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This story has officially been expanded through some paid DLC. Enjoy the extra chapters + characters. This might become a recurring story.

Arc 1: Discussion and Stuffing

--- Pyrrha’s Post Practice Pep Talk ---

“Hey. . .hey. . .whew. . .Pyrrha.” Yang panted as she jogged up to Pyrrha. They were both on their way out of the lockers, another successful sumo practice having been completed. Both women were dressed only in their mawashis, Yang’s a bright yellow and Pyrrha’s a regal red. Pyrrha had her hair still up in the traditional bun with hair pins shaped like roaring flames on either side. Yang, however, had let her hair down already. The golden locks streamed down her doughy, muscular body in a shamelessly provocative way. “You did. . .excellent. . .today.” Yang puffed the words out, trying to compliment her senior sumo. “I always learn so much. . .even when I’m getting my ass kicked.” Yang smiled, putting an embarrassed hand behind her head. Pyrrha was new to the sport, but Yang was even newer. Though the gulf between the two was measured more in months than years, it was a stark divide. Pyrrha was fatter, more muscular, taller, and had a killer instinct for combat. Every match was logged in her mind, the moves of herself and her opponents lodged deeply within her memory. Seeing Pyrrha’s jiggly body in action was more than enough to raise her to hero status in the eyes of the smaller, 200 pound Yang.

“Oh, thank you, Yang.” Pyrrha turned and smiled, a little unsure of how to respond. Whatever accolades she had gotten, Pyrrha remained a down to earth woman. Compliments and niceties were always strange and awkward to the crimson haired sumo wrestler. “You are coming along quickly too! I wouldn’t have imagined that you could reach 200 so fast.” She smiled, trying to pay back the compliment but worried that it was too forward. She had never complimented a woman’s body, much less something as intimate as her fat.

“Says the girl who set the record for getting to 300.” Yang slammed her nearly naked ass into Pyrrha’s larger, fuller booty. The two giggled as jiggles spread across their fleshy expanses. It was not purely for martial skill that they had become sumo wrestlers. For each woman at Beacon’s sumo academy, there was a touch of something deeper, kinkier which drove them. “I’ve seen you at the communal banquets, girl. I didn’t think a plate of sweet and sour chicken could disappear so fast. The way you drank that sauce after, too. . .” Yang whistled. Eating was central to life at Beacon. Skill and raw talent could only take a woman so far. It was fat, the kind of fat that buried a woman’s mawashi and engorged her stomach and breasts that really won her accolades and tournaments.

“It was delicious!” The fattened, flame haired warrior rubbed her stomach; her meaty gut roaring suddenly with hunger. “Don’t tell anyone. . .but I might have had a little practice with eating that particular dish.” Pyrrha sighed, fondly remembering a very intense feeding session. “My cooks made a couple gallons of chicken and sauce and dumped it into a big, metal bin.” The two women shuddered, imagining the sight and smell, clutching their pillowy arms to their large, naked breasts. “I tossed my chopsticks to the side and just dove in with both hands.” Pyrrha blushed but was too excited by the memory to stop. “I was grabbing so quickly with both hands that my boobs were shaking, sauce was dripping between my fingers and landing between them. I was such a mess.” Pyrrha finished, now panting as hard as Yang had been when she initially waddled up.

“Oh god. . .that sounds. . .wow.” Yang coughed into her hand, stealing a look at Pyrrha's puffy chest. Her breasts were enormous, bigger than her own, and resting delicately between the curve of her upper gut. She then looked at her own. Yang’s body was developing nicely, though it had so much more room to grow. “No wonder you’ve gotten so fat. I’ll have to try that.” Yang slapped her belly, causing her stomach to flop up and down, bouncing up and over her mawashi. “Time to get this body plumping up!” She blushed, hoping Pyrrha would comment on her pudgy body.

