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Tags: Berry TF, Rapid growth, Feeding, MHA

--- Travel Difficulty ---

“You’re looking nervous, Ochoooo.” Himiko said, making her voice drip with sugar. She leaned her spherical bulk over, working against her handlers in order to rub against her date. Himiko flapped her nearly useless arms, wanting to grope the supple and soft skin of her girlfriend. Underneath her vast, juice filled body, hidden legs tried to control sloshing juice and the fat which contained it. Himiko moved slowly, as if she was wading through her own body at all times. Which, in a way, she was. Though a full and ripe berrygirl, Himiko was exceedingly soft. She did not have the tightness that was often displayed in media. Fans would send drawings to her, though they almost always depicted her as completely taut. Instead, she was a mostly filled water balloon, capable of only the most rudimentary and basic movements. Her waddle was slow, each step landing and sending a shock through her moist core. She swerved and listed drunkenly, moving from side to side. As she fell onto Ochaco, her bulk curved and rounded over the other woman’s bulk. Himiko giggled as her nearly spherical body formed around Ochaco’s. “Miss Berry not ready to see her adoring public?” Himiko spoke with her tongue out, ready to sample the delightfully sugary skin of her girlfriend. 

“N-no! Why. . .why would you say that?” Ochaco trembled a little as she spoke. The signs were obvious. A quaking body, as equally big and round as Himiko’s could not hide anything. Her belly, pressed against a dark dress, bounced up and down whilst the smaller spheres which were her arms and shoulders bobbed up and down. The bobs were made more erratic as her own heavy steps landed. Ochaco and Himiko waddled by throwing their arms, rolling them from within the juicy prisons. Ochaco shook her head, bits of fruity sweat flying from her puffy cheeks. “I’m ecstatic to be out. . .ha. . .ha.” The natural blue of her face darkened into a royal indigo as she blushed. The blush only grew more vivid as Himiko’s tongue and lips met with Ochaco’s exposed shoulder. Her steps faltered, body falling as a carnal wave passed through her. The sound of kissing and sucking filled the street, along with a chorus of camera clicks. The press was watching the two former heroes, eager to catalog their entire date. Ochaco squirmed, trying to get her arms to work again. They flapped up and down, only squeezing more berry juice out of her skin. She only provided Himiko with a sweeter feast. “Stooooop! We’re in public!” Ochaco tried to shake her lover off. 

“Awwww, someone is nervous!” Himiko giggled, looking up from her erotic work. Her eyes fluttered. Her hair had been kept in the same scruffy, somewhat cut but and bang style she enjoyed, but the tips of her bangs had been dyed purple. Himiko lived to be a berry, wanting to douse every part of her life in the juice she now produced. Each step squeezed out a puddle of juice onto the sidewalk or her clothes. She wore her usual cardigan, though it had been dyed with her purple sweat. Her eyes were the only part of her to remain unchanged, still flashing a brilliant gold. They seemed more alive than ever now, slurping up the attention of both the press and Ochaco. “Not used to being a celebrity?” Himiko snickered as she worked to haul herself back up. She was struggling to balance and did not want to trip. As fun as rolling in the street would be, the young woman was more interested in actually arriving at their date. As fun as groping Ocacho in the streets was, Himiko would much rather do it in a swanky restaurant. She pushed a chubby hand into Ochaco, starting the slow process of standing up. The feeling of struggle made her mouth open, revealing little fangs and a lolling tongue. “Haaave a little fun, Ocho, we’re idols now!”

“Himiko! We’re in public!” Ochaco said, trying to reach a hand over to stop her horny girlfriend. As with all things, Himiko was quick to lose control. If something was good in small doses, then endless indulgence was even better. Being a soft, sensitive berry had only made the problem more pronounced. “They’re taking pictures of uuuussss.” Ochaco whined, stretching her hand as much as she could. The ocean of fluid within the gravity hero’s body sloshed back and forth, the tides and currents changing. Before Ochaco could react, she was listing back into Himiko’s orbit. Her feet became confused and jumbled. Her nearly hidden legs shook as the juice inside of them swirled about. Ochaco scrambled to adjust her balance, but there was little they could do to keep her hundreds of pounds upright. When either of the berry women began to move, there was little that could be done to prevent gravity from working upon them. An almost featureless body started to roll to the side. Rather than a series of curves, Ochaco was one continuous sphere. Audible sounds of sloshing could be heard, the juice in the big woman becoming frothy as her ripples intensified. Her enormous lovehandle pushed against Himiko’s. Tears appeared in Ochaco’s dress as her juicy bulk shifted. A moan slipped out as her tender sides were squeezed. 

