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I really. . .REALLY like Elden Ring. Souls games in general hold a special place in my heart. This was a very fun story to write. I enjoy the sort of archaic way of speaking that Ranni has. It's sort of like she's teasing us through the whole game. Anyway, hope this was good. I'm rather proud of it. Proud of it to the point where I'm just going to make it public to everyone. It's the only prompt I'm going to do that with. I don't mean to break my own rules. . .but I think this is a special enough occasion. 

Ranni and her consort sat alone at the Church of Elleh. Kale was long gone, again walking the mysterious paths that only his kind knew of. All in The Lands Between had their secrets, Ranni especially. Growing up in a shattered world filled with the most wretched sort of violence, scheming, and usurpation, the brilliant young woman had learned as much about subterfuge as she had sorcery. Though, for the moment at least, the old methods could be done away with. The Erd Tree was burnt to a cinder and a new Elden Lord reigned. Her Elden Lord. The Age of Stars was at hand, ushered forth by her cunning and his strength. Thoughts and fears swirled through Ranni, it bothered her to know that she was now closer to Marika than ever before. It was her hand that would guide the age, shepherding the throngs of broken people across the land. There had been much damage done and atrocities committed. The veil between the world had cracked and otherworldly entities had poured and bled their influence in. There was almost too much to account for. She had begun the thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the moon, but the full implications were now dawning on her. She had not felt this weak or human in many lifetimes.

Her tarnished lord put his hand on one of hers. He was strange, this maidenless one who had come from out of exile. Yet, he was quite comforting. He moved closer, sliding next to her. Her puppet body had been changed, perhaps as his one act as Elden Lord. Ranni now possessed a body of skin and bone. A rather large body. The turquoise woman was fat now, as round as the moon she served. Her once billowing cloak and loose white dress were now tight across her rotund form. All four of her arms had become corpulent and heavy, so thickened up that her wrists and elbows had all but disappeared. Even when mortal she had not possessed much of a bustline. Now, however, her ample cleavage fell forward to contend with her upper belly fold for space. She was thankful that the Church of Elleh had strong foundations, for her dimpled buttocks surged and overflowed the brick and mortar she rested upon. It had been strange to see her calves overtake her slim ankles, her legs now resembling the pillars of the temples she and her consort had visited. Thinking of winter, she was the snowball which never stopped accumulating snow; ever adding to its own mass. Much like the new age, she had little idea how to feel about this as well. Perhaps she was not as ready to overtake the Age of the Erd Tree as she thought.

“I wonder sometimes, my consort, if I should hate thee.” Lady Ranni said, her twin pairs of arms folded atop each other. It was a quiet, still night twinged with a frosty air. Yet, neither of them shivered. The moon, full and beautiful, hadn’t set in weeks. It loomed over the pair, casting silver light down. Ranni’s immense body shone in the light, her blue skin seeming even more radiant. She spoke first with her round, many chinned face away from the tarnished. “You have slain my kin, severed my link with Blaidd, and inserted thyself into my most clandestine affairs.” Her words were cold, yet pure and not at all impeded by how her cheeks bounced with each word. There was no falsehood, no deception. She was a pristine ocean of frozen water, refreshing and large. “Perhaps, though, thy biggest transgression would be that which you have wrought upon my flesh.” She spread her arms to shrug off her large coat. The tarnished could now see the full extent of the change upon her. Seams and stitches were beginning to pop, soft fat seeping into the cracks. “Would you have your wife’s regalia be ample bulk? Would you prefer the sign of your house to be a confection rather than a quill or sword?” She knew the answers to both, but liked to tease her husband.

