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Tags: immobile, sex

PudgeCommentary: The train never stops! The train never stops! I'm back with more stuff. While a lot of fun, the MHA story was a bit of a productivity bottleneck. However, the upcoming shorts and stories should flow easier. Hope you all enjoy!

Link fiddled with the Sheikah Slate, fiddling with the screen. It had been paused for the better part of a day, with some sort of update being pushed through. The blonde man scratched his head, hardly able to understand the ancient technology that comprised the tablet. Link was far more used to "natural" skills like hunting, cooking, and hand to hand combat. The young man made use of runes and other strange abilities from the slate, but he left the understanding to brainiacs like Purah and Zelda. Though, he would have rather done other things with his royal wife. As evidenced by putting the slate away and traipsing to her bedroom. The heavy door, decorated with hylian glyphs depicting the victory over Calamity Ganon and the years of peace that had come over Hyrule in the proceeding years. Link opened the doors, smiling as his eyes lighted on his wife.

"Oh! Link, I'm not decent yet." Zelda blushed and tried to heft her arms over her gigantic breasts. Despite the years of marriage, Zelda had a prudish, almost schoolgirl view of nudity. It was especially funny given her current weight and its refusal to be modestly clothed. The years since the defeat of calamity ganon had been happy and each person had adjusted to peace and security in their own way. Zelda's chosen method had been eating. Each day her meals grew bigger and richer, bolstered by how good of a cook that her hero-husband had become. While the predictable results had taken place on her body, no one could have guessed the extent of the young Hylian ruler's appetite or how far her waistline would expand. Gi. . .give me just a moment!" She cried, red-faced and screaming to fold up literal feet of soft breast fat.

Zelda was easily over half a ton in weight, approaching outweighed many of the monsters and machines of war that had terrorized Hyrule. Her pale bulk spread out across her bed, eating up free space like she ate up well roasted meat and cakes. Her aforementioned breasts, now bigger than most pregnant women's stomachs, rolled over a belly that moreso resemebled a land mass. Zelda's gut was like watching a glacier slowly try to overtake another. She had two gigantic folds, each trying to stretch as far as they could. Being fad too fat for any clothing, Zelda's rolls fell over naked thighs the size of ancient forest logs. Her body was panoply of rolls, folds, and falling curtains of plush fat. Even her arms and hands, once so nimble at etching old glyphs, were now hardly able to move. She huffed and panted, struggling with the weight of her breasts. Eventually she would have to crumble, releasing her vibrant pink nipples to the room.

Long suffering as always, Link simply rolled his eyes and continued into the room. Zelda squirmed and heaved, wishing she could kick her legs. Her toes, buried in ankle fat, could do little more than wiggle. "Liiiiinnnkkkk, this is not fair. You can't just come into the royal bedroom." The immobile ruler had a habit of conveniently forgetting that Link had married in and officially become royalty. Her puffy arms trembled, not able to hold even their own weight. The dam quickly burst. Breast fat flooded put from between her hands, rolling back to its natural position on the twin stomach rolls. "Aaaahh! This is. . .not. . .not faaaiir!" Zelda couldn't suppress her frustration. She flopped back into her own folds and the mountain of pillows behind her. Her chins bled down onto her chest, fitting comfortably between her cleavage. Link threw the Sheikah Slate, equal parts a consolation prize and distraction. Zelda caught it with her belly, the miracle technology landing with an undignified, wet slap.

"Uuuhhhff. . .what's. . .hhuuff. . .the matter. . .uuuggh. . .with it?" The simple question was turned into a laborious ordeal as Zelda tried to move her mass. She strained her hands, trying to reach the technology. Her worries about modesty forgotten as intellectual curiosity took complete hold of her powerful mind. Zelda was often too intelligent and thoughtful for her own good. She would tie herself in knots thinking about proper courtship and how a royal marriage should be or spend hours obsessing over a new archaeological discovery, time between those pursuits were spent wolfing down food. Though impossible for her to admit, it was hard for Zelda to truly enjoy herself. While never cold, she had accidentally constructed some barriers between her and Link. Barriers that the ancient tech of the Sheikah Slate would find a way to demolish in spectacular fashion. “Liiinnnkk. . .” Zelda moaned, straining her fat fingers to reach the slate resting on her undulating belly mass. She could see the screen of the slate changing, a new rune trying to write itself onto the screen. Yet, the process seemed slow and blocked; much in the same way her own mobility was arrested by her numerous folds. Zelda reached forward, arms held out in front of her like a redead but her face as reddish pink as a bokoboblin. In an effort to help his immense wife, Link chuckled and nudged the tablet into her limited reach. Their hands met for an instant on the slate and it came alive.