Pyrrha did more than that. Taking a strong, doughy hand she slapped one of Yang’s exposed asscheeks, giving into her barely hidden desires. Pyrrha might not have been great at receiving compliments, but she loved to dole them out in her own way. “I’m sure that you’ll be plenty fat soon enough.” She winked, loving the connection she was forging. It reminded her of being in the ring with Yang. Their heaving bodies colliding. Only here it was more of their emotions and desires colliding, rather than their bodies. Pyrrha grabbed her mawashi, using the thick, red chord and beltto jiggle her hefty gut and booty. She wedged the poor fabric between her cheeks, showing off as much of herself as possible. “Of course, there is going to be plenty of me to throw you around. I won’t let you off easily, Yang Xiao Long.” The two beefy women laughed, taking playful and lightly sexually charged swings at each other. Their bodies bounced and jiggled, breasts slapping against their stomachs. Pyrrha was sorely sorry when she broke it off. “Well, I have to get to round two of practice. . .post practice stuffing.” She inclined her head down the opposite hall. “Gotta get those pounds somehow.”

“Hey, no problem! I gotta do the same.” Yang smiled. “I’ll make a mess of my dinner if you make one out of yours?” She ventured. Yang was longing to bury her round face in a bowl of mac and cheese. The warm goo of melted cheese enveloping her chipmunk cheeks. She would eat like Pyrrha had suggested, filling herself to gluttonous new highs.

“Deal!” Pyrrha said. She leaned forward, wrapping Yang in a tight, bare chested hug to seal the deal. “Get fat fast so I can toss you around more.” Pyrrha said to Yang as they parted. Both women turned and waddled in opposite directions, stealing looks back at the other woman’s quaking asscheeks.

--- Pyrrha’s Post Practice Stuffing ---

Pyrrha lumbered down the halls of Beacon Academy. Her breasts rolled back and forth, exposed to the world. Her asscheeks bounced and slapped at one another, burying the red beltof her mawashi between their pale expanses. Her stomach rolled out in front of her, large despite being utterly empty. She patted her stomach with a plump hand, her bulging biceps knocking against her breasts as she comforted her growling gut. Pyrrha was seemingly the perfect picture of a Beacon sumo: a deadly warrior created from equal parts fat and muscle. She had just finished the day’s training and was moving to her favorite activity: eating. It was the perfect time to gorge herself. Her muscles had been worked by practice and were desperately crying out for sustenance. Her entire body was more susceptible to bulking and fattening now and she intended to take full advantage of their depleted state. Pyrrha continued waddling down the halls, her naked feet slapping against the floor. She felt drained but proud. She had put every inch of her wide body into today’s training and was excited to reward herself. As she neared her feeding room she could smell the food cooking away, her mouth began to water.

Each sumo had their own feeding room, a sanctuary of gluttony tucked away from the rest of the academy. Here they were free to relax, unwind, and build themselves back up bigger than before. They were secret havens, places where only the sumo and their approved people were allowed. Sumo diets were hatched here, the special concoctions that would help to allocate more fat and muscle to their enormous bodies. Pyrrha breathed deeply as she opened the door to hers, ready for the sweet stuffing that would follow. Inside, the room was decorated like a warrior lodge. Statues carved in the likenesses of sumos that Pyrrha admired stood around the room, their voluminous bodies serving to both inspire vigor (and lust) within Pyrrha. An enormous pillow sat at the far end of the room, perfectly molded for Pyrrha’s fat and growing booty. She waddled into the room and towards the pillow, ringing a bell on the wall to let her helpers know that she was ready for food to start flowing to her. Using a handrail on the wall, Pyrrha eased herself into the pillow; a cloud of fluff billowing out as her 300 pounds of fat fell into place. She sniffed deeply, wafting the smell of food into her nose. “Ladies, I’m ready to begin!” she called, slapping her stomach in greedy anticipation.

“Coming right away, Miss Nikos!” Penny said, appearing from a door that was intricately carved into the wall. “We’ve been hard at work preparing things!” She backed into the room whilst carrying a long table. On the table were round depressions, outlined with gold. Penny continued into the room, backing right up to Pyrrha before setting the table down. On the other side of the table was Velvet, who smiled and waved quietly. “Shall we start easy?” Penny bent over, patting Pyrrha’s pudgy cheek. “Or are we going to have fun today?” She asked, looking into Pyrrha’s eyes.

