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Tags: Original characters, weight gain, mythical creatures (oni girls)

So this was supposed to just be one prompt, but I kind of lost my mind working on it and have gone way overboard. So it will be a two part affair, with the other part coming next month. Hope you all like the opening act!

--- Chapter 1: A Robery in Ohmga-Bal ---

In the city of Ohmga-Bal, humans coexist with creatures out of myth and legend. These creatures mingle amongst the slender towers and bulbous onion shaped domes of the rich and the decrepit wooden hovels of the low slums. The city of Ohmga-Bal houses a seething mass of people and stories, brimming with life and magic. Foul demons trick and deceive, servile goblins crouch beside their masters as they scheme, towering minotaurs guard those with enough coin to stave their bloodlust. Yet, this story is focused on none of those creatures. Rather, it is two oni women that are at the heart of this tale. One of whom, Tsumugi, makes her way through the aforementioned crowds of the city. She dashes through the colorful stalls of one of Ohmga-Bal’s many stalls. Her thin legs move quickly, carrying her to the beginning of the story. As she rounds the corner of the bazaar, she finds our other principal lead, Ko.

“Kehkehkehkehkeh!” A giggle fills the alleyway as the oni advances forward upon her prey. Ko stands with a spiked club, a crudely smithed kanabo, tapping it against her palm. “Thought I didn’t remember, did you!” She walks forward menacingly. Though tiny in stature, hardly over 5 feet, Ko‘s aura fills the darkened alley. She steps lithely, bouncing from foot to foot. Her slim and tiny feet balance easily on wooden sandals. Her body is pale and exposed to the dry heat of Ohmga-Bal. Ko wears little more than tattered rags, shaped into a loincloth and top. Over these rags she has stretched a long vest fashioned from a stolen and repurposed carpet. An orphaned beggar, Ko had come to Ohmga-Bal on her hands and knees, but it was her intention to one day travel its streets in a palanquin. Though, it might be one dotted with specks of blood. “Pay up. . .or else!” Ko chirped, thrusting out her small palm towards her victim.

“Oh please! Oh please!” The man backs away. He’s one of the elephant headed priests, in service to one of the elder gods. Though the priests swear off their mortal concerns, not all are able to maintain the commitment. “I swear, I will get what I owe to you tomorrow. I have nothing now!” The priest's large, gray ears flap and his trunk curls around his frail human body.

“Tch.” Ko spat before slamming down her kanabo between his calves, pinning his robes to the ground. “You gotta lie better than that, priest!” Ko leaned down, sticking her small but shapely rump out behind her. Lavender hair swishes about two sharp, long horns protruding from her head. The tiny oni woman grins, sharp teeth exposed. “Kehkehkehkehkeh!” She cackles, exhilarated with the promise of violence. An oni, no matter how big or small, always runs towards battle. Especially against a weak foe. “Are you lying to me because I’m a tiny cutie?” Ko flashes another smile. She shakes her body, letting her lean muscle ripple. Possessing no fat, her tiny breasts bobbled in her top almost unnoticed. “I’m plenty more than that! I’ll have you know!” Ko winked and licked her lips.

The elephant-man priest looked around, his inhuman eyes wide with terror. Though his elephant head was large, the rest of his body was only that of a frail man. He looked around, trying to find any potential help. He saw only a glimpse of Tsumugi, but called out to her. “Please, help! I’m being robbed!” Rather than the sounds of assistance or fear, the priest was instead blessed with Tsumugi’s own unique cackle.

“Shi-shi-shi-shi!” The other oni sauntered up and put her arm around Ko’s slim shoulders. The two could have been sisters or cousins at the very least. Both women had long hair. Ko’s was a deep indigo whilst Tsumugi’s was a rich crimson. Ko wore hers in a neat braid, with bangs that fell between her thin horns. Tsumugi, however, let her hair flow free and wild through the singular horn that burst from her forehead. They were dressed similarly in rags and tatters, but Tsumugi covered her body more. Both were thin, their curves hidden by years of near starvation. Yet, they possessed a sharp and wicked beauty. The elephant-headed worshiper gulped, realizing that there was no one coming to find him. “I remember youuuuuu!” The red haired oni was playfully,  Tsumugi raised her own kanabo, tapping the priest’s twitching foot. “You were the pervert priest! You asked for those books!” Tsumugi laughed again. “Creeeeep!”

