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We begin June strong with the much talked about, much anticipated Dragon Maid story! Let me know if you all enjoyed it :)

                                                  Part 1: Shifts in the Status Quo

                                                            --- Shouta's House ---

"Shoouuuttaaa, why is this happening?" Lucoa said, looking at the mirror. Her appearance was different. Of course there were the familiar bouncing, wobbling orbs that were her breasts but they had a new friend. A third preposterously large orb of flesh had formed on her body. Her once flat stomach was now protruding outwards. Soft, pale flab now curved gently over short shorts. Though she couldn't see it past her enormous breasts without the aid of a mirror, the twin queens of her physical appearance, she could feel the poochy little tummy whenever she walked. It bobbed in almost the same cadence as her boobs. She smacked at it with her hands, unsure of how to treat it. "What do I do?"

Shouta, who had been hiding in the corner and trying his best not to look at Lucoa, responded without turning towards her. "It's fat. You eat too much and don't do anything, so your body puffs up." He shuddered as her heard her curious belly-slaps, the small boy even swore that he heard little "bwwooops" as her stomach moved, similar to the noises her breasts made as they bounced and rubbed against one another. "If you just work out more, then it will go away." He said, hoping against hope that for once the air headed dragon would take his advice. The last thing he needed was MORE of Lucoa bouncing and jiggling around the house.

"Hmmmm. . .maybe I'll do that, after a while. I kind of like how soft it is." Lucoa smiled softly, getting dreamily lost in her own fat. "I wonder if the other girls know about this?" She asked aloud, poking her deeper belly button. She liked how her soft belly felt, almost like a decorative pillow you would put on a bed. Lucoa's only concern was making sure her shorts would still button. They were struggling even now against the advancing wall of fat. Yet, Lucoa had never exactly minded being naked. . .

                                                          --- Kobayashi's Office ---

"This has to be a mistake." Kobayashi said as she scanned the letter. After minutes of studying she was forced to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration. By all available information, the letter and its contents were a legitimate proclamation from on high. "I need a drink." Kobayashi said, returning to her favorite vice and coping mechanism. The letter boldly proclaimed that Elma, her Elma, would be the new office manager. Effective immediately, she would be in charge of all decisions for the entirety of the office. A decision that was as baffling as it was sudden.

"Yes! I've got big plans for this place!" Elma, who had been eagerly watching Kobayashi read the letter, chimed in. The dragon marched around proudly, her chest puffed out as far as it would go. "This place is so unlivable, hardly a place fit for humans and dra. . .other humans. We need some more comforts." Elma tapped her balled fist into her palm, seeming almost general-like as she listed her changes. "Softer chairs, ergonomic keyboards, and. . ." Her ever hungry stomach rumbled. "Better snacks! I'm sick of all those crackers in the break room. We deserve sweets!" Elma looked proudly at Kobayashi, who had dropped her head into her lap. She knew that this series of events was predestined to end in flaming wreckage, she just couldn't figure out how.

                                                                       --- Maid Cafe ---

"So many orders!" Tohru said as she looked at the piled up bags of food. For the third day in a row people had called in an obscene amount of food but hadn't picked up hardly any of it. It was such a waste. Delicious, well prepared treats and meals littered the backroom of the cafe. It was Tohru's job to take them to the dumpster out back. Granted, Tohru had other ideas of how to properly dispose of the trash. "Pff, who wants to crowd the dumpster when I could easily burn them away!" The great, green dragon said. Pride in her fire's intensity ran as deeply in Tohru as her desire to provide for Miss Kobayashi. A small belch of flame would burn away all this refuse, easy! Tohru puffed her chest up, feeling the heat inside her start to rise. She was just about to let loose when another thought occurred to her.

What about Kobayashi? Tohru stopped, her twin tailed hair fluttering with the abrupt motion. "Maybe she, Kanna, and Ilulu would want some?" The question made her smile. What an easy way to please her master. All Tohru had to do was take the food home, have Kobayashi and crew eat it, and then bask in the adoration. Kobayashi had always been neutral on Tohru's cooking. . .at best, so this would be even better! Giggling and singing to herself, Tohru scooped up as many orders as she could reach. The bags meshed together in a large orb of saturated fats and sugary sweets. "Perfect!" Tohru said, her voice muffled behind the stacks of food. She could practically taste the delicious food. Her excitement grew as she ran home with the food. Her thoughts quickly turned from just presenting the food to Kobayashi to enjoying it with her.

--- Candy Store ---

“Take! What should I do with this?” Ilulu asked, one arm lifting a massive bag of candy. An order so large that the only thing that could hold it was a trash bag had come through. Ilulu had been forced to even clean out the backroom, depleting many of the choicest reserves of candy. Small rips and tears had formed in the bag, mimicking the poor shirts that the busty dragoness had to wear. Yet, the order had never received a pickup. The payment had been made over the phone with a credit card. Yet the speaker had declined to say when they would come and pick it up. The ball of sweets, a year's worth of candy shoved into a bag, had lounged about the store. It was slowly becoming a permanent fixture of the shop. Yet, Ilulu had been interested in it from the moment she had put the order together. Who could love candy so much? Why did they need so much at one time? The dragoness had her curiosity piqued. “If they don’t pick it up today, can I have it?” She asked, grabbing the huge sack. She walked towards Take, who was bent over and fixing some lower shelves.

