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Tags: Corruption, personality chage: Redneck-ification, lots of drunkeness, gas, slob, extreme weight gain. 

Sort of a unique one today! Hope you all still vibe with this commission

Shouko Komi trembled as she held the cold can in her hand. The shy young woman sat on her floor, long legs splayed underneath her. She wore her academy uniform still, having raced home. Even though in the solitude of her bedroom, Komi shook and shivered. She was about to commit a grave offense. Yet, it was only the second one that day. Komi’s first offense had been stealing the can. Provoked by desperation to cure her oppressive shyness, Komi had stolen the beverage that afternoon. A lazy convenience store clerk had given her the opportunity. Komi’s cat ears had poofed into existence as she reached into the cold refrigerator section of the gas station. Her hands closed around the drink and yanked it back. Seconds later, her long legs had been carrying her home. She had blown past her mother, father, and brother upon entering the house, leaving nothing but a faint whiff of her perfume. She could not bear for them to catch her, to see what she had done in order to solve her social anxiety. Komi could scarcely believe it herself. It was only as she looked down at the can that she understood. Her pale hands moved, revealing a popular beer label. Komi was going to drink.

Komi had been searching the internet for solutions to her problem. The solutions presented to Komi had been suspect. She read forum posts about people who had used bits of alcohol to overcome social anxiety at parties. Posts, bogs, and videos had all detailed how men and women used inebriation to fix their conditions. They had gone from awkward geeks or nerds into social butterflies. Some had even used the experience to start entire careers. Komi had been particularly invested in a woman from Japan that had moved to Texas with her husband. She had been shy and unable to communicate with the Americans, save through their drinking culture. In months she had gone from shy and reserved to rodeo queen. Komi was transfixed by the cowgirl, binging her videos. They had become a source of strength, each one testifying to the power of social drinking. Komi now thought of her videos as she summoned the strength to drink the beer.

“Just a little will do wonders for you!” The woman had said, her voice infected with a southern twang. “Yah don’t have to be the biggest party animal, just a little to get you out and talkin’.” The woman had signed off the video by sipping a beer. “Nurse it along, and it’ll do you kindly.” She had winked with such passion that Komi had blushed and jumped, though the two were separated by a computer screen. Komi now tried to hold onto that spirit as she opened the can. She screamed as beer shot into her face, stirred into violent action by her constant shaking. Her face was doused with the acrid, intoxicating brew. Her cat ears poofed back into existence as she fought against the force of the watery explosion. Through a face covered in suds, Komi downed the can as fast as she could. Her tongue and mind reeled at the taste. She had heard talk about how beer was an acquired taste, one that some people never adapted to.

Instead, Komi found that she rather enjoyed the taste. She guzzled the rest of the can, waiting to feel the effects. When they came, she could hardly imagine a life without them.

--- A Generation Gone Wrong ---

“BBBBBLOOORRRRRUUUPP!” Komi belched, years after her incidental sip of alcohol. She lay in bed, head pounding. Blankets covered a corpulent body, the product of rampant indulgence. Her alarm was blaring, going off in a frenzy of lights and activity. The big woman grunted, trying to summon the strength and mental wherewithal to move. “BBBOOOORRRRUUUPPP!” She belched again, disgorging more gas from her stomach. Her gut shook, as upset as Komi was about being woken up. It had done little to digest the gallons of beer and plates of jalapeno poppers from the night before. Its soggy bulk was puffed up, pressing outward as food was slowly turned into fat and gas. The big woman struggled to roll to the edge of the bed, feeling like she was caught in a vortex. Her gut moaned and gurgled, it’s contents sloshing about. The queen mattress underneath Komi squealed like a stuck pig, screaming for the weighty torture to end. Komi muttered swears between her belches. One hand, flabby and sausage fingered, reached out to grab her alarm. The beeping electronic device was soon smashed to bits. Komi pulled her bulk into the world shortly after.

