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Tags: Weight gain, Sex, Light Slob

August Prompt Submission: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-prompt-87010587

Another prompt that I would LOVE to return to in the future. I think these two have a lot of potential for kinky writings.

“Miss Summer Nava, here is the food that you requested.” The robot said, her hands gracefully lowering a full plate onto the table. It’s smooth, edgeless body moved without error but in a way that was noticeably inhuman. Every movement was made with care, just as it picked its words in such a way to avoid any offense. The CareBot was sculpted in the model of a human woman, an intensely beautiful woman, but had little hope of ever acting like one. However, as Summer tasted her food, the usefulness of the automaton was proven once more.

“Delicious!” The hispanic woman beamed as she put the fluffy bites of pancakes and eggs into her mouth. Though Summer was light of form and beautiful beyond most women, she could not compare with the nubile curves of her AI servant. Summer held human imperfections while the bot was nearly angelic. Summer had thick, black hair which fell over a forehead that was always a smidge too big for her liking. Though skinny, there was a softness to her middle that the bot could never possess; the robotic woman’s body would be chiseled perfection for as long as she functioned. At first, these comparisons had bothered Summer, but time had made them shrink. She was just happy to have an extra set of hands around the house and kitchen. “You’ve come quite far. . .ClaireBot.” Summer smiled, enjoying the pet name that she had come up with for her helper. It was humanizing in the way that naming a car might be.

“Of course, Miss Summer Nava.” ClaireBot responded. She bowed, dipping her head in a way that was rigidly polite. Mannerisms aside, the AI could never be mistaken for a human. Her chassis was formed from a bendable yet durable plastic. While it flexed and moved like a real body, it had the texture and coloring of porcelain. She was a doll given life and made to serve.  “Your instruction in the culinary arts was quite helpful. I was able to add much in the way of accessible memory for proper food production.”

Summer chewed thoughtfully, enjoying the food that had been prepared. She knew that there were probably more pressing tasks, but it was fun to be waited on in her own house. “How about we do another practice? I could probably crack open my mother’s old cookbooks.”

“I would be delighted, Miss Summer Nava.” ClaireBot nodded again. “I am always ready to fulfill tasks that you have for me.”


“I think we might need to install a personal trainer mod in the bot.” Archimedes Nava said as he leaned in to kiss his wife. His hand had wrapped around Summer’s butt, finding it decidedly plumper than it had been. By the way his wife stiffened, he realized that his playful comment had not been very well received. “Oh come on, I was just teasing. You know I don’t mind some curves.” He whispered In Summer’s ear before nipping at her neck. Archi was of medium height but muscular build. Summer had always possessed a birdlike quality, fragile in her softness. It was nice to have more to hold onto, while the speed that she had put her weight on was a little concerning, he wasn’t going to complain. 180 pounds of Summer felt right, like she was the woman she was supposed to be. If anything, he was afraid that his comment would send her back the other direction.

“Archi, you know she has a name.” Summer whispered, not even noticing his comment about her weight.

“The bot?” He pulled back, giving Summer a questioning look. “Summer, it's a robot. You could call it nothing and it wouldn’t care.”

“How do you know?” It was a conversation that had been echoed throughout all of history, though in the decades before the automaton revolution it had been mostly centered around pets. Summer crossed her arms over her chubby belly, her bra pushing through her gray shirt. Archi could have said most anything about her weight and she would have laughed it off, but insulting someone who was so instrumental to her daily life felt wrong.

“Babe, it’s a robot. You know, soulless and programmed by humans. We’re just lucky that it hasn’t tried to rise up and enslave us yet.”

“You are so rude!” Summer raised her voice. Despite the fact that ClaireBot was currently folded up in her closet for recharging, Summer could not help but bear some sort of emotional loyalty for the AI that spent so much of her time cooking and cleaning. ClaireBot’s presence within the house had been instrumental. No longer did Summer spend her days cleaning by herself. Now, she was able to take breaks and enjoy the wonderful treats that ClaireBot baked. The black haired woman had been so pleased with the discovery of the baker mod. “SHE has a name.”