“I doubt it.” Take said, not turning around. “That’s for a customer. It’s not like the candy is going to go bad or spoil.” He would have spoken more, but he felt Ilulu’s presence behind him. Preemptively trying to cut her off, he turned and tried to speak. “Besides, we aren’t giving candy awa . . .ggaahh!” His sentence cut short as his face made contact with Ilulu’s massive chest. The dragoness had stood too close once again. Take’s nose spurted a crimson geyser and he fell over in a panic. He rolled on the floor, trying to cover his shame and embarrassment while a semi-disinterested Ilulu watched on. She held the garbage bag full of treats behind her back, draconic strength easily allowing her to comfortably hold the heavy mass of sugar.

“It’s ok, Take! I’ll just take care of it for a little bit!” Ilulu said, seizing upon the opportunity. Take couldn’t say no if he was incapacitated. Before the sexually pent up young man could recover Ilulu had skipped out of the store with the ball of candy, chocolates, and sweets.

                                       --- Arc 1 Epilogue: The fun Begins ---

The pieces were thus put into play. The dragonesses and the humans attached to them now have to figure their way through a playground of extra food, with the promise of more to come. None truly knew the maze of calories that they were wandering into. Maybe one of these, on its own, could be solved and nullified. However, there was quickly an assault from all angles. Extra food at work, followed with a hearty dinner that was then chased with handfuls of candy. It was a spray of food that was impossible to fully avoid and more hits meant more indulgences and further weakening of defenses. Kobayahsi, Elma, Tohru, Ilulu, and Lucoa were slowly being drawn into a situation that none knew how to handle.

                                                    Arc 2: Signs and Symptoms

                                                         --- Kobayashi’s Office ---

“Uuugghh. . .'' Kobayashi groaned as she pushed away from her computer. It was closing time at the office. Another day of drone-work. . .and snacks. God, the snacks. Elma had not been kidding when she said that she was planning on making institutional changes to the office’s food policy. Gone were crackers and water, replaced quickly with bags of chips and soft drinks. Gone too was Kobayahi’s willpower. She had started off avoiding the snacks, knowing that she’d probably spend her evening feasting on Tohru’s cafe food and some of Ilulu’s candy-ball. Yet, that willpower could only last so long. Seeing her coworkers, and the big boss Elma, constantly eating and enjoying the treats wore her down like a river over stones. Within two weeks Kobayashi was as bad as the rest. She’d lounge back in her chair, half eaten protein bar resting on her stuffed belly. It, like the other snacks before and after it, would rock back and forth as Kobayashi’s stuffed stomach wiggled while she typed. Eventually, she would grow thirsty enough for a long, dedicated slurp of syrupy soft drink. It was the kind Americans liked, extra sugar and syrup.

“Elma, you ready to go?” Kobayashi asked as she took to her feet. It was a slow process, getting up. Kobayashi felt her weight hit her thighs and knees much harder now, with the addition of 40 to 50 extra pounds. Her stomach strained at her button up shirt as she was doubled over, pale fat even escaping from where her fat was the thickest. Kobayashi had an impressive stomach. The reserved and even somewhat masculine woman carried her weight in her gut and butt, lacking completely in her chest. Her gut was a single roll of fat par excellence, jutting out a foot in front of her. Meanwhile, her twin cheeks filled out her pants and jiggled with each heavy step. Kobayashi was somewhat embarrassed by the size of her butt. It felt so strange to feel her once narrow hips heaving side to side. It was the kind of thing that idols and models might want, not so for a slightly overworked business woman. “Elma. . .” Kobayashi called through the office, trying to summon her boss.

“Yes, Kobayahi! Uuuuugggghhh. . .just a second.” Elma said, her silhouette filling the other side of her office door. As manager, she had her own office. Though the term office was not quite as applicable as “snack palace”. The ever hungry dragon, Elma, was constantly eating. She had reached a nirvana of some sort, surrounded by all the food she could ever want and took full advantage of it. Just like Koabayashi, however, the food took as much advantage of Elma’s body. It spread quickly and almost evenly. Kobayashi and Elma were, in terms of fat distribution, two peas in a tight pod. The dark haired dragoness forced a ballooning belly and booty into skirts, shirts, and sweaters that were far too small. She’d waddle around the office, checking in on workers (aka stealing their snacks) and feel the threads in her outfits snap and loosen. Tiny rips and holes were appearing everywhere on her clothing. Kobayashi had been quick to at least try and upgrade her wardrobe, promising to sort her weight out later, but Elma had no such ability. She was far too busy with her job as office manager, ordering more snacks and making sure everyone was enjoying them. She was forced to fatten without any real replacement for her clothes. “I, uh, have some files I need to put away.” She said nervously, the sound of eating betraying her quickly.

