was sweaty and took heaving, almost painful breaths. She was doubled over, hands placed upon her fat buried knees. Even totally exhausted, inches away from collapse, Hinata still took pleasure in her body. She wiggled her ass back and forth as she caught her breath. Her cheeks slammed together, finding ways to jiggle even though her pants were stretched to the breaking point. Her calves, thicker now than her thighs had been, forced the cuffs of her pants up to her knees. Bent over, Hianta’s ass was free to stretch itself and her panties to a maximal width. Every detail and line of her underwear was pressed into her pants. When Hinata finally did stand, the lavender panties were sucked back between her cavernous cheeks.

“I will take those pills off of your hand, Lady Tsunade.” Hinata laughed to herself, hearing the older woman drunkenly snoring in a corner. Tsunade had reached a comatose state, so drunk that not even a full scale war between clans would wake her. Hinata was more than free to find the crate, rip the top off, and hold the precious bag of defective weight loss medicine again. Hinata pressed the bag to her bosom, losing a couple pills within her fields of cleavage. Her breasts accepted the newcomers with open arms. They secreted the pills away, burying and snuggling them between unyielding icebergs of booby fat. Even when Hinata skipped out of the room, the fallen pills were snug in their hiding spot. Hinata’s boobs closed around them, acting as towering monoliths to gluttony and the prizes of indulgence. They would be stuck until their casings melted away, the powder within left to absorb into the skin. It was a slow, prolonged death. . .but perhaps preferable than what happened to their fellows.

“Time to. . .mmmpggh. . .get. . .hungry!” Hinata had meant only to put another couple pills in her mouth, something to reinvigorate her growth and hunger. Yet, she was overcome by her addiction to them and the pleasure they brought. The fat girl shoved fistfuls of the hunger inducing, weight gain pills into her mouth. Red and white capsules fell from between her lips as she was stuffed full of them. She ate them with the same gusto that she had devoured the ramen with, solidifying her change of eating habits. “Oooooh. . .mmmgggph. . .this will be. . .aaaahhhmm. . .schoo. . .fun!” As Hinata emptied the large bag of medicine into her mouth, she realized how much she was doing it for herself. While the endeavor had started because of her love for Naruto, it had grown into something so much more. Hinata was finding herself. She was not even halfway through the bag when the hunger kicked back in. Done with petty handfuls of pills, she upended the bag and dumped them into her mouth. Scores of capsules drained into her ushering her towards a new and fulfilled life. Hinata would be fat, she would be a glutton, and she would be happy about it.

--- A Meal to End All Meals ---

“Hello Miss! How may we. . .uh. . .miss?” The greeter at the all-you-can-eat barbeque restaurant stopped walked after the rotund woman stormed into the restaurant. She tried vainly to get the woman to come back and follow protocol. Yet, the greeter was ignored. The woman was large, her body formed from pure fat. Her jacket had burst open, the zipper missing. Her stomach sagged, totally uncovered and naked to the world. Pale bulk could be seen in glimpses from behind as the jacket flapped back and forth. Her pants were equally as threadbare, worn down from the constant friction of her asscheeks. She lurched forward towards the lines of food, not caring if she bumped people out of the way. Her eyes were set on a platter of thickly glazed ribs, piled in stainless steel containers and she would not be stopped in her attempt to commandeer them. “Miss!” The greeter called angrily, trying to follow the woman. “You have to pay first!” She yelled as she watched the fat woman lift the chafer to her mouth and begin to gobble the food down. It was like a weed wacker had been taken to the food. The greeter had no idea that a human could eat so quickly or messily. Guests fled the serving lines, avoiding the rain of meat scraps and sauce-rain. Braving the downpour, the greeter put her hand to the fat woman’s shoulder. “Miss, you are going to have to. . .”

