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-slob, weight gain, OC, ssbbw, ussbbw, fat speak, explicit sexual scenes

Perhaps one of my slobbiest and aggressively sexual stories yet. I really have been enamored with tomboys lately, so it was cool to write one. I think I could have stretched this story out even further. . .but it had to be released!

Kaori Iji could not believe what she was seeing. A fat hand was being lazily thrust towards her, fat jiggling even up to the armpit. Sweat rolled from the creases, dripping onto the floor. The arm belonged to Kaori's new dorm mate: Princess Ong. Princess was at least four hundred pounds of sweaty, greasy, stinky fat. She wore little other than a very stained, though obviously expensive, white dress. The dress was supposed to be frilly and evoke older and more regal styles of dress, but the weight of absorbed sweat had worn the frills and bows down. Further, it was stretched into strange shapes by its owner’s hefty body. Princess' stomach rolled out under the dress, swinging visibly below the hem. Her stomach sagged into two rolls, though one was hidden under the dress. By the large, dark stain in the middle of the white fabric Kaori could tell that the obese woman's stomach leaked sweat and grease constantly. She wore thin but large glasses, the wire frames helping to pin her torrent of wet, grease-slicked hair. Princess clearly did not stand much, she was panting simply by standing there. Kaori finally took the hand that was offered, grasping it like a knight might take a lady's hand.

"Nische. . .Uuurrrpp. . .to make your. . .hhhuuurrrpp. . .acquaintance." Princess wheezed, her puffy cheeks causing the odd word to come out slurred. "I'm. . . Princess. . . Ong. . ." She nodded her head once, flabby body continuing to shake long after the meeting was done. Kaori hoped Princess did not move much, each tiny shake renewed the overpowering foulness which came from her body. A thick, steamy haze seemed to float off of Princess. The air clotted around her, bowing to her slobby demeanor. The room behind her was dark, only a thin glare from a computer monitor could be seen. Kaori blanched as she saw that the screen was running a graphic yuri hentai. Princess belched again, drawing Kaori back to the conversation. It was hard to look her roommate dead on, the young woman was such a slob.

"Yeah, heh, absolutely! I'm happy to meet you too. '' Kaori said awkwardly, trying to recover her footing. She had been so excited to finally go to college, especially wanting to live in the dorm and have another woman as her roommate. She had grown up in a house of boys, each older than her. She loved her family, but she knew that she was not quite as ladylike as she could be. Kaori was slim, tanned, dyed her hair sandy blonde, and was almost always seen in athletic shorts and a cropped t-shirt. Instead of just being skinny, she was also even slightly muscled. There had been no sport at which she had not excelled. But that prowess had come at a price, her womanhood. Kaori was in desperate need of female friends and sensibility in her life. Though, it did not look as though her nerdy, slobby roommate would provide that.

"May I. . .uuuhf. . .show you in? Princess said. Kaori noticed that, between the wheezing and belches, Princess spoke with almost practiced disinterest and put on nobility. "It'sch. . .small. . .uuurrp. . .but quaint." Princess slowly turned, her bulk moving like a tank. Kaorin was given a view of Princess' massive, dimpled ass. The dress she wore was plastered to it, showing off every marker and depressing within the bountiful mounds of fat. Kaori also noted the thick line of sweat which worked between Princess' buttcheeks, indicating where the fabric had been wedged between her sweaty asscheeks. The tanned Japanese girl followed her Chinese roommate, trying not to seem rude or judgemental.

Kaori stepped fully into their dorm, amazed at the degradation that had already taken place. The athlete had been only a week late to college, yet the dormroom seemed like it had been lived in for years. A sweltering, muggy heat pervaded everything. Seconds in the dorm saw Kaori's skin growing moist and saturated with sweaty moisture. Doubtless, it was Princess who put off the sweltering heat. Her folds and blubber radiated warmth. Similarly, a pervasive stink filled the room, the same as which clung to the dark haired woman. It bored into the walls, bed fabric, and anything else which stayed in the room. Kaori felt a rising urge to scrub herself clean. She wanted to shed her clothes, run to the shower, and lather her naked body in the most harsh soap she could find. Anything to get the choking taste of rancid sweat, old food, and body odor out of her nose.

The tan blonde's eyes widened at the shock of it all. All the lights were turned off within the room. Thus, she slowly became accustomed to the gloom. She had to wait, stuck in the miserable heat and stink while her eyes adjusted. Kaori began to see the decorations the slobby behemoth had laid for herself. Lewd statues of video game and anime characters decorated the only desk in the room. The custom figurines were arranged in all manner of seductive poses. Most were of ojou styled ladies, with more masculine women and a few men pleasuring them. Those were the most normal decorations. The rest of the room was coated in boxes of food and drink cups which had been piled in corners. "Shame we. . .uugh. . .were only bequeathed one desk. . .whew. . .but we shall share." Princess said, lowering herself on her bed. Her fat made an audible squelching noise, gravity squeezing sweat and grease from her folds. "My computer isch. . .UUURRP.  . .quite powerful. . .I don't game much. . .mostly read.  . .schrories." She waved a tired hand in front of her face. Odorous smells came on the wind from her hand wave. Her roly-poly biceps swang like metronomes, or censors that sent out waves of odorous smell rather than incense. "But you. . .may use it. . . for your own. . . purposes." She attempted a smile, but gave up quickly.

