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A Totally Normal Day


The spies had failed. But their failure had seemingly paved the way to greater successes. Inga Bittersweet had been allowed to go forward with her plans to market Passion Patties. The highly addictive cookie brand hit store shelves world wide. Their influence spread like wildfire and none were left spared. It was somewhat obvious that Sam, Alex, and especially Clover had a hand in it. While the world’s population found their belts tightening, the trio of attractive valley girls were ahead of the curve at every step. Fatter, hungrier, and growing quickly, the girls were queens of the new world; a changing world. Standards of beauty had to be expanded in order to fit the deluge of newly broadened models, new sports became dominant and the meaning of “athletic” and “healthy” were challenged. Even scholastic endeavors were attuned, with the best and brightest finding new pursuits that fit the zeitgeist. Each of the girls found their niche, acclimating and beginning to throw their weight around. Yet, the more things change. . .the more they stay the same.

A Normal Day In Beverly Hills:

Sam sat on the porch of Clover’s family mansion. The sun shone down brightly on her pale skin and crimson hair. It was a gorgeous day, the kind where you just wanted to roll up your shirt and let your belly get sun and air. Which is exactly what Sam had done. Her gut, a lovely two rolled tub of fat, currently flopped out and onto her pillowy thighs. Her butt, a voluminous chair filler, took up every bit of space on the step as well as seeping both upwards and downwards. She leaned back, reaching for the box of Passion Patties, taking one of the cookies quickly and slotting it into her mouth. It was delicious, as always, but still gooey. She frowned a little as she chewed, noting the melted consistency. Finishing the snack, she turned to her other side and grabbed the journal resting on the step above her. She marked down the batch number, consistency, chemical makeup, and other scientific measurements. Between each note, she turned and dumped more cookies down her mouth. Ostensibly, she was testing in order to help Bittersweet perfect her formula. Sam had been the last of the girls to fall under the sway of the good doctor, but had proved to be the most useful. She loved tinkering with the formula for the cookies, finding new ways to improve and expand the line of products. Better still, she was more than happy to test some of the cookies on herself, at least if they were the original brand. She was still trying to find a way to keep them at room temperature without melting. The answer still eluded her.

Sam sighed, dumping the rest of the box into her mouth. She patted her stomach and waited for the telltale signs of digestion to occur. She did not have long to wait. A warmth spread through her. She felt pounds add to her already fat body. Her stomach fled forward, ripping her green top up the middle; it was old anyway. Her shorts became much shorter and fat attacked them from all angles. Her thighs puffed out, causing her jeans to press noticeably in. the crimson haired beauty sucked in a breath, puffing out her growing stomach even more. The button that had been struggling under the advancing belly fat finally gave up and allowed itself to be rocketed across the lawn. Sam laughed, feeling her newly sprouted double chin jiggle. She and the other girls were lucky. Bittersweet gave them the good stuff. Cookies barely unaltered and even supercharged. They got the effects faster and harder than anyone else around. Once the world was hooked, Inga had slowly turned down the effects of her cookies. They still fattened people into plump and obedient piggies, but they allowed for normal, day to day functionality. Now that she controlled the world, Inga needed it to function on time. However, as her prized agents, the girls were given the unaltered, strong formula. Sam sucked in air as she felt her growth spurt climax. Her pants ripped further open, her belly oozing forward to cover more and more of her lap. She had just crested the size Clover had been at the end of their original escapade, a respectable 380 pounds which promised to bloom into further obesity as her studies went forward.

