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--- Gym Battle Against a Goddess ---

Nessa shivered as her body made contact with the water. Cold and refreshing sea water lapped and pushed against her thighs as she strode further away from the shore. She had chosen the spot just off of the lighthouse point to be their battle location. The money for rebuilding her gym had, perhaps illicitly, been reallocated to build the feeding silos and procure food for the two goddesses. This left Nessa in a rather awkward position, few people wanted to be the gym leader without a gym. Yet, there was little that anyone could do at the moment given the current situation. Creating a gym that could support her weight and accommodate her size was going to be an engineering marvel. Nessa waddled out into the ocean spray, her thighs cleaving through the waves as if they were nothing but ripples in a pond. She rose high above the lighthouse, the engineering marvel only coming to her chest. It felt good to be in the water again. Nessa drew spiritual power from it, once again feeling connected to the world in a way that she hadn’t in a long time. She knelt down as a particularly large swell smacked into her from behind, water flew above her titanic asscheeks and then drained back down through them. Nessa laughed, remembering how playful the ocean could be. She sat down, working her large backside into the soft ocean floor.

“Shall we begin?” Nessa asked, snapping out of her delight. She put the question to Victor who was standing on the dock, taking in all the flesh and folds that lay before him. Nessa’s very presence caused the water to rise slightly past the guardrails, soaking Victor’s shoes. It was like her essence was reaching out to touch him. He shivered, trying to overcome the mental hurdles that held him back. He was beginning to find some mental stability. He had yet to faint despite his proximity to the titaness. However, every movement she made sent a thrill through his heart. He wondered how Julia, the gym trainer that Nessa had gathered to assist their match, could stand so close. Julia, meanwhile, was doing everything in her power to not look back at her formerly normal sized boss. She felt the looming presence of Nessa above her, almost like a gravitational disturbance. She shivered, sweat running down her neck. Victor was too caught up in Nessa’s grandeur to focus on the trivialities of Julia’s body language.

“Ye. . .ahem. . .Yes!” He said, trying to make his voice as manly as possible. It did little to uplift his heart, but it did draw a cheeky smile from the sea goddess.

“Then let’s begin! JULIA, send out Drednaw!” Nessa’s voice boomed as her arms worked as industrial cranes to grab and throw water up into the air. Drednaw was released into a spray of Nessa-caused rain. Rainbow droplets fell around the snapping turtle pokemon as it burst free from the pokeball. It landed on the cool brick of the lighthouse area. The Pokemon snapped at the air, calling its name loudly and triumphantly. Once again the sturdy, resilient beast had been called forth to fight for its master. As usual, Drednaw could feel Nessa’s presence, raining down on him with the usual pride and intensity. Yet, being attuned to the energy of its trainer, Drednaw felt something different. There was simply too much of her. The usual flow of energy was stronger, almost like a raging storm. The beast swooned for a moment as it adjusted to his trainer’s lifeforce. Was this really his master or some sort of storm that had her voice? Drednaw was tempted to look back, but a primal instinct told it to face forward. From what it read on the faces of the challenging trainer and his pokemon, it had made the right call.

Victor had indeed tossed out his first pokemon, a shivering and pale Drizzile. Yet, he had forgotten to say its name or even give a basic command. He was too busy watching the waves flow from Nessa’s thighs and lowest belly fold. It was not like Drizzile would have been able to hear them, though. The poor animal stared slack jawed at the towering, moving mountain before him. The Drednaw was lost to sight, almost invisible when compared to its trainer. The tan skinned woman rose so high into the sky that her head was almost lost amongst the clouds. Further, using the same empathic sense that Drednaw had, it sensed the tempestuous lifeforce hurtling from Nessa. The trainer and his Drizzile stood silent for many empty seconds, trying to silently process what they saw before them. It wasn’t until Nessa began to slowly adjust her position that the two remembered that they could even move.

