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Kink Level 3:

  • All together too much belching

  • Loads of lewd dialog

  • Torrents of sweat

  • Mentions of body odor

  • Messy eating

  • Corruption and moral degradation

  • Two huge girls who are actively lusting after one another.
  • If this isn't for you, there will be a more vanilla story coming!

Tsuyu Asui waddled her way out to the car, her expansive body shaking and jiggling underneath her. She could tell that Mina was already in the car; given how the car was listing aggressively to one side. It was time for her own heavy load of fat to balance it out. Huffing and puffing, Tsuyu hurried towards the large SUV. It was one of the few vehicles capable of ferrying around both Tsu and Mina at the same time. Her flats slapped the ground as her green dress swished around her fat-swollen knees. Tsuyu reached the car just as she was starting to get out of breath. 100 or so feet was a far way to travel when you weighed over 700 pounds. She drew open the door with sausage fingers to find Mina taking up the passenger side and then some. Her pink bulk spreading over the armrest. Tsuyu smiled, she loved her girlfriend's soft fat. Tsuyu then hefted herself into the car, rocking it violently. As soon as her bulk was settled in her seat, however, Mina turned and presented her hand out to Tsuyu. Something small and pink rested in it. "What are these?" Tsuyu asked as she looked down. They were three small, pink, heart shaped pills or candies.

"Oooohhhh. . .just some 'mood enhancers'.” Mina made air quotes as she described them, her puffy, round body shaking with the slightest movement. Mina had such a beautiful, round face. Three chins with a fourth on the way, Tsuyu could spend hours staring at her rolls jiggle. “Thought we could have a little extra fun tonight.” Mina’s voice was coy. She winked at Tsuyu and inched the candies closer. "All we have to do is take these. Then we have the best Valentine's date of all time!" She practically purred the words out. The pinkette inched her hand towards Tsuyu's chubby breasts, shaking a candy closer to her lover. "Comeee on, Tsu!! It'll be so much fun!" Mina couldn't help but squeeze her chubby shoulders together, making her flabby body jiggle.

Tsuyu grimaced, her conservative personality didn't allow for much partying and certainly no drug tasting. However, as she looked her girlfriend in the eyes, she felt her willpower collapsing. It was Valentine's day afterall, she probably owed Mina a little excitement. ". . .alright, but only because it's Valentine's day." Tsuyu waited for Mina to stop squealing, enjoying how emotional her girlfriend could get. She took all three of the candies off of Mina's hand. Tusyu popped them into her mouth and began chewing intently. The first thing she felt as she chewed the candy was a fizzy feeling. Her mouth seemed to heat up, the warmth quickly spreading to her body. Tsuyu shivered as the drug took full effect. A rosy bloom filled her eyes and she felt a tingling through her breasts and between her legs. “Wow. . .Kero.” was all Tsuyu could say.

"Oh my God!!" Mina gasped. “You weren’t supposed to take all three!” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pill bottle. Quickly she tapped out three more. Mina sighed, staring at her lover. A blush was creeping over Tsuyu’s chubby face and her eyes had glazed over a little. Mina knew the pills were strong, but what that meant specifically she couldn’t say for sure. One thing was for certain, Tsuyu was in for the ride of her life. Mina could either join her on that ride or sit things out, maybe take her girlfriend to the hospital. The pinkette stared at the three pills in her hand. Shrugging, she plopped the pills into her mouth. “Don’t worry, Tsu, we are in this together.” She chomped hers down and grabbed Tsuyu’s pillowy arm. “This is going to be great!” Mina felt her body being taken over by the pills. She wanted to eat, she wanted to fuck, she wanted Tsuyu. The rosy bloom was quickly filling her eyes.

For a moment, both women wondered if they should go out. The reservation could be canceled and they could ride out their mood enhancer trip at home. However, that thought passed quickly. The car pulled out of the driveway and made its way down the street, swerving here and there as its occupants gave into lusts both familiar and strange.

. . . . . . .