“Mayhaps you have done this to punish me for running from you?” She stood from where she had been sitting on the broken church. Her ass jiggled in a way that was both adorable and regal somehow, even when it knocked a chunk of rubble free. She waddled over to the tarnished, panting slightly. She was massive, hardly able to move her own bulk. Being a goddess did not impart her with strength like it had her brother, he who had conquered the stars. Rather, Ranni was forced to struggle against her flesh to move. Her stomach hit her fat swaddled knees. It bounced and jiggled, further ripping her white dress. “Didst thou want an easy to obtain wife? A small maiden who would sit at your throne, embracing your legs as you ordered about others proved your lessers.” She embraced him, slowly pushing the smaller man to the ground with her heaving fat. He was swamped in blubber, which was decidedly warm and inviting. Her folds, half exposed from the rending of her dress, gyrated against the rich fabrics he was clad in. “I think not. I believe thou wanted a lady who would challenge him.” She smiled, pressing her bulk into him. “I have and will continue to do so. However, this challenge of ours, its nature is not immutable.” The tarnished felt his clothes being pulled off, Ranni’s thick but nimble fingers working capably to undress him. “You have pursued me as if I were an animal, mayhaps it is time I do the same to thee.”

She kissed him, her plump lips meeting his own. They rolled on the soft grass outside of the church, snowflakes and the smell of pine and incense drifting through the wind. The Erd Tree was long gone, the looming moon having taken its place as the source of light for the world. The two were bathed in moonlight. Ranni’s own clothes ripped and fell off of her as she set about her dogged pursuit of her husband and lord. Naked, flabby blue flesh was exposed to the world. Twin buttocks, able to fill a cart with their mass, clapped and thundered as she made love to her husband. She had long forgotten the beauty of human interaction. Living as a spirit in a doll, Ranni had little taste for the real world. Yet now, even as a hilariously ballooned parody of herself, she reveled in it. She started by laying on her husband, smothering him with her breasts. He kissed and sucked on her nipples, drawing forth a musical laugh and sigh from her. She pressed her large, round face between her wall of cleavage to kiss him. She drew him away from her breasts. It would not do to have him slobbering on them like a barbarian or a hound.

“Consort Eternal, you are not allowed to treat me as an animal.” Ranni began, slowly bringing her bulk upwards. She bit her lip, managing her pleasure and the urge to grunt as she worked her heavy body into a sitting position. To make her point, she dropped her massive ass down onto him with force. Her body bounced up and down. She felt him underneath her mass, his cock stiffening further. Ranni’s fat flooded out over him, like a glacier melting over a plain. She could feel his energy, he was ready to prove himself. She still had much to teach him. She leaned down, her twin sets of arms splaying across his body. One finger tweaked and then wagged in front of his face. Her bicep fat jiggled back and forth, slapping against a full breast. “I am an Empyrean and a Carian noble, you shall receive my pleasure in a manner befitting such as I.” For all her regal speech, she still sent a hand below her gut to grasp and massage his cock. Soon, however, the tarnished felt her bulk lowering full. He entered her and she gasped. She was no longer Renna the Witch, Ranni the Witch, Ranni of the Carian house, or any other false identity she had assumed. She was simply a woman loving a man.

“Tarnished. . .oooh. . .I would. . .haaah. . .have thee. . .harder.” Her poised, practice speech fell to the wayside as she rocked her hips back and forth. She rode him heavily, making sure he felt every bit of the bulk and fat that he had wanted. Blades of grass folded down around them, pressed into bowing obedience by her weight. The wind swirled around the pair, again bringing the smell of pine and incense to their noses. Ranni grew wetter, feeling her heart leap with emotions she had not felt in decades. Love and sex was as much a ritual as meditation and glintstone sorceries, though one far surpassed the other. She leaned down, pressing her head into his shoulder, wiggling her massive asscheeks back and forth. She had studied herself so many times in mirrors and still lakes, trying to understand her curves. Her large ass was dimpled, the crease between her buttcheeks even looking puffy. Her stomach sagged down, formed into two huge rolls. Her breasts were large and tear dropped shaped, lolling out to either side of her gut. It was a hard thing to accept such change. She might have been a hypocrite, forcing change on an entire world but not taking her own in stride. “Tarnished, dost. . .aaah. . . thou love. . .ooh. . .my form?” She asked, still feeling his cock gliding in and out of her secret softness.

“Yes, My Lady.” Was all the tarnished warrior would say. Bereft of golden Grace, he had found his maiden. She would lead him through the chill night that would encompass all. He would do her bidding and he would love her eternally.