Immense, teardrop shaped breasts filled a sweat stained tank top. The fabric was distended and misshapen, bent and twisted to the evil whims of the hungover woman’s flab. Pillar-like legs thumped onto the floor. Angry and sullen, Komi stomped to let the rest of the house know she was awake. Slow and disorderly jiggles ran through her body as her feet collided with the floor. She huffed for a few quiet moments, struggling against the pounding hangover. Her thick, plump fingers scratched at her sagging belly; curling around the curve of her cascading gut. Komi licked her lips, already hungering for the substance she craved above anything else: beer. Judging by a series of increasing loud thumps coming down the hallway towards her room, she did not have long to wait. Komi leaned back, clapping her thighs together. Her mood improved marginally, knowing her mother was coming to alleviate her headache.

“Shouko! Suuuugaaaar!” A voice thick with fat, drunkenness, and a southern accent sang to Komi. “BleeEEERRRUUUPPP, tiiiime tah liquor. . .OOORRUUP. . .mah little girl up!” The door thudded as something heavy and wet with sweat smacked into it. Another attempt was made, this time successful. The door flew off its hinges, slamming onto the ground. Shuuko Komi stood in place of the door, showing off her own naked gut. She was not as large as her daughter, but Shuuko had more than enough weight to throw around. Well over 450 pounds of succulent, sweaty, greasy fat sloshed back and forth as the older woman made her way into the bedroom. Under one arm was a large case of chilled beer, the other held a funnel. Shuuko smiled, ready to lubricate the mind and innards of her grumpy daughter. “Now, which haawwwgg. . .UUURRUPP. . .needs a little. . .motor oil?”

“Fuck.” Was all that Komi could respond with. She glared at her mother, eager for the beer but hating her loud and brash demeanor. It was not just alcoholism that had infected Komi, her mother, and their corner of Japan. Low brow, trashy, American southern vernacular and mannerisms had taken just as much hold. In the early, silly days of Komi using beer to mend her social anxieties she had affixed a sort of fitting accent to go along with her drinking. It had been fun to pretend to be from Kansai. However, as the addiction slipped deeper into her life, the accent had been joined by other, less desirable behaviors. “Jusssccch. . .BOOORRRUUUPP. . .feed me.” Komi managed to say. Years of alcoholism and degenerating behavior had at least granted her the ability to speak a sentence or two.

“Oooooh, there’s mah piggie!” Shuuko beamed, proud of her daughter no matter what state she was in. She waddled the rest of the way towards the bed, approaching the 800 pound woman. The two women were belly to belly soon thereafter, with Shuuko readying the funnel. “Mah goodness. . .I think. . .you grew overnight!” Shuuko rubbed her belly back and forth, using it’s bulk to assess the still mounting size of her daughter. “In all my years, I’d never thought I’d have a girlie as big as you!” Shuuko beamed, the sweat of her gut mingling with the sweat on Komi’s. Shuuko only stopped her effusive praising when she felt her daughter’s rumbling growl. She wanted her beer and she wanted it soon. Shuuko fumbled with the hose, funnel, and cans. Komi did nothing to help her mother. She was to be given beer and dispose of it quickly, not to help in it’s delivery. The most she did was open her mouth when the hose was presented to her, though not before unleashing a truly house shaking belch.


“Awwwww. . .ain’t you jusscch momma’s little hawg!” Shuuko gushed as she thrust the tube into Komi’s fat face. Komi sucked and slurped on the tube, wetting it with her saliva. Plump lips meant for sucking and caressing the rims of cans and bottles worked at the tube. Soon, golden nectar was flowing down to meet her lips. Shuuko poured can after can, knowing it would take every bit of her 12 pack to give Komi the requisite buzz for getting her day started. Komi, meanwhile, had retreated into the wonderful bliss that only mind altering substances can provide. She gulped the beer down, the carbonation bloating her stomach outwards. The funnel was a consistent stream of suds and bitter tasting fluids. Komi’s eyes gradually lost their sharp glare, replaced with the dull pleasure of being satiated once more. She even moaned as the funnel chug deepend. Shuuko, sensing her darling’s docility returning, rubbed her head. “Goood girlie! Y’all just drink up now.” She bumped Komi’s gut with her own. “We need that tank nice an’ full, ya hear!”