The round, heavy sumo thought for a moment before responding. “We’re going to have fun today. Start me off heavy!” She smiled, her stomach roaring in approval. Penny squealed and skipped back to the miniature kitchen in the other room, dragging Velvet with her. The pair quickly returned with pots and pans, bowls and plates laden with fattening and delicious food. Steak, chicken, and pork dishes mixed with every sauce imaginable. Pyrrha did not have to be told when to start. She simply reached out a heavy, wobbling arm and drug one of the plates to her. It was chicken and rice doused with some sort of spicy sauce. Normally, one would eat it with chopsticks, however, Pyrrha simply shoved her face into the mountain of food. She took large, haphazard bites; shoving as much food into her gullet as quickly as possible. The crimson haired warrior hardly bothered to chew, instead forcing the food down with willpower alone. Droplets of sauce and grains of rice rained down upon her, dripping over her massive body. Her breasts, uncovered and naked as per sumo dress code, shook and jiggled wildly with her feasting. They bounced and flapped on her stomach, puffy nipples hardened in excitement. In minutes the plate was empty. “Bllluuuurrrpp. . .pretty good.” Pyrrha said, letting the plate slide out of her hand. It would have clattered on the floor, had not Penny raced over to catch it.

“Miss Nikos, you had better worry more about eating than talking.” Penny patted Pyrrha’s head, lightly pushing her back towards the food. “Velvet is already working on more food. You don’t want things to pile up!” Before Penny finished her sentence, Pyrrha had dived back into the food menagerie and pulled back a pot of ramen. Noisily, Pyrrha sucked down the noodles; they whipped side to side as she brought them into her gullet. Her gut was quickly covered in droplets of broth. Pyrrha rocked back and forth as she glutted herself, almost sexually excited at the chance for more food and fat. She up-ended the bowl, pouring its contents into her mouth. . .mostly. Much of the soup splashed down onto her, staining the red Mawashi that was snugged around her deep navel. Pyrrha leaned forward, exposing her massive ass to the world once more. She ate piggishly, elbows on the table and her belly touching the floor. Food soon smeared her body, her fat shoving emptied plates out of the way as she gyrated back and forth. Her immense ass wobbled back and forth, her mawashi almost getting swallowed by her pale cheeks. She was a woman unleashed, free to gorge however she pleased. Pyrrha, though normally reserved and stoic, was never one to shy away from throwing herself into her work and training. It was her job and duty to stuff herself, fattening up every week until she was the heaviest and fattest sumo. “This, this is so. . .Bu-BBBBOOOOORRRRRRRPPP. . .good.” It just so happened that she loved what she was doing as well.

“You are doing so well!” Penny said, patting her friend’s love handles. Pyrrha didn’t even respond, far too buried in gluttony. The android turned real girl watched happily as the flame haired girl continued to glut herself. Pyrrha was fatter and hungrier every day. She had started as a skinny, 120 pound woman but had transformed herself into a 300 pound warrior. Penny knew that Pyrrha would only get bigger too. She was just so eager to eat. 300 would quickly turn into 400 and from there who could say? Penny suspected that Pyrrha wouldn’t stop until she was the biggest woman in the sport. “Here, here. . .” Penny bent down and grabbed a two liter bottle of soda. She had noticed Pyrrha looking around for something to wet her throat with. The fat girl grabbed the soda quickly. She dropped and rolled onto her back, shaking the entire room with her landing, and started to suck the bottle dry. Penny noticed that Pyrrha’s stomach had once again become full, expanding out such that it resembled an overblown bubble. It was so stuffed that even the tip of it was starting to take on a rosy hue. Penny leaned down, gently kissing the soft expanse of tummy fat. “Keep going, Miss Nikos.” She gently encouraged. “Just keep getting bigger and fatter.” She took one more moment to study Pyrrha, before skipping back to the kitchen to grab some stuffing implements.