Kaori was almost afraid to respond. She thought that her response might be mean or accidentally rude. Further, she was afraid of spending the next year with the woman in front of her. A year in this swamp of a dorm room, huffing belches and sweat and stink from a woman cut off from society. Princess Ong seemed like a nice woman who was trying her best, but severely socially stunted. Kaori, for as little experience with ladies as she had, knew this wasn't right. Trying to manage her stress she took a deep breath, almost coughing from the oppressive odor that was suffused into the air. With teary eyes she looked at her roommate, 400 or so pounds of rancid blubber. Kaori knew she had to say something, the laws of politeness demanded it.

In her hazy, oxygen deprived brain thoughts came to her. She wondered if maybe Princess just needed a friend. Someone to be a good influence. Kaori straightened up, trying not to draw the tainted air of the room into her lungs. A sort of excitement gripped her. Maybe she could be the person that saved Princess. Clearly, from all the statues and hentai and even her name, this nerdy shut in was looking for a prince or a champion. A strange resolve started to take Kaori. She put her hand out to the obese woman.

"Thanks! Looking forward to it!" Kaori smiled, blissfully optimistic about the future.


"BLLLLUUURRRRUUPPP. . .fuck. Thisch game. . .Uuurrrp. . .isch susssh. . .bullshit." Kaori wheezed, almost a year and a half later. She pawed at a burger, bringing the greasy amalgamation of meat and cheese to her mouth. "Juft die, die, fuckin die." She ranted between huge bites. Her sausage fingers pressed into the bun, squeezing food grease and various toppings out. She wheezed for a moment, trying to catch her breath and eat at the same time. "Patch disch. . .UUUURRRPP. . .or juscht quit! She slammed her meaty hands on the table, shaking the computer screen. Her body shook with the movement, mounds of fat jumping and then sagging back down. Sweat and grease dripped and ran from her body as she continued to mash the keyboard in front of her. Kaori leaned further towards the screen, the bed underneath her squealing its discomfort. Seven hundred pounds of disgusting blubber rocked and rolled atop the mattress. It was the only thing that could hold her weight, chairs having long since given up trying to heft the former athlete.

The door opened, casting light inside. For a moment a fresh breeze enlivened the dank and hazy room, but it was gone as soon as it came. Kaori didn’t turn from her game, continuing to pound the keyboard in frustration. Virtually the only part of her that retained any muscle were her fingers. The fattened sausages were able to pump out macros and hotkeys as well as being sloppily made food to her mouth. The rest of Kaori languished in disrepair. She was a bloated, disgusting gasbag barely contained in a set of red short shorts and hideously distorted gray crop top shirt. Her breasts, only half concealed by the shirt, drug and slumped on the desk. A river of sweat ran between her enormous breasts, carrying remnants of food and grease with it. Her puffy, sensitive nipples tipped onto the keyboard; such was the size and mass of her enormous watermelons. Further down, her gut sagged between two immense pillars of leg-fat. Kaori’s stomach stayed round, avoiding the double roll that many fat women developed. It meant that food and grease slid off her belly, often dropping onto the floor. Her ass took up the majority of the bed, with the red shorts halfway down and exposing a pair of thoroughly sweat through panties. It was these panties that Princess grabbed onto, unconcerned by how wedged between twin walls of ass fat they were.

“I could. . .huuff. . . hear you all the. . .way in . . . the hall.” Princess wheezed. She slowly brought her 500 pounds worth of blubber onto the bed. The massive, reinforced structure dominated the room. It was where the two spent most of their time. Princess would read, watch hentai, and write fanfiction on her phone while her best and only friend played video games. “What hassch. . .my sweaty protector. . .so upset?” Princess asked, slowly working her bulk over to her fuming roommate. Her stomach drug on the bed, bringing with it a trail of grease and food-debris. Soon, her overripe rolls were mingling with Kaori’s. Sweat and stink from two different women met in the middle of the walls of blubber, creating something impressively foul. Princess wrapped her arms over Kaori’s fat broadened shoulders, her thick fingers searching for her roommate’s sloppy tatas.

“This game. . .sccchhllluuurrrp. . .sucksch!” Kaori said, interrupting herself to drain a tanker of soda. “Schoo. . .BBBLLLUUURRAAAP. . .busted.” The screen was soon doused in droplets of spittle and soda from another belch. Kaori didn’t bother to clean it off. She didn’t bother to clean anything any more. For all her bright ideas of fixing Princess, she had not accomplished much. Rather, she herself had been the subject of change. Little by little, the former athlete had slipped away from good habits. She tried to clean, but found it impossible given that Princess would immediately replace the trash after a meal or two. Kaori had motivated Princess to take walks, but only to the cafeteria. Time after time, Kaori worked to supplant her roommate’s bad habits with good ones but only found failure. Worse, she herself had started to get accustomed to life as a slob. The nights spent in the sweltering room slowly became more manageable. Kaori got used to the sweat and body odor even quicker, being used to that from sports. Her eating habits degraded as she was lulled in by the greasy foods that Princess ate. Her roommate’s habits had proven radioactive, mutating and changing the sporty woman. Worse, Kaori had proven even more susceptible than Princess. She now outweighed her by at least two hundred pounds.