Archi sighed, used to the flights of fancy his wife was prone to. “Ok, ok.” It was sometimes easier to placate Summer than it was to debate. He had a feeling that she was not going to see the finer points of constructed lifeforms versus biological beings. “Next time I see her I will apologize.” He smiled, perhaps a bit condescendingly.

“Archi, if you want to be rude you can just sleep on the couch tonight.” Summer pushed away from her husband and started to walk away. She was not going to be talked down to. Rather, she was going to go to the kitchen and enjoy the tub of homemade ice cream that ClairBot had made for her. If Archi was going to be rude to ClaireBot, then Summer would make up for it by enjoying all of her many wonderful talents.


“Hey ClaireBot, what. . .uurrrp. . .is on the menu today?” Summer asked as she waddled into the kitchen. Summer’s stomach entered well before the rest of her, fully exposed under the small shirt she had on. Summer’s resolution to enjoy Clairebot’s talent had taken a decidedly hedonistic turn in the months since its formation. In the beginning, it had been the two working together in order to craft wonderful meals and snacks, each combining their talents to create something wonderful. However, as the latina had increased in size, her help had dropped off. With satisfaction, Summer saw how ClaireBot learned and mimicked her style. She decided to let the bot work on her own, leaving her with the freedom to orally evaluate the work done. Summer spent her days on the couch or in bed, eating and feasting upon the wonderful meals that ClaireBot prepared for her. The bit of weight that she had put on in the beginning had magnified, spurred on by the constant influx of sugary treats and endless meals. Summer now weighed close to 300 pounds. She was a tub of pampered blubber, eager to spend quality time with her unaware feeder.

“Hello, Miss Summer Nava, I am following the schedule that you suggested to me last night. You will be having burgers and fries, with some homemade sauce and any other toppings you desire.” ClaireBot did not turn from her work. Her fingers moved quickly and deftly about the tabletop in front of her. She was not merely preparing a meal, she was constructing culinary art on a canvas. Learning from both preprogrammed modules as well as from Summer, ClaireBot had become master chef in a matter of months.

Summer put a hand to her chest playfully. While there was no intonation in ClaireBot’s speech, the human woman could not help inventing some. “Oooooh, someone is feeling a bit bossy today. I “will be having” burgers.” Summer quoted ClaireBot’s carefully chosen, neutral words back. She walked slowly to her seat, her stomach bumping the chair before she could reach it. Summer’s gut rested on the back of the chair for a moment. It was a problem that had been happening more and more lately. In the rare times she left the house to go to the store, she would find her gut encroaching on the various checkout counters. She shuffled her thickened hands under her gut, struggling to reach past her large belly whilst also failing to see past her breasts. The hispanic woman had been more than happy to watch her breasts swell and fatten, loving how they filled her bras. She was getting to the point where putting on clothes was enough of a chore that she wanted to delegate it to her ever obsequious ClaireBot.

“I’m sorry if my phrasing offended you, Miss Summer Nava. That was not my intention.” ClaireBot turned and bowed, her icy blue eyes shining like a constellation.

“No. . .uuufffh. . .that’s ok.” Summer groaned as she plopped into her seat heavily. Her body had grown ever more uncoordinated as she grew fatter and lazier. A part of her liked the contrast between ClaireBot’s fluid perfection and her own ungainly movements. Likewise, she drank pleasure out of ClaireBot’s accidental bossiness. “I don’t mind being told what to do by such a. . .beautiful woman.” She paused, unsure of how ClaireBot would take a compliment. Summer almost wanted her to ignore it. She liked the stoicism that her servant displayed. The alien politeness and frigid tone was adorably quirky. Leave the emotion for butterballs like Summer, a woman as slim and curvaceous as ClaireBot could be allowed to be a bit cold and mysterious.