“BBBBLLLUUUURRRUUUPP-ommf!” Pyrrha gasped as a belch was cut short. A plastic tube had been shoved into her mouth, with Penny hovering above. The redhead winked before starting to pour a pitcher of something into the tube. Pyrrha struggled a bit, unused to funnel feeding, until the liquid hit her tongue. It was pancake batter. The sharp, sweet taste instantly relaxed her. Pyrrha melted under the pleasure, allowing her massive body to spread even further out. She sucked diligently at the tube, trying to draw as much batter into her mouth as possible. There were hiccups, both metaphorical and literal, as she was fed. Penny’s hand would slide or Pyrrha would gasp, spraying some batter around her. Creamy droplets landed around her body, decorating her with delicious batter to be licked off later. Pyrrha rubbed her stuffed stomach, smearing all of the food stains together. She continued slurpring from the tube, even her suckles becoming sloppy and wild. The feeding continued, blurring into a haze. Pyrrha couldn’t remember when she started, she hardly even remembered what had happened to her prior to the stuffing. The impending food coma rolled over her, slowly stealing mental clarity and physical ability. Her body, now filled almost beyond its capacity, was calling for rest. Yet it would be denied for a while longer. There was yet more food to eat.

“Ooookkkkaaayyy!” Penny called, her voice underscored by the rolling of a cart. “Velvet has finished her part of the deal.” Pyrrha tried to look over and, to her surprise, found herself still lying on the floor. She wasn’t sure how much time or meals had passed since the funnel feeding. Her mawashi was stained and dirty, needing a thorough cleaning. Lazily, Pyrrha rubbed her stomach and breasts, squishing them together in her daze. The car stopped beside her though she wasn’t able to see much from her floor based vantage point. Penny, presumably, pushed a button and the cart began to lower itself down. At the same time, Penny and Velvet grabbed Pyrrha and hauled her upright. Her stuffed, tight, reddened stomach sloshed as she was moved back up. Her butt once again fully covered and buried her mawashi. Tired, Pyrrha leaned forward, her massive boobs sloping over her gut. Drunkenly, Pyrrha leaned over and looked at the final culinary challenge.

It was a cake, though that seemed a pitiful way to describe what sat before her. It was a confectionary monstrosity. As tall as a child and with multiple layers of impenetrable frosting, Pyrrha was now looking down a fortress made of frosting, batter, and sugar pieces. “I. . .I. . .oh wow.” Pyrrha mouthed, trying to assess whether she could even manage to eat the thing sitting before her. Thanks to the cart resizing itself, it now rested at a level even with Pyrrha. Penny was about to say something, to cheer Pyrrha on further, when the sumo wrestler simply flopped into the cake. Her arms spread wide, Pyrrha dropped into the soft, spongy food. The cake splattered, but did not entirely collapse, though Penny and Velvet sighed at having to clean their own uniforms. Pyrrha, meanwhile, was in hog heaven. She was swimming in delicious, sugar goodness. The sugar from the cake breathed new light into her fattened body. She ate first with only her mouth, hollowing out the cake as best she could, while her arms stroked the sides lovingly. Her entire front was covered in cake, and she loved it. As the cake diminished through her feasting, her hands were once again free to shovel food into her chubby face.

Despite the enjoyment, it was a labor of love to finish the cake. Pyrrha was breathing heavily, her aching arms hardly able to bring scoops of soft cake-sponge to her plump lips. At times, she hefted her boobs to lick off the frosting; thankfully they had grown so large that she could lick them with no problem. Pyrrha, dignified warrior of Mistral, scooped and drug heaps of cake that had gathered on her body and shoved them into her mouth. Her belly was so fat and engorged with food that her pillar legs were shoved apart. Slowly, the cake disappeared, with only the gratuitous smears left on Pyrrha’s body as evidence of its existence. All that was left in the center was a thoroughly stuffed sumo wrestler, panting and huffing. Her task complete, Pyrrha fell down on her back; her weight once again shaking the room.

“You did a great job today.” Penny sat down next to her friend, rubbing Pyrrha’s mountainous gut. “We’ll turn you into the fattest sumo wrestler yet.” She cooed. Pyrrha let out a massive belch before falling asleep.