“Uh-huh.” Kobayashi said, opening the door. She found Elma, her sweater about to burst its final button, doubled over with several snack cakes in her chubby hands. Kobayashi waddled in, grabbing several of the cakes. She quickly shoved them into her mouth, almost swallowing them whole. “That take care of your filing problem?” Kobayashi asked, feeling her stomach billow further out. Her stomach stretched the buttons of her shirt, threatening to pop them. While normally she wouldn’t take such a bold and foolhardy action, she knew that they were both expected back at the house. Tohru would be finishing cooking, or reheating dinner, and needed all mouths at the ready. Besides, Kobayashi thought as she looked at Elma’s nodding face, chins jiggling, Elma needed her appetite to help polish off dinner.

                                                    --- Kobayashi’s Apartment ---

“Oh, Tohru, I had no idea you could cook so well!” Lucoa said, leaning back and letting her buttons pop fully off of her shorts. They bounced and scattered around the room, landing in the fatty rolls of the other dinner guests. Ilulu paid little attention as one button sailed between her breasts, quickly getting lost in her mountain of cleavage. She was much too busy stuffing extra candy into her mouth, having forgone the prepared dinner for more of her candy-ball. Ilulu had certainly grown pudgier, but her breasts worked well to hide that. They ballooned to the point where they could obscure almost anything, especially the rolling gut that she had grown. Granted, they had not grown big enough to hide her chair swallowing thighs. The candy fiend continued her feast, trying to finish her current mouthful so she could take another bite before Kanna. The other button launched from Lucoa’s gut landed artfully between Tohru’s asscheek, wedged well between her tail and wobbling booty.

Tohru, thanks to her naturally active personality and lifestyle, had gained the least of the group. While still large and getting larger, the maid-dragon’s weight jumped slowly. Her iconic outfit was still suffering under the rolls of fat she was growing. The sides of the long dress had been rent open in places, allowing for fat to spill out. These dollops of fat now open to the world would bounce and jiggle as she went about her maid duties. Tohru’s breasts had grown even bigger as well, now straining lewdly at her top. There was little chance of finding a bra big enough to cover them, though Tohru seemed divinely blessed with perpetual perkiness. “Thanks Lucoa! I’ve been practicing my cooking skills quite a bit! Lots of practice. . .urp. . .and taste testing!” Tohru spun, her thickened tail slapping lightly against Kanna’s rounder body. The young dragon was picking up weight just as fast as the others, though hers had less places to escape to. “I hate to brag. . .but I think I’m getting the hang of it.” She put a peace sign up to her eye, bicep fat swinging back and forth.

“Reheating. . ..BBBLLUURRRUUAAAPPP. . .doesn’t count.” Kobayashi said through truly monumental belch. She and Elma were laying on the ground, hardly able to speak given how painfully stuffed they were. The two office girls had overeaten, drastically, again. Despite Kobayashi even swearing to herself that she wouldn’t, the fiery haired woman had made an absolute pig of herself. Elma, cradling her own stuffed stomach, had followed suit. The two had fully burst their shirts and now lay with their stomachs rising into the air, twin peaks of soft fat. “I. . .URRRRAAAALLLEEEEPPPP. . .nevermind.” Kobayashi could hardly bear to talk knowing that more belches were going to come flooding out.

                                                       Arc 3: Situation Critical

                                                --- Kobayashi’s Apartment ---

"Tohru, I'm, oof, going to be late." Kobayashi said, trying to suck in her gut even more. "Besides, ugh, I don't think, oof, this is working." She tried swatting away the plump fingers that were curled around the waistband of her xxxxl khakis. Tohru tugged and pulled on the pants, trying to force them up and over the mountain of office worker fat. As ever, the maid was determined and single minded. Kobayashi was fatter than ever, having continued to explode in size thanks to the circumstances around her. Her neck was a thick, singular roll of fat that was almost so big that it entered her vision. It flopped down so far that it almost reached her breasts. It was shameful how little her breasts had grown. Kobayashi, for as much as she had fluffed up, had seen hardly any of that weight go to her chest. Her breasts had gotten to the point where they had burst her original set of bras and had sat consistently at that size. Her stomach, on the other hand, seemed to grow by the day. A doughy mountainous mass spread before her, flopping out and onto her thighs while protruding out before her. She grunted and groaned as Tohru tried to get her pants up and over even a portion of the warm plot of fat. Kobayashi sighed and rolled her eyes in embarrassment, her hands traveling to her enormous ass. Thankfully, Kobayashi was at least a little balanced out by her booty. The chair buster was the only part of her that rivaled her stomach. It filled several chairs at a time, shoving up and out of her pants the moment she sat down. While she ignored them, Kobayashi had definitely heard rude people giggling about her panties being exposed; usually as she was leaning in to scarf more food down.

“But. . .uuuggghhh. . .I’m so close!” Tohru said, straining all of her draconic strength in order to dress her master. Helping Tohru were her own expanded assets. Tohru had grown and fattened in the logical way: her breasts. The busty dragoness had a surge of boob growth which filled out her dress to an obscene degree. Tohru, despite her womanly attributes, had always been surprisingly reserved in her day to day outfits. Yet, now with the heavy fullness of her breasts, she was forced into near obscenity. The immense orbs of fat pressed themselves into her dress, shoving their way against the surprisingly durable fabric. They were further exaggerated by the swell of her stomach. Tohru’s stomach even had a sort of “push-up” effect, shoving her breasts further against her dress than if her stomach had still been flat. Of course, the rest of Tohru was far from small. She had fattened much the same as the rest of her adopted family, though at a slightly slower rate. Kobayashi was a meaty, mobility impaired 600 pounds while Tohru was a bouncy and active 300. Finally, Tohru was forced to give up.

