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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89759042

Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/prompt-aangs-1-106318883

“Come on, you can do more. I need you to eat, Princess Hotpants.” Toph said, challenging the woman in the bed. Her blindness prevented her from wholly seeing Azula, but the missing parts were unimportant. Further, thanks to her unique earthbending abilities, Toph could experience the intimacy of stuffing in a more visceral way. Tremors that would go unnoticed by anyone else were identified and absorbed by Toph’s own thickly padded body. She felt Azula’s ragged and shuddering breaths, the previous hour of stuffing having taken a hefty toll. The former Fire Nation leader struggled to breath as she fought the gravity of her gut. Weighed down by food and babies, the pregnant woman gasped through open mouths. Toph felt the gasps through her fat, making her enormous butt jiggle. Stronger and more pleasing undulations came from Azula’s gigantic belly knocking against Toph’s butt. Azula’s middle rose like a mountain in the middle of the large bed. Its taut, reddened peak swung back and forth as she shifted to find cover. Her belly would gradually swing into Toph’s butt, hitting the woman as she took up all the remaining space on the left side of the bed. Toph stroked Azula’s belly, measuring the fat that had started to take root there. It was getting better, but not near enough. “I won’t marry a skinny woman.” 

“BBBBLLLUURRRUUUUP.” Azula could only belch in response. Human speech had been taken from her over the course of the stuffing session. She resided in a world of carnal pleasure and sensation. Communication was deeper and more simple than words. “HLLLLURRRUUUP.” She belched again. The guttural noise made both Toph and Auzla’s deposits of fat shake vigorously. Top was still more than double Azula’s weight. 540 lbs of fat hung off of her short, wide body. Toph dominated the space between Azula’s armpit and thigh, filling it with her doughy expanse. Azula was more fertile and gravid than Toph, but the earthbender had well earned her fat over a decade of marriage to Aang. However, Azula had been catching up. Eating for ten had its advantages, and Azula was now in a place to abuse them. Each craving was met and exceeded. Pumped full of the richest foods, she had begun to inflate over the weeks within the secret harem. Now close to 250, her breasts had become milk tankers and her butt filled most chairs. A rim of fat lay around her belly, brought low by gravity. Though proud of her weight gain, Azula was not one to quit early. “BBBBLLLURRRUUP.” She let loose another room filling belch. This time, she left her mouth open for more food. 

“Good. Twinkle Toes, I think it’s time to fill her up again.” Toph turned her clouded eyes towards Aang, who sat on the other side of the bed. 

“Coming right up!” Aang hoisted a large jug of a thick and sludgy liquid. He hovered over Azula, his eyes tracing her body up and down. Just as he was about to pour, he stopped. “Aare the restraints really necessary?” Aang frowned, uncomfortably with the most recent inclusion into the stuffing sessions. Azula was lashed to the bed, her wrists and ankles held by strong but silky cords. They were soft restraints, but more than effective for keeping a person held fast. 

“Duh.” Toph rolled her unseeing eyes. “How are we going to make sure our piggie here doesn’t escape and burn off all her calories?” Toph rubbed Azula’s belly with both hands, but even those became insufficient quickly. Her chubby cheeks soon found their way onto her lover’s expansive belly. “We’ve worked so hard to make her perfect, can’t let that work go to waste now.” Toph put controlling kisses on Azula’s belly, letting the other woman know that she was bound but cared for. Azula reciprocated by gyrating her hips, bringing her belly up to meet Toph half way. Rather than curing the strange kink that Azula had developed during her incarceration, the harem had only intensified it. Though much could probably be blamed on Toph. Aang frowned as she tightened the restraints on Azula. The fiery mother blushed as she felt her limbs stretched by the ropes. She was not going anywhere soon. The thought made her giddy. 

“I can. . .aaaaah. . .endure any punishment, earthbending scum.” Azula drifted into what might have been roleplay. “Is this. . .BBBBBUUURRRUUUP. . .revenge for bringing you. . .pathetic kingdom to its knees?” She asked, her eyes glittering with lust. Her hips thrust up again, only able to rise a small set of inches. She was far too gravid and bound to move effectively. 

