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--- Feast One: The Three Days of Thanksgiving ---

“Shepard, is it really normal for us to indulge so much?” Samara asked, looking dubiously at the large plate of food in front of her. She knew little of Earthly customs and even less of Earth food. The plate was loaded with roasted meats from different beasts, vegetables that had been prepared in various ways. While strange, it all seemed prepared with love. The blue skinned Justicar looked around the table, interested in what the other women thought. Jack, Miranda, Kelly, Liara, and Tali sat closely around the prepared and fully stocked table. Samara could tell that even the other human women were a bit confused by the choice of cuisine. It was classic, antiquated even. Something from the far reaches of pre-space faring tradition. While time had moved on, providing better and more efficient food options, there were some traditions that the people of earth wanted to keep alive. After the galactic crisis of the Reapers, many people on Earth had suddenly reinvested in those old ways. Reminders of happier times gone by.

“It’s not about indulgence.” Shepard said, placing another scoop of highly buttered potatoes on Samara’s plate. “It’s about making sure that you’ve provided everything a guest could want. A show of care.” The red headed woman moved around the table, distributing her care in the form of extra food and drink for the full table. “This first feast is centered around enjoying our time together and lightly eating. They called it Thanksgiving. Older generations of Earthlings would run the feast between five and seven days.” She smiled, wondering if any of the invitees had taken the initiative to look up the holiday. Judging by the rapt attention and quiet respect they were paying her, Shepard assumed not. She smiled, masking deeper intentions with a happy, holiday smile. They were putty in her hands. “But we can keep things light. Maybe just one meal today and another tomorrow. I don’t want to start the year off too heavily.” Shepard’s grand strategy went into action as she finished doling out the final portion of food. She had invited them all for a year of relaxation aboard the Normandy, a year of celebration and supposed history. Something to bring them closer before the winds of fate separated them all. At least, that was her idea on paper.

“Ah, Shepard, this is so exciting.” Tali said, raising her cup of seasoned nutrient paste. “Thank you for inviting me, even with my dietary restrictions.” She sloshed the cup back and forth. “I will not be able to enjoy the meals that you have prepared, but I do believe that I will enjoy the camaraderie quite a bit.” She took a long sip from her cup, eager to join in with the group as best she could. The nutrient paste she was working through had been thickened and lightly sweetened through Earth grown sugar. While not the same as the hearty meals that the other women would be getting, Shepard had tried to make sure that the Quarian still had something substantial to eat. It was Shepard’s goal to introduce each of the chosen women to the secret pleasures of eating too much after a holiday meal. Even those women who could not traditionally eat the food on offer.

“I think all this ‘together’ time is going to make me sick if we don’t start eating.” Jack said, rolling her eyes and twirling a fork. “It’s fine if you all want to sit around and cluck, I wouldn’t mind digging in before things get cold.” She tapped her fork on the side of the plate.

“Well, I think that’s a good a sign to start as any.” Shepard said, waving her guests towards their food. She was thankful for Jack’s caustic outburst. It allowed her to dispense with the pleasantries and push the girls into the eating. The room was filled with the clanking of silverware on plates or, in Tali’s case, the slurping of a straw through a filled cup. There were murmurs of how good the food tasted or questions about the preparation. Shepard was happy to answer them all, seeing it as a way to stoke their interest. While she had not lied about wanting their company, she had held some pieces back. The former commander also wanted to stoke their love of food, to further their need for indulgence. Not only was the legendary hero going to unite her favored crewmembers, she was going to fatten them up.


“That was. . .rather something.” Samara said later as the plates were being taken away. She was dressed in her typical Justicar outfit: a red and purple bodysuit that left nothing to the imagination. It had been rendered tighter than usual, thanks to the food-baby she was sporting. The older woman slumped in her chair slightly, allowing her stomach to bloat outward. Samara had been pregnant several times, yet had never felt like this before. She felt heavy and bloated, almost as if gravity was affecting her many times more than normal. Further, her mind was slow and steeped in torpor. It wasn’t quite drunkenness, but it was similar. She simply wanted to lay around and let the copious amounts of food within her digest. Better, she wanted to lay naked and without the restriction of her suit. Her body could be free to digest the food and she could be free to enjoy the feeling of slowness. “Shepard, the food that you made was quite lovely.”