"Oooooh. . . UUUURRRRPPP. . . Tsu! This. . .pla-uuuurrrrappp. . . looks amazing!" Mina belched her words out as she waddled towards the restaurant, hardly caring if her sentences were intelligible. The restaurant screamed posh wealth and good taste. It was brilliantly illuminated, beaming its grandeur out into the night. Mina's eyes practically teared up as she continued towards the building. "My. . .UUURRRPP. . .goodness!" The pink hero exclaimed, another meaty burp escaping her well laden stomach. Mina had been feeling looser since taking the drugs, wanting to do everything in her power to buck every social convention she knew of. The entire car ride had been a chorus of belches. Tsuyu and Mina both trying to outdo each other. The best belches were done into each other’s ears, making their hair move and fat jiggle. Their explosive escapades were only halted so that they could kiss and say sweet things to one another. The two felt good or maybe better than good. The mood enhancers charged through their systems, allowing the pair to focus on what truly mattered: how much they loved each other. . .and how much they loved being fat and everything that came with being fat. “I’m glad I. . .uurrrrppp. . .dressed up.”

As they waddled, Mina worked to adjust her turquoise dress. It was hard keeping her massive bosom in order and she was about finished trying. She decided, another mood enhanced decision, to let her massive breasts bob freely. She rationalized that it was fine if her girls were out only until they reached the door. “Hey, Tsuyyuuuurrrrrppp. . .look at these.” She turned flashing her immense breasts at her girlfriend. They were fat, full, and sweaty; much like the rest of her. Mina was sweltering. Torrents of sweat ran down her body, dampening her dress. Much like the belching, it had started in the car. Tsu had reached for the knob in the car and cranked the knob up. She had looked at Mina, licking her lips with her froggy tongue. “Just setting the. . .buurrrp. . .mood a bit. Kero. I kinda like a sweaty girl.” Tsuyu had said, giving a rare wink. So the car had risen to 100 degrees, more than enough to make the two large women sweat buckets. Mina could feel her breasts getting moist, glistening with sweat as the warm air hit them. While weird at first, she had quickly grown to love it as much as Tsuyu did. It was more confirmation of just how big she and Tsu were. At some point in the steamy journey, Mina had chanced a kiss. She buried her lips in Tsuyu’s chins and neck folds. Her lips had come away salty, she had eagerly licked the sweat; making sure to tell Tsuyu how good it was. “My turn for a sample.” Tsuyu had responded, her tongue slipping its way between Mina’s immense breasts. There was a little pool of sweat in the bottom, just where her breasts touched her massive stomach. Mina giggled uncontrollably. When Tsuyu finally retracted her long tongue, the pinkette had whispered: “Plenty more where that came from.” Then, Mina used a pudgy hand to shake the fabric around her breasts, spraying salty droplets everywhere. The two drove along, belching and licking the sweat off of each other. Their expensive dresses drenched in salty runoff.

Back in the present, the two waddled towards the restaurant, Mina’s breasts still proudly on display. “I still can’t. . .believe. . .you. . .urrrp. . .brought me here!” The obese, pink hero clapped her hands together with glee, though her pace was slowing. Both she and Tsuyu were having a hard time waddling. An unnatural tiredness seeped over them, possibly through the mood enhancers. Rivers of sweat ran on their bodies. Dark patches of sweat built on key areas of their dresses: armpits, between their breasts, the space between their buttcheeks. The sweat stains acted as detailing lines, underlining each girl's massive assets. The constant sweat also affected their hair. Grease built up fast, weighing down what had been full and lustrous locks. While not totally hideous, it was obvious that physical strain was piling on the two. Tsuyu’s tongue draped from her mouth, winding down her endless folds. The froggy hero was too tired and hot to pull it back into her mouth. “Uuuggggh. . .did it.  . .huff. . .have to. . .be scho. . .far?” Mina complained, wiping a hand across her forehead. In reality, the walk was rather short, but only for normally shaped and sized people. Mina and Tsuyu continued to lurch forward.

“Not. . .too. . . .UUUURRRRPP. . .far.” Tsu said, words bubbling out of her. “But. . .I could. . .watch your. . .fat . . .sweaty. . .ass . . .bounce and. . .waddle. . .all day.” Tsuyu wheezed the uncouth compliment out. She felt proud for coming up with it. Mina was a blob of lubricated fat and she deserved to know how the mood enhanced Tsuyu felt about her. “I. . .UUURRRRPP. . .wanna. . .uuuurrrpp . . .whoo.” Tsuyu was forced to stop, moments away from another heartfelt but rude comment. She was too tired to speak.