“No, this is personal.” Toph played into the game. She leaned her mass down, first bathing Azula in her breast fat and then her chubby lips. She kissed the other woman, vigorously pushing her down into the plush pillow her head rested on. They broke apart only after a gurgle from Azula’s gut. Toph struggled to push her bulk back up, her own pregnancy making it difficult to move. Her gut pushed between her thighs, bellybutton poking outward into the empty air of the private bedroom. Her hand held Azula’s chin, tight but not unloving. “Each feeding you come closer to breaking, my puppet.” She grinned. 

“Are you sure that wasn’t from you?” Azula spat back. “We all know that earthbenders are defined by gree-” Azula was cut off by Aang putting a funnel into his third wife’s mouth. He decided that returning to the feeding was preferable to his wives roleplaying themselves into a psychosis. That, and feeding was becoming his favorite pastime. Aang kept the funnel tight against Azula’s mouth. She made love to the conical feeding device, tonguing the hole as she excitedly waited for food to come pouring through it. Aang rested the jug of milk next to Azula’s breast. He wanted her to feel the heft of it, to know that all of it was about to be deposited deep into her already stretched belly. The avatar, master of the elements and protector of the world, then started to bend the milk out of the jug. Aang felt the thickness of the liquid as he summoned it out of the container. Though the base had been milk, it had been mixed with honey and sugar to the point of becoming like syrup. The golden-white liquid looped through the air, moving with a noticeable sluggishness. Not a drop would be spilled, with every bit going to the newest harem queen. 

“Open wide.” Aang said gently. Though Azula’s lips were pressed tightly around the funnel, Aang through her could see the corners of her mouth twitch up. However, once the liquid began to push its way into the funnel, she was all business. Azula gulped the stuff down. A shiver ran through her as the pure sweetness rippled across her tongue. It was custard thick, but with an overwhelming taste of vanilla and honey syrup. Her face, neck, and chest moved as one to bring the feeding fluid into her belly. Aang flexed his hand, altering the bending of the syrup. Imperceptibly, the liquid began to flow faster. Aang controlled the speed with the same delicate but strong hand that kept the funnel planted in Azula’s mouth. In short order she went from confidently drinking to worried glugs. Her chest crested up and down as she fed, moving with sexual energy. Aang felt himself stiffen as he watched Azula work her mouth around the funnel. He had felt that mouth before, he knew how skilled it could be. He was almost a little sad that this was a feeding session. There might have been better uses for Azula’s lips. 

“I thought you could handle this.” Toph reentered the feeding. Her soft but bulky arm stretched over Azula’s belly. She felt the kicks of many babies within its tight confines. Her own belly danced with similar motions. Her free hand went to her stomach and worked through layers of clothing to find her soft skin. She found a tight baby bump surrounded by the softest fields of blubber. She massaged until she felt a kick strong enough to take her breath away. She took it as a signal to return to Azula. She had a duty to her wife-to-be, Aang’s little breeding program was only effective when all the elements worked in unity. She was to be earth, steadfast in her weight and lust. Azula was fire, burning bright and quick in the biggest bouts of hedonistic degeneracy. She would come close, but Toph knew it had to be taken further. “How am I supposed to marry someone so slow with her eating?” Toph tickled the thick roll of fat under Auzla’s chin. Azula shivered again, distracted from her meal. Trails of thick, honeyed milk ran down her face. The bound and stuffed Fire Nation princess looked over in time to see her betrothed trying to stand.