“No. . .I. . .that wasn’t me.” The priest tried to slide away, but remained trapped by Ko’s kanabo.

“Lying too?” Ko shook her head, dark hair swishing about her thin neck. “You really are the worst priest.” She stepped forward, raising the metal bat. She tapped it on her palm. The priest tried to back away, but fell over himself. His misshapen elephantine head made him clumsy. Ko kicked him back with her wooden sandals. “Time to pay up! We’ll just take whatever you have.” she grinned, shark-like teeth exposed. The priest tried to yell, but was set upon by the two tiny oni women.


“Pfff. . .what a cheat.” Ko said, tossing the hefty coin purse in her hand. “He must have been stealing donations.”

“Ooooooh, how much did we get?” Tsumugi buddied up to her friend, holding the priest's robes and holy symbols. He had been left in the alley, bruised and unconscious but alive.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Ko playfully tucked the coinpurse away and bumped shoulders with her friend.

“Awwww, you jerk! Tell me!” Tsumugi snapped her sharp teeth at Ko. An oni’s playfulness was sharp and brutal at the best of times. Tsumugi tried to nuzzle her way under Ko’s thin arms and tattered rags. “No hiiiidiiinng or being selfish!”

Ko whirled and used her small butt to push Tsumugi away. “Kehkehkehkehkeh! How about I show you instead!” She jingled the bag, still keeping it away from Tsumugi’s hands. “We’ll just see how many meals and clothes this can buy us before running out!” With her hands filled with coinage, Ko felt her suppressed hunger returning.

“Deal!” Tsumugi was quick to agree.

--- Chapter 2: Bandit Princess ---

“Kehkehkehkehkeh!” Ko’s giggle came out in a rapid fire burst as she finished her meal.  Ko leaned back and patted her stomach, making it jiggle like pudding. The movement of Ko’s belly was fitting, given that she had downed her third serving of it. She and Tsumugi sat in a cafe that overlooked one of Ohmga-Bal’s bustling streets. People pushed and shoved, nearly crushed by great beasts of burdens hauling supplies. Shouts and curses filtered up from the streets as tension boiled over. Every so often the dull, flat sound of a fist hitting flesh would rise above the noise. Normally, the pair of lowlives would be within the throng. However, thanks to the coins of the priest, Tsumugi and Ko were spared. Until the money ran out, they were free to relax and free themselves of the usual burdens. Instead, they were free to discuss their most recent score.“We should have started this racket much sooner!” Ko flicked a coin to her friend.

Tsumugi caught the nugget of wealth with her teeth, crushing the image of a long dead ruler. She then flipped it out of her mouth and into a hidden pocket stitched into her top. “No kidding, no kidding!” Tsumugi relaxed and put her hand on the table. “Thank God for crooked priests.”

“Noooooooo!” Ko leaned forward and flicked her friend’s nose. “Thank God for good friends. . .that are willing to rob crooked priests. Kehkehkehkehkeh!” Ko giggled, kicking her feet under the table. The recent success had made her giddy and animated. She bounced in her chair, stuffed stomach coming along for the ride.

“Oooohkaaaay, Thank you Miss Yaekooooo!” Tsumugi rolled her eyes, even using Ko’s full name. Much to the other woman’s annoyance.

“Ko! Just Ko!” She swished her hair. “Yaeko is an old woman’s name.” She puffed her cheeks out. “I’m still a young, vibrant princess!”

“Shi-shi-shi-shi!” Tsumugi cackled. Oni culture was enamored with unique laughs and cackles. Man, woman, and child spent much of their time trying to create a laughing-call that was uniquely their own. Much could be told about an individual oni by their laugh. “Just a princess who robs people.”

“Ooooooh yes! A bandit princess!” Ko’s eyes gleamed at the thought. She grabbed the remaining bowl of pudding and gulped it down. Afterwards, she checked the coin purse. It was still mostly full, its contents rejuvenated after selling the priest’s clothes and holy symbol. “I think I need to look the part too!” Ko stood, her belly brushing the edge of the table. She rushed to Tsumugi’s side and grabbed her friend. “Kehkehkehkehkeh! Time for a shopping trip!” Before the other woman could fight back, she was rushed out of the cafe.