For once, Jack found herself in agreement with something the aged Asari said. Even if she wasn’t, the bald woman did not think she possessed the capacity to respond with a comment. The former criminal’s clothing, a network of skinny leather strips which bore an uncanny resemblance to bondage gear, was warped by her own gut. She had eaten more than she should have, using the food as an excuse to avoid small talk with the other women. While happy to soak up attention from Shepard, she couldn’t deny the feelings she had for the other woman, sharing her with the others was taxing. Jack was especially bothered by Miranda. The entire dinner she had worn a smirk. The black haired woman had eaten her food, spoken politely, and generally been a good guest. However, she had that damn smile. Something that spoke of a joke only she was in on. Jack hated that. However, unwilling to ruin the mood of the celebration, she buried that hatred under another pile of mashed potatoes. She was too consumed with the eating to call the black haired bimbo out. She simply sulked and let Miranda snicker to Liara, the human woman pointing out her favorite foods.

Shepard watched it all unfold with glee. The first holiday feast was well underway, with plenty more to come in the future. The women had started strongly, each diving deep

--- Feast 2: A Pre-Christmas Waddle ---

“I’m so glad that this feast has some walking in it.” Tali said, trying to hustle down the corridors of The Normandy even going so far as to pick up her feet into a light jog. Noticeable ripples went up and down her body. While not excessive, her body had begun to fill outwards with pudge since starting the holiday feast parade. Her buttcheeks were noticeably thicker, pooling outwards to strain at her suit. In the front, her stomach forced its way up and over the belt that she wore. The plump roll of pudge shifted from side to side as the Quarian’s chubby hindquarters trotted down the hallway. “I believe that I’m getting a bit chubbier than I should naturally.” She spoke with a tone that was worried, but ultimately optimistic about her ability to lose the added weight.

“You would not be alone.” Miranda said, walking just behind the Quarian. Miranda put her hands to her own widening hips, feeling their girth. Always having been finely attuned to her perfect body, Miranda had noticed the pounds the instant they started to creep on. Likewise, she had also noticed the way in which commander Shepard’s eyes had been wandering. It did not take much to connect the dots. While the other women likely assumed Shepard to be above such things, Miranda knew better. She did not hate it though. “I think you’ve been getting more active though. Perhaps the increase of calories has helped offset your immune deficiencies.” Miranda mused, enjoying a bit of surreptitious manipulation.

“Ah, that may very well be.” Tali paused to consider things, her chubby body coming to a dead halt in the corridor. “I will have to chart my response to the food as time goes on.” She shook her head, the small movement sending yet more jiggles down her 200 pound body. “You know, I wouldn’t hate that. Being able to eat normal food with you and the other women might be nice.”

Miranda laughed, wondering how envious Shepard might be of her current conversation. The former Cerberus agent decided that she would step into her commander’s boots and pick up her torch. “How about you try maybe a bit extra of your nutrient mix tonight? A small application of extra calories, just to see how your body responds.” She spoke with practiced calmness, pouring every psychological tactic she had ever learned into her speech. “Besides, I hear the drinks tonight are going to be something called ‘cake batter eggnog’. That seems like it will be quite the treat for you.”

“Ah yes!” Tali resumed her trot. “I have so been looking forward to that. I spent so many years sipping on liquid nothingness. To have something filling and sweet be passed through me will be so nice.”


“Liara, could I be a nuisance and dip some of my gingerbread into your frosting?” Kelly Chambers asked, stepping beside the light skinned Asari. Kelly had tried to go at her snacks without the frosting, wanting to cut her calories back a bit, but had quickly caved while watching the other women enjoy their treats. Some instinct in her stomach or brain pushed her to cave, to join the others enjoying their sugary food.

“You could do even better than that!” Liara said, quickly handing over her plate. It had been emptied of everything except the frosting. The Asari woman had been afraid of taking too many cookies, wanting to appear judicious and sensible. However, as the taste of them was renewed with each bite,  she had seen the error in her judgment. Thankfully, Kelly had provided the perfect excuse. She leaned over, her voice primed into an excited whisper. “I had been eyeing some more of tho. . .oh sorry!” She stopped as her breasts smacked into Kelly’s own. Liara blushed, her blue face turning a shade of indigo. She had worn a small cocktail dress for the evening, one that afforded her little in the way of support for her billowing breasts. The small months’ worth of feasting had gone to her upper body, settling on her chest primarily. She scooped her tits away, hoping that Kelly wouldn’t mind.

“That was probably my fault.” Kelly could match Liara’s good nature and politeness with little trouble. “I’m sorry, I think these drinks have been getting to me.” She pointed to the several drained glasses of spiked eggnog. Anything to throw attention away from her voluminous body. Kelly had grown like the other women, though was trying to stay as silent as possible about it. Rather than be dominated in any one area like Tali or Liara, she had simply grown outwards in all directions. Each of her womanly attributes had expanded, becoming softer by several inches. Lacking the more forward attitudes of Jack or Miranda, Kelly had tried not to call attention to her weight gain. However, the time was quickly approaching where she would be forced to address it. She took little solace in the fact that that day was approaching for all the women.