“NO!” Hinata turned and bellowed, her face covered in so much barbeque sauce that her identity was obscured. “I’m hungry NOW and will. . .BBBLLLUUURRUPPP. . .eat my fill.” The pills had begun to explode in her stomach, sending her into a familiar and animalistic fury. She did not even want to control herself, giving her mind fully to her appetite and desire to grow. Not bothering to waddle away, the plump heiress plopped down on the floor and began eating the barbeque with her bare hands. The protests and shouts of the greeter were lost in a haze of sensation. Her tastebuds were overwhelmed with flavor, brought to the absolute limit thanks to the medicine pumping through her system. Hinata’s face was a smeared mess, her cheeks bulging with tender scraps of meat. While she wanted to grow more than anything, it was nice to feel her stomach filling again. It pooled onto the floor, filling visibly with each bite. Her gut lost its sagginess quickly, rounding out as it was inflated by food. Her pillowy thighs were pushed aside as it grew. The waistband of her pants burst and then was neatly tucked under the rolling massiveness. In the space of minutes Hinata went from being able to rest the tray on her stomach to being forced to set it on the ground next to her. Her stomach bulged, growing ever rounder at the tip. “Ooooh. . .need MORE. . .mmmpggh. . .keep. . .coming.” Hinata yelled as she feasted, driven to delirium from the hunger.

She quickly finished the tray and threw it aside. It clattered along the ground, drained of everything save smears of sauce. Hinata then began the laborious task of standing. She had to grip the edge of the serving cart in order to heft her bulk up. Her stomach, taking on the proportions of a gigantic beach ball, sagged down between her legs. Her breasts flopped atop the counter, like piglets ready to eat from the trough again. Before renewing her feast, Hinata turned to the side and belched out and order. “BBBBLLURRRUUUPPP. . .get me. . .UURRRP. . .DRINKS!” Hinata called out to the people within the restaurant, not caring who actually did it. She was too greedstruck to care what the people around her were doing. She only knew that she would need something to slake her thirst after she finished with her next bout of eating. Not caring if she was being listened to or not, she plunged back into the food before her. Her hands, despite the heavy blubber that now hung from her arms, moved as a blur between the trays and dishes. She grabbed haphazardly, only wanting to feel her stomach growing tighter. “Blllurrruuup. . .be quick. . .RRRLLLUUURRUUP. . .about it!” She paused to bully the staff again, not caring that her second chin rested in a pile of sauce. It felt good to be sloppy and even better to be in charge. She grinned, thinking about what avenues the pills had opened for her personality.


“Miss, we really need you to pay. Now.” The restaurant greeter approached Hinata again, nearly 20 minutes later. She had finally worked up the courage after seeing how tired the belligerent customer had gotten. Hinata had glutted herself to the limit once more, shoving her way through three full carts worth of marinated beef and pork. She had lumbered between the two, taking whatever she wanted. Her appetite was horrifying to the onlookers. It seemed that, at any moment, Hinata would burst. With each bite her stomach had grown ever more taut. People had breathed sighs of relief when they saw her slow for the first time, relieved that there was some sort of end to the woman’s appetite. The desperate belches to free up stomach space had become more numerous and the pauses between handfuls lengthier. Panting and wheezing filled the restaurant between noisy munching. Finally, she had ended her rampage in an exhausted heap on the floor. It was then that the greeter saw her chance. “You’ve had your fill. Now you must pay and leave.” She put a hand on her hip, summoning what courage she could now that Hinata was subdued.

“NO! BLLLUURRRUUUUPP. . .I haf. . .oooohh. . .have to. . .uuurrruup. . .eeeeaat. . .BRRRUUUP. . .and get FATTER!” Hinata’s mind spun and whirled as she sat on the floor. She whined and moaned as she patted her stomach, saddened by the fact that she had hardly grown. She was maybe on par with Sakura and Ino. Hinata wondered if her body was rejecting the medicine or if there was something wrong with her. She wanted so desperately to be fat, to fill her body with adipose to the point where even walking was difficult. She looked up at the greeter, eyes unfocused from the tightness in her gut. “Gettme. . .MOOOOOOORRREEE. . .UUURRRUUUUUP!” The Hyuga heiress belched with enough force to blow back the hair on the greeter’s head. She then fell to moaning and pulling at her fishnet top. Her breasts were as slathered in grease, sweat, and slobber as her face. They had grown some, making large holes in the top from which they could leak out from. Her breasts slapped together as she raised her arms upward weakly, switching freely between begging and demanding for more food.