“My other  fucking account got banned! Scho I have to. . . mmpppgh. . .sschtart over!” Kaori whined and shoved a burger into her mouth. Princess glanced at the screen, noticing that the username was different: SlobSlut69. Princess shook her head, her greasy hair slapping against Kaori’s own mop of sweat-drenched, dirty blonde follicles. She always chose such offensive and lewd nicknames. BigBitch, GreaseWhore, and SlobberPrincess had been a few of the past ones. Princess loved her friend, but had a hard time approving of her aggressive streak to games. Kaori loved to compete, but found video games more rage-stimulating than anything else. Sports had been positive and uplifting, video games were intense wrestling matches with dark emotions and other people. Princess only let it go on because she liked calming her friend down after.

“That’s too bad.” Princess said, able to relax such that her wheezing stopped. “Why don’t we take a break. I have news.” She slowly pulled the horrifically smelling, ill-tempered wall of blubber down to the bed. Tapping two buttons on her phone, she switched the computer screen and began to cast one of their favorite hentai to the screen. Two women were buried in a deep embrace, with one slowly bringing her kissed lower and lower. Kaori grumbled, but found herself slowly laying onto the bed. The mattress, weighed down by her fat and gouts of sweat, sagged nearly to the floor but managed to hold. Princess pushed herself close, working as the big spoon despite how incredibly fat her roommate was. The two lay quietly for a bit. Princess planted sloppy kisses on her friend, letting her know how treasured she was. Kaori was wrong to think she was the only one who had changed. Princess had always been a shy and awkward girl. Now, however, she had at least one person she could somewhat express herself too. “I told my mother about you. She wants to meet you.” Princess whispered into one of Kaori’s backrolls, enjoying the soft warmth and stink.

“What. . .why does she want to meet me?” Kaori huffed, still frustrated from her game.

“She wants to meet. . .well. . .my first friend.” Princess sighed, hugging Kaori tightly. Their rolls oozed with grease as the smaller woman pressed herself in. Princess’ hand dropped low, fumbling between rolls. Kaori gasped a little when she felt her pussy being stroked by her friend. It was nothing new, the two were often weirdly romantic, but still surprising. Kaori knew it was not a normal sign of friendship, but hardly anything was normal for her anymore. She was quickly forgetting the concept. Besides, closeness with Princess felt better than anything she knew. Fat, hoggish fingers slipped in and out of her wet pussy. Princess continued to speak through it all. “I was always lonely when I was younger, high school especially. To make up for it my mother gave me everything I could want. Books about princesses and knights, anime, manga, anything I could dream up." Her fingers continued to flick in and out of Kaori, the fatter woman moaning with low level pleasure. "She never punished me, never made me do anything I didn't want to do. I just read, ate, and stayed in my room. Even when I got fatter, she only hugged me. I grew fatter, each day a little less able to take care of myself. Books were the best release I had, I'd read about princesses saved by knights." She sighed, a mixture of longing and sadness. "It got so bad that I even asked to change my name. Mother filled out the forms immediately."

Kaori squirmed, it was so hard to think with Princess masturbating her. She was an expert at self stimulation, having watched hours of hentai and yuri videos. "I became Princess Ong, the slobbiest royal. Stuck in her room, desperate for anyone." Kaori heaved her mass as a strong spike of pleasure ran through her body. She could feel Princess giggle for a moment, enjoying how turned on her slobby roommate was. Kaori's sweat and smell grew worse, flooding outwards as her body temperature rose from passion. She was truly a monument to grossness. It would not be long before she was so fat and smelly that Princess seemed normal. "I finally begged my mother for anything that would give me a friend or a knight to save me. She ended up paying to send me to college. I had horrible grades from never studying, but she paid those off. She donated so much money to the school. . .on the stipulation that I had to have a roommate." Princess finished, continuing to stroke Kaori in silence.

"Princess, I'm glad I could. . .we could be friends." Kaori said. "Everyday I'm glad for this." She continued, pressing her thighs onto Princess' fat arm. Their relationship was weird and degenerate, but Kaori had never questioned it. More than anything she had wanted to help Princess. While that help had cost Kaori her body, athletic career, and hygiene she had succeeded. She was happy to be a slob, if it meant her best friend was happy too. Taking Princess' hand out of her wet pussy, Kaori worked to heave her body over. Her asscheeks clapped and breasts slapped against her rolling stomach as she moved. The smell of the room became unbearable and the thermometer rose in real time as Kaori's body poured out heat. Finally, doused in sweat, she was looking Princess in the eye. "I can't wait to meet your mom. As long as she doesn't mind me being a little messy." Kaori kissed Princess on the forehead.

"Not at all. Besides, I kinda like how you smell."