“It’s, oof, not a big deal, Tohru.” A gasp of air escaped Kobayashi as her stomach was allowed to drop freely. She tightened and adjusted her pants so they rested just under her rolling mass of stomach fat. While her stomach would be exposed, her shirt only covering half of the pale expanse, her outfit was at least complete enough that she could go to work. With heavy steps, she waddled towards the door. “Pretty soon they’ll ask me to work from home, just like Elma.” She patted her stomach languidly. The fatter woman, hungrier office worker and dragoness had not been seen for several weeks. She had been given a phone call by upper management, a phone call which she almost missed because she was stuck in the doorframe of her office, and disappeared shortly after. Deliveries of food and snacks had been sent to her house, all a part of the radical new budget she had designed, but no other information had been given. It was getting to the point where Kobayashi was even feeling the need to check in on her, though time was ticking on Kobayashi’s ability to move outside of her apartment. “Anyway, have a good day, Tohru. Bye, Kanna.” Kobayashi bid goodbye to her maid and friend, the latter of which was starting to resemble a ball more than a schoolgirl.

                                                --- Maid Cafe: Later ---

“Here is your order!” Tohru said, happily plopping down the twin sets of plates. She wiped her forehead, pleased with the fact that she had finally brought the waiting couple their food. It was hard work, running her fat behind to and fro. Tohru was lucky that she had her own unique and magical biology to help her, the others in the maid cafe were not as lucky. It was a bit of a shame to see the cozy little cafe start to go downhill. Orders came out slowly, if at all. The staff was every bit as fat as Tohru, if not fatter. The fellow maids lumbered their way from table to table, breathing heavily and sweating. Many of the meals were eaten before they could even make it to the table. Tohru smiled at the couple, who grimaced back at the obese dragonness. The crumbs around Tohru’s mouth made it evident that this was not the first time this order had been made for the table; it had taken at least three tries before Tohru could restrain her appetite enough to actually deliver the food. It was just too good and work always made her tummy rumble. “Let me know if you need anything else!” She patted the woman’s shoulder, feeling both of their fat jiggle and bounce. The couple rolled their eyes but dug in all the same.

It was strange, for as slow and outright bad as the service had gotten, patrons still loved the cafe. Sure, many of the more normal patrons had left but there was still a dedicated audience. That audience was divided between the people who wanted to watch fat maids go lazily about their work and people who wanted to be fat maids. Tohru was the center of everyone’s focus. The way that she could carry plates on either hand while balancing yet more on her breast and belly shelves was quite impressive. It was almost worth having your meal stolen by her to see the show. The other ladies might have slowed their pace due to their own bulging stomachs, but Tohru’s had hardly dropped. Humming a tune, she happily waddled back towards the kitchen. There was a delicious spread of orders set all around the serving area, with maids lined up to devour or deliver them. They shoved and bumped each other like pigs or hippos at a feeding trough. Tohru smiled as she watched them, finding their insistence on food adorable. Her only real debate was if she was going to join them or deliver more food. She was leaning on the former.

                                                               --- Candy Shop ---

“Taaakkeeee, why don’t you give me more candy?” Ilulu asked, her breasts bobbing up and down as she spoke. She rocked on her heels, her fat body swaying gently as a result. Ilulu had not been spared any of the effects of ingesting so much candy and extra food. Just as the rest of her makeshift family, she was starting to look rather massive. Wrecking ball breasts popped out of her uniform, having long since shredded the thin fabric that kept them in check. It was impossible to come up with reasonable covering for them. The massive orbs simply shattered and ripped whatever was put around them. There was no fabric in the world stretchy enough to hold the waves of boob-flesh back. The twin piglets shoved and pushed at the little bit of shirt that still kept Ilulu decent. The rest of her trailed behind, but only slightly. Her body was impressively curvaceous, with her hips filling doorways and her gut resting on every table or counter she stood next to. While Ilulu did not have the kind of raw, mobility restricting mass that Kobayashi or Elma did, she was still one of the fatter women in the household. “I need an afternoon snack. This body takes a lot of calories and sweetness to keep going.” She pouted, folding her arms underneath her enormous breasts. They were getting to a point where they were hard to lift. . .even for Ilulu.

“It’s for the customers.” Take said, doing his best to not look directly at Ilulu. He had lost enough blood already from the constant nose bleeds, any more would truly be hazardous for his health. Ilulu had grown so busty and soft. It was hard to take his eyes off of her but every glance came with a price. Even without seeing his coworker, Take could feel her presence. It wasn’t just her eyes upon him though. Her growing form weighed on his mind like nothing else. It was like he could sense the softness, pudge, and heft forming on her body. The pent up young man felt each tremor as she waddled across the store, sending shivers up and down his spine. She had even gotten fat enough that she had to wheeze after too much exertion. It had been bad enough under “normal” circumstances with Ilulu. She had always had to tease him by either physical contact or getting him to look at her. Now she didn’t even have to do that. There were a myriad of ways she could get him to lose his cool. One day she had just been trying on old uniforms, ripping through everyone. His mind had been filled for days with the sound of ripping fabric and bouncing fat. He could feel Ilulu pouting this very second, thinking of something to do to him. He knew that he could get it to end if he just handed over the candy like she wanted, but that would only make the problem worse. It would only make the hefty dragoness fatter.