“No! Absolutely not.” The greeter started, trying to do anything to get the obese pig out of her restaurant. “We will only be accepting your payment. Afterwards you will be forced to. . .” She stopped as she heard a noise from the back of the restaurant. A cart had hit the swinging doors which led to the kitchen and was pushed out onto the floor. In her excitement to finally remove Hianta from the premises, she had forgotten to tell the kitchens to stop making food. Now, they had come once again to fill the platters and undo the damage Hinata had done. The greeter’s heart sank as she felt a rumbling and surging below her. Hinata was once again trying to stand.

“Gotta. . .MORE. . .food.” She wheezed, splaying her legs as widely as they would go. She had somehow managed to find her footing. Her back was parallel to the floor, with her stomach and breasts dangling down towards the floor. Hinata could hardly breathe, she was so packed with food. Her face turned red as she felt the horrid, amazing pressure. She puffed, making her already chubby cheeks bloat further out. She then forced her back upwards, trying to lift her gut. It was so dense with food that it did not jiggle as she moved. Hinata strained, sweat pouring down her face and cutting trails through the food smears, and began to hoist her gut upwards. She was driven mostly by the smells and promise of filling her gut again. She might not have grown much, but another meal would help her. She would become the fatty she knew she was capable of being. “BBBLLLRRRUUUUUUP!” She belched again as she reached a full standing position. Hinata now had to lean back in order to compensate for the weight of her paunch. She moved slowly, seeming to take a lifetime in order to take one step.

“Miss! You must pay!” The greeter yelled, close to tearing out her own hair in frustration. Hinata, now resembling a living garbage barge, simply pushed her way past the frustrated woman. Hinata lurched from side to side, clutching her stomach. The noise of the world faded away as she waddled. She wanted to eat, wanted to force herself to new heights of gluttony. She strained her spent legs, forcing them to plod along to the next feast. This strain seemed to trigger something within her body, forcing the pills to work again. Each heavy step made Hianta’s body bloat out rapidly. Thud. Her fat leaped outward as 20 pounds formed from thin air, her pants ripping at the back of her thighs. Thwump. Another footstep caused a third chin to appear on her face. Her expansion became ever more drastic as she waddled, her clothes truly becoming tatters. Fat leaked from the rips and shreds, revealing the new Hinata to the restaurant. Yet, she was oblivious to it all. Reduced to a waddling, belligerent stomach with legs, the lavender eyed princess cared only about her next meal. Her mouth opened in hunger-panic, desperate to be filled. Sweat and slobber dripped from her lips as her emotions peaked. The mania had deepend to such an extent that she was surprised when her gut pushed the cart away. Hinata looked down, taking in her new body with wonder. She had a moment to realize how much she had grown in the walk over to the cart, then the world exploded.

It happened shockingly quickly, but to Hinata it felt like the world slowed to a crawl. Seconds felt like hours to her as she watched her body expand outwards. Fat filled her frame, truly looking like pale dough expanding in an oven. She felt her body grow heavy all at once, yet she knew each part individually. Her asscheeks dropped, becoming person-sized bean bags in the blink of an eye. They fell onto heavy thighs, which were shredding through the remnants of her pants. Still moving in the slow, dreamlike state to which her consciousness had been elevated, Hinata reached forward to grab the cart. She wanted to shove her ass out, to shake it as it made its lewd and inevitable journey towards the ground. However, her hands found only her own gut. She was a living tidal wave, born aloft by the internal movements of her fat. She seemed to spin and swirl within the forming pools of soft bulk. She was an avalanche, reaching to all corners of the room. Her breasts forced their way forward, so big that only livestock carts would carry them. Her arms exploded in size, even her hands were swallowed by forming rolls. Hinata gaped, licking at forming chins and neckfolds. Her back fat rose up behind her, cuddling and cozying her drooping neck.

“FINALLY!” Hinata roared, unchained from the concerns she had held minutes ago. She was reaching the potential she knew she was capable of. “BRRRUUUUUURRRRPUUP!” She belched to show her dominance and felt the seismic waves spread across her room filling bulk. She grew faster and faster. She lived in a field of her own plush blubber, unable to see anything besides the ceiling above her. She raced towards the painted beams, knowing her bulk would carry her beyond it. She laughed and giggled, shouting orders even though she knew everyone was fleeing from her. It felt good to be so utterly humongous that even a fraction of her weight would crush most things in the village. The furniture of the restaurant was beneath her, pulped and ground into dust by her shifting bulk. She wiggled what she could of her fingers, feeling them getting buried beneath ever expanding folds. “I’m STILL HUNGRY!” She called, bellowing her defiance out to the world. Just as Hinata buried the restaurant under her bulk, she buried her old personality as well. She was reborn, coming into the world as a boundless, demanding goddess. She would never be the timid, scared woman she had been. Instead, this was her world to claim. She would glut herself to her heart’s content, bending all those around her to that task. Her smile widened as her back fat hit the ceiling. She rumbled with yet more pleasure as she felt her butt reach the doors of the restaurant. Soon, she would burst forth from her cocoon, ready to show Konoha the face of a true behemoth.