Sam was so enraptured with the feeling of growth and the satisfaction of giving into the patties that she didn’t notice Alex approaching. . .at least until she felt the ground start to shake. Alex was large. One of the biggest women in all the world and one of the most obviously changed by it. Like other active young women, her desire to maintain athleticism had mingled strangely with her lust for patties. Sumo wrestling had been the natural sporting outcome of a world obsessed with fattening treats and Alex was quickly becoming the queen of it. Her body bulged with both fat and muscle in equal measure. Watching her move was like watching a hippo or rhino move, chords of iron muscle layered beneath massive amounts of fat. Alex had attained Yokozuna ranking in the school conference, allowing her to wear her distinctive yellow mawashi and top constantly. Her body flexed and jiggled underneath. Her breasts surged and sloshed in her too-small top, every once and a while showing a tanned nipple. Her ass swang back and forth like a pendulum with a wrecking ball attached, fascinating and destructive at the same time. With each step her ass hit the apex of its swing, her two beautiful buns slapping together and burying the mawashi strap further in the blubbery canyon. Lastly, Alex’s belly was on full display, a boulder of brown blubber. She took heavy steps, practically stomping back and forth as she approached her friend. Dangling comically from one of her large, muscled arms was a dainty purse. Her hair was done up in a traditional sumo topknot, lovingly done by her own obese mother every day.

“Clover not here?” She asked, her immense body blotting out Sam’s view of the sun.

“No.” Sam sighed, rolling her eyes. “I’ve been waiting here for, like, 30 minutes. It gave me some time to test the new samples at least.” Sam slapped her belly, showing off her new gained girth. It was almost comical to compare the two. Sam seemed hardly into the mid-triple digits while Alex owned 790 pounds like few other women. Yet, Sam was still proud of her pudge. Slow growing, but every pound was earned through rigorous testing and product advancement. She had spent long nights, clad only in a lab coat and green panties, running formulas through tubes and testing the results. She relished how her packed on pudge would build to the point where her lab coat was thrust aside and her panties came close to shredding. Gaining was a slow, meticulous, and highly pleasurable process to Sam. One that she planned on relishing in for years to come, wahtever the cost to her waistline.

“Ugh! I can’t believe she’s late again.” Alex scoffed, kicking the ground around the front porch of Clover’s house. The ground shook under her surprisingly small foot’s surprisingly big impact. One strong, soft, feminine hand reaching into her purse to pull out distinctive bars. “This is like. . .mmpggh. . zah fird time thisch week!” She smashed the bars, which were Passion Patties brand Bulk Bars, into her mouth. They were a fresh batch, delivered that morning and factory direct, their effects even more immediate than Sam’s cookies had been. Even as Alex swallowed the peanut butter-chocolate-protein infused mass she felt the effects hitting her body. Her arms and legs swelled and bulged with a fresh pump, swelling her already prodigious muscles to the size of industrial pipes; doubtless able to crush concrete. Meanwhile, her more curvaceous areas bulged with added fat. Her breasts jumped a size, growing closer and closer to the magic 38J cup size she had recently set her eyes on. Her ass billowed in the same manner, dozens of pounds added almost instantly. Alex was easily able to fill out a four chair spread with her mountainous booty. This was, of course, to say nothing of her belly. While she was largely proportional, Alex maybe had a bit more gut than anything else. It was a tanned sphere of fat, bigger and heavier than the kind of atlas stones that strongman competitions used. “I’m seriously close to. . .BURRRGGGHHUPPP. . .leaving.” She huffed, trying to cross her arms under her voluminous chest. She huffed again and turned to face the road, as if looking for Clover.

“Don’t do that! Who’s going to help Clover into the house?” Sam patted and rubbed Alex’s calf, her hands couldn’t even fit around it’s pillar-like girth. Sam practically drooled as she touched her bulky friend. It was not only her own growth that Sam took pleasure in. She loved watching Clover and Alex experiment and explode in size, their bodies reveling in the various formulas Sam helped create specifically for their needs. “Besides, she’s dating a really cute guy and you know she’s gonna want to talk about it.” Sam leaned forward, reaching up to pat Alex’s cellulite ridden ass cheeks. The black haired beauty suppressed a giggle, loving the feeling of a soft hand on her monstrous cheeks. Sam Lightly tugged on the Mawashi, pulling it slightly out of its deeply wedged position and indicating that Alex should sit. Sam watched with awe as her friend’s broad shoulders rose and fell with a deep sigh and she began her descent. It was like bringing a mountain to bear on a hill. Alex sat slowly, squatting back and shoving her ass backwards for balance. For a brief, terrifying, pleasure inducing second Sam thought that she would be encompassed by that car crushing ass. Instead, Alex simply continued to lower herself, resting her fat on the sidewalk below the step that Sam rested on. Sam wondered if Alex’s bulk would crush it when she stood back up.