                                                      Arc 4: The Fatty Finale

                                                      --- Elma’s Apartment ---

“I should. . .whew. . .not be this. . .tired from. . .an elevator ride.” Kobayashi said, panting openly as the double wide, freight elevator doors opened. She slowly, sluggishly waddled out and into the hallway. Her forehead was slick with sweat from simply standing and her legs ached. She thumped down the hallway, wishing there was a wayward bench or chair; though it was unlikely that any could hold her. In her arms were cradled several boxes of chocolates from work. They had come specially delivered to Elma, courtesy of upper management who loved her recent changes to the office. Only, there was no Elma at the office to receive them. There were a host of humongous, obese, and hungry workers to try and steal them though. The office was in a minor state of disarray. There were enough workers to get work done and keep the company on track, but there were not enough skinny workers left to clean up after the obese ones. People in the office had gotten so fat and lazy that they were unable to maintain standards of cleanliness. With people too fat to bend over, dropped wrappers and food bags littered the ground and were ignored by the workers. The usual noise of the office was replaced by heavy breathing, belching, crinkles of plastic bags, and fabric ripping. It was an office of the obese.

Yet, even amongst such examples of obesity, Kobayashi stood alone. With a stomach that reached to her knees, an ass that leveled any single chair or bench it rested on, and hips that had literally smashed through door frames Kobayashi had become a tanker of fat, hardly able to move under her own power. Which is why she had to do this. As the biggest woman in the office and the one closest to complete immobility, it fell to her to check on Elma. It might be the last day she was able to move. It was something that Kobayashi contemplated between meals, the very real fact that she had just about reached the point of no return. It was not as depressing as she thought it might be. Certainly, Tohru was pleased at the turn of events. Kobayashi was almost hers forever, a fattened blob with which Tohru could baby and spoil day in and out. Kobayashi sighed thinking about it, her feelings mixed to the point of confusion. Better for her to focus on checking in on Elma.

The wayward office manager had not been seen in weeks. Calls were met with silence and emails were left unanswered. The office might have cared, had they been able to turn themselves away from their gluttony and sloth. The snacks continued to pour in and they didn’t question anything further. Only Kobayashi, having personal ties to Elma, seemed interested. So it was with nervousness that she decided to make the arduous journey to her apartment. A journey that was nearing its end. Kobayashi waddled down the hallway, her fat hips smacking into the walls on either side of her. Her belly shot out from her barely buttoned shirt, flopping and rolling against her thighs. Her almost shapeless thighs rubbed against one another, wearing the fabric of her pants to the bitter end. “Uffff. . .huuff. . .Elma. . .” Kobayashi knocked on the door, her thick fingers jiggling. The ripples traveled the length of her arm, her biceps shaking back and forth slowly. Her knocks and wheezes drew little from the house. Sighing, Kobayashi tried again. “Elma, open up.” Kobayashi felt her knees shake, too overburdened with fat to function. “I have. . .snacks.” She breathed, trying and failing to heft the bag in her left hand.

“Come. . .BUUURRRRRPPPP. . .in.” Elma’s voice came from deep within the apartment. It was noticeably huskier than before; almost like her voice was trapped and reverberating. “The door. . .BBBLLUUURRRUUUPP. . .is. . .uuurraaaappp. . .open.” Two magnificent belches separated Elma’s instructions, forceful enough to rumble Kobayashi’s body even past the door. It was like the world was shaking underneath her. Belches that befit a dragoness of the fattest caliber. Kobayashi swallowed her nervousness and opened the door. Boxes of food fell out and around her, burying her feet and cankles. Sighing, Kobayashi wadded through the trash and into the apartment; her pudgy palm placed on the wall for support. The rest of the house was just as messy. Completely empty boxes of food lay everywhere. It was a sea of fossilized meal containers of every size and description. Elma had gone nuts within the apartment, that much was obvious, indulging at every opportunity. It was a wonder that the city had not decommissioned the room, considering how full of junk it was. Kobayashi continued further into the den of gluttony, her swinging belly brushing against the hoard of empty food boxes on the floor. Kobayashi’s lumpy, flabby butt bounced off of the walls as she forced her weighty body forward. Kobayashi’s hefty bulk reverberated in a confusing, unusual pattern. She was used to the weight of her own body and fat causing residual ripples to shake her soft fat, but there was a second and competing pattern. It was almost like someone else was moving. . .or attempting to move.

“Elma. . .I. . .whew. . .came to check. . . on you.” Kobayashi breathed heavily as she waddled. “We hadn’t. . .seen you. . .around the. . .office.” she panted further. She was going to say something else, but stopped short when she reached Elma’s living room.

