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Tags: Slob, weight gain, fatness, corruption, Naruto AU

The first of a series set in a Naruto AU. The various Kages have become insane, power hungry warlords. They are bent only on their own greed and expansion.

The Great Shinobi War was a war like no other. There were, of course, wars held before this, but none to this scale. All five Shinobi villages

After fighting for what felt like ten lifetimes, the Shinobi leaders, the Kage, called forth a summit to establish communication between the villages and hopefully make peace. The "communication" lasted all of two minutes, the remaining hour consisting of nothing but accusations, demands, shouting matches between the Kage.

In this moment, something changed within all of them. They were no longer the "kind intelligent leaders" of their respective villages; they were creatures of greed and earthly desire. They desired. It didn't matter what it was, land, women, food, booze, respect, or otherwise they

'Looking back at the summit,' they thought, 'maybe we were always just greedy monsters. Good.'

With every passing year, the Kages' lust grew; they wanted to be venerated as kings, nay, as living gods. To them the world was their oyster, and the constant slaughter of their people was simply window dressing.

Any who objected was "corrected" or, in the event that failed, killed. Overtime, the people stopped objecting, and the Kage's power was simply another fact of life to them.

The Kage were heavenly beings, merely being in their presence is a gift. To fight for your Kage is a glory like no other; Sacrifice your life to the Kage, and you will be rewarded heavily in the next. Greed is power. Lust is power.

Even after and taking the lives of over two dozen Kage, The Great Shinobi War still rages on.


“Lady Tsunade, Team 7 has entered the village.” Shizune said, stepping back from the balcony. Shizune’s jewelry and gilded chains, a symbol of her position as High Courtesan, jingled sweetly. A fancy collar danced under her neck folds whilst her many, many earrings glittered about her ears, some drooping lower enough to play with her rotund neck. The black haired woman wore little besides a black bikini with hearts on it. The thin straps of the swimsuit bit into Shizune’s back and ass fat, utterly buried underneath her pale folds. Shizune had attained a size that only those truly favored by the leaders of a village could attain. Nearly 600 pounds of woman clip-clopped on high heels into the office. She was the favored fuck-pig of Lady Tsunade, one to be showered in food and golden gifts on the condition that she keep her Lady satisfied. While a task some days, it was certainly one that Shizune enjoyed. “I bet they brought you lots of jewelry, things to decorate your divine body with. Offerings to our beautiful, destructive goddess.” She smiled as she stared at the sodden pile of rolls currently sitting upon a golden throne. A sweltering, festering deity of greed, bloodshed, and war.

“I. . .HOOOORRRRRUUUUUP. . .should hope so.” Tsunade belched, shaking the room. For the uninitiated, Tsunade was horrifying to look upon. A thousand pounds worth of fat filled her throne. She was a pile of rolls, each building upwards to a face smeared with food. She was naked save for the piles of jewelry upon her body. Rings, bangles, necklaces all lay in thickets. Golden chains twisted together to form confused thickets, sprouting from piercings thicker than a man’s fingers on her nipples and stomach. She took heavy, labored breaths; wheezing her seething corruption out of her lungs and pores. Lady Tsunade was bathed in sweat, her body bearing great rivers which flowed out of her rolls and onto the floor. “They’ve. . .BBBLLLUUUURRRUUP. . .been away too long.” Tsunade mused. To calm her frustrations, she took a long drag off of her pipe. It was comically mismatched to the Hokage. The pipe was small and ornate, the kind of thing a geisha might use. Despite how small it was, Tsunade blew great gouts of acrid, black smoke from it. The soot and ash seemed not to touch her or her jewelry, instead wafting around the room. To help speed the smoke on its way, Tsunade leaned to the side and strained her stomach muscles. FRRRRRRRMMMMPPPTTTTTHH. The blonde pig queen filled the room with opaque, brown gas. Her gaseous explosion was strong and heated enough to blow the smoke away. Shizune watched it all with a mixing of terror and lust. It was her job to fuck and please this beast, a warmonger of the highest order.


“This is not going to go well. . .” Naruto muttered under his breath to Sasuke as they climbed the stairs to the Hokage’s grand palace. “Lady Tsunade isn’t going to be happy we didn’t kill more people.” He sighed. It had been a hard mission. They were to raid a fort belonging to the Tsuchikage. The well defended encampment was controlled by a wealthy member of the Tsuchikage’s court. Team 7 had been instructed to kill the family, steal the riches they possessed, and thin the herds of soldiers stationed there. Whilst they had managed to steal much of the riches, the team had not been able to fully eradicate the family. Unfortunately, their failure had left loose ends. Tsunade hated loose ends. Naruto blanched at the thought of having to report the failure back to the bloated toad he served and worshiped. Even under the best of times, Tsunade was a temperamental woman. The only way to escape her wrathful gaze was to be. . .

