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Tags: Persona 4, Weight gain, Personality change, slowburn, Catgirl shennanigans

The first part of a slow burn weight gain and catgirl tf story. This is mostly focused around the change in weight, personality. With only minor elements of cat stuff, so should be enjoyable for most!

--- Chapter 1 ---

Yukiko Amagi woke to the scents of flowers and pastries. The young woman straightened, sitting up from a fluffy bed. The bed frame was exquisitely carved, made from the richest wood. A baldachin made from pink silk draped its elegant arms around Yukiko. The draping sheets of fabric were pulled back, giving Yukiko a small view of the room. Glistening marble made up the room, with lavish couches and statues spread about for decoration. Though the room was vast and plentiful with artistry, Yukiko’s eyes were ever drawn to the center. There lay a table with the sweets that had pulled her from sleep’s grasp. Plump pastries rested next to thin mints, arranged on silver platters. The sweets matched the room's decorations, colored pink or pearly white. Yukiko rubbed her eyes, putting her thin fingers under her glasses. She massaged her eyes, trying to block the room from her vision. This had the stink of The Midnight Channel. This was only further confirmed when Yukiko’s fingers lifted and she was staring at a copy of herself that sat on the edge of the bed.

“Welcome!” The doppelganger was bright and cheery, dressed in the princess garb of Shadow Yukiko. “Just thought I might invite you over for a little girls night!” Princess Yukiko tilted her head, letting her long hair drift over one shoulder. As reflections went, she was well polished. Yukiko was a woman of stunning beauty and this copy heightened that natural charm to even further levels. “Just me and. . .ooooh. . .me!” She laughed and ruffled her dress.

The real Yukiko backed up, almost tripping over herself to reach the headboard of the bed. She wanted to be as far from the reflection as possible. Though it lacked the malevolence of her shadow version, Yukiko had learned to be distrustful of supernatural events. The princess stayed put at the edge of the bed, still smiling sweetly. 

“You need not worry. I’m actually here to help!” Princess Yukiko smiled and put her hands up. They were draped in long gloves. “No touching and nooooo magic.” Her smile brightened the room considerably. “Just a little girl talk.” The doppelganger stood from the bed, taking petite and graceful steps away. The room shifted with her walk. The stone shifted, bringing the table of sweets closer. Princess Yukiko strolled across the shifting floor, summoning a chair with a graceful hand. She turned and sat, the table of food resting next to her like a loyal dog. 

“How could you help me?” Yukiko spoke, finding it difficult to speak. Her mind was slow and clouded. “What even are you?” 

Princess Yukiko only winked. She took a pastry and delicately bit into it. Cream and powder dotted her red lips. A laced handkerchief fell from the ceiling. It drifted down like a falling leaf, twisting and turning slowly. Yukiko studied the pink fabric, seeing that there were cat faces stitched into the fabric. The handkerchief landed on Princess Yukiko’s finger, perfectly centered. She then tapped it to her lips, dotting away the excess cream. She returned to the cream puff, nibbling at it with obvious glee. Afterwards, she turned back to Yukiko. “I hope you are paying attention, sweetie! This is very important.” She winked. 

“How?” Yukiko’s guard dropped out of sheer confusion. 

“You’ll know. You’re a smart girl!” Princess Yukiko was jubilant as she spun the handkerchief around her finger. It twisted and rearranged with the same liquid ease that the floor had. It folded upon itself, becoming a strip of tight fabric. A collar, complete with a golden clip rested in the doppelganger’s hand. She studied it, tutting and assessing it’s quality. “Oooooh, not bad. . .but I think it could be better!” She snapped her finger as an idea came to her. She picked up a puff with one hand and put it to the collar. The pastry shrank and tightened. The fluffy brown exterior turned shiny and polished. A silver bell rested on the collar, completing it’s design. “Ahh perfect!” Princess Yukiko put it to her neck, clasping it easily. “Final lesson complete!” She shimmied her shoulders, obviously proud of the cryptic message she had delivered. “Time to send you back!” 

“But. . .I don’t understand.” Yukiko tilted her head, trying to make sense of what had transpired. 

“You will.” Princess Yukiko made the sign of a heart. “One last piece of advice: don’t work too hard!”  

Yukiko would have asked questions, but she awoke again. This time, however, she had returned to her bed and room. She stirred, already having forgotten much about the dream. However, the small tinkling of a bell brought back memories. Yukiko brought a confused hand to her throat, finding a pink collar. She gasped, excitedly reaching for her phone to text Chie about what had happened. It wasn’t until she turned the screen on that she realized she had overslept. 

--- Chapter 2 ---

Yukiko stretched her arms as she woke up. The little bell on her neck jingled as she moved. Once again reacquainted with its presence, Yukiko gave the collar a half-hearted tug. Her finger wedged under the silky fabric, buying only a couple centimeters of space. She pulled, testing the strength of the band. Though dainty in appearance, the collar did not budge. The crystal chime of the little bell sounded, filling the room with a sort of music. Yukiko gave up, preferring to relax in bed. In the weeks since her dream, Yukiko had adjusted to the pink collar. She had tried vigorously to remove it, testing the dream-fabric against all of her strength. Rather than removing it, she became intimately familiar with the little bell’s tones. Even though the wrenching and tugging, the musical notes of the bell were pleasant and upbeat. Though holding Yukiko hostage, the collar was cheery and unobtrusive. 