“BBBBBLLLEEERRRRUUUPPP-OOOOORRRRROOOUUUUUP!” Komi belched, not caring that the final ounces of beer spilled onto her wife beater shirt. Komi scratched her belly again, letting the tumultuous mass of fat list back and forth. “Thanksssscch. . .uurrup. . .Ma.” She adjusted her large breasts, changing the course that the river of sweat and beer took between them. The cleavage canyon shook and wobbled, rancid fluids draining between their humped masses. “Great. . .fuckin’. . .stuff.” Komi spoke slowly. She might have been bold enough to talk, but the drunkenness made her speech slow and confused. She shook her hair, letting the unkempt locks fall about her thick, flabby neck. She looked up at her mother’s girth, a smaller mirror to her own 800 pound swamp. “Gimmie. . .BBBLLUUURRUP. . .food.” The order was belched out, a visible haze of alcohol and gut gas floating out.

“O’course!” Shuuko was prepared, waddling back out of the room. “How’s my baby feelin’ about spicey jalapeno poppers.” She turned back at the door. “I put extra lard an’ butter in ‘em!”


FFFFLLLRRRRRTTTTT! Rancorous, evil gas poured out of Komi’s rear end. BBBBRRRRMMMPPPT! She farted again, letting the pitifully small truck be filled with her stink. She smiled and giggled, drunkenly enjoying the feeling of super heated air making her butt cheeks dance. Komi had been drug, waddled, and practically rolled into the family truck by her mother. Now, with her rotten breakfast moldering in her stomach, she was carted towards Itan Private High School. Komi’s stomach had bloated further throughout the journey, the beer and jalapenos in her stomach combined to form something putrid and unholy. She had foregone the traditional uniform of the school, instead wearing only her wife beater and sweat shorts. Her stomach plunged out and under the thin, stained fabric. Likewise, her thighs and butt devoured the shorts. What was visible of her shorts had turned a dark gray as sweat soaked into it. The truck hit another bump, dislodging yet more flatulence from Komi. She looked at her mother, ready to summon her most foul language.

“Shooot. . .sorry. . .thought I was. . .BBBUURRUP. . .under the limit!” Shuuko laughed, swerving the truck. “Least we’re close!” She laughed again. She leaned over to kiss her daughter on the head. “Shame you were. . .BBBBOOORRUUP. . .never sober enough. . .to pass!” Shuuko planted several loving kisses, jerking the wheel back and forth. The truck shook violently, the mountains of emptied beer cans below the two Komi women’s feet jangled. Shuuko careened into the parking lot, the truck bumping over the curb. She stumbled out, ready to help her daughter. “Hooooo-kaaaay! Let’s get. . .get. . .heeeee. . .you goin’” Shuuko tried to hoist up her large mom jeans, tugging them over her sweaty, bifurcated gut. After several attempts and nearly landing on her padded ass, she was ready to try and help her daughter. Shuuko slowly waddled around the back of the pickup truck. The vehicle had several layers of paint removed along with dings, dents, and scratches from Shuuko’s misadventures. Yet, the vehicle remained sturdy and dependable. It was a symbol of the noble working class the Komi women pretended to be. More importantly, it’s bed was big enough to hold Komi’s mobility scooter.

“Oookaaay. . .get on. . .out here!” Shuuko wheezed, wishing that she could take a turn in the scooter. However, only her daughter’s drunken ass was permitted. That much was obvious from the condition that the scooter was in. The cushion was demolished, stuffing squeezed out from trying to hold a body far beyond its capacity. The steering console was sticky from smeared food and various sugary drinks. The motor which had run silently upon purchase, now chugged and spluttered black smoke. It was a chariot befitting the slovenly, drunken queen of Itan High School. It was Shuuko’s duty as a mother to help her daughter ascend to her throne, and one that she took quite a bit of pleasure in. “Lesscch jussscht. . .BBBLLUURRUP. . .get ya settled!” Shuuko’s hands squished into inches worth of bicep blubber.

