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Kink Level 1:

  • Two large women share a lovely evening together.

Tsuyu Asui waddled her way out to the car, her expansive body shaking and jiggling underneath her. She could tell that Mina was already in the car; given how the car was listing aggressively to one side. It was time for her own heavy load of fat to balance it out. Huffing and puffing, Tsuyu hurried towards the large SUV. It was one of the few vehicles capable of ferrying around both Tsu and Mina at the same time. Her flats slapped the ground as her green dress swished around her fat-swollen knees. Tsuyu reached the car just as she was starting to get out of breath. 100 or so feet was a far way to travel when you weighed over 700 pounds. She drew open the door with sausage fingers to find Mina taking up the the passenger side and then some. Her pink bulk spreading over the armrest. Tsuyu smiled, she loved her girlfriend's soft fat. Tsuyu then hefted herself into the car, rocking it violently. As soon as her bulk was settled in her seat, however, Mina turned and presented her hand out to Tsuyu. Something small and pink rested in it. "What are these?" Tsuyu asked as she looked down. They were small, pink, heart shaped pills or candies.

"Oooohhhh. . .just some 'mood enhancers'.” Mina made air quotes as she described them, her puffy, round body shaking with the slightest movement. Mina had such a beautiful, round face. Three chins with a fourth on the way, Tsuyu could spend hours staring at her rolls jiggle. “Thought we could have a little extra fun tonight.” Mina’s voice was coy. She winked at Tsuyu and inched the candies closer. "All we have to do is take these. Then we have the best Valentine's date of all time!" She practically purred the words out. The pinkette inched her hand towards Tsuyu's chubby breasts, shaking a candy closer to her lover. "Comeee on, Tsu!! It'll be so much fun!" Mina couldn't help but squeeze her chubby shoulders together, making her flabby body jiggle.

Tsuyu grimaced, her conservative personality didn't allow for much partying and certainly no drug tasting. However, as she looked her girlfriend in the eyes, she felt her willpower collapsing. It was Valentine's day afterall, she probably owed Mina a little excitement. "Let’s not, I want this to be about us." Tsuyu saw disappointment cross Mina’s eyes. She was such an adventurous, free spirited woman. It seemed like she was always pulling Tsuyu into some mess. While it had paid off for the couple, it had been Mina’s suggestion to gain weight in the first place.

"Okay. . .you’re right. This is about us as a couple, not just a party night." Mina tucked the pills back into her pocket. The overburdened car soon made its way out of the driveway and down the street, its occupants talking about how excited they were for their dinner.

. . . . . . .

"Oooooh. . . huff. . . Tsu! This. . .place. . . looks amazing!" Mina said as she waddled towards the restaurant. The restaurant screamed posh wealth and good taste. It was brilliantly illuminated, beaming its grandeur out into the night. Mina's eyes practically teared up as she continued towards the building. "My. . .goodness!" She turned and hugged Tsuyu close to her, their massive, round bodies bouncing off of one another. The two were so fat that their bodies actively pushed each other away. This made physical interaction all the more pleasant, since they had to work for it. Mina snuggled in Tsuyu’s breasts, squeezing as if she could pour her love into her girlfriend through close contact. “Are you sure this isn’t too fancy?” She said softly, running her hands through Tsuyu’s soft, braided hair.

“Very sure, Kero. It’s our day afterall.” She tilted Mina’s chubby chin up and kissed her. The two worked on wrapping their arms around their elephantine bodies. Mina tickled Tsuyu’s back rolls while Tsuyu dropped her arms lower and lower, hovering just over Mina’s chair crushing booty. It was a rich moment, the kind of thing that only couples who have kept their fire burning over a long period of time can understand. It wasn’t an expression of animal lust but, rather, two girlfriends expressing themselves physically. Finally, the two broke apart, still holding hands. “Let’s not keep them waiting, kero.” Tsuyu said, squeezing Mina’s chubby hand. The two started to waddle again. It took no small effort to waddle their bulk across the parking lot. Often, they had to squeeze themselves between cars, their stomachs and rumps caught between the machines.

As they waddled, Mina worked to adjust her turquoise dress. It was hard keeping her massive bosom in order. Her breasts, full to the point of seeming fake, shoved playfully at the lip of her dress. They were eager to jump over, freeing themselves to the world. It was Mina’s job to keep them contained. The full view of her pink, soft, teardrop shaped orbs of fat belonged only to Tsuyu. “Dress becoming a problem?” Tsuyu said, giving a rare wink. The fatty, froggy hero hip checked Mina; their thunder thighs clapping together in a ballet of ripples. Mina made a sardonic face, pulling her dress’ bosom up so that her breasts bounced. It was like watching water threaten to overflow its container. Mina’s boobs seemed to curve over the lip of her dress as she moved and adjusted it.