“I will adjust my speech pattern accordingly, Miss Summer Nava.” ClaireBot bowed. She trotted over, her legs seeming to sway over one another as she sauntered to the table. Despite the heavy load of burgers and fries on the plate, she struggled not a bit. Summer knew that there was no weight nor task that ClaireBot could not accomplish. Summer felt a pull at her loins as these thoughts crossed her mind. It was strange living with such an example of perfection. No move that ClarieBot ever made was incorrect, no task left undone or promise unfulfilled. As the tray of burgers was slid over to the fat woman, Summer licked her lips. She thought about both the food and ClaireBot. Her hands gripped the bun of the first burger and she brought it to her mouth. Her already fat face seemed to grow even rounder as she nearly unhinged her jaw to fit the greasy treat in. Her doughy arms squashed against her breasts as she worked to hold up her heavy treat. A pound of meat was clutched between her thick fingers and her atrophied muscles had a hard time holding it. That only made the food taste better. Summer ate, never breaking eye contact with ClaireBot. “Is the food to your liking, Miss Summer Nava?”

“Mmmpggh. . .YESCH. . .oohhmmpgh. . .offfh coursech it issch. . .mmmpggh. . .Claire.” Summer spoke with a full mouth, grease and melted cheese sliding down the corners of her mouth. Her shirt soon was sprinkled with the drippings of her food. Her gut ballooned outwards as she feasted, filling with the fattening meal. She got a strange thrill from dropping the “bot” from her robotic servant’s pet name. Similarly, she got an equal thrill from ClaireBot giving her two glasses of soda. Well cared after and eager to stuff herself full of the artfully prepared meal, Summer took bigger and bigger bites. She leaned back, exposing her large and lightly tanned belly. Below the surging and turgid pile of fat lay her butt. The chair she relaxed on was sore taxed by Summer’s leaning and rocking. 300 pounds of fat pressed straight down on the flimsy chair. The only relief came from the moments where Summer had to stand in order to reach across the table or pick a wedgie out from between her round ass. The pressure would only be redoubled as she sat down. “Lessccch. . .mmmpggh. . .mark thissch. . .OOORRRRRUUUUP. . .under favorites.” Summer slurred and belched the words out, drunk on the high which being catered to provided.

“I will do that right away, Miss Summer Nava.” ClaireBot sat, her knees put together with hands resting on them like a caricature of a wife from the 1950’s. “I believe this will pair well with your afternoon snack. You will be having ice cream shakes and cookies.” ClaireBot was careful to include the language that Summer had asked for. She studied her mistress, looking for more ways to be of service.


“Come. . .ooooonnn. . .Archi!” Summer whined, trying to hold up her gigantic stomach. Underneath her husband worked and strained to fuck her. While more than proficient in bed, the deck was stacked against Archi. Summer had continued to grow under the persistent care and attention from ClaireBot. She had more than double in size, burying her formerly skinny body under thick blankets of fat. Summer was 700 pounds worth of sweaty, lusty, needy flab. “Archi. . .I need. . .this. . .oohh. . .come on. . .Archi.” She huffed and whined, straining her own nearly useless arms to reach her own pussy. A ferocious need had been building within her, mounting after days of unrestrained eating. Each meal seemed to inflame her passions more. She found herself getting wet at the very smell of food or the touch of ClaireBot. Even now, with Archi doing his best to plunge his cock into her pussy, Summer found her thoughts drifting back to her AI. There was no task that she could not complete.

Meanwhile, sweat formed on Archi’s muscles. With one arm he held Summer’s bloated leg up whilst the other tried to keep her gut at bay. He was buffeted by folds that had not existed a year ago. Mounting his wife had become a greater workout than his weightlifting. Just as Summer’s pussy ached for his stiffened memeber, Archi’s cock hungered to plumb his wife’s depths. It had been days since they had made love and months since they had done it in a manner that was fulfilling. “God. . .Summer. . .” He grunted. While Archi loved Summer, he couldn’t deny that problems were festering. She had been consumed by laziness and half a dozen different fetishes that enshrined sloth and laziness. She lay around the house, eating, growing, doing her level best to become absolutely unfuckable. “I’m. . .fucking. . .trying.” He said, shoving her leg up roughly. Her calf, bigger around than his thigh, flopped and sagged next to his ear. It was a tangled mess of limbs and pillowy fat. Summer might have been fun to fondle, but physical intimacy was entirely another matter. What made it all worse was that Archi knew she was thinking about the damn robot. He was surprised that she hadn’t called for her yet.