Arc 2: Challenges and Rewards

--- Pyrrha Puts Her Weight To Use ---

“Ok, ladies, for our next match. . .” Glynda Goodwitch said as she waddled up and down the lines of young sumo wrestlers. Her blonde hair was done up in an intricate bun, with ornate pins to keep it in place. For her outfit today she had chosen a purple mawashi laced with a thick chord of twisted rope. Her wooden clog sandals clacked on the floor of the gym while her breasts audibly slapped at her stomach. Glynda’s breasts were almost as big as her stomach, the twin heaps of soft lard forming an inciting curtain over her exposed body. She was as elegant as she was massive. One would not have imagined that 800 pounds worth of blubber could move so fluidly, yet she stood as living proof.Glynda was a woman who had reached the top of her career as a sumo, but had decided to transfer that institutional knowledge into breeding a new generation of talent. There was something about watching scrawny, young girls come into Beacon and leaving as monsters of fat and muscle that could take on the entire world that was deeply pleasing. Already this year’s girls were looking fat and full, blossoming with untapped potential. Glynda smiled as she inspected her newest crop of students. It was a hard choice of what match to make. Experienced vs newbie? Small vs big? Evenly matched on all elements? The potential variables ran through her head until her eyes alighted on a black mawashi which was just a hair too tight. “Blake Belladonna and. . .” Glynda paused again, sweeping the crowd for a good match. “. . .Pyrrha Nikos!” She called, chuckling slightly; her immense breasts bobbing up and down slowly.

“Yes, Master. Happy to compete.” Blake said, hopping up from her crouch. She waddled over to Glynda and bowed. Blake was quite the specimen when it came to sumo. She was a ring-brat, what women in the sport called their children who followed in their steps. Blake was the daughter of Queen Kali, one of the biggest, most feared, and ruthless women to ever grace the sport. This meant that Blake had been born with quite the silver spoon in her mouth. From the time that she was little, the black eared faunus had been absorbing sumo culture. She had studied her mother and her opponents closely, doing her best to inherit the legacy that Kali had created. Based on her performance so far at Beacon, she was doing an excellent job. Blake had come in as skinny as any of the other girls, but had quickly ballooned to a seat shattering 300 pounds. Even when she was thin, she had already had the training and muscle memory of a journeyman sumo. Now, armed with size and training, she was a force to be reckoned with. Gynda tapped Blake’s head with a folded paper fan, she carried it for those moments when the gym rose to a sweltering heat due to all of the large and active bodies grammed in, and released the young sumo to take position in the ring. The corners of Blake’s mouth turned in the shyest, smallest smile. She waddled into the ring, ready to once again prove herself.

Pyrrha too struggled to her feet, her heart pounding. She had never had to test herself against anyone as good as Blake. Most of the others that she had faced were complete rookies. “Thank you for this opportunity, Master.” Pyrrha bowed, sweating slightly from nervousness. She waddled into the ring, staring down her opponent. Blake paced lightly back and forth on her side like a jungle cat that had spotted its next meal. Despite being comparable in weight, Blake just looked heavier. Her stomach was a single slab of belly fat, sliding down and over the belt of her mawashi. Meanwhile, her thickened legs and butt protruded behind her. Birthed by Kali, who had been as sensual as she was fierce, but continued by Blake, the Belladonna Booty was a worldwide phenomenon. The black chord of the mawashi was utterly buried by Blake’s asscheeks, hopelessly lost between folds of buttery booty bulk. Pyrrha, trying to establish some sort of camaraderie, nodded at Blake. The gesture was not well regarded, the faunus sumo royalty merely sniffed and tilted her head away. Pyrrha had been getting rather buddy-buddy with Yang, something that Blake would not tolerate. Blake settled down into her stance, shoving her ass out as far as possible; knowing that Yang was somewhere behind her. She intended to give a good show.

Unsettled, Pyrrha nervously crouched and got low to the ground. Her heart pounded as she stared into the golden eyes of her rival. Her mind ran over useless facts and figures in an attempt to come up with some sort of strategy. Little came to mind. Blake raised one of her meaty, pillar legs and slammed it down in; shaking Pyrrha’s nearly naked fat. Sucking a deep breath in to make herself look bigger, Pyrrha raised a leg of her own. It was hard to tell how much of an effect it had, but Pyrrha did notice the ripples spreading across Blake’s body from the stomp. It gave her a little confidence. The world was silent, save for the deep breaths of the two combatants. They stared at each other, eyes searching for the most obvious point of weakness. Pyrrha found her eyes darting to and from Blake’s uncovered chest, wondering how a woman could be so blessed with tits and booty. Then, from the dark of the gym, Glynda gave the signal to start.