“Someone is enjoying herself now!” Himiko leaned her head along the rim of her shoulders. Her head rested in a small depression in her upper torso, just as Ochaco’s did. “Careful, Ocho, the press is watching.” Himiko threw her weight backward, eager to push into the falling woman’s heavy mass. They hit with a rubbery, wet sound. The two jiggled, bouncing up and down as their juice bubbled. “No being horny in public.” Himiko blew sloppy kisses. “Unless you are really into it!” She snickered, slapping puffy hands on the small area of her body she could reach. Her legs, trapped in round little prisons, kicked pathetically against the pavement. The undulations between the two only grew greater. Himiko did everything she could to stir Ochaco’s juice and passion, wanting to bring out the lust she knew was just under the surface. Life as a berry was raw sensation, falling from one erotic pleasure to another. Light touches became as gratifying and eclectic as sex. 

“I’m not. . .aaah. . .feeling. . .that way!” Ochaco’s cracking voice betrayed her. She licked her lips, knowing the world was watching her. They would see what a big, useless berry she was. However lauded she and Himiko were for their size and cuteness, it did not change the truth of what they were. The pair of women were lovers constantly exercising their kink to the world. “Ooooh. . .just a little. . .tight.” Ochaco rubbed her softball sized cheeks across the rim which protected her face. Large breasts, packed with juice ready to be squeezed out, jumped and bounced. Ochacho tried to lean away from Himiko, afraid of what might happen if she stayed in contact. Every second made her more lusty. As with before, her struggles only pushed her further towards the other berry. She finally gave up when she tasted Himiko’s chubby lips upon her own. The two kissed sloppily as the restaurant approached. The doors were pulled open, waiting to accept the massive pair. 

--- Meal time ---

“Aaaah. . .that was. . .booorrruuup. . .oh my. . .” The blech caught Ochaco by surprise. She rushed to cover her mouth with a hand, but found it further away than ever before. Her arm wiggled, straining through the mounds that were her shoulders. Growth, wild and unpredictable expansion, was pushing through her body. The food that had been packed into her was already beginning to digest, fueling further berry-fication. “I’m. . .bllurrrruup. . .sorry!” Another belch saw her body sprouting upwards, her stomach pushing further onto the table. Each little growth spurt meant that Ochaco saw less of the world around her, vision taken up by her planetoid body. The only other thing she saw was the blue expanse of her lover. Himiko sat across the table, trying to balance her round bottom across three chairs about to break. Narutally, Himiko was enjoying the sight of Ochaco’s distress. 

“That just. . .ooorrup. . .means you’re ready for. . .bluurrup. . .dessert!” Himiko leaned back in her chairs, putting her hands to her sides as she belched. Her eyes closed as she felt her body springing outwards. Buttons popped off of her oversized sweater as her gut came racing forwards. The two berries were becoming better vessels for the juice within them, their bodies growing ever larger in order to hold more. They were spherical chalices for the divine nectar, amphorae that could be emptied only through sexual release. Himiko opened her eyes, though they were half-lidded and drunk with lust. “Bigger belly means more food for my favorite berry.” She nipped at the air, giving the hidden paparazzi something to capture on film.

Both women were idols, their personalities split between kind and sultry. Heroes turned to waddling juice factories by a chance encounter with an invention. Mei had apologized profusely, but it was unneeded. Himiko and Ochaco slowly began to find enjoyment in their new lives, though one was more honest than the other.

“I couldn’t have more.” Ochaco mimicked her date’s posture, leaning back to pat her stomach. It might have worked, had a gurgle of hunger not rumbled out. In the blink of an eye, the round woman’s face went from surprised to embarrassed to hungry. “Ok. . .maybe a little.” She said quietly. “Not that I’m going to be able to reach it.” She sighed, trying to reach down. 