Naruto ran in the direction of the screams. He had been searching for Hianta, trying to figure out where she might have disappeared to. Thus far his search had turned up little besides a hopelessly drunk Tsunade and a well fattened pair of fellow ninjas. Ultimately, however, he had not been able to locate Hinata. However, the search had ended the moment he had seen the crowd of people running down the street. From their yells he could pick out things like “divine beast” and “monster woman”. He knew Hinata was the center of it. Excitement grew in his heart as he ran. Sakura and Ino, while almost too busy with their meal to talk, had at least told him about the pills. While they had no knowledge of Hinata taking them, Naruto could connect the dots. He rationalized that Hinata had taken more than her fair share and the effects of an overdose were now kicking in. His suppositions would prove to be correct as he rounded the corner and saw the building. . .or the shell that was left of it.

What once had been a building that housed the barbeque restaurant on the first floor and several floors worth of apartments above, now held only one thing; albeit poorly. The building’s frame was warped and twisted, bulging outwards like a balloon with too much air. Glass littered the street, blown out by the explosive press of the occupant inside. Naruto, wildly turned on and afraid, bit his hand as he walked up. A pale substance leaked from the white walls of the building. The clay tiling of the roof had been disturbed by a large hump forming at the top. The wounded infrastructure twisted as whatever was housed inside moved. Naruto’s mind tried to accept what was before him but could not thanks to the sheer scale. He knew exactly who was filling that building, filling the building like a grain silo. Yet, as he made his way to the entrance, he could not bring himself to name her. Even when he reached the glass double doors and heard familiar wheezing and belching, albeit muffled, he could not. That did not stop him from going in. He put his trembling hands forward, grasping the bent and twisted door. He had barely begun to tug when the doors exploded outward.

The blonde ninja was swept away in a seeping mass of blubber. His excitement and terror peaked as sounds of the building collapsing reached his ears. He was shielded from the debris and dust, the former bouncing harmlessly off the fat rushing out of the building. The movement of fat was like water freed from a tank, running to the point of least pressure. The building collapsed as the bountiful blubber found its freedom. Naruto could only tell which way was up by the small bursts of sunlight which came through the clash of fat around him. It was not hard to surmise where he had landed, realizing what the two combating piles of fat meant. Hinata’s gigantic, street swallowing ass had encompassed him whole. The monolithic cheeks, bigger than many one story homes and buildings, filled the street. They held him in a warm, jiggly cave. Naruto was buffeted by the masses of blubber, each rolling like mighty waves moving ponderously towards a beach. Trying not to indulge his own excitement, Naruto begins to “swim” his way upwards. He clambers slowly between the sweaty masses of booty blubber, his arms and legs are lost from sight when he presses them between the gigantic walls on either side. The climb upwards was slow, partly because Naruto had to fight his urge to explore. When his head finally emerges above the roiling sea of ass fat, he is allowed a view of the restaurant proper.

Fat creeps upward along every wall. Every adipose slopes upward, piling towards the ceiling. Naruto can hear panting and belching, the sounds of someone wanting to continue glutting themselves, but having lost all ability to do so.“Hinata!” Naruto called, able to summon courage to call her name. There was no answer in response. Buried up to his chest in the gigantic buttcrack of his girlfriend, Naruto had little trouble reaching out and giving on a smack and vigorous jiggle. “Hinata! Is that you?” He matches the smack with another call, trying to elicit a response. Though, Naruto was quite happy to rest between the lakes of booty blubber. He did, however, receive an answer to his call.