“Not scared are you? Drednaw is a tough customer, but he shouldn’t be too bad.” Nessa teased, shifting her body in the water. Rather than sit on her padded rear, she lay on her stomach. Her face and chins loomed down almost to the water’s edge, bigger around than a cottage house. Her breasts flooded water onto the walkway, even going so far as to bend the guardrail around the lighthouse. Nessa laughed again, kicking her voluminous butt with her muscular calves. The clapping from the impact seemed more like an entire village’s worth of timpani drums than it did flesh hitting flesh. “I will even let you go first!” She said, remembering her zest for trainer battles. She was realizing more and more how right Bea had been about making your own fun.

“Druh-Drizzile! Use water gun!” Victor summoned what courage he had, trying to even remember what moves his pokemon knew. The beleaguered Drizzile mumbled its name to itself before running forward and spraying out water. The light beam of powered water hit Drednaw, doing little besides coating the water type pokemon in a fine sheen of water.

“Did you forget what type Drednaw was?” Nessa teased again. She bridged her fingers together, resting her chubby face on them. “Water gun isn’t going to work too well against him.” Nessa held her attack, letting Victor recover. She figured he was still new to trainer battles and pokemon raising, rather than picking up on his obvious signs of distraction.

“Right. . .right!” Victor slapped his cheeks, forcing himself to concentrate. “Drizzile! Use sucker punch!” Victor said, trying to be more confident. Drizzile looked back, its face worried and shaken, before trying to launch into a sucker punch attack. Drizzile rushed forward, its fist beginning to glow. Nessa sucked in air, wondering how Drednaw would take the blow. Yet, the blow never quite landed. Drednaw, feeling water being drug back by his giantess trainer’s vacuum like mouth, ducked in fear. Drizzile, afraid that the towering woman was preparing an attack of her own, stumbled over his feet. The sucker punch missed, rolling into open air above Drednaw’s head. The small reptile collapsed on the shell of the bigger creature, exhausted from trying to manage its emotions. For a moment, the two pokemon shared a bond, a kindred exchange of nervous energy.

“Drednaw! Dodge!” Nessa shouted, rising from the waves in excitement. Yet, her pokemon did not share the same attitude. Rather than trying to leap or roll as it would have in battles passed, Drednaw timidly shuffled to the side. Drizzile simply slumped off of the large turtle’s back and onto the watery floor. Nessa rose again to her haunches, having to work her thickly padded thighs in order to truly support her bulk. She was not stupid, easily beginning to identify something was wrong. The Pokemon seemed drained of their spirit, cowed by something. It was a short leap for her to realize exactly why. Embarrassed again, Nessa fell backwards into the water. An immense tidal wave swamped the lighthouse. Victor had to hold onto a guard rail in order not to be swept away. The usual slew of negative thoughts raced into Nessa’s mind. Again, her freakish body had interrupted her personal life. For a moment she considered running away, tromping out to sea until she could no longer see the shore. However, Bea’s advice came coursing back into her mind: Make your own fun. Nessa again decided to trust her friend.

Standing to her full height, the massive woman towered like the colossus of Rhodes. “Traaaiineerr!” She called, her voice warm but booming. “I need you to focus, or else you aren’t going to get your baaaadddggee!” Remembering her time working as a model, Nessa bent down and pushed her massive breasts together. Sea water was still draining from them, rushing  from the cleavage canyon like a waterfall which descended into mist. Victor, gulped, staring up at the natural beauty before him. Lust, reverence, fear, desire for victory all swirled within him as a confusing jumble. His logical mind screamed at him to conquer his emotions whilst his instincts tried to decide if he should worship or run from the behemoth. “The battle isn’t up here, trainer!” Nessa’s smile was surprisingly coy for a multi-story tall woman. She hefted her breasts, making the puffy nipples rise almost to her chin. “How are you going to be a trainer if you can’t stop staring at pretty women all day long?” She put the question to him, pointing down with a finger towards the battleground. Victor shook his head several times, trying to get the fields of fat and bubbly breasts out of his mind. He gave a weak call to Drizzile, calling the creature back to its pokeball in order to switch it with another. Nessa pretended not to care, entertained with her own body more than the fight. “Will switching pokemon cure a wandering eye?”