Thus, it had been allowed to stay. As time had gone on, Yukiko had discovered other benefits to the collar. It rested well on her neck, matching the pink floral yukata she wore around the inn. Even when the collar did not match her outfit, Yukiko kept it on. She liked the feeling of it hugging her neck, a little reminder that she did not always have to be so reserved or traditional. She had given up a lot to run the inn, but she did not have to give up everything. There was space for a little pink choker and a silver bell. Likewise, there was room for the occasional slow morning. Yukiko lay in her bed, toying with the bell. 

“Aaaaah, how wonderful.” Yukiko’s voice was soft and clear. A little sunbeam came in through the window, lighting on her bed. She snuggled into the warmth, listening to birds chirp outside. She jingled the little bell on her neck, almost letting it speak back to her. “I think they will manage without me.” Yukiko talked to her little collar, glancing at the door to the inn. The workers would be able to handle things without her, at least for an hour or two. Yukiko yawned, again stretching her arms. The blankets on the bed dropped, revealing shapely breasts. Though nearly unnoticeable, there had been the subtlest growth spurt. Her breasts were fuller, but only enough to add an extra bounce to her Yukata. They bobbled as Yukiko settled back down in the bed. She stroked her long, black hair and closed her eyes. “I wonder if Chie will come to the inn today. It’s been so long since we’ve had lunch.” Yukiko almost returned to sleep.Yet, the thought of getting lunch with Chie tickled her mind. Through drowsiness, Yukiko tried to remember the last time she had spoken to her best friend. Further, she tried to remember what they had talked about. 

“I’m late!” The blankets flew off the bed moments later. Yukiko whirled out of bed, her bell tinkling and her breasts jumping up and down. Her alarm clock flashed numbers at her, while her phone silently rang with notifications about the impending lunch. Yukiko hurried to put her clothes on, slipping into her skirt and leggings. She ran from the room, almost tripping down the stairs in order to reach her friend. 


“Chie! I’m so sorry!” Yukiko was caught between bowing in apology or sliding into the booth at Aiya. in the attempt, she nearly hit her head on the table. “I must have turned off my alarm by accident. I didn’t mean to be late!” Yukiko spoke quickly hoping her friend wasn’t angry with her. She struggled to lift her eyes off of the table, not wanting to confirm if the other woman was angry. However, after seconds of silence, Yukiko lifted her gaze. She found Chie smiling, dressed in a bright yellow shirt with a blue half jacket over top. 

“It’s ok!” Chie punched the taller woman’s arm, giving her the all clear. Her tomboyishness had only increased since joining the police academy. “I’m just glad that the prestigious Amagi Inn owner can remember her friends.” Chie winked. “And that she’s getting a bit of rest here and there.” 

“Oh, probably too much.” Yukiko grabbed the bell on her collar. “I think I’ve been getting lazy.” 

“Your version of lazy is everyone else’s normal though, Yukiko.” Chie was quick to respond, knowing how her friend could beat herself up. Yukiko was brilliant and driven, but often the latter tendency could work against her best interests. “It’s probably nothing.” Chie waved her friend's concerns away and summoned the waiter in the same motion. Chie needed little help ordering. A regular at Aiya, she was instrumental in petitioning the restaurant to serve their massive beef bowls daily, rather than saving them as a rainy day treat. In fact, the short haired woman was already ordering one. Given how demanding her police work could be, she needed the fuel. Yukiko, meanwhile, struggled as she looked at the menu. 

“Hmmm. . .” She whispered to herself. “What would be good?” There was an assortment of Chinese dishes, each more delicious than the last. Yukiko often did not have the chance to eat full meals. The inn was demanding enough that she had to eat sparse meals and snacks. Then, when the day was over, she was usually too tired to eat a regular meal. Yukiko realized that she had little idea of what her natural appetite was anymore, or how to properly fill it. Her stomach gurgled, letting the young woman know that it was ready to be fed. Having run out of her room, she had skipped any meal entirely. The dash across town had opened her appetite fully. She looked through the menu, knowing that the waiter had just finished with Chie. “Let’s just make things simple.” Yukiko made a snap judgment, listening to the gurgles of her stomach.  “Could I do two beef bowls?” The question came out quickly, but with just enough confidence to be considered an order. The waiter noted it down, frowning slightly at the thought of the skinny woman somehow downing two of the massive bowls. He turned, mentally preparing to bring a to-go container along with the order.  

“Wow! Feeling hungry today?” Chie was incredulous. “Yukiko, you’ve seen how big those things are, right?” 

“Ah, maybe I shouldn’t have.” She started to stand in order to catch her server. However, a rumble from her belly kept her planted. The most that came of Yukiko’s move was the jingling of her collar’s bell. She stayed seated. “Oh, it will probably be fine. I’ll pay either way.” 