“BLLOOORRRUUUUUPPP. . .thissscch. . .sucksch.” Komi managed to say between belches. She rocked in the beat up, rusted pickup. Her mother tried to tug her out, but her fat was all but vacuum sealed into the seat. However much Shuuko pulled, her daughter’s flab went right back to its familiar resting place. Komi swilled her beer between attempts, unconcerned with her mother’s wheezing. She slurped the final few beer cans, tossing them down between her feet. It was only then that she decided to help. Slowly, mostly because she knew beer would be her reward, Komi started to angle her log like legs. Cans of mostly finished soda and beer toppled from the car and littered the ground. Komi drug her sweaty ass across the truck seat. FRRRRRRMMMPPPTT! A large and sweltering fart blew back across the glass, tainting everything it’s foul wind came across. Komi lurched, holding a hand to her breasts; more to grope than to stabilize. The once model student swore and cursed as she exited the vehicle, her vocabulary permitting little else to be said. Whatever benefit drinking had provided her ability to vocalize her opinions, it had dulled the mind behind them. “Goddamn. . .fuck. . .BLLLEEERRRUUP. . .school.” Komi breathed as she slid out of the truck and into her scooter.

“Awww, and here I though yah liked it!” Shuuko was all over her disgusting daughter, planting kisses and ruffling her hair. It was a reward for doing the utmost minimum to move. “I mean, you have repeated senior year so much!” Shuuko was cheery in the face of her daughter’s abysmal failures. That cheer only grew as Komi started to roll her bulk into the school. The cart drained sweat, grease, and fluids from the internal mechanisms as it went. “At least yah weren’t alone!” Shuuko pointed, directing Komi’s gaze towards the school entrance. Rumiko Manbagi was waiting.

“Hooowdddy sluuuut!” Manbagi stood, filling every inch of a tortured leopard print body suit. Her stomach was a singular, heaving mass of fat. The sloping sack of grease and food poured so heavily into the bodysuit that it had split in the middle. A tanned yet bifurcated stomach jutted out, pushing small breasts to either side. Manbagi struggled her way off of the wall, waddling her way towards Komi and her mother. “You big. . .BBBLLUUEEERRRP. . .biiissscch.” Manbagi spread her arms, letting her curtain’s worth of bicep fat droop and flap in the wind. “You an’ me. . .oooorrrup. . . were supposched to. . .HOOORRUUP. . .go out!” Manbagi was too tired from the waddle to be truly angry. In truth, she and Komi had both been in such stupors that they could not have done much. It was little more than a miracle for the 600 lb gyaru turned corrupted southern belle was even standing.

“Ahm. . .here. . .BBBBOOORRRUUP. . .NOW!” Komi belched back. She leaned to one side, oozing her fat as far over as it would go. BBBRRRRRMMMPPPTTT! Komi relieved the gas in her stomach, letting her immense buttcheeks flap in her self-created wind. She thumped back down, the scooter grinding against the ground as it fumbled to accept her full weight. Komi huffed and breathed heavily, waiting for Manbagi’s eventual arrival. She watched the tan woman’s gut sway back and forth. At the apex of each swing, more sweat leaked out and onto her bodysuit. Komi licked her lips. The ground shook as the other woman got close, with Komi feeling it through her own corpulent mass. In another three steps, Manbagi’s garbage bag of a gut was hauled onto Komi’s paunch. The tan woman leaned in, tugging on her girlfriend’s slovenly hair.

“Gaaawwddd. . .you fuckin’ stink.” Manbagi did not wait for Komi to respond, instead shoving her face between the fatter woman’s tits. She kissed and suckled at whatever unwashed blubber she could find. Her face was bathed in all the spilled beer and food that Komi had been harboring. The tanned woman slowly moved up, licking at Komi’s swinging chins and jowls. “But ah don’t mind.” Manbagi was as sultry as she was heavy. Her fat continued to ooze onto Komi’s chair. The poor machine started to crack, the support and suspension caving in more and more.

“Oh! Aren’t you two. . .BBLLUURRUUP. . .jusssccht the cutest!” Shukko inserted herself into the loving, pushing Manbagi back just enough to save the mobility scooter. “We need to find you two a little love nest!” She pinched Komi’s cheek. “How about it, Sugar?” Shuuko knelt down as much as her overtaxed knees would allow. “It’s not like you two, or anyone else in this school, are graduating any time soon!” Shuuko suggested. As a big proponent of drunk, teenage love, she waited for Komi to muster up an answer.