“Well. . .maybe. . .you. . .can.” Mina wheezed, filling the silence. Without stopping, she lifted up her dress. Her asscheeks were like two polished wrecking balls. They slapped and jiggled slowly. Tsuyu longed to caress those heavy cheeks, wanting to memorize the deep dimples. She loved how Tsuyu talked to her. It was so real and raw. Mina only hoped that the trend continued for the rest of the night. . .especially when they got to the bedroom.

Their respective 800+ pound bodies continued towards the door. Tsuyu fell further behind, happy to watch Mina’s mighty ass swing back and forth. Tsuyu longed to grab that blubber. The drugs in her body egged her natural attraction on. Her lust kept peaking, reaching a fever pitch before calming down a little. She could hardly contain herself. Mina was wearing a turquoise dress, now swamped with darker patches of sweat and grease. The frog hero wanted to pounce, were she able, and rip her dress off. Tsuyu was close to suggesting that they just get back in the car for some fun. However, the thought of food spurred her on though. Specifically, the thought of her and Mina sloppily slurping down whatever the staff brought them. Tsuyu had visions of Mina and her growing, filling themselves to the point of immobility. The rosy bloom in her eyes grew a little stronger.

The slobby couple finally had to slow and stop. Tsuyu leaned her bulk against a parked car, her massive ass denting it. Mina leaned on her lover, pressing her naked and jiggling breasts into her; their combined weight further ruining the car they rested on. Their chests heaved as they caught their breath. “Def. . .needed. . .UURRRRRRPPP. . . a break.” Mina burped into Tsuyu’s face. Tsuyu gave a weak smile, trying to recover. She was so hot that her tongue had to lay exposed, draping down between her breasts. “Just. . .a couple. . .of. . . WRRRUUUPPPP. . .lazy fatties.” Mina stood on her tip toes in order to better belch into Tsuyu’s face. Both girls loved the experience. Tsuyu cradled Mina’s sloppy booty, hefting the heavy wrecking balls of fat. Mina giggled. Her laugh was one of the few dainty things left to her. It was light and girlish, perfect for a pink blob. Both women panted and huffed, a mixture of open desire and extreme fatigue. Minutes passed and they slowly recovered enough to shove off of the car and waddle towards the restaurant. The car’s door was ruined beyond repair and the suspension had been thrown off.

When finally they reached the door, the two were beyond bedraggled.Tsuyu even leaned into Mina’s ears and whispered. “I can. . .urrp. .  smell you, pretty strongly.”

Mina, adjusting her top and stuffing her massive breasts back in, retorted, “Oooo, what do I. . .BUUURRRRPPP. . . smell like? No need to be quiet about it, either.” She was giddy to hear Tsuyu’s response.

“Uuuuurrrppp. . .Roses left in a gym locker after practice.” Tsuyu said, as proud of her analogy as she was of her girlfriend’s particular odor.

“Well, you’re lakewater with a hint of sandalwood.” Mina retorted, much too loudly. She sniffed Tsuyu for good measure, drawing further attention.The doorman had to pinch his nose as the two slobby women entered. Both Mina and Tsuyu thanked him for holding the door, though they still had to shove their way in. Both made sure to get as much sweat as possible on the glass of the door.

Once inside, Tsuyu waddled up to the hostess. She was a slim, cute woman. She looked prim and proper, a level of put together that contrasted comically with the disarray that Mina and Tsuyu were currently reveling in. Tsuyu leaned an arm on the hostess’ stand and belched in the woman’s face. “Table for Tsuuuuuurrrrppp. . .Asuuuuurrriiippp.” As the belches ripped out of her, Tsuyu felt Mina patting her ass, signaling a job well done. She felt a blush creep into her cheeks. “BUUURRRPPPP. . . that’s Tsuyu. . .UUURRRP. . .Asui.” She belched again, rippling the hair of the hostess. The smaller woman even rolled her eyes, clearly not impressed with the sweaty, stinky, belching woman and her date. If only to be rid of the disgusting pair, she walked them to their table. Mina giggled the whole way there, sometimes letting smaller belches escape for fun. Tsuyu waddled along, her green dress now showing darker splotches where her sweat had pooled. Mina was thinking of the best way to tell Tsuyu that her ass was sexy and that she loved how her panty lines were pressed into the fabric. The trio reached the table. With a level of foresight, the hostess quickly pulled over extra chairs for Tsuyu and Mina to ease themselves into. Tsuyu, not quite satisfied with herself, leaned back into the waitress. “Thank you very muuuuUUUURRRRRPPP. Kero.” With another vocal blast renewing the hostess’ disgust, Tsuyu tried to bow as well. . .but heard a ripping sound.