“Ladies! Ladies!” Shepard clinked her glass of eggnog. It was her 5th glass and she was feeling rather tipsy. Dangerously tipsy. The kind of light inebriation where she felt inclined to reveal her master plan, just to get the thrill of someone commenting on her strangeness. Things had been going so well, which only emboldened her more.  Each “holiday” upped the girls’ willingness to celebrate and indulge more. The entire month of December had been a lead up to Christmas, with Shepard drawing upon every textbook she could find to gather more holidays to create feasts around. Her friends had all gone along with them, no one offering even a peep of disagreement. Naturally, their waistlines had increased. Each was looking chubby, some approaching downright fat. From Liara’s breasts to Tali’s ass, the formerly svelte and athletic women were losing their edges and muscular tone. “I just wan. . .want. . .” Shepard slurred, shifting back and forth as she tried to think her impromptu speech through. “To thank you. . .for an incredible year so far!” She smiled at the women, her grin spreading wider and turning goofy. “I think we all have. . .so much. . .personal. . .growing to do.” She said, wondering if that was too big a tip off. “As a group of friends.” She added, trying to salvage her speech.

Liara and Kelly laughed and gave teasing cheers, Jack rolled her eyes and downed another two glasses of eggnog, and Miranda smirked. Tali was the only one who clapped earnestly. The chubby Quarian, also drunk from the beverages, rocked on her heels and hiccuped. Everyone had a good time and woke up in the morning looking for more celebrating.

--- New Years Kerfuffle ---

“Who asked you, Bitch!” Jack yelled, puffing her gut out almost as a defense mechanism. Her hefty, turgid tummy flopped out between taxed leather straps. Her enormous gut shook angrily as she pointed a fat finger forward. She was 300 pounds worth of pissed off biotic, her rotund body charged with psychic energy. Jack’s choice of wardrobe and lack of hair had made her seem even fatter than the other women. She looked like a puffed out bullfrog with stretched and distended tattoos. Her arms, once skeletally thin, now shook with blubber. She had always lacked muscle, so her newly added fat had a distinct, roly-poly nature to it. There was now a slight sense of comedy to Jack now; a fat woman who was losing her physical edge, but not her personal one. This humor was not lost on Miranda.

“Jack, I was simply asking if you were going to finish those slices of pizza. You seemed caught up in conversation with Samara. . .” Miranda said as the belly heavy belligerent took a menacing step forward. Jack’s gut bounced into Miranda’s own soft body. She was no less thickly padded than her rival, however its distribution made her seem less intimidating. Miranda was expectedly hourglass shaped. The perfect human woman had an ass that could crush a chair and a half and breasts that would burst any standard bra. Between Miranda’s assets rested a soft stomach, but it lay in the shadow of her boobs. Meanwhile, the rest of her body had fattened up pleasingly. Miranda’s shape was the sort of thing that a mother of several children might have: with pregnancy and years adding hundreds of pounds of fat but not dulling her beauty. Jack’s belly forced its way forward, providing a perfect resting place for Miranda’s breasts.

“And? I can’t eat and talk at the same time?” Making her point, Jack grabbed a slice of pizza and shoved it into her mouth. “Sccheee. . .mnppggh. . .wahht. . .I can. . .mmmpggh. . .do.” Jack ate with all of the grace of a pig, cheese and sauce flying out of her mouth and splattering on Miranda’s chest. Miranda was glad that she had decided to wear her old suit. It was on the way out, with the zipper having been popped out by her growing breasts.The black haired woman backed down after a tense moment. Jack, still not satisfied that her point had been proven, shoved more and more pieces of pizza into her mouth. The huge slices were ripped and torn into greasy hunks by her savage eating. She attacked the “Feast of the New Year'' food staple. Quickly, she finished what was on her plate and moved over to attacking another full box. Samara, who had been trying to loosen her own jumpsuit, followed behind to continue their small talk.

Miranda, who had started to back away, smiled at another success. Her self-appointed position as double agent provided nothing but entertainment. She spent hours studying her fellow feedees, learning their ticks and how best to exploit them for further weight gain. Satisfaction spreading through her body, Miranda waddled over to another fully stocked table worth of food and grabbed several slices of pizza. She wolfed them down, eager to feel her stomach stretching to its limits. She had always wanted something like this, a way to torch her “perfect” body down to the ground. Now, even better, she got to do it with friends.