“I’m more afraid of you trying to eat it all.” Chie put on arm over the back of the booth. “Just go slow. You don’t have to finish everything you start.” 

“I think it will be fine!” Yukiko said, hand tapping her belly.


“Hooooo. . .Chie. . .it’s too muuuucch.” Yukiko whined, gripping her stomach. Yukiko tugged her shirt, unsure of how to mitigate the radiating pain spreading through her middle. Yukiko was almost afraid to touch her belly, treating it like a balloon on the edge of popping. Her hands flitted between her belly, the tight shirt wrapped around it, and the collar stuck about her neck. “You should have stopped meeee.” Yukiko continued to carry on, looking at her best friend with watery eyes. Her hands went back to hovering around her belly. Under the watchful presence of her hands, the orb turned rosy as her stomach expanded. Yukiko struggled to remember the fun of eating the beef bowl as the pain set in. the exhilaration of filling her belly had come to swift and decisive end.

“I tried!” Chie huffed, frustrated at her friend's behavior. “What's gotten into you? You attacked those bowls.”

Yukiko looked down at her belly, feeling guilty. “Mrroooweeellll. . .” The little noise of guilt, pain, and indignance issued out of her mouth. She looked back and forth, looking for an escape route that wasn't going to materialize. “I was just. . .oooooh. . .hungry from so much napping.” she licked her lips. “And they were soooo good!” The twin mountains of meat from earlier came back to her. The smell of the meat alone had been delicious. Yukiko had felt like a hungry predator slinking out of its den, only to find fattened and slow rabbits waiting for her. She could not turn away such treats, though they would tear her stomach apart.

Chie blinked, almost unsure Of what she heard. Quickly thereafter, she began to laugh. “Yuki! You really need more practice being lazy. Sleeping doesn't make you hungrier.”

“Mmreeeooooe. . .don't tease me. . .rrrooooooww. . .in my hour of need.” Yukiko sniffed out crocodile tears alongside the little mewls. She again straightened her shirt, stiffening as her fingers ran across her belly. The feeling was intense, not quite pleasure or pain. As she caressed her belly, Yukiko had thoughts of stretching out. Her bed could heal her, coddle her overstuffed belly. Yukiko took deep breaths, drawing the sensitivity out of her stomach. She relaxed into the pain. In that feverish haze, she remembered slurping the remnants of broth. It had been the perfect interlude between bowls. A momentary calm before she was once again provoked into furious action. The second bowl had been even better, running the line between the joy of eating and pain of going too far. As long as there had been food running from her throat to belly she could avoid the pain. Yukiko had another idea. “Waiter. . .mmmrrreeeoowww. . .could I have. . .another.” Yukiko put her hand up weakly. She could stall her torpor and discomfort with another bowl. Then, sleep it all off at the inn.  

Chie fought back tears of laughter, until she realized Yukiko was not joking. “Are you crazy!” She slammed her hands down, even standing out of her seat. She fought with Yukiko, but the taller woman kept insisting. With a shrug of utter helplessness, the waiter noted down the order and went back to the kitchen. He left the two girls to bicker.

--- Chapter 3 ---

Yukiko slipped away from her hostessing duties as she felt a buzzing within her Yukata. The little cellphone she had stashed under her ribbon vibrated, jiggling her belly. She tried to walk demurely, but her feet kicked up quickly as soon as she was out of sight of any patrons or staff. Her quick trot only made her body bounce more. The tight dress she wore left little to the imagination, showing not only her curves but their jiggles as well. Yukiko was decidedly plump, her body under twin assaults from her appetite and sloth. Continuing the trend started at Aiya with Chie, Yukiko stuffed her gut at every meal. She would eat until pain and slowness took her, needing little rest periods afterwards just to let the food settle. Rather than a place of momentary rest, Yukiko’s bed had become a sanctuary. It was her retreat and one that was used often. She had only just returned from it when the call had come through. Whatever thoughts Yukiko had about being diligent and sticking to her post had left quickly. She rounded a corner and fished for the phone. 

Yukiko’s belly had easily pressed the phone into the pink sash. If anything, the wobbling pale mound had done its job too well. The little square of plastic and glass was wedged tightly, indenting itself on both the sash and Yukiko’s large stomach. As the buzzing continued, she tugged and pulled at the small object. Further, Yukiko’s biceps fought with her breasts as she pulled the phone up. It was only the loose sleeves of her dress that prevented the true doughiness of her arms from being exposed. Yukiko had never been a very active girl. Any space on her arms that might have gone to muscle was instead used for fat. A little fold had even formed near her elbows. While it was easy to spot the 144 pound woman’s blooming butt or belly, there were a million more subtle tells of her quick weight gain. As of yet, they had gone unaddressed by Yukiko. She had more important things to worry about. Things like unscheduled calls from her boyfriend. 

“Yu!” Yukiko finally answered the phone, catching it on the final ring. She pressed it up to her chubby face. She squatted down in the hallway, hunkering over the communication device. “I missed you so much. How are things going?” 

“Better now that we’re talking.” Yu Narukami was always quick with a comeback, even if they were cheesy. “Missed you lots.” 