“Oooo, big girl needs help!” Himiko was quick to seize the opportunity. Throwing her weight back and forth, Himiko worked her body off the chairs. More accurately, she crushed the chairs enough to allow her legs to take over once more. Her weight cracked and snapped the chairs, breaking them down until finally her almost vestigial feet touched the ground again. Himiko lay on the table, hands searching through a pile of plates for the buried treat. An ironic gift had been sent to their table earlier in the meal, one that was most certainly going to delight the press, fans, and Ochaco if she was willing to admit it. “Lemme. . .see. . .here.” Himiko’s voice was strained as she searched through plates with clumsy and useless arms. Her gut sloshed on the table, dangling down to reach the ground. Her skirt was little more than a doily covering her bloated body. The world was treated to purple panties with images of grapes and berries upon them. “Aaaaah! Here we go!” One of Himiko’s arms had found the treat. A large blueberry pie. She stood with the prize in tow, only able to hold it with one hand. The other moved in a clumsy circle, trying to balance. 

“Is that. . .” Ochaco grew quiet, her eyes opening wide. She hated to play into stereotypes, but there were few things more attractive in the world. The obscenely large pie was balanced on Himiko’s hand, sliding back and forth as she tried to make her way towards Ochaco. Himiko knew she was not agile enough to move around the table. Rather, she forced her bulk upon it. Plates and utensils were scattered or crushed by oozing berry blubber. Her juicy gut splooshed and rolled, happily taking anything that was presented to it. The table flipped up, legs and supports cracking, before collapsing to the ground. Himiko fell forward, but only so far as Ochaco’s heaving body. The other woman had begun to breathe very fast, eyes widening as the blonde advanced. This was something she could not argue against, a temptation she would always fail. Himiko hit upon Ochaco’s drum-tight belly, splattering juice from either woman across the restaurant. The expensive carpet ruined by purple stains that would never fully come out. 

“Beeetter open wide.” Ochaco felt the purr of her girlfriend’s voice upon her wide gut. Himiko undulated her way up, intent on feeding Ocahco and breaking the chairs she sat upon. Ochaco felt her body lowering, coming closer to the ground as the legs of her chairs bent. One would snap, then the others would go seconds later. Before then, Himiko would manage to get halfway up her body. The two blue moons squished against each other, squeezing trails of thick juice and jelly upon each other’s clothes. Ochaco’s mouth opened instinctively as the pie approached. It only closed for a second when the chairs broke and she was thrown to the ground. The pair bounced, juice splattering further than before. The two women moaned, mouths open in delight at the situation. Ochaco’s dress ripped in the middle, her bellybutton would have been exposed to the word, had not Himiko been on top of her. The sight was like two waterbeds trying to make love. Cameras flashed as the pie inched into Ochaco’s mouth. “Dig in, big girl!” Himiko whispered sweetly. 

Ochaco took large, messy bites of the pie. Crust, sugar, and whipped cream were spread across her cheeks. Her face quickly looked like the pie she was eating. She slurped and suckled the glass contained, wanting every morsel. That which did not go into her gullet dribbled down for Himiko to lick. The pair ate, hardly stopping to balance themselves. Ochaco’s belly rumbled, accepting the food with glee. “BBBLUUURRRUP!” She belched, growing seconds later. “BOOOORRRUUUUP!” Himiko matched her, body bloating up and out. The pie became easier to eat with each of Himiko’s growth spurts. In a fit of lust, the blonde woman dumped it all onto Ocacho’s face. The two ate and kissed through the mess, growing the entire time. 

--- Unstuck with Friends---

Tsuyu Asui held Momo Yaoyorozu ‘s hand as they approached the doors to the restaurant. It was the end of their first month dating. As a means of celebration, Tsuyu had suggested that the two go somewhere that was upscale. The pair walked, hands swinging lightly. Tsuyu gave a quick peck on Momo’s cheek, ducking in and out before the other woman could react. Though long graduated from U.A, the froggy hero had not gotten over her shyness. It was both terrifying and wonderful to display her love in public. Tsuyu knew her little gesture of love had been accepted when she felt Momo’s head upon her shoulder. The two walked towards the door to the restaurant, eager for a small but well made meal. Tsuyu put her hand out, ready to grab the door. She was surprised to find it racing towards her palm, with a tidal wave of dark blue rushing behind it. 