The new rune glowed and shined brightly, a beacon beaming upwards into the ceiling. “What is this?” Zelda asked, her struggles forgotten as the tablet went through its strange and mystical processes. The beam, a light blue color, slowly fanned outwards. It widened into a sphere which encompassed both Zelda’s tonnage and Link’s slim body. A small hum filled the air, droning but not unpleasant. The massive ruler wanted to say more, but her words were stolen by a tingling running through her body. Pinpricks of energy seemed to be dancing across her fat, humming with latent power. Zelda found her attention being drawn to the energy flowing through her. They moved slowly, seeming to drain through her body all flowing down to a central point. “Link do you feel th. . .OH!” She gasped as the energy spiked, flowing down between her thighs. Zelda gasped as she felt pleasure begin to radiate through her.

The blobby princess turned red as pleasure pulsed and throbbed through her nether regions. It felt like steam was building in her body, filling her flabby limbs and stomach. Zelda felt like she was inflating, puffing up as the sexual frustration built within her. The only cure was Link, doing what God made a man to do to a woman. "Luh-Link. . .haaaahh. . .I need. . .you to. . .uuhh. . .well." Despite how wet and moist her pussy grew she couldn’t voice her request. She wanted Link deep within her, writhing and gyrating under her folds. She wanted to feel his cock plunging deep within her. Rather than try to voice her lewd request, she grasped her belly fold and tried to lift up. Her wall of belly fat rolled up slowly, inches of soft thigh being revealed. Zelda mewled, words stolen away by the haze filling her mind. Link needed no words though.

Link rolled onto the bed, spreading his arms wide and grasping as much of his wife's gut-wall as possible. He pushed up, muscles straining and growing taut as he fought his way under the folds. A tidal wave of belly fat surged over his head, folding his hair down. His back bent under the weight of his wife's bulk. Muscles he had developed over many hours scaling Hyrule's cliffs now sprang to life, repurposed for a different task. Now with her stomach held aloft, Zelda’s buried treasure was free for plundering. With a bulls strength and wild passion, Link entered Zelda. The immobile, half ton woman moaned as she felt relief cascading through her. Link drove himself deeper and deeper, working his hips in ways that the prudish princess could never have imagined. Sweat beaded on the pair of lovers, though Zelda maybe had the worst if it. A pinkish haze filled the room, a mixture of sweat from their bodies and spices from the Sheikah Slate. The smell of incense pushing the two to new heights of copulatatory ecstasy.

"Link! Ooohh. . .aaaahh!" Zelda yelled, dragging her fat hands across her face. She was too heavy to do anything other than recieve his thrusting cock. To bring herself to further pleasure, she hefted a breast up to her mouth and worked her tongue over the puffy, pink nipple. The bed groaned under the two as it was shoved back and forth. Link's strength, enhanced tenfold by the goddess Hylia, was more than enough to make Zelda’s fluffy tonnage rock and roll. She felt her beanbag buttcheeks smoosh against the bedframe, before being dragged away. The posts on the bed shook violently, the ornate tips threatening to break off from the force of Link's gyrations. His cock grew harder, Zelda’s pussy grew wetter, and the bed grew weaker. Each drive forward hastened its demise. Gouges were dug in the floor from the movement of the clawed feet of the bed. "Mmmggph. . .sscchssluurr. . .mmggph." Zelda tried to speak, but instead only sucked at her enormous titty.

In the end, the bed broke before the two lovers did. The front, where Zelda’s asscheeks dug deep depressions, simply gave out. The blobbish blonde pitched backwards. Her hair, arms, breasts, and stomach flew backwards. She dangled helplessly, her fat folds slapping against her face. She giggled relentlessly as her husband continued his work. Link now had all the leverage he needed to truly work on the sweet, adorable pussy presented to him for plundering. Zelda thumped against the shattered headboard, her hair a mess and her breasts rolling over her face. Finally, in a grand scream of pleasure, the two came in unison. The rest of the bed broke shortly after.

The pair were left a panting, sweating mess. Link slowly crawled up to give kisses to Zelda. The blush faded from her face as the rune disappeared from the slate, it's magic worked. "That was wonderful, Link." Zelda wiped tears of joy from her eyes and sweet from between her cleavage. "However, next time I want you to go even harder." Her bossy nature reassert itself, now bent to sexual ends. "And let's not use the rune, either." She leaned over as much as she was able and kissed her husband and lover. "Surely the Hero of Legend can do better." She winked, kissing him before he could tease her back.


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