In a rush of wind, Blake charged forward. Her feet pounded over the sand of the ring, her body quaking and jiggling with ferocity. Pyrrha’s eyes widened as she saw the muscle flex and coil beneath Blake’s fat. A wall of unstoppable force was headed directly for her. Pyrrha was saved only because of her trained reflexes. Crouching low, the crimson haired woman met Blake’s charge with outstretched arms. Their bodies collided in audible slaps. Pyrrha’s face was buried between Blake’s breasts, pressing into her sloping belly. Somehow, despite her mind being occupied with thoughts of her own demise, Pyrrha felt her fingers curl around Blake’s Mawashi. She tugged upwards for all her life, body leaping into action. The two women’s muscles flexed and strained, each trying to overpower the other. With strength that surprised even herself, Pyrrha found herself standing up from the crouch she had been in whilst still gripping Blake’s mawashi. She adjusted her hold, bringing herself into a bear hug with the black haired woman. Blake was still above her, breasts and stomach filling Pyrrha’s mouth, but she was off balance. Pyrrha was able to walk her back, making Blake hop on her tiptoes. Grunts and heaves filled the air. Blake tried to force her weight down, wanting to bring her feet into full contact with the floor again.

Pyrrha could feel her hold slipping. Blake was too fat and too sweaty. The heat from the two women was great, their insulated bodies being too much to handle. Pyrrha continued backward though, desperately trying to not lose her advantage. She was a step or two from the ring’s edge, Blake’s squirming body in hand. It was then when Blake sprung her trap. For one joyous moment, she went slack in Pyrrha’s arms. Her full and unrestrained weight bore down on Pyrrha like several sacks of sand. The red head tried to compensate, shifting her grip. With the quiet reprieve, Blake spun into frightful action. She twirled in Pyrrha’s arms, throwing and spinning her shoulders. In effect, her weight was all thrown to one side without Pyrrha able to counter it. Blake’s foot finally touched the ground again in full. The effect was devastating. It was like an anchor had been put down, halting progress immediately. With feline grace, Blake spun again on her foot wrenching herself out of Pyrrha’s grasp. Pyrrha was stunned at how quick it all was. She had no idea that 300 pounds could move so quickly or precisely. Another second passed and Blake had passed Pyrrha’s guard completely, slipping around behind her.

Pyrrha felt a large stomach bump into her back, two full breasts quickly thereafter, and finally two strong arms encircled her. A torrent of Black hair and beaming yellow eyes appeared over her shoulder. “Not today.” was all she heard, quiet as a nightwind. Then Pyrrha was falling, spinning through space and time. Her round, flabby, muscular body spun until it landed heavily on the sand. . .a foot outside of the ring. Shocked and stunned, Pyrrha turned and gaped back at her opponent, who merely sniffed and whipped her hair. Blake waddled back, slapping a massive buttcheek in a move that was both subtle and insulting. The Princess of the Ring had claimed another victim. Blake took her seat next to Yang, leaning over to whisper something in the blonde’s ear. Yang giggled, but then tried to shoot a sympathetic look over to Pyrrha who was still laying on the soft sand of the ring.

“Quite the match ladies! Point to Blake though!” Glynda called, waddling up to Pyrrha. She bent over, filling Pyrrha’s view with her unbelievably massive breasts. Pyrrha could see nothing other than pale flesh and rosey nipples. Yet, she felt two strong hands fish through the wall of breast fat to grab her and haul her to her feet. “You did very well, Pyrrha.” Glynda said, putting the smaller woman back upright. “Never let your guard down though.” She smiled, turning Pyrrha around and tapping her lightly on the ass. Class was summarily dismissed, with students left to their own devices. Pyrrha gathered her things, watching as Blake and Yang waddled out together. Before exiting the gym, Yang gave Pyrrha a thumbs up and a broad smile. Blake put a beefy arm around Yang and pulled her blonde friend in close. Pyrrha sighed, watching the two leave. Her eyes drifted from Yang’s body to Blake’s bigger one. The crimson haired warrior felt desire welling up in her heart. The desire to challenge, to prove herself, to become a champion. She packed her bags and headed towards her stuffing room, there was work to be done.