“I think I missed you more!” Yukiko was quick to let her feelings show. She twisted a lock of black hair between her fingers, blushing radiantly. She walked down the hall towards her bedroom, once again returning to the little sanctuary. 

“All I do is think about you.” Yu returned. He was starting his preparations for dinner. Evenings were when he thought about Yukiko the most, notably when cooking. He had spent many hours sampling her attempts at cooking, as well as trying to find ways to improve their taste. In many ways, Yukiko had been his inspiration to attend culinary school. If nothing else, he could bring back some much needed talent to the inn. 

“And how much you want to spoil me, right?” Yukiko was giddy as she rushed into her room. She twisted the handle on the door, letting her belly do the rest of the work opening it. Her soft, padded rear then closed the door; giving it a strong bounce. Yukiko practically launched herself into bed, unconcerned that she was still wearing her yukata. A few wrinkles were worth some unobstructed, comfortable talking time. 

Yu laughed. “How could I possibly spoil the woman who has everything?”


“I most certainly do not have everything.” Yukiko then gave a deep sigh, rolling onto her back. She pulled at her collar, the sounds of her bell muffled by a chubby hand. 

“And what is my princess missing?” Yu asked, smiling with the little jab. He knew how much Yukiko recoiled at the thought of being royalty.


“Well, energy for starters.” Yukiko ignored the bait. She sighed, rolling onto her side. Her stomach fell onto the bed, looking even larger as it spread over the mattress. “Yu. . .I’ve just been so. . . .haaaaaah. . .tired lately.” Yukiko did not bother to cover her large yawn. “I can barely work up the energy to put my yukata on.” Yukiko sighed again, her stomach pooling further outwards. Her belly was a little glacier spreading across the silken sheets of her bed. Yukiko’s thighs also claimed territory for the lazy princess.  “I just want to nap. . .aaaahhh. . .all the time!” Yukiko selectively left out what was causing much of her sleepiness. It seemed of little importance to bother Yu with the minor minutiae of her eating habits.

“Sounds like you need a break.” Yu was quick to support his girlfriend’s health. Distance might have limited his perspective on Yukiko’s day to day life, but he would still try to be helpful. “Rest up for a couple days. See how you feel.” Yu said, deftly cutting a section of onion. The quick but rhythmic sounds of the knife slapping on the cutting board underscored Yu’s speech. “A little beauty sleep.”

“I don’t know if my patrons would like that.” Yukiko frowned, thinking of her responsibilities. “There’s just so much to do. I trust our staff, but what if something happens? What would people say if I wasn’t around?” Yukiko asked the questions quickly, trying to keep her mind firmly rooted on its usual tracks. Lately, other thoughts had been springing to mind; intrusive little suggestions about relaxing and delegating her duties. 

“People can’t live without seeing their princess?” Yu asked, a bit of humor cutting through his stoicism.

“That is not it and you know it!” Yukiko kicked her legs furiously on the bed. Her chubby body shook and jiggled. Chubby calves bounced off a voluminous butt. The floral print of Yukiko’s yukata stretched to its limits under the furious assault. “I just. . .don’t want to mess everything up.” The innkeeper calmed herself. “My parents entrusted the inn to me. I want to make it a huge success, keep them proud of me. If I take too much time to myself, things could fall apart.” 

The phone was silent for several seconds as Yu continued his cooking. Yukiko’s ears twitched as she heard the sounds of utensils clattering against pans and the scraping of food. She could tell based on the sound alone what Yu was working on. It was a chicken dish, complete with homemade sauce and freshly chopped vegetables. Yukiko’s mouth watered as she fantasized about his cooking. She could only imagine how tender and juicy the chicken was. Yukiko was so entranced by the sounds of cooking that she was taken by surprise when Yu spoke again. “You could always take the time off. . .and just cancel if problems came up.”

The suggestion cut through Yukiko’s mind like a hot knife through butter. She had never considered that. Vacation or work had always been two sides of the same coin. “You. . .you think so?” She asked, afraid to give herself permission. 

“Yep. Time to get a little beauty sleep.” Yu nuzzled the phone between his shoulder and face as he got further into his cooking. The chicken hit the pan and began to sear. He thought a little moan came from Yukiko’s side of the phone. “You earned it.”

“Fiiiiine, since you insist!” Yukiko rolled onto her back. The corners of her mouth were tight with a smile. “I wanna look my best for when you get home too.” She added, almost purring the words out. With her mind at ease, she could turn her attention to more fun things. “So, tell me about what you’re making. Any tips?”

--- Chapter 4 ---

“Finally! Yukiko has been holding back.” Chie said as she approached the front of the inn. “What good is having access to hot springs if we can’t use them?” She turned back, looking for approval from the other girls. Chie had been joined by Naoto and Rise for the excursion to the hot springs. After many days of arm twisting through texts and phone calls, Yukiko had finally relented. Now, with the gates to the hot springs open, the little band of women were poised to charge in. “I’ve missed this so much!” Chie’s exuberance only grew as she came to the doors of the inn. “All the girls, back together again.” 

