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Meet Joanie Vaas!

She's a 20 year old cowgirl who used to have a penchant for sports. However, she did not have the academic mind to propel her through college. Like most girls without scholastic prowess but blessed with unnatural good looks, she ended up at home and in-between jobs. Enter Millie Vaas, her mother.

Millie, once a champion milker, now sees an opportunity to pass on the family trade to her daughter. Joanie has always been nonchalant about milking and other aspects of cowgirl life (see also: fattening up). Now however, she's at the mercy of her mother, who will stop at nothing to get her daughter into competition form.

My plans for Joanie are episodic stories built around her life as an out of work cowgirl with a mother who wants to fatten her up and make her the greatest milk cow in the world. Expect lots of extreme weight gain, lactation, and maybe some other fun stuff. Essentially, Joanie will be a bit more free to have some odder kinks due to her nature as a cowgirl.

The idea is that Joanie will get lazier and more lethargic as she gets bigger, becoming more willing to be pampered by her doting mother. I'd also like to build a large cast of characters, in sort of a slice of life universe.

Let me know what you think. . .and if you have ideas for stories with her!



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