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Tags: Pregfat, Lactation, Sex,

Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89759042

Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/prompt-aangs-2-102287907

After 4 people asked for it. . .I had to come back! I wanted to do more, but time presses a little closely. Will be happy to expand (ha) the narrative on the next go around. 

Katara huffed as she was led through the palace. Toph held her chubby hand, tugging her along spacious corridors decorated with precious art from all four nations. The two large, pregnant women’s bodies shifted and slid with the same speed as tectonic plates. Sensitive breasts filled with milk hung over large pregnant bellies, whilst behind them couch crushing butt’s shook in time with their steps. They were a pair of breeding cows housed within the most comfortable barn ever created. Their bodies were soft and unrecognizable from years before when the world had needed them as fighters. A life of ease and constant pregnancy had changed them thoroughly: painted nails and toes, makeup to enhance blush caused by even light physical strain, and skimpy but expensive clothing. They had been allowed to explore othering things. Namely, each other. 

“Toph. . .I was busy.” Katara frowned, trying to tug away from her wife. Her bicep curtains swung and bounced, held aloft by the shorter woman tugging her along. “I have to get ready.” Katara’s voice was as petulant as her stride. She threw her hips in an exaggerated waddle, slowing her already glacial pace. Time was a concept that Katara only paid attention to when convenient. Meals, massages, and beauty treatments were allowed to stretch for hours but annoyances had to be dealt with quickly or ignored. Especially annoyances relating to people that had annoyed her. Toph had found her heavy ass resting on that list more often than not, given her continued interactions with Azula. Few things were as infinite as Katara’s appetite or ability to hold a grudge. Her distaste for the reformed firebender touched all aspects of her life. Rot entering the garden which had been built up for her. 

“Trust me, you will like this, Sugar Queen.” Toph looked over a nearly naked shoulder and smiled. The straps of her lingerie were all but buried in shoulder fat, with back rolls even falling over the pink fabric. The blind woman’s confidence was enough to stay Katara’s tongue and bratty tendencies. Toph was allowed to lead on, waddling towards one of the remote sections of the palace. Mounting fatigue saw her slow her pace. Now on the cusp of 600 pounds, her endurance had vanished. However, bliss resided in those moments of weakness. Through her blind sight, feeling through pulses in the floor, Toph was treated to the true feeling of her and Katara’s heaviness. Their steps were like rocks being thrown into a lake. Each one sending the equivalent of depth charges through the polished floor. Ancillary pulses were sent out as their pillar legs continued to jiggle. There was no movement, no jiggle that was not caught by Toph’s padded feet. Fat had only made them more receptive. 

“Toooopppph, stop slowing down!” Katara barreled her hip into her wife. Few women earned the cow comparison like she did when she was angry. The brunette even snorted as she tried to pass her wife. 

“Ooooh hush.” Rather than bicker like she had in the past, Toph planted a kiss on Katara’s puffy cheek and grabbed a dimpled buttcheek. Love, lust, and marriage had opened up so many more avenues for problem solving between the two. Toph’s belly, huge with both babies and fat, nosed into the side of Katara’s. Unable to hold their combined weights up, the two listed into the wall of the hallway. Fabric tightened over fat as the wall propped their fat up. Toph fumbled her way about Katara’s body. It mattered little where she grabbed, the two were so hormonally charged that any contact sent bolts of lighting through their skin. She laughed as she watched Katara’s frustration get washed away in a flood of lust. “You’re gonna enjoy it, so just wait a second.” Her hand squeezed a buttcheek that could crush two chairs. Katara squeaked, girlishly surprised over the direct contact despite a history of excessive physicality. They knew well each other’s bodies and tendencies, but playing pretend was part of the game. 