“BBBBBBBBLLLLRRRRRRUUUUAAAAAUUUUAAAAPP!” The burp is so low and explosive that another section of the building begins to collapse. Every bit of Hianta’s body jiggles. Naruto stiffened as he felt the vibrations along his entire body. He fought the urge to bury himself again, wanting to submerge within the copious amounts of warm fat. Instead he channeled the brimming sexual energy into reaching the source of the gaseous eruption. Naruto began to climb, pulling himself reluctantly out of the comfortable place between Hinata’s girthy ass. Naruto wound his way up and around the hill of fat. He was treated to the full extent of Hinata’s growth and the damage she had done to the building. Her breasts, grown large enough that an entire clan of ninjas could lay atop as well as house themselves underneath, had burst their way into the kitchens. Their extreme ballooning had crushed the metal cooking instruments. Underneath them were waves upon waves of stomach folds. Hianta’s folds, outside of notable examples like her breasts and boobs, lacked clear definition. One roll was as pale, sweaty, and inviting as another. A person could easily get lost amongst the hills and valleys her blobbish body had created. She was simply a landscape of sodden folds. Naruto continued his climb, finding the path growing wetter.

“Hey, Hinata! I’m coming up!” Naruto, now housed in the intimate cathedral of Hianta’s ship swallowing cleavage, felt the need to announce his arrival. He was treated with a low rumble which grew in intensity as he made his way upwards. Low moans issued out of his girlfriend, starting and stopping at irregular intervals. The journey grew ever more moist as he climbed. Sweat and other liquids rolled down Hinata’s body in great torrents. Naruto tried to avoid the deepest patches, but found it difficult. It all reached the climax as he found her chins. After scaling the roll which connected her breasts together, Naruto saw a fleshy, cascading stairway which led up to the fattest, plumpest lips he had ever seen. Hinata’s chins undulated as he walked upon them, slick with both sweat and slobber. Her moaning and wheezing intensified as Naruto approached. Hinata’s lips were pushed into a pout by her boulder sized cheeks. Though gravity applied a heavy sag, there was enough mass to work upon her lips. Trapped in her own carnal enjoyment, Hinata snorted, wheezed, and moaned in a chaotic cacophony. The opening of her mouth was met with gouts of thick slobber pouring out. Sunken into her fat, Hianta’s greedy face floated in a cave of her own making. Tucked away ever so slightly from the world.

Naruto ran the last couple steps. More excited to talk to Hinata than any other time the two had met. “Hey, Gluttony Queen, are you ok?” Naruto tried to cut the tension building in his body with a joke. He pressed his hand into Hinata’s cheeks, just above one of her thick lips. He was dwarfed by the folds of her face alone, rendered down into an insect by comparison. That fact was not lost on him as he pushed and shook her blubber. Though he had known Hianta for decades, she now radiated primal power. He wondered if he should have even taken it upon himself to come up there uninvited. Memories of her tiny and timid now swirled in a confusing blur with her current state.

“BBBLLLLLLRRRRRUUUUUUP. . .UUUHFFFFH. . .Narru. . .toooh. . .” Hianta wheezed, mouth and lips sloshing as she spoke. A heat billowed from her body, she was still filled with the need to gorge. Her growth had only sent her gluttony to new heights. She smacked her lips together, letting more drool flow down. “How. . .fffuuuhh. . .could you. . .uuuhhff. . .” Speaking was tiring for her. Anything that was not eating was a bother and a pain, a physical tax upon her wellbeing. “. . .come up. . .here. . . ffffuuh. . .wishout. . .more. . .food. . .STUPID!” She finally yelled, hunger fueling her certain rage. Hinata summoned a gigantic belch, again blowing out superheated air into the remnants of the building. “WWUURRRRUUUUPPPP!” Naruto was covered in more sweat and slobber, shaken loose by Hianta’s ferocious burp. She panted, trying to recover her strength. The belch and recovery gave her mind time to calm. As quickly as the anger flared, it dissipated. “Schooorrry. . .jussscht. . .FFFUUUUH. . .schhho. . .hungry.” She cooed, massive face sinking down into countless neck and back folds. In an effort to smooth things over, the behemoth asked a playful question. “Sscchoo. . .wadd-yuh. . .OOORRRUUUUP. . .shink of. . .my. . .oooh. . .foldsch?” Hinata could hardly formulate the question, turned on by the thought of how massive and forceful she had made herself. It took great restraint for her to talk normally now, the desire to yell for more food lurked within her like a hungry lioness.