“Ahhh. . .OOORRRRUUPP. . .my apologies, Shepard.” Tali said after the surprise belch. It had been loud enough to cause a strange, double effect with her mic. Shepard could hear it both through the speaker in her helmet as well as echoing in the helmet itself. The large, lardy Quarian had drank quite more than her fair share. The world was starting to spin and her legs were struggling to hold her mass up. “I like thisss. . .drink!” She stopped as if that settled the matter, holding out her cup’s worth of thick vanilla sludge and alcohol. She promptly went back to sucking it up. Tali swayed back and forth as she gorged herself on the viscous, fattening fluid. Her thighs were thick enough that they were almost big enough to naturally rest upon her inverted, curved calves. It was like two large ships bearing down on smaller freighters.

“I’m glad, Tali. I wasn’t sure how much it would agree with your biology.” Shepard couldn’t help but tease the innocent quarian. “You Quarians don’t exactly have the easiest diet to cook for.” She smiled, waiting for the tipsy woman to finish her most recent sip. Just as her body was growing, Tali’s sips were also changing. It was more like deep chugs, as if she was trying to finish the whole drink in a single gulp. Shepard loved how robust the engineer was becoming. She had a vitality that had been lacking before. The commander smiled, knowing it would not be long before Tali would need to change her helmet’s design, adding a way for her to chug her meals down.

“Yes, that is truuue.” Tali finally responded to Shepard’s statement. Her intoxication only brought out her earnest side more. “But I think. . .BRRRRUUUUP. . .excuse me. . .we make up for it. . .with the aammmmooount we eat.” She nodded sagely, swishing the drink in her hand. “I think that my cup is getting empty.” She looked back up at her treasured commander. “Shepard, have you been stealing sips?” The question was innocent and non judgemental. Tali waddled her bulk forward, hips and ass ballooning out to the side. Her stomach pressed into her belt, begging for Tali to spend minutes trying to rearrange it to her comfort. Shepard remained cool outwardly, but felt a heat building in her body. That heat turned into twinges of pleasure as Tali wrapped her puffy arm around Shepard’s shoulder and parked her chair smothering ass cheeks next to her. “It’s ok if you did. I. . .BBBLLLRRRRUUUP. . .should probably cut back. Miranda told me that I had grown a ‘freighter butt’.” The bottom heavy woman slapped and rubbed her jiggling cheeks with the back of the hand which held her cup. “It seemed a bit. . . rude. But she assured me it was not. But I do not know.”

“I’m sure she meant it nicely. You’ve always had a nice figure.” Shepard’s hand drifted down, massaging and gasping the jiggly planetoid wrapped in tight fabric.

“Shepard. . .hic. . .you’re getting bold.” Tali leaned in, maneuvering her hips to pull Shepard’s hand even deeper into the orbit of her gigantic rear. “I think you. . .BBBBLLRRRUUP. . .have had too much. . .to drink.” Tali did not argue when Shepard pulled her over to a chair. The commander sat down, allowing the vast hips of her drunken associate to spread across her. Tali leaned back, grateful for the support. She sucked and sipped more from the drink, letting her world descend into a soft but shrunken stupor.

--- Frolicking During Valentine’s Day ---

“Liara, I’ve wanted to tell you for some time,” Samara said, looking the younger woman in the eye and holding out a pink card with hearts drawn on it. “You’ve grown into a wonderful woman. A true exemplar of everything Asari.” She smiled, trying to pay her compliment as best she could. It was hard for the regal Justicar to put aside decades’ worth of formality and speak frankly. Shepard had told the matriarch that this particular holiday feast existed so that people could reveal their deepest feelings towards one another. Samara’s verbal challenge had been met only by trying to stuff herself into her outfit that morning. “You are wise beyond your years, sensitive, inquisitive, and. . .” Samara paused, trying to think how to negotiate the next part of her series of compliments. It seemed wrong to only mention the younger Asari’s personality and mental attributes. While indeed Smara admired those greatly, there was a wealth of compliments to be paid to Liara’s body as well. Held between 600 and 700 pounds, there was little end to the joys that could be written or spoken about Liara. “Your form is rather pleasing.” Samara might not have been the woman to paint those pictures though.