“Oh! I’m. . .BBBLLUURRRAAAPPP. . .fine!” Elma said, her heavy cheeks and jowls flapping. “If. . .only. . .I could. . .” she tried standing, revealing the full extent of the damage done to her by her own office policy and innate desire for snacks. Elma was mind bogglingly, intensely, incomprehensibly fat. Even to Kobayashi who had reached a level of obesity that far outstripped even what was normal in America, Elma was on her own pedestal. She was a blob, naked and pale. Heavy cheeks flapped against thick neck rolls which melted into a series of chin flaps. Her arms were thick as logs and begging to be more fat than arms, her biceps bulging up into over-inflated life preservers with thick forearms poking out. Voluminous breasts which were bigger than most women’s torsos flooded down her segmented gut. Industrial pillar legs tried hard to fight gravity in order to stand, shaking violently from the weight pressed against them. Elma was naked and bathed in sweat, food stains, and wrappers. Kobayashi, her own stomach threatening to hit the floor at any moment, felt the thudding jiggles travel through her body as poor Elma tried to move. Grunting and shaking, her fat wobbling in half a hundred different directions, Elma almost got her feet under her. In a loud gasp, she fell forward and onto her belly. The room shook violently and Kobayashi was afraid that the floor might collapse. Elma sloshed back and forth, an ocean of fat that would one day grow to encompass the entirety of her apartment if left unchecked. Elma looked surprised for a second, shocked that she could no longer stand, but that was replaced with a different thought when she saw the snacks that Kobayashi was carrying. “Oh! Are those for me?” She asked, eliciting a groan from Kobyashi.

                                                                    --- Maid Cafe ---

“Sh-shut down?!” Tohru gasped when she saw the sign on the door. Granted, she had to first shove her breasts and stomach out of the way in order to read the sign but it was there nonetheless. Tohru had been in a great mood as she skip-waddled to work that morning. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and her breasts had grown another size as she slept. Images of Kobayashi, waddling and puffing, had drifted through Tohru’s head as she made her way through the streets. Passerbys had looked at Tohru strangely, trying to understand how a woman that fat could possibly be that animated. 600 pounds of dragoness flung wildly through the shops and streets. Tohru was becoming more accustomed to her size, she had only knocked down three people that morning. They hadn’t seemed to mind, being encompassed by so much blubber was hardly a punishment. Tohru had helped them up after each knockdown. This had all contributed to the rosey atmosphere that she had cultivated that morning. An atmosphere that had come crashing down when she read the sign on her beloved cafe. “How? How is that possible?!” She threw her question out, not really expecting an answer.

“Uuuurrrppp. . .schoorrry. . .Tohru. . .” Tohru jumped when she heard a husky voice behind her. Her landing shook the surrounding buildings. Tohru wheeled around, her thickened tail and voluminous butt pressing against the glass panes in the door. The woman speaking to her was one of the maids. She had long, blonde hair and was dressed in her typical uniform. Tragically, however, she was far too fat to fit in the uniform and almost too fat to stand. Her stomach rested upon a walker as it flowed from beneath the short skirt of her maid costume. “We’ve. . .slluurrrpp. . .jusct gotten. . .uuurrrp. . .too fat.” The woman belched and took long, almost seductive sucks from an extra large milkshake from the burger joint across the road. The formerly thin, formerly employed woman wiped tears away from her eyes. “Oh. . .it’s. . HORRIBLE!” She slurped down the rest of her shake, taking heavy steps forward with her belly shoving at her wheeled walker. “Me and the. . .BURRRPP. . .other girls. . .are so. . .sad.” She enveloped Tohru in a massive hug, their warm and slightly sweaty bodies colliding. “Sniff. . .me and the. . .huff. . .other girls. . .are starting a plus size. . . cosplay account though.” She stepped back, a mischievous twinkle entering her eyes, obscured slightly by her tears.  “You’d be. . .free to. . .join us. . .if you wanted.” she stepped back, her mobility platform coming with her.

“Oh, that sounds interesting!” Tohru exclaimed, putting a hefty arm up in the air. She was at least a hundred pounds smaller than any woman in the cafe, it might be fun to be the “thin”, cute one of the group. “I’d have to ask my lady first though!” She added quickly, knowing that Kobayashi liked to weigh in on Tohru’s decisions. Fishing through her voluminous, heavy breasts she drug out a cell phone. She slapped in the numbers, her bingo wing biceps flopping back and forth wildly as she typed the numbers. Soon the phone was ringing and balanced between Tohru’s round face and pudgy shoulder. “Kobayashiiiii!” Tohru cried as the call connected. “The maid cafe is shut down. . .everyone is too fat. But I’m invited to be apart of a cosplay. . .oh. . .ok! You and Elma? I’ll be right over!” The call was quick, with Tohru slipping the phone back between her jiggling, watermelon sized cleavage. She turned to her maid friend, who looked like she was about to collapse from the strain of standing on her overtaxed, pillar-like legs. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Tohru bowed, her stomach popping seams on the side of her dress while her booty shoved up the back of her dress and exposed her panties. “My master, Kobayashi, needs me!” Before getting the other woman’s answer, Tohru had turned, taken a sprinter’s stance, and charged off down the street with a look of utmost determination. Her heavy footsteps shook the entire block. The other maid looked on in amazement, hardly able to stand under her own weight.