“Are you. . .hhhhuuuufff. . .even trying?” Summer demanded. Growing bored of being thrown around, she reached out and grabbed one of the few things that could satisfy her anymore: food. A plate of half eaten chicken wings was resting on the nightstand. She scooped them up and placed them upon her naked chest. Situated between breasts bigger than watermelons, she scarfed noisily at the food. Her olive skinned body was smeared with the spicy sauce. Burps and moans overpowered the persistent, imponent slapping of Archi’s body on Summer’s. For a moment it seemed as if Archi might fulfill his task. Annoyed at his wife’s gluttony, and knowing who prepared the wings, he was driven to an outright fury. He bent into his gyrations, animalistically moving his loins. It did not last, however. Either tired or too angry, the man dropped his wife’s leg and stood up from the bed.

“Hey!” Summer demanded. “Get. . .MMMPGGH. . .back in here. . .OORRURP. . .and FUCK me!” She called, not stopping her eating. She seemed to wipe the wings on her face more than eat them. The only part of her that was spared from the mess was her hair, which ClaireBot had lovingly tied into a bun for her. The nearly immobile woman could not even see her husband leave. Rather, she saw only the pile of food stacked upon her upper stomach. Summer tried to rock herself, but soon gave up, exhausted by having to move her bulk around. To cope and recover her strength, Summer pushed the pile of boneless wings towards her face. Grease and spicy sauce smeared across her body, dripping over her rolls. Some of these trails of food leavings would reach the bed sheets whilst others would be trapped in her rolls until the next time that ClaireBot washed her. Summer munched and slurped, trying to stimulate herself through eating since sex was apparently not happening. Her thighs, spreading across the mattress like melting marshmallow logs, clapped together in a fruitless bid to make herself cum. Summer whined as she ate and struggled to orgasm. All her efforts could do was bring her to the precipice of sexual fulfillment, she was trapped in a desert of pent up sexual frustrations.

“Miss Summer Nava, do you require assistance?” ClaireBot’s voice surprised Summer. The AI had slipped into the room quietly. ClaireBot was so delicate and light on her feet that she seemed to hover above it. Now, she stood above Summer with a face as calm and placid as a mountain lake. “I would be willing to ease your distress. I am programmed to care for you.” ClaireBot’s voice never wavered, never changed tone, and gave off no hints of emotion. She stood quietly, her body’s chassis modeled after the most beautiful nude women her designers had access to. Summer’s lip quivered. She began to sweat as a heat filled her body. Though she could only think of her pulsating pussy, hungry gut, and Claire’s rapturous body, unconsciously Summer knew she was approaching a precipice from which there was no return.  All the same, she was incredibly horny.

“ClaireBo. . .Claire. . .I need you.” Summer grabbed for ClaireBot’s arm. Her hand slipped as it made contact, Claire’s arm was constructed from too fine of plastic and Summer’s hand was greasy from the wings she had eaten. “Puh-pleeassee, help me.” Summer begged, so horny that she could not even formulate words properly. “I need you.” She licked her lips, stoking Claire’s fine stomach with a sausage finger.

“Miss Summer Nava, I am willing to help you but I will need to know my task.” Claire’s rigidity changed not even slightly as Summer poured her heart out. She stood, hands at her side, looking at her immense owner with emotionless eyes. Summer couldn’t decide if she wanted Claire to judge or indulge her. “Please formulate your request verbally so that I may begin my work.”