“Well, Samara,” Liara said, hefting her enormous breasts upwards. She fluffed them like massive pillows. While both women were busty, extreme credits to their all female species, Liara was doubly so. Every pound that went elsewhere on her body was matched with two to her breasts. They were growing to the point where even the telekinetic powers of many of the ladies were struggling to lift them. Liara waddled forward, her heavy steps thumping off of the floor of the normandy. “I was talking with Shepard and she said that there are other ways to celebrate this feast.” Her breasts docked in between Samara’s own hefty pair. Whilst no lighter, Samara’s poundage was split between her ass and breasts. She was primarily boob heavy, with the succulent orbs sloping down onto a slab of belly fat. “Oftentimes, words don’t really capture what we want to say.” Liara played as coy as she could whilst hefting a massive breast up to the older woman’s mouth. Biotics and her own straining muscles were barely enough to hoist the soft, blue mammary.

“Human culture is right about a great many things.” Samara said, opening her mouth to receive the gift of intimacy. The two had broken off from the main party, sneaking away to give each other gifts in one of the pleasure rooms. With that blessed secrecy, Samara had no trouble pulling Liara down on top of her. The two blue blobs seemed to melt into each other as they took to the floor. Samara wanted to be blanketed, covered by the bulk that her younger companion had so lovingly created. The two moaned as only Asari could, the press of skin and light pinch of hands communicating more than words ever could. Samara felt free to express herself. She drew her tongue across Liara’s gigantic breast, getting to know the folds in between her cleavage better than Liara herself knew them. Thanks to her adventures with Shepard, Samara felt free from demons of her past. She might have conceived monsters in the past, but they were long dealt with. Samara could again enjoy herself as a woman. She gasped as she felt Liara’s fingers slipping between her thighs.


“Shepard, exactly how long do you plan on keeping this charade up?” Miranda asked, bumping the commander with her gigantic hip. The swollen, cellulite riddled cheek bounced into the tiny woman, forcing her to hop to maintain her balance. Miranda now had to waddle with her entire body, throwing her hips and ass from side to side in a parody of her normally sensual walk. She waited until Shepard had regained her balance before sending another wall of ass fat towards her. “We’ve all been turned into blimps, I think you can drop the act.” She had to put chubby hands on her ass to settle it down and keep it from jiggling more. Each small movement was worth minutes of ripples and jiggles. She wore a white dress, slit at the sides in order to let her chunky thighs breathe. Up top, bosoms as fat as pineapples rocked back and forth; their pink nipples almost displayed to the world.

“I have no idea to what you are referring.” Shepard was polite and friendly, but unwilling to expose her game. “Is it so wrong to enjoy some seasonal traditions?” Even though she refused to cave, her grin said it all.

“Really now.” Miranda pried deeper. “So there’s no reason at all that Jack is currently licking from between Kelly’s tits?” She cast a sideways glance. The lust in the room had reached something of a fever pitch. Constant indulgence of food and drink had spilled over into other indulgences. Currently, the humongous bald woman was hiking her voluminous gut up and onto the former navigator whilst opening her mouth wide. Kelly, pinned by Jack’s wall of gut fat, simply giggled and let the other woman lick and suck at her. “And there’s no reason at all that I just ripped through my favorite pair of panties today?”

“Miss Lawson, I think whatever is going on with your panties is your own business.” Miranda found Shepard’s method of denial sexy and frustrating. “Though, if you need a seamstress, perhaps I could examine them.”

“Well, that’s the thing.” Miranda waddled forward, placing her ass on central display before Shepard. She slowly rolled up her dress. Miranda’s arm had rolls of fat which swayed back and forth as she tugged and rolled up her dress. She slowly revealed her titanic cheeks, uncovered in all their dimply glory. She leaned forward a bit, letting the other woman see as much of her bubbly booty as possible. Her cheeks clapped and shifted back and forth as the dress was pulled fully up and out. “I didn’t happen to wear any down here.” She teased, finally breaking the tension. Shepard might be unwilling to admit her game to the crew, but she could at least get the other woman to admit her interest. That much was confirmed as Miranda felt soft kisses at the top of her buttcrack. As Shepard showed her affection, Miranda wondered just how many holiday feasts were left in the year. . .and what they would like at the end of them.

--- Independence Day Blockade ---

Many months later, Tali was the best and worst spot she had ever been in. Best from the standpoint that the theories around her immune system and biology were proven correct. As her daily calories soared to heights undreamed of by man or Krogan, she gradually became more able to tolerate the world. She could remove her suit and live life free of the oppressive conditions her genetic inheritance as a Quarian had condemned her to previously. She was now free to wear less restrictive clothing, leaving her environment suit behind as she flaunted her body more openly. This timed well with her outgrowing normal clothing. She needed to have blankets, towels, and other large fabrics strung across her industrial sized bottom. Her weight, much like her friends, had moved into dire extremes. She was mobile only because the Normandy allowed for precise gravity manipulation. Even then, her body was stuck in a world that was quickly becoming too small for her. This reality had led to her being trapped in the worst spot possible. Tali was wedged in one of the many corridors of The Normandy. Her wall of ass and thigh fat had come up against the restrictive infrastructure of the ship and she had lost.