“It is good to see you all again.” Naoto was sheepish, slightly embarrassed to be included as “one of the girls”. Though she no longer hid her gender, the blue haired detective had a hard time with it being noticed. She was dressed in her typical blue overcoat, with the argyle pants underneath. “I think Yukiko runs the best inn and hot springs in Japan. Certainly, better than any other I’ve been to.”

“Big talk from the girl that had to be dragged in last time!” Rise took Naoto’s arm, mimicking the move she had used to force the shy woman into the hot springs the first time. The starlet held her friend closely, their curves meeting sumptuously. Rise could feel the telltale jiggle of Naoto’s breasts even through the heavy overcoat she wore. Naoto had only blossomed further since graduation, her breasts at least a cup size larger. Rise was almost jealous of the other woman. “Are we going to have a repeat of last time?” Rise’s face became distinctly cheshire cat-like as she pressed her friend. 

“No-no!” Naoto struggled to get away. “I am more than capable of getting myself into the hot springs now.” Rise held onto her like an octopus, her arms never breaking contact with the reserved woman. Thus, by the time they all arrived at the door, the two women were panting and sweaty. It was only the promise of the hot springs that kept Chie from joining in on the dog pile. Instead, the police cadet opened the door and started to walk inside. 

“Yukikoooo!” Chie called, unconcerned with the other patrons. “We’re here!” She said, walking boldly through the building. “We’re ready for our hot spring dip!” Chie called again, unconcerned about the other patrons. Rise joined in on the fun, calling for Yukiko. Naoto tried to duck back outside, not wanting her own quiet walk to be associated with her friends. However, the move was anticipated and she was caught. Chie and Rise hauled their shy friend through the inn, searching for Yukiko. They found her in the kitchen. 

“Oh, hello!” Yukiko said, acting surprised, as if she was not expecting a visit from the trio. She sat at a table, holding a steaming cup of milk. She had removed her Yukata for the day and was resting in pajamas. They were simple but elegant, an expensive light pink shirt with more striped pink and white pants. Whatever Yukiko had spent on them had probably been too much, considering how close to growing out of them she was. As her extended holiday away from work at the inn had continued, Yukiko’s weight had blown up even more. She was now solidly fat, her body having no chance at hiding the squishy pudding that had built up under her clothes. Yukiko’s hips filled the chair she was sitting on. While the chair was small, it was evident that Yukiko’s rear was more than a match for any seat or stool in the inn. As it was currently, her cushiony bottom was even lightly overflowing the seat. It matched well with her stomach. The misshapen orb lifted the shirt it rested under to greet the other women. “I forgot something again. . .didn’t I?” Yukiko said bashfully. 

“Yuki! What about the hot springs?” Chie was willing to overlook Yukiko’s tardiness and outright cancellations for lunch and dinner dates, but she would not be denied time in the natural spa. “We planned on having a soak tonight.” 

Yukiko stiffened, shuddering as the thought of touching water came to her mind. One hand clasped the bell on her collar whilst the other brought the cup to her mouth. Yukiko sipped the milk deeply, draining the cup in a single gulp. It was rich and sugared. Yukio had seasoned the cup with several heaping spoonfuls of sugar. Her throat worked the drink down, making her bell jingle even through her clasped hand. For a moment she was free from thoughts of getting in the water. Part of her hoped that the long guzzle would distract her friends, that they would give up and seek something else. However, based on Chie’s face, Yukiko could tell that her hopes were in vain. She had to address the trio. “Well. . .I. . .ooooh. . .wouldn’t it be nice to just be inside? How about a movie instead!” She offered. 

“Yuki, you promised!” Chie was not above begging and pleading. She ran forward, trying to tug her friend out of the chair she rested in. Thin but strong hands gathered around the plump wrists of the innkeeper. Chie’s hands sunk into Yukiko’s forearms, squishing indentations into the plush fat. Jiggles soon spread as she tugged and pulled on the other woman. Yukiko tried to fight back, but that amounted to little more than leaning further back on her large rear. 

“We can’t! They’re being cleaned. I mean, rented out. . .or actually. . .” Yukiko tried to throw out any excuse she could in order to call Chie off. In truth, the thought of getting in or near the water made the hair on the back of the fat woman’s neck stand up. In her vacation from the inn, Yukiko had totally avoided the springs. She entrusted their keeping to her staff, instead spending the time looking after food preparation or sleeping. Water seemed troublesome and inconvenient. Whatever time that Yukio soaked her soft body would be matched by the time it took for her to dry off and arrange her hair. Maybe things could be tolerable if she was to just sit in  the springs. However, with a friend as rowdy and playful as Chie, Yukiko knew that there would be splashing involved. The thought of getting unfairly splashed or dunked brought a hiss to her lips. Yukio’s breasts sloshed back and forth under Chie’s pulling. Though she had not fought back yet, Yukiko was about to. She was not going in the pool, no matter what.