Summer shivered. She had arrived at the logical conclusion finally. She lay on her bed, offering her body up to an uncaring yet servile goddess that was bound to her. Summer was useless, her body ruined by the constant reliance upon Claire. That made things all the hotter. Summer swallowed, burying the nervous lump in her throat. She had to remember that it was she, Summer, who held all the power. Claire might have been the mobile one between the two of them, but the porcelain woman would do what Summer requested. She would follow her obese mistress to hell, should the order be given. Yet, Summer could not help but revel in her own weakness. With a few simple commands, she could change their dynamic. Make herself a slave to the alien and mechanical thoughts which fired through Claire’s synthetic neurons. She tabled those thoughts only because she was so in need of relief. “Claire. . .I want you to fuck me. Pleasure me please.” Summer asked, thinking she might cry if rejected. She sent another silent prayer to her automaton goddess that there were no gaps in Claire’s programming.

Claire was silent for a painful moment. Whether searching the lengthy rules and conditions of her programmers or browsing for the proper method of fucking a bed bound woman, Claire betrayed no inner conflict or thought. “Miss Summer Nava, I will copulate with you.” Claire’s response drew tears of joy from the obese woman. “Lay back and allow me to attend to your ample body.” Summer gasped, her pussy shivering from Claire’s recognition of her obesity. It was nothing compared to what Claire did next. She lay her emotionless head on Summer’s gigantic stomach and reached a hand under her gut folds. Summer’s eyes rolled back in her head as she felt her companion’s arm begin to vibrate. Through some magic of science, Claire’s arm began to extend. The robotic woman moved slowly and carefully, more out of care than fear. Her arm snaked forward, her arm turning almost liquid in order to reach her mistress.

“Claire!” Summer screamed as she felt the smaller woman’s hand penetrate her pussy. Tenderly, lovingly Claire stroked her obese owner. Summer’s arms dropped quickly to grasp the sheets. She had never felt such pleasure. Even through all the times that she and Archi had fucked, it had never come close to this. Summer huffed, wondering if she would pass out from the waves of carnal lust pulsing through her body. Claire’s hand entered her over and over again, pulling out to either tease or allow her to regain her breath. “Harder, huh-arder!” Summer repeated the instruction, growing more breathy with each repetition. Claire’s stroke’s came faster, though her face never changed from its neutral expression. Summer squeezed her large breasts, smearing food and sweat over them. Her sex gushed as Claire’s hand worked to find the most stimulating position. Summer grew aware of the micro-changes that Claire was making, always calculating what brought the most satisfaction.

When Summer finally did reach climax, it was so powerful that the air in her lungs was squeezed out. In a great, final sigh Summer was laid back onto the bed quietly. She stared at the ceiling, every thought and instinct driven out of her body. She was given clarity that she had never had. Claire’s hand slowly stopped vibrating, retracting out of the sticky and sweaty cave that was formed by Summer’s heavy gut. The AI slowly stood and walked over to her lover. “Miss Summer Nava, have I pleased you sufficiently? Was I too forceful?” She asked, putting a finger to Summer’s lips to check for signs of consciousness. Instead of responding with words, Summer grabbed Claire’s hand and pulled it down so that she could suck and lick at the robot’s fingers. “Miss Summer Nava, do you require more attention? Or is this a sign that you are hungry?” Claire let her fingers be played with, not resting to Summer licking and suckling at them.

Summer, feeling her breasts sliding under her hammy arms, continued her impromptu playing with Claire’s hand. She wasn’t sure what she wanted. Food, more sex, both at the same time. There was a myriad of options that she wanted to explore. Lost, she decided to let Claire decide. “Anything! Please, Claire, just don’t ever stop.”

“Of course, Miss Summer Nava, I will never stop caring for you.”



aw thank you, i appreciate that!


Amazing! Would love to see a continuation or a spin-off based off on this!🙌🖤


Hey actually? If you’re free sometime? I’ve got a neat idea for a sequel I’d be willing to propose for the September prompt batch. Lmk if you’re interested in workshopping something