“Uuuugggghhh. . .fine! Mmmgggpphh. Smaghmmph.” Alex said, stuffing more bars into her face. “Buuuutt. . . .she. . UUURRRPPP. . .OWES. . .BUURRRRPPP. . .ME!” Alex’s belches and words boomed out as another growth spurt rocked her body. Sam spread her legs to accommodate Alex’s growth. Her friend first widened, first muscle and then fat spreading across her back, and then sprouted upwards. In jumps and bursts, Alex added another six inches to her height. With how the bulky bars affected her, it was no wonder how Alex was close to quitting school to go pro in sumo wrestling. Already her size rivaled the pros, with the promise of further growth as she crested from her teens into adulthood. The massive, mighty woman belched and put her hand to her belly tenderly. She belched, shaking her head after. She had grown her hair long for sumo so it could be styled appropriately. Sam ached to see it undone and flowing free, the same way her fat and muscle was free to bounce and flex and jiggle as it pleased. Alex was quickly outgrowing normal highschool life: her body too huge and strong, her ambitions gathering momentum, and her personality starting to fit that of a woman who could not physically be stopped. It was beautiful.

Sam wrapped her arms around Alex’s thick neck, tickling her chins. “I think Dr.Bittersweet’s formula is pumping aggression too much. Someone is getting just a bit to grumpy.” Sam teased, flipping Alex’s plump lip.

“Maybe. . .” Alex replied, her voice deepened somewhat due to her new size. “I feel so charged up. I look at Mandy and the huge girls and I just want to fight or fuu. . .” Alex was reaching around to grab Sam and pull the smaller girl into her lap when she was interrupted.

“Like, hellooooOOORRRUUUPPP, girls!” A voice and thunderous belch that could only be Clover’s sounded. A huge, jet black pickup truck was pulling up to the mansion with Clover’s immense bulk laden in back. Clover filled and overfilled the bed of the truck, her fat body sloshing back and forth with the movements of the machine. She had at least three chins, breasts that splayed across her upper stomach rolls, hips and an ass that filled the entirety of where she sat, and a stomach that was big enough to pool over the lip of the truck. She waved a heavy, chocolate stained hand at her friends. Despite her lack of clothing, allowances had to be made for the worlds fattest woman, Clover was sweating noticeably. Her bingo wing slapped at her hanging breast fat, even bouncing up as far as her chin. She waved until she was tired, then let her arm drop down onto her side. “Sorry about being late. I totally made a pig of myself at dinner.” she giggled, slapping her stomach. The truckbed’s gate groaned as her stomach flopped back and forth. The truck finally stopped, a handsome, muscular man hopping out. “Joachim was a perfectly gentleman though.” As he approached Clover, the man tipped his hat to Sam and Alex. He stood on the fender flares, allowing Clover to lean over and kiss him. Clover’s body oozed over further, the truck slowly lifted off of one of it’s tires. While kissing, one of Clover’s immense breasts, bigger than both of Alex’s combined, slid off and hit Joachim in the chest. He recovered well, but it was like getting tackled by a linebacker.

“Mmm. . .thanks cutey. Ok, girls, lets. . .OH!” Clover finished her kiss and leaned back into the truckbed, the poor vehicle slammed back down causing the blonde blob to “jump” in surprise. “Let’s get me back inside. I’m starting to get hungry again.” Clover clapped her sausage fingers together, drool escaping her mouth freely as she thought of more food. Clover’s life was an endless series of feasts, stuffings, funnels, and tube feedings. Everything else, usually men and romance, was tucked around that schedule. The head poster woman for Passion Patties, Clover had tried every formula and cookie. Her life’s goal and purpose was to put on as much fat as possible, swamping her body in dough in order to show what a life dedicated to cookies could build. Given her relentless pursuit of her goal, she was immensely successful. Bittersweet had turned the tubby, chubby spy into a worldwide sensation. In a world gone mad with fattening fever, Clover was almost a quasi-religious figure. At least, to everyone besides her friends. “Let’s get me back into the house.” She smiled, her face a little red from the exertion of leaning over.