“Well? What do you think!” Ko said before twirling. “I think I’m going to make quite the striking impression on the city! Kehkehkehkehkeh!” She laughed and danced back and forth. An afternoon of shopping at various clothing stores had finally given Ko the look she desired. Rags and poor stitches had been traded for silk and gossamer clothing. Ko wore white harem pants with purple dancers top over her small breasts. To complete her desert mystique, she had put a golden veil over her face. Were she a normally sized woman with noticeable curves, the outfit might have been beautiful. However, given her unfortunately flat proportions, it looked very much like a girl trying on her mother’s clothing.

“Aaaahm. . .wonderful. . .Shi-shi.” Tsumugi was complimentary, if only to avoid Ko’s wrath. Now, with a full stomach and boundless energy, there was no telling what Ko might be able to do in a fight. “The bandit princess rises!”

“Kehkehkehkehkeh! She does, she does.” Ko adjusted her veil. Though her potbelly jutted out, still full from lunch, Ko was quite proud of the outfit she had created. She skipped over to her friend, pulling her into a hug. “Of course, her royal highness needs a handmaid. One that isn’t dressed in rags.” The two girls wrestled, their horns clacking against each other. Finally, it ended with Ko on top. “I have a feeling we can find more degenerates like that priest to rob.” She tapped Tsumugi’s head with a thin hand. “Time for us to get ours! Kehkehkehkehkeh!”

--- Chapter 3: A Fruitful Career ---

“Thank you for your donation!” Ko said, standing over the limp bodies of several thugs. They had been easy targets, the sort of creatures that hang out in back alleys waiting for unsuspecting victims to pass by. Unfortunately for them, the two women they had set upon had been Ko and Tsumugi. It had taken little work for the oni women to dispatch the thugs. Now, with their would be assailants laid out on the ground, it was time to reap the rewards. Ko leaned over the leader of the small posse, patting down his garish clothing. She hummed and wiggled her hips back and forth as she worked. There was a noticeable jiggle to her hips that had not been present in past years. Finally, as her streak of robberies had mounted, Ko had found herself able to afford steady meals. Moreover, the stream of food was starting to outpace the energy she was burning in fights. There were far more restaurants to sample than gangs to fight with. “Oooohhhh. . .we’ll be eating good tonight!” Ko said as she pulled out a wallet.

“Shi-shi-shi-shi! When are you not eating good anymore?” Tsumugi giggled. She crouched down, her own thin butt inches above the dusty ground. She watched her friend move, noticing every little jiggle. Though Ko’s baggy harem pants covered much of her thighs, there was plenty of heft to be seen as her butt pushed into the silky fabric. Likewise, her near permanent potbelly wrapped around her thighs. Ko’s new love handles were visible even from behind.  Tsumugi laughed again, her crimson hair shining in the dark. “The Bandit Princess is looking a little plush these days!”

“What does that mean!” Ko straightened immediately. A single jiggle ran through her body as her fat realigned. Turned, scowled upon her chubby face. Ko’s face was just as thick as the rest of her. A little double chin had formed, wobbling with every little movement of her face. She crossed her arms. Her arms had been spared from weight gain thanks to the consistent swinging of her metal bat. Yet, even they were not as toned as they should be. “I’m perfectly healthy! You’re just a scrawny gremlin!” Ko lifted her veil and stuck her tongue out. Despite what her title might suggest, the bandit princess was often rude and obscene. “Judgy.” She said after the raspberry was done.

“Shi-shi-shi-shi!” Tsumugi fell on the ground and kicked her sandaled feet. “If the shoe fits, but the pants don’t. . .” Tsumugi continued to roll back and forth, amused with her jab.

“Well. . .” Ko’s scowl melted into a mischievous grin. “Guess I’m just going to keep this all for myself.” She jogged down the alley, passing by Tsumugi. “Kehkehkehkehkeh! I’m going to get all dinner goes to the bandit princess!” She ran, uncomfortably aware of the bouncing of her stomach and double chin. Yet, she was prepared to stuff herself again just to teach her friend a lesson.