“F-fine. . .just hurry.” Katara gasped the words out. If they didn’t move, they would never arrive. She was so close to grabbing Toph’s hair and pulling her down. Anywhere could be a bed with bodies as soft and corpulent as theirs. With a palace stocked with servants hanging at their every debauched whim, every room could be a den of carnality. Katara breathed a soft sigh of relief as Toph started to recede, taking the crashing waves of pleasure with her. Glowing embers remained as their hands continued to connect. Those embers ready to ignite at the slightest provocation. Katara knew well that water could be a slow brook or a raging river, her heart mirroring her bending element. She walked the rest of the way, her eyes glued to Toph’s butt. The rise and fall of the plump, pink cheeks more inviting than food at the moment. The thought of feasting upon them carried her until they arrived at the promised door. 

Katara knew they had arrived because her stomach pushed its way between Toph’s asscheeks. The tan, ovoid shape of her large gut pressed between the round and dimpled expanses of Toph’s butt. Hundreds of pounds of blubber shifted slowly as both women strained atrophied muscles. Thick legs started to crumble, their size deceiving. There was little strength or muscle, only soft and gorgeous gobs of fat. Katara’s low wrung of belly fat, hovering just under the tight core of her belly bump, spread across Toph’s soft shelf. The earthbender, once far stronger than her short stature implied, was forced against the door. She laughed and angled her gut to the side, protecting her children but also accepting Katara’s jiggles upon her. “Hey, Sugar Queen, save the love for just a couple minutes.” Toph put a heavy hand behind her, gently squeezing what might have been Katara’s gut. “I promise, you’ll love it.” She pushed her thick arm into the door, slowly opening it using the weight of their combined girths.

To Katara, a secret room of pleasure was slowly revealed. What had once been a small, out of the way bathing area was transformed into a hedonistic hideaway. The room was humid and lush with vegetation. Waterbenders had been used to pipe water into a different section of the palace, creating a greenroom. Musicians sat with instruments, lightly playing songs of love. Servers held trays of food, piled with the most fattening and choice selections from a kitchen housed nearby. In the center of the room lay the grandest attraction: A deep bath filled with cream. The contents of the well churned rather than rippled. The cream had been thickened, turned viscous and soupy for a more relaxing dip. Servants poured sugar into the tiled fixture. It was to be the lounge of the pregnant hippos, a place to ease their bodies and grow fatter at the same time. 50 pound bags of pure, powdery sugar were dumped into the bath, the flow seemingly unending from the burlap sacks stamped with Aang’s royal sign. Toph waddled towards the bath, leading Katara. 

“Care to do a little mixing?” She asked, inviting the waterbender to her former craft. “Just a little work before we play.” She smiled, winking her blind eyes. Her feet spread apart, eager to pick up any information about how her tan wife felt about the surprise. The quickening heartbeat, thumping footsteps, and flood of jiggles seemed to prove that it was going over well. 

“Ooooh Toph, this is. . .” Katara patted her stomach with glee, already imagining the poundage that would be added through their secret layaway. Her arms moved, already starting to summon the cream in the bath. It did not move like water, too thick and viscous. Bending the cream was almost easier than water, since it moved like her own body. Rather than a gentle brook or raging rapids, as water could be and her body had once been, the cream moved slowly and heavily. The push of a wave of the white, sugared liquid mirrored the quake of a buttcheek. The spin of cream around the lip was like the slosh of her lowest belly fold. Katara would lift and stomp her foot, both unable to move how she used to as well as matching the “element” within the pool. She pulled the cream, flexing arms that had not a shred of muscle on them, spinning it around and around. The sugar glistened in the waves, twinkling in the light. Toph felt wetness spreading between her thighs, waves of pleasure moving in time with how Katara stepped on the floor. The thumps and thuds of her pillar legs landing pulsed out erotic sensation through the ground. Her bending wove sugar evenly through the cream and erotic sensation though the floor.

“Shall we get in?” Katara said, looking over her shoulder and smiling at Toph.