“Ooooh, Chie, don’t be so mean to poor Yuki!” Rise’s sunny interference helped to diffuse the conflict. The idol ran over, catching Yukiko in a tight hug. Yukiko blushed as Rise unintentionally found all of her softest and most ticklish areas. Arms squished around her breasts and fingers pressed into her doughy middle. Yukiko’s shirt was lifted up further, exposing her deepend belly button. Rise helped rock Yukiko back onto her chair. The black haired woman landed with a resounding thump, a jiggle spreading through her body. “She looks too cute to drag out to the spa.” Rise flicked Yukiko’s bell, making it jangle. Yukiko’s blush only deepend as she felt the bell and collar move about her chubby neck. Rise rocked her back and forth, her head resting on Yukiko’s. “What if we just watched a movie? We’d let you pick!” Rise appealed to the movie buff within Chie. 

“That sounds great! We have plenty of extra bedding and snacks.” Yukiko glanced around the kitchen, her stomach already hungering for more. She did not move off of the chair. She was still afraid of being hauled off to the springs. Even though Yukiko was heavier, Chie was more than strong enough to handle her. “I’m sure we could find a martial arts movie!” 

“Guys. . .we promised a spa night.” Chie deflated in the face of the changing opinions of the group. She let Yukiko’s arm drop. It slapped into her thigh, showing just how supple the newly added inches were. 

“It looks as though you might be out voted.” Naoto put a hand on Chie’s shoulder. She did not have to explain her opinion to the other woman. By a stroke of divine luck Naoto’s prayers had been answered. She would not have to show off her luscious chest to the other woman in the bath. Rather, they could all rest indoors on a nice couch together. Naoto was not overly fond of physical closeness, but she was willing to compromise. Given the circumstances, she could have hugged Yukiko for changing the plans. Naoto resolved silently to find some way of repaying the favor. 

“Fine. . .but nobody better complain if we watch Trial of the Dragon again.” Chie sighed, realizing that the fight was lost. 


“Yukiko, you have the comfiest couch.” Rise gushed as she leaned in close to her friend. The quartet rested under a large blanket, one big enough to stretch over the entire couch. The soft stitching obscured their bodies, with only the key parts shining through. Naoto’s chest and Chie’s thighs were well outlined under the blanket. However, nothing showed through the blanket like Yukiko’s body. Her breasts and belly were clearly visible as the shifting women pulled the blanket tighter and tighter. She rested in the middle of the couch, with Rise and Naoto to either side of her. Chie was off to Naoto’s left, picking the least troublesome side on which to watch the movie. Rise could never sit still, constantly moving and fidgeting. The same energy that had made her a popstar made her a terror in movies. Yet, even Naoto seemed restless.  The normally quiet and aloof woman shifted on occasion, seeming to inch her way towards Yukiko. 

“Are we taking up too much room? Do you need anything? I grabbed some chocolates from the pantry.” Naoto fired off the questions to Yukiko, trying to get a word in between Rise’s ceaseless praises. A little box floated up from under the blanket, appearing like a whale breaching out of the sea. The cardboard shifted back and forth, the chocolates within shaking. “I’m more than happy to share.” Naoto offered. She wanted to pay back the unintentional kindness shown to her earlier, with the delaying of the spa trip. “I tried some and they are delectable.” Naoto shook the box again, only the tips of her fingers showing. The box tipped over, coming close to Yukiko’s chubby neck. 

“Of course! A movie is always better with snacks.” Yukiko’s eyes lit up as she saw the chocolates floating towards her. With a little rumble in her belly, Yukiko ducked down and opened her mouth. Naoto fought a little gasp, thinking that the black haired woman would simply take the box from her. Naoto looked around and, confirming no one really cared, tipped the box up so that Yukiko could indulge. Plump little bombs of sugar poured out, rolling like barrels into the air and then into Yukiko’s mouth. They landed one after the other, getting gulped down in an instant. As she ate Yukiko slid closer to  Naoto. Her stomach shifted back and forth, wobbling like unsettled concrete under her shirt. The space under the blanket seemed to warm, growing cozier as the two women met. Naoto fidgeted, not used to such closeness. She fought down the impulse to make up an excuse to leave the couch. Instead, she continued to dribble sweets into Yukiko’s mouth. Yukiko gulped them down quickly, insatiable in her desire to fill her belly. Once started, she would not quit until all the food was eaten. When it was, she looked at Naoto with satisfied, half-lidded eyes. “These. . .mmmrrrrrmmm. . .definitely made the movie better!” Naoto blinked, trying to find any words.

“Did you forget how to share?” Rise pushed her way into Yukiko’s back. “Those were supposed to be for all of us!” Her naturally cheerful pitch made it hard to tell if she was annoyed or not. 

Yukiko sighed, embarrassed but not at all regretting her decision. “Sorry. . .they were just too tempting. How could I turn down. . .mmmhhhmm. . .such a lovely assistant!” Yukiko elbowed Naoto. Her elbow touched the soft middle of her friend. However, Yukiko leaned too far over and their breasts made contact. Naoto was treated to just how much the other woman had grown. It was one thing to see the new size of Yukiko’s breasts, another matter entirely to feel their new heft. Naoto was shocked to discover that she might not have the biggest chest in the group, not that she would mind. One less thing to draw attention to her curvy body. Those thoughts were quickly washed away as another vigorous jiggle transferred from Yukiko to her body. Naoto was soon in nervous motion.