                                                      --- Candy Shop ---

“Oh, Ilulu, this is fantastic.” Take’s grandmother exclaimed, looking out over the store. It was busy, filled with people interested in candy. “I never would have imagined my little shop becoming popular enough to franchise.” She smiled, watching as a couple perused the shelves close to the checkout counter. The man was a little on the chubby side, his once athletic build having slid into slight disrepair. His girlfriend, on the other hand, was quite a different story. Dressed in a white dress, the massive woman easily filled the store isle herself. She bent over, her ass big enough to reach back and graze the checkout counter and wide enough to prevent two people on either side of her from looking at the candy shelves. She giddily and greedily scooped up her favorite treats, burying them in her ballooning cleavage. She, with the help of her boyfriend, raised herself back up and turned around. She had a wide smile on as she waddled to the counter. Ilulu could remember when the Japanese woman was a slim, 90 pounds. Now she was bordering on 450, at least. The candy shop had certainly, with the influx of mysterious orders, provoked change in the clientele as much as it had within Ilulu herself.

The chaotic dragoness joined the ranks of people who could no longer fit in their clothes properly at all. Worse still, Ilulu was shorter than most people thus her fat sacked up faster. Her normal work shirt had, through the constant ripping brought about by her breast growth, become an obscene piece of fetish gear. She had, after a loving and calm prompt from Take’s grandmother, taken to wearing a little white sheet over her breasts in order to hide their bouncy magnificence. It did little, but was a nice touch. Ilulu might have weighed less than the other customers and her fellow dragonesses, but she was every bit as wide. Her shape could best be described as “wide” with her round stomach shoving her arms out to odd angles. She was almost a snowwoman in shape with three spheres of growing sizes stack ontop of one another. Though the shapes were out of order. Her breasts were her biggest feature, so big that they could wipe out entire shelves of candy if she turned too fast. Her stomach was slightly smaller, still big enough to push the buttons on the cash register should she lean forward or take a big breath. Her curvy buttocks helped balance her shape out, though it drew little notice in comparison to her other features. “You’ve done very well.” Ilulu said to the kindly old woman who had provided her with such an amazing job. Looking out on the sea of obese people drew a rare smile from Ilulu. It was nice to see so many people enjoying themselves, even if it was at the cost of their clothes and mobility.

“You and Take.” Take’s grandmother corrected, smiling as the mega-fat woman in the white dress waddled up to the register; her stomach shoving the register back by several inches. Ilulu calmly shoved the register up, eliciting a giggle from the fat woman, who had clearly come to enjoy her size more than the taste of candy. The boyfriend smiled good naturedly and put his arm around what he could reach of his girlfriend. Ilulu casually wondered if Take would ever become so comfortable with physical intimacy with a cute girl. Ilulu’s advances, strange and unorthodox as they may be, were always met with a gout of blood rushing from the young man’s nose and stammering apologies. Ilulu didn’t mind so much, but she wanted something just a bit more. When her heavy breasts needed rearranging, she wanted Take to volunteer for the task. . .not run and hide from them. But that would come, she supposed. She just had to find more and more reasons to press and smother the boy with her growing bulk. “The two of you have turned this place into something quite magical.” Take’s grandmother finished the transaction with the obese woman. Both bowed, but a serious ripping sound indicated that the young woman had split her dress; most likely all the way up to her back. She blushed and quietly rushed out of the store. A part of Ilulu was jealous of how the woman’s boyfriend got to hold her dress closed. She wondered what Take would do if her pants split and her nakedness was exposed to the world.

“Yes, I. . .” Iulu started to say, before she was cut off by a vibrating between her breasts and stomach. She fished out her phone, which had been lovingly rushed by the two walls of unrelenting fat, and answered. “Hello, I’m at. . .oh. . .I’ll come right away.” She put the phone away, struggling just slightly to raise her breasts. She turned to Take’s grandmother, her breasts smacking the register out of place again. “May I be excused? One of my friends needs help.” She said calmly, thinking about what Tohru had said to her on the phone. “Unfortunately, it is rather urgent.” Take’s grandmother smiled and gracefully motioned toward the door. Iulu hurried out, her fat bouncing off of the other fattened customers.

                                                          --- Elma’s Apartment ---

“Ooooohhhh Kobayashi!!!” Tohru said, pressing her bulk into the back fat of her master. Kobayashi was sat on the floor of Elma’s apartment, her pants and shirt burst open from what must have been quite the landing. The sensible khaki pants had burst completely open, exposing decidedly pink and adorable panties, while her shirt had ripped at the sides and allowed her reservoir of love handle fat to escape. Tohru sloshed her massive mistress from side to side in a deep and tenacious hug, their fat intermingling. “I’m so sorry that you had to be stuck in this stye for so long, trapped with this utter pig!” Tohru glared at the naked Elma, who in her naked immobility, was still feasting on the snacks that Kobayashi had brought. “How awful it must have been to be forced to do nothing but eat, belch, and fatten up to look more like this hog.” Kobayashi rolled her eyes, trying not to comment on how thick Tohru was laying it on. In truth, Kobayashi had eaten almost as much as Elma had; slowed only by the fact that she was further away from the food. Elma, from her spot on the floor, had a much easier time pulling the food into her maw. Kobayashi was forced to reach forward, fighting against her massive stomach in order to reach the food. This was what led to the sorry state of affairs for her clothing.