“Gawd, Clover! Could you be any more late!” Alex hopped up, her sudden movement causing cracks in the pavement. The hispanic hottie marched over, leaving footprints in the sidewalk as she went. Sam trailed after, trying to maintain her composure as she watched her two huge friends bicker.

“Come ooonnn, Alex.” Clover massaged what she could reach of her body. Her sausage fingers grasped breast and belly fat aplenty, more than a single person could hope to ever hold or fondle. “Like, roid-rage much?” she scoffed as her friend stood belly-to-truck. Alex huffed and panted, her muscular yet fat stomach rocking the truck. Her arms were placed on her sides, flexed and bulging. “Don’t even pretend that you could stay angry with me. . .especially when mom has tubs of Passion Patties Double Fudge Extreme defrosting.” She leaned over, tapping Alex’s nose with a finger. A little smear of chocolate wiped off, the remnants of a carton of cookies that Clover had worked through on the way back from dinner. Alex looked like she was going to burst for a moment, her muscles all flexing at once, but then simply licked the chocolate off her nose.

“You are toates the worst!” Alex bumped the truck with her gut, making Clover shake and wiggle. The truck’s suspension began to grind under the weight of so much womanly fluff. “You SO owe me double for the wait.” She winked. Sam quietly sighed in relief, mentally reminding herself to tell Bittersweet to tone down the aggression causing chemicals in the bars. No one needed the Incredible Bulkette going on a rampage across town. “Can you reach your straps?” Alex asked, leaning on the truck with one hand. Clover shifted along with the truck as Alex’s strength and weight bent it downwards as easily as one would bend a paperclip. Clover’s pale, blobbish fat was soon starting to engulf Alex’s, easily proving that she was the larger.

“Maybe, if some huge, shaved yeti wasn’t making my fat slide around.” Clover stuck her tongue out, the perfect mixture of childishness and spoiled valley teen touching her voice. She thought she could feel the lifting straps, smashed between her meaty hips and the walls of the truckbed. She tried to wiggle a hand down, but soon gave up from a mixture of laziness and muscular fatigue. “No good! Too fed and too fat!” She said proudly, laying back and putting her massive arms behind her head; the bingo wings acting as pillows for her back rolls.

“Guess that means I’m just going to have to climb in there and get them.” Alex leaned further forward, giving Clover a playful Eskimo kiss. One of the truck’s tires popped under their weight. Clover’s date said nothing, spellbound by what he was witnessing. . .but also afraid of triggering Alex’s rage. “Better get ready, Clover, I hear two is company!” Alex started to raise a leg, exposing the bright red of her mawashi thong to the world, and was about to haul her massive body into the truckbed. Doubtless, the contact of two huge behemoth ladies would have destroyed the vehicle. . .had Sam not intervened.

“Uh. . .girls. . .how about I go fishing for them?” She asked, tapping her love handles and raising an eyebrow. “We want Clover’s date to be able to drive home again. . .and be able to take her out in the future, right?”

“Duh!” Clover tapped Alex on the forehead. “Your services will not be required, Miss Kong.” She smiled, self-satisfied with her remark. Alex pouted, she had been eager for the chance to slap her fat against Clovers. It was a rare treat to be buried underneath so much soft, inviting flesh. Clover could be accused of many things, but physical imperfection was not one of them. Skinny or fat or completely immobile, Clover was a radiant beacon of beauty. A font of womanly attributes that inspired men and even other women into, what some might call, enthusiastic over reaches. Alex, spurred on by the Bulky Bars, was first and foremost in that crowd. She found it hard to keep her wandering hands away from her friends, who had trouble shooting down her advances.