“Oh! That’s no problem, Rise, I can fetch us some more.” The jiggle of breast to breast contact was the straw that broke the shy camel’s back. Naoto leaped off the couch. She took the blanket with her. Naoto moved like there were hot coals under her feet as she tried to manage the nervous energy. The blanket was thrown back, with Naoto disappearing as it blocked the other women’s vision. She spirited off to the kitchen, needing time to process everything that had happened. She left a curious Rise, slightly annoyed Chie, and very pleased Yukiko behind. 

“She didn’t have to run off. . .but I won’t complain about more candy.” Yukiko beamed, once again wrapping herself in the blanket. She looked particularly proud and regal as it draped over her chubby curves. “I also wouldn’t mind if she helps me eat the next batch!” Her grin grew wider, thinking about making the nervous girl feed her again. Yukiko almost said more, but caught a glance from Chie. 

“Shhhh!” Chie huffed, trying to correct the direction the night was moving in again. She studied Yukiko with a look that was particularly cop-like. Yet, as she spoke, Chie’s tone changed. “We’re talking through. . .the. . .best. . .parts.” Her sentence petered out. Though the room was dark, lit only by the movie playing in the background, Chie’s eyes had caught something. She had watched Yukiko’s eyes flicker. In between blinks they had switched between from their usual dark color to a shining gold. They looked almost like cat eyes.

--- chapter 5 ---

“Yuuuukiko!” Nanako spread her arms wide as she tackled one of her caretakers for the afternoon. The young girl then moved over to hug Chie. “We are going to have such a great day today!” Peppy as always, Nanako was quick to lead the two women into the house. Yukiko was tugged along, with Nanako tugging her in as Chie pushed from behind. Though she was approaching 300 pounds, Yukiko had not totally lost her graceful stride. While many women of her girth and roundness would have degenerated into hefty waddles, Yukiko still walked with poise. That poise, however, came at the cost of speed. She lagged behind when in groups, crossing one thunder thigh over the other. Chie and Nanako were not going to allow Yukiko’s bulk to slow down the day of fun. Chie’s hands sunk into Yukiko’s back, feeling the warm pudding which had overtaken her friend’s body. 

“Come on, Yukiko, no holding us up.” Chie decided to have a little fun at her hefty bestie’s expense. “Nanako’s been waiting all day for this, no slowing down now.” Chie’s elbow sunk deeply into a large expanse of gut fat. Yukiko had surpassed even Hanako’s weight, though Yukiko was shaped far more pleasantly. Chie’s elbow quickly became a small shelf for wayward fat. Every bit of blubber that could drain down did, jiggling upon the new resting place. 

“Yukiko? Did you not want to play?” Nanako turned, not understanding the joke. 

“Of course I did!” Yukiko, frustrated at Chie’s joke, thrust a large hip to the side. She squashed the smaller woman into the wall with ease. Even Chie’s athletic stature could not hold back the tide of blubber. The tomboy was plastered against the wall, her own hips covered by Yukiko’s rump. “Auntie Chie is just making a very rude joke.” Yukiko snorted, rubbing her friend into the wall more. She rolled her large and meaty ass back and forth, putting her full weight upon the other woman. Yukiko was more than willing to use her weight to her advantage. 

“Yaaaay!” The young girl danced back and forth. “I just got some new stuffed animals. We can play with those.” She trotted ahead, assigning roles to the girls. “I think that Chie would be great as Commander Kuma. Oh! And Yukiko will have to be Princess Teacup, she’s a kitty cat.” Yukiko blushed as she heard the suggestion. Once she might have flinched under assuming the role of a princess, but she welcomed it now. It seemed like a fun and ironic role to play for the game. Doubtless, Yu would find it funny to hear about later on the phone. 

“I would be honored to be Princess Teacup.” Yukiko bowed. Her skirt and leggings were tested as her immense ass billowed out behind her. Her skirt was little more than a fringe around black leggings that had grown threadbare. Chie stifled a giggle as she saw the hint of Yukiko’s panties and pale ass peeking through the stitching. Her large cheeks bounced in time with her talking. “The fairest and most beautiful kitty in the land. Nyyyaaaaah!” Yukiko’s butt cheeks hugged each other as she meowed loudly. Warmth spread through the innkeeper. She wondered if actors felt that good when they performed. 

“Wow Yukiko! That was so realistic.” Nanako beamed. She redoubled her effort to drag the roly-poly woman towards the family room. Yukiko looked back at Chie with a self-satisfied grin plastered over her fat face. For a second, Chie thought she saw Yukiko’s eyes flicker colors. She assumed it was light catching the other woman’s glasses. 


