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new hero's heart post! hope you like it, peeps! if you have any doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit




Glutonny Star: Well, seems these pious beings are more lecherous than I thought, Perhaps I can help you to survive in this land, invoking my all consuming forces to help quell their entrancing state. If you lose yourself, then there is no joy in feasting on their heavenly powers. Action: Grant Cherry and Wolf resistance to complete enthrallment by people like Milo in Nine Peaks but not stopping them from their lustful desires for them. Can't cancel out all the fun.


The Star of Lost Causes: Maybe there could be a way of making this trip to Nine Peaks less dreadful... Oh yes, a cooler full of cold soda cans and some natural sandwiches can never go wrong for a long trip! (I wanna materialize a cooler full of ice and cans of 'Hope' brand soda, it tastes like childhood dreams, and one bag with 2 handmade lettuce and tomato sandwiches for each person going to Nine Peaks)


Hushed Star: Well Wolf, it looks like you're getting lectured again. Just say the word and I'm sure we can shut him up long enough for you to make your point. (As soon as Wolf wants, completely muffle Dr Cleric's speech for a minute)

NOVA (BigBad)

((GAHHHH FRATERNITY STAR LOOKS SO SICKKK 🤘🤘)) Fraternity Star (to Milo): Goddamn, Milo (no pun intended)! You're really packin'! Kurtsy's goin' to town on ya'! (to Kurt and Cherry) And you two have GOT to be a couple of the most HORNIEST pledges I've ever seen! Especially you, lil' Cherry-man. AWOOOOOO! You'd be one of the best pledgemasters out there! If I could have ya' all to myself, I would!


Polar star: let's all stay sober, have some tasty iced coffee, it is time to talk. ((Ooc I want to make 5 drinks, one for each if all 5 are still gathered in the bar. So they can all sit and chat peacefully about what to do.))

Yoked Coder

Milo is so hot, and that scene with the pledges was great! Really loved this update and giving gifts to everyone. Amazing work yet again everyone!~


Trying to talk with Kurt: Dawn star: Hello Master kurt! So good to finally have the chance to talk you again. Last time our time was sort, but I'm hoping this time we can talk a little more. To answer a question you had, we are not gods, nor "gift" from them. We are just some lucky asses that got the chance and the power to aid brake a cycle of pain and lies. But more of that later. Right now, I really wish to know more about you. I and many other fellow stars have taken a like of you, and wish to know a little more about you. Please if you could you tell us. I wish so much to hear about you, what your true desires are, about this awesome badass axe of yours, and hopefully maybe even manage to become a patron of yours too! Maybe you could try to put the ring too, and become a bearer of the stars too, if you desire to join the chosen ones to their adventures! (Whisper: please do desire it!) (Action: if manage to talk to Kurt, and if he desires it, will use this desire to make him a ring bearer/ chosen too! Small idea instead o. His finger the ring could be either a nose ring or an earing for him, if this idea comes to pass ^3^)


Prismatic Star: Curious... What are those contraptions emitting an iridescent glow attached to the good doctor's body? Are they a means to give form to the incorporeal? Could it be used to give physical shape to something else...?


Inspiration Star: Congrats Cherry on your prospective adventure to the Nine Peaks. I’d like to grant you and your companions access to my magic emblems, emblems to create spell effects as you may need them. (Creates a quill that will produce the spell effect when an Emblem is drawn. Additionally I give them knowledge of a basic emblem, the Fire Emblem which is simply a stylized bonfire within a circle)


Everyone but the top getting dickmotized I can’t wait to see Cherry go to like town on there asses gj dude


This was a great update. Loved seeing the party, and seeing Kurt and Wolf let loose like that was a delight. I also liked Cherry a lot in this update, the pledgemaster is awesome.


Gateway Star: (to Wolf) Wolf I'd like to apologize for my colleagues rather lewd and perverted actions with Cherry, Kurt and yourself. (to Cherry) Forgive me Young one, I have yet to congratulate you on your recent achievement and triumph.