“Fiinnneeee!” Alex sighed, lowering her leg and stomping backwards. “This is worth triple now! AAAANNNDD I get some time with you in the hot tub!” Alex waddled backwards, her ample ass smashing Clover’s date out of the way. She settled for finishing off her package of Bulky Bars. If she couldn’t go blubber-diving into Clover’s luscious fat, she was going to make her own fun.

Sam, in the meantime, had been struggling out of her too tight shorts. It felt nice to get her hips out and into the breeze, though she was a little reserved about revealing her panties to the world. Sacrifices had to be made, especially if it meant getting her blobby friend out and into the house. There the three could be free to gorge, glut, and amuse themselves with their bodies for the rest of the day. Sam, before casting her shorts aside, reached in and grabbed one of her accessories. WHOOP’s special butter spray. It was the greatest greaser, skin softener, and cooking ingredient for the discerning woman of ridiculous size. She sprayed it on, letting the soft liquid build up on her body before rubbing it in. Her rolls and creases soon shone in the light, fully battered up for some slippery fun with Clover. Hauling herself into the truck, Sam’s tiny and almost skinny body (relative to Clover’s) rested on the ocean of Clover’s fat. She planted a quick kiss on Clover’s fat, she wasn’t exactly sure what part of the body the roll belonged to, and tossed the butter spray to her friend. “Ok! Going under, start greasing yourself up. Alex and I will lift you in a second!” The spray landed between Clover’s massive breasts. The immobile blonde simply picked it up and sprayed it directly into her mouth; making pleased noises the entire time.

Sam was soon in a world of blubber. Though the truck bed was only a couple feet deeper than most, it felt like an entirely different place. She could feel Clover’s body rocking back and forth, buffeting and jiggling her own small curves. Sam felt a heat rise in her and a goofy grin spread across her face. Clover, the thin and tiny girl she had known her entire life, could now almost crush an entire pickup truck with her mass alone. She was truly perfection. Bittersweet had played her cards perfectly with Clover, striving to make her the biggest hog in a world overrun by pigs. Sam slid further down, one hand on the cool steel of the truck. Clover’s hip and belly fat soon closed over top of her. The redheaded porker, only slim when considered next to her friends, fought to move her own nearly 500 pound body. Sam retained mobility only on the barest of margins in the best of times. Now, with hundreds of pounds of her friend’s fat encircling her, it was hard to even flex a finger. Yet somehow she managed. After fishing around for what felt like minutes, she found the first strap.

It was long, black, and had a silver hook on the end. Sam pushed her way back up, excitedly planting a few kisses on Clover; if only to let her know the mission was partly accomplished. She was soon climbing back out and rolling onto Clover’s stomach, strap in hand. “Awesome Sam! Like, way to move it, Skinny!” Clover shuffled as much of her upper body as possible. Her shoulders and breasts rolled back and forth, causing an almost tidal effect to spread over the rest of her fat. Sam watched as Clover's breasts rolled back and forth; massive, pink icebergs on a creamy sea. “Now for the other.” Clover said, leaning as much as she could to take the strap from Sam. The truck groaned, even as Clover’s fingers strained to make it past her breasts, and one of the tires popped. Clover couldn’t help but beam as she felt the pressure release from the shattered tire, another reminder of her vast bulk. Sam handed the strap off and then rolled to the other side, quickly submerging herself again. Clover waited with bated breath. She felt Sam moving and wriggling, her greased curves shoving against Clover’s soft and sweaty mass. Her facial expression belied how much fun she was having. The immobile teen made faces of surprise, pleasure, and ecstasy as Sam went about her task. Moans and giggles broke from her plump lips as she watched Sam’s chubby hindquarters kick in the air, Clover wished she had the ability to smack it. When Sam finally emerged again, Clover was feeling just a little hot and heavy.