The battle started to become much more fun for Nessa after that. Attacks, item usages, and switches were all met with flirtatious quips and saucy movements. Each move from Nessa upped the ante on lasciviousness. She strutted back and forth in the water, watchtower-thick arms poised on hips that could level an apartment complex with a light flick. Victor gave orders as best he could, continually finding his attention stolen by his opponent. His orders were often strange, not quite useful. Sly pokemon like Theivul and Linoone were told to attack head on and aggressive pokemon like Corvisquire and Liepard were told to play defensively. It was a mess for Victor, but a humorous one for Nessa. She cheered or teased each decision that Victor made, celebrating by jiggling her body in some new and tastefully lewd way.

“Oh Trainer, you aren’t going to win if you don’t let your pokemon attack!” Nessa said, after Liepard dodge away from Drednaw. “Besides, it's boring if you don’t. . .ENGAGE with a challenge.” Her voice boomed, filling the world with its adorable majesty. Nessa thrust her hips out, chunky yet deceptively muscular thighs flexing and jiggling.

Sometimes she would give almost contradictory advice. “Why so aggressive? Do you want to take my badge by force? It might be a little hard!” She said, clasping her mighty arms around what she could reach of her fat body. She shrank back as if she was a helpless, tiny woman. Her pounding steps made plumes of water rise from the depths.

“Stop being so distracting, Miss Nessa!” The shout rolled out from Victor. His fists were clenched and held at his sides. He shook, wondering how the massive woman would respond to his temerity. “This is a battle! Not an exhibition!” He called again, wondering if his voice could even possibly reach the immense woman. He could not tell because his eyes were pointed at the ground. It was the only way he could keep from keeling over. The ability to trade crosswords with a deity does not come easily and sacrifices had to be made for mere mortals. It was such that Victor could not even tell what her response truly was. He figured something was going to happen, some swift piece of retribution. He could feel her moving, first by the thooms that sounded from the deep waters and secondly by the influx of water. Waves generated by Nessa’s movements poured over Victor’s feet, growing in size and intensity. He shivered, knowing her looming presence was once again fully over him and the lighthouse. THOOOOM. Something heavy slammed into the brick walkway. Victor jumped as he felt the reverberation again. Moved more by curiosity than fear, he opened his eyes.

“Nessa!” Victor cried, eyes bugging out of his head.

“Oh, I’m sorry. . .is this too ‘distracting’ for you?” Nessa gloated. Victor gaped, now seeing what was causing the massive shakes and rumbles in the ground. Nessa had waddled up to the lighthouse and folded her asscheeks around the makeshift pole. Her enormous booty wrapped around almost the entirety of the superstructure. Lubricated by the seawater, she ran her building sized booty up and down the poor lighthouse. “Can’t a gym leader enjoy herself. . .just a little?” Nessa turned and winked, the movement coinciding with an ever so slight warping of the lighthouse. She dropped her large ass down onto the brick around the structure, sending out another rumble. Distant ships rose and fell on a false tide and seismologists for miles around scratched their heads at inconsistent readings. “Is it so wrong?” Nessa asked, running her hands through her hair. She had more than enough strength in her semi-truck thighs and pickup truck calves to keep her massive body upright. She even spread her legs, allowing her thick stomach to fall through her thighs to slap at the water below her.

Victor watched Nessa move, her body slamming up and down with sensual and destructive force. Her bulbous cheeks bobbed and jiggled against the centuries old brick of the lighthouse. Victor gaped, battle slowly forgotten in his mind. He was once again consumed with the vision of feminine beauty and strength that he saw before him. Nessa, satisfied with polishing the lighthouse with her rump, slowly turned. She draped herself around the lighthouse, crushing it now with her large forearms and pressing her breasts on either side. The tower shifted under her weight and for a moment she gasped. However, a quick adjustment saw the lighthouse mostly back in its proper foundations and Nessa staring at the smaller man. “Sorry, Trainer, just had to get a little energy off. It’s been so long.” She winked. This time, Victor did not pass out. He simply fell on his butt, eyes wide. His fear had been replaced with another emotion.


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