“Hey! Move your lazy fucking ass!” Sakura, Tsunade’s favorite pupil yelled back to the trailing boys. “Am I gonna. . .” BRRRRRMMPPPTTTTH! “. . .come back there.” The obese young Ninja farted, clenching her stomach muscles in exactly the way that Tsunade had taught her. The cloud of gas poured over the boys, making them cough and gag. It was so painful that they nearly dropped hold of the wagon they were carrying. When the greasy cloud dissipated, the two boys found an angry, pink haired woman standing above them. It was not hard to see why Sakura was Tsunade’s favorite. She stood a foot taller than the other students in class and was twice as wide. She was nearly 500 pounds of fat and muscle, bent on murder and greed. From her first moments within the academy she had been hand selected by Tsunade for special treatment. Thanks to either her own skill or her lady’s coddling, Sakura had done nothing but win accolades and grow ever since. Her ego had truly ballooned weeks ago when, as a send off present, Tsuande had gifted Sakura her first nipple chain. The golden strand, laced with diamonds, wound its way between her heavy breasts. Sakura wore no top, and little more than shorts with fishnet leggings below. “If you don’t hurry the fuck up I will personally recommend your execution to Lady Tsunade.” Sakura stomped, sending tremors through the building.

“Uh, no you won’t.” Another voice sprang up from behind the cart. In an instant the world shook again as an equally huge ninja materialized out of thin air. Hinata Hyuga was almost as much of a boar-bellied beast as Sakura. The only thing the pale eyed princess was missing was the support of a powerful Kage. “Hands off my boy-toy.” Hinata said, Naruto wincing at the moniker. Hinata had always been taken with him, almost as much as she was taken with wholesale slaughter and plunder. Being the heir to the Hyuga clan had afforded Hinata the chance to grow fat and bloody before even starting her life as a ninja. Her only fault in life was belonging to a clan that had tried to rise against Tsunade. Years before she had been born, Hinata’s family had instigated a civil war. The feelings of resentment from that had not yet gone away from Tsunade and her high command. What otherwise would have been a brilliant career from Hinata had been cut short before beginning. However, that did not mean she was not going to throw her weight around as she was able. “You just worry about sucking and fucking Tsunade.” Hinata threw her gut forward, splatting it wetly into Sakura’s own sweaty expanse. FFFFFRRRRRRRPPPPTTTTTT. A loud and boisterous fart blew out from Hinata, launched out by her stomach being compressed.

“Someone’s feeling brave.” Sakura launched forward, trying to grab her rival's hair. The two women pounded against the walls, shoving their fat and muscle back and forth. Rancid sweat from their unwashed bodies flew in all directions. The gigantic pigs fought and battered each other, stopping short of outright murder. Whilst their hatred burned bright, they knew that Tsunade had sanctioned nothing. Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke sighed. They continued wheeling the cart up the steps, trying to skirt past the battling behemoths. Tempers were already fraying, it was only going to get worse upon delivering their report to Tsunade.


“It was all their fault!” Sakura whined, stamping her foot childishly. Her long pink hair, pulled into puffy orbs with trailing tails swished back and forth. Her breasts smashed together, sounding with wet splats because of the thick covering of sweat and grease. “They are too weak.” The large woman cast an evil eye back at Hinata. “Especially the Hyuga brat. She spent too much time raiding their pantries. Halfway through the mission she disappeared for food!” Sakura fought against the evil grin spreading across her moon face.

“Liar, I never did any of that! I could gut you. . .” Hinata started forward, murder written across her face. The big woman stomped forward, her fat feet cracking the floorboards.

“STOP!” Tsunade said, pounding her fists on her throne. Each slam of her hammy fists was met with a roll of thunderous gas from her gigantic asscheeks. Walls of dark, wretched clouds poured out from around her. Tsunade’s eyes gleamed through the dark, predatory in nature. “I won’t have my palace filled with lies.” Tsunade took a long drag from her ornate pipe and blew the smoke out into the faces of her young assassins. Tsunade massaged her temples with thick fingers, trying to calm the raging headache forming within her. She snapped, signaling Shizune. The piggish woman trotted over, her high heels sounding like hooves on the floor. Without waiting for instructions, the courtesan lifted the largest, lowest fold of belly fat on her master and ducked under. Soon the sounds of sloppy kissing, sucking, and slurping could be heard. Tsunade relaxed for a second, flopping back into her chair. Shizune was pressing her fat face into Tsunade’s sweatiest area, lapping at her gushing pussy. The blonde blob drifted into sedated pleasure for a moment. Tension relieved itself in the form of a particularly noxious fart. BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMPPPTTT!

“Now, tell me this hasn’t been a total. . .BBRRRRRUUUUUPPPP. . .loss.” Tsunade belched and fingered one of her belly chains. All that could be seen of Shizune was her flabby rear, which poked out and under Tsunade’s gut fold.