“Oooo, dinner and a show!” Mina clapped, staring at Tsuyu’s pink panties. They were wedged deeply between her flabby, cellulite riddled ass cheeks. Tsuyu,more than a little turned on, shook her ass for Mina. The pinkette cheered, practically shouting comments to her slobby lover. Finally exhausted, Tsuyu started to wheel herself around so she could sit. Mina’s eyes were glued to her girlfriend’s ass. The thin strip of pink, drenched in booty sweat, rolled between the massive and pale expanses of moist blubber. Were she thinner and faster, Mina would have lept up and tried to pull the trapped panties out with her teeth. Living her own fantasies, Tsuyu was slowly turning herself around, allowing the restaurant a good view of her ass. The show continued until she finally was able to sit down. Mina panted through the entire escapade, feeling the telltale heat between her legs intensifying. When finally settled, Mina leaned across the table and grabbed Tsuyu’s arm. “Better you than me. . .I slipped mine off in the car.” She winked and Tsuyu licked her lips, flicking her long tongue out.

“Maybe you can borrow mine.” Tsuyu said, her eyes half lidded. “They are pretty sweaty though, you might need to wash them.”

“That’s ok, I don’t mind a little stink. . .or sweat.” Mina made a loud kissing noise before biting the air in front of her. The two continued to flirt in their uniquely raunchy way until a waitress came to take their order.

. . . .

“And here is our food!” The waitress said as she hauled the last platter out to the table. Mina and Tsuyu’s table was laden with everything that they had greedily ordered. They had listed things with abandon, quickly rushing through the menu. One girl would interrupt the other, inspired by what they were hearing their girlfriend say. The waitress, about as pleased as the hostess had been, jotted down the orders, trying to ignore the smell of the two women. When the food had started arriving, she had been forced to pull a table to either side of where Mina and Tsuyu were dining at. It was a meal fit for an army, all ready to be consumed by two huge women. Both Tsuyu and Mina had rivers of drool running from their mouths, fully primed to begin a destructive rampage through their meal. The heroines, spurred further and further by the mood enhancers, let large belches escape as their meals were loaded onto the tables. Mina made kissy faces at Tsuyu, slowly hefting her large breasts. In response, Tsuyu would let her tongue droop out of her mouth and letting it flow down her own massive boobs; reminding Mina of fun yet to come. It was fun, letting go like that. Sure, the staff hated them and they would never be allowed back in. But, it was fun to be piggish and slovenly. Mina and Tsuyu had never felt grosser, fatter, or lustier. . .and they loved it.“Let me know if you need anything.” The waitress said, her tone sharp.

“Thanks a ton, honeyyyyyUUUURRRRRPPP.” Mina said. “If you wanna earn a little extra, you could feed it all to me.” She patted her heavy, sweaty, greasy stomach. “Maybe her too, just cause she’s. . . UUURRRRPPP. . .sexy. Braaapp” Mina winked at Tsuyu as she finished her blech. The waitress curled her lip in disgust and walked away. “What a. . .BURRRPPP. . .bitch.” Mina said loudly, making Tsuyu laugh. The two naturally transitioned into stuffing their faces. Sweat flew as the meaty women picked up plates and hauled them to their faces. Mina slurped soup loudly, even lapping her tongue in the broth, while Tsuyu tried to fit an entire steak into her wide mouth. Juice ran from the girls’ mouths, dripping first onto their chins and then onto their dresses. The table was so packed with food to be eaten that the girls simply set the bowls and plates on the ground, stacking them higher and higher. “Hey. . .Tscuyu. . .look at thisch. . .” Mina spoke with her mouth full as she hefted a gravy boat. She dumped it into her mouth, letting it swirl with the other contents of her chubby cheeks. Mina tossed the gravy boat, now drained, and hunched back over the table. Her chins and breasts touched the wood of the table, spreading corruption all over the finely polished furniture. “Itsch all. . .BRRRRAAAAPPPP. . .schoo good!” She happily shoved more and more food into her mouth, letting chunks of food slop onto her breasts and lap.