Vince Xanders

Hunger star: having fun are we? Well let's make sure that you all have your "fill" of booze and cum.


Nature Star: “I am sensing that Dr. Lilac is not believing we are trying to support and aid. As a gift of good faith, I would like to bestow a cup of refreshing tea. Clean and refreshing to help clear the head and bring yourself back to your true nature”


Lodestone Star: "I have a special gift in mind for you, Dr. Cleric. One that's fitting for the asshat who ordered our shattering." >> With the aid of a Constellation, The Stars performs a needed hair transplant via using the Satyr's own follicles, extracted from his buttocks, to revitalize the desolant spot on his scalp. The end result would have Cleric reunited with the luscious hair that's been lost to time as well as a silky smooth depilated rear. The price paid to make the hair transplant permanent.


Dragon star: I hope cute cherry doing okay. I would cheer him up with a warm hug from a fire dragon. (To Kurt) adding some wings on that sexy body will make you more imitating and delicious.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Midnight Star: (to Wolf) Hello, I am the Midnight Star. Please tell me something you wish to know about and I'll tell you in a few hours. I want to be helpful rather than horny. Action: Peer into whatever Wolf asks, so I can tell him later on.


For those needing a scientific explanation and how this has any connections to the Lodestar Star's ability of Magnetism, Magnetic Fields and if empowered the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion. Magnetotrichography measures the dc magnetic field of follicular electrical activity with possible applications in studying baldness and hair diseases. Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-52110-y

Rodney Talon

Iwapele Star: I offer understanding of what we’ve seen and done through the ring and a potlatch. Our exchange? Partake our ashe to rarefy a selected shape, ara, body through your particular iwapele and our unique qualities. You’ll perfect yourself with your ori. In exchange we'll gain record of your understanding of the body, crafts, Art, and Faith, but you're stealing our fires enough we cannot to act without being subject to your rebuke." (OOC: Cleric and Iwapele and cooperators restructure/alter Dr. Cleric's body and appearance with the potlatch albeit in parameters of or deriving from his spirtual qualities, virtues, and actions/character. And regardless choosing to inform him of Curly, Margaret, Grayson, the guard, the records, and etc. That part is freely given to everyone I can regardless of if he takes the deal. And to be clear no reshape, no bane/special rebuke. Only the update/testimony/intel is free. Bridling the Stars is a package deal with the 'makeover')

Rodney Talon

per advice The basic idea simple "essence exchange, we get your knowledge, you get ours AND some power to use and over us"

Rodney Talon

@fe5ter and I could use the Flesh Star to aid in shaping Cleric with a constellation, ditto HEALING, something related to character or heart and spirit could also aid. The more power offer the more tempting to take as he have control over us while ALSO being reshaped by his hand and our essence


Healing star: Those will fully bound in blood brotherhood can share a perspective few can imitate with mere familial ties and duty. I draw on the blood in your veins cherry and milo, you wont be alone in your power when I mend you two together in mind. Now that you both can hear me you should beware of the fluttering beautiful gifts that Mr. Curly left behind, he is sure to cause trouble when in port zero when they need it less. { I draw blood from both milo and cherry for energy and use it to form a mental link between them so they can communicate without speaking, and I want to warn cherry of the curly fly.}


Heart Star (to cleric) : Greetings doctor, perhaps it would be best if you were to join cherry and wolf on this journey? I'm sure they appreciate your guidance and love. 💚


Oooops, I didn't hit send on my comment. Tera Star: Hmmm, this situation is going to be another tight one, Wolf. You nary need to worry about holding yourself in these situations though, I grant you a strong Will and Mental strength.


I don't know what's going on. With the power of the Pleasure Star I make the ring wearer Jizz in their pants.


Cozy Star: A trip to Nine Peaks sounds intriguing -- although I have to wonder if Cherry will be alright to enter those hallowed lands with his stain. Though I won't deny the appeal of a cloud-based outfit for him in the future...