The ninjas looked at each other for a moment, each wary about answering. However, piggish as always, it was Sakura who answered first. “Yes, Lady Tsunade! I was able to recover much of their hoard of treasure!” She threw a meaty fist back, knocking Sasuke over. “Fetch her riches, worm.” She ordered the smaller man. Once, Sakura might have found the brooding boy attractive. However, that was long before her ascension into Tsunade’s inner circle. Sasuke mumbled and crawled away to grab the cart. Whilst he wheeled the heavy thing in, Sakura continued to butter her lady up. “Loads of treasure, all for you my lady. I even had them polish it for you, that way it could be ready for wearing immediately.” Sakura looked at Tsunade. There was little room for treasure on her. Her pale fat glittered with the ill gotten gains of thousands of bloody raids. Her nipple rings, resting on vibrantly pink areolas, were tight with several chains and dangling jewels. They reached across to the other twin mound of fat, a breast so large that it beat out watermelons.  Further above those breasts were chin folds slick with slobber and sweat, they flapped hypnotically as Tsunade began to speak.

“Show me. Gifts can smooth over drastic patches of failure.” Tsunade spoke, eyes widening at the thought. She leaned forward in her chair, pushing Shizune back. Through all of the stink and sweat, the courtesan had not stopped her work. Tsunade felt desire growing in her chest. Sex and food were great, but her true goals were ever about increasing her vast displays of wealth. The vaults under Konoha were stuffed full of treasure. Tsunade was too fat to waddle to see them, but she dreamed of them often. The cart was pulled fully into the room. Sasuke set down the handles, thinking for a moment he might get some small praise. Instead he was rewarded by being pushed aside by Sakura. Her large chest smacked him in the face, followed by her voluminous gut. The small man was sent crashing into the wall whilst the chests were picked up by the pink haired demon. Knowing that she had snatched yet more glory for herself, Sakura waddled forward with a chest.

Sakura opened the chest, tipping it forward so that her leader could see the contents. Excited beyond belief, Tsunade surged forth out of her chair. Whilst a fat, corrupted toad of a woman, she still possessed plenty of strength. Her hips slid against her throne, smearing it with yet more grease and perspiration. There was a great clangor as the prizes held to her body were sent into motion. Nearly a thousand pounds of woman was brought into terrible, chakra-fueled movement. Tsunade fed her muscles with the energy unique to ninjas, overcoming both her own weight and atrophied strength. Shizune was bowled over, set to staring up at her lady’s swinging boulder booty. Sakura, meanwhile, had the overpowering scent of Tsunade bearing down on her. Sweat, gas, food, and body odor emanated from the older woman, strong enough to kill a horse. The horrifying foulness of Tsunade’s smell was an intoxicant for the young ninja. One day, Sakura fantasized, she would smell as bad as Lady Tsunade.

“Oh, this is wonderful!” Tsunade’s melons swung back and forth, nipples erect with awoken greed. She plunged her hand into the shining pile of treasure, trying to find the best pieces. FFFRRRRRRPPPPPTTTTTH! She farted, beyond the point of trying to control her stomach. The clouds poured down onto Shizune, who had been trying to pick herself up. However, Tsunade had not totally lost herself. She looked down at her cohort of ninjas. Her gaze grew stony. Treasure was nice, but they had still failed her. “Mmmmm. . .You four deserve punishment still.” She considered what would be fitting as she took the box of riches away from Sakura. “Naruto, Sasuke! Report to the kitchens, you will be on clean up for the next month.” Tsunade glided over to Hinata. “For deserting your post. . .” Tsunade knew Sakura had been lying about Hinata’s desertion. However, she also didn’t care. It was fun to embarrass the upstart. “. . .Hinata you can be my and Shizune’s personal wash girl.” Tsunade grinned, knowing just how foul her body was. “Be prepared to get in. . . .BBBLUUURRRUPP. . .deep.” She finished by letting loose another blast of gas, a promise of degradation to come. Hinata slammed her fist into the floor, but stomped off to find the cleaning supplies.

“As for you, Sakura.” Tsunade grinned. She had to punish her student somehow, but did not want to make it too taxing. Afterall, she was a darling student. Tsunade lifted one of her breasts, shoving it towards the pink haired woman. Sakura caught it in two hands, dipping a bit as its weight was added to her own. “Get sucking.” Tsunade said with a wink. She went back to leafing through the treasure chest. She shivered when she felt Sakura’s plump lips make contact with her breast. Sakura’s wet tongue glided over her nipple, coaxing it into full erectness. At the same time Tsunade felt Shizune planting kisses on her asscheeks. The Hokage grew wet all over again. She stood in the center of her office, taking turns looking through the pile of golden treasure and moaning as her lust peaked. It was good to be Hokage.


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