“It’s fine Tohru, thanks for coming so. . .BBBLLUURRRRAAAAAPPPP. . .fast.” Kobayashi belched, patting her full stomach. When faced with no other option, she had begun feasting just to pass the time and gain her strength back.

“HEY! I’m not a. . . .MMMUUUURRRPPPPP .  . .pig!!” Elma called from the floor, despite eating from a box of chocolates without using her hands. “Besides, Kobayashi. . .UUURRRRPPP. . . brought these treats for me.” Elma huffed, her food covered breasts rolling on the floor as she feasted further. Elma, despite Tohru’s words, was in absolute bliss. She rolled forward and back, side to side as she ate; a happy pile of draconic jello.

“You could have fooled us.” Ilulu’s voice joined in with the already assembled women. She picked her way through the junk slowly, working her way around the stacks of boxes and garbage. “What have you been doing here, Elma?” as if the answer wasn’t obvious to everyone. Ilulu looked at the scene with something resembling wonder. She had been called by Tohru in order to help Kobayashi back to her feet and back to the apartment, but she wondered if that was even going to be possible. The red headed woman had grown so huge and fat that even the strength of both her and Tohru would be sorely tested. Elma was going to have to be properly stuck, there was no way that the ladies could lift her blobbish form.

“W-why is everyone. . .BLLLUUURRRPP. . .picking on me!” Elma said with tears in her eyes. She’d have wiped them away. . .had her arms still had the dexterity and strength to reach her eyes. “You are all fat too! It’s. . .LLURRRAPAAAP. . .not fair!” She sniffed. It wasn’t long before her feelings were forgotten in place of servicing her endless hunger. Her many chins flopped back and forth as she ate, smeared with food from god knows how many meals.

“How are we going to move Miss Kobayashi?” Ilulu ignored the sobbing, gorging Elma-blob and turned to focus on Tohru, who was still smothering and patting her mistress. “Can the two of us even do this?” She tilted her chubby face to the side, her round cheeks flopping on to her immense breasts.

“Nope! But that’s why I called in back up!” Tohru turned, accidentally smacking Kobayashi with her soft, blubbery butt. “Lucoa should be here soon!” Tohru spared a greedy glance at Kobayashi’s fat, the desire to touch and fondle springing to mind. “But we can get started, I think we can do it!”

                                     --- Elma’s Apartment, slightly later ---

Lucoa happily bobbed her way up the stairs to the apartment. Her huge, soft, engorged breasts bounced and flopped against her rounder stomach. The laid back dragoness had finally reached a new stage of fatness. She was proud of the obesity that she had attained. 300 pounds was nothing to sneeze at. It had been a delicious journey, from plump to fat to obese. Of course, it wouldn’t have been so fun if she hadn’t involved her friends. Mentally, and then physically, she patted herself on the back for her cleverness. Getting Shouta to use his money to purchase obscene orders to both the candy shop and maid cafe, followed by promoting Elma to top floor manager at the company. Lucoa had wanted to spread the gifts of fattening to her friends. Based on the call from Tohru, it sounded like Kobayashi and Elma had really taken to it. Granted, Lucoa had been fairly obsessed with her own gain, so she had not seen her friends in some time. She wanted to pack on mass quietly, revealing her own weight when the time came. Now, at a surely heavy and massive 350, that time had come. Lucoa waddled up the stairs, having to use a thick hand to keep her balance. She was excessively curvy. Her breasts had now eclipsed watermelons in size and her belly and butt attacked her shorts from multiple angles. Her shorts were now permanently unzipped, allowing for her stomach to flop around freely. Her booty devoured her shorts, suckin in the tight fabric between her soft cheeks. It felt good to be so fat, surely the biggest of all dragonesses at this point.

Lucoa hummed as she stepped into Elma’s apartment. She was so happy that she only sort of noticed the junk, through which a little path had been carved. “Oh my, they must be having a party!” Lucoa said dreamily as she wandered back through the refuse. “Hellooooo, I’m here!” she called. “Hope you saved enough for me, I’m pretty. . .hun. . .gry.” Lucoa stopped short as she reached the living room. She was greeted with a surreal sight. Her friends, blimped and ballooned beyond any rational size. Kobayashi and Elma looked positively massive, more like landmarks than women. Somehow, through repeated attempts of movement, Kobayashi had also fallen to the ground, rolling on her stomach as much as Elma. Tohru and Ilulu were tugging on the semi-mobile office worker’s belt, the last piece of intact clothing on her body. The blobbish red head was sighing and rolling her eyes as the two dragons tugged and pulled, succeeding in only driving her pants and panties deeper between her voluminous buttcheeks. Lucoa was in shock, everyone in the room was bigger than her by at least a factor of two. A single, adorable tear formed on her left eye. It seemed that her plans had worked too well, with her friends unable to resist the siren call of sweets and fattening foods. Lucoa, instrument of her own destruction, self-consciously tugged at her own woefully small belly. “I. . .thought. . .I was the fattest.” She sighed, holding a chubby arm out in defeat.



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