--- Blakes Reaps the Rewards ---

“BLLLLUUURRRUUUUPP. . .thatsch amasching.” Yang said, opening her mouth as wide as she could. Blake stood over her, drizzling chocolate into her mouth. The blonde haired beauty guzzled it as best she could, knowing that it spilled over her growing breasts as much as it did land in her mouth. Yet, it mattered little. This was the fun of sumo. Hard work and physical intensity followed by boundless sensual pleasure. Yang lapped at the chocolate, her hand reaching out to grab and tug at Blake’s black mawashi. She drew her massive friend closer. Blake loomed over her, a goddess descended to earth in order to practice the martial art of sumo. The bowl of melted chocolate drifted closer and closer until Yang was drinking from the lip, her fingers clasped around the bowl and Blake’s sausage fingers. It was hard to explain to non-sumos the connection between classmates. The art of wrestling was such an intense, physical competition that things often got a little. . .confused. Throw messy stuffing sessions into the mix and you were sure to arrive at some very strange, though interesting endpoints. Yang finished her drink, her eyes peeking just over the lip of the immense bowl. “You were amazing too.” She said with uncharacteristic shyness. She was cowed by Blake’s presence, unable to fully articulate the pressure she felt.

“Thanks.” Blake withdrew the bowl and thumbed Yang’s lips. She sucked on the chocolate covered appendage liberally, seductively slurping the sweetness off. “I might have wanted to put on a bit of a show.” She sat back on to a pile of pillows, upturning the bowl to her own plump lips. She slurped and sucked the food down, noisily feeding. It was to her shock, but not discomfort, when she felt Yang slide up beside her. A soft hand worked across her broad stomach, trailing from between her breasts all the way to her deep navel. Blake slurped the sauce down faster, eager to put on yet another show. Different methods to the same end goal.

“And who, exactly, did Blake Belladonna feel like impressing?” Yang let the question float in the air.

Blake tossed the bowl away. It clattered amongst many others. She reached forward to bring another tray of morsels to her, her mighty ass crushing the pillows it rested on. Blake’s room was fashioned in the style of some grand, ancient, desert palace. Tapestries and mosaics lined the walls, depicting complex geometric patterns. Rather than seats, plush pillows had been arranged for her and Yang. The lack of support meant that they had to use each other, their bodies bouncing off of one another. Pretending not to notice Yang, Blake brought a plate of deliciously battered and fried fish back; her biggest weakness. She sucked the fish down, grasping two in each hand as she feasted. Flakes of crust went everywhere as she savaged the plate. Her stomach puffed out before her, straining at her already small mawashi. “I. . .BBBBRRRRUUUUPPP. . .can’t say.” Blake belched happily, slapping her puffed up stomach. It hardly jiggled, being too stuffed. Through the ravenous post-match activities, Blake’s stomach had been transformed into a rock-hard food baby. She finished the fish in quick time. Casting another plate aside. However, she found her hand blocked.

“I think I could make you tell.” Yang said, a casually cocky smile on her face. “Pretty easily too.”

“Think so?” Blake returned calmly, ready for another match. . .though she hoped this one was more engaging than the last. “How do you. . .” She started to say, but was cut off. Yang, far less stuffed that Blake, was able to roll her 200 pound body onto the fatter woman. She shoved Blake back, pushing her down onto the pillows. Yang, straddling Blake’s legs, shoved her belly against the larger mound. She rocked forward, putting a finger to Blake’s lips. The blonde twirled a bottle of something in her other hand.

“Now, Blake Belladonna, you spill the beans or else I’m going to pump you so full of honey that you won’t be able to move for a week.” Yang screwed off the top of the honey bottle, tipping the thick liquid towards the edge of the bottle. The golden liquid, shining like Yang’s hair, oozed outwards and dripped onto Blake’s expansive chest. Slowly it trailed ever upwards as Yang brought the bottle to bear. “Better get talking, or else I’m going to know one sticky kitty.” Yang wiggled her hips, gyrating her belly and mawashi against Blake’s own. Blake, hardly able to cope with the situation, pressed her large breasts together. She spread the honey between them, mixing it with the already lurking chocolate smears. Dirty, she had never felt so dirty before. Hardly a warrior in this context, Blake was simply a fat girl getting fed by a close, too-close friend. Her tongue licked her plump lips.

“Do your worst.” was all she said in response


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