BBBBBBLLLLUUUURRRRUUUUUUPPPPP. . .fuck it. . .sure. . .get beer.” Komi said, already starting to power her scooter up. She started to roll towards the school, her cellulite riddled asscheeks bouncing over each bump in the sidewalk. Manbagi waddled behind, trying to keep up with her rancid love. Shuuko hiked her pants up, trying to force them over her gut. Quickly giving up, she then followed the girls inside. The older woman smiled as she was greeted with what the expensive private school had become. Following the lead of the school goddess, Komi Shouko, Itan High School was little more than a trough for other piggish students to gather at. The hallways were littered with beer cans and failed tests, the marks of a lifetime of low achievement. Classes had come and gone since Komi’s redneck shift, but hers had stayed to forever taint the hallways. Japanese society could not be allowed to suffer the punishment of the worst generation of Itan High students. So, instead they were left to further advance their corruption within the school. Komi rolled into this den of iniquity, ready to once again be lauded as queen by her classmates.

--- Classroom Shenanigans ---

“Ya’ll ever seen. . .a gut. . .so. . .BBBLLUUURRUUUP. . .FAT?” Chika Netsuno said, dropping her gut on the desk of the homeroom teacher. The sweaty mound flopped onto the table, scattering the homeroom teacher’s papers. Chika sloshed her gut back and forth, destroying the patiently arranged papers and pens without a second thought. As it swung, Chika’s gut left a trail of grease behind. “Ah mussccht. . .BBBBEEERRUUP. . .have tha fattescht. . .OOORRUUP. . .heaviest gut in the whole school.” She forced more and more weight onto her gut, relishing the cracking sounds coming from the desk. Chika had once been an athlete. Though her body was ruined by indulgence, the competitive spirit and pride lingered. Every meal was an eating contest. The opening of a beer can in her presence was the start to a drinking war. And every belch the opening to a competition. “Anyone. . .wanna. . .measure me!” She bellowed at the rest of the class. When she received no challengers, she flipped her greasy mullet back and smiled. “Thought. . .bbblluuurrup. . not!” She jammed a thick thumb into her chest, digging it between breasts that had ripped her wife beater open. “Like you. . .bitchesscch. ..could massccch. . .me.” She laughed drunkenly before sitting in the teacher’s chair.

“Oh. . . fuck off. . .Chika!” Ren Yamai struggled up out of her seat. Her voluminous ass needed three chairs to hold its weight. It flopped backwards, with dimples the size of tea saucers. Chairs clattered and fell as she struggled to stand. Every ounce of beer she had drank, her attempt at getting close to Komi, had drained into her butt. “Komi’s. . .got the. . . best gut!” Ren took ponderous waddles forward, knocking other desks and chairs out of the way. She drew more from her feverish love for Komi than she did any of the trace muscles remaining in her leg. The sort of toxic love that Ren held for Komi had only mutated further as alcoholic insanity took hold over the school. “Ah bet. . .BBBLOORRUP. . .She’d kick. . .your. . .ass for saying that!” Ren lurched forward, every trace bit of blubber her body sloshed back and forth. Her chubby feet kicked past piles of trash. Heaps of failed tests, food wrappers, and beer cans littered the floor of the class room. The mess was so thick that it obscured nearly everything lying on the floor. “In. . .fact. . .how about. . .I get-” Ren was cut off as her foot hit a solid but jiggling wall. She began to topple over.

Kaede Otori made a wonderful, if large floor mat. 700 pounds of her drunken blubber was stretched out over the floor. Rather than fight with the other girls, Kaede simply preferred to drink. She spent her days guzzling down entire kegs of beer. The thick tube curled through the air, ending between her chubby cheeks. Now, as Ren’s immense blubber collapsed onto her, a little geyser of beer billowed from her mouth. Ren’s 500 pounds were splashed across the nearly immobile bulk of Kaede and drenched in the beer which spit from her mouth.