“Uh. . .well. . .” Naruto felt a sweat bead drip down the back of his neck. It was hard to put to words exactly what he was feeling. He crossed his legs, sinking into the depths of Hinata’s flabby cheek. Greed and lust radiated off of her almost as tangibly as heat and sweaty-steam did. “You certainly have gotten fat!” Naruto was criminally unable to express himself, especially with so much pressure emanating from his girlfriend.

“Faahhtt. . .UUUFFFHH. . .JUUUSSCCCHHTT fat?” Hinata laughed, her voice well thickened and deepened by her size and weight. The chortle spread through her, shaking even the city blocks around the crumbling restaurant. “I. . .I. . .OORRRRRUUUUUUPP. . .am a. . . GODDESSCCCH now!” She burbled, her eyes widening and her lips smacking open and close even after she stopped speaking. Her megalomania was fed by both her own words as well as the excitement and terror upon Naruto’s face. She wondered if there was a way to make her body jiggle enough to bury him in her folds again. She wished to dunk him below her divine folds, that way he could come up with a more apt description.

“Woaah. . .Hinata, calm down!” Naruto tried to steady himself. “It’s just that. . .I don’t know if you have reached your full potential yet.” He slid down just far enough to tease one of her chin folds, it was big enough that he could have used it as a blanked. “I mean, you’ve only been gaining for one day!”

Hinata was caught off guard by the silly little joke. It disarmed her rising ego. She couldn’t help but laugh again, a sweetness filling the otherwise low rumble. “FINE. . .I scchhhupposcche you are. . .uuufffhh. . .correcctssch!” She paused letting her strength catch up again. “Buh. . .fffuuuh. . .UURRRUUP. . .you had. . .better. . .make sscchhurre. . .I ssccchtaaay. . .well. . .FED!” She bellowed, again needing to assert her dominance over her lover. Her feelings for Naruto had not dwindled, but that did not mean he was allowed to do what he wanted. Whether he liked it or not, the small man was bound to her mass of blubber for eternity now. He would feed her and please her in other ways. Him and that ever useful ability to clone himself. Hinata blushed thinking about being waited on hand and foot by an army of lovers. They would scale her body to bring food, plunging her folds’ depths in order to clean and please her. She would be the only woman who had a personal army of servants at her disposal, all working to love and fatten her to new heights. The thought quickly became too much. Every emotion or idea around gaining, gluttony, greed, or dominance was seized by her mind and elevated to the utmost extreme. It was like her body fed on emotional highs rather than just food. She sank down into her blubber, feeling a warmth spreading again. A tightness built within her. Every rolls tensed, prepared for another surge of growth. Hinata closed her lips tightly, building even more pressure. Finally, at her own command, it was released.

“Uh, Hinata?” Naruto asked, feeling a rumbling coming from his blobby lover.


Tsunade arrived on the scene just in time to see the final destruction of the restaurant and the birth of Konoha’s newest goddess. The building seethed and writhed as fat bubbled forth. The building acted like a buttoned shirt draped over a body too big for it. Fat leaked from the windows as well as from where the walls met. From within came bleches, moans, and powerful yells. Tsunade could feel the tremors spreading from the ground and up through her large bosom. Drunkenness was stolen from her body by the sight of the building reaching maximum tension. It moved in time with Hinata’s breathing, contracting and expanding like it was alive. Finally, the pressure was too great. It blew outwards, walls shattering and raining down upon the roiling mass of blubber reaching skywards. People screamed as they ran away. Tsunade herself had to leap away from the advancing tide of booty blubber. Through the cloud of dust rose Hinata. The formerly timid girl had been reborn as a deity of greed, obesity, and lust. Her body was immaculate despite the rubble falling around it. The growth slowed as Hinata fully filled the lot the restaurant had sat on. A deadly quiet stole over the village, punctuated only by the gurgles of Hinata’s stomach. Tsunade bit her lip, feeling the tension thickening in the air. Finally, the silence was broken.


End of Part 1



Oh my god, and this was just a part 1? Such intensity, I love it!

James Duke

Thank you! And yes! Part 2 is going to focus on what happens after and how Konoha deals with their new and Flabby overlord