“Okay, let’s get you. . .inside.” Sam panted, worn out from so much work. She crawled up Clover’s body, taking visible pleasure in how their naked curves and rolls slapped against each other. Poised below Clover’s set of chins, she took the straps and began fitting them together. This freed up Clover’s meaty paws so that she could play with Sam’s fat, which was only mildly distracting. Sam worked quickly, taking only momentary pauses to bat Clover’s searching hands away. The straps fit together in such a way that they formed a large, connected loop, perfect for a Bittersweet branded “mobility drone” to lift its occupant. Granted, Clover far outclassed the weight capacity, hence why they needed Alex’s own muscular tonnage. Once secured, Clover called the drone from its hiding spot under the truck. The poor piece of machinery flew awkwardly, clearly on its last legs from so much work hauling Clover. It would soon join a number of others in the trash, victims of teenage tonnage. The drone pulled the straps taut, a bit of smoke coming from its engine. “Mkay, Alex! Get over here, Incredible Bulkette!” Alex, her face smeared with Bulky Bar residue, flexed and started to haul herself up. Even with all her strength and the assistance of the drone, it was going to be quite a feat to get Clover in doors.

Much Exertion, Sweating, and Teasing Later. . .

“Oh. . .WUUURRRRPPPP. . .see now, girls, that wasn’t so bad.” Clover said, taking a long suckle from her feeding tube. Triple Fudge Passion Patties coursed through the hefty tube, pouring into Clover’s gullet. She reclined in the hottub, her favorite spot in the house besides her bed. She filled the entirety of the tub, her gut pushing up and out the far edge. She had been working at the tub for a while, wanting to smash it with nothing other than her own weight. It had been provided courtesy of Dr. Bittersweet for a job well done after a recent television address. Clover’s testimonials about the beautifying powers of fat and Passion Patties had worked well convincing the populace of L.A. Chocolate drained down the sides of her mouth, mingling with the sweat forming on her chins. Clover, though beauty obsessed, was not above a little piggishness. In fact, she reveled in it. “Honeschtly. . .mmpphh. . .itsch. . .uuuurrpp. . .juft a . . .little. . .ssccchhhlluuuurrrpp. . .excercische.” She spoke, sucking and draining the feeding tube. All the while, she stroked her massive breasts, her fat thumbs rubbing the puffy nipples.

“Yeah. . .easy for you to say.” Alex retorted. She was in the open-air shower, washing the sweat from her recent bouts of physical labor off. “My day is spent throwing tubs of lard around a ring and you’re the heaviest thing I’ve ever felt.” Water trailed down her body, running in thick rivulates in and out of her rolls. Sam helped, sponging her friend up and down. Alex had undone her topknot, letting her long, black hair fall down her body. She and Clover both looked like nude studies, the perfected vision of the female form ready to be painted or sculpted by masters of the craft. Alex, dusky skinned and almost primal with her abundant muscles and fat, could be chiseled out of marble. Clover, slopping back and forth in her hot tub, would have to have her rolling hills and valleys of fat painted, though it would be quite the challenge to capture how her rolls slowly glided into one another. Sam slowly slid around Alex’s body, focusing on the two massive buns that were almost at eye level now. Alex continued to wash, pumping shampoo into her hair. Clover simply continued to immerse herself in further piggish, slobby gluttony.

Her face was now awash in chocolate and she seemed to care little if the food was actually making it into her mouth or not. A thick, dark river ran between her breasts, perfect for someone to come and lick off later, Clover couldn’t decide if she wanted to do it herself or have Sam or Alex help her. “Maaayyybbee, you juscht. . .UUUURRRRPPP. . .haven’t been trying hard enough!” Clover laughed, somewhere far below and buried by thick rolls of fat her feet tried to kick in glee. Steam was curling thickly around all the girls now, filling the lavish washroom. Clover could hardly see Sam now, her body obscured both by steam and Alex’s mass. Clover leaned back, her back fat fully engulfing the edge of the tub. Water slopped out, falling all over the floor. She was immensely glad that she didn’t have to clean herself or the floor. That was a task for others such as her mother or their army of servants. Clover started to drift off, falling blissfully into a food coma. Her feeding tube continued to splutter sweet mess, sometimes in her mouth and sometimes onto her breasts. Meanwhile, Alex and Sam continued their cleaning. Another day in Beverly Hills, coming to a sweet and totally normal end.


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