“Heeeey! I was just joking!” Tsumugi picked herself out of the dirt and sprinted after her chubby friend. “Yaeeekoooo! Come back!” Her wild red hair trailed through the air as she chased the other woman. The chase continued until Ko was too tired to continue. Tsumugi caught up and tackled her friends. The girls fought and wrestled their way across the remaining couple feet to the restaurant, bursting through the door in a heap of flailing limbs. The bout of exercise only served to wake Ko’s appetite further.

--- Months of Unbridled Success Pass ---

“Keh-keh-keh-keh!” Ko laughed as she patted the coin purses hanging from her waist. She walked down the brightly colored street, her purses and belly swinging back and forth. The red lanterns of the pleasure district bounced off of her milky white skin, hiding some of her most obvious jiggles. Yet, nothing could totally hide the corpulent body that Ko’s looting business had created. Breasts built by success and hoards of meat buns flopped under the cover of a hardly buttoned shirt. Ko treasured the feeling of her breasts rubbing upon her tummy, loving it only slightly less than gold between her fingers and a full belly. She spared a moment to adjust her shirt, tugging it open to further expose her chest more. For the first time in her life, Ko had breasts worth showing off. The silk shirt, decorated with flowers and vines, displayed her chubby fruits well. Even her gut, bobbling below them, was well framed between the exposed flaps of her shirt. Ko continued to strut down the busy road, wondering what amusement to seek out. She had left her harem pants at home, instead waddling in tight shorts that were slowly turning into panites; sucked between bulbous buttcheeks.

It was to be a night of vice in one of Omgha-Bal’s most famous pleasure districts. Casinos and gambling dens, food stands, and brothels all lined the streets. Each of the attractions were more appealing than the last. To an oni with money yearning to be spent, it was the perfect location. Ko felt her grin grow wider, squashing her second chin down upon her thicker neck. Her thin face was decidedly fat now, matching the rest of her body. She looked all the more corpulent with her round moon face. The thick roll of fat resting under her true chin jiggled as Ko looked about. The amount of choices were almost confusing, each sign looking more enticing than the last. Ko’s eyes swirled and danced as much as her jiggling fat as she moved from sign to sign. Indecision would have ruled her, had a clear and mature voice not cut through the crowd.

“Heeeeey, big girl, need some company.” The voice was older, but highly feminine. It was nearly the opposite of Ko’s own chirpy, squeaking call. The oni lurched back, trying to control her nearly 300 pounds of well fed bulk. Her sandals clacked upon the paved road whilst her thighs clapped together. The chubby woman stared back at a geisha, leaning under a sign. She smoked a long pipe, pink smoke trailing out of her mouth in the shape of hearts. She was human, tall and extremely curvaceous. Hair blacker than Ko’s trailed down her shoulder, ending in a small braid which poked between massive breasts. She took a long drag on her thin pipe, blowing out another heart shaped cloud. “You look lost. How about I help you find your way.” She smiled, pushing her breasts together subtly.

Ko gripped her coin purse, having to fumble under her gut. As a street urchin for most of her time in Ohmga-Bal, she had never attracted attention from any geishas. Certainly none as beautiful as this woman. “I aaaah. . .did you call me big?” It was easier for the oni girl to respond with a challenge than flirt.

“I’m sorry, you just looked so confident.” The geisha pushed off the wall and strutted towards Ko. The lights of the signs, noise of the crowd, and general color of the world faded. Ko stared at the taller, shapely woman approaching her. She was unable to look anywhere else. The geisha tucked her pipe away, magically removing the burning ember in the blink of an eye. She was taller than Ko by a foot, towering over the other woman’s five feet. By the time she approached, Ko could only see the other woman’s mostly-exposed breasts. “You just seemed so confident in yourself.” The geisha knelt slightly, her breasts dragging sensually across Ko’s fat as she re-established eye contact. “And. . .truth be told. . .I kind of like my girls a little round.” She laughed and put a hand on Ko’s shoulder, dangerously close to where her second chin met her neck. “I meant no offense.” The geisha’s lips were plump and pink.