“Schhep. . .hoo. . .Schepard. . .I am. . .schtuck fassct.” Tali huffed and strained, misty perspiration filling her breathing mask. Her face was scrunched in the little helmet, fat and puffy cheeks bent around the glass mask. She spoke in an exaggerated slurring manner, large lips pushed into a comical position. This was mimicked by how her ass filled the tunnel, her gigantic buttcheeks going so far as to curve up and around. The soft fat mimicked the shape of the hallway. The young woman stretched her arms forward, sausage fingers reaching for her lover. “Apologiessch. . .thiscch. . .wasch. . not my. . .hooo.  .intensionsch.” As a means to further demonstrate her lack of mobility, she shook her body back and forth. Her padding danced in slow ripples, the mountainous cheeks rolling back and forth. The ship even groaned, trying to accept the load placed upon it. The behemoth Quarian looked at her skinny lover, her demeanor adorable and pathetic. “Help?” She tilted her head, waiting to be rescued.

“Well, let’s settle you down first.” Shepard held up a cooler’s worth of fattening drink for her friend. The lack of gravity had allowed her to always have snacks on hand to help and manage the hunger of her various lovers. A straw fit into Tali’s mask and she was soon sucking down more intoxicating sludge. The massive woman churned and chugged at the drink, trying to fill her flabby belly with it. Near useless anyway, she at least wanted to drink her embarrassment away. As her body filled with drink, her concerns lessened as drunkenness took her. She hardly thought of herself as stuck, rather that she was just spending time with Shepard in a unique situation. She didn’t think of the people stuck behind her at all.


“Tha. . .fuhking. . .bimbo.” Jack grumbled. She smacked one of the gigantic buttcheeks before her. “Schtucck. . .ahgain.” She wheezed. Her trash talk has suffered as she had gotten fatter. Now weighed down by rolls from head to toe, she no longer had the energy she once had to denigrate her companions. Her fat face, buried in a semicircle of neck rolls and cheek fat, was almost too tired to scowl. Moreover, a kind of docility had crept up over her. Even the proudest beast will succumb to laziness if their needs are met. Jack’s were met many times over. She had food, she had booze, and she had plenty of tits and ass to grab. Her constant indulgence in all of those things had seen her blowing out to truly incredible proportions. She was a round boulder of a woman, comprised primarily of a gut that could flood a small cruiser. Jack was nearly perfectly ovoid in her shape. The crew, not within her hearing, often joked that they could roll her along if they needed to. Her tattoos now stretched across a surface that they were not meant to, becoming an impressionist painting rather than meaningful art. “Fuuuhhhck.” The immense woman sat down, slamming her asscheeks onto the walkway. There was a small giggle from Tali as she felt the disturbance.

“I shink. . .schomeone could. . .usche haah. . .little cheer.” Liara said, trying to force her way through the crowd of disturbingly overweight women. There was a lot of pushing and shoving, jostling for position when any of the nearly immobile women moved. It might have been Tali that was stuck currently, but any of the assembled fatties could have had the same issue. Liara waddled her way forward, her breasts now bigger than most any person save for a Krogan. Her breasts were big enough that they almost blocked sight of the rest of her morbidly obese body. Yet, as the orbs clanged and bounced off of one another, little glimpses could be seen. Seeing the blue fat approach, Jack instinctively opened her mouth. The sexual tension aboard The Normandy had risen to a fever pitch. Each of the women knew each other’s bodies well by this point. They had sampled and devoured each other as much as they had any of the feasts. The sexual congress was always in session. “Lemme. . .whooo. . .improve. . .your. . .mood.” The Asari booby-blob said as she sunk to her knees and stomach. Her breasts held her aloft as she tunneled under Jack’s stomach, searching for somewhere wet and well treasured. The other women watched, eagerly planning their next moves.


“Sccclllhhheepard. . .sssccheepard.” Tali sung drunkenly, wiggling back and forth as much as she could. She herself could move little, but her fat could jiggle in great tidal waves. “I waasssccch thinking!” Tali spoke very slowly, but ended her sentences in upbeat exclamations like she had made a discovery. “Shiiinking. . .thi-nk-iingg. . .you. . .haf not. . .gotten fat!” She said, her impeded mind connecting dots. “We all. . .haf. . .haf gotten. . .fat. . .and. . .asscch Jack saysch. . .horny.” Tali giggled, squeezing her thighs together. She loved appropriating the vulgar words that Jack had been teaching her during their pillow talk. The bald blob was rough and Tali loved it. Then again, Tali had discovered that she loved a lot of things. “But you. . .are jusscht. . .horneee. Heee-hee.” To make her point stronger, in her opinion, Tali grasped and jiggled her breasts. While not as large as Miranda’s, Samara’s, and certainly nowhere near Liara’s, her indigo breasts were nearing the size of watermelons. “But I. . .haf. . .to wonder. . why?”