“Its. . .aaah. . .so tight!” A voice familiar to the two women echoed through the jiggling field of blue. Tusyu had jumped back as the door flew open, tugging Momo along with her. The pair looked with open eyes and jaws as the double doors were pushed open by an unyielding, jiggly force. “Himiko. . .I’ve gotten. . .so big. . .you have to. . .push. . .haaah.” Tsuyu and Momo heard Ochaco’s voice, though it was thickened with food and sensuality. They had never heard her so overtly sensual. “HoooooOOOOOO. . .shoooove again. . .harder!” The building seemed to stretch as the bulging blue body was forced forward. Slowly, a face appeared. Ochaco’s hair was matted to her forehead, trails of juice running down her cheeks. Her dazed eyes stared out into the world, not really perceiving what she was seeing. It took her nearly a minute to register that other people were looking at her. “Tsu! Momo!” Ochaco’s face brightened, but the dazed look did not leave. “Wanna help a berry idol out?” She shifted her bulk as much as the door would allow. The sounds of liquid moving accompanied every movement Ochaco made. Little hands appeared, materializing out of the blue mess. 

“Umh. . .kero. . .sure, Ochaco.” Tsuyu was a little taken aback by the state her friend and former classmate was in. Another shove at the door birthed more of Ochaco’s body. Her shoulders and hands, useless though they were, were fully out into the street. She looked huge, both in width and height from the constant expansion. Ochaco’s sides curved around the door frame. Momo approached slowly, holding out an unsure hand. Tsuyu prepared to help, flexing her tongue. Years of hero experience had added muscle to Tsuyu’s lithe body, but her tongue was by far the stronger limb. She flexed her mouth before shooting out her sticky tongue. It wrapped around one of Ochaco’s hands. Tsuyu’s eyes shot open as the overpowering taste of blueberries hit her mouth. “Isscch. . .keewwwooo. . .schooo. . .schweet!” 

“Oh no, she’s going to get hooked.” Momo commented, seeing her froggy girlfriend’s excitement. 

“Well. . .uuhmm. . .worth it if. . .aaaah. . .I get unstuck!” Ochaco tried to put a silver lining. She looked back, or as much as she could with a car’s worth of juicy blue skin in the way. “Himikooo. . .we’re ready!” Ochaco bit her lip, readying herself for what would undoubtedly be the most erotically fulfilling moment of her life.  

“Here. . .I come. . .Ochaaaaaa!” Himiko snickered, sloshing her belly back and forth. She had grown just as much during the meal, exploding in all directions as delicious juice filled her more. She sloshed forward, wading through her own body. Her legs were thick pyramids, pumped full to the point where waddling was almost impossible. What she lacked in speed, she made up for in sheer weight. Himiko studied Ochaco’s gigantic blue ass, licking her lips. “Thankfully. . .I have a. . .big. . .fat. . .blue. . .TARGET!” The blonde said before thrusting her gut forward. Sumos might have been jealous at the power behind Himiko’s belly bump. There was an explosion of juice, complete with a blueish purple mushroom cloud. The restaurant rumbled and plates fell from tables. Both berry women moaned at the same time, shouting their elation to anyone in hearing range. Ocahco’s scream of pleasure grew abruptly louder as she was thrown from her place. The world shook again as hundreds of pounds of juice landed atop her old classmates.

“Hoooooh. . .thank you both!” She said, wobbling back and forth. Ochaco was caught between trying to get up and enjoying the feeling of two small women wriggling underneath her. 

“No. . .problem. . .kero. . .” Tusyu said, her tongue slowly retracting. She slid it along the oblong, rotund, juicy body to gather more taste. 

“Happy to help. . .any. . .time.” Momo sighed. 

“Glad to hear. . .heh. . .I could use a little. . .myself!” Himiko said, starting her own exit from the building. 


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