“My dress is just fine, maybe a little small in the bosom.” Mina huffed, tugging her dress again.

“Your breasts do seem to just keep growing, Mina.” Tsuyu was more than happy to discuss her girlfriends breasts and their continually advancing size. It was always a celebratory occasion when Mina would twirl into a room, her massive ass knocking over anything around her, showing off a ripped or otherwise shattered bra. Her pink knockers colliding and shoving for dominance like pigs and a trough. Tsuyu loved to run her hands on them as they cuddled, hefting the large, hand filling orbs of soft fat. Tsuyu could remember a time when Mina had been just a little jealous of women like Momo for having larger breasts. During their pillow talk, Mina would sometimes whisper about her jealousy. It was then Tsuyu’s job to make sure those thoughts flew away. . .if only for a little while. She’d kiss her girlfriend, lightly tugging at her curly hair. Now, many hundreds of pounds later, Mina was free of her breast envy and Tsuyu was quite adept at kissing and pulling hair.

“Ha-ha. Well your butt keeps growing too.” Mina patted Tsuyu’s monster booty with her hand, watching ripples spread outwards. Tsuyu wouldn’t deny having a monstrous, furniture destroying butt. If Mina had a bra killcount, then Tsuyu had a chair and couch killcount. Her fluffy butt was round, warm, and infinitely comfortable to cuddle. Tsuyu’s ass had been getting so large that she was starting to require help slipping her clothes on and off. Mina would, to the best of her dwindling ability, crouch down behind her girlfriend and slowly pull her panties or shorts up. Mina would have to tug and pull, jumping the cloth up in short bursts. All the while, Tsuyu was braced against a wall, trying to keep her balance. Tsuyu, though she would never admit it, always loved when her girlfriend forgot what a shelf her ass was. There came a time during every dressing exercise when Mina would stand just a little too quickly, her head would knock against the underside of Tsuyu’s massive, naked ass. The froggy hero would do her best to avoid giggling and quietly enjoy the feeling of her ass quaking. When she was feeling particularly frisky, Tsuyu would lean her doughy stomach and breasts against the wall and shove her ass out further. There were times when even the most conservative girl had to put her body on display.

Tsuyu had been nervous about intentionally gaining weight, but those fears quickly evaporated when she saw the results. There was something about ripping a pair of new jeans that had felt satisfying to her. There was a time when Tsuyu had been a little showy when sitting down. Her butt would ooze across the chair, seams snapping. It was even better when her stomach had started to make its presence known. Tsuyu’s favorite moments of clothing destruction came when she both ripped the seat of her pants and burst the buttons and zipper on her jeans. She would call to Mina and her girlfriend would come running, eager to pat her belly and feed her more food. “Pretty soon I’ll be able to use it like a sofa.” Mina couldn’t stop running her hand on Tsuyu’s ass, feeling both the supple fat and the soft, green material of Tsuyu’s dress.

“Only if you plan on losing a little weight, Kero.” Tsuyu checked her hip into Mina again, just a bit harder. She loved hearing the clap. “I won’t forget that someone broke two chairs last week.” Mina blushed, loving her weight being discussed in such a candid manner. It felt good to be noticed for the large woman that she was. She and Tsuyu had worked hard on their bodies. Eating every chance they got. Lounging around on the weekend. Rubbing lotions and creams on each other in order to stay soft. It wasn’t just happenstance that had seen them blimp up to 800 pounds a piece. It was a total lifestyle change. One that the two had shared in with growing passion. Texting new, calorically explosive meals to each other, weekly weigh-ins, and intensive outfit planning sessions. There had been long nights of staying up and laying on the floor slumber party style, and talking about what life would be like in another 50 pounds. Now, more than 600 pounds later, they were still talking about what their massive future would look like. The two big women kept waddling, slowly making their way to the door.

. . . .

“Hello, table for Tsuyu Asui.” Tsuyu said, bowing slightly as she spoke to the hostess. The hostess was small and skinny as a rail. The kind of woman who would get asboutley lost in either Mina’s or Tsuyu’s body. At the beginning of their gaining, there had been talk of one of them staying skinny. It was an attractive position for either Mina or Tsuyu. Tsuyu was afraid of gaining weight, a laughable concept now, and Mina wondered what it would feel like to get sat on by a much more massive Tsuyu. Seeing women like the hostess always made the couple of fatties wonder what could have been. Would it be more fun if there was an extreme size difference? Caring and tending for an obese, growing women sounded like fun. . .much like being the obese woman that got tended to. Both Mina and Tsuyu had dreams that put them on either side of the fantasy.