“Oh maaaah gaawwd!” Chika laughed so hard that she snorted. Her curly mullet moved nearly as much as her fat. The chair she was currently murdering sagged lower towards the floor. Chika laughed until she cried, tears mixing with the other beads of salty liquid on her face. “Hoooollleeeeee shiiieeet.” Chika guffawed, her gut bouncing so much that it rolled her wife beater all the way up under her breasts. The world was treated to an undulating ocean of flab. Chika’s position on the chair grew ever more precarious as she laughed, losing her position in a haze of drunken delirium. Finally, the screws on the chair gave out and dumped Chika backwards. Her legs flew over her head as was rolled backwards. FFRRRRMMMPPPPTTT! A thick cloud of gas burst from her rear as she lost full control. BRRRRMMMMPPPPTTT! Another fart burst seconds later, shaking her body vigorously. It was through this chaos that Komi, her mother, and Manbagi entered.

“Gaaawwwd, it fuckin’ stinks.” Manbagi waved her hand in front of her face. Days old perfume and unwashed sweat did a little to clear the odor. However, through an opportunity presented itself. “Komi! Get. . .OOORRUUP. . .close to me.” Manbagi launched herself onto Komi’s scooter again. She buried the fatter woman in her bulk, trying to smother out the bad smell with her own rancid stink. “Lemme. . .BBBLOUUURRUP. . .keep your nose. . .safe!”

“Uuuugggh. . .fuggin’. . .get off!” Komi murmured, angrily trying to shove Manbagi away. She struggled under the sea of blubber, trying to force the other woman off. BBBRRRRRRMMMFFFRTTT! Trying to aid her efforts, Komi let loose a blast of her own. Her fat vibrated as the toxic air blasted out. The classroom was quickly covered in the disgusting fumes. All traces of Chika’s flatulence had been overpowered by Komi. Even Manbagi, highly used to Komi’s smells, was forced to back up and cough. She was bent over double, her butt ripping through the rear of her bodysuit. Komi continued rolling into the classroom, plunging her scooter between the too-small walls.

“Thass mah girl!” Shuuko gushed, helping to push her daughter forward. “Gotta set. . .your. . .boundaries!” She pushed into Komi’s sagging back, trying to get her daughter into the classroom. The other students quieted, watching the slobby goddess move. Chika and Ren slowly stood, struggling their bulks up. The three slobs struggled against their weight. Though seated in her scooter’s chair, Komi had to wobble in order to wedge her bulk through the door. Her mother helped, pushing and folding the spoiled women’s love handles. Meanwhile, Ren and Chika struggled to get their feet under them. “Keep goin’, Baby! Almost through!” Shuuko cheered her daughter on. “Then you can. . .hang out. . .an’ Momma will. . .find yah some beer!” Shuuko made quick promises, anything to motivate Komi. The other two women were forced to help themselves. Though they lacked any assistance, Chika and Ren got to their feet far quicker than Komi was able to drag her sweaty mass through the door.

When she finally did make it through, Komi was out of breath. She slumped over the steering console for her scooter. Watermelon breasts fell to either side, lifted and dropped as she slowly cruised towards her parking spot. The other students gaped, reacquainted with the alcoholic greaseball. Even though they were looks of lust or admiration, Komi still grew furious under the attention. “What. . .the. . .fuuug. . .are you. . .loookin’ at.” She said venemously, her tired face contorted into a sneer. BRRRRRRMMMMPPPPTTTT! She farted, unleashing a torrent of hellish gas upon the room. “Y’all. . .blllooorruup. . .either bring me. . .food an’ beer. . .or fuuuug off.” She said before slumping onto her console. The students did as they were told. Some scrambled up, running off to find offerings for Komi whilst others sat down and politely ignored her. Komi, meanwhile, settled into her spot. Too tired to fight, she let the clumsy hands of her mother, Ren, and Manbagi massage her. Her stomach grumbled, threatening to unleash more devastation in the near future. However, for the moment, she could rest easily. In due time, she would have a drink, food, and could relax again. Her anger would be carried away under a raging river of alcohol. “Y’all. . .best. . .hurry.” Komi burbled, making her classmates move even faster. “I’ll. . .fuckin’ end y’all. . .if yer dallyin’.” She growled before settling down into her mass. Waiting to be served like the trailer park queen she was.


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