Shepard, having no trouble parsing Tali’s drunken ramble, walked up to the gigantic woman. She had to stand on her tiptoes, Tali’s height artificially boosted thanks to how she was stuck, but she was able to plant a kiss between the stuck woman’s breasts. Shepard could feel the heavy breathing of Tali, how taxed her face was behind her breathing mask. The time would come soon to remove that, but she wanted to leave it on a little longer. Tali had outgrown her clothes, why not her mask as well? She knew the Quarian would be more than willing to. Tali, despite her youth, seemed game for more than anything. She was even more sexually daring than Jack or either Asari. There were few things that she was not game for. Shepard had come to love the mixture of innocence and debauchery that she exuded. “Is it a problem that I like my ladies a little larger?” Shepard asked, knowing she could drop the guise a little at this point.

“Schertainly. . .not. . .I haf. . .come to appre. . . HHHAAAAH!!!” Tali yelled, her voluminous body jerking upwards. “Sschhhu. . .aaahh. . .schepard. . .they haaaf. . .oooh. . .put schomething in. . .my. . .hhhhAAAAhhh. . .rear end.” The Quarian was driven mad by a large sex toy being driven between her large asscheeks. The humming and thrusting of the implement was twisting her brain, too pleasurable to ignore. Her thighs exploded with wetness as the toy plunged in and out of her ass. She mewled and whined, near useless arms flapping. She wasn’t sure wanted to pull the toy out or plunge it deeper in. Tali was further drenched in orgasmic thoughts, going so far as to blindly kiss and lick at her helmet. She felt the throbbing, pulsating power of the toy. It vibrated so hard that her ass shook like a cup of water on a large speaker. The young Quarian clenched and unclenched her buttocks in time with the driving of the shaft, eager to do what she could to heighten her pleasure.

Shepard watched, hand ducking between her thighs, she was proud of what had become of Tali. Prouder still of whoever was currently pleasuring the massive woman. Yet, she knew, there was still so much to go.

--- A Constant Feast ---

“Girls,” Shepard directed the Asari servants currently scaling her lovers. The maids turned, eager to listen to the commander's instructions. “I believe Tali would like an increase of 10 percent on her toys, Miranda would like another food hose, and Jack wants you to rub more scented oil onto her neck rolls.” Shepard gave the instructions whilst draped over Liara’s massive shoulder. She watched as the Asari’s pleasure rod, a versatile and large construct taller and wider than most men, thrummed and pulsed between her gigantic breasts. Each of the girls had one with Tali being so daring that she asked for two. The girls, blobs that they were, now floated in a converted shipyard. They were docked like The Normandy might have been years ago. It was fitting given that each of the women had grown to the size of the beloved ship. Liara, Tali, Miranda, Samara, Jack, and Kelly were each blobs in their own right. Their bodies bobbed up and down in the loose artificial gravity. They were swamped with blubber, buried under tonnage so vast that even construction equipment would struggled to hold them. They ate, talked, and orgasmed their days away.

“Mmmm. . .that soudsch. . .sschoo niceessh.” Liara rumbled, her fat deepend voice carrying through her folds. Shepard watched the jiggles travel down her body, like a wave of wind blowing stalks of grass. Liara stiffened for a moment as her pleasure rod gave a particularly strong thrust. She loved letting it run up and down between her breasts, stimulating the sensitive piles of fat. The Asari’s breasts were now bigger than reconnaissance pods on ships, larger even than land rovers. The blue expanses of blubber were filled with enough milk to feed a city for several days straight. It took four maids to massage one. Liara had become accustomed to five massages a day. “I’m. . .getting. . .aaaahhhh. . .little. . .hungry.” She wheezed, her cheeks puffing out with the strain of simple conversation.  “Sccheparrd. . .my tubesch. . .pleasche?” Liara was polite as could be. The addition of many, many tons had done little to change her reverence for the commander.

“Of course, Let me call one of the girls over.” Shepard buried her face in a neck roll so large that she could have used it like a sleeping bag. She kissed sloppily. The only sorts of things that the girls understood now were hyperbolic actions. Extreme sex and feedings were what they craved.