“Of course! Right this way, Miss Asui!” The woman said cheerily. She grabbed a couple menus and walked them to their table. She was so much quicker than the bulky heroines. Mina and Tsuyu had a slow, full waddled. This glacial pace got even slower after a meal, when the two were so full that they could hardly even stand. They would huff and puff, hands resting either on top of or underneath their massive stomachs. Mina put her hand out as she made her way to the table, touching the booth dividers in order to keep her balance. She was almost amazed that a person could walk as fast as the hostess did, despite having once been able to walk that fast. It was easy to forget that she had once been thin and athletic, with her ability to jump Tsuyu had been even more athletic. That had all gone to the wayside. Sacrifices had to be made for greater happiness. Maybe Mina and Tsuyu couldn’t see or reach their toes. . . but at least they were happy. They continued waddling through the restaurant, both of the big girls doing their best to not smack their doughy hips into the tables of the restaurant goers. “Ok, here we are! Your server will be along shortly!” The hostess said, showing the two to their table. Before leaving, she pulled over two extra chairs for Mina and Tsuyu. The girls breathed a sigh of relief, not wanting to ruin any more chairs.

“This menu is so big!” Mina exclaimed, pushing the menu to her breast in an excited hug. “I seriously want to try everything!” She ran a sausage finger up and down the listed items, each sounding better than the last. The table was balanced on their bellies, both big and fat enough to lift the polished piece of furniture several inches into the air. Mina ran over the menu three times in quick succession, trying to find what sounded the best. “You are seriously going to have to roll me out of here! Ugggghh!” She squeezed the menu again, looking at Tsuyu. Tsu was licking her lips, her long and flexible tongue flicking out and betraying her excitement. Mina had read somewhere that frogs would attempt to eat anything that could fit in their mouth, she could happily confirm that Tsuyu would do the same. She had seen her girlfriend shove and entire ham into her mouth, her tongue wrapped around it. Tsu had been passing through the kitchen, glad only in her panties. Her stomach gurgled and rumbled, provoking her feeding response. Without thinking, she had shot her tongue out at the ham which sat unguarded on the counter. Tsuyu then drew it back, slowly drawing it into her mouth. She had some difficulty swallowing it, but somehow managed. Tsuyu had then belched, patted her stomach, and waddled off to the couch; her panties riding up her massive ass. It was perhaps the hottest thing Mina had ever seen.

“It all does sound good. I didn’t want to make a pig of myself, kero, but I might have to.” Tsuyu smiled. It was her signal, she was giving her blessing for Mina to go hog wild with ordering. Tsuyu, despite how big she had gotten, still retained her conservative and even slightly shy personality. Mina had grown more exuberant, her big body making it easier to life larger than life. Tsuyu, however, seemed to enjoy just being herself. . .only quite a bit larger. If it was up to Mina, the two would indulge in every last part of being fat. She loved everything that came with excessive size, zero reservations. Currently, she was trying to talk Tsuyu into gaining to the point where they needed scooters. “We could always call in a tow truck. I don’t know if we’d fit in a taxi, kero.” Tsuyu gave a shy smile, her mind racing with visions of her and Mina forcing their way into a taxi, its tires popping and the frame bending. Maybe one of the waitstaff would help them, Tsuyu could imagine the hostess shoving her shoulder into Mina’s cellulite riddled buttcheeks. Tsuyu started licking her lips again. “You take one half of the menu and I’ll take the other, kero. We can share.” Tsuyu winked.

The waiter walked over, smiling and reaching into his pocket to pull out his order pad. Whatever he was expecting the two to order, Mina and Tsuyu quickly exceeded it. The two women ran up and down the menu, stacking orders and modifications to orders quicker than he could write them down. Mina and Tsuyu grew more and more excited as they ordered, bright gleams filing their eyes. They were already relishing their massive order, excited to stuff their bellies to the brim once more. Finally, after a 7 minute order spree, the waiter could return to the kitchen; unsure of how he was going to explain to the cooks what Mina and Tsuyu had ordered. With the waiter gone, the two were free to talk excitedly about their impending meal. At some point, Tsuyu reached her puffy hand across the table.

“Mina, I love you. . .kero.”

“I love you too, Tsuyu.”

The two smiled at each other, ready for their fattening meal to arrive.


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