“None. . .none taken.” Ko gulped. She felt the back of her neck tingle as the geisha came closer.

“How about I make it up to you?” She whispered in Ko’s ear. “A little discount for the evening.” Her hands trailed down Ko’s round face and then down her body, finding her paunch. “Then, tomorrow, I can make you a big breakfast. . .on the house.” She winked, giving Ko’s gut a little shake. The oni licked her lips, wordlessly agreeing to both propositions. The geisha took Ko’s hand, leading her back towards the brothel. “I’m Aaliyah, by the way.” The woman said, though Ko was too focused on her rump to hear.


“See, nothing to feel insecure about.” Aaliyah said, hours later as they lay in bed. Ko lay on her back, her gut and breasts rising like a mountain and hills respectively. The taller geisha wrapped her body around Ko, melding into her fat with ease. She buried her face into Ko’s chubby cheeks, leaving lipstick kiss marks. The pale white of Ko’s body had become a canvas for many such markings. “You have a wonderful body.” Aaliyah’s kisses were deep and succulent. She knew how to work her lips, practically massaging the heavy folds of Ko’s face, breasts, and stomach. Her hand stroked Ko’s gut, grabbing full handfuls of fat. The oni’s milk white skin contrasted with Aaliyah’s deep tan. Aaliyah was a child of the desert, her skin and purring voice warm like the sun. Ko had thought most women in her position to be silly and frivolous, but there was a strange wisdom to Aaliyah. The oni wanted to drink it and her like wine.

“Hmmmph. . .you should tell my friend that.” Ko was petulant, crossing her soft arms. “She always teases me about it.” Ko selectively edited her responses to Tsumugi’s teasing, namely wrestling the other girl to the ground and sitting on her. “She teases me.”

“What’s to tease?” Aaliyah’s throaty voice purred. The incense in the room burned hotter for a moment, sending waves of cinnamon smell across the lovers. “Your’s is the body of divinity.” Her hand found Ko’s deep navel whilst her lips found her puffy cheeks. Wet kisses filled the room. Ko closed her eyes, floating on clouds of unabated pleasure. “You would not tease a painting or a sculpture.”

Ko’s heart palpitated as Aaliyah’s touch and words washed over her. “All the same. . .I should still try to be a little more fit.” The heavy woman grabbed at her stomach. She kneaded it like dough, squeezing and moving. Little wrinkles appeared as the oni pushed the sides of her gut together. She then let it drop in one single, resounding wobble. “It’s necessary for my job.” She blew a puff of air out of her mouth. Though it had not started to affect her yet, soon her rotundity would make catching and beating various targets difficult.

“You know, there’s more than one way to make money.” Aaliyah’s voice was playful, but did not lose any of its huskiness. She curled up closer, her nakedness draping across Ko’s. “Maybe it’s time to look for something else.” Once again the geisha came close, her mouth agonizingly close to Ko’s ear. “I would hate to lose any of these.” She dropped in, nibbling on Ko’s double chin. The gathering of fat was nearly large enough to merge with her neck, creating a full plate of fat across her once defined face. Aaliyah was thorough and deep as she flattered the fat oni’s chins. Any doubt of Aaliyah’s fascination with fat was cured as she tenderly played with the heavy, creamy chub. Ko lay still and let the pressure build within her body, hardly sure of how to respond to such amorous advances. To have such a graceful creature such as Aaliyah fawning over her was too much. Ko was hardly the skinny roughian she had been, but extra weight and curves had done little to advance her romantic confidence. She could not even respond when the older woman whispered “This is my favorite part of you.” Before diving deep under her chin fold. As Aaliyah licked and suckled at Ko’s double chin, her breast tickled the oni’s upper chest. It was mature and effortless sexuality.

Finally, Aaliyah finished, leaving Ko a steaming mess. The oni lay still, breathing heavily even though she had not moved in minutes. It seemed like her soul was leaving her body, drawn away into Aaliyah. The other woman laughed, laying on her belly. She kicked her legs into her large, shapely bottom. From a dense flow of black hair she looked at Ko. “How about we talk about business over your breakfast?” For the second time since meeting Aaliyah, Ko wordlessly agreed.