“Yuuuurrrrpp. . .kero. . .too. . .WRRRRUUUPPP. . .GOOD.” Tsuyu snaked her tongue onto various plates, sampling the taste before honing in on what she wanted. Her face was covered with food, more getting added every second. She slathered butter on a roll and shoved it into her mouth. Next she sucked down a plate of noodles, slurping and sucking loudly. She couldn’t even feel her belly getting full. Perhaps because of the mood enhancers or perhaps she had just reached that stage of fatness. Tsuyu knew she didn’t have to stop. She was free to gorge herself as much as she wanted. “Oh. . .urrrpp. . .oops.” She said insincerely as she let a plate of chicken fall onto her chest and lap. Sauce and grease went everywhere, further ruining the dress she had bought. Tsuyu left them, promising mentally to return later. Instead she grabbed some nachos and ate them without any hands. Lines and droplets of juice and sauce were everywhere on Tsuyu. “We are. . .WWUUUURRRRPPP. . .sush pigsch.” She said, taking a long chug from the one of the pitchers of soda brought to the table. “Schweaty, fat pigsch. . .and I love it!” Tsu exclaimed, much to the support of Mina.

“Hey Lover girl. . .UUURRRPP. . . how about you. . .BRRRUUUPP. . . usche that tongue of yoursch for schomething. . .fun.” Mina folded and smashed a flat bread pizza into her cleavage. She then leaned forward, further squishing her breasts together. “I’ve. . .uuuuurrrp. . .a little schomething schtuck between my breasts.” Tsuyu needed no further invitation. Her froggy, dexterous tongue slipped out and across the table. It fumbled between Mina’s breasts, drunkenly trying to pick up the slices of pizza seasoned with sweaty and other food. “Ooooh, yesch. . .that’sch what mama likesch.” Mina moaned, her thighs clapping together in pleasure. Tsuyu brought some of the pizza to her mouth, some of it fell to the table, and the rest was further smeared across Mina and her once nice dress. Tsuyu tried to lean further forward, giving her tongue some slack to work with, but she only succeeded in knocking over one of the tables. The two women laughed and snorted, watching their empty plates roll across the floor.

The two continued their raucous feast until the hostess came back over to the table. As was explained to both Mina and Tsuyu, who were beat red and out of breath from their meal, their server had been too uncomfortable to return to the table. The staff had been receiving complaints all evening from other guests. The two women, loving that their faux pas were being said aloud to them, played with each other’s feet under the table. “I think its juuuuurrsssstt a misunderstanding. Kero.” Tsuyu said at the end of the hostess’ screed. She felt a kind of power rising in her, one that allowed her to do and say anything. She was a paying customer, one who was having a nice evening out with her girlfriend. Maybe they got a little carried away. . .but it wasn’t like they were hurting anybody! “Juscht let usch stay for. . . BBBBUUUULLLLPPPP.  . . dessert.” Tsuyu waved a sweaty hand in front of her face. In truth, she mostly just wanted to know what a $60 piece of cake felt like between her breasts. Mina belched in agreement, dabbing a sodden napkin under her chins and between her breasts. She planned on tossing it to Tsuyu as soon as the waitress left. “Itsch Valentine’sch day. . . we juscht. . .UUURRRPP. . .want to have romantic evening out.” Tsuyu continued, trying to win the waitress over. “Honesctly. . .uuullpp. . .I think Mina and I would both love to eat a piecesh of cake off of your assch.” Tsu said, following it up with a blech that knocked a full glass of water over.

. . . .

It was no surprise that the hostess demanded that the two leave. However, Mina and Tsuyu’s destructive rampage continued. The two deciding that they wanted to live every day as unimpeded as that night. The two lovers, even once the mood enhancers ran out, spent the rest of their lives trying to be fatter and slobbier than the day before.


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