--- Bathing ---

“Ohhh, this is heavenly.” Katara moved her arm through the cream. Liquid parted and revealed a fat, heavy arm. That arm continued upward, drawing with it streams of cream. They flowed, guided by Katara’s bending. She said little else, instead guiding one of the streams into her mouth. The other flowed towards her wife, Toph gladly accepting. The two drank. Cream moved around them. The flow of the liquid in the bath towards their mouths was strong enough to tug at their bodies. Milk tanker breasts, buoyant enough to rest atop the white waves rolled with the currents. Katara played with the streams, making them curl around each other. The two women moved closer, only so that they could share in physical touch along with the feeding. They were excited and lightheaded from the sugar, enjoying the rush it was bringing. The little feeding was broken only because the two fell into excited laughter. Soon, touching began after. “You set this up for me?” Katara asked, moving to put her soft hands onto Toph’s doughy back. She could massage almost as well as she could waterbend.

“Of course.” Toph accepted. She turned, presenting her back and ass to her wife. Intermittent sipping of the bath had drained the cream enough for most of Toph’s upper body to be seen. Below the waterline rested two enormous buttcheeks, even more ready to be played with; but that would come in time. For the moment, Toph was just happy to have her underarm rolls squeezed. Their bodies bumped. Without the barrier of clothing, every touch was electric; especially when accidental. They were magnetically drawn to each other, unconsciously wanting to rub and play. Toph stretched out, using it as an excuse to push her butt under Katara’s large, round, pregnant belly. Though not as taut as Azula’s, the fire princess had many more children, Katara’s made up in size. The waterbender had been gaining mass quickly, pushing far beyond Toph. Stress eating mixed, pregnancy cravings, and preparation for upcoming events mixed to create the perfect conditions for excessive obesity. “Your festival approaches. I know you want to make it a special year.”

Katara giggled at the words. It was indeed her festival. What had started as a way to announce and honor Katara’s first pregnancy had grown into a national and royal celebration. Each new year she showed her current pregnancy off, letting the common people see her gravid and well nourished body. The people of the city would pray over her, presenting gifts of food to further fatten her. Heaped with attention and praise, Katara would glow for months after. “Well, I do want to give the people a real show this year.” She straightened up, pushing her breasts and gut forward; ballooning with ego. Toph smiled as humongous breasts slid across her back, nipples ducking into her rolls. Katara was larger and fatter, bearing down with her weight in a show of loving dominance. She would deny it, if asked, but Katara was always competing. Even Toph, to whom she had been happily married and intimate with for years, was a potential threat to Katara. The festival existed to show the entire world that Aang loved her the most and that the forces of the universe wanted her to be his biggest bride. “I. . .mmmgghph. . .mussccht. . .inschpire. . .our women.” Katara said, opening her mouth to receive food from one of the servants. 

“Well, you certainly inspire me.” Toph wiggled her butt. Though a small motion, the sheer size of her ass made the cream around it thrash. She bumped her butt backwards, lust being stirred as much as cream. White, creamy, viscous liquid drained around and between her buttcheeks as she raised them up. “It might be towards awful things though.” 

“Awful?” Katara gasped in mock surprise. She put her bulk against the side of the bath and opened her mouth. Servants rushed froward to dump food into it. Fried foods and sauce dropped as she began to chew. “I would. . .mmgghph. . .hav thought. . .it wassscch. . .beauty.” A stuffed mouth made it hard to tell if she was joking or indulging in her ego. Regardless, by the touch that Toph soon felt, it was clear that Katara was enjoying the conversation. The hands which had so delicately been massaging Toph’s back wrapped around to squeeze her breasts, starting to milk her. The waterbender worked to draw milk from Toph as she swallowed the food she had been given. “Afterall the help I gave you?” She cooed. “You know, being a breeding sow didn’t exactly come naturally to you.” Katara struggled to move her body closer to Toph’s. She fought waves of cream, her own grand stomach, and gravity to pull alongside Toph. “Someone had to teach you how to enjoy sex, food, and the extra movement in your hips.” Katara sucked on Toph’s neck, licking at sugar residue. Milk drizzled then poured from the younger woman’s breasts.