“Gaaawwd yeesscch. . .fuucck. . .deeper. . .roll. . .huuffh. . .around if you. . .hafta.” Jack spat the words out as her maid massaged the oil into her neck. The Asari maid was buried up to her stomach in the shaved woman’s neck folds, her arms going in all directions. Jack was the queen of paunches and neck rolls. Owing to her unique hairstyle, she seemed to have cultivated more than the other women. Jack’s face sunk into her upper body’s morass of heft, sitting at the center of a valley. She felt the Asari, a large 600 pound woman, slopping the oil on. It was heated and scented with spices and was highly aromatic. It even functioned as an aphrodisiac, bringing Jack to stronger and quicker climaxes for a short while after its application. She bit her plump lips, trying not to scream as her pleasure rod thrummed between her wet thighs. Her hands and arms were long buried by fat and even her biotics had stopped working. She was gloriously, painfully at the mercy of the maids, sex devices, and Shepards intentions. Prior to her expansion, she never could have imagined being in such a state. However, now that she was here, she could do little other than enjoy it.


“Shhaamara. . .hahaa. . .gentle. . .fuck. . .” Kelly Chambers moaned as her stomach was worked over by several hundred tons worth of Asari Justicar. The maids had “docked” the two for the afternoon, allowing their bodies to intermingle as low gravity allowed. It was less of an intricate dance of sexuality, and more of two planets coming in and out of orbit with each other. They seemed to hit randomly, no regard for which body part rubbed against which. It might be Kelly’s face rolling into Samra’s gigantic buttcheeks, Samara’s breasts flopping over Kelly’s several-yards-wide shoulders, or simply their bellies bumping. However, there were astronomically lucky times when the stars would align. Such was the case as Samara’s open and sex crazed mouth was allowed to plunge in a gut fold of Kelly’s. The blue woman licked and stroked for all she was worth, trying to do anything to kiss and suckle at the pale blubber encasing her. Much of her energy was wasted on her own bulk, but the point was made nonetheless. “Goood. . .haaah. . .fuuucck.” Kelly moaned.

Meanwhile, next to the door behemoths was the goddess of sex. Tali was hardly the same woman she had been when she fell in love with Shepard. She had bloomed into a sexual beast, an animal bent on only her own pleasure and gluttony. Two pleasure rods thrust in and out of her. They were twice as big as the other women’s, true mechanized monsters of sex. One plunged between her asscheeks, now big enough to crush many spaceships, whilst the other was nestled deeply between her shapeless thighs. Yet, it was hardly even enough to entertain the purple woman. “I. . .haf. . .insschtructed you. . .to. . .aah. . .up the schtrength. . .” The vast monument to carnality said to her own maid, with more than a slight edge to her voice. The constant pampering had done much to turn her from an innocent woman into a queen. She knew what she was after and would stop at nothing to get it. “I scchould. . .feel. . .scchoo. . .musch more. Give it. . .to me.” She huffed, knowing that she would likely have to talk to Shepard about this problem. There would have to be more power or more size allocated to them, anything to stimulate her more.


Above it all Miranda floated, looking down on the horny anarchy below her. She was held in the lightest gravity possible, allowing her body to be twisted and turned at the behest of the maids cleaning her. They were currently scrubbing her back, large hoses gushing water into her folds. Miranda had always enjoyed a nice bath, but this was on another level. Each of the hoses gouted steam and water at various intervals, acting as much as a massage as a cleaning implement. There were times that she had to close her eyes, forced into stunned silence by how good it felt. Water ran and dribbled through her folds. It might have dripped down onto the other women, had the lack of gravity not held it in place. The titanic woman floated in a mist of water droplets, a rain suspended. “My. . .goodnesssch. . .” She murmured. “You girlsch. . .certainly. . .know your. . .way around. . .a. . .haah. . .fold.” Miranda’s compliments always found a way to wrap back around to her own “perfect” body. For all the time she had been alive, it was only now that she truly believed that she lived up to her genetic pedigree. Water steamed and flowed between her breasts and asscrack, twin waterfalls spinning off into the empty air of the converted hangar. Miranda had never doubted Shepard, but she was especially glad that she had taken this leap of faith. Turning herself and her crew members into ship sized blobs was by far the best decision she had ever made.


Julian Hernandez

Was great working with you, hopefully we can work on (or someone else can) that "Legendary edition"


Sensual soothing hoses / cleansing on blobs is such an underrated trope! If a massage feels wonderful for us, one can only wonder what pleasure there would be for someone which such intoxicating presence. ❤️😳❤️