“I. . .aaah. . .would have thought. . .uuugggh. . .you could do. . .better.” Toph heaved herself up from the bed. Azula looked at love handles so deep that she could have buried her face in them. Toph’s ponderous gut was visible from the back, billowing out to either side like a pregnant horse’s might. Toph had to go down before coming up. Her stomach ducked between her gooey, flabby thighs as she slid forward off the bed. The obese woman found her lowest point, gut nearly touching the ground, before her legs started to rise again. Filling pink satin pants to their tightest extent, Toph’s buttcheeks clapped and wobbled. Toph had never been the most graceful woman, and multiple pregnancies had only given the excuse for her to stop caring all together. She moved in heavy, lumbering steps which made her look all the heavier. Tremors spread through the room as Toph walked to the back of the bed and began to climb onto it. Azula could no longer see Toph, but she could feel her. Chubby fingers spread Azula’s thighs. The ropes around her ankles were tightened. Azula was well and truly a prisoner of the avatar and his second wife. Azula gasped and choked as Toph’s lips found the underside of her belly. “Guess I have to get you excited.” Toph then dipped lower. Like a cow eating from a trough her lips and tongue found Azula’s pussy. 

“MMMMGGGHHPH!” Azula spluttered in surprise as she felt Toph’s mouth. Milky syrup bubbled from her mouth, shooting out to either side of the funnel. She tried to buck her hips, but the tight ropes held her firmly in place. She heard a pleased laugh from Toph. The earthbender went back again, this time sustaining her lovemaking. Her fat cheeks tickled Azula’s thighs as she played with the wet pussy before her. Torn between eating and enjoying the lovemaking, the former princess shook in her bonds. Aang continued to bend the fluid into Azula, pushing her more. Her cheeks bulged out and reddened. “Mmggghhfffph! Aaammmfffh!” She tried to speak, grasping for the safe word that the trio had made up. Her hands flexed at the ropes, trying to loosen them. Pleasured from both ends of her body, the black haired woman struggled to think straight. Aang and Toph heard Azula’s struggles, but continued to press on regardless. Aang’s bending of the feeding fluid grew stronger. Other jugs littering the floor popped their tops and spewed their fattening contents into the air. Instead of one trail of syrupy sludge, there were five. They coalesced first in the funnel and then again in the struggling woman’s stomach. Azula’s gut grew by the second, turning a bright red. 

“Hey, fire crotch, quit moving so much!” Toph slapped Azula's inner thigh. She was writhing, squirming as she tried to process all that was happening to her. Azula could hardly move, bound as she was, but those movements were enough to bounce her large and growing stomach off of Toph’s head. There were loving thumps from the belly as she dipped in and out of the gleaming pussy, the jewel of the Fire Nation. Azula continued to squirm, still being pumped full of cream. Toph decided to take a different tactic. She dropped heavily to all fours again, letting her large but loom high into the air. She kissed either of Azula’s thighs, tickling the soft and creamy expanses with her mouth. “Stop. . .mmmhm. . .burning. . .mmm. . .so many calories.” Toph hummed as she kissed Azula’s pillowy thighs. Azula obeyed, a slave to whatever was most pleasurable to her. Toph continued working her way up, gyrating her large figure. Toph’s love making was similar to a bear snuffling it’s way towards a pot of honey. “I remember. . .oooh. . .when these were. . .mmhhm. . .all muscle.” The earthbender’s mouth sank deep into the pools of fat and atrophied muscle. “Now what are they?”

“Mmmgghgh. . .” Azula struggled to speak again, her mind wrenching in many directions. Her cheeks and throat were filled with milk. Aang hovered over her, making sure that the funnel stayed in place. Normally, Azula would have been obedient. She lived to follow the strange, submissive lust that had taken hold of her in prison. However, there was something burning with in her. Her tongue worked against the funnel, pushing it out. The cream did not stop flowing, raining down on her naked body. Her hair and face were covered with the sticky, buttery fluid. She lifted her head to see the mountain that her belly had become, with Toph’s bulk just behind it. Azula smirked. “ Fat. It’s all turning to fat.” She said before sinking back down, surrendering to the sex and stuffing. 

Aang patted her head before bringing the funnel back. “More to come too.” He said, eliciting a knowing wink from Azula.



Calling her patch the “jewel of the fire nation” is top notch, good shit 🔥🔥🔥


Great chapter! Love seeing Toph and Azula interact. Definitely feel like the bondage angle would be true to the characters. Now I wanna see Aang and his wives break Azula!