“Aaaaah. . .” Toph gasped, shakily unsure what to do with her hands. One gripped the wall, the other snuck under Katara’s stomach. Her mouth opened again, but was filled with food soon after. “Mmmggghp. . .scchoome. . .are. . .mmgghp. . .jusscht born. . .to be. . .cooowsscch.” Toph ate with slow decadence, showing all that Katara had taught her since becoming the second of Aang’s brides. Milk rushed from her boobs, replacing some of what had been drained. Katara’s own breasts had begun to leak as well. The two slipped on the floor, tumbling around. The cream helped float some of their fat, but there was plenty of weight to send them scattering. Katara spun, landing with her padded ass on the bench of the bath. Toph was next to her, hand struggling to duck under Katara’s belly. “Sssshhh. . .just eat. . .and get big.” Toph whispered. Her chubby fingers found Katara’s waiting pussy. She began to stroke. Katara gasped. Her flabby back hit the wall of the bath. Her legs widened, giving as much room as possible for Toph to work. Rather than hold up her stomach, she began to bend cream into her mouth. 

The pool began to drain once more as Katara ate. She devoured more than when she and Toph had both been slurping. Cream flowed quickly, running in time with the other pregnant woman’s hands. The faster Toph stroked, the more Katara would pump sugary bath fluid into her mouth. Seasoned with her own and Toph’s milk, the cream was even sweeter. The waterbender’s stomach bulged outward, stuffed on top of her pregnancy. Toph continued to stroke, pleasing and playing with Katara’s aching sex. Her pussy throbbed, more eager for sex now that her ego had been inflated. She was blowing up by the second, filling with cream to the point where she would burst. Her stomach turned red, shaded by the intense pressure within her. The cream flowed away, draining from around their bodies. Katara and Toph were left naked and cold, the cream below their knees. 

“Uuuuggh. . .can’t. . .haaah. . .keep. . .going.” Katara moaned, shuddering as she struggled to even breathe. Her fat, coruplent body felt even heavier with the cream gone. She had drained much of the bath, her body still bloating from it. Toph sweat profusely, no longer light because of the waters. Their sex became confused and slow, fumbling towards climax rather than gliding. Yet, it was still sweet. Toph got down on one knee, her own stomach touching the ground. Fat buffeted her arm, Katara’s bulk closing in. Meanwhile, Katara suckled droplets of fattening fluid from her hands and arms. She would take moments to belch or moan. More than a cow, she seemed like an elephant doused in it’s own milk. A pregnant mother ready to burst from too much tending. Finally, she did, though in a manner of speaking. 

“Haaah!” Katara jerked, coming to a climax. She thrust her belly and breasts up, attempting to stand. She was too heavy, and ended up collapsing back into the bench. The two women sat, silent and milky messes. Servants hovered around, unsure if they should bring food, towels, or more cream. 

“Let’s. . .do this. . .again.” Toph said through a strained breath. “Call it festival preparation.” She kissed Katara’s thigh. Katara nodded, too horny to even speak. She wanted to live in the current moment, bathed in cream and sex.  



This was a really fun and erotic start to this part! I definitely enjoyed the sizable descriptions at play and the ways Katara and Toph interact with each other. You definitely feel their flirty and friendly relationship energy get a lustful charge! What was also great to read were the details that hint at other things in this version of the Avatar universe. Like how Toph may have been converted into Aang’s harem by Katara, or that Katara herself has her own hedonistic driven sense of pride by the way she desires to be bigger. It definitely builds up more excitement to this upcoming festival event! I know that I already look forward to seeing it with great anticipation! ;-) Excellent part for sure!!

James Duke

Thank you!! I don't want the lore to distract from the kink, so I have to weave it in a bit 😁


Great chapter! Happy that Ang's Perfect Unity is so popular and excited to hear more about this Katara festival you mentioned. Does Toph get a day too? I suppose when you've saved the world you can make up whatever holiday you'd like! Have you considered giving the girls septum piercings? I think that would add to the whole breeding cow/sow imagery you've got going on.

James Duke

Good question! I actually was thinking that just Katara would have the festival. Since it's still sort of secret that Aang has a harem 🤣 And the septum piercing is a cool idea! I certainly love my ladies decked out in gold