“Oooohh. . .haaaaaaawwww. . .I say, Commander Kuma. . .wwwwaaaah. . .might we rest a spell?” Yukiko said, many hours of playing later. She fanned her chubby face, trying to ward off sleep.  It had been hours of playing and the exertion was catching up to her, though the trio had done little besides sit on the floor. Yukiko yawed again, hand raising up towards her face. Her biceps bounced as she patted the yawn away. Her face was framed by a thick roll of fat, one that threatened to overtake her chin; just as it had done the rest of her jaw. The yawn dragged on and Yukiko sucked more air into her already round body. The buttons on her jacket were strained to the point of almost snapping. They dug into her stomach, plastering her jacket to her body. Yukiko finished the yawn and allowed her body to go back to its gelatin-like consistency. Her stomach softened, sloping outwards like a mudslide. “Oh my, I believe I’m coming down with a case of the sleepies.” Yukiko tried to play off her boredom and tiredness as a trait of her role in the game. However, others knew better. 

“Well, Princess Teacup, maybe you should run around!” Chie’s gruff response was only partially put on for her teddy bear character. She cast an eye over at Nanako, who seemed to be enjoying the game still. “We need to have you right as rain for more fun.”

“Hooooo, but it’s been such a leeee-oooooong day.” Stretching her words into sounds approaching meows, Yukiko put a hand to her head. It was her usual nap time. Back at the inn she would be cozied up under a blanket, lying under a sunbeam which fell across her bed. There would have been a plate next to her pillow, emptied of all its snacks. Yukiko would have been allowed to slumber, her deep sighs shifting her fat and the bed along with them. The thought of her bedroom at home waiting for her made Yukiko’s situation all the more painful. “A princess needs her. . . .Mmreeeooowww. . .beauty sleep, you nyeee-ow!” Yukiko managed to turn a forming yawn into a cat noise. Once again she felt pride in her acting ability. It was like slipping into a skin all her own. A lazy but loveable kitten princess.

“Teacup. . .I think Miss Nanako. Needs. You.” Chie dug in. 

Yukiko stretched but not before spreading her legs. In a surprising acrobatic move, Yukiko’s gut pushed her legs further and further apart as she stretched out. Her stomach funneled outwards onto the floor. The settling of Yukiko’s gut fat was reminiscent of pancake batter poured onto a skillet. It slapped at the twin dams of thigh fat, stretching further outwards. Yukiko had grown so portly that her chubby fingers could not reach the end of her gut, much less touch her toes. She yawned, her fingers kneading her stomach like a cat might toy with a carpet. “Nyaaaaaaah, I think she’s. . . urrrghh. . . aaaaah. . .quite capable of her own fun.” Yukiko was casual, giving a knowing wink towards Nanako. She stretched just a bit further, her butt bubbling out of the top of her skirt. Two pale moons were exposed to the living room as Yukiko eased herself into a relaxed state. Rather than push herself up, there was little chance she possessed the muscle for the task, Yukiko instead flopped onto her side. A noticeable tremor went through the room as her bulk landed. 

Chie was about to say something, but Nanako cut her off. “That’s ok! We all know Princess Teacup has the hardest job in the land.” She jumped up, putting a finger to the ceiling. “I will make her a bed!” She then ran out of the room. As she left, Yukiko took the moment to scratch at itch just above her butt. It had been bothering her the past couple days. However, after a moment's itching, it faded. Chie’s disapproval did not.

“Yuki! Yu asked us to play with Nanako, not lay around his Uncle’s house.” Chie whispered. She shook her friend, trying to rouse the other woman. Yukiko’s naked stomach seeped further out from under her red top. Otherwise, the exhausted woman remained stationary. 

“Haaaaaaaa. . .I think. . .it’s fine.” Yukiko was dreamy in her response. “Nyyyaaaaaaah, just playing my role.” She grinned, sharp little teeth exposed. “I’m the laaaaaaziest princess in the world.” She rubbed her stomach, drawing slow circles through her fat. She only needed a blanket to be truly happy. On cue, Nanako returned with some. 

“Here!” The little girl spread the blankets over her fat caretaker. It took multiple to cover Yukiko’s hefty frame. Next, Nanako spread little toys around Yukiko’s improvised bed. Noticeably, they were all cat toys. Feathers on strings, balls with bells inside, and small mice made up the assortment of toys. Yukiko’s head perked up as she noticed the toys, somewhat rethinking her decision to nap. However, she soon settled back down. There would be far more opportunities to amuse herself in the future. For now, she could settle into a well deserved cat nap. “Princess Teacup can sleep for a while.” Nanako crouched down, rubbing Yuikiko’s long, straight hair.  Yukiko stretched and gave a long purr. The purr was so thorough that it made her breasts and butt vibrate. Yukiko nuzzled into the blankets. Nanako laughed and turned back to Chie. “See! She’s so happy that her ears are twitching!”



Oooh, this was amazing! Love the feeling of the corrupting elements working together, a lazy, spoilt slobbish side building upon the silky snooty regal side, all while the cat-like elements twist the personality further. Yukiko was a great choice, and I look forward to see what damage she'll end up causing, as she falls further down this path, in the future parts!


this was very very enjoyable


Is Yukiko gonna turn more into a cat and will the rest of the girls grow as fat as she is? And will her Shadow reappear?

James Duke

Much of this I will need to consult with the commissioner on! Do you have any particular preference?